Top 15 Apps Similar to Test sobre Depresión

MoodTools - Depression Aid 2.4.12
Lift your mood with MoodTools!
Anxiety & Depression Symptoms 44.0
Most people can feel depressed or anxious during difficulttimeswhich is normal
CBT Guide to Depression & Test 2.1.1
Excel At Life
Feeling depressed? All audios, tests, and activitiesavailablewithout upgrade.
Depression Test 1.0
Application to measure your level ofdepressionand monitor your improvement.*Make a depression test effectively, ensuring identifyyourdepressed mood*Save your test results to give you track to you improvement.This test is based on the Beck Depression Inventory Testwhichhas proven to be an effective tool for mental healthspecialists tomeasure depressive moods.Beck Depression Inventory Test © 1978, Dr. Aaron T. Beck
Pacifica - Stress & Anxiety
Stress, anxiety, and depression can get intheway of you living your life. Pacifica givesyoupsychologist-designed tools to address them based onCognitiveBehavioral Therapy, mindfulness meditation, relaxation,andmood/health tracking.Stress, anxiety, and depression are caused by an ongoing cycleofnegative thoughts. Thoughts cause physical feelings andemotionswhich cause actions. Pacifica helps break this cycle usingtoolsthat target each of its components. Day-by-day, you'll learntomanage stress, anxiety and depression at your own pace. We’renotabout quick-fixes or false promises. We are about real progress,aday at a time.#1 - BuzzFeed's Amazing Apps For Anyone Living With Anxiety#1 - Forbes' 4 Technologies Innovating in Mental HealthRELAXATION & MINDFULNESS MEDITATION AUDIO TOOLSCalm down in moments of stress or anxiety using one ofPacifica’s25+ audio exercises, including deep breathing, musclerelaxation,positive visualization, mindfulness meditations, andmore. Theseactivities are set to relaxing soundscapes like oceanwaves orthunderstorms.GUIDED SELF-HELP PATHSOur psychologist-designed Paths include audio lessons andhelpfulactivities to help you with stress, anxiety, or depression.Theseinclude an introductory Path, two Paths focused on CBT, andamindfulness Path.MOOD TRACKERRate your mood and feelings throughout the day, and addspecificnotes (the situation, the trigger, etc.) so you can noticepatternsand see improvement over time.THOUGHT RECORDING, JOURNALING & ANALYSISUse Pacifica’s psychologist-designed thought analysis tools tolearnhow distorted thinking patterns contribute to your anxiety.Pacificauses CBT techniques to help you to think in a morebalanced way,which helps break the negative thought cycle.DAILY CHALLENGES & GOAL TRACKINGPacifica uses CBT techniques to help you to face your anxiety,oneday at a time, and gradually work toward your long term goalsviadaily challenges.HEALTH TRACKERSet and track daily health goals for habits that affectanxiety(exercise, sleep, caffeine, alcohol, etc.). Learn which ofthesetrigger your anxiety based on patterns in your mood.Exercise,sleep and caffeine can also be populated using the AppleHealthapp.COMMUNITIES & GROUPSYou aren’t alone in this. Share stories, advice and morewithPacifica’s peer-support community.PACIFICA FULL ACCESS PRICING & TERMSPacifica is free to download and use. Pacifica Full Accessallowsfor unlimited use of the suite of tools and is availablethrough anauto-renewing subscription. There are two options:1 month: $5.991 year: $35.99These prices are for United States customers. Pricing inothercountries may vary and actual charges may be converted toyourlocal currency depending on your country's residence. Paymentwillbe charged to your Google Play Account at confirmationofpurchase.Your Pacifica Full Access subscription will automatically renewatthe end of each term and your credit card will be chargedthroughyour Google Play account. You can turn off auto-renew at anytimefrom your Google Play account settings but refunds will notbeprovided for the unused portion of the term.Need help with the app? Please email [email protected] OF SERVICE: POLICY:
