Top 33 Apps Similar to Personal Trainer Pro

HASfit Home Workout Routines 2.1.60
1,000+ on demand personal trainer led exercise videos andfitnessplans
Home Workouts Personal Trainer 3.530
Home workouts & bodyweight training. Home exercises programformen and women
PERSEUS: Workout Gym Log 7.19
Fitness trainer & tracker with many strength training,musclebuilding programs.
BodBot AI Personal Trainer 6.166
The most advanced fitness platform ever. Intelligent,adaptiveworkout planning.
Women´s Health Workout & Training 2.2.3
MACH DICH FIT – JEDERZEIT UND ÜBERALL mit deinemdigitalenPersonalTrainer von Women´s Health Was auch immer dudirvorgenommen hast –ob du dir einen flachen Bauch wünscht,richtigstraffe Arme odereinen noch knackigeren Po, ob du ein paarKilosverlieren möchtest,neue Trainingstools ausprobieren willst,deineBeweglichkeitverbessern oder dich einfach nur besserfühlenmöchtest – unsereApp bietet dir alles was du dafür brauchst,dennsie ist deinPersonal Trainer. Du kannst 14-Tage kostenlos auf200Workouts undeine Vielzahl an Trainingspläne zugreifen, dievonunseren Expertenspeziell für dich entwickelt wurden. So kannstdudich jedes Malaufs Neue von der Vielzahl anunterschiedlichstenÜbungeninspirieren lassen und bleibst stetsmotiviert. Damitkommtgarantiert keine Langeweile auf! AuchdeinTrainingsequipmentwählst du nach deinen Vorlieben, von Übungenmitdem eigenenKörpergewicht bis hin zum Training mit Geräten.Dumöchtestaußerdem deine Ernährung auf das nächste Levelbringen?Dann gibtes für dich zusätzliche Diät-Trainingspläne undeinevielfältigeRezept-Datenbank. DEIN PERSONAL TRAINER: - DustehstimMittelpunkt: Du erhältst individuelleTrainingsempfehlungenaufBasis deines Trainingsziels – egal obFatburning,Beweglichkeitoder fit nach der Schwangerschaft - Du bisttopinformiert: MittelsStep-by-Step Videoanleitung wird dir jedeÜbungim Detail erklärt,sodass du deine Workouts sauber ausführenkannst- Du entscheidestselbst: Mit unserer App trainierst du wannund wodu willst. Duwählst ganz einfach und flexibelzwischenGym-Training,Outdoor-Training, oder auch aus einem derzahlreichenHome-Workouts- Du hast den vollen Zugriff: Wenn du auchnach Ratbei deinerErnährung suchst, findest du zweiganzeDiät-Trainingspläne, welchedir einen perfekt auf dieWorkoutsabgestimmten Ernährungsplan andie Hand geben - Du steigerstdichmit jedem Workout: DieWochenstatistik informiert dich überdeineErfolge undEntwicklungen - Du bleibst flexibel: ErstelledeinpersönlichesProfil und du unsere App überall und aufmehrerenGeräten verwenden(z. B. Smartphone und Tablet) STARTE NOCHHEUTELade dir jetztdeine Personal Trainer App herunter und beginnenochheute mitdeinem Training. 14-Tage kostenlos testen undanschließendfür nur9,99 € im Monat mit deinem Personal Coach weiterschwitzenunddeine Trainingsziele verwirklichen. Der Women´sHealthPersonalTrainer unterstützt und motiviert dich dabei Tag fürTag.DEINKONTAKT Du hast Fragen? [email protected]. Folge uns aufFacebook,Youtubeund Instagram, um täglich mit neuen EmpfehlungenundInformationenversorgt zu werden. Wir freuen uns immerüberdeineErfolgsgeschichten mit unserer App. DieFITNESS-FLATRATEdesWomen’s Health Personal Fitness Trainer gibt inderPremium-Versionfür 9,99 € im Monat. Bitte denke daran, dasssichdein Abonnementautomatisch verlängert, sofern du dieautomatischeVerlängerungnicht spätestens 24 Stunden vor dem AblaufdeinesaktuellenAbo-Zeitraums in deinen Geräte-Einstellungenausschaltest.Dukannst dein Abo auch direkt in der App indenEinstellungenverwalten. Die Abrechnung und VerwaltungdeinesAbonnements erfolgtüber deinen iTunes-Account. Dein Accountwirdfür die Verlängerunginnerhalb von 24 Stunden vor dem Ablaufderaktuellen Laufzeitbelastet. Der ungenutzte ZeitraumdeinesProbeabos verfällt beimKauf eines Abonnements. Eine Kündigungdesaktuellen Abonnementsist während der Abo-Laufzeit leidernichtmöglich. UnsereDatenschutzerklärung findestduhier: duhier:
