Top 49 Apps Similar to Mavericks Educator Hub

Just Win 700.0.05
Online Mentorship and Daily Success Tracking
Strategy Training 7.002.1
McKinsey, BCG et al former senior partners teachadvancedstrategy:ex-McKinsey Worldwide Strategy Practice Co-LeaderKevin P.Coyne,ex-McKinsey & BCG Senior Partner Bill Matassoniand more.Freeto our most loyal followers, Insiders. There is noother waytoaccess this App. Insiders receive immediate accessto:ADVANCEDSTRATEGY: The Bill Matassoni Show BillMatassoni’sMemoirCompetitive Strategy with Kevin P. Coyne How tobecome aMcKinseyPartner. 1st Time Revealed DETAILED: Market EntryStrategyStudyDETAILED: How McKinsey Runs an Engagement (M&ATech)DETAILED:Corp. Strat. & Transformation Study DETAILED: HowtoSellMulti-Million Dollar Engagements Partnership. Memoir. Before30yrs21 Day Program: How to Develop Big Insights 21 Day Program:HowtoFind Great Mentors 21 Day Program: How to Reboot aStalledCareerTurnaround & Restructuring Study The Start-UpakaBuilding aLuxury Brand The Start-Up aka Building anElectricCarImplementation of an Operations Strategy (Re) BuildingaConsultingPractice Big Data Study IT & Digital StrategyStudyBusinessCase Analysis First 90 Days in ConsultingFOUNDATIONALSTRATEGY AKACASE INTERVIEWS: TCO Solution Videos TCO I,Felix,McKinsey OfferTCO I, Sanjeev, joins BCG TCO I, Rafik TCOI,Samantha TCO II,Alice Qinhua Zhou joins McKinsey NYC, trainedbyKevin P. Coyne TCOII, Michael Klein TCO III, Jennifer NwankwojoinsBain Boston TCOIII, Zach Steinfeld joins Deloitte S&O TCOIV,Assel joinsMcKinsey EMBA / Experienced Hire Program InsightsfromCoaching& TCO Please browse the library to see whatisavailable. Allconveniently available as: 900+ hours ofpartner-ledtraining, withnew training added on a weekly basis NoInternetrequired. Syncvideos to watch offline, or connect withWi-Fi, 3Gand 4G Push Appto background and play audio StreamingvideosAutomatically beamvideos from your phone to your ChromecastdevicesCreate playlistsPick up where you left off Strategy Trainingis anon-line 24-hourstrategy training channel offeringincrediblydetailed, andrealistic, training programs instrategy,operations,implementation, leadership, management,critical problemsolvingand case interviews. All our content isproduced by eminentformerMcKinsey, BCG et al partners like Kevin P.Coyne, BillMatassonietc. WHAT WILL YOU RECEIVE: Streaming access toall thecontent onStrategy Training. This is a self-taughtprogramwithoutemail-based teaching. Questions posted in thecomments willonly beanswered in our Top-10 ranked podcast channelsfor careers:CaseInterviews & Management Consulting and StrategySkills.*
Learn Growth Hacking 4.2.21
Learn & Get Certified in Digital Marketing, GrowthHacking,Google Ads & more
Quantic School of Business 2.1.23
Pedago, LLC
MBA and Executive Education
Encode: Learn to Code 4.7
Everyone can learn to code.
