Top 18 Apps Similar to Pilates Plaza

Pilates Workout Clips - For Be 6.0
Pilates Clips - For Beginners and Enthusiast!
Real Pilates 5.6.2
Download the Real Pilates App today to plan and scheduleyourclasses!
Yogaia: Yoga & Meditation
Get more out of life with online yoga - we help you to reachyourgoals!
Pilates PRO 2.7.1
DSN Inc.
Pilates fitness exercises Coach workout sport workout loseweighthealth body
GL Pilates 1.2.1
GUASTALLAPILATES è un piccolo studio nelcuoredella città di Milano nel quale si svolgono lezionipersonalizzatedi Pilates e Personal Training.Scopo dello studio GUASTALLAPILATES è fornire unservizioefficace e completo.La centralità dell’individuo è posta al massimo dell’importanza edèper questa ragione che l’obiettivo principale dello studio èquellodi valorizzare la qualità del tempo che trascorrerete alsuointerno.GUASTALLAPILATES isasmall studio in the heart of the city of Milan in which classesareheld personalized Pilates and Personal Training.GUASTALLAPILATES aim of this study is to provide an effectiveandcomprehensive.The centrality of the individual is placed at the maximumimportanceand it is for this reason that the main objective of thestudy is toenhance the quality of time you spend in it.
Pilates 1.0
Nehmen Sie eine Auszeit vom Alltag!Pilates von GU - ein Wohlfühltraining für Körper, Geist und Seele.** DER BESTE WEG FÜR MEHR ENERGIE **** EINFACH SCHNELL UND GEZIELT**• Was bietet Ihnen die Pilates App •- 22 Übungen bieten Ihnen die Abwechslung- Die Videos helfen Ihnen für den optimalen Bewegungsablauf- Ideales Training der Tiefenmuskulatur- Übungen für Rücken, Bauch und Becken- GU Pilates ist gelenkschonend orientiert.- Ideal abgestimmtes Training um Atmung und Bewegungpräzisezukoordinieren- Die Einführung erklärt Ihnen worauf zu achten ist.- Mit GU Pilates üben Sie gezielt und Zeitintensiv- Ideal für zu Hause und unterwegs- GU Pilates ist für jeden geeignet.- Für iPhone und iPad optimiert• GU Pilates - das Wohlfühltraining •Präzise fließende Bewegungen.Im Rhythmus mit einer tiefen bewussten Atmung – DasistGUPilates.Es kräftigt die Tiefenmuskulatur und verbessert die Haltung.GU Pilates sorgt für mentale Ausgeglichenheit.Bei Pilates zählt nicht die Anzahl sondern dieQualitätderÜbungen.Genießen Sie Ihr Pilates Training.Betrachten Sie es als Auszeit vom Alltag.Je öfter Sie üben desto entspannter und ausgeglichenerfühlenSiesich.Mit GU Pilates kräftigen Sie Ihren Körper spürbar.TUN SIE SICH WAS GUTES - JETZTMehr von GU finden Sie auf können leider nicht auf jede Rezension direktantworten.Wirfreuen uns aber über Ihre Wünsche, Kritik, FragenundAnregungenunter: [email protected] a breakfromeverydaylife!Pilates by GU - a feel-good workout for body, mind and soul.** THE BEST WAY FOR MORE ENERGY **EASY ** QUICK AND SPECIFICALLY **• What gives you the Pilates app •- 22 exercises offer you the variety- The videos help for the optimal flow of movement- Ideal training the deep muscles- Exercises for the back, abdomen and pelvis- GU Pilates is gentle on the joints oriented.To coordinate Ideal coordinated training to breathingandmovementprecision -- The introduction tells you what to look for.- With GU Pilates exercise targeted and time intensive- Ideal for home and travel- GU Pilates is suitable for everyone.- Optimized for iPhone and iPad• GU Pilates - the feel-good training •Precise fluid movements.In rhythm with a deep conscious breathing - This isGUPilates.It strengthens your muscles and improves posture.GU Pilates provides mental balance.In Pilates counts not the number but the qualityoftheexercises.Enjoy your Pilates workout.Think of it as a break from everyday life.The more you practice the more relaxed and balanced you feel.With GU Pilates you strengthen your body felt.DO YOU WHAT GOOD - NOWMore from GU, see we can not reply directly to any review.Wewelcomeyour inquiries and comments, questions andsuggestionsat:[email protected]
Pilates Body Studio 3.7.2
Download the Pilates Body Studio App todaytoplan and schedule your mat work classes and equipmentsessions!From this mobile App you can view class schedules, sign-upforclasses, buy Studio Passes, view ongoing promotions, as wellasview the studio’s location and contact information. You canalsojoin the Pilates Body Studio family by clicking through tooursocial pages! Optimise your time and maximise the convenienceofsigning up for classes from your device!
