MindApps Apps

Mindfulness Appen DK 1.60
SKANDINAVIENS MEST SOLGTE MINDFULNESS APP, NUPÅ DANSK MED BJARNE NYBOMERE END 500 000 BRUGERE!!Ønsker du mere nærvær i din hverdag og mindre stress i dit liv,men finder meditation svært tilgængeligt? Så er Mindfulness Appenlige noget for dig. Mindfulness Appen er et værktøj til at blivemere nærværende i hverdagen. Den hjælper dig med det, der erallersværest ved mindfulness, nemlig det at huske at væremindful.______________________________________KOMMENTARER FRA BRUGERE”Jeg har gået på kursus i Mindfulness og jeg har prøvet mangeguidede øvelser fra CD’er. Denne her app er super! En god stemme oggode funktioner. Jeg bruger den næsten hver dag.””Enkel, forståelig, smart, behagelig stemme og fleksibel. Denkan virkelig være det, der hjælper mig med meditereregelmæssigt.””Smart, enkel og behagelig. Fantastisk værktøj til bådenybegyndere og mere erfarne. Den skulle alle ha’ i lommen. Enrigtig god gave.””Smart design, behagelig app og så oppe i tiden.””Endelig en brugbar meditations app på dansk!”______________________________________KORT OM APPEN* Ved at indstille påmindelser til tider og dage, som du selvvælger, vil du få en meddelelse, når det er tiden atmeditere.* Du kan vælge at blive guided af en stemme eller blot at sidde istilhed med beroligende klokker, der ringer med forskelligeintervaller* Du kan vælge om du vil meditere i kort tid eller lang tid* Du kan også vælge at indstille tiden til præcis den længde, duhar behov for* Endelig kan du indstille ”mindfulness meddelelser”, som popper oppå valgte tidspunkter og hjælper dig til øget nærvær i nuet.Med Mindfulness Appen kan du ”ringe dig selv op” på udvalgtetidspunkter og sikre, at du er nærværende og til stede.Ud over de forudindstillede påmindelser, kan du naturligvis ogsåbegynde en meditation, ved at starte appen og vælge den meditation,du ønsker at lytte til, f.eks. hvis du har tid i bussen, på jobbet,i en kø eller bare ønsker at sidde og slappe af et øjeblik.Alle gennemførte meditationer gemmes i statistikdelen, så du harmulighed for at følge med i hvordan din meditationspraksis udviklersig over tid.Mindfulness Appen indeholder:
* 4 guidede meditationer på 3, 5, 15 og 30 minutter* 
4 stille meditationer med klokker på 3, 5, 15 og 30minutter
* 1 guided bodyscan
* Mulighed for at indstille en personlig meditation, med eller udenindledning
* Mindfulness meddelelser
* Påmindelsesfunktion baseret på tid* StatistikMindfulness Appen er for alle, der ønsker at blive merenærværende i livet, både nybegyndere og mere erfarne brugere afmeditation. Vi håber, at den vil berige din hverdag og hjælpe digtil mere nærvær, opmærksomhed og energi.SCANDINAVIA'S BESTSELLING MINDFULNESS APP NOW ON DANISH WITH BJARNE NYBOMORE THAN 500 000 USERS!Do you want more intimacy in your life and less stress in yourlife, but find meditation difficult to access? Then Mindfulness appis for you. Mindfulness app is a tool to be more present ineveryday life. It helps you what is hardest of mindfulness, namelyto remember to be mindful.______________________________________COMMENTS BY USERS"I have done a course in Mindfulness and I've tried many guidedexercises from CDs. This one app is super! A good voice and goodfeatures. I use it almost every day. ""Simple, understandable, smart, pleasant voice and flexible. Itcan really be what helps me meditate regularly. ""Smart, simple and comfortable. Great tool for both beginnersand more experienced. It was all ha 'in your pocket. A great gift.""Smart design, comfortable app and then in vogue.""Finally, a useful meditation app in Danish!"______________________________________BRIEF app* By setting reminders at times and days that you choose, youwill get a message when it's time to meditate.* You can choose to be guided by a voice or just sit in silencewith soothing bells that ring at different intervals* You can choose if you want to meditate for a short time or a longtime* You can also choose to set the time to exactly the length youneed* Finally, you can set "mindfulness messages" that pops up atselected times and helps you to increase presence in themoment.With Mindfulness app you can "dial yourself up" at selectedtimes and ensure that you are present and absent.In addition to the preset reminders, you can of course alsobegin a meditation by starting the app and choose the meditation,you want to listen to, for example. If you have time on the bus, atwork, in a traffic jam or just want to sit and relax for amoment.All completed meditations are stored in the statistics section,allowing you to keep track of how your meditation practice evolvesover time.Mindfulness app includes:* 4 meditations of 3, 5, 15 and 30 minutes* 
 4 quiet meditation with bells of 3, 5, 15 and 30 minutes* 1 guided body scan* Ability to set a personal meditation, with or withoutopening* Mindfulness messages
 * Reminder function based on time* StatisticsMindfulness app is for anyone who wants to be more present inlife, both beginners and more experienced users of meditation. Wehope it will enrich your life and help you to more presence,attention and energy.
De Mindfulness App 1.60
De best verkochte Mindfulness App inScandinavië - nu ook in het Nederlands!Meer dan 500.000 gebruikers!Wil je meer rust brengen in je drukke leven? Lijkt mediteren jemoeilijk? Dan biedt deze Mindfulness App uitkomst.De Mindfulness App helpt je om meer in het moment te leven enminder te piekeren over gebeurtenissen die nog moeten komen of alachter je liggen. De app helpt je ook met het moeilijkste vanmindfulness, namelijk om niet te vergeten je te richten op het hieren nu.______________________________________REACTIES VAN GEBRUIKERS:“Ik heb een mindfulnesstraining gedaan en heb al veel begeleidemeditaties gevolgd, bijvoorbeeld op cd. Maar deze app is precieswat ik zocht. Een vriendelijke stem, nuttige functies – het isallemaal in lijn met de mindfulnessgedachte. Ik gebruik de appbijna elke dag.”“Eenvoudige, heldere teksten. Makkelijk in het gebruik en eenvriendelijke stem. Het zou zomaar eens kunnen dat ik nu regelmatigga mediteren.”"Prettig design, eenvoudig en plezierig in het gebruik. Eenfantastisch hulpmiddel voor beginners en voor mensen die al langermediteren. Iedereen zou zo'n app op zak moeten hebben. Het is eengeweldige steun in de rug."“Wat een mooie app. Er zijn veel functies, maar toch is hijsimpel in gebruik.”