Top 33 Apps Similar to Nutrition et Grossesse

Conseils pour Grossesse 4.0
Mattias Apps
Tips for pregnant women and tips for living her pregnancy.
Ma Grossesse Mois par Mois 4.0
Gato Apps
Are you pregnant? Á Discover what month of pregnancy is every week
Enceinte: que puis-je manger ? 3.0.12
Aply SAS
The authorized power or not during pregnancy
Pregnancy app & widget 7.2
Now also available in English !Pregnancy app & widgetInformation about your child's development can now be alwayswithyou ! This pregnancy assistant enables women expecting thechild orsomeone else you want to follow the pregnancy to trackfetaldevelopment week by week and some information daily. Fromfirstweek of pregnancy to 12 months after childbirth.App give you also some tips, facts and advices for yourpregnancyand the 12 first month of your new baby.You can place a widget on your home screen too, to showthenumber of days till the childbirth of the baby.A forum is also available !Enjoy !
Ma Grossesse avec Neuf Mois 1.1.1
Neuf Mois
La Grossesse de A-Z 5.0
Discover the evolution stages of your pregnancy A-Z
Pregnancy weeks 1.0
Matt Duss
This app will let you easily know your pregnancy weeks and duedate.
Semaines de Grossesse 1.0
PureLife Inc.
Avec cette application, vous pouvez Semaine après semaine,découvrezles détails du déroulement de votre grossesse, etabonnez-vous à lanewsletter maternité pour recevoir les conseils.Détails del'application: Premier mois de grossesse. Deuxième moisdegrossesse. Troisième mois de grossesse. Deuxième trimestredegrossesse. 4ème mois de grossesse. 5ème mois de grossesse.6èmemois de grossesse. Troisième trimestre de grossesse. 7ème moisdegrossesse. 8ème mois de grossesse. 9ème mois de grossesse.Combiende temps dure une grossesse ? Future maman désespère de voirtousles maux de la grossesse disparaître.
Ma Grossesse 3.0
Si vous êtes Enceinte et attendez un bébé,laapplication Ma Grossesse, vous donnera pendant Les 39Semainel'information la plus utile:- Tout les changements dans votre corps semaineaprèssemaine- Aussi comment se développer votre bébé.- Et Des Conseil de Grossesse- Des belles images interactives pour chaque semaine devotregrossesse- Des infos QUOTIDIENNES sur votre grossesse- Des scanners et images en couleurs- Guide personnalisé- Suivi de poids personnalisé- Calendrier de rendez-vous médical- Des infos sur la nutrition, l'exercice et le travail- Compteur de coups de bébé dans le ventre- Enregistre la fréquence et durée des contractions- Une liste de courses pour bébé- Des milliers de prénoms pour bébé- Un guide des tailles de bébé- Des infos sur l'avancement de la grossesse chaque semaine- Et bien plus encore !دليل المرأة الحاملHealth & Parenting vous accompagne pendant toutes lesétapespour devenir parents.Avertissement:Le contenu diffusé sur cette Application ne sert qu’à desfinsd’information et ne remplace pas l’opinion d’un professionnelde lasanté ou du développement des enfants.If you are pregnantandexpecting a baby, My Pregnancy app will give you during the week39the most useful information:- Any changes in your body every week- Also how to grow your baby.- And Of Pregnancy Council- A beautiful interactive images for every week ofyourpregnancy- The DAILY information about your pregnancy- Scanners and color images- Custom Guide- Custom Weight Tracker- Medical appointment calendar- Nutrition information Of, exercise and work- Baby shots counter in the belly- Saves the frequency and duration of contractions- A shopping list for baby- Thousands of baby names- A baby size chart- Some information on the progress of the pregnancy weekly- And much more!دليل المرأة الحاملHealth & Parenting accompany you during all the steps tobecomeparents.Warning:The content posted on this application is only forinformationpurposes and does not replace the opinion of a healthprofessionalor child development.
