LisbonLabs Apps

O velho, o menino e o burro 8.0
Um velho e um menino estão levando um burropara o mercado mas todos têm uma opinião diferente sobre como devemagir….
Biancaneve e i Sette Nani 8.0
Una malvagia matrigna vuole uccidere laprincipessa perchè è più bella di lei... il cacciatore incaricatodell'omicidio però non riesce a farlo e la fa fuggire nelbosco...
Cendrillon 8.0
Cendrillon vit avec sa cruelle famille, maisaprès avoir participé au grand bal et s'être enfui, pendant desdouzes coups de minuit, elle laissa au prince la tâche de trouverla jeune fille qui pourrait porter l'escaprin qui fûtabandonné...
FuntasticFace 1.5.6
Photoshop your images and turn boring photosinto works of Funtastic Art! FuntasticFace is the amazing photoeditor that you don't want to miss.- Official FuntasticFace app- From the creators of FACEinHOLE - the amazing Photo Booth- Five elements available in each category for free- Hundreds of new elements that you'll be able to unlock for asmall price- Constantly being updated with new elements- Hours of endless funThe creators of FACEinHOLE - the amazing Photo Booth, presentthe official FuntasticFace app - the amazing Photo Editor! You'llno longer need Photoshop skills to retouch your images and turnboring, common photos into works of Funtastic art!With FuntasticFace you can finally add some swag to old familyphotos. Turn regular moments into cool memories - maybe your dadneeds an handlebar moustache or the dog should wear a costume. Youdecide!Wether you're looking for realistic effects or fun withoutlimits, FuntasticFace grants that your wishes turn into reality,anywhere, anytime. The green eyes you've always wished for or therespectful beard you've always dreamt of are now as close as youriPhone is!Prank your friends with fake bruises, add animals' eyes to theirfaces - and horns to their foreheads - or get pierced without thepain... the possibilities are infinite! No Photoshop master willbeat you, as you'll pimp your pictures in minutes, without losingthe pixel perfect art!Hundreds of eyes, ears, noses, mouths, decorative and eventhematic elements are waiting for you. FuntasticFace provides you arobust, easy to use interface that allows you to controltransparency, brightness, contrast, color and saturation of yourimages for those final, perfectionist adjustments.Lose yourself and share it with your friends - via Facebook,Twitter or e-mail.************************************************We keep adding features, fixing bugs, and improving appperformance.Please send us feedback at [email protected] for your support!We take privacy seriously. The FuntasticFace app:- Does NOT contain ads- Does NOT share any information with third party- Does NOT collect or store personal information.
Cappuccetto Rosso 8.0
Una bimba va a trovare la nonna, ma si ritrovaad aver a che fare con il lupo cattivo.
Красавица и чудовище 8.0
Прекрасная девушка по имени Красавица, вдругоказывается заложницей уродливого чудовища. Чем же закончиться этаистория?
Cenerentola 8.0
Una ragazza buona e sfortunata un giorno vienebaciata dalla fortuna e con un po' di magia riesce a incontrare ilsuo principe azzurro.
Blanche Neige et les 7 Nains 8.0
Blanche Neige est une belle princesse mais saméchante belle mère, jalouse de sa beauté, fera tout ce qu'ellepeut pour tuer Blanche Neige.
Le sultan et Sheherezade 7.0
Un sultan qui vivait en Arabie eut son Cœurbrisé et devint méchant envers les femmes… jusqu'à ce queShéhérazade entre dans sa vie…
David y Goliat 8.0
David es un niño pequeño. Cuando el ejércitofilisteo, conducido por el poderoso Goliat invade su pueblo, ¿serácapaz de hacer él la diferencia?
Die Geschichte von Pinocchio 8.0
Der alte Geppetto fühlt sich sehr einsam.Eines Tages träumt er von einem kleinen Jungen. Also schnitztGepetto eine Marionette und nennt sie Pinocchio. Und diese erwachtzu Leben!
Peter Pan and Captain Hook 14.0
In Never Never Land children never grow oldbut Peter Pan will always have Captain Hook to fight...
Aschenputtel 8.0
Cinderella lebt zusammen mit ihrer grausamenStiefmutter und zwei Stiefschwestern. Aber dann besucht sieheimlich den Königlichen Ball. Um Schlag Mitternacht eilt siedavon. Und hinterlässt den Prinzen - mit der Aufgabe, nach demMädchen zu suchen, dem der Pantoffel passt.
Thumbelina 14.0
There once was a little girl that when she wasborn she was just the size of a thumb...
Hansel y Gretel 8.0
La malvada madrasta de Hansel y Gretel decidedeshacerse de ellos en el bosque. ¿Cómo se las arreglaran solos enel bosque?
The Ant and the Grasshopper 15.0
The Grasshopper plays all summer long, whilethe Ant works. When the winter comes, the Ant lives of the summer'swork, while the grasshopper starves.
Chicken Little 14.0
This is the story about a chicken who believesthe world is coming to an end...
The Hare and the Tortoise 15.0
The Hare was bragging of how fast he could runbut the Tortoise accepted to race against him. Who will win thisrace?
Puss in Boots 14.0
A miller has three sons and decides to givethe two elder sons valuable items but his cat to the youngestone... Will the cat prove to be of value?
The Three Billy Goats Gruff 14.0
Three goats have to pass a bridge guarded by atroll... what will happen?
Il brutto anatroccolo 8.0
Un brutto anatroccolo trattato male da tutti,quando cresce si trasforma in uno splendido cigno.
