Top 49 Apps Similar to LinTech Beacon Configurator

Beacon Simulator 1.5.1
Broadcast Bluetooth Low Energy beacons. iBeacon,Eddystone&AltBeacon supported.
RaMBLE - Bluetooth LE Mapper 3.0.9
RaMBLE is a proof of concept application for detecting, loggingandmapping Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) devices such as iBeaconsandfitness trackers. For more information on Bluetooth low energyseeour blogs: and WebuiltRaMBLE to show how easily BLE devices can be detected,identifiedand tracked; It highlights the privacy concerns withsomemanufacturers' implementation of BLE. The scanner runs inthebackground and logs all indirect advertising packets andscanresponses received from BLE devices in range. All data isloggedinto a database that can be exported to the SD card, orimportedfrom an existing database file. It does not connect to anydevicesfound, nor does it share any data with anyone. It requires aphoneor tablet that supports Bluetooth Low Energy, aka BluetoothSmart.It also requires Android 5.0 or higher. A list of devicesthatsupport BLE can be found here: Developedbythe Research team at Context Information Security.
nRF Connect for Mobile 4.26.1
Scan and discover your Bluetooth Low Energy devices with nRFConnectfor Mobile.
nRF Mesh 3.3.0
Provision and configure your Bluetooth Mesh fleet of nodes usingnRFMesh.
Petrix Maps Oilfield Navigator 1.20.3
Use our oilfield navigator app to find & navigate tooilfieldsin the US
Rx Monitor 4.5.4
Monitor 2G/3G/4G/5G mobile radio signal reception from cell sites.
Bluetooth Radar - Find Devices 1.3.1
Track your lost fitness tracker easily on this bluetooth radar.
Safety App for Silent Beacon 10.3.1
Silent Beacon
Alert, track, call and notify loved-ones as well as call 911 inanemergency.
CASM Finder (CRF) 2.1.0
Notes: CASM Finder app requires a pre-registered CASM accountforaccess. CASM Finder is a powerful and essential publicsafetycommunications tool for accessing CASM mobile resource dataon yourmobile device. Whether you’re in the office or in the field,useCASM Finder to quickly and easily locate the mobile publicsafetyradio assets you need. CASM Finder’s intuitive graphicaluserinterface is tailored for your mobile device andpresentsinformation from the CASM database in both a Map and ListView,making it easy to locate public safety radio assets such asradiocaches, towers, repeaters, and gateways. View full reportsofassets, identify and contact asset owners, or view anystoredmultimedia for an asset, including documents, images, andvideos.Use the Filter to find assets by type, frequency band,assetkeyword or geo-area such as state, county, or within adesignatedradius. Search and Save locations for future reference bypostaladdress, GPS coordinates, or landmark name, e.g., buildingorbridge. CASM Finder improves public safety communicationsincidentresponse and planning using map and location-basedcapabilitiessuch as device tracking, location sharing, andgeographic terrainand landmark information. You must have a CASMaccount to use CASMFinder. CASM Mobile Finder is an offering of theOffice ofCybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency,EmergencyCommunications Division – Interoperable CommunicationsTechnicalAssistance Program (CISA/ECD-ICTAP).
UbiBot - IoT Console 3.2.5
UbiBot Control Panel for Sensors and Big data platform
Who's Responding 2.3.0
Who’s Responding:With Who’s Responding your department will know immediately whoisresponding to a call, whether they are going to the hall orthescene and know there ETA at a glance. Eliminate the guessingofwhat personnel will arrive and be in the know. A simple click ofabutton from virtually any phone and the screen at yourdepartmentwill allow others to know you are on your way. This fastand easyinformation by Who’s Responding saves precious timeinresponding.How it works:Once your pager has initiated the call you press the“Who’sResponding” App on your phone. This automatically populatesascreen within your department showing those who get tothedepartment before you immediately who is on their way.Optionallyit can also populate the screen showing your GPScoordinates soyour colleagues know how far out you are. It also hasa featurethat allows a text to be sent and populate the screenwithin thedepartment sending valuable information to those gettingready torespond.In the bottom of the screen you will be able to see who is awaysoyou can be better prepared; helping a department know ahead oftimeif they may be short personnel and a secondary call canbeinitiated earlier.
Encircle 5.0.173
Field Documentation Tool
SwiftFinder 3.9.48
SnappWish LLC
Find My Keys, Phone, Cars, and Virtually Anything
SkyWatch.AI Drone Insurance 3.10.37
Flexible Drone Insurance. Liability & Hull Coverage forDronePilots.
Remotely monitor and control your IT systems securely fromyourmobile device.
