Top 50 Apps Similar to YPC - Your Personal Connection

Weldon - Parenting Support (fo 3.1.5
Weldon, Inc.
Parenting Tips and Advice: Build confidence and reduceparentingstress
The Never Settle Collective 1.21.00
Mindful Titan
People who live exceptional lives follow one essential rule:NeverSettle. The Never Settle Collective is the only group thathasexamined and combined the best behavioral science research fromthetop universities, such as Yale, Harvard, Cornell and Stanford,touncover the specific skills, habits, behaviors, routines&mindset of those that never settle in life, no matterthecircumstances. STOP TRACKING HABITS... INSTEAD MASTER THERIGHTHABITS Scientifically-backed habits, routines & mindsetcanhelp guide you towards: • Breaking out of your comfort zone•Increasing perpetual gratitude • Engaging in habitual positivity•Creating a morning routine for unwavering motivation •Improvingdecision-making • Uncovering daily inspiration • Deepeningyourself-awareness and mindfulness • Banishing procrastination&becoming organized • Building a proactive mindsetthoughtself-development & self-improvement • Establishinghabits ofhealth • Formulating a structured, daily routine forproductivity •Igniting motivation for the new year HOW TO MASTERTHE RIGHTHABITS: THE NEVER SETTLE COLLECTIVE’S 4-STEP SYSTEM Learnthe wayscience intended. Never Settle has developed a step-by-stepsystembased on neuroscientific research: 1) DAILY PRACTICE -Howworld-class musicians, athletes, business people & keypeopleof influence excel. Follow 200+ personalized,real-time,step-by-step mental workouts. 2) OPTIMUM MINDSET - Changeyour moodand mindset instantly. 80+ techniques & tools tooptimize mood,no matter the circumstance. 3) POWERFUL NOTES -Reinforceproductivity & positivity. The integrated journalhelps tosolidify skills and habits. 4) TRACK YOUR PROGRESS – Focusonresults for continued motivation. Discover areas thatneedstrengthening and where you already excel. EVERYONE SHOULD HAVETHECHANCE TO BE EXTRAORDINARY. We invite you to be part of theelitegroup of the Never Settle Collective: Those that take controloftheir lives, and have a blast doing so. Never wake up inthemorning again and wonder how you should organize your day orwhatdaily routine you should follow. Make the most out of every daytobe: Happier Successful Joyful Motivated InspiredResilientExceptional Your Best Self TAILORED FOR YOU Never Settleis aself-development app that can help lead a fulfilling life,allwhile supporting positivity, joy, success and empowerment.Yourjourney through the Never Settle app will be personalized tofityour needs, and will help develop your happiness,mindfulness,motivation, focus, habits of health, social skills andtechnicalskills. THE 5 PILLARS OF LIFE ACHIEVEMENT: 1 Happiness:Gratitude,Positivity, Resilience, Self-Esteem, Bounce Back fromAdversity 2Optimal Mindset: Self-Awareness, Mindfulness, PositiveMentalHealth, Self-Development, Self-Improvement 3 Productivity:Success,Focus, Motivation, Persistence, Life Achievement,Inspiration,Organized & Structured Daily Routine 4Perseverance: TransformObstacles into Opportunities, Expand YourComfort Zone, Bounce Backfrom Failure 5 Better Decision-Making:Create Perpetual Motiontowards Life Goals NEVER SETTLE IS FOR BUSYPEOPLE LIKE YOUHigh-achievers increase their likelihood of successand happinessby consistently developing their productivity,passion,inspiration, creativity, focus, morning motivation &dailyroutine. Never Settle gives you maximum results with minimaltimeand effort. ALWAYS THERE FOR YOU: Want to break out of yourcomfortzone? Need guidance on a tough decision? Findinstant,best-in-class advice based on the latest behavioral sciencein the“Tools” feature. It is almost like having an expert alwaysready toguide you. WELCOME TO OUR COMMUNITY One thing unites us:Each of usseeks to lead a meaningful and fulfilling life. Pleaselet us knowif we can make the experience better for you. Email [email protected] Privacy policylink:
Longwalks: The Friendship App 4.4.0
A new way to meet people, based on authenticity! 1.0.5
You must be a TalkingParents.comPremiumSubscriber to use this App.Upgrading to a Premium account includes unlimited access toPDFrecords; a totally ad-free experience across all devices; a10%discount on printed records; access to our new Android andiPhonemobile apps; and access to all archived attachments.TalkingParents keeps a complete record of all communicationsbetweenparents. We maintain the record as an independent thirdparty,making sure parents cannot delete or alter anything theyhave said.Our new Android app offers an enhanced mobile experiencefor PremiumTalking Parents users and includes the followingfeatures:- View your conversations.- View and post messages.- Create a new conversation.- Send PDF copies of your Complete Record.- Receive an instant notification on your Android device whenyouhave a new message to view.- See how many new messages you have to view on the app icon.- Manage your account settings.Please keep in mind though, a Premium account is not necessaryatall to communicate through our service as our mainwebsite,accessed via any internet browser, is designed toautomaticallyresize and rearrange itself to fit the screen on anydevice, be ita smartphone, tablet, or regular computer. You canaccess youraccount anytime for free by opening the internet browseron yourAndroid device and navigating
