Top 21 Apps Similar to Heartfulness 1.3.3
Henrik Kok
Mindfulness handlar om att vara i kontaktmeddet som pågår i och omkring oss. Om vi inte är i kontakt gårvimiste om stora delar av våra liv, som vi ofta lever ”ihuvudet”.Detta kan leda till oro, grubbleri eller ältande.När vi istället är i kontakt får vi möjlighet att upplevadetvackra, positiva och njutningsbara. Men att vara i kontaktinnebärockså att vara närvarande med det svåra i livet; smärta,sorg,rädsla och ilska i oss eller omkring oss.Med mindfulnessträning lär man sig förhålla sig till det somär.Man kan vara närvarande i det positiva som pågår i livet. Detgerkraft och energi. Men mindfulness innebär också att vara ikontaktmed svårigheter och lidande utan att behöva undvika deteller flydet. Genom att förhålla sig med omtänksamhet och envänliginställning också till obehag kan man efterhand förstå och tahandom det. Då blir förändring till något nytt mö är en app som ger övningar i just detta. Appenären digital version av det mycket uppskattadecd/dvd-paketet”Mindfulness – övningar i sinnesnärvaro”, som idaganvänds av merän 6 000 personer. Henrik Kok, sjukgymnast ochpsykoterapeut (KBT)guidar dig igenom övningarna på svenska.Appen innehåller två gratis meditationer; "Andrum" och"10minuters sittande meditation". Vill du sedan utöka dittövandefinns det fler guidade meditationer som kan köpas och laddasnerdirekt i appen. Det finns även möjlighet att själv ställa intystmeditation där en klocka ringer med vissa intervall och attföradagbok över ditt utövande.De svenska guidade meditationerna bygger påpsykologiprofessorMark Williams originalskivor förmindfulnessbaserad kognitiv terapi(MBCT) som har sin grund i JonKabat-Zinns 8-veckorsprogram förstress och stressrelaterade besvär(MBSR). Appen är alltså lämpligäven som material för dessaprogram.Mindfulness is aboutbeingin touch with what is going on in and around us. If we arenotcontacted we lose large parts of our lives, we often live "inthehead". This may lead to unrest, ruminations or ältande.When instead we are in contact, we get the opportunitytoexperience the beautiful, positive and enjoyment only. But beingincontact also means to be present with the hardships of life;pain,sorrow, fear and anger in us or around us.With mindfulness training, you learn to relate to what is. Itcanbe present in the positive going on in life. It gives strengthandenergy. But mindfulness also means being in contact withdifficultyand suffering without having to avoid it or escape it.By behavewith kindness and a friendly approach also discomfort cangraduallyunderstand and take care of it. Then it will change tosomething is an app that provides exercises in justthat.The app is a digital version of the very popular CD / DVDpackage"Mindfulness - exercises in mindfulness," which is currentlyusedby more than 6000 people. Henrik Kok, physiotherapyandpsychotherapy (CBT) guides you through the exercisesinSwedish.The app includes two free meditations; "Respite" and "10minutesof sitting meditation." Want to expand your practice sincethereare more guided meditations that can be purchased anddownloadeddirectly in the app. It is also possible to manually setthe silentmeditation where a bell rings at certain intervals and tokeep adiary of your exercise.The Swedish guided meditations based on the psychologyprofessorMark Williams original discs for mindfulness-basedcognitivetherapy (MBCT), which is based on Jon Kabat-Zinn 8-weekprogram ofstress and stress-related disorders (MBSR). The app isthus alsosuitable as a material for these applications.
