Top 16 Apps Similar to 1ПМ калькулятор

Дневник лифтера (DoLift) 1.3.2
DoLift - a handy tool for planning the training of athletes.
Powerlifting statistic 1.5
Logical Mind
Powerlifting Statistic - powerful sport tool
Rep Max Calculator 1.3
Calculation of 1 to 40 the number of repeates by specified weight.
YourMaxBench 5.0.3
Fastly Apps
Best calculator to your 1 rep limit in the bench press. Youcanusethis bench press calculator when you planning trainingforBenchand powerlifting. Very easy to work with benchprogramsforpowerlifters. Internal calculators for Glossbrenner andWilks.
Powerlifting Training 1.3
"Powerlifting Training For The Beginner!Even the most hardcore training methods revolve aroundsimpleprinciples, the main one being; lift heavier weights,getstronger...You will understand and learn basic form of the main threepowerlifts and your Central Nervous System will be used to fire andmovethe weights in the ranges of motion specific to thecorelifts.By using this routine you will also gain some hypertrophybecausethere are no sets in which you do triples or singles (setsof 3 or1 reps, respectively).This will also not cause joint pain or tendonitis unlessyou'redoing something horribly wrong.Good Luck!"
Journal of workouts 0.8.24
Your training journal forweightlifting,crossfit, powerlifting, street workout.You can create, save and run your favorite WOD, keep statisticsoncompleted WOD.
Sheiko Powerlifting Workout 4.3
The best powerlifting workout, from the best powerlifting coachinthe world.
Goodlift 3.20.4-342.20191225.119
The application is designed for clients of the club GOOD LIFT
Powerlifting - Get Strong! 1.0.0
Science and experience combine to create a system thatguaranteesstrength gains
Lifting Calculator 1.0
Lifting Calculator contains three convenient and easy to useliftingcalculators to make calculating various strength relatedmetrics,allowing you to focus on hitting your goals. *One Rep MaxCalculatorThe one rep max calculator uses percentages to estimateyour one repmax (and rep maxes up to 10). This tool is mostaccurate for thecompound strength movements including squats,deadlifts, andpresses. *Sinclair Calculator The Sinclair Total isa means tocompare different weight classes in OlympicWeightlifting bystandardizing lifters’ totals. Additionally, ourtool shows how yourSinclair Total compares to the world recordSinclair Total for yourgender and weight class. *Wilks CalculatorThe Wilks Score is ameans to compare different weight classes inPowerlifting contestsby standardizing lifters’ totals.
Wendler Log
The easiest way to track andautomaticallycalculate your Wendler 5/3/1 powerliftingroutine.Simply input your one rep maxes once! Based off your one repmaxesyour entire Wendler 5-3-1 routine will be calculated. You willnothave to look at another percentage or weight chart again! Losethespreadsheets! Your weights will automatically increase witheachnew cycle as little or much as you setup. This takes the mathoutof your training so you can focus on lifting!The Wendler 5/3/1 mesocycles and lifts are automaticallycalculatedbased on how you lift and your body's own unique fitnesslevel.Customize the program as little or a much as you want. Stickwiththe four main lifts: Military Press, Bench Press, Back SquatandDeadlift - or create your own unique lifts!Free Features✔ Automatically increase the weight for your lifts eachnewcycle✔ Keep track of your scores. Your AMRAP (As Many Reps asPossible)score from your last cycle is displayed as you completeeachlift✔ Warmup sets for each lift day based off your one rep max✔ Rest timer so you know how long to rest between sets✔ One rep max calculator (Epley) to ensure you start with therightweights✔ Choose your units - kg or lbs✔ Customize the number of weeks in your lifting cycles -configureup to 10 weeks in a cycle!✔ Track and graph your bodyweight✔ Create your own custom lifts to do with the Wendler531program✔ Customize the week (wave) percentages✔ See a complete history of all your Wendler workouts. Sort bydate,reps, lift type, and one rep max.✔ Export your lift history✔ Wendler 5-3-1 Calculator✔ Especially designed for Powerlifting or CrossFitGet Even Stronger with Wendler Log Pro Features✔ Assistance program creator✔ 15 pre-built customizable assistance programs✔ Special Joker Set assistance program that will dynamicallyadjustthe weight and reps depending on what week you are in✔ Plate calculator - see the exact plates you need to load onyourbar for all your lifts✔ Graph your bodyweight and calculated one rep maxes overtime✔ Automatically backup and sync your progress to the cloud✔ Ad freeNote: purchasing Wendler Log Pro also supports the team behindthisapp. If you find the app helpful, purchasing pro helps us maketheapp better.Please note this app is not connected to Wendler himself,thecreator of of the Wendler 5/3/1 program. This app may deviatefromthe program.App SupportIf you experience issues with Wendler 5/3/1 Log workout app orhavesuggestions to improve it, we'd love to hear from you! Justcontactus from the app by going to the Help Center > Feedback /GetHelp.Permissions- Internet to send error reports- Photos/media/files to share your workouts- Vibration to alert you when the rest timer is finished- In-app purchases to unlock extra features
GymLog 1.14
Simple and clear app for gym log (with handbook)
1 Rep Max Calculator - 1RM
Calculate your bench press, deadlift, squat,orany other lift one rep max. Simply tell one rep max calculatorhowmuch weight you lifted, how many times you lifted it, and youronerep max will be calculated. One Rep Max Calculator willhaveaccurate one repetition maximum calculations for almostanyweightlifting exercise no matter the type of lift youaredoing.Do you have a unique lift you want to track? Create custom liftsandtrack your one rep max for any exercise. Get a visual of yourhardearned progress with graphs.Calculating your one rep max before attempting it can help keepyousafe. Attempting a heavy back squat without knowing your limitcaneasily lead to injury. This app provides you with astrengthestimate before you attempt your heavy lifts.We've also included a weight percentage quick reference guide.Thisapp is great for powerlifters, olympic weightlifters,andCrossFitters.All one rep max calculations performed using the Epley Formula.Theaccuracy of the one rep max calculations can vary depending ontheweight training experience and muscular composition of theathleteusing the calculator. This calculator is designed towardsseasonedstrength trainers, and those with lesser experience mayfind theiractual one rep maximum is much lower because your nervoussystemcannot handle the stress of a high weight.Lift responsibly. Heavy weightlifting should be performed withaspotter for safety.