Familiprix - Ma Grossesse
L’application Familiprix - Ma Grossessevouspropose des renseignements utiles chaque semaine via Monassistantet des outils simples et amusants qui vous accompagnerontdurantvos 9 mois de grossesse.Conservez l’évolution de votre bedaine en photos et en montagevidéoet partagez ce souvenir avec votre famille et vos amisdirectementdans l’application ou sur les médias sociaux.Amusez-vous enconsultant la banque de prénoms pour choisir celuide votre futurpoupon et envoyez vos préférés à papa. Enregistrezvotre poids avecvotre balance connectée ou entrez-le manuellement,calculez lafréquence de vos contractions et des coups de pieds debébé afind’avoir des données pertinentes pour vosrendez-vousprénataux.Vous y retrouverez les fonctionnalités suivantes :• Informations hebdomadaires sur l’évolution de votre grossesseetle développement de votre bébé• Guide d’accompagnement• Photos et montage vidéo de votre bedaine• Compteur de coups de pied• Calculateur de contractions• Journal de grossesse pour conserver l’historique desmomentsmagiques• Liste de prénoms• Liste d’achats• Rabais exclusifs en succursale, diverses promotions etcadeauxofferts, tout au long de votre grossesse• Rappels & Notifications• Partagez vos informations de grossesse avec un être cher. Sivousl’autorisez, ce dernier pourra même participer en y ajoutantdenouveaux souvenirs• Synchronisation avec HealthKit pour le suivi du poidsSoyez bien informée et préparée tout en découvrant les joies delamaternité. Ma Grossesse, une application incontournable pourlesfutures mamans !The Familiprix app -MyPregnancy offers useful information every week via My assistantandsimple, fun tools that will accompany you during your 9 monthsofpregnancy.Keep changing your belly in photos and video editing and sharethismemory with your family and friends directly in the app oronsocial media. Have fun by viewing the names of the bank tochooseyour future baby and send your favorite candy. Record yourweightwith your connected scale or enter it manually calculatethefrequency of your contractions and the baby kicking in ordertohave data relevant to your antenatal appointments.You will find the following features:• Weekly information on the evolution of your pregnancy andyourbaby's development• Companion Guide• Photos and video editing your belly• Counter kicks• Calculator contractions• pregnancy journal to keep the history of magic moments• List of names• Shopping list• Exclusive discounts in store, various promotions andgiftsthroughout your pregnancy• Notifications & Reminders• Share information with a loved pregnancy. If you allow it, itwilleven participate by adding new memories there• Synchronization with HealthKit for tracking weightBe well informed and prepared while discovering the joysofmotherhood. My Pregnancy, a must app for moms!
Pregnancy Exercises 1.1
Do you want to learn those special andsafepregnancy exercises now?Pregnancy exercises is so beneficial that recommends thathealthywomen with uncomplicated pregnancies exercise at moderateintensityfor at least 30 minutes a day on most or all days of theweek. Theideal workout gets your heart pumping, keeps you limber,controlsweight gain, and strengthens your muscles without causingunduephysical stress for you or the baby. Exercise during pregnancyisimportant, because it's the perfect path to fasterpostpartumweight loss and recovery. Here you'll find easy pregnancyexercisesand fitness plans to get you moving (even when it's thelast thingyour swollen feet want to do). The more active and fityou areduring pregnancy, the easier it will be for you to adapt toyourchanging shape and weight gain. It will also help you to copewithlabour and get back into shape after the birth. Exercisedoeswonders during pregnancy. It boosts mood, improves sleep,andrelieves aches and pains. It also prepares you for childbirthbystrengthening muscles and building endurance. And stayingactivenow makes it that much easier to get back in shape after yourbabyis born. Research suggests that prenatal exercise may evenloweryour risk of gestational diabetes and preeclampsia. If youalreadyhave gestational diabetes, exercise can help you managethecondition and prevent additional complications. Keep up yournormaldaily physical activity or exercise (sport, running, yoga,dancing,or even walking to the shops and back) for as long as youfeelcomfortable. Exercise is not dangerous for your baby – thereissome evidence that active women are less likely toexperienceproblems in later