Top 41 Apps Similar to Topography assistant

Harcourt Traverse & Surveying 1.13
Surveying calculator and traverse mapping app.
PHOTOMOD GeoCalculator 1.3.001
PHOTOMOD GeoCalculator performs coordinate transformationsaccordingto Russian State Standard GOST R 51794-2001 andInterstate StandardsGOST 32453-2013 (GOST R 51794-2008) and GOST32453-2017. Itimplements transformations between Cartesiangeocentric and geodetic(latitude, longitude, height above theellipsoid) reference framesbased upon geodetic datums WGS 84,Pulkovo 42, Pulkovo 95, GSK-2011,PZ-90, PZ-90.02, PZ-90.11 andITRF-2008, as well as projectedcoordinate systems SK-42, SK-95 andGSK-2011 (based on Gauss-Krugermap projection). In addition sometransformations not covered by thestandards are supported, namelyones involving WGS 84/UTM referencesystem and EGM96 geoid model.Coordinates to be transformed can betyped-in manually, measured inGoogle Maps or set to the currentdevice location.
Topography APP 1.0.11
The Topography APP is an excellent application for georeferencingorland surveying, design of electrical networks, avenues,streets,subdivisions and studies in general.Export your surveys to DXF (Autocad), KML (Google Earth), CSV(MSExcel) without the slightest difficulty and the possibilityoftransmission by email of their withdrawals directly from thefieldto the office.In the Professional version you can mark up to 5000 pointsforsurveys.
vTools Survey Pro 6.8.0
vTools Apps
Spatial data collection Point, Polyline , Polygon, Tracklog withGPSlocation
Field Topography UTM 2.9.2
Topographical calculations. UTM-Grid on Map. Measurement pathlengthon Map.
Learn Theodolite
Theodolite surveying app for Civil Engineering andconstructionprofessionals.
AZyDH2 2.1
AZ & DH V 2.0, Azimut & Distance Calculator Topográfica.
Apglos Survey Wizard 3.23
Land survey with ease with your smartphone. Get ApglosSurveyWizard!
Lefebure NTRIP Client 2020.04.06
Connect to a high accuracy GPS orGNSSreceiver, stream DGPS or RTK correction data to the receiverviaNTRIP over the phone's Internet connection. Log NMEA positiondatafrom that receiver to a file on the SD card. Make NMEApositiondata from an external receiver available to otherAndroidapplications.Note that this application requires the Bluetooth SerialPortProfile to connect to a GPS receiver. Bluetooth SPP is notincludedin all Android devices.Permissions Needed:INTERNET - Used for getting correction data from theInternet.BLUETOOTH - Used for connecting to a Bluetooth device.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN - Used for pairing with a Bluetooth device.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - Used for writing NMEA data to a textfileon the SD card.ACCESS_MOCK_LOCATION - Used for routing external position datatoother applications.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION - May be used for sending location toNTRIPcaster instead of using data from the external receiver oramanually entered lat/lon.IN_APP_BILLING - Used for the subscription for thepremiumfeatures.
Geode Connect
GEODE CONNECT is a configuration utility for the GEODE GNSSRECEIVER
FieldMove Clino 2.5.19
FieldMove Clino is a digital compass-clino for data capture onyoursmartphone.
Mapit GIS - NTRIP Client 1.2.1
Simple tool to get RTK corrected coordinates into Mapit and logRAWGNSS data.
Nuwa is a survey & data collection App developed byTersusGNSSInc. With Nuwa you can connect Tersus David GNSSreceiverviaBluetooth or USB that turns any Android devices intoRTKbase,rover or GIS data collector. This App providesvariousbuilt-insurvey tools. Key Features: 1) AssistswithBluetooth/USBconnection 2) Configure base/rover setup 3)Visualizedinterfacefor receiver operations 4) Data management(import/export)
Handy Surveying 9.6
A comprehensive and easy to use tool for land surveying
Survey Calculator - Land Surve 5.500
Surveyor Program, Reference Line, Circular Curve SpiralCurve,Traverse Bowditch
Mapit Spatial - GIS Data Colle
Measure distance and area using map or GPS - share surveyresultswith a team.