IxChariot Endpoint 9.6.129
Ixia's IxChariot software endpoint,incombination with Ixia's IxChariot or Hawkeye (formerlyIxChariotPro) software, enables users to accurately and easilyassess theperformance of any IP network accessed by the Androiddevice.This is not a standalone application to test thenetworkperformance. Please download it only if you already ownIxiaIxChariot or Hawkeye (formerly IxChariot Pro), or youareevaluating these products.
Deployment Tracker 3.0.8
Scott Warner
A simple and attractive application for tracking deployments.
Network Info II (Donate) 0.7.1
All the network information you'll need. WiFi/Bluetooth/Cell/IPv6.
Go To Well 1.78
Search, Map, and Navigate to Oil and Gas Wells in the United States
FlytNow for DJI Mavic 2 & M300 2.2.4-4
Setup Your Command Center for Remote Ops - Security,Inspections,Construction
SafelyPass 1.0-20211126
Create and Access ANY physical space SAFELY
OpenTracks v4.6.1-PlayStore
Dennis Guse
A sport tracker that completely respects your privacy.
Bluetooth Commander Pro 8.2
Marek Masár
Terminal app for managing Bluetooth communication withmultipledevices
HMI Droid
Operator panel for PLC's. Communication over Bluetooth, WiFiormobile internet.
Belimo Assistant 5.7.9-0-g2245c4294
The App makes your Phone to an adjustment tool for BelimoActuatorswith NFC.
Blockpass User-Controlled Identity 4.9.0
Blockpass provides users with a solution for self-sovereignidentitywhile limiting hacking risks. Following recent data breachscandals,it is evident that centralization of personal user datashould beavoided wherever possible. Blockpass provides analternativesolution for centralized data storage that will havetwo majorbenefits to consumers: 1. Users are in control of theiridentity andonly they can decide who accesses it 2. No centralizedserver storessensitive personal data When a user submits identitydetails anddocuments to Blockpass for verification, a copy isstored locallyand encrypted with a password on the user’s mobiledevice. The useris the only person who holds the password todecrypt it. AfterBlockpass receives the data and hashes it, it iscompletely erasedfrom the Blockpass servers. From that pointforward, user data onlyexists on the mobile phone of the user andnowhere else until he orshe decides to share it with third-partyservice providers,e-merchants and financial services, giving theuser complete controlover their personal data. As user’s data isdestroyed once verified,if hackers manage to breach the Blockpassservers, they will findonly unreadable data that has no value tothem, whatsoever.
Nonlinear MQTT 0.0.25
Manage devices and display data from MQTT applications andIoTdevices
Trevor Page
Dashboards, tuning and logging for MegaSquirt and SpeeduinoECUs.Note: NOT OBD2
Sensatio Monitor (Data logger)
Connect your ESP8266 / ESP32 attached sensors easily toyoursmartphone or IFTTT
Ariela Pro - Home Assistant Cl 1.4.7
Use your phone to control Home Assistant server
IdentityForce 3.0.27
The IdentityForce Mobile App, brought to you byIdentityForce,Inc.,enables active Members to take their IdentityTheftProtectionanywhere – world-class capabilities empowering youtospot fraudquickly with a snapshot view of all criticalalertnotifications.Depending on the IdentityForce Planselected,Members get access toAdvanced Fraud Monitoring, 3-BureauCreditReport Monitoring, andidentity restoration experts. Designedandinfluenced by our Membersthrough surveys and a previewcommunity,IdentityForce has built andreleased a mobile app thatfeaturesintuitive navigation with azero-tolerance policy foradvertisingor promotional materials.IdentityForce’s top priority issecurity,and the mobile appfeatures both Two Factor Authentication(2FA)and Touch ID. So nomatter whether you are traveling overseas,awayon vacation, or youjust don’t want to be tethered to yourdesktopcomputer,IdentityForce Mobile makes sure you areprotectedanywhere, anytime.For nearly 40 years, IdentityForce, Inc.hasprovided best-in-class,highly scalable, award-winningidentitytheft, privacy, and creditprotection solutions toconsumers,businesses, and governmentagencies. A pioneer ofidentityprotection, IdentityForce’sinnovation andcustomer-centricapproach has made the company atrusted partner forbothorganizations and individuals. In 2015, theU.S. governmentawardedIdentityForce elite Tier-One status as anapproved providerofidentity protection services for data breachesaffecting over21.5million people. IdentityForce is the onlyidentityprotectionprovider awarded the Parent Tested ParentApproved Seal.Todownload the free IdentityForce Mobile App, youneed to beanactive IdentityForce Member. Learn more aboutIdentityForceat
AutoApps 1.8.5
Manage all your AutoApps. Automate your life!