Mindfulness Appen 1.60
SVERIGES MEST SÅLDA MINDFULNESS APP!!MER ÄN 500 000 ANVÄNDAREVill du hitta mer närvaro i vardagens stressigatillvaromentyckeratt meditation verkar svårt? Då kanske MindfulnessAppenärnågotför dig.Mindfulness Appen är ett verktyg för att blimernärvarandeilivet. Den hjälper dig med det som ärallrasvårastimindfulnessutövandet - nämligen att kommaihågattvaramindful.______________________________________KOMMENTARER FRÅN ANVÄNDARE:"Jag har gått kurs i Mindfulness och jag harprovatmångaguidningarpå tex CD. Det här är Klockrent! Braröst,brafunktioner och detverkligen funkar som Mindfulnessärtänkt.Använder den nästandagligen.""Enkel, tydlig, snygg, behaglig röst och flexibel.Dethärkanverkligen bli det som hjälper migattmediteraregelbundet!""Fin design, enkel o behaglig. Fantastiskt verktygförbådenybörjareoch redan praktiserande. Den här borde alla haisinficka. Enriktigt bra present""Snygg design, behagfull app och så rätt i tiden!""Äntligen en bra meditations App på svenska!"______________________________________KORTFATTAT OM APPEN:Genom att ställa in påminnelser på de tider och dagar duvillkandufå meddelande om när det är dags att meditera(ungefärsomSkalmansmat- och sovklocka).• Du kan välja om du vill sitta enkortareellerlängrestund.• Du kan bli guidad med röst eller bara sitta itystnadmedklockorsom slår vid olika intervaller.• Du kan även ställa in en anpassad meditation precis sålångsomduönskar.• Slutligen går det att ställa in ”MindfulnessNotiser”vidvaldatidpunkter som kan hjälpa dig att öka dinnärvaroistundenGenom Mindfulness Appen kan du helt enkelt ”ringa upp”digsjälvdåoch då för att kolla om du verkligen är hemma.Förutom de förinställda påminnelserna går detgivetvisattsättaigång en meditation genom att helt enkelt startaappen,ochväljaden meditation du vill lyssna på - tex om du har enstundöverpåbussen, på arbetet, i en kö eller bara vill sittanerenstund.Alla utförda meditationer sparas i statistikdelen såattduharmöjlighet att följa hur dinmeditationsutövningutvecklasövertid.Mindfulness Appen innehåller:4 Guidade meditationer: 3, 5, 15 och 30 minuter4 Tysta meditationer med klockor: 3, 5, 15 och 30 minuter1 Guidad kroppsscanningMöjlighet att ställa in en anpassad meditation medellerutanguidadbörjanMindfulness notiserPåminnelsefunktion baserad på tidStatistikMindfulness Appen är till för alla som vill blimernärvarandeilivet, både nybörjare och mer erfarna utövare. Vihoppasattdenkommer att förgylla din vardag och göra dittlivmeraintressantatt leva!SWEDEN'SBESTSELLERSMINDFULNESS APP!MORE THAN 500,000 USERSWant to find more presence in the everyday stresses oflifebutfindthat meditation seems difficult? Mindfulness App is foryou.Mindfulness App is a tool to become more present inlife.Ithelpsyou with the most difficult of mindfulness practice-namelytoremember to be mindful.______________________________________COMMENTS FROM USERS:"I have taken a course in Mindfulness and I have triedmanytoursforexample on CD. This is right on! Good voice, goodfeaturesanditreally works as Mindfulness is intended. Useitalmostdaily.""Simple, clear, neat, pleasant voice, and flexible.Thiscouldreallybe the one that helps me to meditate onaregularbasis!""Nice design, easy o pleasant. Fantastic tool forbothbeginnersandthose already practicing. Everybody should have inhispocket.Areally great gift""Great design, graceful app and so timely!""Finally a good yet simple in Swedish!"______________________________________BRIEF ABOUT THE APPBy setting reminders at the times and days you wishyoucanbenotified when it is time to meditate (much likeShell'sfoodandsovklocka).• You can choose whether you want to sit ashortorlongwhile.• You may be guided by voice or just sit in silencewithbellsthatstrikes at various intervals.• You can also set a custom meditation just as longasyouwish.• Finally, it is possible to set the "MindfulnessNotices"atselectedtimes that can help you increase your presenceinthemomentThe Mindfulness App, you can simply "call" yourselfeverynowandthen to see if you really are at home.In addition to the preset reminders can of coursesetoffameditation by simply start the app, and choosethemeditationtolisten to - for example if you have a spare momentonthe bus,atwork, in a queue or just want to sit down foramoment.All the meditations are stored in the statisticssectionsothatyou are able to follow how your meditationpracticedevelopsovertime.  Mindfulness App includes:4 Tour meditation: 3, 5, 15 and 30 minutes4 Quiet meditation with clocks: 3, 5, 15 and 30 minutes1 Guided body scannersAbility to set a custom meditation with or withoutguidedearlyMindfulness NoticesReminder function based on timeStatisticsMindfulness App is for anyone who wants to becomemorepresentintheir lives, both beginners and moreexperiencedpractitioners.Wehope it will brighten your day and makeyourlifemoreinteresting!