CartoDruid - GIS offline tool 0.60.16
CartoDruid is a GIS application developed by InstitutoTecnológicoAgrario de Castilla y León (ITACyL) thought as a tool tosupportthe fieldwork aiming to solve the problem of disconnectededitingof georeferenced information. In many field areas, mobilecoverageis insufficient to work in a reliable way. CartoDruidprovides asolution to this problem allowing the visualization onraster andvectorial layers stored on the device and allowing thecreation ofnew geometries (entities), drawing them directly on thescreen orusing embeded or external GPS. CartoDruid doesn't requierepreviousGIS (Geographic Information Systems) knowledge and it'seasy toconfigure and use. This allows any person to use it tomanagefieldwork information and then export generated data to usethem inexternal applications. What can CartoDruid do?: - VisualizeonlineGoogle Maps. - Use vectorial cartography loaded on aSpatiaLitedatabase. - USe rasterimaginery loaded on a RasterLitedatabase. -Consume online WMS services. - Create new layers on thedevice. -Configure filtering on vectorial layers to determinevisiblegeometries based on their attributes. - Configuresymbologies andlabels based on SQL expressions (easily). -Configure searches onlayers using SQL queries. - Configureidentification forms based onSQL queries. - Edit the attributes ofa geometry. - Manually drawgeometries: points, lines and polygons.- Draw and edit geometriesbased on GPS data. - Edit geometriesusing several useful tools:split using polyline, circular split,merge geometries, multipartexplosion. Graphically move existingvertices of geometries. -Create new geometries intersecting layers.- Automatically savegeorreferenced data: creating and update datesand others. -Associate pictures to entities. - SIGPAC search basedon existingdownloaded data. - Length and area measurement tools,defining themeasurement units. - Guided and line based navigationto help theuser reach her destination. - Manage bookmarks. - Importvectorialdata using CSV files. - Import SpatiaLite databases. -Exportseveral formats: SQLite, KML and CSV. - TOC (Table ofContents)management: sorting, symbologies, hierarchical sorting(folders). -Works with SHP (ESRI ShapeFile) as an exprimentalfeature. -Controlling the operations that can be performed on alayer viaconfiguration (overlaps. move vertices. deleteentities,identification and edition, ...) Go to seethe complete list, download examples andlearn how to start!
GNSS Surveyor - Centimeter Lev 1.8
Connect GNSS Device by Bluetooth.GPS,GLONASS,GALILEO,BEIDOU,QZSS& SBAS Support
LandStar 7
Developed by CHC Technology Co., Ltd(, LandStar7isthe newest field-proven software solution for Android.Designedforhigh precision surveying and mapping tasks for youreverydaywork.If you are new to LandStar 7, you will be impressed byitsseamlesswork mode management, easy-to-use andeasy-to-learngraphical userinterface with simple operation.Extensive dataimport/exportformats and multiple types ofmeasurement and stakeoutmethodsensure instant productivity. TopFeatures: 1.One-buttonSwitchingDual Styles Simple Style, forentry-level surveyors, withbasicfunctions in one screen. ClassicStyle, for professionalsurveyors,with all functions showing indifferent tables based onthefrequently used work flow. 2.VariousBase Map Displays OSM,BING,Google, WMS online maps. DXF, SHP, TIF,SIT, KML, KMZ offlinemaps3.Extensive Import and Export Data FormatsImport from DXF,SHP,KML, KMZ, CSV, TXT and CGO formats. Export toDXF, SHP, KML,KMZ,RAW, HTML, CSV, TXT formats. Customized importand exportcontentsin CSV or TXT formats. 4.Various Types ofMeasurementSupportsstatic, RTK and stop & go measurement. 7methods ofpointmeasurement, including topographic point, controlpoint,quickpoint, continuous point, offset point, EBubblecompensatedpointand corner point. 5.Various PeripheralsSupportedPipelinedetector, VIVAX-METROTECH vLocPro2. Laserrangefinder,LeicaDisto,SNDWay and Bosch. Echo sounder,sonarmite,NMEA DPT andDBT.6.Convenient Work Mode ManagementPresetting common work modesofbase and rover, switching work modesby one button. Convenienttowork in stop&go based on real-timekinematic (RTK) modeandstatic mode can be set at the same time.7.Standard CGDcorrectionfile CHCNAV own CGD file for grid/geoidcorrection. Datumgrid,plane grid and height geoid files areintegrated in one CGDfile,and each CGD file name is correspondingto coordinatesystem.Multiple grid formats are available, GGF,BIN,GRT, GRD,GSF,GRI,BYN,ASC. 8.User-friendly Stakeout InterfaceTwo modesforstakeout, map mode shows the current position andtargetposition,compass mode shows the target direction. Users cansetNorth, Sunor point as a reference direction. 