Top 48 Games Similar to 命運的反抗者

Place the gods on an adventure journey, 5V5 fair battle,DIYpainting goddess intimately follow, refuse to crushnumericalvalues, genre is a flexible strategy, temple experiencefunadventure, five artifacts accompany combat, on-board benefitsarebursting, super high-yield godsend god will.
女神契約Skyline 2002.18.0
《女神契約Skyline》是一款二次元風的角色扮演遊戲。遊戲集戰鬥、收集、養成為一體,可愛萌系人設、清新日漫畫風、浪漫甜蜜愛戀,冒險者們披荊斬棘,對抗殘暴的魔王,一路解鎖絢麗技能,邂逅女神、精靈、萌竉等一系列萌物夥伴並肩作戰,還能創建和加入公會,與小夥伴一起拯救寧靜的大陸,遊戲中居家旅行、休閒娛樂的第一選擇。●多次獲得多個國家遊戲排行推薦●《女神契約Skyline》全球擁有超過100萬玩家的下載量●可愛萌風搭配超華麗炫技特效,絕對給您帶來一種與眾不同的超凡體驗【遊戲特色】★畫質與音效★-遊戲展示可愛日系二次元畫風搭配上愉悅輕快的音效,帶來一天滿滿好心情★繽紛玩法★跨服比拼,霸氣出征,百萬公會集結;巔峰競技,提升王者段位;海神幻域,爭奪海域之王,陸地之外人人稱神;更有公會群雄爭霸,帶領兄弟采水晶奪地盤,登頂王者神殿。華麗轉生,戰力直線上升,精美裝扮等你來拿,彰顯個性,與眾不同。★女神系統★-啟動女神可讓戰力飆升,SSR女神等著你來收集,伴你勇闖冒險旅程★個性裝扮★各種山海異獸任你騎乘;華麗翅膀,炫酷武器外觀,節日時裝,讓你隨意打扮,走在潮流最前端。★夥伴系統★-在茫茫人海中尋找與你具有默契的夥伴,一起踏上未知的冒險旅程★航海/捕魚★-快來選擇您的戰艦,開啟航海之旅並享受掠奪他人物資的快感,切記也要守護自己的戰艦,避免其他玩家的掠奪喔★世界排位★巔峰對決,與無數勇者一較高低,究竟誰能稱霸巔峰對決?此外,跨服爭霸賽也將開打,各服精英將齊聚一堂爭取世界第一的名號,究竟世界第一會花落誰家呢?★公會系統★-公會可以算是另一個家,公會伴你溫暖歡樂,想要守護美好的時刻,就趕快召集公會成員一起捍衛屬於你們的榮耀★寵物系統★-趕快來收集一系列萌萌的寵物一起戰鬥,萌萌的外表卻有著爆發性的輸出,讓你的旅程不再孤單還有更多精彩內容和新奇玩法等著你來親自發現!讓我們一起進入這奇幻的世界一起冒險吧Facebook:[email protected]
Blade of Avengers 1.12.0
Blade of Avengers is a game that combines deck-buildingandterritorymode. Want to experience intense fighting effectswithgorgeouspicture quality? Or do you want to deal withpowerfulenemies byusing unlimited card decks? You can fully enjoythe funof playingcards in this game. You’ll become the commanderof ateam named Bladeof Avengers, recruiting powerfulcharacters,establishing a defensiveterritory, using variousstrategies andleading your team members toconquer the enemies whoinvade theirhomeland! Game Features: ● Thereare three mainoccupations andseven characters in the game. Playyour own strategyby buildingunlimited decks. ● Collect more than200 exquisite carddecks tobuild up your team, and fight againstwith the enemies. ●Manageyour own territory, flexibly arrangedefensive formationsandguards, and enjoy the exciting battlebetween tower defenseandcard battle. ● Step by step in endlesstrials, overcomevariousdisadvantages, and create the most powerfulcharacter. ●Open thearena for a limited time and play againstplayers in realtime. ●Cooperate with teammates in the League ofNations to grabastronghold to occupy territory. ● Single-fingerverticalscreengameplay, amazing combat performance unlike previouscardgames. ●The protagonists have all appeared, and moremysteriouscharacterswill join in the future. The team has beenassembled!Join us,build a deck, guard the territory, and save ourlosthomelandtogether! Note: ● Blade of Avengers is free to downloadandplay,however, some game items can also be purchased for realmoney.●Blade of Avengers requires permission to read andwriteexternalstorage of the phone. It is used to download gameresourcepacks tounlock more game functions. Jointheconversation:
御灵绘卷 36.0
Aesthetic and windy screens and top-notch Japanese seiyuuheavilycreated, the ultimate restoration of a safe world.Super-burningcross-service conquest, a new gameplay full-scalebattle, withgods, legendary weapons, folklore, and great men asprototypes, tomake new interpretations!
永恆:宿命起源 25.1.3
Firmament Ode 1.2.4
Classic Strategy game! One-time purchase which brings the purejoyfor players!
Ending Days 1.4.8
She looks for “the future of hope” that resists all fates.