Mindfulness - Lugn och lycklig 1.7.0
Packed with exercises for the presence, peace, joy and ease inlife.
Mindfulness Plus FREE 1.0.7
Wil je bewuster gaan leven, minder piekerenenmeer genieten van het leven? Dan is de Mindfulness+ appvanClooser2 het ideale hulpmiddel om te leren meer in het hier ennute leven! De Mindfulness+ app neemt je aan de hand vaneenuitgebreid lesboek en begeleidende meditaties mee opeenverkenningsreis door je eigen bewustzijn.De Mindfulness+ app biedt een uitgebreide verdieping opuwmindfulnessbasistraining of Clooser2 Mindfulnessbasis app. Met10nieuwe lessen en 32 meditaties zet je de volgende stap injouwpersoonlijke mindfulnesstraject!Er is geen ingewikkelde training, vaste wekelijkse afspraakoftaaie theorie voor nodig om bewuster in het leven te lerenstaan.De mindfulness+ app stelt je in staat om op aan de hand vaneenhelder opgebouwde lesstructuur, op momenten dat het jougoeduitkomt (thuis, in de pauze op je werk, in de trein), teoefenenmet mindfulness.Probeer nu deze gratis versie die één complete les bevatenwaarin je alle meditaties één keer kunt beluisteren. De les‘Landenin je lichaam’ bestaat uit 3 meditaties enuitgebreideachtergrondtheorie rondom dit thema. Hiermee krijg jeeen goedeindruk van de volledige variant van de Mindfulness+app.
Smiling Mind: Meditation App 4.17.2
Smiling Mind
Mental wellbeing to support sleep, meditation and mindfulnessandreduce stress
Dagliga Droppar Mindfulness 1.9.6
One of the best mindfulnessapparna according to the Free (2012)
The Mindfulness App 5.28.7
Meditation for you. Sleep better, relax & become more present.
In this release, we have simplifiedtheoverallexperience and completely revamped the entireuserinterface, tomake it very intuitive and user friendly. Youwouldbe guidedthrough the relaxation and meditation exercises byaVirtualInstructor.We hope, that through this app, anyone would be abletointegrateHeartfulness Meditation into their daily life.Please write to us at [email protected] with yourfeedbackandsuggestions, so that we may continue to makeimprovements andmakeHeartfulness even more accessible to you.About Heartfulness:Heartfulness Relaxation and Meditation techniquesprovideacomprehensive set of benefits from stress reductiontooverallself-development including focus, inner strengthandclarity. Thesepractices can be done from the comfort of yourhome,on the way toand back from work, in trains, planes andwaitingrooms, in groupsand with an instructor.Take time every day to tune into the internalpresence.Strengthenthat connection and cultivate an inner knowingthat itwisely directsand guides our lives. Live by the heart, andbecomewhat we are meantto be.There are no fees involved for using this App, ortopracticeHeartfulness.
Dbt911 4.2.7
First aid in DBT.
