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網頁製作手機應用 - Foundations Right Interactive

Foundations Right Interactive發圍互動
製作有關Web Design網頁設計
Web Apps功能網頁
Mobile Apps手機程式
Mobile Games手機遊戲


Web production ofmobileapplications - Foundations Right Interactive

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  • Updated
    October 2, 2015
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    Android 2.3.3 and up
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  • Developer
    Kind Network Company
  • Installs
    100 - 500
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    Email [email protected]
    Unit 1, 9 Handyside Street, London, N1C 4AY
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3D Knight Storm & Sword 1.095112 APK
The dragon was very surprised at wordslikethese. He never expected anyone to stand up to him, andcertainlynot in such a brazen manner."Prepare to fight, dwarf! I don't give a fig who you are!"roaredthe dragon."Wait a moment. Well, it's clear that you don't know who I am. Iamthe guardian of the Great Crystal Sword!" continued Edward, who-before fighting - was capable of making all sorts of thingsup."You well know that the sword has killed dozens of ogresanddragons, and that if I unsheathe it, it will fly straight intoyourneck and kill you."The dragon had never heard of such a sword, but thisfrightenedhim. He certainly didn't like the sound of somethingcutting histhroat.
3D Swordsman Warfare 1.095112 APK
A European innovation, castles originated inthe 9th and 10th centuries, after the fall of the CarolingianEmpire resulted in its territory being divided among individuallords and princes. These nobles built castles to control the areaimmediately surrounding them, and were both offensive and defensivestructures; they provided a base from which raids could be launchedas well as protection from enemies. Although their military originsare often emphasised in castle studies, the structures also servedas centres of administration and symbols of power. Urban castleswere used to control the local populace and important travelroutes, and rural castles were often situated near features thatwere integral to life in the community, such as mills and fertileland.Many castles were originally built from earth and timber, buthad their defenses replaced later by stone. Early castles oftenexploited natural defenses, and lacked features such as towers andarrowslits and relied on a central keep. In the late 12th and early13th centuries, a scientific approach to castle defense emerged.This led to the proliferation of towers, with an emphasis onflanking fire. Many new castles were polygonal or relied onconcentric defense – several stages of defense within each otherthat could all function at the same time to maximize the castle'sfirepower. These changes in defense have been attributed to amixture of castle technology from the Crusades, such as concentricfortification, and inspiration from earlier defenses such as Romanforts. Not all the elements of castle architecture were military innature, and devices such as moats evolved from their originalpurpose of defense into symbols of power. Some grand castles hadlong winding approaches intended to impress and dominate theirlandscape.
3D Pakistan Star Ship 1.0111 APK
World War is at your Fingertip !And the Mars DefenderAttacker are running over Mars and you need to shoot them off.you , are controlling the world's most powerful weapon to deal withthis but not the Mars .Planes and Attacker are crossing over the Mars State border andattack is one finger tap away believe me . They are targeting thebase and when holding the mobile you can control the machine ,smashing , tap , fingertip , point , figure them out are what youneed to kill the enemy . Caution the war may spread , you must feellike you are defending the country . Defend your base from time tostart , Right now . Think of Stopping Tanks and you like to Rockout and deal with these . Warfare could be happening since the timeof History through out rest of yours . In Game , They deal thefighting of missile and firing cannon weapon and gun , to break themetal armor rider with running the rangers and troops , beware ofnuclear bomber and get a cover .
