Top 21 Apps Similar to Navidroid 2

i-Boating:Marine Navigation 228.0
Chartplotter:Lake depth Maps 4 Fishing,Nautical/Marine Chartsw/Marine Weather
WinGPS™ Marine 4.56
Your tablet or smartphone as a personal navigation system on board.
Garmin Helm™ 1.3.2
View/control your compatible GPSMAP® Series chartplotter combofromyour mobile.
SeaMap 2.0
SeaMap shows nautical information on a map.
Transas iSailor
Transas iSailor is an easy-to-usenavigationalsystem developed for the amateur seafarers. Intendedfor use onboats and yachts, iSailor provides a clear presentationofnavigation information and electronic charts. Transas ownTX-97vector chart format supported by iSailor is recognizedworldwide asone of the most accurate and reliable sources ofnavigationalinformation.Available Chart Folios cover coastal and offshore waters ofNorthAmerica, Latin and South America, Europe, Africa, Middle East,FarEast, Asia, Australia & New Zealand. All chart folios canbeselected, purchased and downloaded via the Transas iSailorappusing its Chart Store section. Purchased chart folios includesaone year Chart Updates subscription service of yourchosencoverage. At the end of one year you can choose to renew yourChartUpdates subscription service or continue to use the chartsyoupreviously purchased and downloaded.• Positioning system:- Internal GPS (if available, through the AndroidLocationProvider)- NMEA GPS over Wi-Fi (TCP/UDP connection)- AIS class B Transponder (TCP/UDP connection)- Bluetooth NMEA GPS through the Android LocationProvide("Bluetooth GPS Provider" app is needed)• Navigation sensors support: GPS, Compass & ROT (TrueorMagnetic Heading), Wind, Echo-Sounder• AIS targets support: AIS Class A, AIS Class B, AIS Receiver,BaseStations, Aids-to-Navigation (AtoN)• Display of Charts and Routes• North Up, COG Up and Route Up chart orientations• Information on any vector chart objects• Free cursor, Point-To-Point and Own Ship referencedERBLfunctionality• Monitoring of navigational data: Position, Course (COG) andSpeedOver Ground (SOG)• Route creation by the graphic methods. “Go To” routes• Alarms & Warnings• Waypoint monitoring: Bearing to WP, Distance to WP, XTD• Schedule information: Time-To-Go and ETA to any selectedwaypointahead• Day and Night chart palettes• Track recording• Import & Export for Tracks and Routes• Multi-UnitsCompatible with Android versions since 4.4.x (API level 19)andhigher!List of supported and tested devices:Tablets:• Google Nexus 7 (2013)• Samsung Galaxy Tab S• Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0• Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro 8.4• Samsung Galaxy Note 3• Sony Xperia Z2 Tablet• Lenovo A3300-HV• Lenovo YOGA Tablet 2 ProSmartphones:• Samsung Galaxy S4• Lenovo S60• Samsung Galaxy A3• HTC Desire 630• Asus ZenFone Z00ADWe cannot guarantee correct operation on non-tested devices.Ourteam will continue to improve the application performance,keepingyou informed about our progress in the upcomingreleases.iSailor web site http://www.isailor.usAny questions? Feel free to contact us at [email protected] Yours,Transas iSailor team
GPS Waypoints Navigator | MAPS 9.29
Offline mapping and GPS for hiking, trails, offroad &marinenavigation.
MX Mariner - Marine Charts
MX Mariner is a basic mobile marine navigator/chart plotter featuring quilted offline raster marinecharts.Offline raster marine charts are are available for the US,NewZealand, Brazil, and UK.US, New Zealand and Brazil chart regions are free to downloadandupdate.UK chart regions are available for the United Kingdom, IrelandandChannel Islands as in-app purchases. Each UK chart regionin-apppurchase gives you 1 year of free chart updates. UK chartregionsin MX Mariner are "derived in part from material obtainedfrom theUK Hydrographic Office".Features:Offline raster marine chartsOnline satellite and road mapsGPS NavigationActiveCaptain interactive cruisingguidebook - create, edit, navigateTracks - record, editRoutes - create, edit, navigateGPX import / exportConfigurable units of measure and the World Magnetic ModelPlease see for details.