Insight Timer - Meditation App 18.0.7
Everyday Wellbeing for Sleep, Anxiety and Stress
Stop Breathe & Think: Meditate
The Stop, Breathe & Think app is afreemindfulness, meditation and compassion-building lifestyle toolthatis simple, fun and easy to use.Take a break from the stress and anxiety of daily life to relaxwithmeditations for the body and mind. Self healing begins with aquickcheck-in. Tune in to how you are thinking and feeling, andselectemotions that guide you to recommended meditations. Emotionslikehappiness, stress and anxiety can be tracked pre andpostmeditation, and you can even share your favorite calmingexerciseswith friends!At Stop, Breathe & Think, we believe that taking a fewminuteseach day to feel the calm is as important as regularexercise. Ifwe can help more of you regularly find peace of mind,we’re doingour part to help make the world a better place.Stop Breathe & Think is a favorite mindfulness andmeditationapp** Winner of the 2015 Webby People’s Voice Award for Health&Fitness **** Over 2,000,000 downloads and counting! **+++++++++++Stop Breathe & Think Meditation Features:Meditation made easy with:+ Meditation guide including check-in and tailoredmeditations+ Self-meditation timer+ Meditations to start and end your day+ Tracker for your emotions pre and post meditation+ Sharing for friendsGuided meditation exercises designed to help with:+ Self healing+ Self motivation+ Anxiety & stress+ Depression+ Compassion+ Falling asleep+ And much more!Tracker for mood & meditation progress:+ Check-in to record today’s meditation progress+ Track daily streaks, top emotions, top meditations, totaltimemeditated and more+ Mood tracker plots out your mood on an intuitive chart+++++++++++Scientific evidence shows that you can develop kindnessandcompassion by focusing on self healing through the practiceofmindfulness and meditation. By using the app, you will learn howtomeditate regularly and develop skills that help you relax,supportacademic and professional achievement, in addition to morepositiveinteractions and relationships, by learning to:- Deepen your awareness of your thoughts and emotions andrecognizethose feelings in others- Manage emotions like stress and anxiety, settle yourself downmoreproactively- Feel compassion and kindness when approaching people andeverydaysituations+++++++++++Download Stop, Breathe & Think to relax, manage emotionsanddeepen your awareness through guided meditation.Praise for Stop, Breathe & Think:“You can change your whole frame of mind with just a few minutesofmeditation.” -Fast Company"Here, the killer feature is the app asking you to checkyourselfbefore you start. It asks you how you're feelingmentally,physically and emotionally before you begin. It thenoffers...meditations customized for your current state ofmind."-Lifehacker“When people think of monitoring health, they often focusoncalorie-counting, step-tracking, and other physical fitnessgoals,but often forget about their mental well-being. Usemeditation appStop, Breathe & Think for the daily zen tune upyou might noteven realize you needed.“There are many meditation services out there, but Breathestandsout with its customization tools: it analyzes your currentmoodthrough a short survey, then leads you through guidedmeditationsbased on the results." -CosmopolitanThe Stop, Breathe & Think app requires an online connection.Ifyou have any comments, or spot a bug, please tap FEEDBACK inthemenu, or email us at [email protected].**If you are running into issues loading meditations**Some users have reported an issue starting 1/7/17 that preventsthemfrom loading meditations. If you are experiencing this issue,weadvise that you update to the latest Android System Webviewhere:, which should fix it. You can email [email protected] if you have anyadditionalquestions.
