1.4 / July 13, 2016
(4.2/5) (32)









The disease cansometimesbe stubborn, we need patience and wisdom together toovercome, wewould like to be a good partner for your healthy life.


Our important process:
Walked the streets inevitably leave footprints, the following istheopening nine years of our important journey. The coming years,wewill follow the previous path, make effort to go. After all, iflifewholeheartedly into the things you like, who needs?
Cases small clinic in contact with treatment, and largehospitalsare very different diseases. A physician at a teachinghospital bythe complete and rigorous training, can successfullybecome aparticular area of ​​expertise, but to become a competentprimarycare physicians are not necessarily, or is there room forgrowth ina long segment; like a child by a vigorous and able tocrawl to theline, during a after numerous attempts and efforts.Theestablishment of a high quality holistic care clinics, isthepurpose of Chang Gung had to leave, but also the past few yearswehave consistently pursued.


Caijun Rong Chen, MD, Chief Physician pen were born in ChangGungMemorial Hospital and Children's Hospital of Pediatrics,Division ofexpertise for the chest and wheezing too Minke, sorespiratorydiseases, such as cough, rhinitis, sore throat, asthma,chronicobstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), etc. is ourspecialty. But forthe other branches of the disease, including thegeneral populationsusceptible to diseases such as diabetes,hypertension, arthritis,skin disorders, headaches, depression,anxiety disorders diagnosisand treatment, but also erudite. Openedin the past decade, severalmillion people the size of thediagnosis and treatment of diseasefolks, has accumulated numerousvaluable clinical experience,universal access to folks affirmationand praise. More importantly,we are very focused on medicalscience reasonable diligence, overthe years, almost every weekmedical conference held by physiciansand pharmacists pharmacyspring turns inside the clinic for avariety of diseases andresearch topics to explore, so the theoryand clinical medicinecombined. We aim to become high-qualitygeneral practice, takefolks healthy gatekeepers.


The clinic currently has ENT treatment units ofequipment,trachea aerosol therapy machine, ultrasound scans, lungfunctionmeasuring device, and in collaboration with the nearbyCheng-hungtesting, blood tests for the days of fever,standardelectrocardiogram, a variety of acute and chronic detectionof thedisease, and the National Health Insurance Bureau adulthealthexamination, can provide fast, convenient service, folks donothave to run frequently costly to a hospital emergency room,orwaiting does not necessarily give you a satisfactory answer totheclinic.
To become a good grass-roots family physician, in addition totheirown areas of expertise, should have the ability for thediagnosisand treatment of various diseases. In fact, theimplementation ofadvanced countries in Europe have a familyphysician system, morethan 90% of its citizens illness, are lookingfor the bestunderstanding of their family doctor, you can gettreatment; sametime, get the right mentor from such physicianoffice healtheducation knowledge, learn to take care of yourselfand your familyhealthy right attitude; are few require referraldiseases, but alsoto introduce the family physician, find asuitable physician, toget the most appropriate treatment. Thissound system in Taiwan isnot utopia, Department of Health and theNational Health InsuranceBureau have always wanted to try toconstruct such a humane healthcare system, hoping to take root inthe country, robust, and webelieve that, in time, will be reflectedin its fruition, thecurrent chaos and endless medical and healthdifficulties, but alsoto be solved. The disease can sometimes bestubborn, we needpatience and wisdom together to overcome it. Wewould like to beyour health and good partners.

App Information 蔡俊榕(春天)診所

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崇文診所 1.2 APK
PockClinic口袋診所 1.3 APK
=== 提升看診品質的醫療服務 === 「PockClinic口袋診所」為民眾與診所搭建一座互動的橋,強化診所民眾之間的服務關係。從民眾的角度,改善過去久候的看診經驗,以及單向的資訊管道。藉由PockClinic,您可快速管理個人醫療資訊,包括在地診所資訊、線上掛號、醫療保健資訊、用藥提醒、醫師QA、叫號通知…等多元服務。【詳細介紹】PockClinic提供全面性的周邊看診服務,可查看目前診所的看診號碼、線上預約掛號、診所門診表、跟診記錄、基礎量測記錄……等,為提升看診服務的便利性,並使就醫紀錄更加完善,我們正努力的將PockClinic推廣至各家醫療院所,強化您與醫師的互動。若您喜愛我們的產品,而您就診的醫療院所尚未開通相關服務,請您不吝回信給我們,我們會快速的與該醫療院所接洽,或請不吝將我們的服務推薦給您的醫師們參考!感謝您!目前已經有3,724間醫療院所可以查看即時的看診號碼、門診表、直播電話至醫療院所囉!您想透過手機線上預約掛號嗎?想隨時查詢診所的看診進度嗎?想要有更優質的看診服務嗎?快把PockClinic推薦給您喜愛的診所醫師吧!這些功能將帶給醫師與您全新的看診經驗!
