Top 9 Games Similar to Licenças e Habilitações - ANAC

Consulta de Aeronaves - RAB 0.1
Confira nosso novo aplicativo AIS CAVOK, com todos osrecursosreunidos: Consultas Meteorológicas (METAR, TAF, Imagens deSatélite,Nevoeiro)- Consulta ao Registro Aeronáutico Brasileiro (RAB)- Consulta de Licenças e Habilitações (ANAC)- Consulta de Aeródromos (ROTAER, Suplementos AIP, Cartas)Checkoutour new AIS CAVOK application, with all the assembled resources: Weather Consultations (METAR, TAF, Satellite Images,Fog)- Consultation with the Brazilian Aeronautical Registry (RAB)- Licenses and Education Consulting (ANAC)- Airports Consultant (ROTAER, AIP supplements, Letters)
Une collection de plus 50 Check-lists d'avionsmonomoteursspécialement adaptée pour smartphone et tablette.CHECKLIST-AERO permet d'avoir la liste des opérationsdevérifications et d'actions qui doivent être effectuées lorsdel'utilisation d'un aéronef.Vous pouvez choisir dans une liste d'une cinquantained'aéronefset parcourir la Check-list correspondante en choisissantchaquephase : prévol, décollage, croisière, atterrissage, parkingetprocédures d'urgence...CHECKLIST-AERO est universelle : elle s'installe etfonctionnesur tous vos appareils smartphone et tablette connectés àvotrecompte GooglePlay.Après son téléchargement, pas de connexion internetnécessairepour l'utiliser.Voici un extrait des Checklists intégrées et fourniesavecCHECKLIST-AERO :- C152 110 CV - CESSNA- C172P 160 CV - CESSNA- C172SP 180 CV G1000 - CESSNA- C172 ROCKET 210 CV - CESSNA- C172S 180 CV - CESSNA- C172 160 CV - CESSNA- C152 110 CV - CESSNA- C182S 230 CV - CESSNA- DR400 120 CV - ROBIN- DR400 160 CV - ROBIN- DR400 180 CV - ROBIN- DR315 PETIT PRINCE - ROBIN- DR250 CAPITAINE 160 CV - ROBIN- PA19 SUPER CUB 90 CV - PIPER AIRCRAFT- PA28 161 CADET CHEROKEE 160 CV - PIPER AIRCRAFT- PA28 160 CV - PIPER AIRCRAFT- PA28 180 CV - PIPER AIRCRAFT- PA28 ARROW IV 200 CV - PIPER AIRCRAFT- RALLYE MS 893 COMMODORE 180 CV - SOCATA- TB9 TAMPICO 160 CV - SOCATA- TB10 TOBAGO 180 CV - SOCATA- TB200 TOBAGO XL - SOCATA- MCR4S 100 CV - DYN AERO- MCR01 VLA SPORTSTER 100 CV - DYN AERO- SPARVIERO 100 CV - SPARVIERO- AT01 - AQUILA- P180 S - POTTIER AIRCRAFT- MAVERICK 55 CV - MURPHY AIRCRAFT- M20R OVATION 280 CV - MOONEY- M20J 200 CV - MOONEY- HR100 210 CV - ROBIN- ELA 07 COUGAR 100 CV - ELA AVIACION- BONANZA 35 C33 DEBONAIR - BEECHCRAFT- BONANZA A36 285 CV - BEECHCRAFT- WA54 180 CV - WASSMER- WA52 160 CV - WASSMER- TEXAN 100 CV - FLY SYNTHESIS- YAK 18T 360 CV - YAKOVLEVEvolution prévue de CHECKLIST-AERO:Les prochaines mises à jour viendront étoffer la listedesCheck-lists grâce à la collaboration et aupartaged’instructeurs.*******************************************Conditions d'utilisation de CHECK-LIST-AERO :Les informations indiquées dans les Check-listsdeCHECK-LIST-AERO ne sont pas celles strictement approuvées parlesconstructeurs et ne sont pas issues du Manuel du constructeurdechaque aéronef : un soin particulier a été apporté danslarédaction mais ces Check-lists sont des interprétations de listedevérifications et d'actions spécifiques à un seul aéronef danssaconfiguration.Elles ne peuvent pas être utilisées pour satisfaire auxexigencespour envisager un vol en aéronef.Assurez-vous d'utiliser uniquement une Check-liste issue duManueldu constructeur et toutes informations pertinentes liées aumodèleprécis de l'aéronef avant d'envisager un vol et de faireapprouvervotre Check-list par un Instructeur.CHECK-LIST-AERO n'est pas une application certifiéepourl'aéronautique et ne devrait pas être utilisée comme supportuniquepour préparer un vol en aéronef ni durant un vol.