Pilates en Casa 1.0
El método Pilates consiste en un conjuntodeejercicios físicos especialmente pensados para fortalecerytonificar los músculos sin aumentar su volumen. Estadisciplinapermite estilizar la figura a través de la realización deunasecuencia fluida de movimientos con escasos repeticiones. Enestaaplicación te ofrecemos ejercicios para que puedas realizardesdetu hogar, fácil y práctico. Descargala ahora mismo entudispositivo móvil o tablet.The Pilates method isaset of specially designed to strengthen and tone muscleswithoutincreasing its volume exercise. This discipline allowsstylize thefigure by performing a fluid sequence of movements withfewrepetitions. In this application we offer exercises that youcanperform from your home, easy and convenient. Download it nowforyour mobile phone or tablet device.
Yoga and Pilates Exercises 3.7.6
Yoga and Pilates Exercises freeYoga and Pilates Exercises free is thebestcompanion for tutorials. this app most popular home absworkoutsvideos training.Follow these free video lessons by world-classPilatesinstructors to do your Pilates exercises. You will feelstronger,leaner, agile and grace in with your healthy developedbody get youworking on all parts of your body: abs, thighs, back,and more!!Free App To Watch And Listen To Yoga andPilatesExercises lessons♪ Adios Love Handles Bye Bye Muffin Top Quick Cardio AbsandObliquest♪ Pilates for Lean Legs Toned Core 33 Minute Pilates WorkoutVideoby♪ 5x5x5 Pulse Workout for Abs and Obliques 5x5x5 Workout to GetRidof Love Handles♪ Quick 100 Rep Abs Workout Intense Ab Workout at Home♪ KickBoxing Cardio Workout Smackdown Your Stress♪ Fast Abs 8 Minute Abs Workout♪ Express 5 Minute Abs Workout Nonstop Abs ObliquesWorkoutRoutine♪ Cardio Infused Standing Abs Workout Crunchless Abs Cardio♪ Kickboxing Cardio and Abs 9 Minute No Equipment Cardio WorkouttoBurn Belly Fat♪ Mountain Top Abs Workout Toning Abs Obliques♪ Lower Back Toning and Strength Lower Back♪ Intense Abs Workout No Equipment No Music No Fluff Core♪ Crunchless Abs Workout Crunch Free Ab Workout Routine♪ Toning and Weight Loss Boot Camp Total Body Workout RoutineforFast Results♪ Standing Ab Workout Toning Standing Abs Exercises♪ Flat Belly Workout Abs and Obliques Workout to Tone Stomach♪ Abs Obliques Cardio Blend Core Cardio Workout to LoseBellyFat♪ HIIT Workout for Fat Loss s At Home HIIT Workout ProgramforWeight Loss♪ HIIT Workout for Abs and Obliques High Intensity IntervalTrainingCardio Abs♪ Abs and Obliques Workout Exercises for a Smaller Waist♪ Advanced Lower Abs Workout Lower Abdominal Exercises toStengthenTone♪ Advanced Total Body Plank Workout Routine Plank ChallengeWorkoutfor Abs♪ Standing Abs Exercises 10 Minute Standing Abs Workout toLoseBelly Fat♪ 8 Minute Abs Workout Routine At Home Core♪ Challenging Exercise Ball Ab Workout Physioball Workout fortheCore♪ Bodyweight Workout for Mass Core and Leg Workout for MenwithoutWeights♪ Upper and Lower Back Workout At Home Back Exercises toToneStrengthen♪ 10 Min Abs Workout At Home Abdominal and Oblique Exercises♪ Total Body Physio Ball Workout PhysioBall Exercises♪ Pilates Core Series Workout Pilates Abs and Obliquesand more...Yoga Twists for improved digestion - Everyone knows thatgoodmetabolism is key to battling bulge, doing twist helpsstimulatingthe organs in your abs region, and in this case you areto betterdigest and detoxify your body.Free application version is supported by in-app ads.