______________________________________KENMERKEN VAN DEZE APP:Je stelt zelf in op welke dagen en op welk tijdstip je eraanherinnerd wilt worden dat het tijd is om te mediteren.Je kunt kiezen voor een korte of langere meditatie.Je kunt je laten leiden door een stem, maar het is ook mogelijkalleen een klankschaal te horen aan het begin en aan het eind, ofook tussendoor.Je kunt zelf instellen hoe lang een meditatie gaatduren. Om je te helpen meer in het hier en nu te leven, kun je opvooraf ingestelde momenten een 'herinnering' krijgen. Je kuntjezelf als het ware 'oppiepen' via de app,– een eenvoudige manierom even na te gaan of je in het moment bent.Natuurlijk kun je met deze app op elk ogenblik van de dag eenmeditatie beginnen en daarbij zelf kiezen welke vorm op dat momenthet prettigst is, bijvoorbeeld wanneer je ergens zit te wachten ofgewoon even rust wilt nemen.Alle meditaties die je volgt worden opgeslagen in een apartonderdeel van de app. Daar zie je in één oogopslag hoe vaak en hoelang je hebt geoefend.De Mindfulness App bevat:4 geleide meditaties: 3, 5, 15 en 30 minuten4 stille meditaties met klankschaal: 3, 5, 15 en 30 minuten1 geleide bodyscanHerinneringsfunctieStatistiekenDe Mindfulness App is een uitstekend hulpmiddel voor iedereendie meer in het hier en nu wil leven. De app is geschikt voor zowelbeginnende als meer ervaren gebruikers. Het is een app die jedagelijks leven kan verrijken.The Mindfulness bestselling App in Scandinavia - now available in Dutch!More than 500,000 users!Want to bring more peace into your busy life? Seems meditate youhard? Then this Mindfulness App outcome.The Mindfulness App helps you to be more to life and worrying aboutevents that are yet to come less whether you are behind the moment.The app also helps you with the most difficult of mindfulness,namely to remember to focus on the here and now.______________________________________COMMENTS FROM USERS:"I've done a mindfulness training and have followed much guidedmeditations, eg on CD. But this app is exactly what I was lookingfor. A friendly voice, useful features - it's all in line with theidea of ​​mindfulness. I use the app almost every day. ""Simple, clear text. Easy to use and a friendly voice. It mightjust be that I'm going to meditate regularly. ""Nice design, simple and fun to use. A fantastic tool forbeginners and for people who have been meditating for longer.Everybody should have such an app. Pocket is a great boost.""What a nice app. There are many features, yet he is easy touse. "______________________________________FEATURES OF THIS APP:You ask yourself on which days and at what time you want to beit's time to meditate. RemindedYou can choose a short or longer meditation.You can be guided by a voice, but it is possible only to be toldat the beginning of a singing bowl and at the end, or even inbetween.You can set how long a meditation will take themselves.To help you more in the here and now live, you can at presettimes to get a 'memory'. You yourself, as it were 'paging' throughthe app - a simple way to just check whether you're in themoment.Sure, you can start a meditation with this app at any time ofthe day and thereby choose which form is currently the mostcomfortable, for example, when you're waiting for something, orjust want to take a break.All the meditations that are stored in a separate part of theapp. Follows you There you can see at a glance how often and howlong you've been practicing.The Mindfulness App includes:4 guided meditations: 3, 5, 15 and 30 minutes4 silent meditations with singing bowl: 3, 5, 15 and 30minutes1 guided body scanReminder FunctionStatisticsThe Mindfulness App is an excellent tool for anyone living morein the here and now wants. The app is suitable for both beginnersand more experienced users. It is an app that can enrich your dailylife.
Mindfulness Appen II 1.39
UPPFÖLJAREN TILL SVERIGES MEST NEDLADDADEMINDFULNESS-APP!!!Vill du hitta mer närvaro i vardagens stressiga tillvaro mentycker att meditation verkar svårt? Då kanske Mindfulness Appen IIär något för dig.I Google Play finner du nu två olika Mindfulness Appar:Mindfulness Appen (den blå)Mindfulness Appen II (den gröna)Mindfulness Appen II och Mindfulness Appen är verktyg för attbli mer närvarande i livet. Dem hjälper dig med det som är allrasvårast i mindfulnessutövandet - nämligen att komma ihåg att varamindful.Mindfulness Appen II är både för dig som provat mindfulnesstidigare och redan har Mindfulness Appen (den blå) och vill fåtillgång till fler övningar. Men den passar också perfekt för digsom aldrig tidigare provat mindfulness.Ett enkelt sätt att börja med mindfulness är att ladda ner eneller båda apparna och följa de röstguidade instruktionerna!Lycka till!MINDFULNESS APPEN II INNEHÅLLER:6 nya röstguidade meditationer på en sammanlagd längd av 80min:BergsmeditationSjömeditationKärleksfull vänlighetsmeditationKroppsscanningStående meditationGående meditation4 tysta meditationer med klockor: 10, 20, 40 och 60 minuter.Möjlighet att bli påmind när du ankommer eller lämnar en plats.Självklart går det också att bli påmind på ett klockslag.40 nya Mindfulnessnotiser som hjälper dig att öka din närvaro istunden.Alla utförda meditationer sparas i statistikdelen så att du harmöjlighet att följa hur din meditationsutövning utvecklas övertid.______________________________________KOMMENTARER FRÅN ANVÄNDARE AV MINDFULNESS APPEN:"En kanonapp som får mig att slappna av och samla kraft.""Är lycklig över att ha hittat denna fantastiska App som hjälpermig att andas rätt och vara i nuet!!""Mitt bästa appköp någonsin. Bra upplägg, snyggt ochlätthanterligt gränssnitt med superbra funktionalitet. Riktigt brainnehåll framförallt!""Jag har fruktansvärt svårt att varva ner men det blir betydligtlättare med den här appen! En stor fördel är det att man kan”bygga” sin meditation som man vill, guidad eller inte,tidsintervall, med eller utan klocka, kroppsscanning, intro.Absolut värd sina ynka 15 kr :)"The sequel to Sweden'smost downloaded MINDFULNESS APP !!!Are you looking for more presence in the everyday stresses oflife but think that meditation seems difficult? Try the MindfulnessApp II is for you.Google Play, you will find now two different MindfulnessApps:Mindfulness App (blue)Mindfulness App II (green)Mindfulness App II and Mindfulness App is a tool to be morepresent in life. They will help you with that which is mostdifficult aspect of Mindfulness practice - namely to remember to bemindful.Mindfulness App II is both for those who tried mindfulnessearlier and has already Mindfulness App (blue) and want to getaccess to more exercises. But it is also perfectly suitable for youwho have never tried mindfulness.An easy way to begin with mindfulness is to download one or bothapps and follow the voice guided instructions!Good luck!Mindfulness App II CONTAINS:6 new voice guided meditations at a total length of 80minutes:Berg meditationSjömeditationLoving kindness meditationBody ScanStanding MeditationWalking meditation4 quiet meditation with clocks 10, 20, 40 and 60 minutes.Ability to be reminded when arriving or leaving a location.Obviously, it is also to be reminded of a time.40 new Mindfulness Notices that helps you to increase your presencein the moment.All the meditations saved in the statistics section so that you areable to follow how your meditation practice develops overtime.______________________________________COMMENTS BY USERS OF Mindfulness App:"A kanonapp that allowed me to relax and gather strength.""Happy to have found this great app that helps me to breatheproperly and be in the moment !!""My best appköp ever. Good approach, neat and convenientinterface with super functionality. Really great content aboveall!""I've been terribly hard to unwind but it will be much easierwith this app! A big advantage is that you can" build "theirmeditation as you want, guided or not, time intervals, with orwithout a clock, body scan, intro. Absolutely hosted its measly 15SEK :) "
Mindfulness Appen 1.60