pregnancy and labour. To get the fullbenefits,you'll need to exercise at least three times a week,ideally more.Try to find something that you enjoy, as you'll bemore likely tostick to it in the longer term. Build activity intoyour dailylife, too. For example, taking the stairs instead of thelift, anddoing housework or gardening, counts as exercise. Avoiddoingsports where there's a risk of hitting your bump, or ofslippingand falling, such as squash, gymnastics, rollerblading,horseriding and skiing. Having a fit pregnancy doesn’t have to meanabig time commitment or fancy equipment. The followingpregnancyworkouts are simple, can be done at home, and are safe todo ineach trimester. Now is the most crucial time to get yourhealth inorder so you can have the healthiest and happiest babyandpregnancy possible. Prevent pains, aches, nausea, cramping,morningsickness and excess weight gain with the ONLY system provento helpwomen enjoy their pregnancy and create a healthy baby.DownloadNow!!Features:Exercise Help in PregnancyThe Best Kinds of Exercise for PregnancyExercise isn't RecommendedSigns Should Stop ExercisingStep UpsSide PlanksWall PushupsV Sits with Balance TrainerOne Leg V SitsSupported V SitsSeated Rowing with Resistance TubingPregnant Yoga PosesSeated Dead Lifts with Resistance TubingSquats with Fitness BallLeg LiftsOne Arm RowPlankPlieCurl and LiftSide Lying Inner and Outer ThighRelieve Pregnancy Back PainCore TwistDeadlift To CurlTriangle PoseThe pregnancy exercises provided by this application areusuallysafe for expectant moms, although some may not work for youduringthe last few months or weeks of your pregnancy. Alwaysconsult yourhealthcare provider before beginning any new exerciseregimen. Ifyou get the go-ahead to workout, listen to your body andbe carefulnot to overdo it – stop if anything hurts or feelsuncomfortable.If you have any of the following symptoms, stopexercising and callyour doctor right away:- Contractions- Chest pain- Dizziness- Calf pain or swelling- Less movement by the baby- Headache- Muscle weakness- Fluid leaking from the vagina- Vaginal bleeding- Notice an irregular or rapid heartbeat
Pregnancy Tracker Free
Pregnancy time is the most important timewhichwe should give extra care and safety. Better care to the bodywillgive a good and perfect health to child. Sometimes we are notableto give much care. Pregnancy care is a completely free appwhichhelps pregnant women's to know about their pregnancy progressandother changes that occur in the body.App Features1. Detailed pregnancy trimester calendar1.1 General pregnancy calendar1.2 Personalized pregnancy calendar2. Pregnancy weight gain calculator3. Conception Calculator4. Ovulation calculator5. Due date calculator(Considering last day of firstmenstrualperiod)6. Pregnancy workoutsThis free app will be the best companion for pregnancywomen.Pregnancy care includes pregnancy calendar, weight gaincalculator,conception calculator, due date calculator etc.The calendar integrated in the app helps women's to know aboutthebaby's growth, current baby's information, baby's health ,whatfood want to eat and what not to eat, tablets which helpsbaby'sgrowth etc. We have a wide information on each week. Theweight ofpregnant women should be different in each week. Everyoneis notaware about the weight gained in each week. So weightgaincalculator help pregnant women to know about the respectiveweightwhich should be gained. Due date calculator helps to knowabout thedelivery date. There are personalized and generalcalendar.Personified calendar helps to acquire the personalinformation andgeneral calendar helps to know about the generalinformation. Howmany days you're already pregnant, the currentapproximate size andweight of your baby and a few other importantbits of informationsuch as the date of the first prenatal visit,your body's weight,baby's weight etc . Pregnancy Guide is one ofthe best freepregnancy week by week guide. If you are a first timepregnant thenthis app will be your best personal trainer. This appguides youthrough pregnancy day-by-day and week-by-week. Based onyour duedate, you'll receive personalized information.Download the best pregnancy care : week by week app today !! Ababyis a god's gift and we should give a proper care from theinitialstage itself.
Conseils pour votre grossesse 1.11
Anxa Limited
99 conseils essentiels pour vivre sereinement cettemerveilleuseaventure.
Pregnancy yoga Exercises 2.9
Home Fitness
Fun and effective daily Exercises designed for pregnancy.