Mareas Argentinas 1.0.11
Glaber Dev
Olvidate de la tabla de mareas de papel,ahoratenés en tu teléfono o tableta las previsiones del estado delasmareas desde Buenos Aires hasta Ushuaia incluyendo 40puntosintermedios, junto con las fases lunares para planear tu díaidealde pesca o deportes acuáticos.Los puntos incluidos son:* Atalaya* Bahía Falsa* Bahía San Blas* Bahía Verde* Buenos Aires* Caleta Olivia* Canal Principal Bahia Blanca* Comodoro Rivadavia* Faro Segunda Barranca* General Cerri* Golfo San José* Golfo San Matías* Ingeniero White* Isla Bermejo* Isla Martín García* Isla Trinidad* Isla Verde (Puerto)* La Plata* Mar De Ajó* Mar del Plata* Monte Hermoso* Península de Valdéz* Pinamar* Playas Doradas* Puerto Deseado* Puerto Galvan* Puerto Madryn* Puerto San Julián* Puerto Santa Cruz* Puerto Santa Elena* Punta Alta* Punta Indio* Punta Tejada* Quequen* Rawson* Rio Gallegos* Rio Grande* San Antonio Oeste* San Clemente del Tuyú* Santa Teresita* Ushuaia* ViedmaForget the tidetablepaper, now you have on your phone or tablet forecast the stateofthe tides from Buenos Aires to Ushuaia including 40intermediatepoints along with moon phases to plan your ideal dayfishing orwater sports.The items included are:* Atalaya* False Bay* San Blas Bay* Green Bay* Buenos Aires* Caleta Olivia* Main Canal Bahia Blanca* Comodoro Rivadavia* Faro Segunda Barranca* General Cerri* Gulf San José* San Matías Gulf* Ingeniero White* Bermeja* Isla Martin Garcia* Trinidad Island* Isla Verde (Puerto)* La Plata* Mar De Ajo* Mar del Plata* Monte Hermoso* Peninsula Valdéz* Pinamar* Golden Beaches* Puerto Deseado* Puerto Galvan* Puerto Madryn* Puerto San Julián* Puerto Santa Cruz* Puerto Santa Elena* Punta Alta* Punta Indio* Punta Tejada* Quequen* Rawson* Rio Gallegos* Rio Grande* San Antonio Oeste* San Clemente del Tuyú* Santa Teresita* Ushuaia* Viedma
Nautical Astronomy
Nautical astronomy (Celestial navigation,Astronavigation):-Latitude by Polaris - Latitude by Noon sight -Latitude bySunex-merian sight - Latitude by the Sun´s Altitude andTime -Timesight for the Sun Take the sextant and shoot the Sun ortheNorthStar. Practice with it using the old methodsofastronomicalnavigation, and let this app do the calculationsforyou! HELP 1 -Tap on Date, Time, DR, Hs and sight parameterstoenter the data. 2- Choose the calculation in the combobox. 3 -Push[Calculate] andthe solution is written. [+]: resets the formfornew data.[Examples] - Loads the data of the chosen example. -SeeAbout.[Location] Sets the position for training purposes.-Threemethods: using Google Maps, GNSS fix, by input dialogbox.-Location App permission must be allowed. - Switch on yourGPS,andthen automatic location detection is possible. - MyLocationbuttonis available on Google Maps. Your last positionisautomaticallysaved - Storage App permission must be allowedManualand examplesat the developer's website.