*******************************************Remerciements à pour son aide :Le site vous permet de créer, concevoir etimprimervotre checklist aéronautique (avion, ulm, hélico...)personnalisée àpartir de checklists génériques existantes, entoute simplicité. Unefois votre checklist créée, il vous suffit dechoisir la quantité etvous les recevez imprimées chez vous sousquelques jours.Acollection of over 50 Checklists for single-engineaircraftspecially designed for smartphone and tablet.CHECKLIST-AERO allows for the checklist operations and actionstobe performed when using an aircraft.You can choose from a list of fifty aircraft and browsethecorresponding checklist choosing each phase: pre-flight,takeoff,cruise, landing, parking and emergency procedures ...CHECKLIST-AERO is universal: it installs and runs on allyoursmartphone and tablet devices connected to yourGooglePlayaccount.After downloading, no internet connection needed to use it.Here is an excerpt integrated Checklists and suppliedwithCHECKLIST-AERO: - 110 hp C152 - CESSNA- C172P 160 hp - CESSNA- C172SP 180 HP G1000 - CESSNA- ROCKET 210 hp C172 - CESSNA- C172S 180 hp - CESSNA- 160 hp C172 - CESSNA- 110 hp C152 - CESSNA- C182S 230 hp - CESSNA- DR400 120 hp - ROBIN- DR400 160 hp - ROBIN- DR400 180 hp - ROBIN- PETIT PRINCE DR315 - ROBIN- DR250 MASTER 160 CV - ROBIN- PA19 Super Cub 90 hp - PIPER AIRCRAFT- PA28 CADET 161 CHEROKEE 160 hp - PIPER AIRCRAFT- PA28 160 hp - PIPER AIRCRAFT- PA28 180 hp - PIPER AIRCRAFT- PA28 ARROW IV 200 CV - PIPER AIRCRAFT- RALLY MS 893 COMMODORE 180 hp - SOCATA- TB9 TAMPICO 160 hp - SOCATA- TOBAGO TB10 180 hp - SOCATA- TB200 TOBAGO XL - SOCATA- MCR4S 100 hp - DYN AERO- MCR01 VLA SPORTSTER 100 hp - DYN AERO- SPARVIERO 100 hp - SPARVIERO- AT01 - AQUILA- P180 S - POTTIER AIRCRAFT- MAVERICK 55 hp - MURPHY AIRCRAFT- M20R OVATION 280 hp - MOONEY- M20J 200 hp - MOONEY- HR100 210 CV - ROBIN- ELA 07 COUGAR 100 hp - ELA AVIACION- 35 C33 DEBONAIR BONANZA - BEECHCRAFT- A36 BONANZA 285 hp - BEECHCRAFT- WA54 180 hp - WASSMER- WA52 160 hp - WASSMER- TEXAN 100 hp - FLY SYNTHESIS- YAK 18T 360 hp - YAKOVLEVEvolution scheduled CHECKLIST-AERO:The next update will expand the list of Checkliststhroughcollaboration and sharing of instructors.*******************************************Terms of CHECKLIST-AERO:The information in the Check-lists CHECKLIST-AERO are notthosestrictly approved by the manufacturers and are not derivedfrom themanufacturer's manual for each aircraft: a special care hasbeentaken in the preparation but these Checklists arechecklistinterpretations and actions specific to a single aircraftin itsconfiguration.They can not be used to meet the requirements for consideringanaircraft in flight.Make sure you only use a checklist after the manufacturer'smanualand all relevant information related to the specific model oftheaircraft before considering a flight and to approve yourchecklistby an instructor.CHECKLIST-AERO is not a certified application to aeronauticsandshould not be used as the only carrier to prepare an aircraftinflight or during a flight.*******************************************Thanks to for his help:The site allows you to create, design andprintyour checklist aerospace (aircraft, microlight, helicopter...)custom from existing generic checklists, with ease. Aftercreatinga checklist, simply choose the amount you receive and printthem athome a few days.