博全婦產科 1.0 APK
4D彩色超音波(高層次)轉介儲存臍帶血幹細胞子宮頸抹片檢查、新柏氏電腦超薄抹片乳房超音波優生保健:人工流產手術、合法藥物流產腹腔鏡手術、陰道式手術:無痛、無疤痕、免拆線包括子宮肌瘤、卵巢囊腫;陰道結紮子宮外孕手術、各種陰道整型手術等無痛分娩,日夜接生無痛手術:剖腹生產術後,無痛控制HPV(人類乳突病毒)檢查不孕症治療:a. 不孕症治療b. 輸卵管通氣檢c. 輸卵管整型手術4D colorultrasound(high-level)Referral storage of cord blood stem cellsPap smear, ThinPrep Pap slim computerBreast UltrasoundGenetic Health: abortion, legal abortionLaparoscopic surgery, vaginal surgery: No pain, no scar, free stitches Including uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts;vaginalligation Ectopic pregnancy surgery, various vaginalcosmeticsurgeryPainless childbirth, birth day and nightPainless Surgery: Caesarean section surgery, pain controlHPV (human papilloma virus) checkInfertility Treatment: a. Infertility Treatment b. tubal ventilation inspection c. tubal plastic surgery
蔡俊榕(春天)診所 1.4 APK
疾病有時會很頑固,需要我們用耐心與智慧,共同去克服,我們願成為您健康生活的好夥伴。==============================我們的重要歷程:走過的路必然留下足跡,以下是開業九年來我們的重要歷程。未來的歲月,我們仍會循著先前的路,努力以赴走下去。畢竟,人生若能全心全力投入自己喜歡的事,夫復何求?小診所接觸的病例與疾病的處理,和大醫院有很大的不同。一位醫師在教學醫院受到完整而嚴格的訓練,能夠成功的成為某一領域的專才,但要成為一位稱職的基層醫師則並不必然,還是有段很長的成長空間;就像一個小孩子由匍匐到能健步而行,其間是經過無數的嘗試與努力。成立一家高品質的全人照顧的基層診所,是當初離開長庚的目的,也是這幾年來我們一貫追求的目標。==============================蔡俊榕醫師與陳筆政醫師皆出身於林口長庚醫院小兒科及兒童醫院,專長為胸腔科與氣喘過敏科,因此呼吸道疾病,如咳嗽、鼻炎、喉嚨痛、氣喘、慢性阻塞性肺病(COPD)等,是我們的專長。但對於其他科的疾病,包括一般民眾容易罹患的疾病,如糖尿病、高血壓、關節炎、皮膚疾病、頭痛、焦慮憂鬱疾患的診治,也頗有心得。開業近十年來,診治過數十萬人次大小鄉親的疾病,已累積無數寶貴的臨床經驗,普遍獲得鄉親肯定與好評。更重要的是,我們很注重醫學學理的精進,多年來,幾乎每周都會舉辦醫學研討會,由診所內的醫師及春天藥局藥師輪流作各種疾病主題的探討與研究,讓醫學理論與臨床結合。我們矢志成為優質的全科診所,負起鄉親健康的守門者。==============================本診所目前的設備有耳鼻喉科治療台、氣管噴霧治療機、超音波掃瞄、肺功能測定器,並與附近的承紘檢驗所合作,對於連日高燒的血液檢查、標準心電圖、各種急慢性疾病的檢測、及健保局成人健檢,都能提供迅速、方便的服務,鄉親不必動不動勞民傷財到大醫院跑急診,或苦等不一定給您滿意答案的門診。要成為好的基層家庭醫師,除了自己所專精的領域外,對於各種疾病都應有能力診治。事實上,在歐美有實施家庭醫師制度的先進國家,其民眾90%以上的病痛,都是找最了解他們的家庭醫師,就能得到療治;同時,也從如師亦友的醫師處得到正確的衛教知識,學得照顧自己及家人健康的正確態度;就是少數需要轉診的疾病,也能在家庭醫師介紹下,找到適合的醫師,得到最妥當的治療。這種完善的制度,在台灣並不是烏托邦,行政院衛生署與健保局也一直想嘗試建構這種人性化的醫療制度,希望能在國內生根、茁壯,我們相信假以時日,必見其開花結果,目前層出不窮的醫藥衛生亂象與困境,也得以迎刃而解。疾病有時會很頑固,需要我們用耐心與智慧,共同去克服它。我們願成為您健康的好夥伴。The disease cansometimesbe stubborn, we need patience and wisdom together toovercome, wewould like to be a good partner for your healthy life.==============================Our important process:Walked the streets inevitably leave footprints, the following istheopening nine years of our important journey. The coming years,wewill follow the previous path, make effort to go. After all, iflifewholeheartedly into the things you like, who needs?Cases small clinic in contact with treatment, and largehospitalsare very different diseases. A physician at a teachinghospital bythe complete and rigorous training, can successfullybecome aparticular area of ​​expertise, but to become a competentprimarycare physicians are not necessarily, or is there room forgrowth ina long segment; like a child by a vigorous and able tocrawl to theline, during a after numerous attempts and efforts.Theestablishment of a high quality holistic care clinics, isthepurpose of Chang Gung had to leave, but also the past few yearswehave consistently pursued.