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الاسود يليق بك بدون نت 1.0
MR Smith
الأسود يليق بك " للكاتبة أحلاممستغانميروايةكقطعة كبيرة من الشوكولا المغلفة بورق فاخر , تتلذذ بأولقضمةمنها ,ثم تغدو سائر القضمات مجرد شوكولالغة جميلة , كلمات منتقاة بعناية , تشبيهات مبهرة ترميكبعيداًفيسماء الخيال , حوارات ذكية يتجاذبها طرفان برشاقة ...وكأن أحلام مستغانمي قرأت كل نفوس العشاق وعرفت نوايهمصدقت حين قالت إن الحب سلطان فوق الشبهات !!"الأسود يليق بك" أجمل ما في هذه الرواية عنوانها... كلماتتأخذكالىبحور من الاحتمالات، هل هو الوطن أم عشق ممزوج بالانتقام؟ ثمتعودالىموضوع الرواية ذاتها: قصة حب أخرى تتراوح ما بين كر وفر،لهفةومقاومة،طريدة ومطارد.تبدأ القصة بثقته وارتباكها، ماله مقابل كبريائها، عتمتهتواجهضياءبراءتها، ومن ثم جولات وجولات بينهما فإما تذهب هي إليه أويأتيهوإليها، حتى نصل الى النهاية المثالية: كرامة لا تُشترىبالمال.رواية مسلية سلسة، تنتهي من قراءتها بسرعة، ولكن مع مبدعةمثلأحلاممستغانمي،ربما كان سقف التوقعات أعلى بكثير.Blackbefittingyour"writer's novel Mosteghanemi dreams big piece ofchocolatecoatedpaper Luxury, to taste the first bite out of them,then theotherbecomes just a chocolate bitesNice language, carefully selected words,metaphorsimpressivethrows away in the sky fantasy, intelligentdialoguesEtjazbhaparties gracefully ... As if dreams Mosteghanemi read all the hearts ofloversandknew NoyermRatified while Sultan said that love is above reproach !!"Black worthy of your" most beautiful thing in thisnovelentitled... words take you to the seas of thepossibilities,whether it ishome or love mixed with revenge? Andthen return tothe subject ofthe novel itself: love is anotherstory, rangingfrom car fled,eagerness and resistance, and Huntedprey.The story begins with his confidence and confusion,hismoneyagainst the pride, Atemth facing Zia innocence, andthenrounds androunds between them is either go to him or he comestoit, until weget to the perfect finish: dignity is not boughtwithmoney.Entertaining novel series, finished read quickly, but withsuchacreative Mosteghanemi dreams, perhaps the expectationsaremuchhigher.
Kunci Gitar & Lirik Lagu A-Z 1.5
Key contains a collection of guitar and lyrics with keybasicComplete
The Sultan and Scheherezade 14.0
In Arabia lived a Sultan who after beingheartbroken was very men to women.... Until Scheherezade enteredhislife...
Kila: Old Sultan 1.0.5
Old SultanA farmer once had a faithful dog called Sultan. The doghadgrownold and lost all his teeth so that he could no longerholdontoanything.One day the farmer said to his wife, "Tomorrow I intendtoshootold Sultan, he is no longer of any use."The poor dog, who was lying out in the sun not faraway,heardeverything.He had a good friend, the wolf, and told him of the sadfatethatawaited him.The wolf said, "I will help you out of your trouble.”Andtheycame up with a plan.Early the next morning, the dog’s master and his wife cametothehay field. They laid their only child in the shade, andoldSultanhad to stand guard nearby.Then the wolf came out of the wood and carried off thechild.Thefather screamed when he saw what had happened and thedogchasedquickly after the wolf.Then the wolf let the child fall, just as they hadplanned,andthe dog returned it to its parents.The master was overjoyed and patted the dog saying, "Youshalleatmy bread free, as long as you live."From then on, old Sultan was as well off as he could wish.Soon afterwards the wolf visited him, and said, “Youwilljustwink an eye if I carry off one of your master's fatsheep."The dog answered, "I still remain true to my master;Icannotagree to that."The wolf, who thought that this could not be true, stillcamethatnight to the sheep field. But the farmer, who had beenwarnedby thefaithful Sultan about the wolf's plan, caught him andgavehim abeating.The wolf ran away, but cried out to the dog, “You willpayforthis!"The next morning the wolf sent a boar to challenge the dogtogoout into the forest where they might settle the matter.Poor old Sultan could find no one to go with him except acatwithonly three legs. The unfortunate cat sat on the dog’sbackandstretched her tail into the air with pain.When the wolf and the boar saw their enemy coming,theythoughtthat he was bringing a sword with him because theymistooktheoutstretched tail of the cat for one.The wild boar crept into the undergrowth and the wolf jumpedupatree.When the dog and the cat arrived, they saw theboar’seartwitching in the undergrowth. The cat, thinking it wasamouse,jumped upon it and bit it hard.The boar made a fearful noise and ran away screaming,"Theguiltyone is up in the tree!"...