Personal Trainer: Home Workout 3.1.1
Vimo Labs
Personal Trainer by Track My Fitness is just like having yourownpersonal trainer on your phone or smartwatch. Just selectyourworkout and get moving! - Get faster results with a gym orhomefitness program designed by a personal trainer based onyourfitness level, goals, and more. - Enjoy fresh, new homeworkoutvideos added each week to the app including Weight Loss,Cardio,HIIT, Abs, and Strength Training - Exercise with or withequipment- Gym or home workouts for women and workouts for men - Nomore penand paper with easy exercise routine logging. - Workoutroutinesdesigned by celebrity personal trainer, Coach Kozak, havebeen usedby millions of men and women to achieve unbelievableresults. -Expert instruction with full length home workout videos.- Followyour motivational trainer using your phone or Android WearWatch. -Watch timer instructs you how long to perform each exerciseroutineand how long to rest. - Get more accurate calories burnedfeedbackthen with typical fitness trackers because our fitness appknowsEXACTLY which exercises you’re performing! - Stay motivatedwithremarkable progress tracking including 1 rep max estimatesandcalories burned - Verbal cues from both men and womenpersonaltrainers make sure you’re using proper form to keep yousafe andhealthy. - 100’s of workouts to choose from including:weight lossworkouts, hiit workouts (high intensity intervaltraining), cardioworkouts (aerobic exercises), strength trainingexercises, bodyweight routines, beginner exercises, weight trainingwork outs -Workout routines by body part include: ab exercises, armworkouts,butt exercises, chest workouts, legs exercises, andshoulderworkout routines. - Personal trainer routines work great ashomeworkouts and gym exercise routines. - Follow along withpersonaltraining on your Android Wear fitness watch. - The onlyAndroidWear fitness app to auto count your repetitions while youfollowalong! - Auto repetition counting compatible Android Wearfitnesswatches include: Moto 360, Moto 360 2nd generation, FossilQ,Samsung Gear Live, Huawei Watch, Sony Smartwatch 3, LGWatchUrbane, and LG Watch R Developer Note: We appreciate yourfeedback.If you see a problem or have a suggestion, please do notjust leavea negative rating (yes 4* is a bad rating, we have a highstandard:-)), because we have no idea why. Please tell us theproblem sothat we can improve the product by emailing us [email protected]. Like other reviews have mentioned, weprovidespeedy support and we typically respond within 30 minutes.Thankyou!
Personal Trainer Calculators 1.6.2
NCSF Personal Trainer Calculators activation required by NCSFMemberNumber.
SoloApp Personal Trainer 1.0.3
O mais completo e simples aplicativos para Gestão depersonaltrainer do mercado. Com funcionalidades indispensáveis paraagestão dos alunos, treinos, presença, agenda e objetivos. Possuiumamplo banco de exercícios 100% funcionais. Baseado nametodologiaSolo Core Training. Principais funcionalidades: - Gestãode alunose grupos - Gestão aulas com presença, faltas, reposiçõeseremarques. - Gestão de agenda - Prescreva treinospersonalizadosrapidamente. - Avaliação Antropométrica - AvaliaçãoFuncional – FMS– Functional Movement Screen - Criação e gestão deobjetivos paracada aluno - E outras Esta é a versão 1.0 completa,porém limitadana quantidade de alunos e treinos a seremcadastrados. Versãodisponível para 30 dias de teste. Para a versãoilimitada énecessário ser um Personal Certificado Solo CoreTraining ativo epossuir uma licença ativa. Mais informaçõ ou
Personal Trainer v1.0.1
Never miss an opportunity to get perfect workouts at home, ontheroad, when you can't make it to the gym, or don't want to payfor acostly personal trainer. Built from the ground-up forAndroidphones, Personal Trainer will keep you moving and help youreachall of your fitness goals.