9 mois de grossesse 1.0
Pour 9 mois de grossesse, tout est prêtàlamaison pour accueillir votre enfant. Vous connaissez lechemindela maternité et certains membres del'équipeobstétricale.L'accouchement peut survenir n'importe quandau coursdu derniermois ! Votre valise et celle de "bébé" sontprêtes, aucas où...Nos conseils pour ces derniers jours avantl'arrivée debébé.Votre corps lors du 9 mois de grossesseDERNIÈRE LIGNE DROITEVotre ventre est très proéminent et votre dos est de plusenpluscambré. Vous supportez de plus en plus difficilement cepoidssurvos jambes, votre dos. Vos seins sont gonflés etsepréparentactivement à l'allaitement. Vous pouvez lesmasser,notamment lesmamelons, avec une crème grasse.Vous avez des envies fréquentes d'uriner. Vous avezparfoisdescontractions, surtout le soir. Elles ne sont pasrégulières etnesont pas douloureuses. C'est un phénomène normal:ellescontribuent notamment à la maturation du col de l'utérus,cequirendra plus facile sa dilatation lors de l'accouchement.Votre sommeil est parfois difficile car il n'est pasévidentdetrouver une position adéquate. Vos gestes et vosdéplacementssontparfois laborieux. Vous êtes fatiguée, et c'estbiennormal.Examens du 9 mois de grossesse7E EXAMEN PRÉNATALLe dernier examen prénatal comprend les mêmes examens quelemoisprécédent : surveillance de votre poids, votre tension,lahauteurutérine, votre état de santé général ainsi que l'activitéetlerythme cardiaque de bébé. Les examens biologiquessontcontrôlés(sérologie de la toxoplasmose pour les mèresnonimmunisées,recherche d'agglutinines irrégulières pour les mamansderhésusnégatif et analyses d’urines pour l’albuminurieetglycosurie). Lesrésultats de l'examen figurent dans votre carnetdematernité. Aucours de ces consultations, voséventuellescontractions sontenregistrés (monitoring).L’examen gynécologique va permettre de confirmer que lanaissanceseprépare, en appréciant la maturation du col. C'estpendantcesdernières consultations que se décide lavoied'accouchement.Et voilà, vous à 9 mois de grossesse, votre grossesse arriveàterme.Que vous soyez impatiente ou angoissée parl'accouchement,vous vousposez certainement de nombreuses questionssur ce quivous attend cesderniers jours - ou semaines ...Voici donc quelques informations sur le déroulement de ce9èmemoisde grossesse, le dernier, entre la 37ème et la41èmesemained'aménorrhée.A 9 mois de grossesse, bébé se prépare à voir le jour.Ilpèseenviron 2,4 kg et mesure 45 cm à la 37e SA. Il n'adoncplusbeaucoup de place pour bouger ! Cela peut expliquer quevouslesentiez moins en fin de grossesse.Attention cependant, une diminution importante ouunedisparitiontotale de ses mouvements, nécessitera uneconsultation àlamaternité.Les dernières semaines, il prend environ 20 g par jour, etsoncorpsse débarrasse petit à petit du vernix et du duvet(lanugo)qui lerecouvraient pour le protéger. Il devient plussensible auxbruits,ou aux situations d'inconfort. Votre mode de viea donc unimpactdirect sur votre bébé, comme, par exemple, laconsommationd'alcool,de tabac ou de drogue.Les poumons continuent à se développer, tout comme lecerveauquipoursuivra sa maturation au-delà de la naissance.À la 40e SA, votre bébé pèse environ 3,3 kg, et mesure 50 cm :ilestprêt à naître ! Dans 95 % des cas, il sera positionné aveclatête enbas le jour de l'accouchement. S'il ne s'estpastournénaturellement, ni avec l'aide d'une manoeuvre médicale,alorsladélivrance se fera par le siège ou par les pieds, ouencoreàl'aide d'une césarienne.For 9 monthsofpregnancy,everything is ready to welcome home for your child.Youknow the wayof motherhood and some members of the obstetricteam.Childbirth canoccur anytime in the last month! Your suitcaseandthe "baby" isready, just in case ... Our advice for theselastdays before thearrival of the baby.Your body during the 9 months of pregnancyHOME STRETCHYour belly is very prominent and your back is more arched.Youbearincreasingly difficult this weight on your legs, yourback.Yourbreasts are