CySmart™ is a Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) or BluetoothSmartutilitydeveloped by Cypress Semiconductor, anInfineonTechnologiesCompany. The CySmart Android app can be usedwith anyBLE productsincluding BLE development kits from Cypresslike thefollowing ones:1. CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A PSoC® 4® 6 BLE 3. The CySmart Android app canbeusedwith the BLE example projects provided in PSoC® Creator™4.3andModusToolbox™ Software Environment. PSoC Creator canbedownloadedfrom To findanexampleproject within PSoCCreator, canbedownloaded from for the following Bluetooth SIG-adoptedBLEprofiles andservices are supported: 1. Battery Service 2.BloodPressureProfile and Service 3. Cycling Speed and CadenceProfileandService 4. Device Information Service 5. Find MeProfileandImmediate Alert Service 6. Glucose Profile and Service7.HeartRate Profile and Service 8. Health Thermometer ProfileandService9. Proximity Profile, Link Loss Service and Tx PowerService10.Running Speed and Cadence Profile and ServiceCustomizedscreensfor the following Cypress-defined, BLE profilesand servicesaresupported: 1. CapSense® Profile and Service -EnablesBLE-basedcommunication for CapSense Widgets like proximitysensors,buttonsand sliders 2. Bootloader Profile and Service-Enablesover-the-air (OTA) device firmware upgrade (DFU)forCypress's BLEdevices 3. RGB LED Profile and Service - EnablesLEDcolor andintensity control using Cypress's BLE devicesThefollowingadditional features are supported: 1. Data logger 2.GATTdatabase(DB) viewer for debugging any Bluetooth SIG-adoptedorcustomprofile/service. For the End User License Agreement,OpenSourceLicenses Used, and app’s User Guide
Virmee APP supports Virmee fitness Watch to connectwithSmartPhones. 1.Sync your health and fitness data from watchbyBluetooth2.Connected with device , sending SMS or calls tothewatch Onceconnected to the Smart Phone, user can also enjoyPhoneCall andSMS notification through watch vibration under thepremisethat theuser gives the appropriate permissions. Virmee istheApplicationdedicated to Health and Fitness that helps the Userstokeep trackof daily performances. How to use virmee app Step1.Download theapp Download the app from Appstore. Step 2.Registeryour account:After downloading the app, create an accountwith yourEmailaddress. If you already have a virmee account, youcan logindirectly. Step 3. Add your devices to virmee app: Openthevirmeeapp and follow the setup procedure to pair new deviceswithyoursmartphone. Step 4. Use your devices: After successfulpairing,thenew device will show up in the device list. You cansimply taptheicon and start enjoying the virmee smart watchexperience.ContactUs: Email: [email protected] Website:
Fuel Rewards PRO 1.7.0
Work pays for your rewards Fill-up for work. Earn for you.
Inspector Nexus 1.8.83
Inspector Nexus is the most advanced home inspection softwareonthemarket. Featuring a clean, modern interface, InspectorNexusallowsyou to quickly mark defects, take photos, and recordvideosduringyour home inspections. With build-as-you-go templatesandanintuitive design, you'll produce appealing,modern,web-basedinspection reports that clients and agents love,all inrecordtime. The Inspector Nexus property inspection app isdesignedtosync seamlessly between all of your mobile phones,tablets,anddesktop computers. Web-based software allows Mac and PCuse, oranyoperating system with a web browser. InspectorNexusFeatures:*Offline Inspections - absolutely no need foraninternetconnection until you're ready to publish yourreport*OfflineSummary - review your recommendations with a clientbeforeleavingthe site, even if you have no connection *Dataisautomaticallysynced to the cloud so it's at your desktop whenyouget home, orsimply publish directly from the mobile app*Simple,clean layoutand navigation *Customizable to suit yourworkflow*Take videos oruse the library to add existing videos *Usethecamera or photoroll for pictures *Photo editor can addannotationsto point outdefects with simple one-finger gestures*Multiplephotos per defect*Automatic in-app content download forrapidfeature addition andquick bug fixes Try Inspector Nexusrisk-freeby creating anaccount today, no credit card required.
Mission Planner for INAV 1.47
Mission Planner for INAV
Gauged 1.5.1
Gauged turns your smart devices into a custom dash gauge cluster!
SimpleCommands 3.1.316
kloee LLC
Interact with your digital world more effectively and on yourterms.
Nold Open - Your Virtual Keych 2.3.1
Replace your keys, remotes and keypads with your phone.