7 Cups: Anxiety & Stress Chat 5.54.1
7 Cups of Tea
Feeling worried, sad, stressed or lonely?Needto talk to someone? Download 7 Cups now for FREEanonymousemotional support & counseling from trained activelisteners.Easy to use text chat. Real listeners available for you24/7 &that’s not all:- Chat 1-1 with a listener any time- Calm yourself with 300 free mindfulness exercises- Get personalized care with our free wellness test- Boost your mood with simple activities- Learn & grow from short videos- Feel supported in chat rooms & community forums- Access online message therapy with licensed therapistsWe start you on a “growth path” that will encourage and supportyouas you take daily steps to become stronger.Thousands of people use 7 Cups every week.EMOTIONAL SUPPORT ON DEMAND:Feeling stressed, anxious, or depressed? Havingrelationshipproblems? Sometimes you need to vent. Finding andscheduling atherapist can be time-consuming and expensive, and youcan’t alwaysopen up to friends, family, or coworkers.Now you can get emotional support anytime, anywhere with 7Cups.This app gives you the help you need, fast and free, in a waythatfits your life.• Connect anytime, anywhere with listeners who care• Speak your mind without any fear of being judged• All listeners trained in active listeningIN THE MEDIA:Founded by a licensed psychologist, 7 Cups has been featuredinLifeHacker (“Technology can help you find someone to chatwithabout your problems to, or even connect you with aprofessionalthat can offer lasting, long-term help”), Medical Daily(“Talkingtherapy for people on-the-go”), and TechCrunch (“One ofthe top 8startups from Y Combinator’s Summer ’13 Demo Day”).100% CONFIDENTIAL:Remain 100% anonymous. No one will ever know who you are—notevenyour listeners or therapists.LISTENERS WHO CARE:Our listeners are volunteers. They aren’t getting paid; they’reherebecause they want to help.They care.We have over 160,000 trained listeners and licensed therapiststochoose from. Listeners provide support across 189 countries andin140 languages. Each listener has a profile with reviews and alistof categories that they specialize in, ranging from panicattacksand bullying to eating disorders, surviving a breakup,andmore.When you find the listener you want, connect instantly via chat.Trya new listener each time, or pick one listener and develop adeeperongoing relationship.FAST & FREE:The app is free to download, and all listeners are 100% free.Afteryou download the app, you can start a conversation in lessthan 60seconds.UPGRADE PRICING & TERMS7 Cups offers two auto-renewing subscription options:$12.99/month$94.99/yearYour 7 Cups upgrade will automatically renew at the end of eachtermand your credit card will be charged through your iTunesaccount.You can turn off auto-renew at any time from your iTunesaccountsettings but refunds will not be provided for any unusedportion ofthe term.7 Cups also offers a Forever subscription paid for in asinglenon-renewing upfront payment of $399.99 granting unlimitedaccessto 7 Cups Upgrade forever.Read more about our terms and conditions here:Read more about our terms of service and privacy policy here: 7 Cups and start feeling better today!If you love 7 Cups, please take 20 seconds to give us a nicereview.It really helps! For other feedback, [email protected]. Thankyou.For users aged 13+.