SVERIGES MEST SÅLDA MINDFULNESS APP!!MER ÄN 500 000 ANVÄNDAREVill du hitta mer närvaro i vardagens stressiga tillvaromentyckeratt meditation verkar svårt? Då kanske Mindfulness Appenärnågotför dig.Mindfulness Appen är ett verktyg för att bli mernärvarandeilivet. Den hjälper dig med det som är allrasvårastimindfulnessutövandet - nämligen att komma ihågattvaramindful.______________________________________KOMMENTARER FRÅN ANVÄNDARE:"Jag har gått kurs i Mindfulness och jag har provatmångaguidningarpå tex CD. Det här är Klockrent! Bra röst,brafunktioner och detverkligen funkar som Mindfulness ärtänkt.Använder den nästandagligen.""Enkel, tydlig, snygg, behaglig röst och flexibel. Dethärkanverkligen bli det som hjälper mig attmediteraregelbundet!""Fin design, enkel o behaglig. Fantastiskt verktyg förbådenybörjareoch redan praktiserande. Den här borde alla ha isinficka. Enriktigt bra present""Snygg design, behagfull app och så rätt i tiden!""Äntligen en bra meditations App på svenska!"______________________________________KORTFATTAT OM APPEN:Genom att ställa in påminnelser på de tider och dagar du villkandufå meddelande om när det är dags att meditera (ungefärsomSkalmansmat- och sovklocka).• Du kan välja om du vill sitta en kortareellerlängrestund.• Du kan bli guidad med röst eller bara sitta i tystnadmedklockorsom slår vid olika intervaller.• Du kan även ställa in en anpassad meditation precis så långsomduönskar.• Slutligen går det att ställa in ”Mindfulness Notiser”vidvaldatidpunkter som kan hjälpa dig att öka din närvaroistundenGenom Mindfulness Appen kan du helt enkelt ”ringa upp”digsjälvdå och då för att kolla om du verkligen är hemma.Förutom de förinställda påminnelserna går det givetvisattsättaigång en meditation genom att helt enkelt starta appen,ochväljaden meditation du vill lyssna på - tex om du har en stundöverpåbussen, på arbetet, i en kö eller bara vill sitta nerenstund.Alla utförda meditationer sparas i statistikdelen så attduharmöjlighet att följa hur din meditationsutövningutvecklasövertid.Mindfulness Appen innehåller:4 Guidade meditationer: 3, 5, 15 och 30 minuter4 Tysta meditationer med klockor: 3, 5, 15 och 30 minuter1 Guidad kroppsscanningMöjlighet att ställa in en anpassad meditation med ellerutanguidadbörjanMindfulness notiserPåminnelsefunktion baserad på tidStatistikMindfulness Appen är till för alla som vill bli mernärvarandeilivet, både nybörjare och mer erfarna utövare. Vi hoppasattdenkommer att förgylla din vardag och göra ditt livmeraintressantatt leva!SWEDEN'SBESTSELLERSMINDFULNESS APP!MORE THAN 500,000 USERSWant to find more presence in the everyday stresses of lifebutfindthat meditation seems difficult? Mindfulness App is for you.Mindfulness App is a tool to become more present in life.Ithelpsyou with the most difficult of mindfulness practice -namelytoremember to be mindful.______________________________________COMMENTS FROM USERS:"I have taken a course in Mindfulness and I have tried manytoursforexample on CD. This is right on! Good voice, good featuresanditreally works as Mindfulness is intended. Use italmostdaily.""Simple, clear, neat, pleasant voice, and flexible. Thiscouldreallybe the one that helps me to meditate on aregularbasis!""Nice design, easy o pleasant. Fantastic tool for bothbeginnersandthose already practicing. Everybody should have in hispocket.Areally great gift""Great design, graceful app and so timely!""Finally a good yet simple in Swedish!"______________________________________BRIEF ABOUT THE APPBy setting reminders at the times and days you wish youcanbenotified when it is time to meditate (much like Shell'sfoodandsovklocka).• You can choose whether you want to sit a shortorlongwhile.• You may be guided by voice or just sit in silence withbellsthatstrikes at various intervals.• You can also set a custom meditation just as longasyouwish.• Finally, it is possible to set the "MindfulnessNotices"atselected times that can help you increase your presenceinthemomentThe Mindfulness App, you can simply "call" yourself everynowandthen to see if you really are at home.In addition to the preset reminders can of course setoffameditation by simply start the app, and choose themeditationtolisten to - for example if you have a spare moment onthe bus,atwork, in a queue or just want to sit down for amoment.All the meditations are stored in the statistics sectionsothatyou are able to follow how your meditation practicedevelopsovertime.  Mindfulness App includes:4 Tour meditation: 3, 5, 15 and 30 minutes4 Quiet meditation with clocks: 3, 5, 15 and 30 minutes1 Guided body scannersAbility to set a custom meditation with or withoutguidedearlyMindfulness NoticesReminder function based on timeStatisticsMindfulness App is for anyone who wants to become morepresentintheir lives, both beginners and more experiencedpractitioners.Wehope it will brighten your day and make yourlifemoreinteresting!
The Mindfulness App UK 1.37
THE MOST SOLD MINDFULNESS APP INSCANDINAVIA!MORE THAN 500 000 USERS!!Do you want to find more balance in today’s increasinglystressful existence? Do you think that meditation seems difficult?Try the Mindfulness App UK.The Mindfulness App is a tool for increasing your awareness inlife. It helps you with the most difficult aspect of Mindfulnesspractice - namely to remember to be mindful.______________________________________COMMENTS FROM USERS:”I have completed a Mindfulness course and tried many guidedmeditations for example on CD. This is right on! Pleasant voice,useful functions and it really works as Mindfulness is supposed to.I use it almost daily.””Simple, clear, beautiful, pleasant voice and flexible. This couldreally be what helps me meditate regularly””Nice design, simple and pleasant. Fantastic tool for beginners andthose already practicing. Everybody should have it in their pocket.A really good gift.””What a nice app! Thorough and user friendly. A lot of functionsbut yet simple.”______________________________________BRIEF ABOUT THE APP:By setting reminders at times and days of your choice you can get amessage when it’s time to meditateYou can choose if you want to sit for a shorter or longerperiodYou can be guided by a voice or just sit in silence with bellsringing at different timesYou can also design your own meditation for as long as you wantit to lastFinally, you can set Mindfulness Notices at chosen times thatcan help you to increase your presence in the momentThrough the Mindfulness App you can simply ‘call yourself up’from time to time to check whether you really are there.It is of course possible to start a meditation just by startingthe Mindfulness App and choose which meditation you want to listento - for example if you have some time in the subway, bus, in aqueue or if you just want to sit for a while.All the meditations that you have done are stored in thestatistics section so that you have a possibility to follow howyour meditation practice is developing over time.The Mindfulness App contains:4 Guided meditations: 3, 5, 15, and 30 minutes4 Silent meditations with bells: 3, 5, 15, and 30 minutes1 Guided Body ScanPossibility of designing a modified meditation with our withoutguided introMindfulness NoticesReminder functionStatisticsThe Mindfulness app is a great tool for everyone who wants tobecome more present in their life, both beginners and moreexperienced practitioners. We are confident that it will enhanceyour day and make your life richer and more interesting!
