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子彈飛吧 1.3.2
閃避!射擊!奪寶箱!經典玩法再現,全新療癒系休閒手遊!超過百位的精緻角色任你挑選,組成最華麗的陣容!身為召喚師的你,將收復散落在世界各地的暗影之石,消滅怪物,對抗世界的黑暗與災厄,讓世界重回和平!30秒一關,節奏輕快、隨時隨地都能玩的休閒手遊!新型態射擊手遊,給你最紓壓爽快的遊戲體驗!【最簡單的操作 單手就能輕鬆玩】用一隻手就可以進行的彈幕射擊遊戲,隨時隨地就能打開遊戲成為幻想世界中的一名召喚師,操控屬於你的異界戰士,對抗強大的敵人拯救世界。控制手中的戰士,不放過任何敵人做出精準擊殺,並在密集的彈幕攻擊中尋找出路;細心觀察前進道路,避開阻擋你前進的障礙;適時釋放角色技能和大絕招,協助英雄擊敗強力的敵人。【最華麗的陣容 百位精緻角色任意挑選】遊戲內的英雄由多名畫師進行繪製,有驍勇善戰的御姐王國騎士團長,有富有才華可愛隨性的風之魔女,有膽小愛書的眼鏡娘禁衛騎士,有爽朗熱情的紅髮女弓手,還有冷酷無情的男性神聖魔術師,有直率可愛的正太機械人偶等等,多種人物屬性的英雄等你來召喚成為夥伴,一起拯救這片陷入恐懼與黑暗的大陸。【最經典的玩法 閃避!射擊!奪寶箱】經典玩法融合了角色扮演元素,享受躲避彈幕的刺激同時享受角色扮演與養成的快樂。風、火、水三大屬性相互剋制,靈活利用剋制關係才能更有效的擊敗敵人獲得更高的分數。多種職業多種攻擊方式,會彈幕追蹤的狙擊手,攻擊密集強力的騎士和擁有廣域攻擊範圍的魔術師,為通關副本提供多種方式。【最爽快的體驗滿屏掃蕩療癒紓壓】四重難度的副本等著追求操作與刺激的玩家來挑戰,血更厚的怪物,密集到你無處可逃的彈幕攻擊,更強力的傷害以及更多的地圖障礙物,享受地獄難度帶來的挑戰吧。還能與眾多玩家一起挑戰關卡獲得高分,爭奪排名,沒有最高只有更高。培養更強力的英雄,研究合適的陣容與打法,獲取更高的分數。【最輕快的節奏 30秒一關隨時都能玩】連續射擊不間斷!直向卷軸推進30秒內就破關,隨時隨地都能來一局!超輕快的遊戲節奏,享受視覺、聽覺和最直覺的遊戲感受!全新型態的射擊休閒手遊,給你最爽快紓壓的體驗!※《子彈飛吧》依中華民國遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為: 輔12+級。 ※本遊戲部分內容涉及遊戲角色穿著凸顯性特徵之服飾或裝扮但不涉及性暗示。※本遊戲部分內容涉及打鬥、攻擊等未達血腥之畫面或有輕微恐怖之畫面。 ※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。※ 請注意遊戲時間,避免沉迷。
Final Fate TD 29.0
An original take on tower defense, set in an anime world!Lovelywaifus waiting to be pampered! Storyline A thousand yearsago,Demon King, the mastermind behind the Void Calamity, wasdefeatedby an alliance of Humans, Fiends and Deities. His powercoalescedinto three crystals scattered across Luna. Those immenselypowerfulcrystals turned many Humans into Demon worshipers. Now acrisis islooming, foreshadowed by the recent mass emergence ofdemonicbeasts. As a Realm Walker and a guardian of Luna, this isyour lastchance to save the universe! It’s time to save Luna andunlock themystery of your birth! The adventure is about to begin.Are youready? Features An immersive world of fantasy andadventure★Explore a fantastical world shared by Humans, Deities,Fiends andDemons, and defend Luna against demonic forces. ★Joinworld-famousheroes in their adventures to unlock hidden sidestories.★Beautifully crafted character portraits and anime-stylemodels aswell as Live2D-enabled storytelling breathe new lifeintohistorical heroes. Rich gameplay where lovely waifus help yousavethe world ★Over a hundred tactical maps ranging from ice andsnow,to forests and lava! ★Fend off invading monsters whopossessstrategy altering abilities like flying,splintering,shape-shifting, and magic resisting. ★Join forces withepic heroesto outwit monsters and save the universe! A blend oftower defensewith hack-and-slash ★Dominate the battlefield bycombiningdifferent skills and classes. ★Build your own towerdefense team toslaughter enemies and break records. ★Use combos toslow down,gather, freeze and exterminate enemies. Enjoy the funofhack-and-slash. A card draw system where everyone can be awinner★Daily giveaway of Card Draw Tickets make sure you get theheroesyou desire! ★Even casual players can gather free Hero Shardsandmeet their beloved heroes in Luna City. ★A focus on strategyandCharacter Builds means that if played right, an SR character canbeas powerful as an SSR one. Build bonds with your charactersandunleash their potential ★Start a relationship withvariouscharacters ranging from Lunara and Beira to Athena andLamia.★Deepen your bond with your beloved characters throughinteractionand gift-giving. ★Awaken your heroes with a single tapto make themmore powerful and allow them dominate Hero Brawl,Mythic Hall,Ancient Realm and Realm War play modes! Contact Us:Homepage:
封神戰天門 2.9.0
Cross-border blessings from Mazu in Lanjia, Dajia Town!