Zenfie, Mindfulness Meditation 2.2.15
Second Wind
Zenfie is an app to learn and practice mindfulnessmeditation.UseZenfie to discover or rediscover mindfulnessmeditation:rest,relax, better manage your stress, be more presentandimproveconcentration on a day to day basis. The discoveryprogrammeoffersyou ten different ten minute sessions, completelyfree. Sofor 10ten days, Zenfie will become your partner with adailyguidedmeditation session. Some of the themes covered intheseinitial 10meditation sessions which help you be more zenandimprove rest andrelaxation include: meditation positions,bodymaps, attention tobreathing, awareness of sensation andfeeling,letting go, innerpeace... Once you complete themindfulnessdiscovery programme, youwill be able to continue yourmindfulnessmeditation with Zenfie(through the Initiation and thenAdvancedmodules). The practice ofmindfulness meditation has beenrecognisedand validated bynumerous scientific studies: meditationis one ofthe best naturalmethods of combatting the effects ofstress andimproving rest andrelaxation. What’s more, meditationoffersexcellent results forthose suffering from sleep or moodproblems,as well as depression.After two to three months ofregularmeditation, significanteffects can be seen, bothpsychological andphysical. This simpleactivity, brought to yoursmartphone byHeadspace, requires timeand dedication, butsignificantly improvesquality of life. It willhelp you toappreciate good times, to takestock when times aretough, to feelmore relaxed and to stay orbecome zen, whatever thecircumstances!Zenfie will be by your sideto help you reach yourpersonal goals,with its guided meditationmodules in English.Zenfie will becomeyour partner in meditationand in: - Letting go- Sleeping better andreclaiming sleep -Improving rest andrelaxation, better managingstress - Improvingself-confidence -Improving your interpersonalrelationships -Improving yourconcentration in sports - Unguidedmeditation withrelaxing music AZenfie Kids module: “Meditation forKids” is alsoavailable forchildren between 3 and 6 years old, as isa ZenfieJunior modulefor children between 7 and 14. As well as thestep bystepmindfulness meditation learner programme, practiceandtailoredmodules, Zenfie also comes with several guidedsessionswhich youcan go through as many times as you like. Forexample: -Rest andrelaxation session - Imminent stress SOS session- Wake upsessionto start the day on the right foot - Before bedsession -Musicalsessions We are regularly expanding the Zenfiemeditationoffering.You can also access our online community, andcontributetopicsthat matter to you, which will help us to developnewmindfulnessmeditation sessions better tailored to your needs.WithZenfieinstalled on your smartphone or tablet, you candownloadthesessions and meditate wherever and whenever you want.You canevenmeditate on public transport! About the author JeanDoridot isaFrench psychologist, specialising in personaldevelopment.Authorof a number of reference works, and with hundredsofthousands ofviews on YouTube, you will be accompanied by Jeanineach of theguided sessions he has created. Rest, relaxation,zen,letting go,stress management, concentration: greatmeditationsessions withZenfie!
Mindfulness Appen NOR 1.60
SKANDINAVIAS MEST SOLGTE MINDFULNESSAPP!Mer enn 500 000 brukereØnsker du å finne ro midt i din hektiske hverdag, men synesatmeditasjon er vanskelig å få til på egen hånd? Da erkanskjeMindfulness Appen noe for deg.Mindfulness Appen er et verktøy for å øke din evne tilbevissttilstedeværelse i livet. Appen hjelper deg med denvanskeligstebiten ved mindfulness treningen, nemlig å treneregelmessig.______________________________________TILBAKEMELDINGER:"Jeg har gått kurs i Mindfulness og har prøvd mangeforskjelligeveiledninger på CD. Og det her er Supert! Bra stemme,brafunksjoner og jeg kjenner det virker slik Mindfulness skal.Jegbruker den nesten hver dag.""Enkel, tydelig, fin, behagelig stemme og fleksibel. Det herkanvirkelig bli det som får meg til å meditere regelmessig!""Fin design, enkel og behagelig. Et fantastisk verktøy bådefornybegynnere og erfarne. Den her burde alle ha i lomma. Enskikkeligbra gave.""Flott design, behagelig app og så tidsmessig riktig!""Endelig en bra meditasjons App på norsk!"______________________________________KORT OM APPEN:Gjennom å stille inn påminnelser på de dagene og tidspunkteneduønsker, mottar du en melding når det er tid for å meditere.Du kan velge om du vil sitte en lang eller kort stund.• Du kan bli veiledet av en stemme eller bare sitte i stillhetmedklokker som ringer underveis.• Du kan tilpasse meditasjonen til å bli nøyaktig så lang somduønsker.