Top 50 Apps Similar to My Maps (Ad Supported)

Map2Geo :Transfer to other map 6.15r1
Add [Transfer to other map] to [Share] menu which provided bymapapps.
Gisella - Field GIS 1.2.2
Mobile mapping, data collection and maps for professionalsandenthusiasts.
Measure Map
Measure Areas and Perimeters over Maps with professional accuracy.
Drum set 20201026
Get the best drums for Android!
PlaceMaker Route Planner 1.0.80
PlaceMaker, top rated route planning app from iOS, now for Android!
QField for QGIS - EXPERIMENTAL 1.9.3
QField focuses on efficiently getting GISfieldwork done.The mobile GIS app from combines a minimal designwithsophisticated technology to get data from the field to theofficein a comfortable and easy way.QField unleashes the full power of the QGIS styling engine tobringyour customized maps to the field, collect attributes forfeatureswith configured edit widgets like value lists, checkboxes,freetext or pictures taken with the device camera.QField is an open source project, the documentation, muchmoreinformation, the source code and possibilities to to supporttheproject can be found at (preferred) or by buyingtheQField for QGIS Karma editionapp( is built from ground up to be touch oriented and easy touseoutside.It is based on a few paradigms● GPS centric● QGIS desktop compatible● Fully working when offline● Synchronization capabilities● Project preparation on desktop● Few and large buttons● Mode based work (Display, Digitizing,Measuring,Inspection,...)QField is built using Qt5, QtQuick 2 (both are supportedandsuggested by Qt) and OpenGL so it is future proof and itspearheadsQGIS towards is happy to help you with the implementation ofmissingfeatures. Contact us at bug reports please file an issueat
Measure Map Pro 9.2.0
Measure Areas and Perimeters over Maps with professional accuracy.
Mapit Spatial - GIS Data Colle
Measure distance and area using map or GPS - share surveyresultswith a team.
Mapit GIS - Map Data Collector
GPS and Map based field's surveys - Mobile GIS, Data CollectionandMeasurements
PointMan: GIS Data Collector
Locate utilities, complete electronic forms and performsurveyworkflows.
ArcGIS Indoors 1.13.0
An Indoor Mapping System to Enable, Engage, and EmpowerYourWorkplace
TrackAbout 2.288.544
TrackAbout is a cloud-based asset trackingandmanagement system. We help companies around the world optimizetheuse of millions of physical, portable, returnable andreusablefixed assets.PLEASE NOTE: This is a B2B app and is intended only forcustomersof the TrackAbout asset tracking ecosystem. You will needaTrackAbout account to log in.TrackAbout provides physical asset tracking,includingspecialties such as:• compressed gas cylinder tracking• durable medical equipment and home medicalequipmenttracking• chemical container tracking• keg tracking• IBC tote tracking• roll-off container tracking• small tool trackingTrackAbout’s customers include Fortune 500 companies as wellassmall, independent operators.This app enables users to perform asset tracking operationsbyscanning barcodes using the smartphone's camera and,optionally,collecting the assets' GPS location using thesmartphone's locationservices.Internal users can use the following actions and features:• Add New• Create Order• Customer Audit• Delivery (basic)• Fill• Find Inventory• Load/Unload Truck• Locate• Maintenance• Reclassify Assets• Replace Barcode• Return Assets• Vendor Receive• Search for assets by tag and view asset details and history• Dynamic FormsFollow-On Tracking® users can use the following actionsandfeatures:• Move Asset• Set Volume• Search for assets by tag and view asset details and historyCompatibility:• This app requires Android 4.1 or higher.Explanation of the permissions requested by TrackAbout:• Location - access device location via GPS to determinewhereassets are when scanned• Camera - access your camera to scan barcodes
Droppath Route Planner 1.10.0
Save time on the road, organize your multiple stop route!
Trimble SiteVision 5.00.6429
Trimble Inc.
Reimagine your 2D and 3D data with augmented reality!
Pro Map Coordinates 5.4.1
The most effective way to find your coordinates!
ArcGIS Business Analyst 10.3.0
Get demographic and market facts at any location.