HowApp: Parenting & Activities.
Find, Share & Organise Activities, Games & Projects ForKids
Houzz Pro 21.1.3
Houzz Inc.
The all-in-one business solution built just for you. Jointhousandsof home building, remodeling, and design professionals whogrow andmanage their business on Houzz Pro. We are a businessmanagementsoftware that spans the full customer lifecycle,includingmarketing, CRM, estimation & proposals, onlineinvoicing andpayments, project management and client communicationandcollaboration. Houzz Pro provides the following key featuresandmore: - CRM - Client collaboration - Estimates - Paymentrequests -Change orders - Internal notes
The Happy Child Parenting App 2.4.5
HJB Ventures
Replacing parenting myths with new scientific research
Dream Visualization Board and Gratitude Journal
COMPLETE ASTROLOGICAL PORTRAIT (an Astral Mirror) Aldebaran-83.0
Analysis and interpretation of a birth chart from the sky chart.Theinterpretation includes the following chapters: ➊ Temperament➋Character and personality ➌ Psychological analysis ➍Professionaldiagnosis ➎ Spheres of personal realization ➏ Summaryand advice ➐Astrological Dominants ➑ Astro-psychological profile ➒Technicaldata astrological ➓ Chart map of birth sky - European orAmericanformat For a total of about thirty pages of astrologicalanalysis.➽ TEMPERATURE The analysis of temperament is based ontheastrological elements that characterize the primordial vitalforcesin which the development of the subject is inscribed. Morethan aformal description, this chapter describes the "operatingmodes"that seem to dominate the dynamics of the native. ➽ THECHARACTERThis second chapter is a description of the differentfacets of thesubject's personality. Based on the position of theplanets in signand on the position of the ascendant and his"master", he describesthe various instinctual and behavioraltendencies, endeavoring todraw the modalities - arduous or easy -of their integration intowithin the whole that seeks to synthesizethe individuality of thesubject. ➽ PSYCHOLOGICAL ANALYSIS Thepsychological study uncoversthe basic structure of the native'spersonality. The followingfacets are discussed: self-ideal,affectivity and sexuality, mentalabilities and dynamic resources. ➽PROFESSIONAL DIAGNOSIS Afterhaving identified the underlyingmotivations of the subject, theessential psychological functionsthat contribute to his social andprofessional integration, thestudy then completes this descriptionby a behavioral analysis andadvice on the best behavior to take inthe face of social reality. ➽SUMMARY AND ADVICE In this chapter,it is the complex astrologicalfigures that draw the specificity ofthe subject that are studied.From their analysis follow generaladvice and warnings. ➽ SPHERES OFPERSONAL REALIZATION Thischapter, analyzing more particularly theterrestrial position ofthe planets, sets out to define thedifferent areas of life wherethe subject will meet the majoropportunities to grow and develop.➽ ASTROLOGICAL DOMINANTSReturning to the more general and'archetypal' aspects, this chapterdiscusses astrologicaldominants. ➽ ASTRO-PSYCHOLOGICAL PROFILE Thischapter draws agraphical profile with 17 opposing pairs offundamentalpsychological components. This graph sketches thepsychologicalprofile of the subject. Each of the elements composingthis profileis then the object of an explanatory commentary. ➽CONCLUSIONSeveral readings are usually necessary to grasp themeaning of sucha study; We also advise you to keep it and read itover the comingmonths, in order to have a bigger perspective.Following thisreading, you can also get in touch with an astrologerfor an oralconsultation - direct contact is often valuable. Thefree versionof the app is fully functional. The interpretation ofthe secondchapter (Character and personality) is issued to you freeof chargeso that you realize the richness of your "Astral Mirror".You canacquire online as much interpretation of astral themes asyou want.We loath commercial advertisements concerning our work.But, if youare enjoying this app, we would appreciate that you tellto peoplewho could have a use of it and interest to it, how muchyou didenjoy it yourself.