ProductTube 4.4
Product Tube
Premium Video Surveys: Smart Surveys. Big Rewards
Learn Digital Marketing - SEO, 6.0.0
Digital marketing course - SEO, blogging, Wordpress, webdesign,link building
GeoPal Mobile Workforce Mngmt
We know that managing a team that is alwaysonthe move is a real challenge. GeoPal Solutions for MobileWorkforceManagement is a feature-rich, native (works offline)Androidapplication for your field worker smartphones, workingtogetherwith the GeoPal cloud service for office administrators, toprovidea mobile workforce optimisation solution that increasesfieldworker productivity while significantly reducingadministrationcosts.The complete GeoPal Solution allows you to know where yourworkersare right now, what job they are working on, and what stageeachjob is at. With GeoPal cloud service you can schedule jobsanddispatch them to workers, with specific steps to be followedtocomplete the job. As each step is completed the worker confirmsthestep with the press of a button in the GeoPal mobileapp,incorporating photos, signatures, barcode scans, GPScoordinates,or other media, and submits job reports and invoicesdirectly fromthe field. GeoPal adds value by eliminating paperworkin the fieldand office, reducing costs and increasing efficiencyandproductivity for your whole business.Create your free 30 day trial account by This will give you access to theGeoPalcloud service for online job dispatch and scheduling, and aloginwhich is required to use this app.GeoPal offers any company with field-based staff the abilitytolocate their staff, schedule and assign work, and capture datainthe field.Specifically:• View your teams on the map, track their movements and viewtheiractions live;• Assign work through Gantt Planners, MS Excel uploads, orAPIconnections;• Create your own workflows through a simple drag and dropinterface– incorporating just 2-3 steps or many thousands –whatever meetsyour needs;• Give your field workers detailed client informationincludingaddresses, contacts and phone numbers, and have them calland textfrom the app or get directions to the job using the mapview.• Capture Photos, Signatures, Barcodes, RFID tags, Text,Numbers,Lists, GPS points, and even make on-the-spotdrawings.• Use the GeoPal mobile app regardless of coverage inanyenvironment;• Review your data on the dashboard of the web application orfilterit and export to excel, XML or PDF;• Connect your current CRM, ERP, or Finance system to GeoPalthroughthe API suite and pass data up and down live.GeoPal is a mobile workforce optimisation system built onthefeedback of our customers. To discover what GeoPal can do foryourbusiness visit
MobiAudit 5.7.9
MobiAudit™ is a multipurpose online/offline survey anddatacollection platform.
HTML Quiz 3.1
Test your knowledge of HTML.
Ecency 3.0.44
Discover community you love and be rewarded, earn crypto
uTest 1.9.0
uTest, the Applause testing community, is the leadingplatformforglobal freelancing software testers to develop newskills,earnextra money, and make a real impact on the digitalproductsoftheir favorite brands. Testing in the realworlddemandsflexibility - and the uTest mobile app is a convenientwaytoperform testing on-the-go. By downloading this app,youareagreeing to our license agreement:
Packt 2.9.7
Read, watch and download Packt books and videos withyoursubscription.
QMob 3.5.4
Meetoo Ltd
Have questions? Go mobile. QMob (derived from Questions byMobile)isa native app that allows you to capture and share richdatawheneverand wherever you need it. In real-time or self-paced,on-or offline,here, there and everywhere, QMob issophisticated,scalable and everso powerful. The app content andinteraction ismanaged through anintuitive web-based dashboardwhich also handlesdata reporting. Seeit? Think it? Feel it? QMobit. (QMob is aninvitation-onlyapplication and was formerly brandedLumi Say).
Codecademy Go 1.15.0
Practice coding anywhere with the Codecademy companion app.
Gartner 3.0
Gartner Inc
Gartner Mobile Stay current with timely analysis andadviceacrosstechnology and business from the world’s leadingresearchandadvisory company — on your Android device. As aregisteredGartnerclient, use Gartner Mobile to: • Browse, search,read andlisten toresearch • Share content with your colleagues •Scrollthrough apersonalized smart feed based on your interests •Savedocumentsfor convenient offline reading • Explore a wide rangeofexpert-ledwebinars, then register and attend — all from onescreen• Keep upwith newly published content on the topics mostvital toyou, byenabling notifications Don’t miss out on beinginformed.GetGartner Mobile today.
Userlytics 3.0.6
The Userlytics App is a state of the art user testing mobile app
Testbirds Companion 1.72.1
Toolkit to support Testbirds testers
UT Promoter - PRO 220.235
Merch Inc.
Get views and subscribers on your videos
playmeo Group Games & Activiti 1.7
Online Group Activity Database
Web Development PRO (HTML,CSS) 1.0
ArcX Dev
Learn concepts of HTML and CSS without ADS
Nowsite Marketing 1.6.7
Your complete online marketing presence. Fully automatedandpoweredby AI. Online marketing is the #1 way for businessestoattract newcustomers. But it can be costly and complicatedforsmall businessowners to get started. Nowsite Marketing makesiteasy. Your onlinemarketing presence is automatically built byourAI engine. Then, injust a few seconds a day, ourproprietary3-Click Marketing processwill suggest the most populararticlesand videos in your industry,share them on your socialmediaaccounts, add the content to yourblog, and send it toyouraudience via email.