Information Capabilities of a 1.3.6
A tool to demonstrate the capabilities of a simple ZeroPermissionApp (ZPA)
SSHelper 13.2
Paul Lutus
SSHelper is an advanced, multi-protocol, secure server fortheAndroid platform.
nRF Blinky 3.0.1
A simple application for newbies in Bluetooth LE.
RoboRemoDemo 2.5.0
Interface for DIY projects. Bluetooth WiFi and USB. In-app editor!
With the advent of mobile devices, ourworkhabits have changed.Indeed, more and more enterprise applications must beaccessedthrough mobile platforms.Users want to access their workstations easily without havingtoremember several different passwords.To help them access easily their workstation(s) andenterpriseapplications, Evidian has created an application formobiledevices: QRentry.QRentry enables you to access your applications with yourmobiledevice. Your applications are launched in an integrated webbrowserwithout having to sign-in.QRentry allows you to use your own mobile device to log ontoWindows:* Nothing to memorize. Just flash the QR Code and QRentrywillauthenticate you through the network.* You have several workstations and do not want to enter apasswordfor each of them. QRentry enables you to control yourworkstationsand open their Windows sessions.QRentry allows you to use your own mobile device to log ontoWindows until normal access is restored. In this case, QRentryisan emergency access solution extremely easy to implement andveryefficient:* Nothing to memorize. QRentry will provide you with aone-timecode.* Your workstation is disconnected from the network? Yourmobiledevice does not get a signal? QRentry works anyway.You can also use QRentry to store personal data: Wi-Fikeys,license number, private passwords... QRentry securely storesthemin your own mobile device.QRentry only works with Evidian Authentication ManagerandEvidian SSO Web Portal. Please, don't install or post acommentabout this application if you don't have one of theseproductsinstalled.For more information about Evidian, visit
Whip Around 3.24.1
Whip Around
Whip Around's mobile app enables drivers to moreeffectivelyandefficiently complete vehicle or asset inspections.Inspectiondatais stored on our digital platform, giving businessesinstantaccessto inspections submitted, inspection results andtheirfleets’vitals. It means you can rest assured your fleetiscompliant, andyou can better manage scheduling for repairsandmaintenance -ensuring your fleet downtime is kept to a minimum,andyourbusiness continues moving. To us, the mostimportantdestination adriver reaches is their home at the end ofthe day.Whip Aroundeffortlessly and accurately captures vehicledefects andfaultsbefore they become unsafe on the road and unsafeto drivers.Sothat every driver who uses Whip Around gets home safeandsound,and probably early. Try it out today.
Dynatrace 2.1.219
Dynatrace LLC
The Dynatrace mobile app provides real-time alerts onyourAndroiddevices when performance problems are detected inyourapplicationenvironment. As a key component of theDynatraceapplicationperformance monitoring system, the Dynatracemobile appprovidesreal-time root-cause analysis—from yourcloud-basedinfrastructureall the way down to individual lines ofapplicationcode—that yourdevelopers can use to accelerate problemresolution.You must havea Dynatrace account to use this app. Toregister foryour freetrial account, visit with artificial intelligenceDynatrace is afull-stackperformance and availability monitoringsystem thatenables yourDevOps team to monitor the health of yourentireapplicationenvironment, from the cloud-based datacenterlevel, tothe servicesthat your applications rely on, all the waydown to thecode-level,Dynatrace monitors it all. With real usermonitoring,Dynatraceeven provides real-time performance insightsinto yourcustomers’mobile and desktop experiences with yourapplication.Dynatraceuses artificial intelligence to significantlyreduce thetimerequired to identify the root causes ofsystemperformanceproblems. Rather than overload you withambiguousalerts, Dynatraceprovides you with complete, pre-analyzedproblemsthat show youboth the full impact and the cause of eachdetectedproblem.Artificial intelligence enables Dynatrace to learnthebaselineperformance of every component in your environmentandtherebyinstantly detect performance problems and theircauses.Dynatracecontinuously monitors the health of your hostsandnetwork,cloud-based services, hypervisors (including VMwareESXiand AmazonWeb Services), and service infrastructure to keep youandyour teamin control of the health of your applicationenvironment.Keywords- Monitoring - Application performancemanagement (APM) -Servermonitoring - Real user monitoring (RUM) -Apdex -Virtualizationmonitoring - Correlation metrics - Operatingsystemmetrics -Network metrics - Real user experience metrics-Synthetic-usermonitoring (SUM) - Production environmentmonitoring- Fullmonitoring of technology stacks - Hypervisormonitoring(VMWareESX, Amazon AWS) - Database monitoring
Droid Examiner 1.0
Jack Palevich
Displays the hardware and software features of an Android device.