英灵召唤师 1.18.3
Popular TCG mobile game, card battle
Luna Storia 0.22.1
A huge collection of characters await you in this turnbasedstrategy game, where you must out smart your opponent. Moveyourcharacters to the most optimal location to do the mostdamage.Attack pattern varies for each Hero, and the more Attacksyou combotogether, the more damage you do! Each move is crucial inyourquest for victory. Every character has an unique set of skills,andit is up to you to assemble the ultimate team! -Five ClassesofHeroes: Punisher, Brawler, Striker, Corrupter, and Trapper.-FiveElements of Heroes: Light, Dark, Fire, Water, and Earth.-UniqueUltimate Skills and Combat Skills for each Hero. -VaryingLeaderskills to benefit the team. Join in on the adventure! LunaStoriaWebsite: Luna StoriaFacebookFanpage:
Last Valiant 1.1.30
Team up with your friends and conquer the world!
異界之鑰-夏日狂歡 48.0
Adorable and rich professional characters, together to explorethefuture world of brilliant technology X magic. Encounter sweetlovein this parallel world, a love over time and space, guard thestarcontinent on the verge of collapse, and defend the BOSSattacktogether!
WitchSpring 1.9.8
RPG for 100 days with the cute witch!
落櫻散華抄Remake 2.1.2
2019/12/17本日因故進行伺服器搬移,如於2019年12月17日前下載遊戲之玩家,請重新安裝遊戲,造成您的不便還請見諒。校園生活全新再開!不可思議的校園冒險AVG遊戲,結合【戀愛約會】【打工經營】【卡牌戰鬥】,歡迎您來櫻華學園體驗不可思議的校園戀愛奇幻生活!!●純愛冒險、豐富故事,超乎想像的劇情展開! ● 戀愛育成、踏實學習,戀愛與學業兩者兼得! ●打工經營、閒聊約會,驚喜不斷的學園生活! ●卡牌激戰、策略組合,封印失控的魔界妖物! ● 魅力女角、帥氣式神,收集五百種華麗卡牌!●累積好感、展現羈絆,和心儀女角一起奮戰!櫻華學園,充滿貴族氣息與頂尖設施的高級學校。因為父母工作的關係,你轉入了櫻華學園,不但成為了眾所注目的轉學生,更因此與眾女角們展開了綺麗的邂逅,但是等待你的不只於此,潛藏在現代社會檯面下的世界,妖怪與人類的戰爭更是將你捲入其中……是要用功讀書成為品學兼優的好學生?抑或是成為眾人簇擁的學園明星? 還是成為人類最後的一線希望? 一切都取自於你的選擇!◎◎◎遊戲特色◎◎◎ ◎魅力滿點的戀愛模式戀愛模式中除了讓人心動的情節外,女角們更採用了最高級的3D技術制作,她們將因你的選擇產生不同的心境轉變,栩栩如生的動作與細膩表情將緊抓你的心!◎輕小說般的主線劇情透過輕小說規格的豐富劇情,搭配AVG模式的演出,讓你能徹底融入故事背景,不管是隱藏在人群中的妖怪之謎,抑或是千年的愛恨情仇,故事情節高潮迭起,絕對讓你欲罷不能!◎3D+2D的完美結合。除了有舒適的2D介面跟卡片,我們更採用了Unity3D引擎技術製作出可愛的角色跟貴族氣息的櫻華學園,3D與2D的完美結合肯定能讓您盡情徜徉在學園之中。◎魅力十足的人物風格頂尖的日系萌系人設配上重金禮聘知名日本聲優獻聲,絕對讓你耳目一新,陷入 戀愛的漩渦!!◎卡片系統!自由搭配、潛力無窮!角色卡、裝備卡、寶具卡、道具卡、應援卡,再加上和女角之間的羈絆!各式各樣的卡片隨你挑選!數百種不同能力、不同效果隨你搭配!完全的自由配置,讓你打造出專屬於你的獨特隊伍!守護你心儀的女主角!◎輕鬆的讀書打工系統!想要獲得高學力卻煩惱自己沒有過人的天賦?想跟女角們約會卻愁金錢不足?簡單快速的讀書打工系統,讓你只要利用閒暇的時間快速消耗能量即可提高自己的學力以及賺取金錢!輕鬆自在的獲得美人心!!
仙境:異域重生 1.2.9
《仙境:異域重生》全東方仙俠手遊,3D仙幻巨獻!●3DMMORPG—千人同屏斬妖除魔!●非氪金首選—積分商城超值兌換!●折價珍寶—神秘商店超值搶購!●逗趣萌寵—攻防控補血,自由搭配!《仙境:異域重生》是一款以東方仙俠修仙旅程為背景的玄幻RPG手遊,致敬經典再現原著,全新演繹仙侶情懷,千萬萌新仙俠道友齊聚開創夢幻仙境新世界,真實玩家競技比拼,享受斬妖除魔的快感!五大職業極致輸出,修仙路途英勇出擊斬殺妖魔,羽化登仙。陣型自由搭配靠腦力,攻防控超高傷害技能,炫酷的技能效果,讓你雲遊前世幻境!【遊戲特色】——極致3D粒子特效大量3D粒子特效,讓畫面更加寫實精緻、流光溢彩,柔美光暈應有盡有,帶來前所未有的視覺衝擊和痛快手感,真實體驗流暢操作彷如重生雲遊於仙界幻境;體驗盡在掌中,釋放你的仙骨道氣!——致敬經典再現原著致敬經典,全新演繹仙侶情懷,碎片時間讓你輕鬆修仙升級;經典0負擔,讓你領略完整的修仙體驗!——升級極速毫無壓力玩轉五大職業,逗趣萌寵可攻可防;掛機、修仙旅途等級狂飆,千萬萌新仙俠道友齊聚開創夢幻仙境新世界,真實玩家競技比拼,享受斬妖除魔的快感!——華麗外觀粉墨登場華麗時裝、絢爛翅膀、炫酷坐騎、強力夥伴、逗趣萌寵任君收集,主戰助攻法陣,燃爆全場!——海量副本特色玩法蟠桃盛會、智力擔當文曲星,經驗飆升!仙盟玩法,齊齊修仙,聯手走上升仙之路!冰火戰場,群雄並起,5V5組隊決戰榮耀之巔!——海量福利 闖蕩仙界 七日狂歡,豪禮元寶送不停!首儲超贊,即送光武加翅膀!投資回饋,輕鬆翻倍買買買! 超值月卡,天天登入拿元寶!請注意,play game是免費的!您可以免費下載和使用。您也可以在遊戲中購買一些物品以提升遊戲速度!====================================================遊戲支援:我們非常樂意為您解決遊戲中遇到的任何問題,歡迎聯系我們!官方Email:[email protected]
飄流幻境M 1.1046.3
New World Adventure! How to give away pets, furniture andprops!Travel around the world and travel through ancientcivilizations,ancient and modern! Decorate your own home, carefullydesign yourown Dream House! Brand new Hong Kong Island! Find thetreasure ofthe pirate king Zhang Baozai!