ArcGIS Runtime SDK Sample View
Interactive sample viewer for ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Android
QField for QGIS - Unstable master-dev
Do not use this app in production! This app containsthecurrentdevelopment version of QField for QGIS. It is onlymeantfortesting new features and finding bugs as early as possible.Ifyouintend to use QField in production, please install theQFieldforQGIS app.
Wellsite Navigator
Navigation software (GPS) used to search & route toWellsites& Rigs in the USA
Global Mapper Mobile
All the maps you need, in the palm of your hand.
Map My Drive 3.12
Track your route, worry free.
Locus GIS - offline geodata collecting, SHP edits 1.10.1
Professional GIS application for offline fieldwork with geodata.Itprovides data collection, viewing, and updating. All itsfeaturesare available above a wide selection of online, offline,and WMSmaps. Fieldwork • offline collecting and updating of fielddata •saving points with current or arbitrary position • creatinglinesand polygons by motion recording • settings of attributes •photos,video/audio or drawings as attachments • guidance topointsImport/Export • importing and editing ESRI SHP files •exportingdata to ESRI SHP or CSV files • exporting whole projectsto QGISMaps • wide range of maps both for online use and fordownload •support of WMS sources • support of offline maps inMBTiles,SQLite, MapsForge, TAR, GEMF, RMAP formats, andcustomOpenStreetMap data or map themes Tools and features •measuringdistances and areas • searching and filtering of data intheattribute table • style editing and text labels • organizingdatainto layers and projects Locus GIS is successfully used in awiderange of industries: • collection of environmental data(ecologicalscanning, tree surveys ...) • forestry management andplanning, •agriculture and soil management • gas and energydistribution •planning and construction of wind farms • explorationof miningfields and location of wells • survey and management ofurbanfacilities • road constructions and maintenance
Tracklia: GPX, KML, KMZ & maps 1.16.2
Tracklia Inc.
View, edit, create, import, export, navigate, merge, recordGPX,KML, KMZ files
Mapit GIS - NTRIP Client 1.2.1
Simple tool to get RTK corrected coordinates into Mapit and logRAWGNSS data.
vGIS AR 2.15.0(1.2)
vGIS Inc.
High-accuracy Augmented Reality for BIM, GIS, and 3D Scans
Geo: Convert GPS Coordinates 4.4.0
Qvyshift LLC
Geographic coordinates converter
Mappt: GIS Data Collection 3.13.3
Takor Group
Making GIS data collection easy, affordable and offline
Map Marker 3.4.0-580
My maps, organized and practical everywhere
Memory-Map 2.9.0
GPS Navigation with offline Topo maps and marine charts, withAISship tracking
CartoDruid - GIS offline tool 0.60.16
CartoDruid is a GIS application developed by InstitutoTecnológicoAgrario de Castilla y León (ITACyL) thought as a tool tosupportthe fieldwork aiming to solve the problem of disconnectededitingof georeferenced information. In many field areas, mobilecoverageis insufficient to work in a reliable way. CartoDruidprovides asolution to this problem allowing the visualization onraster andvectorial layers stored on the device and allowing thecreation ofnew geometries (entities), drawing them directly on thescreen orusing embeded or external GPS. CartoDruid doesn't requierepreviousGIS (Geographic Information Systems) knowledge and it'seasy toconfigure and use. This allows any person to use it tomanagefieldwork information and then export generated data to usethem inexternal applications. What can CartoDruid do?: - VisualizeonlineGoogle Maps. - Use vectorial cartography loaded on aSpatiaLitedatabase. - USe rasterimaginery loaded on a RasterLitedatabase. -Consume online WMS services. - Create new layers on thedevice. -Configure filtering on vectorial layers to determinevisiblegeometries based on their attributes. - Configuresymbologies andlabels based on SQL expressions (easily). -Configure searches onlayers using SQL queries. - Configureidentification forms based onSQL queries. - Edit the attributes ofa geometry. - Manually drawgeometries: points, lines and polygons.- Draw and edit geometriesbased on GPS data. - Edit geometriesusing several useful tools:split using polyline, circular split,merge geometries, multipartexplosion. Graphically move existingvertices of geometries. -Create new geometries intersecting layers.- Automatically savegeorreferenced data: creating and update datesand others. -Associate pictures to entities. - SIGPAC search basedon existingdownloaded data. - Length and area measurement tools,defining themeasurement units. - Guided and line based navigationto help theuser reach her destination. - Manage bookmarks. - Importvectorialdata using CSV files. - Import SpatiaLite databases. -Exportseveral formats: SQLite, KML and CSV. - TOC (Table ofContents)management: sorting, symbologies, hierarchical sorting(folders). -Works with SHP (ESRI ShapeFile) as an exprimentalfeature. -Controlling the operations that can be performed on alayer viaconfiguration (overlaps. move vertices. deleteentities,identification and edition, ...) Go to seethe complete list, download examples andlearn how to start!
