Top 20 Apps Similar to Good Posture

PostureScreen Mobile 2.4
Posture evaluations and analysis for clinicians andfitnessprofessionals.
Forward Head Posture (FHP) 1.1.2
SD Net
Measuring the state of your neck and provide exerciseforimprovement.
Posture Reminder 1.1
Or Oz
Proper posture is one of the most important aspects of havinggoodhealth. Often times, a slouched back and neck can lead toserioushealth issues down the line. “Posture Reminder” allows youto settime intervals in which you receive custom notifications toremindyou to fix your posture. The app also features a brandnew,innovative Smart Alert option not found in any other app. TheSmartAlert is triggered by carefully estimating if your head isangleddownwards via monitoring the phone accelerometer. This alertisalso specially optimized to have little to no batterydrain.“Posture Reminder” is the first posture app to implementelementsof Google’s slick, new Material Design UI. The app isprogrammed tobe easily navigated and follow an aesthetic colorscheme. To usethe app, just press on the Settings gear button andconfigure thenotification options you desire. Once you set youralarm, simplyexit the app. That’s it! Note, the app does not send areminder atthe exact interval, rather it sends them at minordeviations fromthe chosen time (a few seconds off the actualinterval) assuggested by Google’s guidelines to maintain efficiencyand savebattery life. I discovered that the best way to improveposture iswith constant reinforcement. With the “Posture Reminder”app, youcan set easy, convenient reminders that operate in thebackgroundat all times. Please, rate and leave feedback so I canget back toyou as soon as possible. Thank you.
Daily Back Exercises 1.2
Body Program
Training for strengthening back muscles and correct posture forkidsand adults.
Boa Postura 1.5
O Aplicativo Boa Postura é de uso exclusivodemédicos e fisioterapeutas cadastrados no CREFITO ouCRM.Desenvolvido pela empresa Boa Posturaeste aplicativo é usado para a correta recomendação dotravesseiroBoa Postura HR. Usado por um profissional habilitado,ele analisa apostura e a maneira de dormir dopaciente/clientee através dos resultados, identifica o travesseiro Boa Postura HRdeacordo com a individualidade do paciente.De uso simples, eficiente e rentável, pode ser usadoemconsultórios, clínicas, academias, hospitais e em estúdiosdePilates.O Aplicativo Boa Postura possui um sistema profissionalepioneiro de avaliação da postura, que analisa as curvaturasdacoluna cervical e torácica de cada paciente que tenha ounãoproblema de coluna, postura, ronco ou apneia. Este processo éfeitopor meio da fusão do conhecimento profissional, associadoàtecnologia desenvolvida pela empresa Boa Postura,facilitando e aumentando a credibilidade ao trabalho dos MédicoseFisioterapeutas.De acordo com a maneira de dormir e o resultado obtidopelaanálise da postura pelo aplicativo, o profissional terá asegurançade recomendar por email ao seu paciente/cliente aaquisição do travesseiro ideal chamado Boa Postura HR de acordocoma sua individualidade. Desenvolvido pela empresa Boa Postura,otravesseiro ideal é adquirido pelo próprio paciente, o qualrecebeo produto em sua residência, após efetivação da compra pelonossosite seguro.O travesseiro Boa Postura HR é recomendado por médicosefisioterapeutas por tercaracterísticas de alta resiliência ( capacidade de moldarsemdeformar), que aliado aoconforto, maciez e o tamanho correto determinado pelo aplicativo,seajusta as curvaturas daregião cervical e torácica, sejam elas fisiológicas ou não.Para ter acesso ao uso do aplicativo boa postura, énecessárioinformar o seu CREFITO/CRM eaguardar a senha no seu email para a liberação do download. Apósaleitura dos termos deuso e aceitação, e completado o cadastro, você poderá usufruirdetodos os benefícios desteaplicativo, seja para o profissional e para o pacienteoucliente.Juntos, Profissionais , Aplicativo e o Travesseiro BoaPosturaHR, atenderão às necessidadesposturais específicas de cada paciente ou cliente.Este aplicativo é patenteado e disponibilizado gratuitamentepeloBOA POSTURA.The ApplicationGoodPosture is for the exclusive use of doctors andregisteredphysiotherapists in CREFITO or CRM. Developed by thecompany GoodPostureThis application is used to correct the recommendation of thepillowGood Posture HR. Used by a qualified professional, itanalyzesposture and the way you sleep the patient / clientand using the results, identifies the pillow RH Goodpostureaccording to the individuality of the patient.Simple, efficient and profitable use, can be used inoffices,clinics, gyms, hospitals and Pilates studios.The Application Good Posture has a professional andpioneeringsystem of evaluation of posture, which analyzes thecurvatures ofthe cervical spine and chest of each patient who hasor notback problem, posture, snoring or apnea. This process isdonethrough the merger of professional knowledge, coupled withthetechnology developed by the company Good Posture,facilitating and increasing credibility to the work ofPhysiciansand Physiotherapists.According to the way you sleep and the result obtained bytheanalysis of posture by the application, the professionalwillrecommend safety by email to your patient / clientacquisition of the ideal pillow called Good Posture HR accordingtotheir individuality. Developed by the company Good Posture,theideal pillow is purchased by the patient, which gets the productathis residence after conclusion of the purchase through oursecurewebsite.The pillow Good Posture HR is recommended by doctors andphysicaltherapists to havehigh resilience characteristics (ability to shapewithoutdeforming), which together with thecomfort, softness and the correct size determined bytheapplication, fits curvaturescervical and thoracic, whether or not physiologic.To access the use of good posture application, you must tellyourCREFITO / CRM andwait for the password to your email for the release of thedownload.After reading the terms ofuse and acceptance, and completed the registration, you canenjoyall the benefits of thisapplication, either for the professional and the patientorclient.Together, professionals, Application and Good Posture PillowHR,meet the needsspecific posture of each patient or client.This application is patented and available for free byGOODATTITUDE.
UPRIGHT PRO attaches to your lower backandtrains you to maintain an upright posture by vibrating everytimeyou slouch.The UPRIGHT PRO mobile app generates a personalized trainingprogramcustomized to meet your individual needs. Through the app,you willbe guided with video tutorials and an interactive userinterface,and you will be able to track your progress and viewyour posturalanalytics & statistics.Training with UPRIGHT PRO will allow you to achieve a posturethatyou can be proud of. Whether your goal is to look taller,radiateconfidence, or be more productive, start and finish eachdayupright.
Relieve Neck Pain 1.2.2
Easiest way to relieve neck pain, use it daily
Perfect Posture 1.1
Prevent and fix neck pain, reduce headaches, improvespinalalignment, and feel better. 90% of texters have animproperlyflexed neck which can cause neck irritation anddiscomfort due tothe increased compressive forces on your spine.Perfect Posturewill teach you to hold your phone more vertically toreduce thoseforces and help you develop a healthy posture. Thisapplicationconstantly monitors the angle of your phone and willtrack howoften you’re holding your phone at a certain angle. Howwill thisapp help you? Reduce neck pain Decrease stress EaseheadachesImprove breathing Learn how to do a proper chin tuckStrengthenyour deep neck flexors Develop healthy posture habitsPerfectPosture also lets you choose what indication you’d like toalertyou during prolonged periods of poor neck posture.