BOdyfit Personal Training 5.4.0
PLEASE NOTE: YOU NEED A BODYFITPERSONALTRAINING ACCOUNT TO ACCESS THIS APP.Working out becomes even more fun with the BOdyfit PersonalTrainingappand is free of use for all members. It’s the perfect app forahealthyand fit lifestyle. Achieve your goals and stay motivatedwiththeBOdyfit Personal Training app. Get inspired and keep trackofyouprogress and your workouts with the online coaching function.With the BOdyfit Personal Training app you:• Get your personalized training programs• Get clear 3D demonstrations of the exercises• Can keep track of your daily fitness activities• Keep up and analyze your eating behaviour• Track your weight and other body metricsIn short: this app makes physical activities a loteasier.Nothingstands between you and the aim for a healthy lifestyle.Becauseyourbody matters!
FitStadium | Personal Trainer 7.4
Only bodyweight exercises to work out athomeor wherever you want, even if you have little time.A workout shaped to suit you and to help you to achieve yourfitnessgoal, whether you want to build muscle and strength, tolose weightafter pregnancy, to strenghten your core and improveyour posture orsimply to get lean for summer.Features- No ready-made plans: your workout is shaped by the feedbackyougive.- To each his own: absolute beginner or expert, rookie orbeast,your workout will match your current level.- Muscle growth or weight loss? Bikini body or biggerbiceps?Pick your goal, we’ll plan the right workout to achieveit!- No time? No problem. Work out in as little as 15 minutes.- Every exercise comes with neat video tutorials. Always keepthecorrect posture!- Bodyweight exercises are very popular for functionaltrainingand postural correction: they improve balance and corestabilityand they can help you avoid backache and lower backpain.FitStadium ProTwo weeks free trial!- With FitStadium Pro your workout will keep adjusting toyourprogress. Day after day, your training will always match yourleveland provide you the best workout.- Great variety: 120 different exercises to guarantee you alwaysgetthe right one. Never get a boring workout again!- Choice of 3, 6 and 12 months subscription.For further information, terms of service and privacy policypleasevisit by Technogym.You need an active Internet connection to use FitStadium.Please note that you should not train with FitStadium ifyousuffer from any disease, illness or trauma incompatiblewithbodyweight training or physical exercise.
My Personal Trainer App 1.15.0521
My Apps Tools
This is the official app for My Personal Trainer App. Thisappallows you to connect with Personal Trainers all over the UK,learnabout industry news, shop for training items, receivepushnotifications from your trainer and more!
Personal Trainer 2.5
GPS free
Personal Trainer GPS helps you to set updailyexercise programs and will remind you to run them.Every day your Personal Trainer GPS will suggest you to runtheprogram monitoring via GPS distance traveled and the time taken.Ifthe results are satisfactory you will know immediately,otherwisethere will be trouble.Personal Trainer GPS is simple to use, intuitive, useful,limitedbattery consumption, does not need the internet connection,deltaapproximation determined by the GPS, Android versions 2.2andhigherPersonal Trainer GPS is a very useful application for allthepeople who like to run or ride a bike.
Musculação Online 10.6.3
Achieve your goals with the support of our team
Personal training-group 10.4.8
Welcome to Personal training-group!
