Top 32 Apps Similar to GPS Coordinate Display Pro

Pro Map Coordinates 5.4.1
The most effective way to find your coordinates!
GPS Coordinates 3.0
Find your Coordinates using GPS, store and share your locationwithphoto
Geo: Convert GPS Coordinates 4.4.0
Qvyshift LLC
Geographic coordinates converter
Get Geo-Coordinates
Get Latitude, Longitude & Name of your current location.Save& Share Locations.
Y2 Tech
Offline GPS with MSL Altitude for Surveyors, Military&Orienteering.
GPS Coordinates Converter Lite 4.28
Check current location coordinates and save them in your historyorin a photo.
GPS coordinate converter 1.1.9
You can convert GPS coordinates into degrees, UTM, MGRS andaddress.
GPS Waypoints 3.10
Surveying and navigation using Points, Paths and Areas (KML,GPX,CSV exports)
GPS Coordinates 1.23
GPS Coordinates app to get, share, save, search andconvertcoordinates.
My GPS Coordinates 5.11
Share your GPS location with ease via email, text message orsocialmedia.
Field Topography UTM free 2.8.1
Topographical calculations. UTM-Grid on Map. Measurement pathlengthon Map.
UTM Measure 1.6.2
Y2 Tech
Tools for Simple GIS, Mapping and Surveying tasks.
GPS Essentials
The most complete GPS tool available:Navigate,manage waypoints, tracks, routes, build your owndashboard from 45widgets.❧❧❧❧❧ Dashboard ❧❧❧❧❧Shows navigation values such as: Accuracy, Altitude, Speed,Battery,Bearing, Climb, Course, Date, Declination, Distance, ETA,Latitude,Longitude, Max Speed, Min Speed, Actual Speed, TrueSpeed, Sunrise,Sunset, Moonset, Moonrise, Moon Phase, Target,Time, TTG,Turn.❧❧❧❧❧ Compass ❧❧❧❧❧Show the orientation of the earth's magnetic field, showsanarbitrary tracking angle and the current target. Also amarineorienteering compass.❧❧❧❧❧ Tracks ❧❧❧❧❧Record tracks and view them on map. Export KML files and importintoGoogle Maps, Google Earth and others.❧❧❧❧❧ Routes ❧❧❧❧❧Manage routes and view them on map. Import KML files fromGoogleMaps, Google Earth and others. Create turn-by-turninstructionsbetween waypoints.❧❧❧❧❧ Camera ❧❧❧❧❧A camera HUD (heads-up display) view to show your waypoints,takepictures and share them.❧❧❧❧❧ Map ❧❧❧❧❧A map to show your waypoints. Convert mail addresses ofyourcontacts to waypoint so that they can be used within theapp.Supports Google Maps, MapQuest, OpenStreetMap and others.Supports Google Maps v2: Indoor Maps, Traffic, Buildings,Satelliteand Terrain layers and map rotation.❧❧❧❧❧ Waypoints ❧❧❧❧❧A list of all your waypoints with export and import (KML, KMZ,GPXand LOC format).❧❧❧❧❧ Satellites ❧❧❧❧❧A sky view of the current positions that shows satellitesinview.❧❧❧❧❧ Features ❧❧❧❧❧Supported position formats: UTM, MGRS, OSGB,Degree-Minute-Second,Degree-Minute-Fractions, Decimal, Mils.Supports over 230datums.Waypoints, routes and tracks can be exported as KML or GPX filesandsent by email or uploaded to Google Docs or DropBox.Please open the web page below for more info, send me emailsforsupport. I CANNOT HELP IF YOU SIMPLY PLACE A COMMENT HERE.Purchase the "GPS Essentials Donation Plugin" on Android Marketifyou want to support development.The latest beta release is available athttp://www.gpsessentials.comfor download. Try out the latestfeatures and help us improve GPSEssentials!If you are on Facebook, come and join GPS Essentials for thelatestinfo: http://www.gpsessentials.comTHIS APP WILL SHOW ADVERTISING. IF YOU DON'T LIKE THIS,PLEASEREFRAIN FROM INSTALLING/UPDATING.GPS Essentials is not affiliated with any political party norwithany other organization mentioned in the ads, and it hasnoconnection with any economic interests. If you don't like theads,please contact AdMob.WHAT ARE THE PERMISSIONS GOOD FOR?✓ Coarse/Fine location: To access network locations and GPS✓ Full internet access: To read map tiles, send bug reports✓ Modify/delete USB storage contents: To write waypoints, tracksandimages onto the SD card✓ Read phone state and identity: To tag pictures with the deviceID(can be switched off in settings)✓ Take pictures and videos: Camera HUD, take pictures✓ Your accounts: Required to run Google Maps v2
Topography APP 1.0.11
The Topography APP is an excellent application for georeferencingorland surveying, design of electrical networks, avenues,streets,subdivisions and studies in general.Export your surveys to DXF (Autocad), KML (Google Earth), CSV(MSExcel) without the slightest difficulty and the possibilityoftransmission by email of their withdrawals directly from thefieldto the office.In the Professional version you can mark up to 5000 pointsforsurveys.
