Top 19 Apps Similar to Mental Health Lookup

Mental Health Advice 1.1
Developed in collaboration with Dr. ArthurP.Ciaramicoli, Ed.D., Ph.D., SoundMindz Chief Medical Officer,thisAPP has been developed to provide you with helpful suggestionsindealing with a variety of psychological challenges and symptoms.You can locate a specific symptom by searching for it ina‘Disorder’ category like OCD, or Depression; or you can simplylookfor the symptom alphabetically.Once you find the symptom you are looking for, please clickonit.You will see a short paragraph providing you withactionable,helpful suggestions in dealing with the symptom.You will also see some links at the end of the text, whichwilllink you to more resources and tools on theSoundMindz.orgsite.These will enable you to delve deeper into your situationandachieve further resolution of your difficulties.This is a very simple, yet effective tool for improving yourmentalhealth.
What's Up? - Mental Health App 2.60
For when you need a little extra help getting through thosetoughdays
Pacifica - Stress & Anxiety
Stress, anxiety, and depression can get intheway of you living your life. Pacifica givesyoupsychologist-designed tools to address them based onCognitiveBehavioral Therapy, mindfulness meditation, relaxation,andmood/health tracking.Stress, anxiety, and depression are caused by an ongoing cycleofnegative thoughts. Thoughts cause physical feelings andemotionswhich cause actions. Pacifica helps break this cycle usingtoolsthat target each of its components. Day-by-day, you'll learntomanage stress, anxiety and depression at your own pace. We’renotabout quick-fixes or false promises. We are about real progress,aday at a time.#1 - BuzzFeed's Amazing Apps For Anyone Living With Anxiety#1 - Forbes' 4 Technologies Innovating in Mental HealthRELAXATION & MINDFULNESS MEDITATION AUDIO TOOLSCalm down in moments of stress or anxiety using one ofPacifica’s25+ audio exercises, including deep breathing, musclerelaxation,positive visualization, mindfulness meditations, andmore. Theseactivities are set to relaxing soundscapes like oceanwaves orthunderstorms.GUIDED SELF-HELP PATHSOur psychologist-designed Paths include audio lessons andhelpfulactivities to help you with stress, anxiety, or depression.Theseinclude an introductory Path, two Paths focused on CBT, andamindfulness Path.MOOD TRACKERRate your mood and feelings throughout the day, and addspecificnotes (the situation, the trigger, etc.) so you can noticepatternsand see improvement over time.THOUGHT RECORDING, JOURNALING & ANALYSISUse Pacifica’s psychologist-designed thought analysis tools tolearnhow distorted thinking patterns contribute to your anxiety.Pacificauses CBT techniques to help you to think in a morebalanced way,which helps break the negative thought cycle.DAILY CHALLENGES & GOAL TRACKINGPacifica uses CBT techniques to help you to face your anxiety,oneday at a time, and gradually work toward your long term goalsviadaily challenges.HEALTH TRACKERSet and track daily health goals for habits that affectanxiety(exercise, sleep, caffeine, alcohol, etc.). Learn which ofthesetrigger your anxiety based on patterns in your mood.Exercise,sleep and caffeine can also be populated using the AppleHealthapp.COMMUNITIES & GROUPSYou aren’t alone in this. Share stories, advice and morewithPacifica’s peer-support community.PACIFICA FULL ACCESS PRICING & TERMSPacifica is free to download and use. Pacifica Full Accessallowsfor unlimited use of the suite of tools and is availablethrough anauto-renewing subscription. There are two options:1 month: $5.991 year: $35.99These prices are for United States customers. Pricing inothercountries may vary and actual charges may be converted toyourlocal currency depending on your country's residence. Paymentwillbe charged to your Google Play Account at confirmationofpurchase.Your Pacifica Full Access subscription will automatically renewatthe end of each term and your credit card will be chargedthroughyour Google Play account. You can turn off auto-renew at anytimefrom your Google Play account settings but refunds will notbeprovided for the unused portion of the term.Need help with the app? Please email [email protected] OF SERVICE: POLICY:
Booster Buddy 1.8
Island Health
BoosterBuddy is designed to help teens/young adults improvetheirmental health.
