Top 13 Apps Similar to Fast Reader

Reedy. Intelligent reader 3.3.13
Read books, articles, any web pages comfortably ★ Speedreading,Text-to-Speech!
Speed Reader. Reading training 1.8
Read very fast and efficiently any books and texts up tot 1500wordper minute.
SB.Reader 2.06
NDFL software
Read as fast as you can!
Fast Reader Pro. Eye training 1.6
Advantages of the full version:- Reading speed increased to 1500 words per minute- Download interesting books from clouds- Open the PDF, TXT and FB2 (EPUB) files- Change the color of the words and central letter- No adsTrain and improve your reading up to speed 1500 word/minute !Create and open your book again and again (You'll like this)!If you need to train your reading to speed 1500 word/minute intheshort term - simply install Speed Reader, copy text, createbookand read ! It's fun and fast!After 1-2 week you'll can read on speed 500-600 wordinminute.Practice your reading speed up to 1000 words / minute!This app is very fast and easy to use.This application uses a "rapid serial visual presentation" tohelpyou read faster.Just look in the center of the screen and read!You can change the reading speed, text size and color.Also, you can read in night mode, it is very convenient.Frequently asked Questions   - Assimilate information on such great speed (1k+wpm) have no effect?It depends on skill. From habit, without losing the qualityofreading may be able to read only one and a half times faster.Butif you use the Fast Reader regularly, then you get used, thespeedis increased recognition and understanding. Overclockbrain!   - Why do I need to read so fast?Save time in the first place. You can find out informationfaster.And for those situations when you can sacrifice somequalityperception, will be able to get an even bigger gain inspeed. Forexample, to read the news, you can specifically set thespeed of1.5k - the general sense is clear.   - What if there are problems with theperceptionof the text?For example, you press too often pause to re-read thepreviouspassage or imagination has not kept pace.Make sure that you do not have articulation - involuntarymovementsof the lips and tongue while reading text. Try to acceptthe textof the eyes, not reciting it to myself. By the way, thisspeedreading technology itself teach you that.Start reading at a rate of no more than 300 words per minute.Readin a relaxed atmosphere. Read simple texts - articles ongeneralsubjects, fiction, or even text you already read before.After sometime (maybe five minutes, maybe a day) you will noticethat thetext on the current speed is perceived quite easily, andyou stopreading less and less to read the previous passage. Nowwillincrease the speed of 50 words per minute.Pick the right speed.For unknown words you will likely need to take a break in ordertounderstand the meaning. But this is also true fornormalreading.Configure the application for maximum comfort. Pick comfortableforyou font size and position of the text on the page. During theday,in direct sunlight or when the glossy screen surface is bettertouse light design. In the evening, it is recommended to includethedark.   - Will it so read technical textsandliterature?Yes, although it will be possible to make only portions ofplaintext, and probably at a lower speed than usual.   - Is suitable for fiction?Most definitely fits. The images are perceived even more vividandcolorful. The text can be said, it is transformed into amovie.However, sometimes the opposite occurs when images areperceivedworse and it is impossible to fully enjoy the product. Butifyou're lucky, and you have a quick creative thinking, thenreadfiction you will be much more interesting.   - How to solve the problem with blinking?Just do not forget to blink. This applies not only to read.Allowdrying surface of the eye can not. Generally, blinking - it isavery quick process. Usually it does not even have difficultywithblinking on the read speed of 1,000 wpm. The main thing is nottoforget.
Awesome Speed Reader 1.9.1
Awesome Speed Reader is aSpritz-likeapplication that allows you to read documents using RSVP(rapidserial visual presentation) method. It greatly improvesyourreading speed, even without training. Also reading on the busorother kind of transport is much more convenient thanreadingregular text.Main features:- supports txt, epub and pdf files- importing texts directly from webpages (beta)- text encoding auto detection- allows to read up to 2000 words per minute- one or many words at once on screen- words in one or multiple lines- current context on pause- reading texts from other apps (f.e Pocket) using copy/share- statistics- documents library- resume reading from last position- great configuration flexibility- skins- several color schemes for readerAds can be disabled by donation.Awesome Speed Reader includes unique set of features andtheirnumber is growing with every new release. And now the best -it'scompletely free. Try it and read faster since today!
ReadMe! 2.88
Read eBooks better! (EPUB & PDF)
FullReader – e-book reader 4.3.5
Feature-packed reader. Compatibility with all popular formatsforreading!