Learn SEO, SMO, PPC and Digita 5.64
WsCube Tech
Complete Step By Step Guide & Tutorials of DigitalMarketing,SEO, SMO Course
Udemy Government 1.14.1
Udemy Government features 6,000+ top-rated and mostrelevantcoursesfor you to learn new skills anytime, anywhere.Fromsoftwaredevelopment, IT, design, leadership tocommunicationskills, theUdemy for Government mobile app puts thefreshest, mostin-demandcontent in your hands. Upskill your talentsand learnfrom highlyrespected real-world practitioners, thoughtleaders,and expertsfrom around the world. *A Udemy Governmentlicense isrequired toaccess this app. Features: - Stream coursevideos,listen to audiolectures and view course materials - Discoverandsearch forrelevant content - View archived or favoritecourseswith just a fewtaps - Optimal learning with the ability totakequizzes or practiceexams on your phone - Download andwatchlessons offline - Set yourown pace and choose differentspeedoptions - Interact withinstructors through our Q&AfeatureAbout Udemy Government:Udemy Government helps agenciesdeliverexcellence in today’srapidly changing workplace by offeringfresh,on-demand learningcontent through a powerful contentmarketplace.Our mission is tohelp civil servants do whatever comesnext-whether that’s the nextproject to tackle, skill to learn orroleto master. Leadingorganizations including the SingaporeCivilService College,Australian Tax Office, Islamic University ofGaza,Queensland Fireand Emergency Services, and APEC chooseUdemyGovernment to upskilltheir workforce and drive learningforward.*A Udemy Governmentlicense is required to access this app.If youare unsure if yourcompany has Udemy, check with your IT orL&Dand HR Team*
Statcounter Web Analytics 2.12.1
Independent web analytics specialist Statcounter tracksmillionsofwebsites for companies, agencies,bloggers,self-employed,charities and anyone who wants to measureactivity ontheirwebsite, blog or forum. Key features include easeofuse,independence and ability to view individual visitors inrealtime.We read all feedback submitted via the app orourwebsite. We'veimplementedseveralimprovements based on the feedback already. Keepit coming.Somemembers are having trouble logging in. If you arehavingtroubleplease send us your feedback and let us know whatusernameandpassword combination you are trying.
PIEL Survey
Research survey reader, NOT for earning money.
Progman: Learn to Code 1.2.3
Wish Media
Progman is an app that is mended to improve your coding skills.
Zoho Analytics – Mobile BI Dashboards 3.5
View insightful visualizations on-the-go, enabled bythisdatavisualization software. This mobile business intelligence(BI)appcomplements the full web browser view offered byZohoAnalytics,the self-service BI and analytics software on thecloud.The appenables you to keep track of your key businessmetrics, spottrendsearly, collaborate with your colleagues, andarrive atinformedbusiness decisions, all on the go, enabling mobileBIanalytics.With this app, you can see all the data, reportsanddashboardsthat you created and have in your Zoho Analyticsaccount.You caninteract with the reports, favorite those that youlike orviewvery often, share them with your colleagues, clientsandfriendswith fine-grained access control, and do much more. Theappallowsyou to analyze data and perform business data analytics,fromawide range of sources easily. It scales well andcancrunchhundreds of millions of rows of data,creatinganalyticsdashboards. The below features make the ZohoAnalytics appanindispensable mobile BI analytics and reportingtool, foranybusiness user. Key Features - Wide range ofvisualizationoptions -geo-map, pie, donut, bar, stacked bar, line,bar-linecombo,funnel, heat-map, web and a lot more chart types;Pivottables,summary and tabular views. - View singlepage,at-a-glancedashboards. - Dashboards like KPI dashboards,businessdashboards,marketing analytics dashboards, salesanalyticsdashboards and muchmore can be created with ease - Applyfiltersand see filtereddata. - See the underlying data, ordrill-down anypoint in thereport. - Segregate reports based ontype, folders andrelatedviews. - Quickly access select reportsusing Favorites andRecentItems. - Export and share your reportswith your colleaguesandclients, with fine-grained access control.You control whattheshared user can or can't do, like createreports,view/drill-downthe underlying data, export thedata/reports, etc
Words Helper (w Floating Tile) 1.53
The most useful word finder app for Words with Friends games!