封神再臨:捉妖錄 1.0.1
Magic Burns 9 time - Demolitio 4.1
Global original game you can play the world with simple fingers!!
Otogi: Spirit Agents 5.0.1016
Disturbances in people's emotions create "evil energy," whichinturnleads to highly unusual events that defy logic andreason.Spiritagents are the only ones who can resolve thesesituations.They havebeen working behind the scenes throughouthistory, andcontinue to doso in the present. Spirit agents partnerwithentities called"spirits," who have their own independentwill...*What the heck kindof spirits are these? You'll never seecertaingods, legendaryweapons, folklore or famous people in thesamelight after meetingthe lovable spirits that they inspired!Theprototypical "psychogirlfriend" Kiyo turns into a dragon,whileTitania, the Queen ofFairies, goes to Shibuya in pursuit ofthelatest trends... They andothers come together for afantasticstory like none other! Voiceacting by Haruka Tomatsu,YoshitsuguMatsuoka, Hiro Shimono and YuKobayashi makes theadventure evenmore exciting! *These spirits willhave you comingback for more!Popular Illustrators Hihara You, KiyaMachi, *zoff,Miyoshino,ATARU, Kenichi Iwamoto and others providethe cute, coolandsometimes even slightly sexy character designs!Combat uses3Dmodels to make everything a little more cute! Whowould'vethoughtsuch cute spirits could be any cuter? Even handsome,manlyspiritslook cute! And they all come together for totally wildandcrazybattles! Choose your favorite spirits and jump in!
Astral Chronicles 3.0.21
This is the fantasy JRPG where you’ve been chosen to bethemillionto one hero that can challenge fate. The miles ofchallengeandmystery lie before you. Will you be the last hope toreversethewheel of fate? A mystic call brings you into the AstralRealm,aworld of magic and wonder. Across a vast, forbidden ocean,soarsadragon in the night sky. Below, hidden in the forestdepths,thepurest of the Elves conceals her essence. In the centerofthecontinent, the Tower of Babel is seen extending from agreatcity,All around, live greedy but diligent Orcs, Dwarvesofgreatintellect, and endearing Gutes… Unlike the story you usedtomeetbefore, in this game, there’s a sad story given as towhythevillains are behaving a certain way, and there’sevilresideswithin the envoy of justice. The intertwiningstorylineswill bringyou an unprecedented captivatingRPGexperience!———————————————————— EMBARK ON AN EPICADVENTUROUSJOURNEY Explorea vast open world as you seamlesslytransition fromone environmentto another, unraveling plots ofintrigue in thisside-scrollingadventure! Venture on mysteriousrewarding quests andwin epicloot. Take care, don’t be deceived bytheinnocent-lookingcharacters on your journey! RECRUIT MORE THAN50UNIQUE HEROES Morethan 50 legendary heroes of uniquepersonalitiesand stories atyour beck and call. Recruit