Soulvana: Daily Spirituality
Take your meditation, spiritual practice and all areas of yourlifeto new heights. Experience spiritual awakening, tune chakraandbecome a happier person. Harmonize your spiritual meditationandelevate mental health. Relaxing sounds will help withspiritualpractice and stress relief. 🙏Guided meditations bySoulvana🙏Connect with the world's best spiritual teachers, healersandthousands of evolved people like you on the mosttransformationalonline group meditations, guided meditations, soundtherapy(including soothing and relaxing sounds), manifestationsessionsand spiritual inspiration on the planet. Start healing,ascending,evolving and thriving in all areas of your life. Fromhealth,happiness, relationships and emotional well-being tofinance,career and purpose, Soulvana gives you spiritualinspiration topositively impact your health, life and humanity likenever before.Become better version of yourself - calmer, happier,morefulfilled. Improve your spirituality, mental health, experiencealasting anxiety and stress relief. Connecting and meditatingwithother people will help like nothing else. Connect and MeditateWithThousands of People Gathering for Live Group Immersions inHealing,Activation, Meditation & Manifesting Group Immersionsaretransformational spiritual inspiration, guided by the world’sbestspiritual teachers and enhanced with advancedmulti-sensorytechnology of relaxing sounds, color, energy andsacred geometry.By joining Group Immersions you can now connectwith thousands ofother people, do spiritual meditation in a groupunity andcoherence. Group Immersions are an advanced form of guidedgroupmeditations designed to help you experience supreme levelsofconnectedness. Together, we create a powerful energy field,afountain of youth and collective coherence, engineered to helpyouheal, ground, recharge, evolve, manifest and send love.Meditate,Recharge, Evolve & Rejuvenate with the Best SpiritualTeachers,Healers & Artists in the World From best-sellingauthors,award-winning healers, Reiki masters to sought-afterinternationalspeakers, world-class sound healers, enlightenedpharmacistsSoulvana brings the best spiritual teachers, healers,guides,coaches, therapist and lightworkers to your fingertips.Author listfeatures: ⭐Christie Marie Sheldon ⭐Lune Innate ⭐MarieDiamond⭐Jeffrey Allen ⭐Sarah Prout ⭐Brett Bevell ⭐Vishen Lakhiani …andmany more! Contribute To A Higher Cause and A MissionSoulvana'sgrand mission is to heal, unite and raise theconsciousness,provide spiritual awakening, experience stress reliefwith relaxingsounds and create a better world for us and ourchildren, bybringing modern spiritual inspiration and spiritualpractice toevery person. It will change your life perception.ImmersionsImmersions are an advanced, on-demand and multi-sensoryguidedmeditations, engineered to help you activate your psychicgifts andhigher potential. Immersions are guided by the bestspiritualguides to help you experience even deeper shifts,healings,transformations, and ascensions. Healing Chambers: TheWorld’s BestHealers Work On You Through Time/Space Healing Chambersareon-demand micro healing sessions where the world's bestspiritualhealers work on you through time & space. SonicTherapies: TheFuture Of Medicine At Your Fingertips Sonic therapiesare theon-demand medicine of the future, available to you today andnow.Leveraging the energy of sound, vibration, and intonation,uniqueand potent tools to help you experience healings,clearings,releases, activations, and ascensions – while you're onsomethingelse. Soulvana is a part of Mindvalley Creations alongwith: Mindvalley Academy Omvana: Meditation, Yoga SleepMindvalleyQuests: Daily Personal Growth Mindvalley: BeExtraordinary … so youknow you’re in good hands!