swollen and are actively preparingforbreastfeeding.You can massage them, including the nipples, withafatcream.Have frequent urination. You sometimes havecontractions,especiallyat night. They are not regular and are notpainful. Thisis normal:they contribute in particular to thematuration of thecervix, whichwill make easier its dilationduringchildbirth.Your sleep is sometimes difficult because it is not easy tofindaproper position. Your actions and movementsaresometimeslaborious. You're tired, and rightly so.Reviews of 9 months pregnant7E PRENATAL EXAMINATIONThe last prenatal examination includes the same exams asthepreviousmonth: monitoring your weight, pressure, uterineheight,your overallhealth and activity and the baby heartbeat.Laboratorytests arecontrolled (serology for toxoplasmosis fornon-immunemothers,looking for irregular antibodies to Rh-negativemothersand analyzesurine for albuminuria and glycosuria). Theexaminationresults appearin your maternity record. Duringtheseconsultations, possible yourcontractions arerecorded(monitoring).The gynecological examination will help confirm that thebirthispreparing, enjoying cervical ripening. It was duringthelastconsultations that decides the route of delivery.And now, at 9 months of pregnancy, pregnancy expires. Whetheryouareimpatient or anxious by birth, you probably have manyquestionsaboutwhat to expect these days - or weeks ...Here is some information on the course of the 9th monthofpregnancy,the last between the 37th and 41th weekofgestation.At 9 months of pregnancy, baby prepares to emerge. Itweighsabout2.4 kg and measures 45 cm in the 37th SA. It thereforedoesnothave much room to move! This may explain why you feel lessinlatepregnancy.Beware though, a substantial decrease or total disappearanceofhismovements, require consultation with maternity.The last few weeks, it takes about 20 g per day, and herbodygetsrid gradually of vernix and down (lanugo) that coveredtoprotectit. It becomes more sensitive to noise oruncomfortablesituations.Your lifestyle has a direct impact on yourbaby, suchas, forexample, alcohol, tobacco or drugs.The lungs continue to develop, as the brain continuestomaturebeyond birth.At the 40th SA, your baby weighs about 3.3 kg and measures 50cmandis ready to be born! In 95% of cases it will bepositionedupsidedown the day of delivery. If it is not turnednaturally orwith thehelp of a medical operation, then the issuewill bethrough the seator feet, or using a caesarean.
انت و الحمل 2.8
Keep track of your pregnancy & learn how your baby isgrowingwith Fine Baby.
Pregnancy ++ 3.7.3
Pregnant? Get the worldwide No.1 PregnancyApp.Want to see beautiful, interactive images for everyweekofpregnancy? Join more than 10 million users who alreadyusethisPregnancy App to follow their pregnancy week by week.Our Pregnancy++ App can also be personalizedfordads,grandparents and other family members.Everything you need in one Pregnancy App!- DAILY pregnancy info- Color and Scan images- Personal Diary- Pregnancy Weight log- Doc Visits log- Diet, exercise and labor info- Kick Counter- Contraction Timer- Baby Shopping list- 1000s of Baby names- Baby Size Visualizer- Pregnancy week by week info- And much more …Health & Parenting supports you at every stage ofbeingaparent.--------------------------------------------------PrivacyPolicy: App is not intended for medical use, or to replacetheadviceof a trained medical doctor. Health & ParentingLtddisclaims anyliability for the decisions you make based onthisinformation, whichis provided to you on a generalinformationbasis only and not as asubstitute for personalizedmedical advice.If you have any concernsabout your pregnancy,consult with yourdoctor or midwife.The Health & Parenting team wishes you ahealthy,full-termpregnancy and a safe delivery.
Pregnancy Countdown 0.0.5
Perfect tools
For your pregnancy: just a simple, straightforward countdown. ★★★★★
Conseils pour Grossesse 4.0
El Nono
Information and Tips pregnancy until the birth of baby.