香港租屋樓盤網 1.004 APK
樓盤HELPER SALES樓宇集中地,工作網賣搵人 , 一站可達APP1. 樓價指數與樓價現時大家普遍參考的一些樓價指數,包括差餉物業估價署的私人住宅物業指數,都只是反映二手巿場的樓價,並不反映一手巿場的樓價情況。據報導,過去二十個月一手樓盤開售時,發展商經常提供「優惠」、「回贈」及/或「二按貸款」,因此,巿民看一手樓樓價時不能只看價單,而二手樓的樓價與一手樓的價單亦不能簡單相比。2. 整體成交量過去兩年,即2013及2014年,本港住宅的整體成交量是1997年以來最低,分別只有約50,700宗及63,800宗,遠低於兩個樓巿高峰期1997年(約172,700宗) 和2010年 (約135,800宗)的水平。事實上,這亦比2011和2012年每年逾80,000宗低20%以上。這個情況除了反映在政府推出雙辣招後,境外買家和投機活動極低外,還反映了甚麼?面對未來住宅供應不斷增加,巿民是否變得更為審慎?讓我們再多看一些數字。3. 一手樓成交量自2011年開始,一手樓成交佔「整體住宅成交量」的比例持續升高,在2014年有關比例上升至26%,是自2005年(15%)以來的最高;今年4月及5月,更達35%。除了比例上升之外,2014年一手樓成交宗數約16,900宗,亦是自2008年以來的新高。在整體成交量在2013及2014年持續處於1997年以來最低水平這個背景下,一手樓佔整體成交比例卻節節上升,中間的訊息是甚麼?是否與發展商自2013年底開始積極推售手上的一手樓單位有關?據報導,過去二十個月發展商為了促銷單位,往往以各種名義提供一些「折扣」或「回贈」,幅度有時高達雙位數。事實上,根據一些巿場數據,在2009年至2012年底,一手樓比二手樓在樓價上往往有15%甚至更高的溢價;但自2013年第三季開始,有關溢價已大幅收窄至10%以下,其中去年第二季和第四季個別更曾出現「負差距」,即一手樓的實際呎價比二手樓還要便宜。為甚麼會有這個情況?跟發展商對後巿的看法有關嗎?跟發展商的持貨量有關嗎?跟發展商之間的巿場競爭有關嗎?跟未來房屋供應持續增加有關嗎?事實上,今年6月發展商申請預售樓花的單位數字達3,100多個,更是過去四年來的新高。4. 短中期內的一手樓供應截至今年5月底,估計未來三至四年的潛在一手樓供應量將高達81,000個單位,較2012年6月底新一屆政府上任時的65,000單位,高出約25%。此外,在5月底時,一批已完成補價或即將完成招標等程序的土地,亦將可額外提供約8,000個單位。值得一提的是,這個高潛在供應量,是扣除了期間已出售的一手樓單位數目。換句話說,即使在過去二十個月一手樓成交量大增的情況下,未來的供應量仍然不斷增加,這是過去幾年政府全方位覓地、積極賣地和增加土地供應的一些成果。當然,上述一手樓潛在供應量這數字會隨著未來私人房屋土地供應量和一手樓銷售的情況而有所變動。5. 動工量和落成量除了上述的潛在供應量外,私人住宅的動工量和落成量亦是房屋供應的重要參考數據。以動工量而言,過去三年(2012-14年)的平均每年動工量為約16,700個單位,較過去五年(2007-2011年)的每年平均10,600個單位,大幅增加約58%。動工量上升,落成量亦自然相應增加。明年的落成量將會達到約20,000個單位,較過去十年的平均數高約七成。至於落成量對物業巿場的含義,亦是值得巿民留意的。在對房屋供應的影響上,落成單位和預售樓花單位是不同的:樓花可滿足置業者的置業需求,但未能馬上滿足置業者的實際使用需要;至於落成的樓宇,無論買家是換樓自住還是把單位出租,都會即時令巿場上的實質單位供應增加,因為換樓人士原來住用的樓宇一般是會出售或出租的。根據過往經驗,特別是一些大型住宅項目落成時,對區內樓宇的租售巿場均會帶來一定影響。因此,在考慮住宅單位的供應時除了一手樓的數字外,不能忽視落成樓宇的數字。6. 新增住宅土地與一手新樓吸納量的比較在2003至2009年間,政府曾經一度暫停主動賣地。在這段期間,每年新增住宅土地可供興建的單位數目平均為一年10,400單位,均落後於該段期間的一手樓每年平均18,500單位的成交量,整體而言,這七年間的土地供應量與一手樓吸納量之間的落差超過四成(約44%,缺口達56,700個單位)。這現象背後,一方面是消化了2003年之前供過於求的住宅供應,另一方面亦埋下了隨後幾年供不應求的種子,這也是為甚麼現屆政府說在增加土地供應的工作上,我們是在「追落後」,意思是要補回以往供求之間的缺口﹗自2010年開始,政府訂立每年私人房屋土地供應的目標,情況才慢慢轉變,由該年開始,每年新增住宅土地可供應的單位數目均多於該年的一手成交量,在2010-2014年間的新增私人住宅土地,合共可供興建約87,600個單位,較這五年間的一手樓總吸納量65,500單位多出逾34%(多22,000個單位)。由此可見,一手住宅的供求失衡問題正逐步紓緩;如果我們在土地供應方面的工作能堅持並陸續得到成果,供求失衡的情況便有望可以扭轉。7. 巿場的競爭性過去三年我們推出了很多中小型用地,讓規模較小的發展商較容易進場參加競投,增加巿場競爭。過去三年售出的84幅住宅用地,按標書顯示的母公司資料統計,只有15幅(即約18%)由坊間所謂四大發展商投得,其餘的則由40多家不同的發展商/基金單獨或合資投得。至於鐵路物業發展和巿建局的大型項目,亦同樣存在競爭。