• Du kan også bruke Appen til å motta Mindfulnessnotisertilselvvalgte tidspunkter som kan hjelpe deg til å finne ro derogda.Gjennom Mindfulness Appen kan du nå og da enkelt ”sjekke inn”meddeg selv om du virkelig er hjemme.I tillegg til de forhåndsinnstilte påminnelsene, kanduselvfølgelig starte en meditasjon når som helst kun ved å trykkepåAppen og velge den meditasjonen du ønsker å lytte til –foreksempel hvis du har tid på bussen, på jobben, eller når dukunønsker å sitte en stund.Alle meditasjonene du har gjort lagres i AppensStatistikkdel,slik at du hele tiden har oversikt over hvor mye oghvor lenge duhar trent. Mindfulness Appen inneholder:4 Veiledede meditasjoner på: 3, 5, 15 og 30 minutter4 Stille meditasjoner med klokker: 3, 5, 15 og 30 minutter1 Veiledet kroppsskanningMulighet til å stille inn en tilpasset meditasjon med eller utenenveiledet start.MindfulnessnotiserPåminnelsesfunksjon basert på tidStatistikkMindfulness Appen er laget for alle som ønsker å væremernærværende i livet, og er like aktuell både for nybegynnereogerfarne utøvere. Vi håper den vil forbedre hverdagen din ogbidratil å gjøre hvert øyeblikk levende.SCANDINAVIA MOSTSOLDMindfulness APP!More than 500,000 usersWant to find calm in the midst of your hectic life, but findthatmeditation is difficult to achieve on your own? ThenmaybeMindfulness app for you.Mindfulness app is a tool to increase your ability toconsciouslypresence in life. The app helps you with the hardestpart about themindfulness training, which is to exerciseregularly.______________________________________FEEDBACK:"I have attended courses in mindfulness and have triedmanydifferent tutorials on CD. And here is super! Good voice,goodfeatures and I know it seems like mindfulness should. I useitalmost every day.""Simple, clear, nice, pleasant voice and flexible. It herecanreally be what gets me to meditate regularly!""Nice design, easy and comfortable. A great tool for bothbeginnersand experienced. The everyone should have in their pocket.A reallygood gift.""Great design, comfortable app and so timely!""Finally a good meditation App on Norwegian!"______________________________________BRIEF APP:By setting reminders on the days and times you wish, you receiveamessage when it's time to meditate.You can choose to sit a long or short time.• You can be guided by a voice or just sit in silence withbellsringing along the way.• You can customize meditation to be accurate as long asyouwant.• You can also use the app to receive Mindfulnessnotisertoself-selected times that can help you to find peace thereandthen.Through Mindfulness app you can now and then simply "checkin"with yourself if you really are at home.In addition to the preset reminders, you can of course startameditation anytime just by pressing the app and choosethemeditation you want to listen to - for example, if you have timeonthe bus, at work, or when you just want to sit a while.All meditations you have made is stored in theapp'sStatistikkdel so that you always have an overview of how muchandhow long you have been trained.Mindfulness app includes:4 Guided meditations on 3, 5, 15 and 30 minutes4 Setting meditations with bells: 3, 5, 15 and 30 minutes1 Guided Body ScanAbility to set a custom meditation with or without asupervisedstart.MindfulnessnotiserReminder function based on timeStatisticsMindfulness app is designed for anyone who wants to bemorepresent in their lives and is equally relevant for bothbeginnersand experienced practitioners. We hope it will improveyour lifeand help make every moment come alive.
buddhify - mindfulness meditat 4.4.16
Guided meditations for sleep, stress, travelling, work and more
MindBell (& Meditation Timer)
Mindfulness bell and meditation timerforyour practice of mindfulnessMindBell rings periodically during the day as a mindfulness bell,togive you the opportunity to hold on for a moment and considerwhatyou are currently doing, and in what state of mind you arewhile youare doing it. According to the Zen Buddhist teacher ThichNhat Hanh,this is an effective means of developingmindfulness.Additionally MindBell can be used as a meditation timer.Without advertising and without any network access.IntroductionFor an introduction please take a look at the screenshots inthestore or at answers to frequently asked questionsat If MindBell does not ring regularlyonyour device please follow thischecklist: for updates?If you want to become a beta tester of new MindBell versionspleasescroll down in store entry. There is a section Become abetatester.Known issueThere might be rare situations when MindBell leaves the alarmvolumeset to the max. To avoid a rude awakening please check alarmvolumebefore going to sleep.Wrong language?Crowdin is used to translate MindBell. Please send me an e-mailifyou would like to help translating MindBell.SupportIn case of problems with MindBell please send an e-mail fromthehelp dialog. This allows queries and eases communication.PermissionsREAD_PHONE_STATE (read phone status and identity): To modifythebell in the notification bar when phone status changes (phonecall,flight mode, muted), if requested in the settings. MindBellonlyneeds this permission to get signalled when a phone callisincoming or outgoing, not to read any data.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED (run at startup): To activate MindBellafterrestarting the phone.VIBRATE (control vibration): To use vibration as mindfulnessbell,if requested in the settings.LicenseMindBell is an open source project and licensed underApacheLicense, version 2.0. More information can be found onthewebsite.