My Pregnancy Widget 1.1
You're pregnant ?! Congrats !Future mum, see at a glance in what weeks of pregancy you are in !This beautiful widget integrates very well with yourHomeScreen.Setup is easy as ABC, just choose the conception date andrelax,this is it.By the way, it suits well with dad's phone too !Features :- weeks and days of pregnancy you are in- start and end date of current trimester- progress of current trimesterDrop us an email for support and suggestions : [email protected]
Pregnancy Baby & Baby Kick 4.0
This application is used to Calculate Women's Pregnancy Datesforhaving Baby(Boy/Girl) and check if today is good day forPregnancy,recording your baby fetal movement, count down tracking,findingnearby Hospital, Doctor, Restaurant location. Feature: 1.Inputyour Last Menstrual Date 2. Input your Menstrual Cycle 4.PressButton to Check your Pregnancy Dates 5. And check if TODAY isgoodday for Pregnancy 6. If you enter 1 months ago of MenstrualDate,this APP can help you to find out correct Last Menstrual Date.7.Add "Your Pregnancy Date Records" to save/show your Pregnancydates8. Support Multi-language 9. Add scrolling bar for "YourPregnancyDate Records" 10. Add "Baby Kick" feature in v3.01 foryour babyfetal movement 11. Add "Baby Count Down Tracker" featurein v3.02for countdown tracking your baby. 12. Add "Baby GenderPossibility"feature in v3.04 13. Add nearby Hospital, Doctor,Restaurantlocation feature in v3.05
Pregnancy Kick Counter 1.1.4
Pregnancy Kick counter Free App
Pregnancy Calendar Free 3.0
Rodo SoftWare
Free Pregnancy Calendar is the mostpowerfuland simple application to inform you every week aboutyourembrazo- Enter the date of your last period and the app will give youtheinformation you need- Week by week information- Share the details of your week with your partner,friends,family.- You can go to an earlier or later date and see alltheinformation.- Multilingual (google translator) in Spanish, German,French,Portuguese and English
My Pregnancy Follow-up Plus
♥ My Pregnancy Follow-up will beyourday-to-day companion during all your pregnancy. It will helpyouwith the dates for the ultrasounds, doctor appointments,maternityleave duration, etc.♥ Detailed medical checks:- 3 ultrasounds- monthly doctor appointment, blood test and urinalysis- 6th month blood test- vaginal swab- folic acid prescription- dates for declaration to Social Security (applicable forFranceonly)- maternity leave duration (applicable for France only)♥ For every check, you have the ability to set the date atwhichyou did it. This allows you to have a quick outlook ofyourpregnancy, and to see what you need to do! There is alsoadescription of the purpose of the check. For everydoctorappointment, the app will explain the goal of theappointment, andwhat the doctor will check.♥ A widget placed on your desktop will indicate the progressofyour pregnancy, and of your friends! You can save an*unlimited*number of pregnancy dates in the app.♥ Get notifications on top of your screen when you need todosomething about your pregnancy! Set the time and the number ofdaysin advance for the reminders, and you're all set! Never forgetanytest for you or your wife!♥ The app also shows advices about:- mother's food diet- allowed / forbidden drugs- hygiene- a glossary for the most common words used during thepregnancy♥ The app shows the progress of your pregnancy by showingtheaverage size and weight for a child of the same age. It willalsocount down the remaining days for you!♥ ♥ Become a fan of our Facebook page! ♥ ♥ application is intended for the french medicalsystem.Please check with your doctor in all cases.This app was made with instructions from a doctor.The app uses the following permissions:- automatic launch at boot time: for notifications andreminders(don't worry about CPU usage: the actual launch of the appisdelayed so that it will only start when the CPU isnotoverloaded)- Internet access: for crash and bug fixes. Your personal dataisthe most important to our eyes. We will NEVER send, share, sellorgive for any reason what was collected. The collected dataincludesyour device name, screen resolution, OS version, etc. Theyare ONEHUNDRED PERCENT anonymous. We do respect your private data.Pleasenote that if you don't agree with this, you are not allowedto usethis app.This app was tested on android versions from 1.5 to 4.0,onphones and tablets.The weight follow-up graph requires Android 2.0+. Trying to loaditon android 1.5-1.6 will cause a crash.This app includes an optimized UI for Honeycomb and ICS IceCreamSandwich tablets.
Pregnancy Nutrition Tips Free 2.1.2
"♣♣ CONGRATULATIONS!! Pregnancy ismostexisting parts of women life, Here is super gift for you♣♣Pregnancy Nutrition Tips with tips including ♣♣♣ Weekly Stages of Baby♣ Weekly Stages of Pregnant Mother♣ Nutrition for Healthy Pregnancy♣ Common Concern & Advises♣ Good to Know tipsPregnancy is an exciting time, but with so muchpregnancyinformation available all over, we've made it super easyfor you toget all the pregnancy info you need in one place. Thiseasy-to-usePregnancy app guide you to all the changes taking placein yourbaby — and in you!Week by Week pregnancy facts includes a description & imagesofyour baby's development, as well as an explanation of thechangestaking place in your body. You'll also find importantmedical infothat will help keep you and your baby healthy.Enjoy reading!! Download NOW for free - PregnancyNutritionTips
Grossesse évolution 2.0
skyblue apps0
Pregnancy changes, pregnancy week by week, the pregnant woman.