Teaching Strategies Family
Build connections with your child’s teachers and caregivers
Parent Lab–Daily Parenting App 4.6.2
Personalized advice & insights from experts. Raisehappy,resilient children.
Aura: Meditation & Sleep 3.18.29
Find peace every day. Transform your wellbeing & sleep withtheall-in-one app.
Stash2Go: Ravelry on the Go 458
Allows to use Ravelry and access yarns, projects, patternsandfriends + more
Parent Cue 7.2.2
reThink Group
Parent Smarter, Not Harder
OurFamilyWizard Co-Parent App 6.5.0
Join over 1MM parents & professionals who've used OFWtonavigate co-parenting
The Tapping Solution 3.15.1
Guided EFT tapping meditations. Get stress & anxiety reliefwithtapping.
Laluna: Horoscope & Numerology 3.1.16
Astrology Zodiac Compatibility
Intuitive Life Coaching Oracle
The Intuitive Life Coaching Oracle guides you through all yourdailychallenges.
Teledipity 1.5.0
Personality report and monthly forecasts based on numerology.
Mindvalley: Self-Improvement 8.2.4
Explore Personal Development Courses and Live Expert ClassesForPersonal Growth
I Ching: Book of Changes 3.7
Jose Camara
Consult the I Ching easily, let the Chinese ancestors surpriseyou,for FREE.
Kinsmap 3.05.2
Your Genealogy Companion – The no.1 Family Tree Viewer
MamaZen: Mindful Parenting App 1.40.5
Parenting app with solutions for positive parenting andhealthy& happy kids.
Socreates: Selfhelp & Growth 4.0
Heartfulness, introspection, self betterment, assessment,evaluationtherapy
Notes from the Universe 3.0.9
Notes from the Universe are brief messages written by"TheUniverse".
Vision Board Perfectly Happy 2.2.57
Vision board maker & affirmations are powerful forachievinggoals more easily!
Fairy Tales Oracle Cards
Explore the wonderful world of fairy tales with thisbeautifuloracle deck!
2houses is a set of tools that helpsseparatedparents to communicate and become better organized forthewell-being of their children. Join the 100 000 families whoeasilyorganize their custody schedule, keep track of allactivities,manage their expenses, and exchange school,after-school, andmedical information. 2houses removes the emotionalstress.What tools will you find in the app?CALENDAR: 2houses offers an interactive calendar withmanyopportunities for sharing and synchronization, which is neededbymodern families. We have also set up specific featuresforseparated parents who can, through our interface, setparentalschedules and manage changes without any time clashes.Becomingorganized in a simple way is no longer impossible.FINANCE: We offer a simple and effective financialmanagementsystem. For example, you can view reports by specificcategories orperiods. What other features does it have? Forseparated parents,2houses manages shared expenses and continuouslydisplays thebalance to ensure equilibrated and healthyaccounts.JOURNAL: The journal is your quick family social network. Youcaneasily share all information, news, photos, videos, and evenyourchildren’s funny quotes. The family is never far away, nomatterwhere you are geographically located.ALBUMS: The photo album gives you the opportunity to shareordownload optimal resolution photos in a closed andsecuredenvironment. Even more memories to watch withoutmoderation.INFO BANK: Stop looking for your child’s information!MESSAGES: Through the same interface, 2houses offers asimplemessaging tool that is efficient and secure.NOTIFICATIONS: Stay informed about your 2houses account’sactivitiesvia email and push notifications. Configure, at yourleisure, thetype of notification with the type of activity and donot miss asingle thing.Contact us at [email protected] with any questions or comments;wewould love to hear from you! :-)
Findmypast 1.18.0
Trace your ancestry and build a family tree by researchingextensiverecords.