Stop Panic & Anxiety Self-Help 5.4.1
Excel At Life
Feeling anxious? All audios, tests, & CBT toolsavailablewithout paid upgrade.
eMoods Bipolar Mood Tracker
Managing your mood just became easier andmoreeffective.Track your daily depressed and elevated moods, symptoms, sleep,andmedications and email your doctor a printable chart at the endofeach month.Privacy is extremely important to us and no data ever leavesyourphone without your explicit action.Mood journaling is part of cognitive behavioral therapy andothertreatments for bipolar, depression, and other mood andanxietydisorders. Use this app with your doctor.This app is for charting daily extremes of moods and othersymptoms,and does not log multiple moods and other symptoms perday.All features from version 1 of this app remain free. Patronageisstrictly optional.
MindShift CBT - Anxiety Relief 3.1.1
Self-help anxiety management app to relieve worry, stress, andpanic
WellMind 1.0.2
WellMind is your free NHS mental health and wellbeing appdesignedtohelp you with stress, anxiety and depression. Theappincludesadvice, tips and tools to improve your mental healthandboost yourwellbeing. My Wellbeing - Record and monitoryourfeelings to trackyour moods over time - Remind yourself whatyou’relooking forwardto, track your daily achievements, and logwhatyou’re grateful forto encourage good mental health - Addremindersto boost yourwellbeing, or events that you’re lookingforward toHelp with… -Get advice on stress, depression and anxiety- Find outthesymptoms of these common mental health problems -Access adviceonwhat you should do if you feel this way - Read ourself-helpguides- View our Body Map to see how stress, depression&anxiety canaffect the body - Try 5 quick and easy tips toimproveyour mentalhealth Help in a Crisis - Get support if you orsomeoneyou know isexperiencing a mental health crisis - Accessnationalhelplinenumbers - Find tips on how to stay safe in a mentalhealthcrisisRelax - Unwind with our three relaxation audio tracks -Winddownquickly with our two- and three-minute tracks - Relaxmoredeeplywith the longer muscle relaxation track Play the game-Takecontrol of a snake as you seek out food - Distractyourselfwhenyou’re feeling stressed or anxious - Get handy healthandwellbeingtips along the way Our Trust - Find out more aboutDudleyandWalsall Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust - View ourTwitterPage- Become a member of the Trust to get more involved -Givefeedbackon our services Please note that this app is notasubstitute forprofessional help. If you have any concernsaboutyour mentalhealth, talk to your GP.
PTSD Coach 1.0
PTSD Coach was designed for Veteransandmilitary Service Members who have, or may have,PosttraumaticStress Disorder (PTSD). This app provides users witheducationabout PTSD, information about professional care, aself-assessmentfor PTSD, opportunities to find support, and toolsthat can helpusers manage the stresses of daily life with PTSD.Tools range fromrelaxation skills and positive self-talk to angermanagement andother common self-help strategies. Users cancustomize tools basedon their preferences and can integrate theirown contacts, photos,and music. This app can be used by people whoare in treatment aswell as those who are not. PTSD Coach wascreated by VA’s NationalCenter for PTSD and DoD’s National Centerfor Telehealth &Technology.
Mental Health 'WATS'
Andrew Soltan
This Application aims to provideinformationonmental health in an interactive and user friendly way.Thisappincludes information on different mental health issues,avideo,activities and support contacts, and aims to reducethestigmaassociated with mental health.Everyone has mental health, whether it be good or bad,andthemore we can talk about it and understand it, the more wecanhelpthose with mental health issues.