Scoutsss 2.0.220222
be involved - complete TASKs and get rewarded
SolarWinds Service Desk 2.5.3
The SolarWinds Service Desk app for Android givesyourtechniciansand end-users instant access to core servicedeskcapabilitiesdirectly from their mobile device. Your technicianscanwork onincidents and provide services from anywhere and withthenewlyincluded end-user version, your service desk isavailableanytimefrom anywhere, ensuring your employees have accessto thesupportand resources they need to stay productive. ForTechnicians:-Receive real-time notifications - Track open andincoming tickets-Assign or reassign active incidents - Update andresolve issues-Reference historical data for troubleshooting ForEmployees:-Submit a ticket (such as a broken device) - Requestservices(suchas access to an application) - Access self-servicearticles -Checkrequest status - Add comments to open tickets©SolarWindsWorldwide, LLC. All rights reserved.
Learn React 4.2.21
Learn React development with programming lessons,tutorials,programs & more
I want web traffic 1.9.5
Applications to work with a Web-site and social networks
Pre Move Survey 3.1.8
Pre Move Survey or Move Survey Estimator is a mobileappspeciallydesigned for Moving & Storage Companies. PreMoveSurvey Appsupports survey, quick estimation, quote, andsalesaccountmanagement. This App reduces the delay in submitting aquoteandhelps to capture the customer meeting details without anyGAPwhenthe sales team on the field. This App stores allthestandarditems, room types, package types, transportationmodes,etc., sothat survey is just pick and choose what is required- nopaper andno long typing. An easy and efficient way to ensurePreMove Surveyis done perfectly. Moving Estimator or Movers Appisaimed atmaking the working of the sales team moreefficient,customerfriendly and fully paperless. Following are thekeyfeaturesStandard repository of items, goods types, packingtypes,etc helpssurveyor to select easy. Articles can bephotographedandannotated, Standard and non-standard sizes can becapturedGrossVolume, Chargeable Weight, Gross Weight areestimatedautomaticallySpecific features for Vehicle & PetmovingIntegration withGoogle Maps and Location IntelligenceMarknon-moving, valuable,handyman service articles Customer andsurveysummary with customersignature Packing material and ManPowerprojection Estimation andQuote Sales Account ManagementQuickMovePre Move Survey App isavailable in eight languages(English,German, French, Chinese,Italian, Spanish, Russian,Portuguese)
HTML For Beginners 4.9
Learn the basics of HTML language with easy notes and wellexplainedcodes.
pymetrics is the next generation career searchplatform.Usingneuroscience and machine learning, we arereinventingtherecruiting industry by recommending optimal careerpaths tojobseekers and helping companies hire smarter. We assesscognitiveandpersonality traits using a series of fun andquickneurosciencegames, making it easier than ever to understandwhereyour inherentcharacteristics can lead to success. Playgames,discover yourcognitive profile, find your top fit careers,andconnect withcompanies. Be a part of the future ofself-discovery.Find your fittoday.
Nudge - Your Workplace App 10.3.4
Nudge Rewards
The Nudge app helps you stay connected at work.Accesscompanyupdates on-the-go, quickly chat with your colleagues,andeasilyshare your feedback and ideas. The best part? Nudgemakesyour jobeasier and your company better. Bite-sizecommunications,calledNudges, keep you up-to-date and in-the-loop onnewinformation. Andevery time you read and respond to anannouncement,survey, orquiz, you’ll earn points. Be sure to answerall of yourNudges toclimb to the top of the scoreboard! Have anidea? Post itin Spark!Spark is the place where you can share yourthoughts,feedback, andbest-practices with your organization. See agoodidea? Like orcomment on the post to get it on your company’sradar.Access tothe Nudge app is restricted to employees ofcompanies whohavesigned up to use Nudge. Have questions, problems,orfeedback?Reach out to us at [email protected].
ExamMobile: ITIL 4 Foundation 1.1
Get ready for ITIL 4 exam with ExamMobile: ITIL 4 Foundation!
Subscription Billing - Zoho 1.25.6
Smart recurring billing and subscription management software
The Brainstormer 2.0.0
A story/idea generator crafted to "spark" your next big masterpiece
GoSpotCheck 6.21.0
A simple way to collect, structure, and share field intelligence.