Mindfulness Appen NOR 1.60
SKANDINAVIAS MEST SOLGTE MINDFULNESSAPP!Mer enn 500 000 brukereØnsker du å finne ro midt i din hektiske hverdag, men synes atmeditasjon er vanskelig å få til på egen hånd? Da er kanskjeMindfulness Appen noe for deg.Mindfulness Appen er et verktøy for å øke din evne til bevissttilstedeværelse i livet. Appen hjelper deg med den vanskeligstebiten ved mindfulness treningen, nemlig å trene regelmessig.______________________________________TILBAKEMELDINGER:"Jeg har gått kurs i Mindfulness og har prøvd mange forskjelligeveiledninger på CD. Og det her er Supert! Bra stemme, brafunksjoner og jeg kjenner det virker slik Mindfulness skal. Jegbruker den nesten hver dag.""Enkel, tydelig, fin, behagelig stemme og fleksibel. Det her kanvirkelig bli det som får meg til å meditere regelmessig!""Fin design, enkel og behagelig. Et fantastisk verktøy både fornybegynnere og erfarne. Den her burde alle ha i lomma. En skikkeligbra gave.""Flott design, behagelig app og så tidsmessig riktig!""Endelig en bra meditasjons App på norsk!"______________________________________KORT OM APPEN:Gjennom å stille inn påminnelser på de dagene og tidspunktene duønsker, mottar du en melding når det er tid for å meditere.Du kan velge om du vil sitte en lang eller kort stund.• Du kan bli veiledet av en stemme eller bare sitte i stillhet medklokker som ringer underveis.• Du kan tilpasse meditasjonen til å bli nøyaktig så lang som duønsker.• Du kan også bruke Appen til å motta Mindfulnessnotiser tilselvvalgte tidspunkter som kan hjelpe deg til å finne ro der ogda.Gjennom Mindfulness Appen kan du nå og da enkelt ”sjekke inn”med deg selv om du virkelig er hjemme.I tillegg til de forhåndsinnstilte påminnelsene, kan duselvfølgelig starte en meditasjon når som helst kun ved å trykke påAppen og velge den meditasjonen du ønsker å lytte til – foreksempel hvis du har tid på bussen, på jobben, eller når du kunønsker å sitte en stund.Alle meditasjonene du har gjort lagres i Appens Statistikkdel,slik at du hele tiden har oversikt over hvor mye og hvor lenge duhar trent. Mindfulness Appen inneholder:4 Veiledede meditasjoner på: 3, 5, 15 og 30 minutter4 Stille meditasjoner med klokker: 3, 5, 15 og 30 minutter1 Veiledet kroppsskanningMulighet til å stille inn en tilpasset meditasjon med eller uten enveiledet start.MindfulnessnotiserPåminnelsesfunksjon basert på tidStatistikkMindfulness Appen er laget for alle som ønsker å være mernærværende i livet, og er like aktuell både for nybegynnere ogerfarne utøvere. Vi håper den vil forbedre hverdagen din og bidratil å gjøre hvert øyeblikk levende.SCANDINAVIA MOST SOLDMindfulness APP!More than 500,000 usersWant to find calm in the midst of your hectic life, but findthat meditation is difficult to achieve on your own? Then maybeMindfulness app for you.Mindfulness app is a tool to increase your ability toconsciously presence in life. The app helps you with the hardestpart about the mindfulness training, which is to exerciseregularly.______________________________________FEEDBACK:"I have attended courses in mindfulness and have tried manydifferent tutorials on CD. And here is super! Good voice, goodfeatures and I know it seems like mindfulness should. I use italmost every day.""Simple, clear, nice, pleasant voice and flexible. It here canreally be what gets me to meditate regularly!""Nice design, easy and comfortable. A great tool for both beginnersand experienced. The everyone should have in their pocket. A reallygood gift.""Great design, comfortable app and so timely!""Finally a good meditation App on Norwegian!"______________________________________BRIEF APP:By setting reminders on the days and times you wish, you receive amessage when it's time to meditate.You can choose to sit a long or short time.• You can be guided by a voice or just sit in silence with bellsringing along the way.• You can customize meditation to be accurate as long as youwant.• You can also use the app to receive Mindfulnessnotiser toself-selected times that can help you to find peace there andthen.Through Mindfulness app you can now and then simply "check in"with yourself if you really are at home.In addition to the preset reminders, you can of course start ameditation anytime just by pressing the app and choose themeditation you want to listen to - for example, if you have time onthe bus, at work, or when you just want to sit a while.All meditations you have made is stored in the app'sStatistikkdel so that you always have an overview of how much andhow long you have been trained.Mindfulness app includes:4 Guided meditations on 3, 5, 15 and 30 minutes4 Setting meditations with bells: 3, 5, 15 and 30 minutes1 Guided Body ScanAbility to set a custom meditation with or without a supervisedstart.MindfulnessnotiserReminder function based on timeStatisticsMindfulness app is designed for anyone who wants to be morepresent in their lives and is equally relevant for both beginnersand experienced practitioners. We hope it will improve your lifeand help make every moment come alive.
The Mindfulness App II 1.39
Featuring 6 brand-new guided mindfulnessexercises as well as new functionality, The Mindfulness App II isideal both for those who have used The Mindfulness App before andfor people just beginning a mindfulness practice for the firsttime.THE MINDFULNESS APP II CONTAINS:6 brand-new guided meditations totalling 80 min:Mountain MeditationLake MeditationLovingkindness MeditationBody ScanStanding MeditationWalking Meditation4 silent meditations with bells: 10, 20, 40 and 60 minutes.Possibility to be reminded when you come to, or leave a specificlocation. You can of course also be reminded on a specifictime.40 new Mindfulness Notices that helps you to increase your presencein the moment.All the meditations that you have done are stored in the statisticssection so that you have a possibility to follow how yourmeditation practice is developing over time.COMMENTS FROM USERS OF THE MINDFULNESS APP:"Extremely effective. This App helps calm a busy day.""Excellent app for inspiring a regular meditation practice.""I began using this app as a supplement to a course onmindfulness and meditation. It has been excellent! The meditationsboth silent and guided are great, particularly being able to createyour own meditations. It has really helped me develop mypractice.""Great app. Very useful for busy, stressful lifestyle. I use itdaily. Helps in so many aspects of work, home and sociallife.!"The Mindfulness App II is a great tool for everyone who wants tobecome more present in their life, both beginners and experiencedpractitioners. We hope that it will enhcance your day and make yourlife richer and more interesting!
El Mindfulness App 1.60
¡La aplicación de Mindfulness más usada enEscandinavia!Con más de 300.000 ususarios!# La App de Salud Nº 1 en ventas en Suecia# La App de Salud Nº 1 en ventas en Dinamarca# La App de Salud Nº 1 en ventas en Países Bajos# La App de Salud Nº 1 en ventas en Noruega# La App de Salud Nº 2 en ventas en Reino Unido# La App de Salud Nº 2 en ventas en Alemania¿Le gustaría poder encontrar más equilibrio en su vida, aun cuandola realidad de la existencia se torna cada vez más compleja yestresante? ¿Ha oído hablar de la meditación y cómo podríaayudarle?¿Le resulta difícil o complicado practicarla? Pruebe conEl Mindfulness App.El Mindfulness App es una herramienta útil para incrementar laatención consciente en la vida. Le ayudará con uno de los aspectosmás difíciles de la práctica del Mindfulness- es decir, el recordarestar presente.______________________________________COMENTARIOS DE LOS USUSARIOS:”He completado un curso de Mindfulness y he utilizado variasmeditaciones guiadas en CDs. ¡Esta herramienta es ideal! Una vozagradable, útiles funciones, todo con el enfoque del Mindfulnessoriginal. Lo uso a diario.””Simple, claro, bello, una voz agradable y flexible. Esto podríaser lo que me ayude a meditar de manera regular.””Un buen diseño, simple y agradable. Una herramienta fantásticapara los principiantes y aquellos que ya estamos practicando. Todosdeberías tenerlo en su blosillo. Un regalo estupendo.””¡Una aplicación genial! Completa y fácil de usar. Con un montónde funciones y a la vez sencilla”.______________________________________RESUMEN DE LA APLICACIÓN:Configurando recordatorios a las horas y días que elija, recibiráun mensaje cuando sea el momento de meditar.Puede elegir el periodo de tiempo durante el que deseemeditar.Puede ser guiado por una voz o simplemente sentarse en silenciocon las campanillas que sonarán a distintos momentos para ayudarlea estar más presente.También puede diseñar su propia meditación con la duración queusted elija.Por último, puede configurar Notas de Mindfulness que leayudarán a incrementar su presencia en los momentos que elija.Utilizando El Mindfulness App usted puede simplemente ”hacerseuna llamada” de vez en cuando para comprobar si realmente estáahí.Y es por supuesto posible comenzar a meditar simplementeabriendo la aplicación y eligiendo la meditación que deseeescuchar, por ejemplo cuando use el transporte público, en momentosde espera o si simplemente decide sentarse un momento ameditar.Todas las meditaciones que haya realizado se almacenan en lasección de estadísticas, de manera que tiene la posibilidad dehacer un seguimiento de cómo va progresando su práctica meditativaa lo largo del tiempo.El Mindfulness App contiene:4 Meditaciones Guiadas: de 3, 5, 15, y 30 minutos4 Meditaciones en silencio con campanillas: de 3, 5, 15, y 30minutos1 Escáner Corporal GuiadoLa posibilidad de diseñar una meditación a su gusto con o sin laintroducciónNotas de MindfulnessFunción de RecordatoriosEstadísticasEl Mindfulness App es una herramienta genial para cualquiera quedesee estar más presente en su vida, tanto para principiantes comopara practicantes más experimentados. ¡Estamos convencidos de queEl Mindfulness App le ayudará a mejorar su día a día y hará su vidamás rica e interesante!Applying Mindfulness mostused in Scandinavia!With more than 300,000 ususarios!