Sentinel - your boat, online 6.1.2
Sentinel helps you to Monitor and Control your boat remotely
Yacht Navigator |Kartenplotter 1.8.0
Mit dem Yacht Navigator können Sie aufihremTablet einfach und intuitiv in Echtzeit navigieren. DieYachtNavigator App basiert auf dem Kartenmaterial dergedrucktenSportbootkarten von Delius Klasing.App inklusive kostenlosem Probekartensatz. Weitere Kartensätzesindüber In-App-Kauf erhältlich.### AKTUELLES – RABATT-AKTION+ Delius Klasing Sportbootkartensätze 2015 können zu einem Preisvon19,99€ aus der App heraus bezogen werden. Zur Einführung derApp istfolgende Funktion in der App stark rabattiert:+ Pro-Version/Keine Werbung (0,99€ statt 3,99€)### DIE WICHTIGSTEN FUNKTIONEN+ blattschnittfreie, gleitende Kartendarstellung+ Offline-Navigation (nur zum Download der Karten wirdeineInternetverbindung benötigt)+ Kompass (COG) als Digital- und Analoganzeige+ Intelligentes Peilwerkzeug (Ein-Finger-Bedienung möglich)### TRACKING-FUNKTION+ Aufzeichnen und Anzeigen der gefahrenen Strecke+ Auswahl verschiedener Farben zur deutlichen UnterscheidungderTracks+ Immer erreichbarer Button zum schnellen Starten und StoppenderAufzeichnung+ Anzeige von Detailinformationen (wie z. B. gefahrene StreckeoderHöchstgeschwindigkeit) zum Track### ROUTEN-FUNKTION+ Einfache und komfortable Planung von Routen+ Visuelle Unterstützung beim Abfahren von Routen+ Anzeige der Peilung zum nächsten Wegepunkt im Kompass+ Automatischer Wechsel zum nächsten Wegepunkt beim AbfahreneinerRoute+ Dynamische Anzeige von verbleibender FahrtzeitundAnkunftszeit### WEITERE FUNKTIONEN+ Positionierung in der Karte: Intern (GPS, Mobilfunknetz)+ Einfaches stufenloses Zoomen der Karte(Ein-Finger-Bedienungmöglich)+ Personalisierung der gewünschten Anzeigewerte (SOG,POS,etc.)+ Rechts-/Linkshänder-Modus für die optimierte,personalisierteBedienung+ Darstellung des gefahrenen Kurses sowie eines Vorausvektors inderKarte+ Hochrechnung des Kraftstoffverbrauchs beim AbfahreneinerRoute### KARTENMATERIALDie digitalen Delius Klasing-Sportbootkarten sind auf diebesonderenBedürfnisse der Sportschifffahrt zugeschnitten. GünstigeMaßstäbe,eine klare farbige Kennung und eine übersichtlicheDarstellung sinddie wesentlichen Vorzüge der nautischen Karten fürdiese Reviere.Insbesondere bei diesen digitalen Karten spielt dieexaktePositionsgenauigkeit eine wichtige Rolle.Die gesamte Küstenlinie des jeweiligen Reviers ist imgrößtmöglichenMaßstab, mindestens 1:50 000, erfasst. Für Fahrtenim offenenSeegebiet gibt es in jedem Kartensatz mindestens einepraktischeÜbersegler-Karte, für nautisch anspruchsvolle ReviereDetailkartenin verschiedenen hochauflösenden Maßstäben. DiesehoheMaßstabsvielfalt ermöglicht es dem Skipper immer denrichtigenBildbereich der Karten auf dem Bildschirm darstellenzulassen.Die verschiedenen Tiefenbereiche sind in den Karten farblich in2-und 4- bzw. 5-m-Bereiche abgestuft, sodass einerseits Untiefenundandererseits die ungefährdet schiffbaren Tiefenbereiche aufdenersten Blick erfasst werden können. Zudem ist diebesonderswichtige 2-m- bzw. 3-m-Tiefenlinie rot hervorgehoben.SchwimmendeSeezeichen sind farbig dargestellt und somit leichtzuidentifizieren. Wie weltweit bei allen Seekarten üblich, sindinden Delius Klasing-Kartensätzen die internationalenBezeichnungender Kennungen und Leuchtfeuer verwendet.Die Delius Klasing-Sportbootkarten werden – soweit möglich –aufGrundlage der amtlichen Kartendaten der nationalenhydrografischenInstitute erstellt.### SYSTEMVORAUSSETZUNGENAndroid-Tablets mit einer Bildschirmgröße ab 7 Zoll undmindestenseiner Android-OS Version ab 4.1 oder höher.With the YachtNavigatoryou can navigate in real time easily and intuitively onyourtablet. The Yacht Navigator app is based on the maps of theprintedleisure charts by Delius Klasing.App including free sample card pack. Other card sets areavailablethrough in-app purchase.### NEWS - Discount offer+ Delius Klasing leisure charts sets 2015 can be purchased ataprice of 19.99 € from within the app. To introduce thefollowingfunction in the App App is heavily discounted:+ Pro version / No Advertising (0.99 € instead 3,99 €)### KEY FEATURES+ Free of sheet lines, moving map display+ Offline Navigation (only for downloading the maps is aninternetconnection required)+ Compass (COG) as a digital and analogue display+ Intelligent Peilwerkzeug (one-finger operation possible)### Tracking feature+ Recording and displaying the distance traveled+ Choice of different colors to clearly distinguish thetracks+ Always reachable quick launch button for and stop recording+ Display detailed information (such. As distance traveled orspeed)to track### ROUTES FEATURE+ Simple and convenient planning of routes+ Visual support when exiting routes+ Display of the bearing to the next waypoint in compass+ Automatic change to the next waypoint when traveling alongaroute+ Dynamic display of remaining journey time and arrival time### MORE FUNCTIONS+ Positioning on the map: Intern (GPS, cellular network)+ Simple continuous zoom the map (one-fingeroperationpossible)+ Personalizing the desired display values ​​(SOG, POS, etc.)