Mental Workout 1.0.31
Mental Workout® is the most powerful appforimproving your performance and well-being ever designed foramobile device. Inside the app, you will find our growing lineupofprograms, including Mindfulness Meditation™, Good Night™,Freedomfrom Stress™, and Up in Smoke™ - all of which are designedbyleaders in psychology and technology.“Finally, there’s an app 
for that.” - CNET“Mental Workout is 
a no fuss app.” - Forbes"Great way to unwind after a stressful day" - AriannaHuffingtonWhat's inside:+ Mindfulness Meditation by Stephan Bodian offers instructionandinspiration to enable you to enjoy the many benefits ofmindfulness.Mindfulness Meditation includes detailed instructions,guidedmeditations of various length, deep relaxation exercises,short andlong body scans for sensory awareness, lovingkindnessmeditation forcultivating compassion for self and others,exercises forintegrating, mindfulness into everyday life,inspirational talks,and much more.+ Good Night by Dr. Michael Breus helps you improve yoursleepquantity and quality with cognitive behavioral training andsleephygiene. Good Night includes 7 different relaxation exercises,apre-bedtime routine, information about caffeine andalcohol’seffect on your sleep, information on food and vitamins forbettersleep, guide for bedroom makeover, traveling techniques,mythbusters, and much more.+ Freedom from Stress by Stephan Bodian offers amulti-strategyapproach for minimizing your stress and living ahappier, morefulfilling life. Freedom from Stress includes 5strategies, guidedmeditations, relaxation exercises, stressreduction techniques,trigger tools, and much more.+ Up in Smoke by Dr. Daniel Seidman offers a practicalapproachto quitting smoking, breaking both the physical andemotional tiesto your smoking addiction. Up in Smoke includes aself-assessment,tools to build your confidence to quit, mythbusters, a journal toidentify your mood and behavioral triggers, aguide to nicotinereplacement therapy, and tools to deal withcravings andadjustments to a smoke-free life, and much more.When you enter Mental Workout, you can choose how you wouldliketo engage - whether you need instant tips, want to receivedailyguidance, or prefer to browse techniques and exercises to useasneeded.In the world of psychology, so much has been learned about howtooptimize people's performance and well-being. Join thethousandspeople who have already changed their lives by usingMentalWorkout.
PTSD Rewind Technique 1.0
PTSD? Self help closure is only available with the RewindTechnique.
Mental Health 1.0.1
The Community Mental Health program is IRD's most recent effortisto expand access to mental health care in low-income communitiesinKarachi to improve mass screening, diagnosis and treatmentofmental health issues such as depression and anxiety. Usingthisapplication, IRD will use mobile phones to screen peoplefordepression and anxiety using a standardized questionnaire.
LifeArmor 3.0.0
LifeArmor is a comprehensive learning and self-management tooltoassist members of the military community with common mentalhealthconcerns. Designed for your Android device, LifeArmor isportableand provides information and assistance at the touch of abutton.Touch-screen technology allows the user to browseinformation on 17topics, including sleep, depression, relationshipissues, andpost-traumatic stress. Brief self-assessments help theuser measureand track their symptoms, and tools are available toassist withmanaging specific problems. After selecting a topicarea,information is organized into three main menu items:Learn:Comprehensive information on the causes, characteristics,andpotential solutions to emotional, relationship, and othercommonmental health problems that face the military community.Assess:Brief self-assessment tools to help the user measure andtracksymptoms relevant to the topic area. Tools: Informationandguidance on techniques to self-manage problems relevant tothetopic area.
Mental Health Services 1.0
The goal of It's Getting Better All TheTime(IGBATT) Mental Health Services is to provide mental healthsupportto individuals who have been affected by a persistentmentalillness or negative life situation.Using a Christ-centered, empowerment based model we seektounderstand the individual not just as a person with an illnessorproblem but as a person with psychological, cultural, andspiritualstrengths that can be utilized in their journey ofrecovery. Ourdesire is:1. To encourage mental health screening, assessment andreferralto services.2. To provide information and resources that will increaseanindividuals' ability to advocate for him/herself and tomaintainpsychiatric stability.3. To increase awareness of mental illnesses, symptoms,relapsesigns, and available coping strategies.4. To facilitate the development of support networks thatwillencourage socialization, decrease feelings of isolation, andassistindividuals with integration into family, social, andcommunityactivities.5. To raise the level of awareness concerning mentalillnesswithin the target population and to contribute to the numberofpeople who seek help for mental health concerns.6. To provide comprehensive mental health interventions toallmembers of society.