Hope -Anxiety & Depression Aid 1.3
Legend Inc
Is your mood changing rapidly or you areundera lot of stress? Do you want to get rid of all thisnegativethinking and feel better? The Hope app is here to help!Hope is a stunning Medical application that includes a widerangeof tools to help promote health and a better mood. If you oryourfamily suffer from depression, anxiety or stress, then thisapp canhelp. We are offering you a wide range of quotes recited byvariousimportant personalities of both current and past time.You can also use the Hope in order to write down remindersthatwill help you cheer yourself up or maybe alert you aboutthoseevents that you need to attend later. You can actually leaveafeelings note if you want to or just cheer up by understandingthatyou have the power to overcome everything.Hope helps you address and nurture your mental andphysicalhealth with a great set of tools and you can download itright now.The app is filled with features and quotes that will helpyouovercome all bad moments in your life. Think about yourself,buildup your future and don’t stay trapped in the past. Hope!Features:• Multiple quotes to boost your confidence• Add in reminders and cheerful notes• Easy to use interface• Address your mental health• Use the app to cope with anxiety, depression or stress
Cuestionario sobre Depresión 2.1
Los resultados de esta aplicación se basanenlaimplementación del algoritmo CES-DR creado por especialistasdelaUNAM y de Morgan State University para el diagnóstico delosnivelesde depresión en las personas. Esta versión electrónicadeprueba estásiendo desarrollada por investigadores delaUniversidad Autónoma deAguascalientes como parte del proyectodeinvestigación E-Health.Este resultado no sustituye el análisisdeun profesional.The resultsofthisapplication are based on the implementation of theCES-DRalgorithmcreated by specialists from the UNAM and MorganStateUniversityfor the diagnosis of depression levels in people.Thiselectronicversion of test is being developed by researchersfromtheAutonomous University of Aguascalientes as part oftheresearchproject E-Health. This result does not replaceaprofessionalanalysis.
Depression Test 2.0.3
Evaluate your symptoms of depression with 9 simple questions.
Pharmindex drug information health care professionals
PulseLife ex 360 medics 3.1.3
360 medics
360 medics become PulseLife to answer to all caregiversmedicalquestions.
VIDAL Mobile
*** Le 21/01/14, VIDAL Mobile a reçu le prixdela meilleure application dans la catégorie outils transversauxpourles professionnels de santé. + d’infos***Vous êtes amené à rechercher de l’information sur lemédicament,dans la pratique quotidienne ou lors de vos déplacements?Bienvenue dans VIDAL Mobile, portail d’information sur lemédicamentpour le praticien nomade et l’étudiant.VIDAL Mobile fonctionne sans connexion Internet****************************************FONCTIONNALITÉSSur abonnement (payant) :- Monographies VIDAL• Une fiche d’information pour + de 11 000 médicaments et 4000produits de parapharmacie• Contenu conforme aux informations officielles et auxréférentielspublics• Recherche par nom commercial, substance,indication,laboratoire• Historique et favoris- VIDAL Recos• 175 stratégies thérapeutiques validées appuyées de gradesderecommandation• 240 arbres décisionnels commentés• Rédigées par plus de 90 experts sous la direction deCharlesCaulin, professeur émérite de thérapeutique• Précieux dans le cadre de la FMC et de l’EPP, cetouvrages’adresse à tout professionnel de santéGratuitement :- Interactions médicamenteuses :• Ajout de spécialités dans une ordonnance virtuelle : rechercheparnom commercial ou par substance• Analyse des interactions médicamenteuses de laprescriptionvirtuelle• Recherche d’alternatives thérapeutiques en casd’interaction- Actualité hebdomadaire du médicament- Reco du mois : une recommandation en accès libre chaquemois- Informations relatives à la contraception orale- Liste indicative des spécialités pharmaceutiquesfrançaisescontenant des produits dopants- Lexique des maladies rares pour lesquelles il existedesmédicaments spécifiques- Adresses des centres régionaux de pharmacovigilance- Informations sur le médicament et la conduite automobile- Reco Vaccinations, reprenant les recommandationsofficielles****************************************ABONNEMENTUn