+ Right / left-handed mode for optimized,personalizedoperation+ Presentation of the course as well as a driven advance vectorinthe map+ Extrapolation of fuel consumption when traveling alongaroute### MAPSThe digital Delius Klasing-leisure charts are tailored tothespecific needs of recreational boating. Cheap standards, aclearcolor code and a clear display are the main advantages ofthenautical maps for these areas. Especially with these digitalmapsthe precise location accuracy plays an important role.The whole coastline of each mining area is to the maximum scaleatleast 1:50 000 detected. For drives in open sea area there isineach set of maps at least one skill over sailors card fordemandingnautical areas detailed maps in different highresolutionstandards. This high scale diversity allows the skipperalways berepresented the right screen area of ​​the map on thescreen.The different depth ranges are color graded in the cards in the2-and 4- or 5-m-ranges, so that on the one hand and the otherhandthe shallows safely navigable depth ranges can be detected atfirstglance. In addition, the particularly important 2-m and3-m-deepline is highlighted in red. Floating navigation marks aredisplayedin color, and thus easy to identify. As worldwide commonto allcharts, the international names of identifiers and beaconsare usedin the Delius Klasing-card sets.The Delius Klasing-leisure charts are - as far as possible -createdbased on the official map data of nationalhydrographicinstitutions.### SYSTEMAndroid tablets with a screen size from 7 inches and at leastoneAndroid OS version from 4.1 or later.
Nautical Charts — OsmAnd 1.0
OsmAnd Nautical Charts is a plugin that provides Nautical Maps
Free Nautical Charts 1.0.9
Marine Ways Boating is the ultimatemarinenavigation and planning application! In this application youwillgain access to:FREE NAVIGATIONAL CHARTS- NOAA ENC Electronic Navigational Charts (NOAA's newest andmostpowerful electronic charting product)- NOAA BSB Classic Raster Charts (including Day, Red, Dusk,Night,and Gray versions)- All chart data is supplied by NOAA.Just toggle the chart you want in the map settings section anditwill show up on the map! Zoom in for the finest detail!ROUTE PLANNING TOOLS-Route Plotting. Tap and hold on the map for one second to plotyourwaypoints. To form a route, continue to tap and hold on themap indifferent areas. Distance and bearing are convenientlycalculatedand displayed for each leg as you add, adjust, orremovewaypoints.-Travel Mode. Automatically centers the map on your currentpositionas you move. Use travel mode to see how closely you arefollowingyour plotted route in real time!-Route Leg Summary. A convenient view containingdetailedinformation of each leg you have plotted, including startand endcoordinates, distance, and bearing.BUOY REPORTS AND OBSTRUCTION INFORMATIONMarkers for buoys and obstructions are conveniently plotted intheiractual location on the map! Just click on the marker to viewtheirinformation!- Buoy Reports: Get complete current conditions and wave reportsforfixed and drifting buoys.- Obstructions: Get location and history informationaboutpotentially dangerous, submerged hazards including rocks andsunkenvessels.NAVIGATION DASHBOARDThe navigational dashboard shows various real-timeinformationincluding:- Current location (latitude and longitude, withaccuracyrange)- Current Heading (includes a small directional compassaswell!)- Current Speed Over Ground- Current BearingMARINE MAP OVERLAYSToggle various marine overlay data right onto the map to getabetter idea of the current boating conditions!Overlays include:- Water Surface Temperature (Global)- Wind Speeds (US only)- Wind Gusts (US only)- Wave Heights (US only)LOCATION SHARING OVER WATER / VIEW OTHER BOATS- Display your last known location, speed, bearing, and boat nameonthe map for other Marine Ways boaters to view.- View the last known location, speed, bearing, and boat nameofother Marine Ways boaters, as well as their distance andbearingfrom your location.- Location sharing is turned off by default. When you are readytoshare, toggle it on within general settings. To continuouslyupdateyour location on the map, keep the app opened and focused.The appcurrently does not update your location in thebackground.WEATHER INFORMATION- Weather Precipitation Radar (US & Hawaii only). Detectsanyrain and snow in the area.- Weather Station. Reports the nearest observation stationdata.Current temperature, humidity, weather conditions, wind, andmore!Station observation data is available globally.- Weather Alerts. Weather station also reports any activeweatheralerts issued by the National Weather Service such asseverethunderstorm warnings or hurricane warnings. Weatheralertinformation is available for US, Alaska and Hawaii.- Land Surface Temperature overlay. Shows the currentsurfacetemperature on land (US only).Before using this application, please read and agree tothefollowing terms of use / service and privacy policy:Terms of Use / Service: policy: Charts Disclaimer from NOAA:NOAA ENC Online is not certified for navigation. Screen capturesofthe ENCs displayed here do NOT fulfill chart carriagerequirementsfor regulated commercial vessels under Titles 33 and 46of the Codeof Federal Regulations.Enjoy the app! Marine Ways is also available on the webat
