Mobisfera. Apps

iBeacon Finder 1.2
Do you want or need to find all iBeaconsarround you?iBeacon Finder is your app! You can scan to see all iBeacons nearyou, and know their basic details such as signal strengh,approximate distance, unique identifier.Would like to identify them in a human being friendly way? Givethem a name.And finally, send all these information to your e-mail to easilycopy paste it to where ever you might it.
Discover Pic 1.0.1
¿Creías que ya lo habías visto todo en elmundode las imágenes y el "social discovery"? Pues ahora llegaDiscoverPic, una forma más divertida y entretenida de descubrir elmundo máscercano que te rodea.¿Te atreves a ver tu entorno de una manera diferente?* En Discover Pic las imágenes caducan... pero ¡tú puedes hacerquetengan más "vida"! Gestiona tu Balance de Días.* En Discover Pic, a día de hoy, sólo se publican lasimágenescapturadas al momento; se comparte lo que ocurre "aquí yahora" ...¡no se comparten cosas del pasado o imágenesretocadas/editadas dela galería!* En Discover Pic las imágenes sólo las puedes ver si estás cercadeellas... ¡pero te damos soluciones si no quieres tener quecaminardemasiado! Descubre nuestros "Packs Distancia".Ten en cuenta que:a) Si una imagen te gusta puedes añadir más días a suvisibilidadpara poder disfrutar de nuevo cuando pases por ese puntoo parahacer que más gente la pueda disfrutar.b) Tienes tres opciones diferentes para ampliar tu saldo dedíasdisponibles:b.1) Confirmando tu email cuando te registresb.2) Cada día que abras la app te regalaremos días extrasb.3) Comprando alguno de nuestros "Packs Días"c) Si no tienes ganas de desplazarte hasta un punto enconcretote lo hemos puesto fácil con los "Packs Distancia". Tepermitiránver las imágenes sin tener que ir al punto donde sepublicaron.d) Tus imágenes siempre las podrás ver, aunque no estés cercadeellas o que ya hayan caducado.e) Con la opción "Feedback" puedes hacernos llegar tus ideasycomentarios. Te estaremos muy agradecidos y evaluaremossuviabilidad.¿Y sobre la privacidad?No hay. Si la gente pasa cerca de una imagen que has publicadolapodrá ver. Pero como nunca sabemos tu nombre, sólo tu"username","alias" o "nickname" es como si nadie pueda saber quiénlo hapublicado.¿Y sobre los amigos?Se supone que ya los tienes en infinidad de redes sociales,¿no?Olvídate de ellos por un momento, no temas compartir con TODOelmundo.¡Bienvenido a DISCOVER PIC! ¡Empieza a compartir ydescubrir!You thought you hadseeneverything in the world of images and the "social discovery"?Wellnow comes Pic Discover a fun and entertaining way to discovertheclosest world around you.Do you dare to see your surroundings in a different way?* In Pic Discover images expire ... but you can do that aremore"life"! Manage Your Balance Days.* In Discover Pic, today, only the images captured at thetimepublished; share what happens "here and now" ... not things ofthepast or retouched / edited gallery sharing!Discover Pic * In the only pictures you can see if you are closetothem ... but we give solutions if you do not want to have towalktoo! See our "Packs Distance".Note that:a) If an image you like you can add more days to enjoyyourvisibility again when passing through that point or to makemorepeople can enjoy.b) You have three different options to expand youravailablebalance of days:b.1) Confirming your email when you registerb.2) Every day you open the app you give away extra daysb.3) By purchasing one of our "Day Packs"c) If you do not want to navigate to a particular pointlikewe've made it easy to "Packs Distance". Allow you to viewimageswithout having to go to the point where they werepublished.d) Your images always will see, if you're not near them orhavealready expired.e) With the "Feedback" option you can send us your ideasandcomments. We will be very grateful and evaluate itsviability.What about privacy?No. If people spend about an image you'll see published. Butwenever know your name, just your "username", "alias" or"nickname"is as if no one can know who posted.What about friends?And is supposed to have on countless social networks, right?Forgetabout them for a moment, do not be afraid to sharewithEVERYONE.Welcome to DISCOVER PIC! Start sharing and discovering!
Babycon 1.0
One the biggest fears for any parent is tolosetheir children in the street, in a park, in a crowdedplace,...Unfortunately, this is something that can happen to anyof us. Itdoesn't matter the attention you pay on them, they justneed aquarter of a second to get lost.With this app we are trying to show how beacons, based onBLEtechnology, could help monitor your children. This will neverthesubstitute to parents eyes and parents care. Babycon just wantstobe an additional tool.IMPORTAN: This very initial version will only work forbeaconsthat have UUID equal to"B9407F30-F5F8-466E-AFF9-25556B57FE6A". Soif you have a'customizable' beacon, please change the UUID to thisgiven one.If you want us to include more features, please mention itinyour review or contact us (details in the web listed intheapp).
Design Time (for Pebble) 1.4
*** All watchfaces updated to 2.0 ***A different watch for each different situation.Beautifully designed for your wrist.Each one with its own story: Equalizer, Lighthouse, Dice,Barcelona,Tables,... Choose yours. Enjoy all of them.In this very first version you will find 7 watchfaces forPebblesmartwatch. Stay tunned, more watches to be published littlebylittle. It's time for weareble technology; it's time fortechdesign.NOTE: You will need the official "My Pebble" app installed inyouphone in order to be able to install our watches. CompatiblewithPebble OS 1.x
MWC'14 Challenge 1.0
Are you visiting the MWC’14 in Barcelona?Ifso, how about having a real experience using the latestmobiletechnology? Yes, we are talking about BEACONS!Open the app, switch on the Bluetooth on your device and findout6 hidden beacons. The more you find the more badges you willunlock!IN ADDITION if you give your business card to our CEO, youwill beeligible to win a high tech prize. Who is our CEO? Don’tworry, ifyou were able to find Wally (or Waldo) in your childhoodthen youwill also find him.And that’s all! Enjoy the treasure hunt, enjoy Barcelona andhopewe can make business in the near future.