abonnement de 12 mois est requis pour consulter lesMonographies(29,99€) et les VIDAL Recos (19,99€) et bénéficier deleurs mises àjour mensuelles. Hors abonnement, seules les listes derésultatssont accessibles.Abonnez-vous directement depuis l’application :- Téléchargez les Monographies ou les VIDAL Recos survotresmartphone (par connexion WIFI – rubrique abonnement)- Abonnement annuel à 29,99€ (Monographies) ou 19,99€(VIDALRecos)- Le montant de l’abonnement est débité sur votre compteGoogleautomatiquement à la confirmation de l’abonnement- L’abonnement est automatiquement reconduit sauf si cetteoptionest désactivée au moins 24 heures avant la fin de la périodeencours. Aucune résiliation n’est possible pendant la périodeactiveen cours- L’abonnement et son renouvellement peuvent être gérés à partirdevotre compte dans La procédure est décritesurnotre FAQ.****************************************CONDITIONS D'USAGE & AUTHENTIFICATIONL’usage de VIDAL Mobile est destiné aux professionnels desantéhabilités à prescrire ou à dispenser des médicaments ou àlesutiliser dans l’exercice de leur art. Nous vous remercions debienvouloir vous authentifier avant d’accéder àl’application.L’utilisation de VIDAL Mobile ne dispense pas le professionneldesanté de vérifier les informations disponibles auprès desautoritésou de toutes autres sources officielles. VIDAL Mobile neremplacepas la décision du prescripteur, seul juge desthérapeutiques àenvisager.*** On 01/21/14,VIDALMobile received the prize for the best application in thecategorycross-cutting tools for health professionals. Moreinformationabout ***You are required to seek information on the drug in dailypracticeor while traveling?Welcome to Mobile VIDAL, information portal on medicine forthepractitioner and student nomad.VIDAL Mobile works without an Internet connection****************************************FEATURESBy subscription (paid):- Monographs VIDAL    • An information sheet for + 11 0004000drugs and drugstore products    • Content accordance with theofficialinformation and public repositories    • Search by product name,substance,indication, laboratory    • History and favorites- VIDAL Recos    • 175 validated therapeuticstrategiessupported recommendation grades    • 240 decision trees commented    • Written by more than 90 experts underthedirection of Charles Caulin, emeritus professoroftherapeutic    • Precious part of CME and EPP, this bookisfor any health professionalFree :- Drugs interactions :    • Adding specialties in a virtualorder:search by business name or substance    • drug interactions Analysis ofvirtualprescription    • Search of therapeutic alternativeswheninteracting- Drug Weekly News- Reco month: free access each month recommendation- Information on oral contraception- Indicative list of French pharmaceutical specialtiescontainingdoping- Glossary of rare diseases for which there are specificdrugs- Addresses of regional pharmacovigilance centers- The medicinal information and driving- Reco Vaccinations, resuming official recommendations****************************************SUBSCRIPTIONA 12-month subscription is required to view the Monographs (€29.99)and VIDAL Recos (€ 19.99) and benefit from their monthlyupdates.Outside subscription only lists results areavailable.Subscribe directly from the application:- Download VIDAL monographs or Recos on your smartphone (via WIFI-heading subscription)- Annual subscription € 29.99 (Monographs) or € 19.99(VIDALRecos)- The subscription fee is charged to your Google accounttoautomatically confirm the subscription- The subscription is automatically renewed unless this optionisturned off at least 24 hours before the end of the period.Notermination is possible in the current active period- Subscription and renewal can be managed from your The procedure is described in the FAQ.****************************************TERMS OF USE & AUTHENTICATIONThe use of Mobile VIDAL is intended for healthprofessionalsauthorized to prescribe or dispense drugs or use themin theexercise of their art. Thank you kindly authenticatebeforeaccessing the application.Using VIDAL Mobile does not relieve the health professionaltoverify the information available to the authorities or anyotherofficial sources. VIDAL Mobile does not replace the decisionof theprescriber, sole judge of therapeutics to consider.