Nordsee Gezeiten FREE 1.5.6
Ideal für den Urlaub an der Nordsee: Die nutzerfreundliche Appzeigtden Wechsel der Gezeiten für die meisten Nordseestrände an.Damitdas Meer auch da ist, wenn Sie an den Strand gehen. Das istdrin: •Klares und nutzerfreundliches Design. • Anzeige derTidenwechsel fürdrei Tage für die Küsten von Deutschland und denNiederlanden(Weitere Standorte und Länder sind on Vorbereitung) •Anzeige desSonnenaufgangs und Sonnenuntergangs • StandortbezogeneSuche desnächsten Messpunktes, bequeme Favoritenverwaltung •Beliebig vieleFavoriten • autom. Positionsbestimmung undErmittlung des nächstenNordsee Strandes • Werbefinanziert, dieVollversion ist komplettwerbefreiVollversion: Realisierung gmbhInternet Kommunikation Hammer Str. 89 48153Münster [email protected] Gestaltung undScreendesign------------------------------- georg designLippstädter Straße 4648155 Münster [email protected]
Sailings 1.14
Great Circle and Rhumb line routes
GPS Navigation World Maps 1.0.13
GPS Navigation Offline Maps isLatestSatelliteUp-Linked Navigation App for Every country.GPSNavigation OfflineMaps is Based on Satellite Linked Dataforaccurate Navigation. Youcan find Route to your destination,routeto school, route to work,route to home and route to market.Findyour way through trafficcongestion, traffic jam, roadblockages,high traffic and lowtraffic, optimized route, shortroute, shortcut and easy route toyour destination. We have autonavigation,gps navigation be on roadwhich is similar to googlenavigation forgps navigation for googlemaps but this navigation isfor Openstreet maps OSMdroid. Weincluded navigation compass free inthisapp. Along with Open streetmaps we have atlas navigationandmarine navigation just like waze&social traffic.GPSNavigation Offline Maps include navigationrules, navigationtrade2, bridge watch keeping, advanced avionics,navigation on waterbynavigable waters and navigation by night. Youcan recordnavigationby auto navigation offline navigationrecorder. Just likesygicnavigation we have advance route findermaps from Open streetmapswhich are offline maps. This app containsGlobal positioningsystemwith navigational compass for Offlinenavigation by OSMdroid.Inthis app we have given Navigation for allthe worldspeciallynavigation for USA, Navigation for Canada,NavigationforAustralia, Navigation for England, Navigation forUAE,Navigationfor Dubai, Navigation for France, NavigationforGermany,Navigation for Japan, Navigation for NewZealand,Navigation forIndia, Navigation for Saudi Arabia ,Navigation forOman,Navigation for Turkey, Navigation forSwitzerland, NavigationforItaly, Navigation for Ireland, NavigationforPhilippines,Navigation for Thailand, navigation for southAfrica,navigationfor Spain, navigation for panama, navigation forSweden,navigationfor Russia, navigation for Brazil, navigation fornorthAmerica,navigation for Mexico, navigation for New york,navigationforFlorida, navigation for California, navigationforTexas,navigation for south America, navigation forArgentinanavigationfor Denmark, navigation for Norway and muchmore.We have included separate section for Free Trip Planning,POIsearch,Speed camera warning, HUD Head up Display, 3D maps,3Doffline maps,door to door guided navigation, police radar,avoidtraffic delay,Live traffic service, alternative routeandPedestrian navigation& bicycle navigation withcarnavigation.In other option we have special deal for users aboutTrucknavigationfor which traveling guide to tourist andtouristnavigation isavailable. For the first time we introduceoutdoornavigation offlineindoor navigation and navigationwithoutinternet. It is the best appfor Hiking and back countrynavigationguide. Now the users can enjoythe services of laneguidance,navigate to photo, points of interestand voice guidance.We haveincluded options for city maps, satellitemaps, traffic,publictransit and cycling maps. Step by stepnavigation and step bystepdirection are displayed on the mapdriving directions withlocaltraffic & traffic condition isincluded. If you aretravelingin day light then with our app GPSnavigation Offline Mapsthen youcan share GPS location, Lock GPSlocation, save tripinformation,car navigation, GPS accuracy withsatellite Up-link andtripguidance are the best feature to useduring your travel.For the 1st time in GPS Navigation Offline Map weintroducedSeaNavigation, maritime navigation, desert navigation andofflinemapsme.For USA users there are Arizona offline maps,Californiaofflinemaps, Florida offline maps, offline navigationforMichigan,offline navigation for Hawaii, offline navigationforWashington,offline navigation for Colorado, offline navigationforVirginia,offline navigation for Carolina, offlinenavigationforMassachusetts and other states.Australian offline maps are also available.