Grossesse by Parents 3.0.0
The app must for pregnant women
All About Pregnancy 1.0
"★★★★★ Download it for free ★★★★★Am I pregnant? What should I be eating? Is it normal tobethistired? How can I help my partner during labour?Pregnancy is an exciting time!Whatever you want to know about getting pregnant,beingpregnantor caring for your new baby, you should find ithere.Pregnancy is a big event in a woman's life And it's normaltohavemany questions about it.we can help you get care that you need!*** Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ***** Your comments and suggestions are important to us **"
Pregnancy Tracker Week By Week 2.8.44
Pregnancy Baby Tracker App. Track your pregnancy process andbaby'sdevelopment
Diet for Pregnant Women 1.0
Feeding during pregnancy is a major factorwhyIcreated this app "Diet for Pregnant Women", my goalisdefinitelybanish the myths that abound out what to eat or whatnot.In this app you will find the following.1. Myths most spoken:    * Eating fish is really good ?.    * Your body should consume folateandfolicacid no.    * The problem of hemorrhoids.    * Adapt your needs.2. List of the main foods that contain:    * Omega-3 (DHA).    * ?, Folic acid is folate    * hill    * Vitamin H (biotin).    * and more.3. Menu (for now more than 10 all-natural recipes)Finally tell you I've seen on the internet andotherapplications,how they can recommend to women or anyone,milk,yogurt or juice orbread, mayonnaise and salt.To be strict you should eliminate these foods because theyarehighis preservatives, preservatives, gluten, lactose orphosphorus,orexcess sugar, remember it is not only your baby, buttheimportantthing is you, both.Therefore, in these recipes you will never find theseingredients,infact almost all instead of vegetable oil oil extravirgincoconut isused, also almost no is using milk instead I putfreshvegetablesdark green colo.PDTA: Application Now get down, and I will bedoingupdateslater.
Guide Grossesses Accouchement 1.0
-Enceinte ? Obtenezl’application"GuideGrossesses Accouchement" !!+Tout ce dont vous avez besoin en une seuleapplication"GuideGrossesses Accouchement" :✓Des infos QUOTIDIENNES sur votre grossesse.✓Guide de Grossesses et Accouchement✓Guide personnalisé.✓Pour vous et Votre bébé !!✓Des infos sur la nutrition, l'exercice et le travail.✓Des infos sur l'avancement de la grossesse chaque semaine.✓Des infos pour vous et votre bébé.✓Des information sur la nutrition d'une femme enceinte.✓Des information sur votre accouchement.✓Des information sur l’équipement du nouveau née✓Santé de la femme✓Santé du bébé✓astuces✓soin+Vous aurez aussi droit a une nouvelle information chaquejourgrâcea notre option INFORMATION DUR JOUR.+AUSSI vous serrai notifié quand l'information dujourchangera+et enfin vous pourrai droit a stocker vos informationouconseilsPréférés en cliquant sur le petit coeur adroite :)-En vous souhaitant une bonne grossesse jusqu'à son termeetunbon accouchement.-Enceinte?Gettheapplication "Pregnancy Childbirth Guide" !!+ Everything you need in one application"PregnancyChildbirthGuide":✓Des DAILY information about your pregnancy.Pregnancy and Childbirth of ✓Guide✓Guide customized.✓Pour you and your baby !!✓Des information on nutrition, exercise and work.✓Des information on the progress of the pregnancy weekly.✓Des information for you and your baby.✓Des nutrition information of a pregnant woman.✓Des information on your delivery.✓Des information on the new born of equipment✓Santé woman✓Santé baby✓astuces✓soin+ You will also have a new right information every day thankstoourHARD DAY INFORMATION option.+ ALSO shook notified when you change the informationoftheday+ And then you could store your right information or adviceChartsbyclicking on the small deft heart :)-In Hope you enjoy pregnancy to term and a good delivery.