過去十八個月,六個已招標的鐵路物業發展項目及一個大型巿建局項目,分別由六間發展商單獨或合資投得,其中兩個發展商各自分別投得兩個項目,其餘三個項目則由四家不同發展商投得。由此可見,私人住宅發展商的巿場競爭激烈。由於巿場分額分散、未來住宅單位供應數量不斷增加,政府繼續持續穩定供應土地,個別發展商難以主導一手樓巿場單位推售的步伐和定價。市場有更多競爭,市民可以有更多選擇。8. 不同面積樓宇的樓價升幅過去一年多二手樓價的升幅,很大程度是由小型單位帶動,這些單位的樓價金額較細,到銀行和按揭證券公司取得融資的百分比又較高,較容易被心急「上車」的巿民吸納,會否因此而導至個別單位呎價出現「破頂」,以至個別新界單位呎價比巿區同類單位還要高的現象,值得深思。事實上,「40平方米以下」及「40至70平方米」的單位在2014年的升幅分別為15.2%和14.1%,而同期「70至100平方米」和「100平方米以上」的單位,升幅分別只是7.7%和6.4%。9. 中小型住宅的供應雖然過去一年,中小型住宅單位的樓價升幅,遠高於大型單位的樓價升幅。不過,在未來三至四年的81,000個潛在住宅單位供應中,將會以中小型單位為主,其中實用面積70平方米以下和70至99.9平方米的單位,分別佔約69%和18%(合共70,600個單位,即約87%)。工作試驗計劃計劃目的旨在透過為期一個月的工作試驗,協助在尋找工作方面有困難的求職人士,以提升其就業競爭力。內容計劃的參加者會被安排在參與機構內擔任正式的工作,為期一個月(30天)。參加者與參與機構並無僱傭關係。在試工期間,參與機構須為參加者提供在職培訓,並且委派一位富經驗的員工為指導員。在圓滿完成工作試驗後,每位參加者可獲6,900元津貼,其中500元由參與機構支付。津貼發放給在一個月試工期內出席率達80%或以上的參加者。
香港租屋網賣平台 1.004 APK
n 2014, the proportion of Internet salesaccounted for 11.2% of all retail spending excluding automotivefuel, compared with 10.4% in 2013. In line with the average weeklyspend online the largest increase was for textile, clothing andfootwear stores, with a rise of 13.7%. The largest decrease was innon-food stores which contracted by 8.9% on the previous year.網路行銷,亦稱做線上行銷或者電子行銷,指的是一種利用網際網路的行銷型態。網際網路為行銷帶來了許多獨特的便利,如低成本傳播資訊與媒體到寰宇聽眾/觀眾手中。網際網路媒體在術語上立即回響與引起迴響雙方面的互動性本質,皆為網路行銷有別於其他種行銷方式的獨一無二特性。網路行銷(On-lineMarketing或E-Marketing)就是以網際網路絡為基礎,利用數字化的資訊和網路媒體的互動性來輔助行銷目標實作的一種新型的市場行銷方式。簡單的說,網路行銷就是以網際網路為主要手段進行的,為達到一定行銷目的的行銷活動。網路行銷本身和網際網路的創意與技術層面息息相關,這包括設計、開發、廣告、與銷售。網路行銷方法包括了:搜尋引擎行銷、顯示廣告行銷、電子信件行銷、會員行銷、互動式行銷、與病毒式行銷、論壇行銷、web2.0行銷、視訊行銷、部落格行銷、微博行銷、口碑行銷、社會網路行銷等很多種方法。網路行銷是一種利用線上媒體發展並宣傳企業的過程。網路行銷並非單單只有意味著「建立網站」或者「廣告網站」。網站背後某處是有著多重現實目的的真實企業。網路行銷策略包括線上行銷產品、服務與網站的各個層面,也包括市場調查、電子信件行銷與直銷。商業模型網路行銷與許多商業模型相關。該模型傳統上以目標來定義。這些包括:電子商務──對消費者或別的企業販賣商品。出版──賣廣告,以及 / 或者買主名錄為主的網站。而企業透過取得名錄,並過濾成銷售對象名冊產生價值。還有更多其他基於個人或者行業的特殊所需發起的網路行銷活動的模型 (實際上幾乎無限多種) 。商業模型2[編輯]優勢網際網路某些優勢包括資訊的可得性。消費者可於任何時候透過接觸網際網路認識產品進而購買。利用網路行銷的公司行號亦可節省金錢,因為不需要那麼多的銷售代表。大體上,網路行銷可幫助當地市場擴大到全國甚至國際市場。這比起傳統媒體,例如出版物、廣播、以及電視,網路行銷擁有相對低成本的進場開銷[來源請求]。因為網際網路媒體的曝光率、回應、以及總體效率容易追蹤──譬如說:透過網頁分析程式的使用,比起傳統「離線」媒體來說──網路行銷能提供對打廣告者較合理的可說明性[來源請求]。網路行銷,於2007年度成長較其他種媒體更為迅速[來源請求]。限制因為網路行銷需要顧客使用比起傳統媒體較新的科技,並非所有的人都取得訊息。低網速造成不方便。如果公司行號建立過大過複雜的網頁,撥接連線或行動裝置的網際網路使用者得掙紮下載資訊。網路行銷在客戶線上購買前無法提供摸、聞、嚐、或者試用實體商品的機會。許多電子商務提供商制定自由退貨條款以及據點提貨服務以消除顧客疑慮。保全顧慮對參與線上商務的商號與消費者雙方,保全顧慮是非常重要的。許多消費者對透過網際網路購買物品遲疑,因為他們相信他們的個人訊息不會保持隱私。就最近情況來說,某些線上操業公司被逮到提供或者銷售他們客人的資訊。