these heroesand enlist aversatilesquad by bringing together powerfulcombinations ofheroes! CASTSPELLS IN THRILLING BATTLES Cast yourown spells inbattle byscribing runes with your fingertips. Unleashmore than 200uniqueskills that you learn from your heroes. SHIFTAMONG 5 CLASSESATYOUR WILL Choose from 5 different and highlycustomizableclassesranging from Warrior, Guardian, Ranger, SorcererandChanter. Shiftto other classes anytime you want to build anewlineup and Turnthe tides of battle with tactical gameplay.ALL-STARCAST OFJAPANESE VOICEOVERS Musical composition: NoriyukiIwadare(Grandia,Phoenix Wright, Langrisser) Japanese Voiceover:JunFukuyama,Kumiya Rie, Yukari Tamura, Satomi Arai, Yui Horie,YuiOgura,Shinohara Yu, Takuya Nakashima, Inoue Hinohana,IshiroKurosaki,Yukizaki Tsuki, Sugawazu, Yushu, Akari Uehara,KumagaiKari, YasukoYasuda, Kamisumi, Kajiwara Takehito, TaisukeNakano,TakayagiTomokano, Shino Shiina, Yutaka Otani, Ninomi Aosuma,YukiKamiyama,Kokoro Oga, Masuoka DaisukeOfficialFacebook: CSemail:[email protected]**System requirement:Android 4.4+ **Ram:2GRAM(best performance)Privacypolice: Terms&conditions:
聖靈召喚師 1.1.0
一箭穿雲,舉世無雙!2018新款療愈系手遊《聖靈召喚師》,融入DIY個性造型、時裝設計的時尚玩法,3秒組隊開團、坐騎野外狩獵上演絕地大逃生,新版新體驗,邀你來耍!【特色玩法】【超萌騎寶】個性坐騎、有顏有料,可騎乘、可跟隨、可賣萌,多級體形外觀變化,超炫特效,萌動仙界!【奇兵佈陣】百變功能性夥伴,助你戰鬥遊刃有餘,陣法信手拈來,策略變化無窮,給你煥然一新的策略體驗!【輕鬆交友】超便捷組隊機制,10秒內找到組織;“語音、表情、文字、動作”無束縛互動,輕鬆交友,快樂無限!【定制裝備】裝備屬性隨機生成,屬性養成你說了算,“洗髓、精煉、轉移”,屬性自由變換,走出不同風格的流派!※本軟體依遊戲軟體分際管理辦法分類為輔12級※本遊戲內容有打鬥、性、攻擊等未達血腥之畫面或有輕微恐怖之畫面。※本遊戲有設計促使使用者虛擬戀愛或結婚。※本遊戲設有商城加值區,請依個人興趣、能力進行體驗,應避免過度消費。※長時間進行遊戲,容易影響正常作息,宜適當休息及運動。我們非常樂意為您解決遊戲中遇到的任何問題,歡迎聯系我們!Facebook:微信(weChat):eyouslzhsEmail: [email protected]
The annual fantasy MMORPG masterpiece "Scar of the Sword: AllureinOne Thought" is coming! The next day will send a super cutedoublemount! Ask the three realms of love, and fall in love withthecity. Experience the moving and beautiful plot and explorethebeautiful oriental wonderland.
WitchSpring4 2.11
The Tale of Moccamori the Little Queen
蒼天英雄誌 1.0.73
Dubbing by luxury Japanese voice actors Full of benefits andeasyaccess to high-level generals Easily master the game to endtheliver burst and stay up late Xuan Q painting style brokenscreenspecial effects extremely cool battle Voice social, easychat, fullserver hi turn
最強獵人-首創多階轉職 1.6
"The strongest Hunter" true online MMO, people with service!
甜點王子2 - 心動奇蹟 1.0.11
為了實現環遊世界蒐集甜點的夢想,烘焙飛行船啟航囉~ 意外發現的奇蹟食譜是否真的能帶來幸福劇情?模擬經營x戀愛養成超人氣女性向手機遊戲《甜點王子2》,帶妳展開動心羞澀的浪漫愛情! ● 心動瞬間 甜蜜解鎖 甜蜜劇情,觸動每一根心弦精美2DCG劇情圖,構築夢中每份想念 ● 環遊世界 邂逅愛情 心動異國邂逅,美男夥伴養成,攜手迎向冒險 ● 親手打造夢幻店鋪經營夢幻甜點餐廳,一同航向世界,收集神秘食譜 ● Q萌衝擊 穿搭時尚 華美服飾家具,設計自己專屬的服飾裝扮,構建專屬華麗舞台●人氣甜點 夢幻呈現 精美各國食譜,共築綺幻甜點國度 ● 豪華聲優陣容 頂級聽覺享受 精選聲優,動人台詞撥撩妳的心房
暗黑覺醒 9.0
踏水行歌 1.12.3
