Top 2 Apps Similar to NEATTEAM

HiTechnic Segway Remote 1.0
This app was made for those who would liketoremotely control HiTechnic's HTWay (a Segway type robot)usingtheir Android device. Go to instructions. You will need a Gyro sensor and NXT-G 2.0inorder to build and program this robot.Once you have built your robot, download and install the "texttonumber" block available at the bottom of this app's supportsite: must also download and install the Gyro sensor blockfromHiTechnic: and then upload to your NXT a modified versionofHiTechnic's program for your Segway. The modified version iscallHTWayAR (HiTechnic Segway Android Remote) and can also be foundatthe bottom of this app's support site.Once installed, but prior to running a program on eitherdevice,you must pair your phone with your NXT.On your NXT:1) From the top level menu, click the left arrow until youhaveselected "Bluetooth"2) Turn bluetooth on. The NXT should display "Turning on" forasecond or two. Thereafter, you should see a Bluetooth symbol intheupper left hand side of your NXT's screen.On your Android device:1) From your home screen click your menu button.2) Select "Settings"3) Select "Wireless & networks"4) Turn on "Bluetooth"5) Select "Bluetooth settings"6) You phone should discover your NXT. If not, prompt it to dosoby clicking "Scan for devices" (make sure your NXT is on).7) Click on the entry that corresponds to your NXT and pairwithit.8) If you've done everything correctly, "Paired butnotconnected" should appear below your NXT's entry.Next, start the program on your NXT. HiTechnic's explanationofhow their program runs is better than any I could provide:"When you run the program, the first thing it will do is letyouselect the wheel size that you are using. There are threeoptions:Small (NXT 2.0), Medium (NXT 1.0), and Large (RCX). Use thearrowkeys to choose and the Orange Enter button to select.The robot will now need to get an initial gyro offset. Youcanthink of this as a Gyro Sensor calibration. In order to get agoodgyro offset, the robot will need to be copletely still. If youholdthe robot in your hand it will wait until you you put therobotdown, and it is not moving, before it will get the gyro offsetandgo on. HTWay will now start beeping indicating that you havefiveseconds to get the robot vertical and as balanced as possible.Atthe end of the long beep, let go." -HiTechnicOnce your robot is balancing, open this app and connect toyourNXT. Once connected, you should be able to control yourSegwaysimply by tilting your phone.
Robot segway PUCV 1.0
Dante Fajardo
Esta aplicación es para el controlremotodelrobot Segway de la Universidad Católica deValparaíso(PUCV).Envía comandos vía socket tcp como cliente, siendo elrobotelservidor.El robot esta construido utilizando una plataforma ArduinooChipkitcon un módulo wifi.Esta aplicación puede ser utilizadas para otros propósitos.Instrucciones:Desde Arduino u otro microcontrolador con conexiónWIFIrecibepaquetes de datos en string en el siguienteformato.#10,20,30,40,50,60;Los tres primeros datos son graficados en pantalla yelrestomostrados en "Estado actual del sistema".La aplicación envía datos desde el joystick1:avance2:derecha3:atras4:izquierdaAdemás con los cuadros de texto se pueden enviardatosadicionalespor ejemplo cambiar los parámetros delcontroladorPID.This applicationisforremote control robot Segway Catholic UniversityofValparaiso(PUCV).Send commands via tcp socket client, whilst the robot server.The robot is built using an Arduino or chipKIT platformwithwifimodule.This application can be used for other purposes.Instructions:From Arduino or other microcontroller with WIFIconnectionreceivesdata packets in the format string.# 10,20,30,40,50,60;The first three data are plotted on the screen and the restshownin"Current System Status".The application sends data from the joystick1: Feed2: right3: back4: LeftIn addition to the text boxes can send additional dataegchangethe parameters of PID controller.