Boating Europe 8.2.1
The world's most popular marine &lakesapp! A favorite among cruisers, sailors, fishermen and divers.Findthe same detailed charts as on the best GPS plotters. Thisappincludes the overwhelming value of Navionics+. Alternatively,youmay have found a free version on the store offering basicfeatures,where Navionics+ can be purchased In-App. If you have atablet,please search our HD app.NAVIONICS+ includes:√ Download of the following chart layers that will reside onyourdevice even after expiration:-NAUTICAL CHART for all essential cartographic reference detail.Themost accurate and thorough set of information based onHydrographicOffice data, Notices to Mariners, new publications,our own surveys,and reports from users. It provides port plans,safety depthcontours, marine services info, tides & currents,navigationaids and more.-SONARCHART™: the award-winning 1 ft/0.5m HD bathymetry mapthatreflects ever-changing conditions. Be part of the communityandcontribute by uploading your sonar logs to enhance it.-COMMUNITY EDITS made by users (rocks, wrecks, etc.) and sharedforall to benefit.√ CHART UPDATES: we deliver more than 2,000 updates every day!Takeadvantage of our updates as frequently as you like.√ DOCK-TO-DOCK AUTOROUTING quickly creates detailed routeseventhrough narrow waterways and channels, based on chart dataandnavigation aids. POIs are automatically shown nearbyyourdestination.√ NAVIGATION MODULE for advanced route planning with ETA,distanceto arrival, heading to WP, fuel consumption and more!√ ADVANCED MAP OPTIONS: overlay Satellite/Terrain, highlightShallowAreas, filter Depth Contours and enable a Fishing Range totargetkey fishing areas.√ PLOTTER SYNC - Compatible Wi-Fi enabled plotter ownerscantransfer routes and markers, activate and update theireligibleplotter card and upload sonar logs for improvedSonarChart™! Learnmore at√ WEATHER & TIDES provides real-time weather data andforecasts.Access daily and hourly forecasts for your favoritelocations andget wind, weather buoys, Tides & Currentsoverlaid on your map.Buoy data from NOAA can include wind speed,gust and direction aswell as air pressure, water temperature, waveheight and otherrelevant marine data.Note: Download detailed maps by zooming in or fromMenu>DownloadMap. Check for coverage.Navionics+ is a one year subscription. At expiration, you canrenewwith a discount of up to 50%. If you don’t renew, you canstill usethe charts you previously downloaded, along with severalfreefeatures:TRACK your journey, view speed, distance, time and COG.ROUTES: create and edit, based on speed and fuel consumptionMeasure DISTANCE, add MARKERS, get WIND FORECASTS andsun/mooncyclesMAP OPTIONS: adjust shorelines to selected Water Level, chooseDepthShading and Easy View (not on Govt. Charts)SYNC Tracks, Routes & Markers among your mobile devicesMAGAZINES & GUIDES for location-based articles.GOVT. CHART in USSONARCHART™ LIVE - allows you to create new personal 1ft/0.5 mHDbathymetry maps that display in real time while navigating.Uploadyour sonar logs to build even better local charts for yourareaconnecting wirelessly to a compatible sounder/plotter.Navionics has certified several Android models where the appisdesigned to load and operate correctly with an OS of 4.0 orhigher.Please refer to our Compatibility Guide, which iscontinuouslyupdated at Wecannotguarantee flawless operation or provide support fornon-certifieddevices. ALL SALES ARE FINAL on Google Play.