《踏水行歌》經團隊潛心研發三載,精雕細琢打磨每個細節,獨創多種全新玩法,帶來最震撼的遊戲體驗。無雙附體、命格鑲嵌等全新特色系統,提供多樣屬性搭配獨特成長路線;問鼎蒼穹、神魔戰場、心魔試練等十數種PVP、PVE玩法激發您所有淋漓戰意!天階裝備掉落自由交易流通,沉浸式真人社交助你邂逅紅顏,跨越山海,體驗多元玄幻新世界!--泱泱古風如夢盛景--訪昆侖墟、遊桃源澗、探樓蘭城,頂級引擎開發製作,細膩渲染極致唯美景。壯美城郭身臨其境感受恢宏建築,雲霧仙山展現美輪美奐玄幻奇觀。各式地圖場景共同呈現宏大世界!--盛世良緣甜蜜社交--前世情緣今相聚,喜結姻緣共此時。全新定制情緣系統,從相見相識到相知相愛,完整互動鏈條助你緣定今生;一方彩禮提親,一方如期承應,結一場全城見證的盛大婚禮!古風喜宴,一堂締約,四海賓客齊至;親擁共舞,婚書配飾,享受甜蜜雙修。--禦靈神獸幻形鬥法--誰不曾夢過,攜玲瓏異寵座洪荒靈獸,乾坤鬥法一劍光寒!在《踏水行歌》的世界裏,天妖禦靈賣萌破敵兩不落空、三界戰騎任你駕馭馳騁山海、特色法器淬煉成長斬魔證道……雙形態進階化形,多緯度突破培養,讓你親手實現自己的玄幻夢。--時裝造型一人千面--仙衣霓裳許你傾國傾城,華服冠冕一覽絕世風華!多款時裝配飾自由組合,喜宴上有鸞鳳和鳴,酣戰中需勁裝颯爽,遊歷天下可青衣漫唱,登頂巔峰即凜凜威風。此外還有多種獨立稱號、聊天效果、待機異象,隨時打造在每個場景都最具辨識度的個人形象。--血戰奪寶自由交易--世間奇寶本有定數,修煉一途人得我失,所以爭搶斬殺BOSS先要誅除仇敵,單挑野戰團戰手段盡出,刺激廝殺。但是有人欲求自有人富餘,高階戰備、稀有道具、靈丹妙藥自主定價自由掛售交易,可資源置換亦可白手起家,要戰鬥還是交易,利與義一念間。我們非常樂意為您解決遊戲中遇到的任何問題,歡迎聯系我們!Facebook:[email protected]
束靈契約 3.0
FL.Y Games
《束靈契約》是一款世界觀龐大,超高自由度奇幻動作RPG,擁有多種擬人化武器,戰鬥中自由切換使用各種武器。這裡集結了各地玩家共同暢玩冒險,讓我們一起開啟這未知的旅行吧!本作是一款奇幻動作RPG。集結各地玩家共同暢玩冒險,擁有宏偉的世界觀,多種角色,精美的畫面及劇情。各位玩家久等了! 【遊戲介紹】▼與所有玩家攜手冒險! 透過即時連線,集結各地玩家共同暢玩的線上奇幻動作RPG單打獨鬥的力量薄弱,組隊團結的力量卻能打倒強大怪物。與眾多好友連袂出擊,投入廣大無垠的束灵师世界! ▼隨心所欲打造專屬角色!超過百種特色搭配,創造心目中的理想容貌。【故事舞臺】封神大戰結束,眾仙神進入“天界之門”,離開了人界,可他們的力量仍然殘留在這裏,幻化成爲了游蕩在每一個角落的——器靈。器靈不斷匯聚,孕育出一件又一件,所向無敵的神武利器——靈兵!擁有最多靈兵的人,將成爲人界新的主宰!才安寧未久的人界,仿佛又被無限的烏雲籠罩。暗流,一刻不歇地湧動著……“天界之門”再次開啓,兩位仙吏來到人界,培養了無數的“束靈師”,四處收集散落的器靈,防止它們落入歹人之手,以阻止即將到來的一場災難!然而,一個邪惡的組織“伐天盟”已經向人界伸出了魔爪……手托寶塔的少年靈吒,操縱飛劍,帶領著伐天盟四處搜刮器靈,搶奪靈兵。千年狐妖妲己加入伐天盟的陣營!仙吏天瑤也抛棄自己的使命,成爲罪惡的幫凶!岐山淪陷,羽族部落驅逐了首領雷震子!冥海翻騰,來自死亡的惡鬼幽魂,又一次重返人間!終於,在那個夜晚,伐天盟抓走了僅存的一位仙吏和仙吏的妻子,剩餘的束靈師逃亡到了一個遙遠的小鎮,可他們并沒有喪失鬥志,因爲他們保護著人界光明的希望——那位仙吏的孩子。你!仙吏的孩子!終於長大,要踏上一段艱難卻偉大的征程,你要救出被抓走的父母,要摧毀罪惡的伐天盟,要把光明重新帶回人界!你一定可以做到,因爲你並不孤獨,你的朋友們——失去記憶的小狐狸妲己,整天都醉醺醺的高人酒一仙,安靜羞澀的少女秋瑩,堅定勇敢的大哥哥玄風,會一直陪著你,直到最後的勝利在這一段征程上,你還將認識更多的朋友,獲得一件又一件的靈兵:灼月緋刃——刀刃的火焰,就是我不滅的勇氣!風靈之矛——沒有敵人,可以逃脫我的風暴! 狼脊龍牙——我的速度,快到你無法追及! …………這些靈兵,不僅是你的武器,更是一個個不同的夥伴,與你同經生死,共赴患難!所以,爲了這些夥伴們,鼓起你的勇氣,向著光明的前方,開始你的冒險吧!
Valkyrie Maker 1.106
Hanul Studio
Gamers of the world, save Yggdrasil with your valkyrie! Loki,theson of a frost giant, and his worshipers are plungingYggdrasilwith darkness and chaos. Your vassal, Light, sacrificedhimself tomake the valkyrie, the great warrior to save the worlds.Now, leadher to drive out the darkness of Yggdrasil! KEY FEATURES ·Allbattles have been simplified, so you don't even needautomaticcombat. · Since the battles on the normal stages areinstantaneous,you can fully concentrate on the growth of thevalkyrie. · Thoughthe boss stages take time unlike the normal ones,the battlecontinues even if you turn off the game. So you don'thave to keepthe game turned on all day - you'll be notified whenthe battle isover. · No endless loading screen - Meet your valkyrieas soon asyou turn on the game. · This is not a simple level-upgame. You canraise stats by yourself. If you have any questions,please contactus by email below. [email protected]
Sacred Sword Princesses
Full 3D Gameplay + Live 2D, Enter the new world of Vessels!
三国志 ひっぱりゲーム 三国大戦スマッシュ! 1.12.25
Multiplayer with your friends in Sangokushi's pulling game!