Homer: The Home Management App 2.8.7
Save and manage any information about your home, safely storedinone place.
Growth Mindset AI Coach Rocky 1.15.10
AI, Mindset, Self-Improvement, Life Coach, PersonalDevelopment,Reflection Chat
Numerology by date of birth 3.9.9
Lisin Dmitry
Numerology 69 allows to understand everything about a person bydateof birth.
Beanstack Tracker 4.26
Zoobean, Inc.
Grow your reading habits with challenges, tracking, and more.
Housy: House Cleaning Schedule 6.4.0
Easy, motivating chore tracker! Use chore chart, get yourcleaningschedule!
Share Expenses for Coparents 2.2
Manage child support, expenses & alimony - directlybetweenparents
Flexible Journal: Track more 3.7.2
Journal your life, health, habits and more using customizablediaryforms
Mind: Spirituality & Intuition 1.9.0
Gradoid DOO
Are you ready for spiritual awakening and lucid dreaming? Takesonly5min / day.
Luna - Book & Reading Tracker 2.1.6
Track your reading, see your stats, and organize your TBRbookshelfwith Luna!
Guiding Light Oracle Cards
The Guiding Light Oracle will take you deep into the hidden areasofyour psyche
my Record Record Book Tracker v2.5.2
Matic Beguš
Easy to use reading tracker and book log. Create reading listsandreading goals
Smarty 23.620.48326.4
Add coupon codes & get cash back when shopping online!
SmartLine Second Phone Number 4.34.3
Get a second phone number just for your business calls &texts.When someone calls your second phone number it rings yourphone andshows you it’s a business call so you know how to answer.When youcall or text through SmartLine, your customers see it ascomingfrom your new business phone number so your personal numberstaysprivate. Try SmartLine free for 7 days with no long-termcontractor extra equipment needed. After your free trial, you’llpay$9.99/mo for a local number or $19.99/mo for a toll-freenumber.Get set up with your business phone number in under 5minutes. Getset up in under 5 minutes and try SmartLine free for 7days! MoreFeatures Professional Quality. Calls use your cellularconnection –NOT VOIP – to give you the call clarity and reliabilityyou need tosound professional. Spam Call Filtering. Answer callswithconfidence because suspected spam calls are sent straighttovoicemail. Custom Voicemail. Record a custom voicemail greetingtoprompt callers to leave a message. Voicemail to Text. Getyourbusiness voicemail automatically transcribed to text to saveyoutime. Set Business Hours. Choose when you’re available forbusinesscalls and send callers to voicemail after hours. StayOrganized.See your conversation history of calls, texts, pictures,andvoicemail, organized by contact. Stay Notified. Be notifiedandfollow up quickly whenever you have missed calls,voicemailmessages, or texts. Number Porting. Transfer an existing2nd phonenumber to use with SmartLine. Terms Currently available inthe USonly. Requires a SmartLine subscription. Install the app tochooseyour second phone number and claim your 7 day free trial(limit oneper subscriber). After your free trial, SmartLinewillautomatically renew via Google Play, unless you cancel 24hoursbefore the free trial ends or before the end of the currentbillingperiod. Easily manage and cancel your SmartLine 2nd phonenumber atany time through your Google Play subscription settings.If youdidn't purchase SmartLine through Google Play, you can manageyoursubscription through the GoDaddy website.
Ages of life - Masters of time Kronos V32.0
Key periods of your personal growth from birth to 84 delimitedandexplained
Blind Spot Oracle Cards 2.0.0
Find out what you don't know... that you don't know.
Wellness Coach:Mind Body Sleep 7.6.1
1:1 Private and Group Coaching
Vision Board - Manifest dreams 1.1.1
Start manifesting your dream life using the powerful lawsofattraction!
Werkules® 2.1.0
Netwerk Inc.
Werkules® inspiring the entrepreneur in everyone!
Mindshine: Mental Health Coach 4.0.9
Personal Development made easy. Reduce stress, find motivation&self-esteem.