# The Health App No. 1 in sales in Sweden# The Health App No. 1 in sales in Denmark# The Health App No. 1 in sales in Netherlands# The Health App No. 1 in sales in Norway# The Health App No. 2 in sales in the UK# The Health App No. 2 in sales in GermanyWould you like to find more balance in your life, even if thereality of existence becomes increasingly complex and stressful?Have you ever heard of meditation and how it might help? Is it hardor complicated practice? Try Mindfulness AppThe Mindfulness App is a tool to increase mindfulness in life.It will help with one of the most difficult aspects of mindfulnesspractice-namely to remember to be present.______________________________________COMMENTS Users are recommended:"I have completed a course of Mindfulness and have used severalguided meditations on CDs. This tool is great! A pleasant voice,useful features, all with the focus of the original Mindfulness. Iuse it daily. ""Simple, clear, beautiful, nice and flexible voice. This couldbe what helps me to meditate on a regular basis. ""Good design, simple and enjoyable. A fantastic tool forbeginners and those who are already practicing. All should have itin their blosillo. A wonderful gift. ""A great app! Complete and easy to use. With plenty of featuresyet simple ".______________________________________SUMMARY OF APPLICATION: Setting reminders to the hours and days that you choose, you willreceive a message when it's time to meditate.You can choose the time period you want to meditate.Can be guided by a voice or just sit in silence with the bellswill ring at different times to help you be more present.You can also design your own meditation with the length youchoose.Finally, you can set Notes Mindfulness to help you increase yourpresence in the moments you choose.Using Mindfulness App you can simply "get a call" from time totime to see if it really is there.And it is of course possible to begin to meditate simply openingthe application and choosing meditation you want to hear, forexample when using public transport, waiting times, or simplydecide to sit a moment to meditate.All meditations you have made are stored in the statisticssection, so it has the ability to keep track of how meditativepractice progresses over time.The Mindfulness App contains:Guided Meditations 4: 3, 5, 15, and 30 minutes4 Meditations in silence with bells: 3, 5, 15, and 30 minutes1 Guided Body ScanThe possibility of designing a meditation to taste with or withoutthe introductionMindfulness NotesReminders functionStatisticsThe Mindfulness App is a great tool for anyone wanting to bemore present in your life, both for beginners and more experiencedpractitioners. We believe that The Mindfulness App will help youimprove your day to day and make your life more rich andinteresting!
Die Achtsamkeit App 1.60
DIE MEIST VERKAUFTE ACHTSAMKEIT APP INSKANDINAVIEN - JETZT AUCH AUF DEUTSCH!BEREITS MEHR ALS 500.000 BENUTZER!Möchten Sie in der heutigen, zunehmend stressigen undherausfordernden Zeit mehr inneres Gleichgewicht finden? DenkenSie, dass Meditation vielleicht hilfreich, aber für Sie zuschwierig zu erlernen ist?Dann testen Sie die „Achtsamkeit App“. Die „Achtsamkeit App“ istein Werkzeug zur Steigerung Ihrer Präsenz und Aufmerksamkeit imLeben. Es hilft Ihnen, den schwierigsten Aspekt der Achtsamkeit zuüben - nämlich sich daran zu erinnern, achtsam zu sein.Durch die deutschsprachige Version der Achtsamkeits App führtSie Dr. med. Marc Loewer.Marc Loewer ist Arzt für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie undarbeitet als stellvertretender Chefarzt an der Fachklinik Sonneneckin Badenweiler bei Freiburg. Er ist ein zertifizierterMBSR/MBCT-Lehrer und verfügt über eine mehr als 20-jährigepersönliche Achtsamkeitspraxis und ist u.a. als Dozent in derAusbildung von MBSR-Lehrern am Deutschen Fachzentrum fürStressbewältigung und Achtsamkeit (DFME) tätig.______________________________________Kommentare von Bennutzern:„Einfach, klar, wunderbar, eine angenehme Stimme und sehr flexibel.Das könnte mir sicher beim regelmäßigen Meditieren helfen.“„Gutes Design: einfach und hübsch. Eine super Anwendung fürAnfänger und für Fortgeschrittene. Jeder sollte es in der Taschehaben. Auch ein wirkliches tolles Geschenk.“„Was für ein tolles App! Umfassend und benutzerfreundlich. Eshat viele Funktionen und ist dennoch einfach.“______________________________________Überblick über die App:Mit einer Erinnerungsfunktion Ihrer Wahl, können Sie die Zeitenund Tage bestimmen, an denen Sie meditieren wollen. Sie erhaltendann einfach eine Nachricht.Sie können entscheiden, ob sie kurz oder lange meditierenwollen.Sie können durch eine Stimme geführt werden oder in Stille übenmit wiederkehrenden Glockenklängen zum Ein- und Ausleiten und zurErinnerung während der Meditation.Sie können auch ihre eigene Meditation gestalten, mit einerLänge die Sie bestimmen.Oder, Sie können „Achtsamkeitserinnerungen“ programmieren, dieIhnen helfen können, Ihre Präsenz und Gegenwärtigkeit im Alltag zuerhöhen.Dank der „Achtsamkeit App“ können sie sich einfach von Zeit zurZeit „aufwecken lassen“ um „im Hier und Jetzt“ anzukommen.Egal ob sie in der Bahn sitzen oder in einer Warteschlangestehen – sie können jederzeit ihre „Achtsamkeit App“ starten undeinfach üben.Alle Meditationen, die sie durchgeführt haben, werden im Appstatistisch erfasst. So können sie im Zeitverlauf verfolgen, wiesich ihre Meditationspraxis entwickelt.Die „Achtsamkeit App“ beinhaltet:- Vier geführte Meditaitonen: 3, 5, 15 und 30 Minuten.- Vier stille Meditationen mit Glockenklängen: 3, 5, 15 und 30Minuten.- Die Möglichkeit der Gestaltung einer abgewandelten Meditation,mit oder ohne geführter Einleitung.- Erinnerungsfunktion- Achtsamkeitsmitteilungen- StatistikenDie „Achtsamkeit App“ ist ein tolles Werkzeug für jeden der„mehr Präsenz in der Gegenwart“ anstrebt, ob für Anfänger oderFortgeschrittene. Wir sind überzeugt, dass sie Ihren Alltagbereichert, und Ihr Leben entspannter und interessanter macht!THE BEST SELLING APP INSCANDINAVIA AWARENESS - NOW ALSO ON GERMAN!ALREADY MORE THAN 500,000 USERS!Would you like to find in today's increasingly stressful andchallenging time more inner balance? Do you think that meditationmay be helpful, but too difficult for you to learn?Then try the "Mindfulness App". The "Mindfulness App" is a toolto increase your presence and attention in life. It helps you topractice the most difficult aspect of mindfulness - namely toremember to be mindful.Due to the German language version of the Mindfulness App takesyou Dr. Marc Loewer.Marc Loewer is a doctor of psychiatry and psychotherapy and worksas a deputy chief physician at the clinic Sonneneck in Badenweiler,near Freiburg. He is a certified MBSR / MBCT teacher and has morethan 20 years of personal mindfulness practice and is among otherthings as a lecturer in the training of MBSR teachers at the GermanCentre for Stress Management and Mindfulness (DFME) operates.______________________________________Comments by Bennutzern:"Simple, clear, wonderful, a pleasant voice and very flexible. Thiscould certainly help me regular meditation. ""Good design: simple and pretty. A great application forbeginners and advanced students. Everyone should have it in yourpocket. Also a real great gift. ""What a great app! Comprehensive and user-friendly. It has manyfeatures, yet simple. "______________________________________Overview of the app:With a reminder of your choice, you can set the times and dayson which you want to meditate. You will then receive a message.You can decide whether they want to meditate short or long.You can be guided by a voice or practice in silence withrecurring bell sounds on and discharging and memory duringmeditation.You can also design their own meditation, with a length youspecify.Or, you can program "Mindfulness memories" that can help you toincrease your visibility and presence in everyday life.Thanks to the "mindfulness app" they can just "let wake up" fromtime to time to "here and now" to arrive.Whether you sit in the train or waiting in line - they canalways start their "Mindfulness App" and just practice.All meditations that have done it are recorded statistically inApp. So they can track over time, as their meditation practicedevelops.The "Mindfulness App" includes:- Four guided Meditaitonen: 3, 5, 15 and 30 minutes.- Four silent meditations with bells sounds: 3, 5, 15 and 30minutes.- The possibility of designing a modified meditation, with orwithout guided introduction.- Reminder- Mindfulness Releases- StatisticsThe "Mindfulness App" is a great tool for any of "more of apresence in the present" seeks, whether beginner or advanced. Weare convinced that it will enrich your life and makes your lifemore relaxed and interesting!