North Sea Tides Pro 1.4.0
PSG Development
NS Tides Pro is a very useful app for tourists, surfers,skippersand all those who seek a reliable prediction of the tideatdifferent locations along the North Sea coast. Are you planningasurf and swim vacation by the North Sea? You want to exploretheWadden Sea at low tide? With the help of this app,long-termplanning for your leisure activities will be a breeze!Direct andto the point, without any unnecessary bells and whistles,yousimply choose the location from the menu item "Location" orfindthe one closest to your desired destination via the "Map" tab.Select the desired day with the "Date" tab and the displaywillshow the times of high and low tide in hrs / min, lowest /highestpoint measured in meters and times for sunrise and sunset.With aswipe of the touch screen, the user can step forward orbackwards aday or a month at a time. Planning that next vacation orleisureactivity on the North Sea coast will be quick and easy. Forthoseof us who like to seek knowledge about tides in general, thereis adirect link to the appropriate page on Wikipedia. All NS TideProdata for over 130 locations along the North Sea coast is storedina database. Once the download has been completed nofurtherinternet connection is required! Where available yourcurrentlocation will be found via GPS. Right now you can call uplocationsin Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and France. Otherlocationsmay be added, depending on demand and availability. Atpresent,this app is available in German and English but morelanguages mayfollow depending on demand. Functions: Tidalprediction for morethan 130 locations along the North Sea Low andhigh tide in hours /minutes Highest / lowest point in metres Searchvia map or listTimes for sunrise / sunset Swipe function for quicksearch day /month Easy navigation: Tide data locations in Germany,Netherlands,France, Belgium, Denmark Search by date Map with userlocationdisplayed Wikipedia Tides Direct links to our Support andForumSites
Boating US&Canada 8.2.1
The world's most popular marine &lakesapp! A favorite among cruisers, sailors, fishermen and divers.Findthe same detailed charts as on the best GPS plotters. Thisappincludes the overwhelming value of Navionics+. Alternatively,youmay have found a free version on the store offering basicfeatures,where Navionics+ can be purchased In-App. If you have atablet,please search our HD app.NAVIONICS+ includes:√ Download of the following chart layers that will reside onyourdevice even after expiration:-NAUTICAL CHART for all essential cartographic reference detail.Themost accurate and thorough set of information based onHydrographicOffice data, Notices to Mariners, new publications,our own surveys,and reports from users. It provides port plans,safety depthcontours, marine services info, tides & currents,navigationaids and more.-SONARCHART™: the award-winning 1 ft/0.5m HD bathymetry mapthatreflects ever-changing conditions. Be part of the communityandcontribute by uploading your sonar logs to enhance it.-COMMUNITY EDITS made by users (rocks, wrecks, etc.) and sharedforall to benefit.√ CHART UPDATES: we deliver more than 2,000 updates every day!Takeadvantage of our updates as frequently as you like.√ DOCK-TO-DOCK AUTOROUTING quickly creates detailed routeseventhrough narrow waterways and channels, based on chart dataandnavigation aids. POIs are automatically shown nearbyyourdestination.√ NAVIGATION MODULE for advanced route planning with ETA,distanceto arrival, heading to WP, fuel consumption and more!√ ADVANCED MAP OPTIONS: overlay Satellite/Terrain, highlightShallowAreas, filter Depth Contours and enable a Fishing Range totargetkey fishing areas.√ PLOTTER SYNC - Compatible Wi-Fi enabled plotter ownerscantransfer routes and markers, activate and update theireligibleplotter card and upload sonar logs for improvedSonarChart™! Learnmore at√ WEATHER & TIDES provides real-time weather data andforecasts.Access daily and hourly forecasts for your favoritelocations andget wind, weather buoys, Tides & Currentsoverlaid on your map.Buoy data from NOAA can include wind speed,gust and direction aswell as air pressure, water temperature, waveheight and otherrelevant marine data.Note: Download detailed maps by zooming in or fromMenu>DownloadMap. Check for coverage.Navionics+ is a one year subscription. At expiration, you canrenewwith a discount of up to 50%. If you don’t renew, you canstill usethe charts you previously downloaded, along with severalfreefeatures:TRACK your journey, view speed, distance, time and COG.ROUTES: create and edit, based on speed and fuel consumptionMeasure DISTANCE, add MARKERS, get WIND FORECASTS andsun/mooncyclesMAP OPTIONS: adjust shorelines to selected Water Level, chooseDepthShading and Easy View (not on Govt. Charts)SYNC Tracks, Routes & Markers among your mobile devicesMAGAZINES & GUIDES for location-based articles.GOVT. CHART in USSONARCHART™ LIVE - allows you to create new personal 1ft/0.5 mHDbathymetry maps that display in real time while navigating.Uploadyour sonar logs to build even better local charts for yourareaconnecting wirelessly to a compatible sounder/plotter.COVERAGEDoes not include Bermuda, which can be found on BoatingCaribbean& South America. Visit for the lakelist.Navionics has certified several Android models where the appisdesigned to load and operate correctly with an OS of 4.0 orhigher.Please refer to our Compatibility Guide, which iscontinuouslyupdated at Wecannotguarantee flawless operation or provide support fornon-certifieddevices. ALL SALES ARE FINAL on Google Play.