Scoliometer HD 1.1
Dr. Kevin Lau
Introducing a Convenient Scoliosis Screening Tool: Scoliometer HD
10 Min Lower Back Therapy 1.0.0
Most physical therapy programs designedtotreat low back pain and some radicular pain (pain radiatingdownthe leg) will include a combination of the following typesoftherapeutic exercise:StretchingProper stretching of the muscles along with active exercisewillhelp maintain normal range of motion and provide relief formusclesthat are often suffering disuse atrophy (shrinking musclesfromlack of use) or in spasm from inappropriate posture ornerveirritation.For many patients it is best to follow a stretching routinethathas been individually designed for them by a physical therapistorsports physician. As a general rule, low back pain patientsshouldfocus on stretching the lower back muscles, abdominalmuscles, hipsand legs. The patient should never bounce duringstretching, andall stretches should be slow and gradual.Dynamic stabilization exercisesThese exercises involve the use of a variety of exercises andmayinclude use of exercise balls, balancing machines orspecificstabilizing exercises. The point of dynamic stabilizationexerciseis to strengthen the secondary muscles of the spine andhelpsupport the spine through various ranges of motion.Core strengthening exercisesThese are specific exercises to strengthen the abdominalmusclesand low back muscles (erector spinae) to provide theaforementioned‘belt of muscle’ around the spine. These exercisestypicallyinclude:Specific abdominal strengthening, such as pelvic tilts,crunches,abdominal machines, and properly controlled legraises.Low back exercises (hyperextensions), which can be performedonmachines or by simply lying on the stomach and slowly raisingthechest off the ground. This exercise utilizes the lower backmusclesto ‘hyperextend’ the spine.Water TherapySome physical therapy centers may also provide aquatic(water)physical therapy. Water supports the body and minimizes theeffectof gravity, making it easier for patients to start anexerciseprogram. Aquatic therapy can be very helpful for elderlypatientsand disabled patients who may not have the strength to dosome ofthe exercises outside the aquatic pool.Lumbar tractionAnother aspect of physical therapy program may includelumbartraction. With lumbar traction, the patient lies on his backand issecured on a special table with a cable coming from thefoot-end ofthe table that attaches to a strap that has been placedaround thepatient’s hips. The cable is attached to weights at thefoot-end ofthe table that provide a continuous and gentle pullingforce on thehips toward the foot-end of the table. The goal oftraction is tounload the disc space and muscles in the lumbarspine. Thisunloading is thought to provide a recuperative periodwhich allowsthe muscles to rest and takes pressure off the discspace. Researchabout the effectiveness of traction iscontroversial, with somestudies showing that it adds value andother studies showing thatit is of little or no value for patientswith low back pain.
Standing Poses for Beginners 2.0
This is a FREE plugin of Daily Yoga andcouldNOT OPEN on its own.Please install the main app 'Daily Yoga' before using this plugin:Store link:★ Introduction ★Standing poses are the foundation of yoga. In this session,youare required to stand all the way in 22 postures, withvariousbending and balancing ones playing an important role.Have you ever noticed the problems when you're standing?Yourlegs and feet are weak with strain so that you tend to hunchyourback, make your belly protrude, or with most of the weight onjustone side of your body. Besides poor posture, such standinghabitscause muscular pain, leg length discrepancy, obstructed bloodflowand various spinal diseases.Let yoga tell what it's like to stand correctly. Thissessionwill strengthen your legs, loosen your muscles, enhanceflexibilityof your joints and increase balance as well.We apply simple variation not only for people of all levelstoenjoy casual yoga stretches after work or before going to bed,alsoto cover almost all kinds of standing postures which help openyourchest, take your shoulders down, stand straight and tall,balanceweight equally, align your hips and engage all of yourmuscles toadd flexibility to the whole body.When you are standing, waiting for the bus or in a queue atthecheck counter, you shall try to stand properly and this willmakeyour moment become so lovely and yogi style. Take yoga intoyourlife, then all the differences will become a pleasantsurprise.