Pilates Exercises for Womens 3.7.5
Pilates Exercises for Womens freePilates Exercises for Womens free isthebestcompanion for tutorials. this app most popularpilatesexercisesfor womens videos training.Follow these free video lessons by world-classPilatesinstructorsto do your Pilates exercises. You will feelstronger,leaner, agileand grace in with your healthy developedbody!Free App To Watch And Listen To PilatesExercisesforWomens lessons♪ Rocking Pilates Exercise Monica Wilson♪ Leg Pull Back Pilates Exercise Monica Wilson♪ Swan Dive Pilates Exercise Niedra Gabriel♪ Roll Over Pilates Exercise Kristi Cooper♪ Bicycle Pilates Exercise Meredith Rogers♪ Side Bend Pilates Exercise Monica Wilson♪ Side Kick Kneeling Pilates Exercise Monica Wilson♪ Swimming Pilates Exercise Niedra Gabriel♪ Crab Pilates Exercise Monica Wilson♪ Scissors Pilates Exercise Meredith Rogers♪ Corkscrew Pilates Exercise Kristi Cooper♪ Shoulder Bridge Pilates Exercise Meredith Rogers♪ Roll Up Pilates Exercise Kristi Cooper and Lisa Hubbard♪ Saw Pilates Exercise Kristi Cooper♪ Neck Pull Pilates Exercise Meredith Rogers♪ One Leg Kick Pilates Exercise Kristi Cooper♪ Spine Stretch Pilates Exercise Amy Havens♪ Side Kick Pilates Exercise Adrianne Crawford♪ Balance Control Pilates Exercise Monica Wilson♪ Double Leg Kick Pilates Exercise Class Amy Havens♪ Push Up Pilates Exercise Monica Wilson♪ Seal Pilates Exercise Monica Wilson♪ Spine Twist Pilates Exercise Adrianne Crawford♪ Leg Pull Front Pilates Exercise Niedra Gabriel♪ Jack Knife Pilates Exercise Adrianne Crawford♪ Hip Twist with Straight Arms Niedra Gabriel♪ One Leg Circle Pilates Exercise Amy Havens♪ Boomerang Pilates Exercise Monica Wilson♪ Rolling Like A Ball Pilates Exercise Amy Havensand more...Pilates - a system of fitness exercises for the wholebody,whichtightens muscles, develops mobility, joint flexibility,hastheability to govern themselves and help restoremusclebalance,strengthens the whole body, muscle endurance andmuscletone,strengthen bones and ligaments, burning calories andlosingweight.Pilates helps you on spinal and pelvic alignment,breathing,anddeveloping a strong core, endurance in the legs,abdominal,arms,hips, and back. As you develop your core strengthyour entiretorsowill be more stable. This is one of the waysPilates helpspeopleto overcome back pains and other physicalpains.Free application version is supported by in-app ads.
Pilates Estiramientos 12 min 1.0
Ejercicios de estiramientos contécnicasdePilates.Ideal para los que no tienen tiempo solo 12 min. diarios.Tonifica todo tu cuerpo.No se necesita nada adicional, ni sillas, ni pelota, nipesas,solotu cuerpo y muchas ganas de ponerte en forma.Todo el mundo puede hacerloCon cronometro regresivo incorporado en la AppY gráficos explicativos del ejercicio.Ya no tienes excusa para estar en forma!!Descárgate esta App GratisStretchingexerciseswithPilates techniques.Ideal for those who do not have time just 12 min. daily.It tones your whole body.Nothing extra, no chairs, no ball, no weights, just yourbodyandreally wanted to get in shape is needed.Everyone can do itWith built-in countdown timer AppAnd exercise explanatory graphics.There's no excuse to stay in shape !!Download this App Free
Platinum Pilates 5.6.2
Plan and Schedule your classes form your Mobile device.