La Pleine Conscience 1.60
MAINTENANT EN FRANÇAIS!L'App de Pleine Conscience la plus écoutée en Scandinavie, plus de300 000 utilisateurs.Souhaitez-vous arriver à plus d’équilibre dans une vie de plus enplus stressante? Pensez-vous que méditer soit difficile? Alors,essayez l'Application Pleine Conscience!L'Application Pleine Conscience est un outil qui vous donne unplus de conscience dans la vie. Elle vous aide à faire face àl'aspect le plus difficile de lapratique de la Pleine Conscience, à savoir, se rappeler d'être enPleine Conscience.________________________________________CE QU'EN PENSENT LES UTILISATEURS” Je viens de terminer un cours de Pleine Conscience et j’aiessayé de nombreuses méditations guidées sur CD. Celles-ci sontjuste ce qu’il faut! La voix est agréable, des fonctions utiles. Jel’utilise presque tous les jours”"Beau, simple, clair; grande souplesse d'utilisation; voixagréable. Voilà qui devrait vraiment m'aider à mediterrégulierement.""Bien conçu, simple et agreable. Un outil fantastique pour lesdébutants et ceux qui pratiquent déjà. Tout le monde devraitl'avoir dans sa poche. Le cadeau parfait.""Formidable application! Complète et facile à utiliser. Des tasde fonctions et pourtant simple à mettre en oeuvre."BREVE DESCRIPTION DE L'APPLICATION:En fixant des rappels aux heures et jours de votre choix vousrecevrez un message qui vous dit que le moment de méditer estarrivé.Vous pouvez choisir la duréee de la méditation.Vous pouvez être guidé par une voix ou simplement méditer ensilence avec le son de clochettes à intervalles différentsVous pouvez aussi créer votre propre méditation pour la durée detemps que vous aurez choisi.Enfin, vous pouvez programmer à des moments que vous aurezchoisi, des annonces de Pleine Conscience qui vous aident à êtredans le moment présent.Avec l'Application Pleine Conscience, vous pouvez simplementvous "appelez" de temps à autre pour vous assurer que vous êtesbien là.Il est aussi biensûr possible de méditer simplement en ouvrantl'Application Pleine Conscience et en choisissant la méditation quevous voulez écouter - par exemple, si vous avez du temps dans lemétro, le bus, dans une queue ou que vous desiriez seulement vousasseoir un moment.Toutes les méditations que vous aurez faites sont enregistréesdans le journal afin que vous puissiez suivre vos progés au fil dutemps. L'Application Pleine Conscience comprend:Quatre méditations guidées de 3, 5, 15 et 30 minutesQuatre méditations silencieuses avec clochettes de 3, 5, 15 et 30minutes,Un scan corporel guidéLa possibilité de créer une méditation modifiée avec ou sansintroduction guidéeDes annonces de Pleine Conscience;Fonction rappel;Journal/Statistiques L'Application Pleince Conscience est un outil formidable aussi bienpour débutants ou pratiquants expérimentés souhaitant devenir plusprésent dans sa vieNous sommes convaincus qu'elle donnera une nouvelle dimension àvotre vie quotidienne et la rendra plus riche et plusintéressante!NOW IN FRENCH!The Mindfulness App most listened Scandinavia, over 300,000users.Would you like to get more balance in life more stressful? Do youthink that is difficult? So, try the Application Mindfulness!The Mindfulness App is a tool that gives you more awareness inlife. It helps you cope with the most difficult aspect of thepractice of mindfulness, namely to remember to beMindfulness.________________________________________THINK THIS USERS"I just finished a course of Mindfulness and tried many guidedmeditations on CD. These are just what you need! The voice ispleasant, useful functions. I use it almost every day ""Beautiful, simple, clear, flexible use, pleasant voice Thatshould really help me meditate regularly..""Well designed, simple and pleasant. A fantastic tool forbeginners and those already practicing. Everyone should have it inhis pocket. The perfect gift.""Great app Comprehensive and easy to use. Lots of functions, yeteasy to implement."BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE APPLICATION:Setting reminders to hours and days of your choice you willreceive a message telling you that the time has come tomeditate.You can choose duréee of meditation.You can be guided by a voice or simply meditate in silence withthe sound of bells at different intervalsYou can also create your own meditation for the length of timeyou choose.Finally, you can schedule at times that you have chosen, adsMindfulness to help you be in the present moment.Application with Mindfulness, you can simply "call" from time totime to make sure you are there.It is of course also possible to meditate simply opening theFull Application Awareness and choosing meditation you want to play- for example, if you have time in the subway, the bus, in a queue,or if you desire, you just sit a moment.All the meditations that you make are recorded in the log sothat you can track your progesterone over time.The Application Mindfulness includes:Four guided meditations 3, 5, 15 and 30 minutesFour silent meditations with bells 3, 5, 15 and 30 minutes,A body scan guidedThe ability to create a modified guided meditation with or withoutintroductionAnnouncements of Mindfulness;Callback function;Journal / StatisticsThe Application Pleince Conscience is a great tool for bothbeginners and experienced practitioners wishing to become morepresent in his lifeWe believe it will give a new dimension to your life and make itricher and more interesting!