SpeedRead With Spritz 2.21
Random App Creator
Featured in theHuffingtonPost! reading faster? Spritz technology( burn through all those books andarticles that have beenpilingup by making speed reading easy evenfor someone with notraining.The average adult reading speed is250 wpm. With Spritz,you coulddouble or even triple that speedafter just a little bitof practice.Spritz is the best speedreading technology, andSpeedRead WithSpritz is the best speedreading app for Androiddevices. Here’s why:Works with readingapps you already use Youdon’t have to switch toour app every timeyou want to speed read.SpeedRead With Spritzworks with any appthat can share text or has“text to speech”technology. When you’reready to start speedreading, simply hitshare or the text tospeech button, and you’reoff. Switch backwhenever you want totake a break. Popular appsthat are compatiblewith SpeedRead WithSpritz include: • Pocket• Google Play Books• Google PlayNewsstand • Moon+ • @Voice AloudReader • FBReader• ezPDF • AndMany More! Easy set-up After youdownload the app,follow theprompts to log in to your Spritzaccount and switch yourtext tospeech settings, and you’re ready tospeed read. Spritztechnologyis simple and intuitive, so there’s nolong tutorial orsteeplearning curve. Unlimited possibilitiesSpeedRead With Spritzworkswith any format that your favoritee-reader can handle,allowingyou to read ePub books, onlinearticles, PDFs andmore.Furthermore, there’s no limit to yourspeed. Want to read at500wpm? 1,000? 2,000? Go for it! We allowyou to crank the speedashigh as you want – the only limit is yourability.
Read Faster+ 2.1.1-Pro
Read Faster is the best way toenhanceyour reading skill and break your record in speed readingwithouthassle. Just paste your text, a link to any website or justbrowseto your file in the device’s memory - and the speed-readerisready.Read Faster uses the RSVP (Rapid Serial Visual Presentation)speedreading technology to offer you the best fast readingexperiencewithout compromising speed or quality of reading.Some of Read Faster’s best features:•Android Wear speed-reader•It uses the RSVP Technology•Browse files from your phone or tablet•Share links from browser, we extract just what isimportantfor you and it is ready to read•Bookmarks•It's Ads Free•Bonus random articles•Paste text from the clipboard and read it athighspeed•Variable speed•Read up to 1000 wpmSupported formats:•PDF•TXT•EPUB•HTMLWe are sure you’ll love it!
Running words 4.5.6
Speed reading of electronic books.
Sprint Inspired by Spritz 3.4.2
This is a special Reader inspired by Spritz! It allows you toreadtexts and books with incredibly fast speed.When you use Sprint Reader your average reading speed rises upto400-700 words per minute!It's more than 3 times faster than the average 200 wpmreadingspeed.You can get used to it in just 5 minutes. Spritz readingtechniquemakes speed-reading really easy for everyone!There is also "Read From Clipboard Feature" - just copy anytextfrom your internet browser and press Read from clipboard Buttoninthis App!Do not try to pronounce the words in your head, just readandabsorb every word.Consider increasing the speed when you get used to yourcurrentwpm.On 700 wpm speed you can read a 500-page Book in 3 Hours.Sprint Reader supports: .epub, .txt.Keywords: reader, speed reading, stream, fast, spritz,RSVP,epub, txt.
Power Speed Reading Performan… 1.0.11
Made for Success
Power Speed Reading PerformanceSystem:LaughWhile You Learn to Read Faster (by Liv Montgomery)ispresented byMade for Success. This standalone audiobookappcombines aprofessional audio recording with supplementalfeaturesfordownload-once, grab-and-go anywhere enjoyment.Whether you’d like to get through the morning newspaperinlesstime, manage that thick stack of reports and proposalsonyourdesk, or just curl up with a juicy novel, Speed Reading isoneofthe most valuable skills you can possess.Like rocket fuel for the mind! What is speed reading? Howdoyoudo it? Now that we’ve entered the Information Age, moreandmorepeople are asking these questions every day.Ironically,fewprograms for reading speed and comprehension canboast thatthey’reboth highly effective and entertaining.Unlike most other programs, Power Speed ReadingPerformanceSystemoffers potent techniques to improve comprehensionand speedwhenreading while delivering powerful hypnosis methodsforovercoming anyresistance to flying through your readingmaterial.Author LivMontgomery brings her varied experience as acertifiedlife coach,hypnotherapist, trainer, author, and NLPpractitionerto present thetopic in and engaging and effectiveway.If you’ve tried other speed reading programs beforeandfailed,fasten your seatbelt for a fun and fabulous ridelikenothingyou’ve ever experienced. Power Speed Reading reallypacks apunch,allowing you to break through all barriers andincrease boththecomprehension and speed of your reading, leavingonly onequestion:How soon can you get started?
Speed Reading for Android Wear 2.1
Reading on your wrist made easy! WithSpeedreading you can check your texts right from your wrist! Justsendwhat you want to start reading from your Androidhandleddevice!