Top 18 Apps Similar to Идеальные пропорции

Программа справочник по основным упражнениямнаразличные группы мышц. Вы можете просмотреть упражнения по5категориям и увидет как их нужно выполнять в виде анимации.Есть список "Мои упражнения" в который вы можете добавитьчастовыполняемые упражнения для быстрого доступа к ним.Справочник состоит из 5 разделов.1. Упражнения для ног2. Упражнения для спины и плечей3. Упражнения для груди4. Упражнения для рук5. Упражнения для прессаВ разделах вы сможете найти более 90 уражнений и описания к ним.Атакже перечислены названий мышц, которые задействованы вданномупражнении.В ближайшее время будет большое дополнение справочникановымипрограммами и описанием спорт питания.По любым вопросам исправлений и дополнений пишите пожалуйстанапочту [email protected] guide tobasicexercises on different muscle groups. You can view theexercises in5 categories and see how they should be carried out inthe form ofanimation.There is a list of "My exercises" in which you can addfrequentlyperform exercises for quick access to them.Guide consists of 5 sections.1. Exercises for the feet2. Exercises for the back and shoulders3. Exercises for the chest4. Exercises for hands5. Exercises for the pressIn the sections you will find more than 90 urazhnenyanddescriptions of them. And also listed the names of the musclesthatare involved in this exercise.In the near future will be a great addition guide new programs andadescription of the power sports.For any questions corrections and additions please write [email protected]
Fitness & Bodybuilding 3.4.7
Exercises and Workouts
Мышцы человека 3.2
Бодибилдинг — это наука о развитии мышциначинать свой путь необходимо с понимания того, гдеонирасположены, как они называются и какую работу выполняют.Именноэтому мы представили все важные мышцы человеческого тела,ихописание и рабочее движение. Для удобства мышцы распределеныпогруппам и алфавиту.Профессиональные атлеты знают, что, выполняя то или иноеупражнениев бодибилдинге, они дают нагрузку на определённую,целевую группумышц, уверены в правильном и полноценном ихстимулировании. К этомунеобходимо стремиться и для этого, какминимум, необходимо знатьназвания и расположение мышц вашеготела.Просмотр мышц доступен в трёх разных вкладках.1. Список всех мышц отсортированных по алфавиту.2. Мышцы сгруппированы по блокам: руки, спина, ноги и др.3. Через упражнения, которые тренируют разные мышцы.Для каждой мышцы приводится картинка, латинское название ифункция,которую выполняет данная мышца.Bodybuilding - thescienceof muscle development and start your way you need tounderstandwhere they are located, what they are called and howwork is done.That is why we have submitted all the importantmuscles of the humanbody, their description and the labormovement. For convenience, themuscles are divided into groups andalphabetically.Professional athletes know that by doing this or that exerciseinbodybuilding, they give a certain load on, the target musclegroup,and believe in the right of the full stimulation. By this itisnecessary to strive for this, at least you need to know thenamesand locations of your body muscles.View Muscle is available in three different tabs.1. List all the muscles sorted alphabetically.2. The muscles are grouped into blocks: arms, back, legs,andothers.3. Through exercises that train different muscles.For each muscle is a picture, and the Latin name of thefunctionthat performs this muscle.
GymUp - workout notebook
Iron Lab
Workout notebook for all types of strength training
Bodybuilding Nutrition Program 2.3
Bodybuilding Nutrition Program They say wearewhat we eat. Never a truer word has been spoken, A key componentofthe formula for bodybuilding success is nutrition. Workoutsareprovided with a description of the muscles involved, diagramsofexercises and practical advices.You can save your results both more articles in app and intextfile stored on your device! Statistics contains your resultsandmeasurments of your body. Nutrition Program is what gives ustheraw materials for recuperation, energy, and growth. Without agooddiet, your dreams of achieving your ideal body will neverbereached.Feature Articles :- Bodybuilders Nutrition Program for Optimum Bodybuilding- Bodybuilding Nutrition Simplified - 5 Ready to Go Tips- Chocolate Splendor: Food For The Gods;BodybuildingNutrition- Body Building Nutrition - Making A Plan- Bodybuilding Nutrition - Its EssenceAnd More ...Eating like a body builder will help you build muscle,loseexcess weight, and maintain a healthy weight if you followitstrictly. The basic idea is to eat a diet high in proteinandfiber, and low in carbohydrates and fat.