Posture Check 1.7
Spinal Check Procedure:1.Fill in personal information (only use for furtheranalysis)2.Capturing the front view and the side view of body3.Dragging the points into specific position4.View the resultOther functions:1.View the nearest chiropractors (map & list)2.Export the result in PDF format, and email ittochiropractors3.Records4.Share the result to messages6.Suggested exercise videos
FitStadium | Personal Trainer 7.4
Only bodyweight exercises to work out athomeor wherever you want, even if you have little time.A workout shaped to suit you and to help you to achieve yourfitnessgoal, whether you want to build muscle and strength, tolose weightafter pregnancy, to strenghten your core and improveyour posture orsimply to get lean for summer.Features- No ready-made plans: your workout is shaped by the feedbackyougive.- To each his own: absolute beginner or expert, rookie orbeast,your workout will match your current level.- Muscle growth or weight loss? Bikini body or biggerbiceps?Pick your goal, we’ll plan the right workout to achieveit!- No time? No problem. Work out in as little as 15 minutes.- Every exercise comes with neat video tutorials. Always keepthecorrect posture!- Bodyweight exercises are very popular for functionaltrainingand postural correction: they improve balance and corestabilityand they can help you avoid backache and lower backpain.FitStadium ProTwo weeks free trial!- With FitStadium Pro your workout will keep adjusting toyourprogress. Day after day, your training will always match yourleveland provide you the best workout.- Great variety: 120 different exercises to guarantee you alwaysgetthe right one. Never get a boring workout again!- Choice of 3, 6 and 12 months subscription.For further information, terms of service and privacy policypleasevisit by Technogym.You need an active Internet connection to use FitStadium.Please note that you should not train with FitStadium ifyousuffer from any disease, illness or trauma incompatiblewithbodyweight training or physical exercise.
Dumbbell Workouts Free 5.1
Dumbbell Workouts Try! Short onequipment?Stuck at home and only have dumbbells? Maybe you're in arut andwant to try something different? No worries! This DumbbellsWorkoutcan be used at home or in the gym for building muscle mass.You canalso use this as a muscle shock Dumbbells Workout to mixthingsup.The Dumbbells Workout only home or gym full body workout focusesonthe use of heavy compound lifts, and allows you to maximizemusclegains with minimal equipment.The main benefit to using Dumbbells Workout in your workoutroutinesis that on top of exercising the main muscles, dumbbellexerciseswill also require the input from various stabilizingmuscles aswell.The main benefit to using Dumbbell Workouts in your workoutroutinesis that on top of exercising the main muscles, DumbbellWorkoutswill also require the input from various stabilizingmuscles aswell.We've got nothing against barbells, but Dumbbell Workouts offeralot more versatility. You don't need much space, and you canfindthem anywhere—from the dinkiest hotel fitness center toyouruncle's garage. We've put together the ultimatedumbbell-onlyroutine—one you can do with just a few pairs ofweights.Using Dumbbell Workouts allows you to train one side of your bodyata time, which is great for curing any strength imbalancesyou'vedeveloped. And because each limb moves independently, yourcore hasto brace harder to prevent you from tipping to one side.Hello,six-pack!This is in contrast to exercising on gym-type machines wheremaintargeted muscles are isolated and are the only onesbeingutilized.Dumbbell Workouts allow complicit muscles to grow instrengthtogether and prevent muscle groups from developingindependentlyand out of sync.An example of cheating would be to sway your upper body forwardandback when doing biceps curl. Although the dumbbell exercise willbeeasier to perform that way, you are effectively cheatingyourselfout of gains in your target muscle groups.It is therefore recommended to use and maintain good posturewhenperforming Dumbbell Workouts. In the biceps curl example, trytokeep your upper body very still when doing the exercise tominimizecheating.* Disclaimer *I do not own any of the pictures or videos used in this app theyareall credited due to their rightful ownersNO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED
Posture CHECKER plus 5.1.1
"Posture CHEKCER plus" provides the leaning degree of the body.
OsteoAlarm Free 0.6
This app is tracking your posture tilt by 4 sides and warns bysoundor\and vibration if your body inclination angles are outsidetheselected limits. For tracking your correct posture: 1) Choosethealarm and sensor settings (see Menu) 2) Save correct(initial)posture angles: tap button and place (fix) this Androiddeviceduring next 10 seconds on your body (pocket, phone case) atthecorrect comfort posture. 3) Start the tracking service Appdialogcan be closed now, info is in the notification area.Warning:Android sleep is blocked, be noted higher batterydischarge.Internet permission is for Media-player that plays soundalerts.---------------- Paid app version has max tilt angles tobecontrolled up to 75 degrees. This app can be useful forAndroidusers being operated on the backbone, with intervertebralhernia,scoliosis. App may be useful instead of separatesensorscontrolling the posture, like Lumo Lift.