Listes des Médicaments France
Permet d'accéder aux informations officielles sur lesspécialitéspharmaceutiques fournies par l'ANSM (Agence Nationale deSécuritédu Médicament et des produits de santé.Mise à jour des données de l'ANSM du 21/02/2013.- Recherche par numéro AMM ou nom de la spécialité.- Affichage du statut de l'AMM, du mode d'administration,dessubstances utilisées et de leur dosage (les principes actifssontmis en évidence)..- A partir de la fiche d'une spécialité (sur la listedessubstances), possibilité de voir les spécialitéséquivalentes.- La base de données est embarquée, aucune connexionn'estnécessaire.-> N'hésitez pas à nous faire part de vos suggestionspouraméliorer ce programme : [email protected] to official information on medicinal productsprovided byMSNA (National Security Agency of Medicines and HealthProducts.Updating data of MSNA 21/02/2013.- Search by AMM number or name of the specialty.- Display the status of the AMM, the mode of administration,thesubstances used and the dosage (the active ingredientsarehighlighted) ..- From the record of major (on the list of substances), canseethe equivalent specialties.- The database is embedded, no connection is required.-> Do not hesitate to send us your suggestions forimprovingthe program: [email protected]
蔡俊榕(春天)診所 1.4
疾病有時會很頑固,需要我們用耐心與智慧,共同去克服,我們願成為您健康生活的好夥伴。==============================我們的重要歷程:走過的路必然留下足跡,以下是開業九年來我們的重要歷程。未來的歲月,我們仍會循著先前的路,努力以赴走下去。畢竟,人生若能全心全力投入自己喜歡的事,夫復何求?小診所接觸的病例與疾病的處理,和大醫院有很大的不同。一位醫師在教學醫院受到完整而嚴格的訓練,能夠成功的成為某一領域的專才,但要成為一位稱職的基層醫師則並不必然,還是有段很長的成長空間;就像一個小孩子由匍匐到能健步而行,其間是經過無數的嘗試與努力。成立一家高品質的全人照顧的基層診所,是當初離開長庚的目的,也是這幾年來我們一貫追求的目標。==============================蔡俊榕醫師與陳筆政醫師皆出身於林口長庚醫院小兒科及兒童醫院,專長為胸腔科與氣喘過敏科,因此呼吸道疾病,如咳嗽、鼻炎、喉嚨痛、氣喘、慢性阻塞性肺病(COPD)等,是我們的專長。但對於其他科的疾病,包括一般民眾容易罹患的疾病,如糖尿病、高血壓、關節炎、皮膚疾病、頭痛、焦慮憂鬱疾患的診治,也頗有心得。開業近十年來,診治過數十萬人次大小鄉親的疾病,已累積無數寶貴的臨床經驗,普遍獲得鄉親肯定與好評。更重要的是,我們很注重醫學學理的精進,多年來,幾乎每周都會舉辦醫學研討會,由診所內的醫師及春天藥局藥師輪流作各種疾病主題的探討與研究,讓醫學理論與臨床結合。我們矢志成為優質的全科診所,負起鄉親健康的守門者。==============================本診所目前的設備有耳鼻喉科治療台、氣管噴霧治療機、超音波掃瞄、肺功能測定器,並與附近的承紘檢驗所合作,對於連日高燒的血液檢查、標準心電圖、各種急慢性疾病的檢測、及健保局成人健檢,都能提供迅速、方便的服務,鄉親不必動不動勞民傷財到大醫院跑急診,或苦等不一定給您滿意答案的門診。要成為好的基層家庭醫師,除了自己所專精的領域外,對於各種疾病都應有能力診治。事實上,在歐美有實施家庭醫師制度的先進國家,其民眾90%以上的病痛,都是找最了解他們的家庭醫師,就能得到療治;同時,也從如師亦友的醫師處得到正確的衛教知識,學得照顧自己及家人健康的正確態度;就是少數需要轉診的疾病,也能在家庭醫師介紹下,找到適合的醫師,得到最妥當的治療。這種完善的制度,在台灣並不是烏托邦,行政院衛生署與健保局也一直想嘗試建構這種人性化的醫療制度,希望能在國內生根、茁壯,我們相信假以時日,必見其開花結果,目前層出不窮的醫藥衛生亂象與困境,也得以迎刃而解。疾病有時會很頑固,需要我們用耐心與智慧,共同去克服它。我們願成為您健康的好夥伴。The diseasecansometimesbe stubborn, we need patience and wisdom togethertoovercome, wewould like to be a good partner for your healthylife.==============================Our important process:Walked the streets inevitably leave footprints, the followingistheopening nine years of our important journey. The comingyears,wewill follow the previous path, make effort to go. Afterall, iflifewholeheartedly into the things you like, whoneeds?Cases small clinic in contact with treatment, and largehospitalsarevery different diseases. A physician at a teachinghospital bythecomplete and rigorous training, can successfullybecome aparticulararea of ​​expertise, but to become a competentprimarycarephysicians are not necessarily, or is there room forgrowth ina longsegment; like a child by a vigorous and able tocrawl to theline,during a after numerous attempts and efforts.Theestablishment of ahigh quality holistic care clinics, isthepurpose of Chang Gung hadto leave, but also the past few yearswehave consistentlypursued.