Bodybuilding Diet Workout Plan 2.14
Bodybuilding diet workout plan Lose fatandbuild muscle! Developed by Pro Bodybuilding, Figure, andBikiniathletes. The App provides the blueprint to guide you tosuccess inmanaging your diet. *note, this App is for serioususersonly*• what to eat for every meal broken into carbs, protein, fat,veg,and fruits. And customizable!• grocery list generator based on your selections (save hoursoftime!)• food calculator for exact serving size calculated for each foodtomeet your carb, fat, and protein goals (e.g. 30gprotein=4ozchicken), both cooked and uncooked• *bonus* a 16 week sample Weight and Cardio program• when to eat (suppresses hunger by knowing exactly when to eateachmeal)• journals and saves every meal and email weekly recap• options to select off-season or in-season diet• fully operational without internet connectionThe Bodybuilding workout plan App takes out the guessworkandfocuses on what's needed for serious athletes. Anyone who hasachampion physique will tell you the same thing, “it’s 90% diet,10%working out” and "Training happens in the gym, Growth is inthekitchen".This App will take your through the steps of managingyourbodybuilding diet workout which will trigger rapid fat loss,bylosing fat and gaining muscle as the same time!Please give the app a rating and send us any comments to improveit.Thank you!
Фитнес Бро - Бодибилдинг 1.0
Любите фитнес и посещаете тренажерныйзал?Впоисках советов по выполнению упражнений?Наше приложение - это помощник современным людям,занимающимсявтренажерном зале. Оно создано специально для нашихпользователейизСНГ и содержит каталог и базу упражнений, котораяпозволиттебезаниматься более эффективно!Все упражнения подбирались профессиональными тренерамиипомогуттебе достичь результатов, а также сохранить свое телооттравм(внимательно читайте советы в нашем приложении).Секундомерпоможетзасекать время между подходами и не даст тебе"остыть"!Мы за ЗОЖ! Качалка - наше все!Love fitnessandgym?Looking for tips on doing the exercises?Our application - is the assistant to modern people engagedinthegym. It was created specifically for our customersfromCIScountries, and contains a directory and database ofexercisesthatwill allow you to engage more effectively!All exercises were selected by professional trainers,andwillhelp you achieve the results and to keep your bodyfrominjury(carefully read the advice in our application). Thestopwatchwillpinpoint the time between sets and do not give youa"cool"!We are for healthy lifestyle! Rocking chair - oureverything!
Exercises for gym 1.8.1
Exercises for gym
Русский жим 4.5.0
Силовой спорт очень популярен во всеммире.Существует множество его разновидностей: тяжелая атлетика,гиревойспорт, бодибилдинг, пауэрлифтинг и т.д. В приложении вынайдетемножество статей посвященных занятиям в тренажерном зале,снижениювеса, силовым видам спорта, тренировкам на турнике имногомудругому.А еще вы узнаете о предстоящих соревнованиях по русскому жимуидругим видам спорта! Но на сегодняшний день этот видсталполноценной дисциплиной пауэрлифтинга. У русского жимаестьутвержденный регламент и собственная федерация. Теперь это одинизсамых популярных видов жима, как и атлетический жим.Благодаря отсутствию большого количества ограничений, русскийжимдоступен для всех, поэтому он приобретает все большуюпопулярность.Русский жим очень демократичен, в нем принимаютучастие испортсмены-ветераны и инвалиды-опорники.Power sport isverypopular around the world. There are many varieties ofit:weightlifting, weightlifting, bodybuilding, powerlifting,etc.Attached you will find many articles on training in the gym,weightreduction, power sports, training on the horizontal bar andmuchmore.And you'll learn about upcoming competitions Russian Bench Pressandother sports! But to date, this species has become afull-fledgeddiscipline of powerlifting. The Russian regime hasregulatoryapproval and a private federation. Now it is one of themost populartypes of regime, as well as athletic bench. Due to the absence of a large number of restrictions,theRussian press is available for all, so it is becomingincreasinglypopular. Russian press is very democratic, it isattended byathletes and veterans and motor impaired.
YourMaxBench 5.0.3
Fastly Apps
Best calculator to your 1 rep limit in the bench press. Youcanusethis bench press calculator when you planning trainingforBenchand powerlifting. Very easy to work with benchprogramsforpowerlifters. Internal calculators for Glossbrenner andWilks.
Top Muscle Exercise 2.0
Top Exercise Bodybuilding is a collectionofthe best strength exercises to include in your program to workandfatten all the major muscles like the abdominals, chest,biceps,triceps, back, Trapeze, Shoulders, find a Jambes..Vousrichess listof most protein foods and different Muscle FromExercise for weightgain, strength or weight loss.Whether you are beginners or find 9 categories in Top Exercise Weight Training,withintegrated Stopwatch.** Exercise Triceps** Exercise For Biceps** Exercise To Shoulders** Exercise Chest** Exercise Abs** Exercise For Back** Exercise Trapeze** Exercise Legs** Simple gestures to lose your fat** Simple Gestures to take mass** Power: list of the most protein-rich foodsAn Internet connection is not required to run Top ExerciseWeightTraining, and on top of that, this application is free.Come follow the news of the application Top ExerciseStrength:
Спорт Помощник 1.2
Справочник по бодибилдингу, со временембудетдополняться, особенно если в комментариях будете писать чегонехватает ...Guide toBodybuilding,over time, will be supplemented, especially if youwrite in thecomments what's missing ...