Clever Applications LLC
MGRS GPS allows you to see your MGRS location on the mapofyoursmart phones and tablets. You can store thoselocationsaswaypoints. In addition, you can share the waypointwithyourfriends through NFC, Bluetooth, Google+, Email, Messagingandmore.Waypoints can be shared as plain text or a Google KMLfile.Awaypoint can be created using the device's current locationortheuser can enter the grid reference manually throughthe"createwaypoint" dialog. In addition, the app now is able tocreatea newwaypoint when the user long press on the GPS map. Theappcomeswith an App Widget that provides you the latestlocationreadingreceived by the MGRS GPS app.The widget can bedisplayed onthehome screen as well as the lock screen (lock screenwidgetrequiresAndroid version 4.2 and above).
Topo GPS Spain 6.2.0
Makes from your phone or tablet a complete GPS device withthedetailed topographic map of Spain. Viewed maps will be storedonyour device so that Topo GPS can also be used without aninternetconnection. Why should you buy an expensive GPS device ifyou caninstall Topo GPS on your phone or tablet for only 3,99 €?Topo GPScontains all functions of a regular GPS device for lessmoney, hasa much more detailed map, and is more convenient tooperate. Theaccuracy of the position determination is in favorableconditionsabout 5 m. Ideal for walking, hiking, cycling,mountainbiking,horse-riding, geocaching, trail running and otheroutdooractivities. Also suited for outdoor professionals. Map *Completetopographic map of Spain , newest edition. * Very detailedmaps,with buildings, cultivation, all roads including thesmallestforest trails, contour lines, and characteristic elementsin thelandscape. * Future updates of the map are included for free.* Themap can be zoomed and moved. * All maps of a certain regioncan bemade offline accessible using the map download screen. *Percentageof map that is offline accessible is indicated on the topleft ofthe map. * Map tiles can be stored on external storage, likeforexample an SD-card. Intuitive interface * Clear menu withmostimportant functions. * Different dashboard panels withdistance,time, speed, altitude and coordinates. * Clear Routes * Recording of routes, with pauseandrestart possibility. * Planning of routes via route points.*Importing routes in gpx and zipped gpx format. * Editing routes.*Sharing routes. * Free access to route collection Topo GPS.*Searching routes with filters. * Routes can be organizedintofolders. * Maps of a route can be made offlineaccessible.Waypoints * Adding waypoints by pressing on map. *Adding waypointsthrough address or coordinates. * Supportedcoordinate systems:WGS84 decimal, WGS84 degree minutes (seconds),UTM and MGRS. *Importing waypoints in gpx and zipped gpx format. *Sharingwaypoints. * Editing waypoints. * Photos can be added towaypoints.* Searching waypoints with filters. * Waypoints can beorganizedinto folders. Your location * Location and movementdirectionindicated by arrowed marker. * Displayable in WGS84decimal, WGS84degree minutes (seconds), UTM and MGRS coordinates. *Sharing andsaving as waypoint. In app purchases * Topographic mapsof Belgium,Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain,Netherlands,Norway, New Zealand and Sweden. * OpenStreetMap worldmap. If youare recording a route, the GPS will run in thebackground.Continued use of GPS running in the background candramaticallydecrease battery life. Rdzl, the company behind TopoGPS, does notobtain in any way the location of the user of TopoGPS. Rdzl doesnot obtain your routes and waypoints, unless youshare a route withTopo GPS. Rdzl does not register which map tilesyou havedownloaded. We sell our product, not our user data.