==============================Caijun Rong Chen, MD, Chief Physician pen were born in ChangGungMemorial Hospital and Children's Hospital of Pediatrics,Division ofexpertise for the chest and wheezing too Minke, sorespiratorydiseases, such as cough, rhinitis, sore throat, asthma,chronicobstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), etc. is ourspecialty. But forthe other branches of the disease, including thegeneral populationsusceptible to diseases such as diabetes,hypertension, arthritis,skin disorders, headaches, depression,anxiety disorders diagnosisand treatment, but also erudite. Openedin the past decade, severalmillion people the size of thediagnosis and treatment of diseasefolks, has accumulated numerousvaluable clinical experience,universal access to folks affirmationand praise. More importantly,we are very focused on medicalscience reasonable diligence, overthe years, almost every weekmedical conference held by physiciansand pharmacists pharmacyspring turns inside the clinic for avariety of diseases andresearch topics to explore, so the theoryand clinical medicinecombined. We aim to become high-qualitygeneral practice, takefolks healthy gatekeepers.==============================The clinic currently has ENT treatment units ofequipment,trachea aerosol therapy machine, ultrasound scans, lungfunctionmeasuring device, and in collaboration with the nearbyCheng-hungtesting, blood tests for the days of fever,standardelectrocardiogram, a variety of acute and chronic detectionof thedisease, and the National Health Insurance Bureau adulthealthexamination, can provide fast, convenient service, folks donothave to run frequently costly to a hospital emergency room,orwaiting does not necessarily give you a satisfactory answer totheclinic.To become a good grass-roots family physician, in addition totheirown areas of expertise, should have the ability for thediagnosisand treatment of various diseases. In fact, theimplementation ofadvanced countries in Europe have a familyphysician system, morethan 90% of its citizens illness, are lookingfor the bestunderstanding of their family doctor, you can gettreatment; sametime, get the right mentor from such physicianoffice healtheducation knowledge, learn to take care of yourselfand your familyhealthy right attitude; are few require referraldiseases, but alsoto introduce the family physician, find asuitable physician, toget the most appropriate treatment. Thissound system in Taiwan isnot utopia, Department of Health and theNational Health InsuranceBureau have always wanted to try toconstruct such a humane healthcare system, hoping to take root inthe country, robust, and webelieve that, in time, will be reflectedin its fruition, thecurrent chaos and endless medical and healthdifficulties, but alsoto be solved. The disease can sometimes bestubborn, we needpatience and wisdom together to overcome it. Wewould like to beyour health and good partners.