星辰幻想 1.3.1
Six kinds of occupations, the ten roles let you chose freelyamongdifferent occupations multiplied by grams, different wartimecareerwith unlimited fun
Final Fate TD 29.0
An original take on tower defense, set in an animeworld!Lovelywaifus waiting to be pampered! Storyline A thousandyearsago,Demon King, the mastermind behind the Void Calamity,wasdefeatedby an alliance of Humans, Fiends and Deities. Hispowercoalescedinto three crystals scattered across Luna. Thoseimmenselypowerfulcrystals turned many Humans into Demon worshipers.Now acrisis islooming, foreshadowed by the recent mass emergenceofdemonicbeasts. As a Realm Walker and a guardian of Luna, thisisyour lastchance to save the universe! It’s time to save Lunaandunlock themystery of your birth! The adventure is about tobegin.Are youready? Features An immersive world of fantasyandadventure★Explore a fantastical world shared by Humans,Deities,Fiends andDemons, and defend Luna against demonic forces.★Joinworld-famousheroes in their adventures to unlock hiddensidestories.★Beautifully crafted character portraits andanime-stylemodels aswell as Live2D-enabled storytelling breathe newlifeintohistorical heroes. Rich gameplay where lovely waifus helpyousavethe world ★Over a hundred tactical maps ranging from iceandsnow,to forests and lava! ★Fend off invading monsterswhopossessstrategy altering abilities likeflying,splintering,shape-shifting, and magic resisting. ★Joinforces withepic heroesto outwit monsters and save the universe! Ablend oftower defensewith hack-and-slash ★Dominate the battlefieldbycombiningdifferent skills and classes. ★Build your owntowerdefense team toslaughter enemies and break records. ★Usecombos toslow down,gather, freeze and exterminate enemies. Enjoythe funofhack-and-slash. A card draw system where everyone can beawinner★Daily giveaway of Card Draw Tickets make sure you gettheheroesyou desire! ★Even casual players can gather free HeroShardsandmeet their beloved heroes in Luna City. ★A focus onstrategyandCharacter Builds means that if played right, an SRcharacter canbeas powerful as an SSR one. Build bonds with yourcharactersandunleash their potential ★Start a relationshipwithvariouscharacters ranging from Lunara and Beira to AthenaandLamia.★Deepen your bond with your beloved charactersthroughinteractionand gift-giving. ★Awaken your heroes with asingle tapto make themmore powerful and allow them dominate HeroBrawl,Mythic Hall,Ancient Realm and Realm War play modes! ContactUs:Homepage:
Summon Princess:Anime AFK SRPG 1.0.169
Build your own team and establish your own super league!Recruitprincess and gather a super team to fight the monstersinvadingyour guild! Let them help you become a king/queen in ourown guild!You should not only match the strongest hero bunch, butalso assistthem to break through themselves! GAME FEATURES:【Auto-Battle】Summon pretty girls to battle! Those girls will fightautomaticallywithout tapping any key! Collect awards at anytime andanywhere.Get loot even while you’re offline, abundant surprise arewaitingfor you! 【Abundant Roles】 6 tribes are all available! Morethan 200cute girls with specific skills! 【Line Up Strategy】Differentprofessions and races, every role has her own advantagesandcharacteristics; Summon and dispatch as your will, combineyourteam strategically, and match as you wish! Passinglevels,collection, tasks, PVP and underground city … Numerouscontents arewaiting for you! 【Guild Scramble】 Find your missingpartners andchallenge the boss invading your guild! Guard yourleague atanytime! The guild resource scramble requires strength!=SUPPORT=Email us at [email protected] Do you want toknow moreabout Summon Princess-Anime AFK SRPG? Follow us onFacebook to getnews, updates: Facebook : PrincessSummoners
Valkyrie Connect 9.33.0
Lightning fast gameplay! Co-op boss battles! Frantic PVP action!
神都情俠傳 1.0.4
大千世界,眾多大陸縱橫交錯,其中不乏一些突破了位面障礙,穿越於此的傳奇人物!齊聚神都,演繹著令人嚮往的愛情故事。-超夯好康,VIP13赠送计划累計在線120分鐘送VIP4,第2天登錄送VIP5,第7天登錄送VIP7,第30天登錄送VIP13通過每日任務,闖關,打寶,最高能免費獲得VIP14,絕對佛心手遊。-姻緣邂逅,真實CP真實互動甜蜜溫馨的俠侶玩法,模擬真實戀愛體驗,從相遇-相識-相知-相戀,練仙途中邂逅令你心動的那個TA;舉辦婚宴,俠侶副本,體驗甜蜜悠閒的戀愛時光。-来去如风,轻功随行飞行八方720度無鎖定輕功,零死角高空飛行。三段式輕功,飛簷走壁無所不入。一起探索地圖隱藏秘密。-自由交易練功打寶暴打BOSS遊戲內置多種玩法,不論你喜歡單人闖關,組隊打王或是PK狂人,總有一樣適合你。跨服論劍,殺戮戰場,遠古闖關各式各樣玩法,讓你自由選擇,暢享逍遙的生活。眾多天氣系統、獨特的NPC交互任務、流暢的戰鬥體驗,讓神都永遠不失去樂趣。【溫馨提醒】※本軟體依據遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為輔12級。 ※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。※切勿長時間持續使用,並請適度休息。