許多這些公司在其網站有保證條文,宣稱客戶資訊將不被洩漏。經過銷售客戶資訊,這些公司破壞的他們自己擁有的公開政策。某些購買客戶資訊的公司提供個人將他資訊從資料庫裡頭剔除的選擇,(亦稱做事後謝絕名單(optingout))。然而,許多客戶並不曉得他們的資訊已被分享,並且無法阻止該訊息在公司間流通。保全顧慮是如此重要,凡線上執業公司都努力開發解決方案。加密是一種主要處理網際網路上隱私與保全顧慮的手段。加密定義為轉換資料為一種稱為密件的型態。這個密件無法輕易的被截獲,除非透過程式經過授權的個人,或者進行加密的公司。一般而言,密件越強壯,資料受到保護的程度越好。然而,隨密件的加強,加密過程更為昂貴。業界影響[編輯]行銷與廣告界將隨著 Web 2.0 浮現進行重組。Web 2.0 對網路行銷有著巨大的衝擊──透過讓 Web 2.0啟用讓它成為公司打算廣告的主要媒介。在音樂產業,許多消費者已開始透過網際網路購買並下載音樂檔案 (例如:MP3),而非一般購買CD。越來越多的銀行提供客戶線上處理私人金融事務的能力。線上銀行咸信對客戶具有吸引力,因為相對起去銀行辦事處跑一趟更方便。線上銀行目前是成長最快的網際網路活動。網際網路接入速度變快是快速成長的主因。於使用網際網路的個人裡,目前有44% 的人透過網際網路處理私人金融事務。網際網路拍賣日漸風行。過去在跳蚤市場才能看到的珍奇玩物現在被擺到eBay了。eBay亦同時影響業界價格。買賣雙方常常在去跳蚤市場前於網站上查價,而且eBay價常常就是成交價。越來越多跳蚤市場賣家將其產品放上網際網路,並且生意越做越大到做出自家門。網路行銷對廣告業界自己的影響是相當深遠的。不過幾年的時間,線上廣告已經成長到價值百億一年[1][2][3]。普華永道諮詢報告了美國網際網路市場2006年度總共花費了一百六十九億[4]之前透過網路行銷取得一個客戶的成本較傳統行銷為低,然而隨著越來越多公司把年度預算從傳統行銷抽離放到網際網路行銷,成本有增加趨勢。例如搜寻引擎行銷,是為網路行銷的一部分,繼續以驚人速率成長[5]。電子信件行銷亦成長許多。網路分析是網路行銷裡的一個成長領域,因為它提供比起單單分析廣告歷史有更佳的可解釋性。行銷看法網路行銷還沒有成為一門公認的學科,所以對它的理解會有所不同,而現在對於網路行銷一些看法有幾種,並均亦常常譯為「網路行銷」:internet marketing:即網際網路行銷,是指在國際網際網路上開展的行銷活動。networkmarketing:即網上行銷,是指在網路上開展的行銷活動,此處的網路不僅指國際網際網路,尚包含電話網路,增值網路等。on-line marketing:即線上行銷或在線行銷,指藉助聯機網路開展的網上行銷。e-Marketing:即電子化行銷或電子行銷,指通過國際網際網路,內部網和外部網開展的行銷活動。cyber marketing:及虛擬行銷或計算機數字行銷,指藉助聯機網路,計算機通訊和數字互動式媒體的行銷方式。由此可知,網路行銷其實是市場行銷的一種新的行銷方式,它藉助新的通訊技術,實現了遠程互動式行銷。
3D Pakistan War Front 1.0111 APK
World War is at your Fingertip !And the Mars DefenderAttacker are running over Mars and you need to shoot them off.you , are controlling the world's most powerful weapon to deal withthis but not the Mars .Planes and Attacker are crossing over the Mars State border andattack is one finger tap away believe me . They are targeting thebase and when holding the mobile you can control the machine ,smashing , tap , fingertip , point , figure them out are what youneed to kill the enemy . Caution the war may spread , you must feellike you are defending the country . Defend your base from time tostart , Right now . Think of Stopping Tanks and you like to Rockout and deal with these . Warfare could be happening since the timeof History through out rest of yours . In Game , They deal thefighting of missile and firing cannon weapon and gun , to break themetal armor rider with running the rangers and troops , beware ofnuclear bomber and get a cover .