PHOTOMOD GeoCalculator 1.3.001
PHOTOMOD GeoCalculator performs coordinate transformationsaccordingto Russian State Standard GOST R 51794-2001 andInterstate StandardsGOST 32453-2013 (GOST R 51794-2008) and GOST32453-2017. Itimplements transformations between Cartesiangeocentric and geodetic(latitude, longitude, height above theellipsoid) reference framesbased upon geodetic datums WGS 84,Pulkovo 42, Pulkovo 95, GSK-2011,PZ-90, PZ-90.02, PZ-90.11 andITRF-2008, as well as projectedcoordinate systems SK-42, SK-95 andGSK-2011 (based on Gauss-Krugermap projection). In addition sometransformations not covered by thestandards are supported, namelyones involving WGS 84/UTM referencesystem and EGM96 geoid model.Coordinates to be transformed can betyped-in manually, measured inGoogle Maps or set to the currentdevice location.
GCC - GeoCache Calculator 1.7.5
The GeoCache Calculator is a comprehensive tool foreveryactivecacher! It contains over 250 different functionstocalculatevalues and checksums, as well as tables andoverviewsforsupporting your outdoor geocaching search. A tool whichnocachershould miss! GCC was in many reviews, podcasts andtestsondifferent geocaching sites. The feedback was allwaysreallygood.The ratings at the market emphasize this. So, give GCC atry!:)You will find the full feature list andchangelogon: Functions: ADFG(V)X(en-/decrypt)AffineAlpha Numeric ASCII Converter Astro - Sun/MoonRise/Set -EasterDate - Easter Years - Seasons - Shadow CalculatorAtbashBacon(en-/decode) Base16, 32, 64, 85 (en-/decode)Brainf***/OokCaesar(en-/decrypt) Colors: - CMY, CMYK, HEX, HSL,HSV, RGB, YIQ,YUV,YCBCR Coordinates - Bearing - Converter -Distance - Geohash-Intersection Bearing - IntersectionDistance/Radius (two)-Intersection Distance/Radius (three) -Intersection Circle-Intersection Lines - Midpoint - ProjectionCross Total - A=1/Z=26-A=26/Z=1 - interated - alternating - sum -productDeadfish(en-/decrypt) DNA e (Eulers number) - Position -Range -SearchEnigma Formula Solver - own formulas and values -manymathematicalfunctions Gade GC Base 31 (en-/decode) Hashes -BKDR -DEK - DJB -ELF - FNV - MD2 - MD4 - MD5 - PJW - RIPEMD-128-RIPEMD-160 - SDBM- SHA-1 - SHA 160, 254, 384, 512 - SHA-3 224,254,384, 512 - Tiger- Whirlpool - ... Heatindex Hint(en-/decode)Kamasutra(en-/decrypt) Kenny's Code (en-/decrypt) MorseCodeTranslatormyGEOtools - Alchemical Symbols - AncientEgyptianNumbers -Antiker - Arcadian - Atbash / Caesar - ATH-Code -Bacon'scipher -Baudot - Blox - Brahmi - Chappe-Code (opticalTelegraph) -Cherokee- Cirth - Code-Sun (mRNA) - Colorhoney -ColorTokki -Daedric -Dagger - Decabit - Dragon Runes - Color Codes- FingerAlphabet -Flag Alphabet - Fonic - Freemasons Code -Futurama -Glagolitic -Glagolitic Numerals - Gargish - Genreich -GreekNumerals - LuckyNumbers - Gnommish - Hexahue - HieraticNumbers -HVD - Hylian -Hymmnos - Intergalactic Code - IndianNumerals -Japanese Numerals- Klingon Language - Krypton Language -Magicode -Marain - Matoran- Mathematics and Physics Constants -Maya - Maze -Modern Hylian -Moonalphabet - Musical Notation System- Ogam -Periodic System -Punisch - Pipeline 3D - Pixel Code -PolybiosCipher - POSTNET andPLANET - Puzzle Code - Reality -Romulan -Sarati - SegmentDisplays - Sexagesimal System - SpintypeAlphabet -Sunúz -Tenctonese - Tom Tom - Ulog - Utopian Code -Visitor -Semaphore -Yán-Koryáni - Gypsy Signs - Babylonian Numbers- BarbierAlphabeth- 8-Point Braille - Deafblind - Fakoo - SignWriting -GreekAlphabet - Lorm Alphabet - Nießen Alphabet - Quadoo -ROT5-Cyrillic - Shutter Telegraph - Enochian Alphabet - SpaceInvaders-Dancing Man Code - Templar - DTMF/MFV Signals NumericSystems-Converter - Base - Table - Negate Bases - FloatingPointNumbersOne Time Pad Periodic System of Elements PermutationsPhoneKeys -Phone Number - Vanity Code - Input Keys Phi (GoldenRatio)-Position - Range - Search Pi (Π) - Position - Range-SearchPlayfair (en-/decrypt) Polybios (en-/decrypt) PrimeNumbers-Number - Nearest - Position - Is Prim - PrimeFactorsProjectileRail Fence (en-/decrypt) Resistor ColorCodeCalculator(4-Ring/5-Ring) Reverse Roman Numeral - Translator-ChronogramROT5, 13, 18, 47 Rotation RSA - En-/Decrypt - 'E' Check-'D', 'N','φ' Calculator - Prime Number Check Skytale(en-/decrypt)Solitaire(en-/decrypt) Substitution Tap Code(en-/decrypt)Tapir(en-/decrypt) Vigenère (en-/decrypt) WindchillZuseZ22/CCIT2(en-/decrypt) Features: - Four Themes - Three FontSizes -SixCharsets - Dynamic User-Interface - English andgermantranslation- Fully integration of myGEOtools - Completeofflineusage - Nopermissions on the device needed - App 2 SD -TabletReady - TwoWidgets - Function Search
Coordinate Converter Plus
WGS84 UTM / Lat Lon, MGRS-UTM, GPS coordinate converter&mapping app (Android)
GPS Satellites Viewer 3.0.0
GNSS satellites above you are now visible!
Geode Connect
GEODE CONNECT is a configuration utility for the GEODE GNSSRECEIVER
c:geo - contacts plugin 1.5
c:geo team
This is a contacts plugin for c:geo, anopensource geocaching app. It will only work with the c:geoappinstalled and allows direct access to your phonebook whenclickingon a username in c:geo.Usage:When you click on a username in c:geo (e.g. in the cachelogbook)the menu will contain an item to open the correspondingcontactcard in your phone contacts. This will allow you to directlycallor message the user.Remark:The username of the person needs to be stored in the name-oralias-field of your contacts in order for the plugin to matchthegeocaching username to the contact.Comments in PlayStore can not be answered! If you haveproblemsinstalling or using c:geo please first have a look at ourFAQ:http://faq.cgeo.orgIf there are still problems, contact support via email.If you would like to know why this c:geo plugin needsthepermissions requested, please check for an explanation.
LandStar 7
Developed by CHC Technology Co., Ltd(, LandStar7isthe newest field-proven software solution for Android.Designedforhigh precision surveying and mapping tasks for youreverydaywork.If you are new to LandStar 7, you will be impressed byitsseamlesswork mode management, easy-to-use andeasy-to-learngraphical userinterface with simple operation.Extensive dataimport/exportformats and multiple types ofmeasurement and stakeoutmethodsensure instant productivity. TopFeatures: 1.One-buttonSwitchingDual Styles Simple Style, forentry-level surveyors, withbasicfunctions in one screen. ClassicStyle, for professionalsurveyors,with all functions showing indifferent tables based onthefrequently used work flow. 2.VariousBase Map Displays OSM,BING,Google, WMS online maps. DXF, SHP, TIF,SIT, KML, KMZ offlinemaps3.Extensive Import and Export Data FormatsImport from DXF,SHP,KML, KMZ, CSV, TXT and CGO formats. Export toDXF, SHP, KML,KMZ,RAW, HTML, CSV, TXT formats. Customized importand exportcontentsin CSV or TXT formats. 4.Various Types ofMeasurementSupportsstatic, RTK and stop & go measurement. 7methods ofpointmeasurement, including topographic point, controlpoint,quickpoint, continuous point, offset point, EBubblecompensatedpointand corner point. 5.Various PeripheralsSupportedPipelinedetector, VIVAX-METROTECH vLocPro2. Laserrangefinder,LeicaDisto,SNDWay and Bosch. Echo sounder,sonarmite,NMEA DPT andDBT.6.Convenient Work Mode ManagementPresetting common work modesofbase and rover, switching work modesby one button. Convenienttowork in stop&go based on real-timekinematic (RTK) modeandstatic mode can be set at the same time.7.Standard CGDcorrectionfile CHCNAV own CGD file for grid/geoidcorrection. Datumgrid,plane grid and height geoid files areintegrated in one CGDfile,and each CGD file name is correspondingto coordinatesystem.Multiple grid formats are available, GGF,BIN,GRT, GRD,GSF,GRI,BYN,ASC. 8.User-friendly Stakeout InterfaceTwo modesforstakeout, map mode shows the current position andtargetposition,compass mode shows the target direction. Users cansetNorth, Sunor point as a reference direction. 