9.Multiple TypesofStakeoutPoint and line stakeout by snapping feature point onDXFbase mapor survey point. Surface stakeout with 3D DXF, XML,HCTformats.10.Correction Repeater Function Easily repeatingcorrectiondatafrom RTK network or radio mode to other rovers viaradio.RTCMTransformation Message Using RTCMtransformationmessages(1021-1027) for datum transformation,projection, automatedgridposition and geoid adjustments. 11.CHCNAVCloud Service Allowsforuploading and downloading projects,coordinate systems, workmodesand code lists. 12.Quick Data ShareUse Gmail, WhatsApp,GoogleDrive, Skype to share your data Shareyour projects,coordinatesystems, points, work modes, codes, reportsandresults.13.Powerful Road Functions Create road elements infield,perfectlymatch your design data. Support center line,crosssection,profile, slope, structure, culvert and stakes.Differentviews areavailable for stakes, slope, structure and datacheck.14.FieldHardware Support Supports CHC i90 with firmwarev2.0.11,i80/i70/M6receiver with the firmware v1.6.55, i50 receiverwith thefirmwarev1.0.38, X91+/X900+ receiver with the firmwarev8.39 andabove, aswell as internal GPS of Android smartphone andhandheldcontroller.15.Data Collection Hardware LandStar 7 used withCHCHCE320 is themost compatible way, it can also be used withCHCHCE300, LT600,LT700, LT700H or other Android devices of v4.2andabove.16.Language support LandStar7 is available inBulgarian,Croatian,English, Finnish, French, German, Greek,Hungarian,Iranian,Japanese, Kazakh, Korean, Persian, Polish,Portuguese,Russian,Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Slovak,Thailand,TraditionalChinese,Turkish,Mongolian and Vietnamese.
TopoDroid 5.1.40
Cave surveying on Android
Field Topography UTM free 2.8.1
Topographical calculations. UTM-Grid on Map. Measurement pathlengthon Map.
The handy application for performingbasicgeodetic calculations.It provides coordinates in 6 systems:- WGS-84- PZ-90 (RU)- PZ-90.02 (RU)- PZ-90.11 (RU)- SK-42 (RU)- SK-95 (RU)- GSK-2011 (RU)In each of these systems the coordinates can be represented in3projections:- Geodetic (latitude, longitude, altitude)- Gauss-Kruger (6-degrees zones)- Geocentric (X, Y, Z)It allows you to perform the following tasks:- Direct and Inverse Geodetic Problem. Geodetic coordinatesaresolved on the reference ellipsoid. Gauss-Kruger coordinatesaresolved on the plane with or without the height.Geocentriccoordinates are solved in space.- Conversion of Gauss-Kruger coordinates into other zones.- Calculation of the azimuth and elevation of the Sun at anygiventime at any observation point (your own location canbeused).It allows you to receive:- Your own location data (coordinates, accuracy, source andtime,direction and speed)- Information about navigation satellites (PRN, azimuth,elevation,signal/noise ratio, etc.)It allows you to save the coordinates of points (marks) forlateruse in calculations. The coordinates of points can bespecified inany of systems and projections (after saving the point,itscoordinates are automatically available in all other systemsandprojections). Also the coordinates of your own location canbeused.It allows you to export marks from the application to externalfileand import marks from external file into the application. Therearetwo formats available for export/import: GPX and innerGeodesist'sone. In GPX the marks are exported/imported as"waypoints" ("wpt"tag).Exported marks are stored in the file with specified name inthefolder named "Geodesist" at the internal storage of thedevice.These files are available for other applications, such asfilemanager (i.e. they can be copied, deleted, sent viaBluetooth,etc.).Marks can be imported into the application from files located inthesame "Geodesist" folder.It allows you to visualize your data (marks, etc.) on the mapbasedon the "Google Map" service (the latest version of the GooglePlayservices must be installed on the device).It allows you to add new marks directly on the map.The application has an original customizable interface andprovidesthe variety of formats for input and display coordinates,angles,and other variables.The application has a built-in hints. To learn more about workingina particular tab open the tab which you are interested in andcallthe "Menu"(green button on the toolbar) -> "Hint".
QField for QGIS - Unstable master-dev
Do not use this app in production! This app containsthecurrentdevelopment version of QField for QGIS. It is onlymeantfortesting new features and finding bugs as early as possible.Ifyouintend to use QField in production, please install theQFieldforQGIS app.
Angle Meter Pro 1.3.0
Angle Meter with advanced features
Clinometer PRO 1.6.0
Clinometer bundled with useful measurement tools
Factor de Escala GEOMAX ZOOM 35
Terratec SRL
Get geometric correction parameters for surveying
Geo++ RINEX Logger 2.1.6
Geo++ GmbH
Logs raw GNSS measurement data of your Android device toRINEXfiles.
JAVAD Mobile Tools OAF 4.8.14
Control Authorised JAVAD receivers with your Android™smartphoneortablet.