==============================Caijun Rong Chen, MD, Chief Physician pen were born inChangGungMemorial Hospital and Children's Hospital ofPediatrics,Division ofexpertise for the chest and wheezing tooMinke, sorespiratorydiseases, such as cough, rhinitis, sore throat,asthma,chronicobstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), etc. isourspecialty. But forthe other branches of the disease, includingthegeneral populationsusceptible to diseases such asdiabetes,hypertension, arthritis,skin disorders, headaches,depression,anxiety disorders diagnosisand treatment, but alsoerudite. Openedin the past decade, severalmillion people the sizeof thediagnosis and treatment of diseasefolks, has accumulatednumerousvaluable clinical experience,universal access to folksaffirmationand praise. More importantly,we are very focused onmedicalscience reasonable diligence, overthe years, almost everyweekmedical conference held by physiciansand pharmacistspharmacyspring turns inside the clinic for avariety of diseasesandresearch topics to explore, so the theoryand clinicalmedicinecombined. We aim to become high-qualitygeneral practice,takefolks healthy gatekeepers.==============================The clinic currently has ENT treatment units ofequipment,tracheaaerosol therapy machine, ultrasound scans, lungfunctionmeasuringdevice, and in collaboration with the nearbyCheng-hungtesting,blood tests for the days of fever,standardelectrocardiogram, avariety of acute and chronic detectionof thedisease, and theNational Health Insurance Bureau adulthealthexamination, canprovide fast, convenient service, folks donothave to run frequentlycostly to a hospital emergency room,orwaiting does not necessarilygive you a satisfactory answer totheclinic.To become a good grass-roots family physician, in additiontotheirown areas of expertise, should have the ability forthediagnosisand treatment of various diseases. In fact,theimplementation ofadvanced countries in Europe have afamilyphysician system, morethan 90% of its citizens illness, arelookingfor the bestunderstanding of their family doctor, you cangettreatment; sametime, get the right mentor from suchphysicianoffice healtheducation knowledge, learn to take care ofyourselfand your familyhealthy right attitude; are few requirereferraldiseases, but alsoto introduce the family physician, findasuitable physician, toget the most appropriate treatment.Thissound system in Taiwan isnot utopia, Department of Health andtheNational Health InsuranceBureau have always wanted to trytoconstruct such a humane healthcare system, hoping to take rootinthe country, robust, and webelieve that, in time, will bereflectedin its fruition, thecurrent chaos and endless medical andhealthdifficulties, but alsoto be solved. The disease can sometimesbestubborn, we needpatience and wisdom together to overcome it.Wewould like to beyour health and good partners.
Depression 1.0
Due to the increasing number of the people afected bydepressionaround the world,we feel in the obligation of providinginformationto those who suffer it on the latestscientificdevelopments,investigations and articles that can helpthem.Keeping you up-to-date about depression This app feeds fromMedicalNews Today