Spiritwish 1.3.36
NEXON Company
▣ Are you the almighty upfront tanker type? Or perhapsarangedattacker or supporter from behind? Maybe a Melee?InSpiritwish,you can be all three at once! Prepare for battle.▣Adventure intoan unknown world! There's no time for slacking!Sendcharacters whoaren't in the party on their own adventures!▣Adventure with aMemorable Cast of Heroes! A vast continent fullofcolorfulcharacters! Mix and match party members with uniqueskillsandspecialties to explore the world of Spirit Wish your way!▣TackleExciting and Original Missions! Daily Dungeonsholdvitalmaterials—but you'll have to fight for them! Test yourluck intheDaily Dungeon for tons of fun and incredible rewards! ▣EntertheOnkalo Dungeon, a Nine-Character Challenge! The OnkaloDungeonisan endless labyrinth! Form a team of nine characters andseehowfar you get! ▣ Gather a Party and Take On Co-OpRaids!It'sdangerous to go alone! Group up and push your skills tothelimit!Assemble a party and challenge a variety of missionsatdifferentdifficulty levels! ▣ Guild Clash—a war for powerandglory! Whichguild will emerge victorious? Take your place asthegreatest inKaleva Village! ▣ Create Your Own CombatStrategies!Tacticianswanted! Dozens of character combinations meantons ofcomplexstrategies! Build your own team and craft theultimatebattle plan!▣ Play and Chat One-Handed with Vertical Mode!Thiseasy-to-usemode allows you to play your way! Vertical!Horizontal!Spiritwishdoes it all! ----------- SUPPORT ----------- ▣CommunityFollow uson official community to get latest news andupdates!Facebook: ▣ TermsofService: ▣PrivacyPolicy: ▣ MinimumSpecifications: AOS6.0 orhigher (Galaxy S6 or higher) ■ AppPermission Information Inorderto provide services below, we arerequesting certainpermissions.[Optional Permission] Save photo /media / files: Tosave gameexecution files and videos, and uploadphotos / videosPhone: Tocollect phone numbers to send promotionaltext messages ※Grantingor denying Optional Permissions does notaffect gameplay. ※Thispermission is only effective in certaincountries, so numbersmaynot be collected from all players.[Permission Management]▶Android 6.0 or higher - Go to Settings >Applications,selectthe app and toggle permissions ▶ Under Android6.0 - UpdateOSversion to revoke permissions, or uninstall the app ※The appmaynot ask for individual permissions, in which case you canalloworblock them manually following the steps explained above. ※Thisappoffers in-app purchases. You can disable this featurebyadjustingyour device settings.
四目神 【解謎×文字逃出遊戲】 1.1.4
" 'Unwanted child," God will be taken away four items [× wordpuzzleescape game] - [] Four eyes of God -
Tap Tap Story 9.7
Getting surrounded by hordes of enemies
我的學妹不可能那麼萌:清涼一夏 1.869.0
遊戲介紹《我的學妹不可能那麼萌》是已經火爆營運2年的紅遍全球華人圈的最佳手機遊戲。遊戲中萌化了三國群雄,主人公可將其從異世界召喚出來收錄旗下,與她們共創精彩刺激的校園冒險生活。與親愛的戰姬並肩作戰的過程中,不僅要理解各位戰姬的特色技能的搭配,也同樣考驗與各位戰姬的親密程度哦!校園內的最強王牌等著你發起挑戰,快來享受對決的刺激快感!遊戲特色頂樓PK制霸全國好朋友之間難免也有爭吵喔,遇到不爽就帶上“萌娘後援團”上頂樓PK吧,實力強大的後援團可以嘗試制霸全國,與數十位不同玩家輪番對決;每月開放一次的跨服爭霸賽,唯有突破層層重圍的王者才可登頂,快來運用你的智慧指揮手下戰姬稱霸全服吧!學院進修與你並肩而戰勝利的反面是失敗,失敗並不可怕,不願抬頭向前才是真正的深淵。為了與心愛的學長並肩作戰,手下的戰姬們紛紛向你請求去學院進修加強技能,這番真心怎能辜負~那就等戰鬥結束後一起努力朝著共同的目標前進!而自己,也要努力做一個配的上你們的主人!校園奇遇組隊冒險趁青春怎能不瘋狂呢?平淡無奇的校園生活?NO!拒絕~多種多樣的校園奇遇等著你去發現,給心愛的她贈送禮物、邀上好友一同對戰遊樂場粘人的糖果女孩、組隊解鎖奇遇寶物等,更有溫情逗趣的學院故事記錄在冊,你可以在遊戲中創造一個獨屬你和她的學院成長日記哦~溫馨友愛共築愛的宿舍並肩作戰,交付後背的信任,不是家人勝似家人。看著她們在前線奮戰的身姿,無怨無悔,無懼艱辛生死,鋼鐵柔腸也動情。親手打造各具風格的宿舍,為她們在學院中爭取一片安寧祥和的淨土吧~擁有宿舍的戰姬為了感恩也會在戰鬥中爆發前所未有的戰鬥力喔!加入《我的學妹不可能那麼萌》台灣官方臉書可以參加官方舉辦的精彩活動,贏取更多的禮物和重要訊息。(在Facebook搜尋:我的學妹不可能那麼萌)攻略、活動等最新資訊!!請點擊官方網址官網網址:官網粉絲團:《我的學妹不可能那麼萌》客服信箱:[email protected] ID:moemoegirlsQQ聯繫:3110638211 我們會認真聽取每個玩家的心聲,感謝您的支持。
逍遙問情 1.0.0
惡搞三國 : Q版三国無雙策略卡牌
The classic Three Kingdoms theme RPG card mobile game, gatherallkinds of heroes to dominate the Three Kingdoms! Each serverisopened to send the gods (optional)! Novice package: EGSGXSLB
Mirage Memorial Global
Global Server launched! Popular JRPG with 5 million+ downloadsinEast Asia!