Boating USA 8.2.1
The world's most popular marine &lakesapp! A favorite among cruisers, sailors, fishermen and divers.Findthe same detailed charts as on the best GPS plotters. Thisappincludes the overwhelming value of Navionics+. Alternatively,youmay have found a free version on the store offering basicfeatures,where Navionics+ can be purchased In-App. If you have atablet,please search our HD app.NAVIONICS+ includes:√ Download of the following chart layers that will reside onyourdevice even after expiration:-NAUTICAL CHART for all essential cartographic reference detail.Themost accurate and thorough set of information based onHydrographicOffice data, Notices to Mariners, new publications,our own surveys,and reports from users. It provides port plans,safety depthcontours, marine services info, tides & currents,navigationaids and more.-SONARCHART™: the award-winning 1 ft/0.5m HD bathymetry mapthatreflects ever-changing conditions. Be part of the communityandcontribute by uploading your sonar logs to enhance it.-COMMUNITY EDITS made by users (rocks, wrecks, etc.) and sharedforall to benefit.√ CHART UPDATES: we deliver more than 2,000 updates every day!Takeadvantage of our updates as frequently as you like.√ DOCK-TO-DOCK AUTOROUTING quickly creates detailed routeseventhrough narrow waterways and channels, based on chart dataandnavigation aids. POIs are automatically shown nearbyyourdestination.√ NAVIGATION MODULE for advanced route planning with ETA,distanceto arrival, heading to WP, fuel consumption and more!√ ADVANCED MAP OPTIONS: overlay Satellite/Terrain, highlightShallowAreas, filter Depth Contours and enable a Fishing Range totargetkey fishing areas.√ PLOTTER SYNC - Compatible Wi-Fi enabled plotter ownerscantransfer routes and markers, activate and update theireligibleplotter card and upload sonar logs for improvedSonarChart™! Learnmore at√ WEATHER & TIDES provides real-time weather data andforecasts.Access daily and hourly forecasts for your favoritelocations andget wind, weather buoys, Tides & Currentsoverlaid on your map.Buoy data from NOAA can include wind speed,gust and direction aswell as air pressure, water temperature, waveheight and otherrelevant marine data.Note: Download detailed maps by zooming in or fromMenu>DownloadMap. Check for coverage.Navionics+ is a one year subscription. At expiration, you canrenewwith a discount of up to 50%. If you don’t renew, you canstill usethe charts you previously downloaded, along with severalfreefeatures:TRACK your journey, view speed, distance, time and COG.ROUTES: create and edit, based on speed and fuel consumptionMeasure DISTANCE, add MARKERS, get WIND FORECASTS andsun/mooncyclesMAP OPTIONS: adjust shorelines to selected Water Level, chooseDepthShading and Easy View (not on Govt. Charts)SYNC Tracks, Routes & Markers among your mobile devicesMAGAZINES & GUIDES for location-based articles.GOVT. CHART in USSONARCHART™ LIVE - allows you to create new personal 1ft/0.5 mHDbathymetry maps that display in real time while navigating.Uploadyour sonar logs to build even better local charts for yourareaconnecting wirelessly to a compatible sounder/plotter.COVERAGEDoes not include Bermuda, which can be found on BoatingCaribbean& South America. Visit for the lakelist.Navionics has certified several Android models where the appisdesigned to load and operate correctly with an OS of 4.0 orhigher.Please refer to our Compatibility Guide, which iscontinuouslyupdated at Wecannotguarantee flawless operation or provide support fornon-certifieddevices. ALL SALES ARE FINAL on Google Play.
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