安濟診所 1.2 APK
健康是最重要的事, 守護健康, 關懷弱勢是安濟診所醫療團隊的核心價值成人及小兒常見疾病, 感冒, 氣喘, 過敏性鼻炎, 呼吸道感染, 鼻竇炎,中耳炎, 扁桃腺炎等耳鼻喉治療,腸胃炎, 痠痛關節炎, 痛風, 高血壓, 糖尿病, 高血脂等慢性疾病, 成人健康檢查, 皮膚過敏, 青春痘等各類皮膚疾患,外傷傷口治療,流感疫苗以及B型肝炎疫苗注射疼痛點穴位注射, 膝關節玻尿酸注射, 過敏性鼻炎皮膚過敏的減敏治療, 成人口腔篩檢, 糞便潛血檢查, 心電圖檢查,戒菸治療Health is the mostimportant thing, the guardian of health care for thedisadvantagedAnji is a core value of the clinic's medical teamAdult and pediatric common diseases, colds, asthma, allergicrhinitis, respiratory infections, sinusitis, otitis media,tonsillitis and other ENT treatment,Gastroenteritis, arthritis pain, gout, high blood pressure,diabetes, high cholesterol and other chronic diseases, adult healthexamination, skin allergies, acne and other skin disorders, trauma,wound treatment, influenza vaccine and hepatitis B vaccinationPain point injection, hyaluronic acid knee injections, allergicrhinitis allergic skin desensitization therapy, adult oralscreening, fecal occult blood test, ECG, smoking cessationtreatment
林慧雯婦產科診所 1.0 APK
時尚的空間設計,明亮、整潔、舒適得環境,讓婦女們及女孩們很安心的在這裡就診。有貼心的護理人員為您服務,專業親切的婦產科女醫師親自為您看診,環境隱密,在這裡不需擔心個人隱私問題。除此之外本院有最新最完善的醫療器材及超音波儀器,看診時由醫師親自為您檢查及詳細解釋病情;若需進一步治療或檢察,我們提供轉診至國泰醫院的服務,採雙向合作,提供您更完善的醫療服務。Stylish space design,bright, clean, comfortable environment too, so women and girls feelsafe here for treatment. There are nurses caring for your service,professional friendly female doctor of obstetrics and gynecologyfor you personally to see the doctor, intimate environment,Here without worrying about privacy issues. In addition to thehospital with the latest equipment and the most comprehensivemedical ultrasound equipment, personal checks and a detailedexplanation of your condition diagnosed by a physician watching;For further treatment or prosecution,We provide referral services to Cathay General Hospital, miningtwo-way cooperation, provide you with better health careservices.
展望診所 1.0 APK
展望診所===== 提升看診品質的醫療服務 =====從善出發,站在客戶立場不斷提供高品質之產品與服務,作為展望永續經營的目標。我們率先推出結合資訊系統的APP,提供您最優質的服務。===== 系統歷程 =====進入醫療資訊產業,歷經Dos版、Y2K、Win版…一直到IC卡、U化、Web化、整合經營管理,展望一直走在業界的前端,在現今網路能力愈來愈強、功能越齊全、變動速度愈來愈快,未來將更積極朝向M化的趨勢邁進。===== 技術未來 =====展望仍將致力於『醫療資訊服務』。在高度競爭的市場結構下,未來資訊發展策略將走向以『醫療照護服務匯流排』( Healthcare Business Service Bus ) ,並以服務導向系統架構為底層(Service-Oriented Architecture ) 建構服務元件的可重用性、一致性。===== 魏總的話 =====展望亞洲科技,創立於民國76年6月,秉持「誠信服務」、「永續經營」的理念,專職於醫療院所電腦化的推展。從公司草創期的「勞工保險」至「全民健保」的施行,展望一直陪伴著基層醫療院所醫師們走過這風風雨雨,發展至今已有台北總公司、台北分公司、台中分公司、高雄分公司、桃園公司,及遍佈全國之經銷商,逾百餘位的專業服務人員,為全國6,000家醫療院所提供最專業及最具時效的專業服務。這一路走來,展望一直秉持著創立時的理念,以「協助醫療院所醫師簡化繁瑣工作」與「創造雙贏的醫病關係」做為奮鬥目標。  從創建之初的小兒科與內、外科醫療管理系統,發展至耳鼻喉科、婦產科、復健科、皮膚科、眼科、精神科及賽華陀中醫醫療管理系統、牙醫醫療管理系統,展望一直朝著全方位醫療資訊提供者(MISP,MedicalInformation Solution Provider)邁進。  邁入第27年,展望仍然抱持著一貫的信諾、理念與願景,讓系統更人性化,創造新產品協助醫師朋友,這一切的努力只期望能提昇及加強對「醫療院所醫師的服務」與「社區民眾健康的營造」。  在這21世紀,展望更擴大觸角,西進大陸市場,服務更多的族群,面對多變的環境並因應健康自費的市場需求,陸續推出醫美系統、診所健康頻道、自費Web檢驗系統、醫管服務…等,真正實現M.I.S.P,使展望成為醫界之展望!讓我們共同邁向醫療資源共享的福利社會,並一起共同展望明日美好的未來 !