Zenfie, Mindfulness Meditation 2.2.15
Second Wind
Zenfie is an app to learn and practice mindfulnessmeditation.UseZenfie to discover or rediscover mindfulnessmeditation:rest,relax, better manage your stress, be more presentandimproveconcentration on a day to day basis. The discoveryprogrammeoffersyou ten different ten minute sessions, completelyfree. Sofor 10ten days, Zenfie will become your partner with adailyguidedmeditation session. Some of the themes covered intheseinitial 10meditation sessions which help you be more zenandimprove rest andrelaxation include: meditation positions,bodymaps, attention tobreathing, awareness of sensation andfeeling,letting go, innerpeace... Once you complete themindfulnessdiscovery programme, youwill be able to continue yourmindfulnessmeditation with Zenfie(through the Initiation and thenAdvancedmodules). The practice ofmindfulness meditation has beenrecognisedand validated bynumerous scientific studies: meditationis one ofthe best naturalmethods of combatting the effects ofstress andimproving rest andrelaxation. What’s more, meditationoffersexcellent results forthose suffering from sleep or moodproblems,as well as depression.After two to three months ofregularmeditation, significanteffects can be seen, bothpsychological andphysical. This simpleactivity, brought to yoursmartphone byHeadspace, requires timeand dedication, butsignificantly improvesquality of life. It willhelp you toappreciate good times, to takestock when times aretough, to feelmore relaxed and to stay orbecome zen, whatever thecircumstances!Zenfie will be by your sideto help you reach yourpersonal goals,with its guided meditationmodules in English.Zenfie will becomeyour partner in meditationand in: - Letting go- Sleeping better andreclaiming sleep -Improving rest andrelaxation, better managingstress - Improvingself-confidence -Improving your interpersonalrelationships -Improving yourconcentration in sports - Unguidedmeditation withrelaxing music AZenfie Kids module: “Meditation forKids” is alsoavailable forchildren between 3 and 6 years old, as isa ZenfieJunior modulefor children between 7 and 14. As well as thestep bystepmindfulness meditation learner programme, practiceandtailoredmodules, Zenfie also comes with several guidedsessionswhich youcan go through as many times as you like. Forexample: -Rest andrelaxation session - Imminent stress SOS session- Wake upsessionto start the day on the right foot - Before bedsession -Musicalsessions We are regularly expanding the Zenfiemeditationoffering.You can also access our online community, andcontributetopicsthat matter to you, which will help us to developnewmindfulnessmeditation sessions better tailored to your needs.WithZenfieinstalled on your smartphone or tablet, you candownloadthesessions and meditate wherever and whenever you want.You canevenmeditate on public transport! About the author JeanDoridot isaFrench psychologist, specialising in personaldevelopment.Authorof a number of reference works, and with hundredsofthousands ofviews on YouTube, you will be accompanied by Jeanineach of theguided sessions he has created. Rest, relaxation,zen,letting go,stress management, concentration: greatmeditationsessions withZenfie!
