Top 4 Apps Similar to ANOS ID (Device Identifier)

Identifier 1.0
Данное приложениепозволяетопределитьуникальный ID устройства, который в дальнейшемможетиспользоватьсядля получения подарочных версий приложенийуразработчикаTwoUltraDevelopers.This applicationallowsyouto define a unique device ID, which can then be used toobtainthegift versions of applicationsdeveloperTwoUltraDevelopers.
iBeacon Finder 1.2
Do you want or need to find alliBeaconsarround you?iBeacon Finder is your app! You can scan to see all iBeaconsnearyou, and know their basic details such as signalstrengh,approximate distance, unique identifier.Would like to identify them in a human being friendly way? Givethema name.And finally, send all these information to your e-mail toeasilycopy paste it to where ever you might it.
Track Locator
Omnicom's Track Locator provides those working on, orinterestedin,the UK Rail Industry with a simple way to determinetheircurrentlocation in the standard rail referencing systemofEngineering LineReference, Track Identifier and Mileage.Theapplication uses theAndroid Location Service and converts thistoa railway referenceusing Omnicom's GeoModel of the railnetwork.The App links toGoogle Maps to show the current location onascalable map. The Appallows the user to take a picture whichisstamped with the currentuser location includingLatitude,Longitude (of the currentlocation) and map matched ELR,Track ID,Mileage, Latitude,Longitude as well as the user locationtomatched positiondifference. The images are saved to theGalleryfor easy access. Therail reference is only displayed onceasuitable locationdetermination has been achieved. This iscurrentlyset at betterthan 100m. Please note that due to theaccuracy of theAndroidLocation Services correct determination ofTrack Identifiermay notbe achieved. Notice to user of the currentversion. A numberof youhave noted that the Track ID functionality(up/down/fast/slowetc)was removed with the last App update andthat you would likethisreinstated. Track ID was removed as adirect result of misuse oftheApp by a user. Despite clearinstructions that thelocationinformation was not to be reliedupon, it was, and couldhave led toa serious incident. NetworkRail requested that thisfunction beremoved from the App wecomplied with this request. Usersarereminded that the locationalaccuracy of GPS in mobile devicescanvary widely due to a numberof factors and should not be usedwhenmaking decisions with safetyimplications. We are now workingwithNetwork Rail to reinstate theTrack ID functionality withsuitablesafeguards against improperuse. We hope to release anupdatedversion of the App in the nextfew months. For otherOmnicomProducts and Services please visitour