HCLink Apps

Que Compañia ? 3.3
*** Atención: Solo para ARGENTINA ***Con "Que Compañia" podras saber de qué compañía son los telefonoscelulares y fijos en Argentina.Con esta util App podras saber quienes de tus contactos son de tucompañia y si tienes llamadas gratis con ellos.Tambien podras marcar un numero y antes de llamar podras chequearla compañia a la que pertenece..Funciona para todas las compañías; Movistar, Personal, Claro,Nextel, Telefonica, Telecom, etcEn las llamadas entrantes, ademas de informarte la compañia, la appte informara la localidad y provincia del numero que llama.Portabilidad numerica: Ahora podras informarnos si te cambiaste deempresa y de esta menera aumentamos la efectividad de nuestraclasificacion.Nuestra aplicación NO almacena bajo ninguna circunstancia lainformación de tus contactos.*** Attention: Only forARGENTINA ***With "That Company" company will know what are the cellular andfixed phones in Argentina.This useful app will know which of your contacts are in yourcompany and if you have free calls with them.Also you can dial a number and you can check and before calling thecompany to which it belongs ..Works for all companies; Movistar, Personal, Claro, Nextel,Telefonica, Telecom, etc.On incoming calls, in addition to inform the company, the app willinform the town and province of the number you are calling.NP: Now you can tell us if you change companies and this meneraincrease the effectiveness of our classification.Our application does not store under any circumstances in yourcontact information.
Kids MatchUp 1.4
Kids MatchUp is the best game for exercisingyour memory. Find the pairs!We have 4 different themes to choose from.FlagsAnimalsFruitsEmoticonsKids learn a lot with this app.But it isn't only for kids. Adults will enjoy this app also.Enjoy with your kids!Enjoy Kids MatchUp!
Dirt Bike 3
Dirt Bike is here, with fantastic 3D graphics and great game play!
Speed Reader. Reading training 1.8
Read very fast and efficiently any books and texts up tot 1500 wordper minute.
Dig My Phone 1.2
Dig My PhoneWould you like digging? This simple app allows youdig into your phone and entering a portal to real life.Then if you want you can take a picture combiningeverything.
Fast Reader Pro. Eye training 1.6
Advantages of the full version:- Reading speed increased to 1500 words per minute- Download interesting books from clouds- Open the PDF, TXT and FB2 (EPUB) files- Change the color of the words and central letter- No adsTrain and improve your reading up to speed 1500 word/minute !Create and open your book again and again (You'll like this)!If you need to train your reading to speed 1500 word/minute in theshort term - simply install Speed Reader, copy text, create bookand read ! It's fun and fast!After 1-2 week you'll can read on speed 500-600 word inminute.Practice your reading speed up to 1000 words / minute!This app is very fast and easy to use.This application uses a "rapid serial visual presentation" to helpyou read faster.Just look in the center of the screen and read!You can change the reading speed, text size and color.Also, you can read in night mode, it is very convenient.Frequently asked Questions   - Assimilate information on such great speed (1k+ wpm) have no effect?It depends on skill. From habit, without losing the quality ofreading may be able to read only one and a half times faster. Butif you use the Fast Reader regularly, then you get used, the speedis increased recognition and understanding. Overclock brain!   - Why do I need to read so fast?Save time in the first place. You can find out information faster.And for those situations when you can sacrifice some qualityperception, will be able to get an even bigger gain in speed. Forexample, to read the news, you can specifically set the speed of1.5k - the general sense is clear.   - What if there are problems with the perceptionof the text?For example, you press too often pause to re-read the previouspassage or imagination has not kept pace.Make sure that you do not have articulation - involuntary movementsof the lips and tongue while reading text. Try to accept the textof the eyes, not reciting it to myself. By the way, this speedreading technology itself teach you that.Start reading at a rate of no more than 300 words per minute. Readin a relaxed atmosphere. Read simple texts - articles on generalsubjects, fiction, or even text you already read before. After sometime (maybe five minutes, maybe a day) you will notice that thetext on the current speed is perceived quite easily, and you stopreading less and less to read the previous passage. Now willincrease the speed of 50 words per minute.Pick the right speed.For unknown words you will likely need to take a break in order tounderstand the meaning. But this is also true for normalreading.Configure the application for maximum comfort. Pick comfortable foryou font size and position of the text on the page. During the day,in direct sunlight or when the glossy screen surface is better touse light design. In the evening, it is recommended to include thedark.   - Will it so read technical texts andliterature?Yes, although it will be possible to make only portions of plaintext, and probably at a lower speed than usual.   - Is suitable for fiction?Most definitely fits. The images are perceived even more vivid andcolorful. The text can be said, it is transformed into a movie.However, sometimes the opposite occurs when images are perceivedworse and it is impossible to fully enjoy the product. But ifyou're lucky, and you have a quick creative thinking, then readfiction you will be much more interesting.   - How to solve the problem with blinking?Just do not forget to blink. This applies not only to read. Allowdrying surface of the eye can not. Generally, blinking - it is avery quick process. Usually it does not even have difficulty withblinking on the read speed of 1,000 wpm. The main thing is not toforget.
Geografia Argentina 1.9
Learn Geography Playing with this simple but effective application.
Anotador Universal 2.8
El anotador universal es el primer anotador de Android quepermitecontar con más de 10 anotadores en una sola aplicación.Evite tenermuchas aplicaciones diferentes y tenga sus anotadores enuna mismaaplicación y con una interfase unificada. Anotadoresincluidos:Truco Escoba de 15 Chinchon Rummy Chancho Poker GeneralaEscobaBasica Diez Mil Burako Canasta Además esta aplicación cuentacon laposibilidad de configurar anotadores genéricos tantocrecientescomo decrecientes. Dentro de la aplicación encontrará unicono enel cual puede sugerirnos nuevos anotadores.