明月之時 10.0
魔法軍團Z-機甲組裝SLG 83
《魔法軍團Z》反抗命運枷鎖之頂上決戰在巨大的命運齒輪中,玩家將以傭兵的身份投入這場已持續了百餘年的戰爭,神錫大陸命懸一線,而打破宿命的關鍵將由玩家所組成的傭兵團決定!來吧!上陣吧!新世代戰爭詩篇《魔法軍團Z》新章始動!Facebook專頁:【遊戲特色】◆強敵襲來!好友協力討伐!突破自身界限!入手限定報酬!!近日,一個來自超遠古時期失落的地下城被發現,當中的機甲長期受到晶石侵蝕,並開始產生一種神秘智能,襲擊於附近旅行的冒險者。此類機甲均蘊含未知的遠古技術,經研究發現此技術將能對現今機體發展,有著極為重要的幫助。因此,傭兵工會發出大量討伐請求,希望各路傭兵團能協助擊倒此神秘智能,令現今機甲技術能再突破,發揮更強大的戰力!◆過萬玩家實時國戰戰力調配掌握戰場勝敗國戰系統,玩家將以傭兵的身分介入『海尼爾合眾國』和『帕茲諸王聯盟』兩大國度的百年戰爭,每一輪戰爭開始玩家都可自由選擇想要效忠的國家,當戰爭開始時全服玩家將派遣部進行實時的攻防戰,而戰場的參戰人數是沒有上限!因此玩家必須考量自身隊伍實力,部署自己的小隊才能有效奪取據點的控制權,從而掌握戰場勝敗。◆自由組裝機體出擊回合制戰棋決勝負!超高自由度!在《魔法軍團Z》中擁有超過250件機體部件可以自由組裝,玩家可因應戰場或任務實況,組裝出屬於個人獨創的機體,在3D回合制式的戰場上與敵對勢力進行博鬥,而玩家在戰場上,就是唯一的主角,帶領摩下軍團過關斬將!◆知名繪師x豪華聲優 同場共奏最強日式遊戲華爾滋!遊戲角色由江口拓也、小林裕介、五十嵐裕美、野水伊織、三澤紗千香、新垣樽助、大久保瑠美、石上静香、等日本人氣頂級動漫聲優全力配音,同時遊戲邀請到多位著名繪師包括「cuboon」、「卵の黄身」、「優木きら」、「柚希きひろ」、「谷裕司」為遊戲設計角色及機體,從而注入靈魂生命賦予每一位的角色均擁有鮮明的個性與特質,從而打造扣人心弦的故事劇情與充實的遊戲內容!【關注我們】官方網址:http://wz.goone.tw官方交友區:客服郵箱:
Flame Dragon Knights FDK (Official) - Strategy 1.1.32
The one and only officially authorized sequel toFlameDragonKnights, this turn-based strategy classic SRPG/TRPG hasmadeitsfirst appearance on mobile platforms. Enter thistacticalteamfight tactics game, experience the AAA character artdesignsaswell as exciting new story lines. New tactical heroeshavejoinedthe original characters from the prequel in youradventures.PLAYNOW to GET 5 CRYSTALS and A 4★ tactical hero forFREE! THESTORY Inthe new Flame Dragon Knights team fighting tacticsgame, wereturnto Maraterra as the story unfolds… The awakening ofthe KeyofSpirits marks the return of ancient tactical heroes andtheirfieryglory but also signifies the comeback of Great FireDemon..Yunibrought Maraterra peace after it was set on fire, butnot forlong.After being sealed in the Hall of Souls for fortyyears, theGreatFire Demon has stolen the Key of Mirrors and issearching fortheKey of Spirits. Once he finds and merges the twokeys into one,hewill be able to descend upon Maraterra and carryout hispurgingplans. In order to save Maraterra, Yuni brought theKey ofSpiritsback to her homeland; she and entrusted it with YOU(theRoyalGuard family.) They placed hope on its divine powertosaveMaraterra from imminent danger... FEATURES ● Over100tacticalheroes to collect! Heroes from the original game andalsonewheroes in this sequel! ● Upgrade, level up, and teamupyourfighting heroes in order to strategize your battles! ●StoryMode:Use countless strategies to challenge over 150 stageswith3difficulty levels ● Complete Quests: Complete daily,weeklyandmonthly original quests. ● PvP Arena Mode: Join theWORLDARENAauto chess mode to earn special heroes for specialtactics. ●TrialTower Battles: Challenge the Tower floors andcollectelementaryresources and emblems. ● Survival Mode: Hardcoremodewhere youmust survive for more than 10 fights! ● WeeklyEvents:Conquerhighly difficult stages on unique special maps. ● Ifyou area fanof TACTICAL TURN-BASED TRPG and SRPG games, chessgames, autochessgames, heroes collections, or manga animes, youwill LOVEthisgame. COMMUNITY ● EMAIL: [email protected] ●FACEBOOK: togetnews and updates:●TWITTER:@FDKnights ● DISCORD to chatstrategy:*Get 5 FREE CRYSTALS by joiningourDiscord group and entering yourplayer ID inthe#newbies_free_crystals channel PLEASE NOTE ● FlameDragonKnights(FDK) is free to download and play, some in-appitems canalso bepurchased for real money. In-app purchases can bedisabledthroughyour device’s settings. ● Network connection isrequiredforgameplay.