La Mindfulness App 1.51
LA APP MINDFULNESS PIÙ VENDUTA IN SCANDINAVIA,ESCE ORA IN ITALIANO! PIÙ DI 900.000 UTENTI!!!App a Pagamento per la Salute #1 in SveziaApp a Pagamento per la Salute #1 in DanimarcaApp a Pagamento per la Salute #1 in OlandaApp a Pagamento per la Salute #2 nel Regno UnitoApp a Pagamento per la Salute #2 in GermaniaVuoi trovare un maggiore equilibrio nell’esistenza sempre piùstressante di questi tempi? Pensi che meditare sia difficile? Provala Mindfulness App!La Mindfulness App è un strumento per migliorare la tuaconsapevolezza nella vita di tutti i giorni. Ti aiuta nell’aspettopiù difficile della pratica Mindfulness – ricordarsi di essereMindful.DESCRIZIONE DELL’APP:Impostando i promemoria in orari a tua scelta puoi ricevere unmessaggio quando è ora di meditare.Puoi anche impostare un promemoria per quando arrivi o te ne vaida un posto determinato, inserendo un indirizzo specifico ocercandolo sulla mappa inclusa nell’App.Puoi scegliere se meditare per un tempo lungo o breve.Puoi lasciarti guidare da una voce o semplicemente meditare insilenzio accompagnato dal suono di campanelli in vari momenti.Puoi anche creare la tua meditazione personale e farla durarequanto vuoi.Infine, puoi creare delle Notifiche Mindfulness quandopreferisci per aiutarti a migliorare la tua presenza nelmomento.Tramite la Mindfulness App puoi, con molta facilità, ’darti unpizzico’ di tanto in tanto per controllare se sei davveropresente.Ovviamente puoi anche iniziare a meditare subito, aprendo laMindfulness App e scegliendo la meditazione da ascoltare – adesempio se hai un momento in metro, sull’autobus, in fila, o sevuoi sederti un attimo.Tutte le meditazioni che hai completato sono archiviate nellasezione statistiche così da darti la possibilità di seguire losviluppo della tua pratica meditativa nel tempo.La Mindfulness App contiene:4 Meditazioni guidate: 3, 5, 15, e 30 minuti;4 Meditazioni silenziose con campanelli: 3, 5, 15, e 30minuti;1 Body Scan guidatoLa possibilità di creare una meditazione modificata con o senza unaintroduzione guidata;Notifiche Mindfulness;Funzioni di promemoria;Statistiche.La Mindfulness App è un eccezionale strumento per chiunquevoglia essere più presente nella propria vita, sia per principiantisia per esperti. Siamo sicuri che migliorerà la tua giornata erenderà la tua vita più ricca e più interessante!THE APP Mindfulness MORESALE IN SCANDINAVIA, OUT NOW IN ITALIAN! OVER 900,000 USERS !!!App Paid for Health # 1 in SwedenApp Paid for Health # 1 in DenmarkApp Paid for Health # 1 in the NetherlandsApp Paid for Health # 2 in the UKApp Paid for Health # 2 in GermanyWant to find a better balance in the existence increasinglystressful these days? Do you think it is difficult to meditate? Trythe Mindfulness App!The Mindfulness App is a tool to improve your awareness in lifeeveryday. It helps in appearance more difficult practiceMindfulness - remember to be Mindful.DESCRIPTION of the app:By setting a reminder in times of your choice you can receive amessage when it's time to meditate.You can also set a reminder for when you arrive or you go to aplace determined by inserting a specific address or by searching onthe map included in the App.You can choose to meditate for a long or short.You can be guided by a voice or simply meditate in silenceaccompanied by the sound of bells at various times.You can also create your own personal meditation and make itlast as long as you want.Finally, you can create Notifications Mindfulness when youprefer to help you enhance your presence in the moment.Through Mindfulness App they can, very easily, 'give you a hint'from time to time to check if you are really present.Of course you can also start meditating immediately, opening theMindfulness App and choosing meditation to listen to - for exampleif you have a moment by metro, bus, standing in line, or if youwant to sit for a moment.All the meditations that have completed are stored in thestatistics as well as give you the opportunity to follow thedevelopment of your meditation time.The Mindfulness App contains:4 Guided meditations: 3, 5, 15, and 30 minutes;4 silent meditations with bells: 3, 5, 15, and 30 minutes;1 Body Scan WizardThe ability to create a modified meditation with or without aguided introduction;Notifications Mindfulness;Functions reminder;Statistics.The Mindfulness App is a great tool for anyone who wants to bemore present in their lives, both for beginners and experts. We aresure you will improve your day, and make your life richer and moreinteresting!
正念静观程序 1.37
在北欧销量最高的正念应用程序!目前用户已经超过500000!!您是否正在当今压力徒增的生活中寻找平衡?您是否感觉冥想是一个很有难度的事情?试试正念应用程序吧。正念应用程序是一个帮助您增加对生命觉知、感悟的工具。它能为您解决正念修习最常遇到并且是最困难的一个问题:提醒您保持正念并记得练习。______________________________________来自用户的评论:我已经完成一个完整的正念培训课程,并且尝试过很多CD中的正念引导示例,但这个程序棒极了!程序中的声音让人感到非常舒适,各项功能非常适用。这个程序已经是我每天进行正念练习的工具了。简单,简介,界面漂亮,声音动听,方式灵活。这个程序对于我每天进行正念联系很有帮助。界面很漂亮,使用起来也很简单。不论是初学者还是已经在练习的人来说都是一个非常神奇的工具。这个程序应该让每一位进行正念联系的人都装上,是一个非常棒的礼物。非常棒的一个程序!功能很齐备,并且界面很友好;有很多功能但使用起来却很简单。可以通过设置提醒,在每天的固定时间会有语音提示进行冥想练习。可以自己选择练习时间的长短。可以自己选择在练习过程中是否有语音提示。可以自己设置冥想联系的持续时间长度。最终,您可以指定时间设定正念提醒,来帮助您提高在当下的存在。通过正念应用程序您可以很简单的随时随地提醒自己关注当下。启动正念应用程序后就可以非常简单的选择您想进行的冥想。例如在乘坐地铁、巴士,或者排队时,随时随地都可以进行练习。所有进行过的冥想练习都会记录在统计表中,并可以随时查看历史记录。正念应用程序包括:4个引导式冥想:3/5/15/30分钟4个带有闹钟提醒的静音冥想:3/5/15/30分钟1个引导式身体扫描可以自定义没有引导的冥想练习正念提醒提醒功能练习统计无论是初学者还是正在进行练习的人来说,正念应用程序对于每一位想活在当下的人来说都是一个强大的工具。我们相信通过正念应用程序可以帮助您更好的投入并享受生活。The highest sales in theNordic Mindfulness app!Currently has more than 500,000 users! !Are you inviting the lives of today's pressure to find abalance? Do you feel meditation is a very difficult thing? TryMindfulness app now.Mindfulness is an application to help you increase your awarenessof life, the sentiment of the tool. Can you solve a problem mostcommonly encountered practicing mindfulness and is the mostdifficult: to remind you to be mindful and remember topractice.______________________________________Comments from users:I have completed a full mindfulness training courses, and havetried a lot of CD in mindfulness guided example, but this programis great! Program sound people feel very comfortable, very suitablefor various functions. This procedure has been carried out is myday of mindfulness practice tool.Simple, beautiful profile, interface, sound appealing, flexiblemanner. This program is helpful for me in contact dailymindfulness.Interface is very beautiful, and very simple to use. Whether abeginner or have been a very wonderful tool for people in practice.This program should be carried out so that every righteous personcontact are fitted, is a great gift.A great program! Function is available, and the interface isvery friendly; there are a lot of features but it is very simple touse.You can set a reminder, there will be at a fixed time every dayvoice prompts meditation exercises.You can choose the length of practice time.In the process you can choose whether the voice prompts.You can set your own meditation sustained length of timecontact.Eventually, you can specify the time setting mindfulnessreminder to help you improve your presence in the moment.Through mindfulness application you can simply focus on themoment to remind yourself anytime.Mindfulness can start an application after a very simple choiceyou want to make meditation. For example, in the subway, bus, orqueuing time, anytime, anywhere to practice.All conducted meditation practice will be recorded in thestatistics, and you can always see the history.Mindfulness applications include:4 Guided Meditation: 3/5/15/30 minutes4 with an alarm clock to remind mute meditation: 3/5/15/30minutesA guided body scanYou can customize the unguided meditation practiceMindfulness reminderAlertsExercise StatisticsWhether beginner or ongoing practice of the people, mindfulnessapplication for each one wanted to live in the moment of the peopleit is a powerful tool. We believe that through the application ofmindfulness can help you better invest and enjoy life.