BB.Tv Player 1.2
BB.Tv Player – A BB.Tv hivatalos lejátszója,ól!A BB.Tv Player segítségével mostantól Androidos mobileszközödönis élvezheted az összes eddigi, és az ez után következőBB.Tvepizódokat is Csak telepítsd az alkalmazást, és mi minden újepizódelérkeztével értesítünk Téged, így biztosan nem maradsz leegyrészről sem, mert bárhova magaddal viheted a testépítésvilágánaklegnépszerűbb - és egyetlen - videós műsorát!A BB.Tv egy alternatív, sőt, mondhatni underground műsor,abodybuilding világáról. Ahogy az angol mondaná, "no hype" -azaznem kamu, nincs benne csillivilli reklám, nincs bennebeállítottműtermi edzés. Kendőzetlenül az igazságot mutatjuk be.Atestépítés, a bodybuilding minden arcát. Jót is, rosszat is.Szóbakerül az étrend, a diéta, és a magánélet, valamintegyébérdekességek is, mert tudjátok: nem csak gyúrásból áll azélet!Figyelem: NEM kislányoknak! Adásaink igazi keménymotivációsanyagok!Az alkalmazást használhatod Tableteden / Telefonodon vagybárminami 2.2 verziótól nagyobb Androidot futtat.Push notification-t kapsz minden új epizód érkezésekorFigyelem az alkalmazás használatáhozinternetkapcsolatszükséges!Jó szórakozást!BB.Tv Player -Theofficial BB.Tv player, from the!The BB.Tv Player Android mobile device, you can now alsoenjoyall the quintiles so far, and for subsequent episodes is BB.TvJustinstall the application and we will inform all newepisodeelérkeztével You were so sure you will not miss a hand,either,because wherever you can take the bodybuilding world's mostpopular- and only one - video show!The BB.Tv an alternative, in fact, kind of underground track,thebodybuilding world. As the English would say, "no hype" - thatisnot a scam, not csillivilli advertising is not set workoutstudio.Bluntly shown the truth. In bodybuilding, bodybuilding allface.Good and bad as well. It comes to diet, diet, life, and otherareasof interest as well, because you know, not only isgyúrásbóllife!Note: NOT for girls! XMIT hard motivational material!The application can use Tableteden / or anything your phoneisrunning Android 2.2 version more.Push notification you will get each new episode arrivesAttention will need an Internet connection to use the app!Have fun!
Super Abs in 30 Days 1.5
Body Program
Unique Abs Workout Routine for 1 month.
Bodybuilding Diet Food Recipes 2.5
Bodybuilding Diet Food Recipes takes outtheguesswork and focuses on what's needed for serious athletes.Anyonewho has a champion physique will tell you the same thing,This Appwill take your through the steps of managing yourBodybuilding Dietwhich will trigger rapid fat loss, by losing fatand gaining muscleas the same time!Feature Articles :- 3 Sample Meal Plans For the Perfect Bodybuilding Diet- A Bodybuilding Diet: 4 Rules You Need To Know- Bodybuilding Diet Plan Recipes for Bulking Up- Best Bodybuilding Cutting Diet - Foods and Tips- High Octane Food For High Performance - BodybuildingDietPlans- Body Building Foods - Tips For Picking TheRightBodybuildingAnd More ...Bodybuilding is incomplete without a proper bodybuildingdietplan food. Bodybuilding workouts and Bodybuilding diet planrecipesthese two are compliment of each other, you can’t getdesirephysique either without workout or without diet plan. Whenyou knowhow vital a part Healthy diet plan or eating habit plays inweighttraining, you may be contemplating what a bodybuildingupbodybuilding diet arrangement is about.
Ideal Body Proportions 1.7
Find out whether your body proportions are ideal!
GymLog 1.14
Simple and clear app for gym log (with handbook)
Bodybuilding Workout 7 minute 2.07
Bodybuilding Workout 7 minute. With thisguideyou will not wast your time anymore.The body building and muscle workout plan that everyone couldfollowandante rip.In this app will recommend all tip you need to know aboutgymworkout and also home fitness workout routines. Dailyexercisebuild perfect muscle and sixpack.