Coordinate Master 3.7
This powerful geodesy app allows you toconvertcoordinates between many of the world's coordinate systems,computegeoid offsets, and estimate the current or historicmagnetic fieldfor any location. It also includes surveying toolsto compute thepoint scale factor and grid convergence.The app uses the PROJ4 library and a lookup filecontainingprojection and datum parameters to support over 1700coordinatesystems. Lat/lon, UTM, US State Plane, and many, manyothers aresupported. You can also create your own coordinatesystems if youknow the parameters.The app also supports affinetransformations toallow you to set up local grid systems.See app either takes manual coordinate input or uses yourcurrentGPS location. The computed location can be displayed inGoogle Mapsvia your web browser with a single button press. It alsosupportsMGRS grid references.You can export any lat/lon, UTM or transverse Mercatorcoordinatesystems to a HandyGPS datum (.hgd) file for use as acustom datumin HandyGPS.The magnetic field calculator page computes the Earth's currentorhistorical magnetic field at a given location. Themagneticdeclination computed is useful for compass navigation sinceitrepresents the difference between true north and magneticnorth.Field inclination and total intensity are also computed. Thistooluses the International Geomagnetic Reference Field model(IGRF-12).See for fulldetails.Years from 1900 through to 2020 are supported.The app can also compute the geoid height offset for agivenlocation, using the EGM96 model. Geoid offset can besubtractedfrom the height reported by GPS to give your actualheight abovesea level.Online help for the app is availableat A version of this app is now also available foriPhones.Permissions required: (1) GPS - to determine your location, (2)SDcard access - to read and write user projections file.
Altimeter Offline Pro 1.3
Egea App Design
Altimeter not need phone signal orinternetconnection to work with high elevation accuracy. Accuracyimprovedgeoid compensation. Ideal for hiking, treking and climbs inmediumand high mountain, where the telephone is often lacking and3ghedge.Improved Altimeter Offline Version.  Improvements: more precisely, to write data to yourroutes(maximum height, initial height, climbed, cumulative height,date...), record your historical record of maximum height andadjuststhe refresh rate of the sensor to save battery.Geographical coordinates displayed(longitude and latitude).This application saves your highest elevation automatically.Only need a phone/tablet with GPS sensor.Know your altitude always.Elevation showed in meters and feet. High accuracy inelevationdata.
Survey Master
With Suvery Master you can survey though Topo survey/Autosurvey,Static and PPK modes; edit and stake points/lines. Also thisAppprovides a convenient way to import/export surveying datafiles,supporting data formats: TXT, CSV and AutoCAD DXF. Try it nowforFREE! Note: Please keep Bluetooth on your phone opened, sothatSurvey Master and T300 receiver can connect successfully. HOWITWORKS 1) Create a new survey project 2) Manage datum systems3)Connect with T300 GNSS receivers via Bluetooth 4) GNSSsurveys(Field data collection) 5) Data files output
Bubble Level, Spirit Level Pro 1.97
360° Digital Level, Bubble Level, Clinometer, Protractor
UTM Measure 1.6.2
Y2 Tech
Tools for Simple GIS, Mapping and Surveying tasks.
NextGIS Mobile 2.6.48
Mobile GIS for field data collection and editing.
Dioptra™ Lite - a free camera tool 1.0.10
Dioptra™ Lite - a camera position and angle measurementtoolfornavigation, surveying, positioning, and measurement - -withover35,000 users! Stay tuned for an enhanced Dioptra app in2020withmore features, better sharing integration, andsupportingmorephones and devices! Instructions: Press the on-screencamerabuttonto save an image. View saved images in your device'sgalleryapp.[⊹] Dioptra™ Lite provides the following informationlikeatheodolite optical instrument - • yaw indicator (compass)•pitchindicator (tilt degrees) • roll indicator (tilt degrees)alongwith- • GPS position • azimuth and bearing to photo subjectTheancientgreek "dioptra" was a classical astronomicalandsurveyinginstrument, dating from the 3rd century BCE. Thedioptrawas asighting tube or, alternatively, a rod with a sight atbothends,attached to a stand. If fitted with protractors, it couldbeusedto measure angles. [⊹]
SoilWeb for Android 2.3.1
Access USDA-NRCS soil survey information at your current location
Rotating Sphere Inclinometer 1.11
This inclinometer measures roll and pitch, lateral andlongitudinalinclination.
ArcGIS Indoors 1.13.0
An Indoor Mapping System to Enable, Engage, and EmpowerYourWorkplace
Triangle Calculator Pro 4.3.1
Solve triangles - ad free version.
Trigonometry Calculator (Pro)
Right-angled triangle trigonometry calculator - for quick,accuratecalculations