Crafty Apps EU
Total Automation, From Settings to SMS.* Triggers: App, Time, Day, Location, Hard/Soft State,Event,Shortcut, Widget, Timer, Plugins* Actions: 200+ built-in, plugin support* Tasks: loops, variables, conditions* Scenes: design your own screen overlays* App Creation: create your own standalone apps to share orsell!(Android 2.3+)Trial: Guides:, Problems: see Menu / Info / Support in-appIt's not possible to fix problems reported via PlayStoreComments...****** Actions By Category ******[not all actions available on all devices]* ALERT: Flash, Notify LED/Sound/Vibrate, Cancel Notification,PopupTimed/WithTaskIcons/Names, Torch, Vibrate, VibratePattern* APP: Calendar Insert, Go Home, Kill App, Load App, OpenMap(/StreetView/Nav)* AUDIO: Alarm/Call/DTMF/Media/Notif./Ringer/System Volume,HapticFeedback Toggle, Mic Mute, NotificationPulse,Notification(<4.1)/Ringer Vibrate (<4.2 or root),SilentMode, Speakerphone, Sound Effects toggle* DIALOG: 28 System Settings dialogs* DISPLAY: Auto-Brightness, Close System Dialogs, Keyguard,KeyguardPattern, Display Brightness, Display Off Timeout, DisplayRotation,Set Wallpaper, Stay On, Status Bar (expand/collapse),SystemLock* FILE: Browse Files, Directory Create/Delete/Move,FileCopy/Delete/Move/Open, Write To File, Read Line, ReadParagraph,Zip/Unzip File* INPUT: Button, Dpad (root only), Type (root only), InputMethodSelect, Soft Keyboard (show)* MEDIA: Media Button Events (grab), Media Player Control,MusicFile/Dir, Play/Forward/Back/Stop, Photo/Series/TimeSeries,RecordAudio, Record Audio Stop, Ringtone, Scan Card* MISC: (Broadcast) Action Intent, Component Intent, GetLocation,GPS Status (<2.3 or Cyanogen/submod), Run (ASE) Script,Say, SayTo File, Shut Up, Search For, Set Clipboard, Reboot (rootonly),Set CPU (root only) Set Timezone* NETWORK: Airplane Mode (<4.1 or root), Autosync, BT, BTID,Compose Email, Browse URL, HTTP GET, HTTP POST, MobileData(on/off), Mobile Data 2G/3G (Cyanogen only), USB Tether,WiFiToggle, Wifi Disconnect/Reassociate/Reconnect, Wifi Sleep,WifiTether, Wimax Toggle* PHONE: Call, Call Log, Call Block/Divert/Revert, ComposeMMS/SMS,Contacts, End Call, Radio, Send SMS, Send Data SMS, SilenceRinger,Take Call* TASKER: Change Icon Set, If, End If, Goto Action, PerformTask,Profile Toggle, Query Action, Set Widget Icon, Set WidgetLabel,Stop, Wait, Wait Until* VARIABLES: Set, Clear, Inc, Dec, Query, Randomize, Split,Join,List* 3RD PARTY: Android Notifier, Astrid, BeyondPod,JuiceDefenderData/Toggle, Gentle Alarm, NewsRob, OfficeTalk,SleepBot, SMSBackup+, TeslaLED, WidgetLocker****** States ******Airplane Mode, BT Connected, Calendar Entry, Docked,HeadsetPlugged, Incoming Call, Keyboard Out, Light Level, MediaButton,Missed Call, Mobile Network, Device Orientation, Power,VariousSensors, Signal Strength, Unread Text, Variable Value,WifiNetwork, Wifi Near****** Events ******Alarm Clock/Done, Date Set, Time/Date Set, Timezone Set,Display:Off/On/Unlocked,FileClosed/Deleted/Modified/Moved/Opened/AttributesChanged,Camera/Search Button Long-Press, CardMounted/Removed/Unmounted,Gesture,Missed Call, Phone Changes,Received Text, SMS SendSuccess/Failure, BatteryChanged/Full/Low/Overheating, Device Boot,Device Shutdown, StorageLow, Locale Changed, New/Removed/UpdatedPackage, Wallpaper Changed,Button Gadget Clicked, New Window,Notification, NotificationClicked, Zoom Click, VariableCleared/Set, K9 Email Received, GentleAlarm, Kaloer Clock,OpenWatch, Reddit Notify, Screebl, WidgetLockerNote: Tasker uses the BIND_DEVICE_ADMIN permission in ordertoprovide the System Lock functionality.