1 Rep Max Calculator + 1.0
RMify is the only 1 Rep Max calculator ofitskind. This 1RM calculator can be used to approximateyourone-repetition maximum, calculate any percentage of your 1 repmaxas well as save your 1 rep max record locally on your phone.This is a must-have app for any person working with freeweights!It doesn’t matter if you’re into bodybuilding,strength-training,olympic weightlifting or crossfit. Experiencedor a rookie, RMifywill give you a good estimate of your 1 rep-maxand more!Use RMify to estimate how much you can lift for 1RMwithoutendangering yourself as you might cross the fine linebetweenpushing yourself and putting your health at risk.To calculate your 1 rep max, simply enter how much weightyoulifted and adjust the slider to the number of repetitionsyouperformed with that weight. Based on your 1RM, you can alsofindout an estimate of how much you can lift for different numbersofrepetitions (up to 10).For your convenience, you can save your stats locally onyourphone to view them later. Sorted by date, your records showyour1RM and the weight and number of repetitions you used toachievethat one-repetition maximum. RMify does not share or sellyourinformation to anyone.Besides being practical, RMify was also developed with designanduser experience in mind. Enjoy the elegance of material designwhileusing RMify on your phone.CAUTION: No 1 rep-max calculator can ever produce 100%accurateresults as everyone's body is different. Anyone claimingotherwiseis lying to you. RMify should only be used to estimateyour one repmax. When attempting a 1RM, always use a spotter.Remember, safetycomes first!And if you like this app, feel free to tip the developerusingRMify in-app donation system.Icon created by Diogo Trindade from the Noun Project.
BB Workout Log & Tracker 2.0.13
Bodybuilding Workout Log is a very easy touseworkout tracker application. The goal of this app is to allowyouto workout and log your training results without looking atthephone all the time, with as little screen taps as possible.Puretraining log! Both beginners and experienced lifters(inbodybuilding, power lifting or fitness) will benefit fromthisworkout journal's simplicity and features which include:★ free choice of workout exercises. You do not need to deal withalong list of exercises that you never use in your training.Addexercises that you love and name them in a way that is cleartoyou;★ import of popular exercises for a quick start (as well as asampleroutine);★ saved training routines with pre-defined exerciseselection;★ dynamic training routines, where one can select exercises onthego;★ comments/notes for sets;★ always visible history of sets, reps, weight, comments andresttimes (no need to interrupt your training to viewprevioushistory);★ detailed workout history with a calendar and stats;★ progress tracking with graphs for 1 rep max;★ deletion of incorrectly logged workout sets;★ rest timer with vibration and an optional soundnotification,which is extremely useful if you train withheadphones;★ smart automatic rest interval selection;★ option to show best results from each workout only;★ option to show results from the same routine only;★ log of 1RM changes;★ export of all workout history to a CSV file on the SD card;CSVfiles can be opened and processed with mostspreadsheeteditors;★ summary of achievements displayed after training (includingnewrecords, total weight moved, trainingtime,intensity);★ sharing of summary screens (Facebook, email, SMS or anyothersharing provider that is installed on your phone);★ resuming of incomplete workouts;★ performing supersets using back/forward navigationandcomments;★ smart pre-entering of weight for the next set;★ add/remove/reorder exercises during training;★ backup and restore of all exercises and training history, youcanmove all created exercises and all training history toanotherdevice at any time.Please visit our site for newsaboutnew workout tracker features and version releases. Or followus ontwitter to get thelatestupdates.This application uses free icons from (CC3.0license)
Access bodybuilding forumswhileon the move.Features:- Free Registration: Only an email required; nopersonalinformation.- Read and respond to threads.- Start new threads.- 'Like' posts.- Read and respond to personal conversations.- Customisable push notifications.If you're not currently a member, sign up today - It takeslessthan a minute to join and is 100% free, plus you don't needtoenter any personal information.There's great advice on bodybuilding, powerlifting,diet,supplements and all things related to weight