Air Navigator IFR 3.57
Air Navigator IFR can make a difference inyourcockpit.- This is the GPS APP that can not miss on your smartphoneduringyour flight VFR or IFR.- With it, simply choose one of more than 263.000 waypoints(ILSVOR NDB FIXES OR AIRPORTS) in the database or one oftheuser-defined and ready. Just follow the HSI and reachthedestination.- All world covered on most complete database inGoogleMarket:- 17.000+ ICAO Airports- 229.000+ Fixes- 6.600+ ILS- 4.500+ VOR- 6.200+ NDB- Another important feature is that any time you can seethedecoded METAR of destination airport with only one touch onthescreen.- Designed to be simple to use, no complicated functionsandwithout maps, which, in many cases, hinder and confuse theuserwith small screen devices.- To further facilitate the user's life, this APP hasbeentranslated into three languages ​​(English, Spanish andPortuguese)which are adjusted according to the language ofyoursmartphone.Tags: navigation, navigator, aircraft, airplane, plane,aviation,pilot, METAR, GPS, HSI,navegación, navegador, avión, aviación, piloto, navegação,avião,aeronave, aviação, IFR, VFR
RWY by OzRunways 5.3.11
RWY by OzRunways is the most complete and easiest to useElectronicFlight Bag.
Detran MG - app descontinuado 2.0
O Departamento de Trânsito de MinasGeraisinforma que esse aplicativo foi descontinuado em15/12/2016.Para ter acesso aos serviços do Detran faça o download do MGApp( App você poderá cadastrar previamente os dados do veículoecondutor e não precisará digitar todas as vezes queforconsultar.Informamos ainda que estão disponíveis no MG App diversosoutrosserviços para facilitar a vida de quem precisa dos serviçosdaadministração pública do Estado de Minas Gerais, como:· Atestado de Antecedentes· Água e Esgoto – Copasa· Consulta de Medicamentos, fornecidos pelasfarmáciasregionais· Energia – Cemig· Veículos e Condutores· Consulta e Avaliação das Unidades de Atendimento· Consulta do tempo médio de espera das UAIs (Menu Unidadesdeatendimento > Consulta > UAI/PSIU)· Fale Aqui· Servidor Público Estadual· Telefones e Sites Úteis· Aplicativos úteisAgradecemos a compreensão!The Department ofMinasGerais Transit reports that this application was discontinuedon15/12/2016. To access the DMV services download the AppMG( you can pre-register vehicle data and driver and do not needtoenter each time for consulting. We also inform that are available in MG App many other servicestomake life easier for those who need the services of thepublicadministration of the State of Minas Gerais, such as: · Certificate of Background· Water and Sewer - Copasa· Consultation Medicines, provided by regional pharmacies· Energy - Cemig· Driver and Vehicle· Consultation and Evaluation of PSCs· Average time Query waiting for the HAT (Menu serviceunits>Consultation> UAI / PSIU)· Contact Here· State public server· Mobile and Useful Sites· Useful Applications Thank you for understanding!
Air Navigator Slim 3.57
Air Navigator Slim can make a differenceinyour cockpit.- This is the GPS APP that can not miss on your smartphonewhenyou go flying.- With it, simply choose one of over 17,000 airports inthedatabase or one of the user-defined and ready. Just follow theHSIand reach the destination.- Another important feature is that any time you can seethedecoded METAR of destination airport with only one touch onthescreen.- Designed to be simple to use, no complicated functionsandwithout maps, which, in many cases, hinder and confuse theuserwith small screen devices.- To further facilitate the user's life, this APP hasbeentranslated into three languages ​​(English, Spanish andPortuguese)which are adjusted according to the language ofyoursmartphone.Tags: navigation, navigator, aircraft, airplane, plane,aviation,pilot, METAR, GPS, HSI,navegación, navegador, avión, aviación, piloto, navegação,avião,aeronave, aviação
Repom - Frete 8.5.8
Truck driver, always connected to your trip with the newApplicationRepom.
DER Online 1.4.3
See defenses, Resources and Fines waiting levy, imposedandsuspended.