Home Workout Personal Trainer
The best home workout routines daily exercises for your weightlossand fat loss
Workout Trainer - Classic
Please note this is for the classic,originalversion of the BodBot app. For all of the latest updates,pleasedownload the BodBot Personal Trainer app.Whether you’re trying to lose fat and gain muscle,increasestrength, pick up weight lifting, or just want to reachyour bestfitness – we can help.Just as a good personal trainer will personalize your workoutplan,we will create an individual program for you and adapt it asyouprogress. Bad posture? We’ve got the best workout for you. Needtogain strength in specific exercises? We’ll assess and updateyourtraining plan accordingly. Can’t get to the gym today? It mightbetime for a full body home workout.•  Creates and tailors your workout plan just like apersonaltrainer.•  At the gym or at home, weight lifting or bodyweight, andallpoints in-between.•  Adapts as you progress – smart progression based on your bodyandability.•  Weight training recommendations change based on yourexperiencelevel.•  Input your desired difficulty and move from casual workoutstoserious bodybuilding or strength.•  Our users have lost over 2 million lbs of fat and gained over200tons of muscle.Personal trainers can be expensive, but the benefits of a goodoneare undeniable. To that end, we can help you reach yourfitnessgoals – whether you want to lose fat or gain muscle orgetstronger, we’ll help you with tailored suggestions. If you’renewto weightlifting or you’re trying to get a bodybuilding edgewithparticular muscles, we’ve got you covered. We can build youaroutine to focus on your calves, quads, glutes, hamstringsandthighs or your biceps, abs, delts, traps and the rotator cuff –ora training plan for any combination in between. If you train atthegym or at home, lifting with barbells, kettlebells and dumbbells-or bodyweight alone – your workouts are personalizedspecificallyfor you – how much you can lift, your overall strengthlevel andmuch more. BodBot includes both simple and advancedstrengthtraining and bodybuilding to help you get fit on yourterms.An exercise schedule should be flexible without being abewilderingguess. Train on your terms and get the best fitnessresults youcan. BodBot Personal Trainer allows a home option aswell as gym –both weightlifting and bodyweight fitness, and canaccommodatealmost any schedule. Need an exercise reminder to gowith thatexercise plan? Done.Download BodBot personal trainer now and get started on yourNewYear’s resolution today!
TrainerFu—For Personal Trainer 9.1
Manobal Jain
App for Personal Trainers & Clients. Get clients fasterresults& grow business.
Home Workout & weight loss 3.0.1
funny kids
Enjoy hard training without leaving home! Home Workoutwithexercises!
TEAM Personal Training 10.4.9
Welkom to TEAM Personal Training! Together Everyone Achieves More.
Body Building Trainer 5.2.7
Best app to Become a Body Builder or to get Six Pack or toBecomeSlim and Fit
RunnerCoach - personal trainer .0.31.postrock
This is an app that allows you toimproveyourtraining sessions, monitoring your results.It has a better gps recording algorithm.It's completely free and we're developing fitness teststoevaluateyour anaerobic treshold.keep in touch and help us to fight the colossus!FREE RUNCHALLENGEOBJECTIVE RUNTRACK RUN and much more......
B-Fit Personal Training 10.4.9
Welcome to B-Fit Personal Training!
Book A Personal Trainer 1.3
'Book A Personal Trainer (BAPT) is asimpleyetpowerful diary system to help organise your businessandmaximiseyour income. Simply set up your diary and get yourclientsto booktheir appointments through the app. We take nopaymentsfrom yourclients so your income is not affected. Yourclients willalso beconveniently reminded of there upcomingappointments and nolongerwill have the excuse "I forgot". Add yourBAPT user name toyourbusiness cards and attract new custom byallowing potentialclientsdownload the app and add you. Tested with100 personaltrainers theaverage no shows in a month went from 4.5to 1.7,gaining a PT onaverage £80-£100 a month how can you say notothat?Look More ProfessionalBe More Organised'
Personal Trainer Timer 1.0
This application is designed especially for personal trainers
Mobile Personal Trainer 4.0
Mobile Personal Trainer allows you torecordwhat you do in the gym and track your progress.This app allows you to- Save all your workout details to the cloud, no more worryingwhenyou lose your little notebook!- Set up your own workouts- Plan ahead and add workouts you're going to do in thefuture- Repeat workouts you've done before at the click of a button- Add, edit and delete your own exercises- Time your workouts with the built in timer- Upload your activity to Google Fit- Suggested workouts to meet various goals- Share your workouts with friends- View all your progress on our new website.- Links with Bluetooth Heart Rate monitors- Use Android Wear to time your rest, see your workout andmonitoryour HR monitorImprovements to come- graphs and statistics showing progress- photos and instructional videos of exercises giving youpointersand best practice advice(Privacy bit - When you log in, I don't do anything withyourdetails)
Prana Total Vitality 10.6.3
Prana Personal Training Give 2 Get !
