1.0.4 / October 28, 2019
(3.2/5) (994)


大千世界,眾多大陸縱橫交錯,其中不乏一些突破了位面障礙,穿越於此的傳奇人物!齊聚神都,演繹著令人嚮往的愛情故事。-超夯好康,VIP13赠送计划累計在線120分鐘送VIP4,第2天登錄送VIP5,第7天登錄送VIP7,第30天登錄送VIP13通過每日任務,闖關,打寶,最高能免費獲得VIP14,絕對佛心手遊。-姻緣邂逅,真實CP真實互動甜蜜溫馨的俠侶玩法,模擬真實戀愛體驗,從相遇-相識-相知-相戀,練仙途中邂逅令你心動的那個TA;舉辦婚宴,俠侶副本,體驗甜蜜悠閒的戀愛時光。-来去如风,轻功随行 飞行八方720度無鎖定輕功,零死角高空飛行。三段式輕功,飛簷走壁無所不入。一起探索地圖隱藏秘密。 -自由交易練功打寶暴打BOSS遊戲內置多種玩法,不論你喜歡單人闖關,組隊打王或是PK狂人,總有一樣適合你。跨服論劍,殺戮戰場,遠古闖關各式各樣玩法,讓你自由選擇,暢享逍遙的生活。眾多天氣系統、獨特的NPC交互任務、流暢的戰鬥體驗,讓神都永遠不失去樂趣。【溫馨提醒】 ※本軟體依據遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為輔12級。 ※ 本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。※切勿長時間持續使用,並請適度休息。

App Information 神都情俠傳

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大聖歸來M APK
《大聖歸來M》由超人氣CG動畫改編的MMORPG手遊,熟悉的場景,遊戲原創的故事劇情,更有知名CV頂級配音!遊戲延續了CG主線劇情,並追加了遊戲原創的故事劇情,交代了在CG結尾處生死未卜的江流兒的扭曲〜同時新增“那個女孩”紫霞與大聖再續前世愛恨糾葛,彌補百年遺憾。(如果一切可以重來,我會對那個女孩說:我愛你!如果要我在這份愛上加上一個期限——那會是一萬年!) 【遊戲特色】-還原經典劇情 官方團隊全程監修 -6種角色随心轉職 雙重身份 命運抉擇 -知名CV鼎力助陣 大聖原版配音 打造聽覺盛宴-實時互動拒絕孤獨幫派圍爐而坐,暢談海闊天空 【溫馨提醒】 ※ 本軟體依據遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為輔12級。※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。 ※ 切勿長時間持續使用,並請適度休息。
神都情俠傳 1.0.4 APK
大千世界,眾多大陸縱橫交錯,其中不乏一些突破了位面障礙,穿越於此的傳奇人物!齊聚神都,演繹著令人嚮往的愛情故事。-超夯好康,VIP13赠送计划累計在線120分鐘送VIP4,第2天登錄送VIP5,第7天登錄送VIP7,第30天登錄送VIP13通過每日任務,闖關,打寶,最高能免費獲得VIP14,絕對佛心手遊。-姻緣邂逅,真實CP真實互動甜蜜溫馨的俠侶玩法,模擬真實戀愛體驗,從相遇-相識-相知-相戀,練仙途中邂逅令你心動的那個TA;舉辦婚宴,俠侶副本,體驗甜蜜悠閒的戀愛時光。-来去如风,轻功随行 飞行八方720度無鎖定輕功,零死角高空飛行。三段式輕功,飛簷走壁無所不入。一起探索地圖隱藏秘密。 -自由交易練功打寶暴打BOSS遊戲內置多種玩法,不論你喜歡單人闖關,組隊打王或是PK狂人,總有一樣適合你。跨服論劍,殺戮戰場,遠古闖關各式各樣玩法,讓你自由選擇,暢享逍遙的生活。眾多天氣系統、獨特的NPC交互任務、流暢的戰鬥體驗,讓神都永遠不失去樂趣。【溫馨提醒】 ※本軟體依據遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為輔12級。 ※ 本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。※切勿長時間持續使用,並請適度休息。
Fairy Battle:Hero is back 1.2.11 APK
Welcome to the anime action RPG game. You will Experience a newadventure with Goku and all your favorite characters! Thisadaptation pits the Great Sage himself, Sun Wukong, newly freedafter 500 years of imprisonment, with Liuer, a young boy who looksup to the Monkey King in a journey that brings them close together.Players will explore hundreds of levels full of fast-paced action,lush environments full of secrets, and epic boss battles. A storyof friendship and triumph await you FEATURES: -MASSIVE OPEN WORLDMAP You can explore the world map, all in-game action takes placeon a single, enormous map inhabited by players and NPC characters,with a deep and engaging battle system. No isolated bases orseparate battle screens. -BUILD YOUR TEAM Team up with a diversecast of characters in the game, including your pets! Each withtheir own unique personalities, stories, and abilities. Discoveryour favorite party combinations and level up your characters tohelp you conquer even the most daunting of enemies and domains.-MASSIVE PVE STORY CAMPAIGN Scenes from the movie as well as neverbefore seen content combined with the best dub, and variety of funPVE & PVP mode, experience the epic boss battles and fantasyworld! -FIGHT TOGETHER Join forces with thousands of fellow playersin cooperative clan challenges as you slay demons for epic loot,rare Champions, and more. And Cooperate with friends to take downthe giant demons, enjoy exciting and diverse PVP content. -IdleSystem You can choose to fight automatically mode even if you'renot online. In this way, you can get massive equipment and gemseasily. In Battle Strategy choose the right pet to match the rightskills and select the right equipment. Are you ready to become alegend? Download the ultimate DB anime action RPG experience withHero is Back! Enjoy Hero Battle? follow us on Facebook for specialgifts and get the latest news! Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/eki.Fairy Official Website:http://games.ekiplay.com/fairy/
“It's serious even if the game.... In April 2026, Heroesfighttogether with weapons for glory and life. Beatingthemonster,Exploring in the cave,Overcoming the disasterrightnow,Taking precautions against the sword behind. Joining inthethrilling adventure with your partner! ●FOUR CAREER, TAKE CHARGEOFTHE MOST POWER Sword, Staff, Gun, Blade, Choose What You Want!WhoWill Be the Hero of Our Age!? ●THREE CAMP, ALL KINDS OF MAPS&OPEN CITY Splendid City, Broad Valley, Wild West! MultipleElement& Different Style! Represent a Different Visual Feastfor You!●HOT BLOOD FIGHTING, CROSS SERVER TEAM BATTLE & PVPGuildBattle, Camp Battle, Cross Server 3V3, Team Battle! All KindsofPVE & PVP. Be the God of Battle, Easy-Peasy!●CHANGEABLEFASHION, FANCY RIDES FOR SHOWING YOUR POWER SocialMobile Game,Exclusive Couple Aura, Various Weapons, Costumes,Wings, Rides,Pets. Incredible Fashion Experience! Welcome to theworld of SWORDHERO'S FATE
百鬼夜行錄 4.8 APK
Meet the ghosts and monsters of the world! Heavenly spirits, earthspirits, thunder and fire, fire and clouds!
女神都市 APK
Dominate the city and form a goddess group
迷你軍團 3.0.2 APK
The smooth release of team battle kills, the wonderful collision ofstrategy and courage. MOBA's new gameplay, invites you to fightHulao Pass!