T2 Mood Tracker
T2 Mood Tracker is designed to help youtrackyour emotional experience over time and to provide you with atoolto share this information with your health care provider.This app comes with six pre-loaded issues: anxiety,depression,general well-being, head injury, post-traumatic stress,and stress.You can also add customized scales on any topic (e.g., apainscale). You use simple sliders to rate yourself on thesebehavioralcategories and the app automatically graphs your inputs.You canalso make notes describing things that happened during theday thatmay have affected your moods. This provides you and yourhealthcare provider with a complete tool to help you uncoverpatterns inhow you are feeling. It may also help you to evaluatethe impact ofdaily events or the effects of treatment on yourmood.T2 Mood Tracker was developed by the National Center forTelehealth& Technology (T2), the Defense Department’s primaryagency forapplying innovative technology to issues of psychologicalhealthand traumatic brain injury• Report generator makes sharing results simple! Generate PDF orCSVreports to print or email to your health care provider.• Backup database saves all your data on the SD card. Easilymoveyour T2 Mood Tracker results to a new phone or save abackupoff-phone, so you don’t lose your data if you loseyourphone.• Locate psychological health support in your area via theOutreachCenter link.• Program the reminder to update your moods as often as you like-weekly to several times a day.• Pre-loaded with six common issues. Customize with ANY feelingorissue you want to track.• Results display in easy to read color graphs with pinchzoom,customizable symbols, and options to display as much or aslittledata you desire.
Anxiety and Depression 0.0.1
Getting a concise book about AnxietyandDepression not only from a medical standpoint but analternativemedicine standpoint as well is the best way that you canmake adecision on your treatment for this common condition.Depression and anxiety are not something that you want toplayaround with. Depression, in particular, can be very serious andisone of the leading causes of disability. However, there aresomethings that you can do to help yourself even if you areonmedication for this condition.Getting a book that tells you all about Anxiety and Depressionisthe way to really understand the nature of the condition as wellashow to treat it.Anxiety and Depression is the app. Here you will learn inonemanual what are the causes of depression as they aredeterminedtoday, what are the various treatments available as wellas thesymptoms. You will learn the same for anxiety.Whether you want to go through the traditional medicine routeorthe alternative medicine route to treating your anxietyanddepression, you can do so by learning as much as you can abouttheconditions and the treatments available.Having everything in one easy to understand book is the waythatyou can make the problem of anxiety and depression so mucheasierto face. Once you understand all of the facts that surroundtheseconditions, you are much better equipped to deal withthem.You can learn everything you always wanted to know aboutanxietyand depression right here in.....Anxiety and Depression1) Anxiety - Everything You Need To Know!What is anxiety? What are the symptoms? How does it feel tolivewith anxiety and what can be done to alleviate the symptoms ofthismental condition, including all types of therapy as wellasmedications.2) Depression - Everything You Need To Know!What is depression and the causes? What are some theories onthecauses of depression today? How is depression clinicallytreated?What are some alternative treatments for depression? Howserious ischronic, severe depression? What are the symptoms?Here is what you will learn inside this guide....- Anxiety causes- Depression causes- Medical treatments for anxiety and depression- Alternative therapies- The future of treatments for these conditionsAnd a lot more!Download Anxiety and Depression apps now
Mental Health Maintenance 1.0
Get All The Support And Guidance You Need ToBeA Success At Better Mental Health!Is the fact that you would like to get a grip on how to manageyourmental health but just don't know how making your lifedifficult...maybe even miserable?First, you are NOT alone! It may seem like it sometimes, butnotknowing how to get started with making your mental health betterisfar more common than you’d think.Your lack of knowledge in this area may not be your fault, butthatdoesn’t mean that you shouldn’t -- or can’t -- do anything tofindout everything you need to know to finally be a successwithgetting your mental state to a better place!So today -- in the next FEW MINUTES, in fact -- we’re going tohelpyou GET ON TRACK, and learn how you can quickly and easily getyourmental health issues under control... for GOOD!With this product, and it’s great information on good mentalhealthwill walk you, step by step, through the exact process wedevelopedto help people get all the info they need to be asuccess.In This Book, You Will Learn:How Stress Can Impact Mental HealthWays To Relieve StressADHD And Bipolar DisorderSelf Help For ADHD And Bipolar DisorderWhy You Need To Address Your Spiritual HealthAnd so much more!
Serenita - Stress & Anxiety 2
A Clinically validated app that measures and reduces stress in5minutes a day.