GetResponse Email Marketing Platformpresentsour Android App, which includes new capabilities and aninterfacethat is more intuitive than ever. Manage your emailmarketingcampaigns, collect leads, and keep up to date on yourstatisticswhile you’re on the go.FEATURES:• Create and Send - create emails on the go or send draftspreparedpreviously on your laptop or desktop. It’s availableanywhere yougo, anytime you need it.• Manage List - view new subscribers instantly and searchyourdatabase in real-time. It’s the handiest way to manage yourcontactlist.• Track and Report - check your campaign performance and forwardareport by email.• Add Subscribers - add contacts by manual entry or importfromsmartphone address book.• View Subscribers - check subscriber locationsandactivities.• Web form list - view statistics for your web forms in aclear,easy-to-read list.• Enhanced landing page module - get statistics, A/Btesting,link-sharing to landing page creator, inbox preview — allin asimple, accessible display.• Click-through ratio (CTR) for links in messages - checkstatisticson links clicked in your messages.• GetResponse blog module - view GetResponse blog posts,nowavailable directly from the dashboard.______________________________________________________Feel free to email us at [email protected] if youhavesuggestions or ideas about the app.______________________________________________________ABOUT GETRESPONSEGetResponse is a complete email marketing platform, with toolsforbuilding complete marketing programs from start to finish inoneplace. The platform includes innovative features such asresponsivedesign, landing page creator, email analytics,autoresponders, andsmart list import. Its user-friendly interface,best-in-class 99.5%deliverability, and 5-star customer service makeit the topsolution in the market. The platform is available in 19languagesand serves more than 350,000 customers from 193countries,delivering 12 billion emails per year.
ITProTV 2.8.20
IT pros excel with ITProTV, binge-worthy learning™ for IT teamsandindividuals.
Bizfluence: Business Network 2.4.1
The Social-Business Networking Platform Reinvented
ServiceNow Agent
ServiceNow Mobile Agent app deliversout-of-the-box,mobile-firstexperiences for the most common servicedesk agentworkflows,making it easy for agents to triage, act on andresolverequests onthe go. The app enables service desk agents topromptlymanage andresolve end user issues from their mobiledevices. Agentsuse theapp’s intuitive interface to accept andupdate work evenwithoutInternet connectivity. The app greatlysimplifies workbyleveraging native device capabilities for taskslikenavigation,barcode scanning, or collecting a signature.​​ Theappcomes without-of-the-box workflows for service desk agents inIT,CustomerService, HR, Field Services, Security Ops and ITAssetManagement.Organizations can easily configure and extendtheworkflows to meettheir own unique needs. ​​ With Mobile Agentyoucan:​ • Manage thework assigned to your teams​​ • Triageincidentsand cases​​ • Acton approvals with swipe gestures andquickactions​​ • Completework while offline​​ • Access the fullissuedetails, activitystream, and related lists of records​​ •Optimizeworkflows withlocation, camera, and touchscreen hardwareDetailedrelease notescan befoundat:​NOTE:This app requires the ServiceNow Madrid instanceorlater.EULA:©2020ServiceNow, Inc. All Rights Reserved.​ ServiceNow,theServiceNowlogo, Now, Now Platform, and other ServiceNow marksaretrademarksand/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc. intheUnited Statesand/or other countries. Other company names,productnames, and logosmay be trademarks of the respectivecompanies withwhich they areassociated.
Codee: start to code 1.4.1
Enter the world of coding in Java. It's just few steps with Codee!
crowdDJ 2.64.0 (01-June-2023)
Use crowdDJ to control the party from your phone.
Neevo 1.9.2
Earn some extra money on the bus, in line foryourmorningdouble-shot, or during that commercial breakbycompletingmobile-friendly tasks that help A.I. models runsmoother.How itworks: 1.Download and Register 2.Link a VerifiedPaymentMethod3.Start completing tasks     What you’ll do: Commontasksmayinclude drawing bounding boxes around objectsinpictures,identifying key people, places, and things intext,andtranscribing snippets of recorded audio (among manyotherthings!)What you’ll get paid: Payment varies depending on thetask,butNeevo Contributors average $10-15/per hour (usuallyworkingin10-15 minute chunks of time). How your work is used:Tounderstandthe world around them, A.I. models rely onhumanannotators toteach them what’s what. That’s where you come in.As aNeevocontributor, your work helps top tech companieslaunchnewproducts, fight algorithmic bias, and fine-tune some ofthemostwidely-used technology in the world to run just alittlesmootherthan before. The Neevo app is always looking toimproveyourexperience. Please bear in mind that there may be somejobsthatare only on our website, and that won’t be available ontheapp. Ifyou have any questions, please reach [email protected]
MyInsights 1.5.95
MyInsights, the app for qualitative market research.