One-Moment Meditation® 1.1.13
No time? No problem. Learn to meditate quickly and powerfully – inamoment.
Mindfulness — Take a break. 1.0
Bo Kalvslund
Mindfulness — Take a break, is a guided meditation. Themeditationis 12 minutes
5 Minute Meditation 1.3.0
Install now for easy to follow guided meditation + 20 quickmindfulmeditations
MHK Meditation and Mindfulness 1.1.5
Are you ready to de-stress, unwind andfeelgenuinely happier?It’s possible to achieve all of the above through meditation.This amazing FREE app is available now to download.Introducing MHK. Meditation the Hare Krishna WayOur meditation journey began over 5,000 years ago andthesepowerful Mantra techniques are still used today.We want to share this gift with you.You will be given the keys to unlocking the gift ofmeditationand be able to enjoy a multitude of benefits it can bringto yourlife.Research has shown that by regular Meditation you can lowerbloodpressure, reduce stress levels, and even strengthen yourimmunesystem.The easy to follow Journey will take you through the areasofBody, Mind and Heart. You will learn how to meditate throughourvarious exercises, simple and easy to follow.Whether you want to meditate on a train, in a park or at homeyouwill be amazed at how quickly you will begin to feelthebenefits.Most people say they start feeling the benefits in less than3weeks. It’s like charging up your inner battery so you candealbetter with whatever life has to throw at you.Make meditation part of your daily routine. You will be amazedatthe results.So what are you waiting for? Get ready to de-stress, unwindandreplenish yourself. MHK will change your life.
Shaolin Meditation 2.3
Alex Maxim
Traditional Buddhist meditation techniques practiced byShaolinmonks in China
The Mindfulness App II 1.39
Featuring 6 brand-new guidedmindfulnessexercises as well as new functionality, The MindfulnessApp II isideal both for those who have used The Mindfulness Appbefore andfor people just beginning a mindfulness practice for thefirsttime.THE MINDFULNESS APP II CONTAINS:6 brand-new guided meditations totalling 80 min:Mountain MeditationLake MeditationLovingkindness MeditationBody ScanStanding MeditationWalking Meditation4 silent meditations with bells: 10, 20, 40 and 60 minutes.Possibility to be reminded when you come to, or leave aspecificlocation. You can of course also be reminded on aspecifictime.40 new Mindfulness Notices that helps you to increase yourpresencein the moment.All the meditations that you have done are stored in thestatisticssection so that you have a possibility to follow howyourmeditation practice is developing over time.COMMENTS FROM USERS OF THE MINDFULNESS APP:"Extremely effective. This App helps calm a busy day.""Excellent app for inspiring a regular meditation practice.""I began using this app as a supplement to a courseonmindfulness and meditation. It has been excellent! Themeditationsboth silent and guided are great, particularly beingable to createyour own meditations. It has really helped me developmypractice.""Great app. Very useful for busy, stressful lifestyle. I useitdaily. Helps in so many aspects of work, home andsociallife.!"The Mindfulness App II is a great tool for everyone who wantstobecome more present in their life, both beginners andexperiencedpractitioners. We hope that it will enhcance your dayand make yourlife richer and more interesting!