The Elves and the Shoemaker 14.0
A shoemaker is very poor but one day two elvescome to his aid...
L' Audacieux Chevalier 8.0
Un vieux roi son fils à la requête d’une eaumagique et de poommes qui peuvent lui sauver la vie. Les deux filsainés ses sont égarés en chemin et la tâche revient au plus jeunefrère, de tuer le dragon et se marier avec la princesse.
Le Vaillant Soldat de Plomb 8.0
Un soldat de plomb aime une danseuse depapier, mais son amour va lui apporter de problèmes...
O Sultão e Sherazade 8.0
Na Arábia vivia um Sultão que, depois de tersofrido por amor passou a ser muito mal com as mulheres… Até queSherazade entrou em sua vida…
Prinzessin die nie lächelte 8.0
Einst gab es eine Prinzessin, die nie lachte.Wem es gelingen würde, ihr ein Lächeln zu entlocken, der würdereich belohnt werden.
El Traje Nuevo del Emperador 8.0
Había una vez un Emperador que amaba lostrajes. Un día, dos forasteros le ofrecieron un traje mágico; untraje que solo la gente inteligente podía verlo.
The selfish giant 14.0
There once was a very selfish giant who wantedto keep his garden all to himself... Will that make himhappy?
The Steadfast Tin Soldier 14.0
A tin soldier fell deeply in love with a paperdancer but his love will get him in lots of trouble...
Androcles e o Leão 8.0
Androcles é um escravo. Um dia ele consegueescapar e encontra um leão. Como terminará essa sua aventura?
Çirkin Ördek Yavrusu 8.0
Anne ördeğin pek çok küçük yavrusu varmış, amabunlardan biri diğerlerinden çok daha farklı görünüyormuş; buyüzden kardeşleri ve çiftlikteki bütün hayvanlar onu dışlayıp,onunla geçiyorlarmış. Çirkin ördek yavrusu mutlu olabilecekmi?
Солнце и Ветер 8.0
Солнце и Ветер ставят пари, чтобы увидеть, ктосможет снять с человека пальто... Кто из них выиграет этопари?
القرود الراقصة 8.0
علم أمير ثلاثة قرود الرقص والتنكرا في زي البشرللحفلات . حتى يلقي بعض الضيوف الفول السوداني لها ، فتطيع القردةغرائزها
المعتدل 8.0
المعتدل يجد ثلاثة من الدببة ...
Die vier Musiker aus Bremen 8.0
Ein Esel beschließt, nach Bremen zu gehen undMusiker zu werden. Auf seinem Weg in ein großes Abenteuer findet erBegleiter, die ihm zu guten Freunden werden sollen!
El Chicken Little 8.0
Chicken Little era un pollito muy miedoso y undía cuando una bellota lo golpeó en la cabeza, de inmediato pensóque el cielo se estaba cayendo...
Il Soldatino di Piombo 8.0
Un soldatino di piombo s’innamora perdutamentedi una ballerina di carta, ma il loro amore attraverserà milledifficoltà.
The Sun and the Wind 14.0
The Sun and the Wind make a bet to see who canremove a man's coat... Who will win this bet?
The Golden Goose 14.0
A woodcutter called Dummling finds a GoldenGoose that will change his life...
Die Otter und der Fuchs 8.0
Zwei Otter streiten sich um einen Fisch. Daschlägt ihnen ein Fuchs vor, ihnen zu helfen...
Il Leone e il Topo 8.0
Un topo svegliò un leone e promise che se illeone lo avesse lasciato andare sarebbe stato suo amico per sempre.Come andrà questa amicizia?
Il Cane e l'Ombra 8.0
Un cane stava portando un pezzo di carne acasa quando vide il suo riflesso nell’acqua. Pensando che fosse unaltro cane con un altro pezzo di carne, si gettò in acqua perdendocosì il cibo.
Τα καινούρια ρούχα του Βασιλιά 8.0
Κάποτε υπήρχε ένας Βασιλιάς ο οποίος λάτρευετα ρούχα. Μια μέρα, κάποιοι άγνωστοι του πρόσφεραν 'μαγικά ρούχα'.Ρούχα που μόνον οι έξυπνοι άνθρωποι μπορούν να δουν...
Το Λιοντάρι κι ο Ποντικός 8.0
Ένας ποντικός ξύπνησε ένα λιοντάρι αλλά τουυποσχέθηκε πως αν τον άφηνε να φύγει χωρίς να τον
Prince avec des oreilles d'âne 8.0
Un roi et une reine donnent naissance à unfils qu’ils attendaient depuis longtemps, mais il a des oreillesd'âne...
Aladino y la lámpara 8.0
Aladino es un niño pequeño y pobre... Un díaconoce a un extraño quien le pide llevarlo a algún sitio yconseguirle una lámpara vieja. Una lámpara que traerá muchassorpresas...
L'histoire de Pinocchio 8.0
Geppetto vivait seul et rêvait d’avoir unpetit garçon alors il sculpta une marionnette de bois et l’appelaPinocchio…
Alice no País das Maravilhas 8.0
Alice decide seguir um coelho branco e essadecisão vai levá-la a grandes aventuras...
A Cigarra e a Formiga 8.0
A Cigarra brinca todo o verão enquanto aFormiga trabalha. Quando chega o Inverno a Formiga vive da comidaarmazenada enquanto a Cigarra passa fome.
A Lebre e a Tartaruga 8.0
A Lebre se gabava do quão rápida era mas aTartaruga aceitou uma corrida com ela. Quem ganhará estacorrida?