Good2go Personal Trainer 1.0
Welcome to Good2go Personal Trainer.If you want build your muscle and gain mass we havethesolution.Good2go Personal Trainer contains all gym workouts andexecices,alsothere is exercices to burn fat and lose weight.The major muscle categories in the App is:- Back- Shoulders- Chest-Triceps-Biceps.-Legs-ForeArms-Lower-Back-Abs (abdominal)Im sure you will not regret just try it and in few days youwillseethe result..Well enjoy Good2go Personal Trainer And Don't Forget ToShareitwith your Friends On social media
SemperFit Personal Training 5.4.0
PLEASE NOTE: YOU NEED A SemperFit ACCOUNTTOACCESS THIS APP. IF YOU'RE A MEMBER GET IT FOR FREE ATYOURGYM!Begin your journey to a healthier lifestyle and let SemperFithelpyou along the way. Introducing SemperFit, mostcomprehensivefitness platform with:• Track your daily fitness activities• Personalised training schedules• Personalised nutrition plan including menu examples• Schedule and agenda of your personal trainer and yourself• Your weight and other body metrics, and your progress• Clear View 3D demonstrations (there are more than 2500exercisesin!)• Earn more than 150 achievements andTogether with you, we create a customized training andnutritionplan. Training-schedules to perform at home arealsopossible.Track your fitness progress from condition to strength, fromweightloss to group lessons: Using this app, we ensure that youcanachieve your goal and provide some extra motivation! Upgrade tothePRO version and you'll get even more extras!
My PT Hub Classic
Fitii LLC
My PT Hub Classic enables PT’s & fitness pro’s to managetheirclients.
Digitale Personal Trainer 5.3.0
Welcome to your onlinepersonaltrainer. Losing weight, fitter and stronger, healthierlifestyle. Based on the pillars Nutrition, Training and lifestyle. Wesupportour customers online as apersonal trainer would do this physically in a gym. You getapersonal plan compiled withcare and should expect that we offer every assistance toachieveyour goals. Your coach is 24-7 available for you to achieve your goalstogetherwith you.
TotalCoaching 1.0.18
If your personal trainer is on TotalCoaching,use this application to receive your workouts, view themin3D-animated format, and then report back to your trainer.This application will also enable you to log the generalphysicalactivity you do. All that information will be available toyourpersonal trainer in real time.Keywords: Total, Coaching, Fitness, Personal Trainer
PLEASE NOTE: YOU NEED A Personal TrainerluganoACCOUNT TO ACCESS THIS APP. IF YOU'RE A MEMBER GET IT FORFREE ATYOUR Trainer!Begin your journey to a healthier lifestyle and let PersonaltrainerLugano help you along the way. Introducing Personal trainerLugano,most comprehensive fitness platform with:• Check class schedules and opening hours• Track your daily fitness activities• Track your weight and other body metrics• Over 2000+ exercises and activities• Clear 3D exercise demonstrations• Preset workouts and the option to create your own• Over 150 badges to earnSelect workouts online and synchronize them with your app toworkoutat home or in the gym while keeping track of your progress.Fromstrength to weight lifting, this app acts as your ownpersonaltrainer guiding and giving you the motivation youneed.