--------------------------------------------------------We hope you enjoy this book. If there are anyproblemspleasecontact us at [email protected]!Kila - You Are What You ReadKila is a FREE book app for kids on Android/iOS that offersfunandinteractive activities to stimulate the love of reading.Kilahelpskids to enjoy reading and learning with a plentifulamountofinteractive fables, fairy tales, songs and games. Kilaalsohelpsparents track and control their kids’ activities,progressandfavorites. Kila is designed for children not onlyplayingalone,but playing with their parents too.Key Features:Popular illustrated children’s stories for kids 3-8.Audio books and “read-to-me” booksNew content added every week.Learn-to-Read with word-highlighting when audio is on.Show detailed reading log to track reading progress,historyandfavorite available in the app and websitedashboard.Online and offline reading.Benefits:Try it free. No commitment to subscribe.Monthly or annual give unlimited access to allcontentsandfeatures.Entertains for hours through vast library of storiesandgames.Safe and trusted. No ads.Genres:FableFairy TalesAlphabet Games and StoriesTopic StoriesAnimal StoriesHoliday StoriesWebsite: http://www.kilafun.comBlog: http://blog.kilafun.comFacebook:
American Revolutionary War 1.0
The American Revolutionary War(1775–1783),theAmerican War of Independence,or simply theRevolutionary War intheUnited States, was the armed conflictbetween the Kingdom ofGreatBritain and thirteen of its former NorthAmerican colonies,whichhad declared themselves the independentUnited StatesofAmerica.Early fighting took place primarily on theNorthAmericancontinent. In 1778 France, eager for revenge afteritsdefeat inthe Seven Years' War, signed an alliance with thenewnation. Theconflict then escalated into a world war withBritaincombatingFrance, Spain, and the Netherlands.Contemporaneousfighting alsobroke out in India between the BritishEast IndiaCompany and theFrench allied Kingdom of Mysore.The war had its origins in the resistance of manyAmericanstotaxes imposed by the British parliament, which theyclaimedwereunconstitutional. Patriot protests escalated intoboycotts andthedestruction of a shipment of tea at the Boston TeaParty.TheBritish government punished Massachusetts by closing theportofBoston and taking away self-government. The Patriotsrespondedbysetting up a shadow government that took control oftheprovinceoutside of Boston. Twelve other coloniessupportedMassachusetts,formed a Continental Congress to coordinatetheirresistance, andset up committees and conventions whicheffectivelyseized powerfrom the royal governments. In April 1775fightingbroke outbetween Massachusetts militia units and BritishregularsatLexington and Concord. The Continental CongressappointedGeneralGeorge Washington to take charge of militia unitsbesiegingBritishforces in Boston, forcing them to evacuate the cityin March1776.Congress supervised the war, giving Washington commandof thenewContinental Army; he also coordinated state militiaunits.In July 1776, the Continental Congressformallydeclaredindependence. The British were meanwhile musteringforcestosuppress the revolt. Sir William Howe outmaneuveredanddefeatedWashington, capturing New York City and NewJersey.Washington wasable to capture a Hessian detachment atTrenton anddrive theBritish out of most of New Jersey. In 1777Howe's armylaunched acampaign against the national capital atPhiladelphia,failing toaid Burgoyne's separate invasion force fromCanada.Burgoyne's armywas trapped and surrendered after the BattlesofSaratoga inOctober 1777. This American victory encouraged Francetoenter thewar in 1778, followed by its ally Spain in 1779.In 1778, having failed in the northern states, theBritishshiftedstrategy toward the southern colonies, where theyplannedto enlistmany Loyalist regiments. British forces hadinitialsuccess inbringing Georgia and South Carolina under controlin1779 and 1780,but the Loyalist surge was far weaker thanexpected.In 1781 Britishforces moved through Virginia, but theirescape wasblocked by aFrench naval victory. Washington tookcontrol of aFranco-Americansiege at Yorktown and captured theentire Britishforce of over 7,000men. The defeat at Yorktownfinally turned theBritish Parliamentagainst the war, and in early1782 voted to endoffensive operationsin North America. The waragainst France andSpain continued however,with the Britishdefending Gibraltaragainst a long runningFranco-Spanish siege,whilst the Britishnavy scored key victories,especially the Battleof the Saintes in1782. In 1783, the Treaty ofParis ended the warand recognized thesovereignty of the UnitedStates over theterritory bounded roughlyby what is now Canada tothe north,Florida to the south, and theMississippi River to thewest. Francegained its revenge and littleelse except a heavynational debt,while Spain acquired Britain'sFlorida colonies.
Sultan Bahu Books ( r ) 11.0
Online Sultan Bahu Books Read in English Urdu Persian andPunjabiSultan bahoo