Pilates Inside Studio 6.2.12
Manage your reservations
Belle Pilates 3.4.1
Con la app Belle Pilates podrás reservartussesiones de pilates y otras actividades de manera ágil.Además,podrás gestionar tus próximas reservas, así como aquellasque serepitan semana tras semana.Recuerda que si una sesión está ocupada, puedes ponerte en colayreservarla en caso de que se libere.With the app BellePilatesyou can book your pilates sessions and other activitiesswiftly.Also, you can manage your upcoming reservations, and thosethat arerepeated week after week.Remember that if a session is busy, you can get in line andreserveit if it is released.
pilates 0.0.1
Pilates is a free application which willshowyou how to exercise at home, following an exercise routinethatwill increase its complexity little by poco.Estos exercisesareorganized into folders based on the level. You can alsofindvarious exercises, which use small and large Pilates ball is,theelastic band etc. With this application you can strengthenyourlegs, arms, buttocks, abs etc.You must not forget that it is free and you can share it withyourFacebook and WhatsApp known to friends and also willreceivemonthly added innovations.
Pilates 1.3
The best videos for body conditioning routines to help youbuildmental awareness, flexibility, muscle strength, and enduranceinthe legs, abdomens, arms, hips, and back.
Pilates 1.0
Have you ever come acrossthetermPilates?Pilates can be an aerobic or non aerobic form of exercisesthatarebasically inspired from yoga, ballet, andcalisthenics.Moreover Pilates help in improving flexibility, strength,andbodyawareness. You will be glad to know that yoga andPilatesbothimprove muscular and postural strength.However you need a professional who can train youthroughouttheprocess that why this application come.So Let is Learn how to do Pilates from the most famousCorePilatesinstructor in these application workout videos.This application will help you to learn how todoPilatesExercises step by step :1- What Is Pilates?2- What Is Pilates Mat?3- Can Anyone Do Pilates?4- What You Need to Get Started with Pilates Mat5- Yoga vs. Pilates6- How to Do a Pelvic Tilt7- How to Do Rib Cage Arms8- How to Do a Pilates Curl9- How to Do Rib Cage Breathing10- How to Do Marching11- How to Do a Wall Squat12- How to Do Wall Arms13- How to Do a Wall Round Over14- How to Do Front Support15- How to Do Seal16- How to Do Teaser 117- How to Do a Side Kick Circle18- How to Do a Front & Back Side Kick19- How to Do an Up & Down Side Kick20- How to Do a Single Leg Kick21- How to Do the Swan22- How to Do the Saw23- How to Do the Spine Stretch Forward24- How to Do the Criss-Cross25- How to Do the Double Straight Leg Stretch26- How to Do a Single Straight Leg Stretch27- How to Do a Double Leg Stretch28- How to Do a Single Leg Stretch29- How to Do The Hundred30- How to Do the Half Roll Down31- How to Do a Roll Up32- How to Do the Rolling Like a Ball Pilates Exercise33- How to Do Single Leg Circles34- How to Do the Open Leg Rocker35- How to Do the Corkscrew36- How to Do a Neck Roll37- How to Do Double Leg Kicks38- How to Do Swimming39- How to Do the Neck Pull40- How to Do the Jackknife41- How to Do the Shoulder Bridge42- How to Do Side Kick Inside Circles43- How to Do a Side Kick Bicycle44- How to Do Side Kick Beats45- How to Do a Pilates Side Kick Internal&ExternalRotation46- How to Do Intermediate Pilates Teaser 247- How to Do Intermediate Pilates Teaser 348- How to Do the Cancan Pilates Exercise49- How to Do Serratus Push-Ups50- How to Do the Mermaid51- How to Do the Rollover52- How to Do the Full Corkscrew53- How to Do the Swan Dive54- How to Do High Scissors55- How to Do the High Bicycle56- How to Do the Spine Twist57- How to Do the Side Kick Hot Potato58- How to Do the Side Kick Rond de Jambe59- How to Do the Side Kick Fetal Five60- How to Do Teaser 461- How to Do Hip Circles62- How to Do the Leg Pull-Down63- How to Do the Leg Pull-Up64- How to Do Kneeling Side Kicks65- How to Do Side Bends66- How to Do the Star67- How to Do the Boomerang68- How to Do Pilates Push-UpsDownload it for free! and improve your Pilates Exercise foraBetterBody and Overall.***If you like it, please support us by rating it ★★★★★.
Pilates ProWorks 5.6.2
Download our free app today to plan & schedule your classes!