3D Pakistan War Shooter 1.0111 APK
World War is at your Fingertip !And the Mars DefenderAttacker are running over Mars and you need to shoot themoff.you , are controlling the world's most powerful weapon to dealwiththis but not the Mars .Planes and Attacker are crossing over the Mars State borderandattack is one finger tap away believe me . They are targetingthebase and when holding the mobile you can control the machine,smashing , tap , fingertip , point , figure them out are whatyouneed to kill the enemy . Caution the war may spread , you mustfeellike you are defending the country . Defend your base from timetostart , Right now . Think of Stopping Tanks and you like toRockout and deal with these . Warfare could be happening since thetimeof History through out rest of yours . In Game , They dealthefighting of missile and firing cannon weapon and gun , to breakthemetal armor rider with running the rangers and troops , bewareofnuclear bomber and get a cover .
3D Knight Pakistan 1.0951121 APK
HistoryThe Franks began as a number of Germanic tribes thatmigratedfrom northern Europe into Gaul. This is where the countryof Franceis today and the name for France comes from the Franks.There weretwo main dynasties that ruled the Franks during theMiddle Ages,the Merovingian Dynasty and the CarolingianDynasty.Merovingian KingdomThe Franks were first united under the leadership of KingClovisin 509 AD. He founded the Merovingian Dynasty which wouldrule theFranks for the next 200 years. Clovis led the Franks invictoriesover the Visigoths, forcing them from Gaul and into Spain.He alsoconverted to Christianity and was the first king of theFranks tobe recognized as king by the Pope.Carolingian EmpireThe Merovingian Dynasty came to an end when Pepin the Shorttookpower with the support of the Frankish nobles. He begantheCarolingian Dynasty which would rule the Franks from 751to843.CharlemagneThe greatest ruler of the Carolingian Empire and the FrankswasCharlemagne who ruled from 742 to 814. Charlemagne expandedtheFrankish Empire to rule a large portion of Europe. He broughtmanyreforms to the Franks including a strong government, writtenlaws,education, a monetary standard, and support for the arts.Holy Roman EmpireOn December 25, 800 AD, the Pope crowned Charlemagne as thefirstHoly Roman Emperor. This began the Holy Roman Empire. TheHoly RomanEmperor was considered the protector of the CatholicChurch. He alsohad the backing of the church and was consideredthe leader of themonarchs in Europe.An Empire DividedAfter Charlemagne died, his son Louis the Pious ruled assoleemperor. However, Louis had three sons. According toFrankishtradition, the empire was divided up between the king'ssons. WhenKing Louis died in 843, the Frankish Empire was dividedinto threeseparate states which would later become countries inWesternEurope such as Germany and France.CultureIn many ways the Franks were at the heart of the culture oftheMiddle Ages. It was the Franks who developed the concept oftheknight and the feudal system.Frankish KnightOne of the most powerful units of the Frankish army wastheheavily armored cavalry. These soldiers became known asknights.Because metal armor and war horses were so expensive, onlythe verywealthy could afford to become knights. Knights were oftenawardedland for their services at war. This helped to develop thefeudalsystem.Feudal SystemUnder the feudal system, the land was divided up among knightsorlords. In return for the land, the knights pledged to fight fortheking. This land was known as a fief and both the land and thetitleof knight were often inherited by the oldest son.