5 Minute Lower Back Workout 1.0.0
The muscles located in the lower backregionplay a critical role in both athletic performance andoverallaesthetic appeal for the bodybuilder. It would be anunderstatementto say these muscles are not worked enough,considering theirimportance in our lives.Like a lot of muscles located in such places, i.e. all themusclegroups making up the posterior chain (lower back, glutesandhamstrings), it is often not trained because it is not visibleinthe mirror. This is the WRONG philosophy to adopt and if youarethis type of person, then it's time for you to change yourways,and here is the perfect place to start...Exercises:-Bottom to heels stretch - 40 sec-Opposite arm vs leg raises - 40 sec-Back extensions - 40 sec-Bridges - 40 sec-Knee rolls - 40 sec6 REASONS to start training:1. Build yourself a smashing fit body - because there is nogreaterfeeling than looking in the mirror and simply just love whatyousee.2. Brag around about your toned muscles - low body fatlevel,noticeable muscle definition and shape, but not significantmusclesize3. Keep your heart strong and healthy - because your heart isamuscle also and it gets stronger and healthier if you liveanactive life.4. A clear and beautiful glowing skin - you don't have toworryanymore about celulite when you're half naked on the beach. Nomoredimply skin coming out of your swimsuit.5. Reduce stress, anxiety and fight depression - regular trainingisthe key for your head just as it is for your heart and willrelaxyou, making you calmer, fighting depression anddissipatestress.6. A happier soul and a bigger smile - you will feel that youarefinally doing something for yourself.BONUS: Improve your live life! you know exercise is good foryou,but do you know how goof? It boots your energy and improvesyourmood and exercising regularly puts the spark back into yourlovelife.
Posture Perfect 2.0
It has been observed that the impactoftechnology on our social, mental, physical and environmentalhealthcan be devastating if we don’t keep ourselves in check. Butwecannot deny the benefits we have gained fromtechnologicaladvancements. Therefore, we, students of AhlconInternationalSchool have taken an initiative to make you aware ofhealthy eatinghabits and postures while using technology.By the means of this website, we want to make people awareofappropriate postures while using different technologicallyadvancedequipment . It can result in better concentration as well.A badposture results in several complications over time, suchasincreased risks of slipped disc, back aches, back pain,pressureinside your chest, poor blood circulation. We have takenaninitiative to guide you about some common good postureandexercises that can save you from many such problems .
Workout Trainer - Classic
Please note this is for the classic,originalversion of the BodBot app. For all of the latest updates,pleasedownload the BodBot Personal Trainer app.Whether you’re trying to lose fat and gain muscle,increasestrength, pick up weight lifting, or just want to reachyour bestfitness – we can help.Just as a good personal trainer will personalize your workoutplan,we will create an individual program for you and adapt it asyouprogress. Bad posture? We’ve got the best workout for you. Needtogain strength in specific exercises? We’ll assess and updateyourtraining plan accordingly. Can’t get to the gym today? It mightbetime for a full body home workout.•  Creates and tailors your workout plan just like apersonaltrainer.•  At the gym or at home, weight lifting or bodyweight, andallpoints in-between.•  Adapts as you progress – smart progression based on your bodyandability.•  Weight training recommendations change based on yourexperiencelevel.•  Input your desired difficulty and move from casual workoutstoserious bodybuilding or strength.•  Our users have lost over 2 million lbs of fat and gained over200tons of muscle.Personal trainers can be expensive, but the benefits of a goodoneare undeniable. To that end, we can help you reach yourfitnessgoals – whether you want to lose fat or gain muscle orgetstronger, we’ll help you with tailored suggestions. If you’renewto weightlifting or you’re trying to get a bodybuilding edgewithparticular muscles, we’ve got you covered. We can build youaroutine to focus on your calves, quads, glutes, hamstringsandthighs or your biceps, abs, delts, traps and the rotator cuff –ora training plan for any combination in between. If you train atthegym or at home, lifting with barbells, kettlebells and dumbbells-or bodyweight alone – your workouts are personalizedspecificallyfor you – how much you can lift, your overall strengthlevel andmuch more. BodBot includes both simple and advancedstrengthtraining and bodybuilding to help you get fit on yourterms.An exercise schedule should be flexible without being abewilderingguess. Train on your terms and get the best fitnessresults youcan. BodBot Personal Trainer allows a home option aswell as gym –both weightlifting and bodyweight fitness, and canaccommodatealmost any schedule. Need an exercise reminder to gowith thatexercise plan? Done.Download BodBot personal trainer now and get started on yourNewYear’s resolution today!