展望亞洲科技股份有限公司總經理 魏于盛Prospects Clinic===== Enhance the quality of medical care visits =====Starting from the good, customers stand to continue to provide highquality products and services, as the prospect of sustainabledevelopment goals.We pioneered the combination of information systems APP, provideyou with the best quality service.System History ===== =====Enter the medical information industry, after Dos version, Y2K, Winversion ... has been to IC card, U technology, Web technology,integrated business management, has been taking front-end prospectsin the industry, in today's Internet capabilities become stronger,more complete functional changes in speed more quickly, the futurewill be more positive towards M trend forward.Future technology ===== =====Prospects remain committed "medical information service." In thehighly competitive market structure, the future of informationdevelopment strategy will go to"Medical Care Service Bus" (Healthcare Business Service Bus), andservice-oriented architecture is the underlying (Service-OrientedArchitecture) to construct reusable service components,consistency.General Wei words ===== =====Looking Asian technology, was founded in the Republic on June 76,uphold the "integrity services", "sustainable development" concept,allied medical institutes computerized forward. From the companyembryonic stage "labor insurance" to "universal health insurance"purposes, has been accompanied outlook primary care physiciansthrough this stormy institutes, development has been the headoffice in Taipei, Taipei Branch, Taichung Branch, Kaohsiung Branch,Taoyuan companies, and distributors throughout the country, morethan a hundred bits service professionals, 6,000 hospitalsnationwide to provide the most professional and most professionalservice time. Along the way, look to always uphold the idea of​​the creation of time, in order to "help simplify the tedious workof medical institutions physician" and "doctor-patient relationshipand create a win-win" as the goal.From the beginning of the creation of pediatrics and internal,surgical medical management system, developed to ENT, gynecologyand obstetrics, rehabilitation, dermatology, ophthalmology,psychiatry and race Hua Tuo Chinese medical management systems,dental health management systems, outlook been moving full range ofmedical information provider (MISP, Medical Information SolutionProvider) forward.Into the first 27 years, still hold a consistent outlook CIGNA,ideas and vision, make the system more humane, to create newproducts to assist physicians friend, all this effort only hope toenhance and strengthen the "physician's medical institutionsservice "and" public health community to create. "In this 21st century, expanding reach more prospects, west tothe mainland market, serving more communities in the face inresponse to the changing environment and the health expense ofmarket demand, the United States launched the medical system,clinics Health Channel, at their own expense Web inspectionsystems, medical Tube services ... etc., truly MISP, so that themedical community's outlook became outlook!Let us work towards the welfare of the community health careresource sharing and Outlook together a better future tomorrow!Looking Asia Technology Co., Ltd.General Manager Wei Yu Sheng
維新診所 1.0 APK
資深長庚 內科 肝膽胃腸科 主治醫師 林靖邦 十餘年上萬例內視鏡檢查治療經驗連續四年榮獲長庚最佳臨床教學醫師 美國消化系內視鏡醫學會會員 細徑胃鏡 窄波光學早期癌症偵測大腸鏡 高解析超音波Hepatobiliary MedicineDivision of Gastroenterology, Chang Gung senior physician LinJingbang more than ten years of experience treating thousands ofpatients with endoscopic examination for four consecutive years wonthe Chang Gung best physicians in the United States for clinicalteaching Digestive Endoscopy Medical Association endoscopy smalldiameter optical narrow band of early detection of colorectalcancer high-resolution ultrasound microscopy