Mindfulness App Leena Pennanen 1.49
Mindfulness App – Leena Pennanen avulla voitvähentää stressiä, lisätä iloa elämässäsi ja edistäähyvinvointiasi. Tieteelliset tutkimukset osoittavat ettäsäännöllinen 20 minuutin päivittäinen harjoittaminen auttaasaavuttamaan halutut tulokset. Kokeile itse!Mindfulness App – Leena Pennanen avulla sinulla on ainamahdollisuus pysähtyä, rauhoittua missä tahansa oletkin.Hyödyllisten ja nerokkaiden toimintojensa ansiosta Mindfulness Appon kivunnut App Storen myyntilistan kärkisijoille 11 maassa ympärimaailman.Mindfulness App – Leena Pennanen on helppokäyttöinen ja sopiiniin vasta-alkajille kuin kokeneillekin harjoittajille. Voit valitameditaation ohjattuna tai ilman ohjausta. Päätät itse, haluatkoohjatun aloituksen ja kuinka pitkä harjoite on.Mindfulness App – Leena Pennanen sisältää kaiken, mitä tarvitsetsaavuttaaksesi hyväksyvän tietoisen läsnäolon tieteellisestitodistetut vaikutukset hyvinvointiisi. Muutaman minuutinpäivittäinen harjoittaminen sovelluksen avulla saa sinut voimaanparemmin: stressi vähenee ja olet paremmin läsnä tässä hetkessäelämästäsi nauttien.KÄYTTÄJIEN KOMMENTTEJA:“Markkinoiden paras meditaatiosovellus –olen kokeillut useita erisovelluksia ja tämä on ehdottomasti paras ja käyttäjäystävällisin.Olen asettanut muistutuksia läpi työpäivän ja ne ovat täydellisiäkeskittymiskyvyn palauttajia. Oma meditaatio on hyvä yhdistelmäohjattua harjoitusta ja hiljaisuutta. Kaiken kaikkiaan tämä onsuosikkisovellus puhelimessani. Kiitos paljon.““Mindfulness App on loistava sovellus –kiireisenä äitinä tämäsovellus on korvaamaton. Olen saanut jopa lapseni tekemään 3minuutin meditaation kellojen kanssa kun he haluavat rauhoittua...kiitos! ”“Loistava sovellus! Pidän sovelluksesta, se toimii hyvin heillejotka luulevat ettei heillä ole aikaa meditoida. Käytän sovellustayleensä iltaisin, sillä se auttaa rauhoittamaan mielen juuri ennennukkumaanmenoa.”“Loistava vasta-alkajille! Halusin aloittaa ohjatunharjoittamisen ja tämä sovellus sopii siihen täydellisesti. Pidäntosi paljon tästä.”“Ihana sovellus! Perusteellinen ja käyttäjäystävällinen. Paljontoimintoja, mutta silti yksinkertainen."LYHYESTI SOVELLUKSESTA:- 3 - 20 minuutin ohjatut meditaatiot.- Meditaatiot ilman ohjausta kellojen kanssa.- Omat meditaatiot ilman tai ohjatun aloituksen ja kellojenkanssa.- Muistutustoiminto auttaa muistamaan, milloin on aikameditoida.- Läsnäolon viestit auttavat sinua lisäämään läsnäoloahetkessä.- Tilastot pitävät sinut ajan tasalla harjoitteiden määrästä.Mindfulness App – Leena Pennanen on työkalu lisäämään hyväksyväätietoista läsnäoloa elämässäsi. Se auttaa sinua sen kaikkeinvaativimmassa harjoitteessa –muistaa olla läsnä kaikillaaisteilla.Mindfulness App - LeenaPennanen can help you reduce stress, increase joy in your life andto promote well-being. Scientific studies show that regularexercise 20 minutes a day to help achieve the desired results. Tryit yourself!Mindfulness App - Leena Pennanen means you always have theoption to stop, calm down wherever you are. Useful and intelligentprograms on the Mindfulness App is the App Store sales climbed tothe top in the list of 11 countries around the world.Mindfulness App - Leena Pennanen is easy to use and is suitablefor both beginners and experienced practitioners. You can choose aguided meditation with or without guidance. You decide whether youwant the wizard start and how long the exercise is.Mindfulness App - Leena Pennanen contains everything you need toachieve to accept the conscious presence of the scientificallyproven effects on your well-being. After a few minutes of dailyexercise app will make you feel better: less stress, and you aremore present in the moment, enjoying life.User Comments:"The market's best-meditaatiosovellus I've tried a number ofdifferent applications, and this is definitely the best and mostuser-friendly. I have set reminders through the day, and they areperfect concentration restorers. My meditation is a goodcombination of controlled exercises and quiet. All in all, this isa favorite app on my phone. Thank you so much. ""Mindfulness App is a great application, busy as a mother, thisapplication is invaluable. I've had my children up to 3 minutes ofmeditation bells with when they want to cool off ... thank you!""A great app! I like the app, it works well for those who thinkthey do not have time to meditate. I use the application, usuallyin the evenings, as it helps to calm the mind just before going tobed. ""Great for beginners! I wanted to start the wizard-employmentand this application will fit into that perfectly. I like so muchabout this. ""A wonderful app! A thorough and user-friendly. A lot offunctions, but still simple. "BRIEF APPLICATION:- 3 - a 20-minute guided meditations.- Meditation without the guidance of clocks with.- My meditations without or with controlled start and clockswith.- Reminder helps you to remember, when it's time to meditate.- Presence of the posts will help you to increase your presence inthe moment.- Statistics will keep you up to date with the number ofexercises.Mindfulness App - Leena Pennanen is a tool to increase theiracceptance conscious presence in your life. It will help you toengage in the toughest-to remember to be present in all thesenses.
The Meditation App - M. Stone 1.37
We are proud to introduce The Meditation Appwith Michael Stone.This is the first one in a series of apps with a number ofinteresting meditation teachers around the world from differentschools and with their own personal way of guidingmeditation.______________________________________USING THE MEDITATION APP:Guided Meditations lead you on a guided journey with Michael Stoneas your guide.Silent Meditations includes pre-set silent meditations ofvarying lengths, with bells to help you get started, to keep youfocused during the meditation and know when to finish.Personalized Meditation lets you design your own meditations, ofany length, with or without a guided start.History let you track your meditation practice, and see how itis developing over time.Reminders help you remember to meditate. Set them to send you apersonalized message at times or places of your choice when it’stime to meditate.Mindfulness Notices provide gentle reminders to help you becomemore present in your daily life.The Mindfulness App contains:6 Guided meditations6 Silent meditations with bellsPossibility of designing a modified meditation with our withoutguided introMindfulness NoticesReminder functionHistory______________________________________Michael Stone is a psychotherapist, yoga teacher, Buddhistteacher,and author committed to the integration of traditionalteachings with contemporary psychological understanding. Thecomponents of his practice include Yoga postures, breathingtechniques, meditation and the study of traditional texts.With more than 250 000 users of their first app "The MindfulnessApp" MindApps develops tools that help people find balance in themidst of today's stressful life.
マインドフルネス・アプリ 1.60
The Mindfulness App 5.28.7
Meditation for you. Sleep better, relax & become more present.