CalTopo 1.4.13
CalTopo LLC
Backcountry mapping evolved
ArcGIS Companion 4.2.7
The ArcGIS app is a native mobile companion to yourArcGISorganization.
MyRoute Multi Stop Navigation 3.33
MyRouteOnline now brings you the opportunity to useyourfavoritenavigation app, with multi-destinationcapabilities.Whether yourun a delivery company, a truckingbusiness, maintenanceor anykind of service that requires multi-stoproute planning, youcancount on MyRoute to navigate your route,saving time, fuelandmoney. You can re-order your existing route,skip any stop, andaddor delete destinations. Use MyRoute tonavigate your route.Yourroute-plan is only a moment away. Importantnotes: MyRoute isfreefor personal use, with up to 6 addresses. ForBusiness users,linkMyRouteOnline paying account to your app andplan routes withasmany as 350 addresses. No long term commitmentand nocancellationfees. Continued use of GPS running in thebackgroundcandramatically decrease battery life. We do our best tosaveenergyand automatically turn off tracking to minimize the useofyourbattery.
POI MAP-Private GPS Tracker - bookmark your places 2.68.12
Do not forget the places you have been: Yourprivatelocationdatabase in your pocket - Geodatabase securelystored onyourphone/tablet. Mark the places of interest,restaurants,parkbenches with a view, ... whatever you want, ...andautomaticallycreate a GPS map of your places. No serverconnection,no spywareand no public tracker. Try it for free! Save alocationOnly inseconds,... 1.) POIs around: Use one of the publicknown POIaroundyou (good to save a restaurant, church, shop,trainstation,...)2.) List fo POI: Search in the list of publicknownPOIs worldwide(especially if you want to bookmark a placeinadvance or longerafter your visit) 3.)Finger on the map: Useourintegrated map todefine a point by your finger somewhere on themap(we use the GPScoordinates of your placed pin) 4.)Currentlocation: The GPScoordinates of your location can be useddirectly.Store yourcurrent place independent of a street, city,...(good forhiking,geocaching, ...) 5.) Take a pictures: we use theGPSinformation ofa taken picture to define a POI 6.) Android map:Finda place inthe Android map and share it with POI MAP to store itasa personalplace. The use of POI MAP POI MAP - is a privatelocaldatabase foryour personal places around the world or just inyoursurrounding(POIbase). Based on the GPS location of your phoneortablet, youcan mark and store highly efficient a Personal PointofInterest byPOI MAP. Within seconds you can add and bookmark aplaceyou'vebeen or you want to visit in your private database. Addyourplacesindependent what it is,... restaurant, bar,hotel,church,viewpoints, geocache, etc.). Know your places you'vebeenand findthem in a list of sights, show it on a personal mapview.We knowthe POI around you. You can use them and enrich it witharanking,notes, categories, tags,... Find in your databaseSearchwithin thedatabase and find your private place by name,position inthe map,etc. in your local database. In addition you cansearchbyindividual categories, tags,... Navigate Directnavigationisintegrated in POI MAP. Use the entries in privatedatabase toreachyour personal points of interest by the shortestway or book arideby UBER or Lyft. Share it Share places you've beenwith friendsandfamily or where you want to meet next time. Weintegratedthefunction to share cross platform (iOS and Android).PrivacyfirstPrivacy is all for us! Every information is storedlocally onyourdevice. We do not know your data. No centralisedserverisconnected to POI MAP. The POI Pin includes - Address /positionofthe location - your pictures - Description - 5-starranking-Opening hours - Phone number - Web site - Timestamp(showingtheactuality of the information) - Category and tags (canbe usedforindividual structuring) Additional in Pro Version:-Directnavigation by Google maps - One-Click-Booking a ride byUBER/ Lyft- bookmark a POI directly by map-APP / pictures -Backupyourentire database Make it your own database We definedthemostimportant fields for a POI based on our experience.Usecategoryand tags to structure your places. Define yourownpersonalcategories (restaurants, churches,campsites,bookshops,geocaches,...) and/or tag the POI in additionbased onyourindividual need. Why POI MAP?/b> We travel a lot andmeetmanypeople. We always wanted to store the places of interest inafastand efficient way, to remember the places we've been, wherewehada good dinner, met a colleague, saw a nice building,... Nowwearesure... it has never been easier to mark interestingPOI'swhereyou've been. Find the places around you where you'vebeenbeforeand show them on the map. Use navigation or sendyourpersonallocation to friends.
Shapefile over Map
Load your own shapefiles with thisGeographicInformation System (GIS) directly from the sdcard of yourmobiledevice and visualize them over a map. You can also edit thevaluesof its dbf table and use it in offline mode, loading mapsfrom yourmemory card.With this GIS application, you can select and load a shp fileorload an entire folder automatically.You can select one of these shp files and mark it as theactivelayer and if you use a long press over one of them you canchangeits coordinate system, its color or make it invisible.The map will display a series of icons, belonging to each oftherecords in the active layer, which when pressed will allow youtoview and edit information from its correspondingattributetable.The application also allows you to view your current positionviaGPS and center the map on it.You can choose between several online map servers.Support for all UTM Projections (WGS84, SAD69 and NAD83)The .prj file is readed and the coordinate system isautomaticallyassigned.Now you can save your sessions (a configured shapefile list).Now also includes a tool to measure distances, areasandperimeters.New tool to search shapes by dbf field valueNew functionality to add and delete dbf fieldsNew functionality to add WMS serversA Quick Help has been addedNew drawing system. Now move the map is fasterMore memory available to load larger shapefiles(only inAndroidversions 3.0 or later)New layers administration systemNew tool to load the last sessionNew auto zoom tool to the active layerNew Settings option to change measure units, GPS update timeandcharacter codificationsTo use a map in offline mode, simply download it previously(forexample using Mobile Atlas Creator (using OsmAnd tilestorageformat)). You must copy the map to the folder you have setonsettings and it should be in theformatMAPNAME/ZOOM/X/Y.png.tile
ArcGIS Field Maps 24.0.1
It Works Where You Work
Apglos Survey Wizard 3.23
Land survey with ease with your smartphone. Get ApglosSurveyWizard!
UTM Geo Map 3.9.0
Y2 Tech
Simple Mapping & GIS Tools.
UTM Measure 1.6.2
Y2 Tech
Tools for Simple GIS, Mapping and Surveying tasks.
ArcGIS Explorer
Maps at Your Fingertips
Map Coordinates 5.4.1
The easiest way to find coordinates on the map!
Field Topography UTM free 2.8.1
Topographical calculations. UTM-Grid on Map. Measurement pathlengthon Map.
ArcGIS Navigator 22.1.0
Get Where You Need to Be
GPS Coordinates Converter Lite 4.28
Check current location coordinates and save them in your historyorin a photo.
Flyover Country - Inflight GPS 2.5.2
Track your flight with GPS - discover the world below withofflinemaps and POI.
Geode Connect
GEODE CONNECT is a configuration utility for the GEODE GNSSRECEIVER
ArcGIS Collector
Accurate Data Collection Made Easy
SoilWeb for Android 2.3.1
Access USDA-NRCS soil survey information at your current location
MyRoute-app Navigation 1.6.12
Featuring premium navigation, a powerful route editor andworldquality maps
Routes 2.9.2
GPX KML navigation, simulation & gps tracking - Let Routesguideyou reliable!