9.Multiple TypesofStakeoutPoint and line stakeout by snapping feature point onDXFbase mapor survey point. Surface stakeout with 3D DXF, XML,HCTformats.10.Correction Repeater Function Easily repeatingcorrectiondatafrom RTK network or radio mode to other rovers viaradio.RTCMTransformation Message Using RTCMtransformationmessages(1021-1027) for datum transformation,projection, automatedgridposition and geoid adjustments. 11.CHCNAVCloud Service Allowsforuploading and downloading projects,coordinate systems, workmodesand code lists. 12.Quick Data ShareUse Gmail, WhatsApp,GoogleDrive, Skype to share your data Shareyour projects,coordinatesystems, points, work modes, codes, reportsandresults.13.Powerful Road Functions Create road elements infield,perfectlymatch your design data. Support center line,crosssection,profile, slope, structure, culvert and stakes.Differentviews areavailable for stakes, slope, structure and datacheck.14.FieldHardware Support Supports CHC i90 with firmwarev2.0.11,i80/i70/M6receiver with the firmware v1.6.55, i50 receiverwith thefirmwarev1.0.38, X91+/X900+ receiver with the firmwarev8.39 andabove, aswell as internal GPS of Android smartphone andhandheldcontroller.15.Data Collection Hardware LandStar 7 used withCHCHCE320 is themost compatible way, it can also be used withCHCHCE300, LT600,LT700, LT700H or other Android devices of v4.2andabove.16.Language support LandStar7 is available inBulgarian,Croatian,English, Finnish, French, German, Greek,Hungarian,Iranian,Japanese, Kazakh, Korean, Persian, Polish,Portuguese,Russian,Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Slovak,Thailand,TraditionalChinese,Turkish,Mongolian and Vietnamese.
Digital Field Compass Plus 1.0.8
Digital Field Compass is an easy to use and unique gpscompassnavigation app
Coordinator-Collect Coordinate 7.2.0
SER Soft
Using Coordinator app, you can collect coordinate data from landonwhatever coordinate system you want, choosing from definedsystems.You can use Google Maps or Here Maps as a basemap. You cancollectGPS coordinates. You can use the app as a GPS tracker. Youcan viewa coordinate data on the map and also search by address andseethat on the map. You can get directions to that point. Youcansearch by longitude/latitude. You can convert anexistingcoordinate into another coordinate system. You can do thisbytyping coordinates manually or opening an XLSX file whichcontainscoordinates. You can display circumference and areameasurements ofsome coordinates by opening the file which createdbefore. Also youcan measure distance and area for some coordinateswhich determinedmanually on the map. You can display a KML file onthe map. Thereis also a compass tool. Coordinator app containsseveral usefultools for people interested in coordinates, maps andgeographicinformation systems (GIS). All of the features above arefree. Onthe other hand if you become a Coordinator Pro subscriber,you canbenefit from many extra features in addition to thesefeatures.With Coordinator Pro, subscribers can use some extrafeatures suchas Cloud Database Functions (creating points, lines& polygons,sharing your layers with teammates, workingsimultaneously withteammates, working offline and synchronizing,etc), exporting toKML & Excel files, making elevation &address querying andso on. It is ad-free. Besideslongitude/latitude, subscribers canfind out the altitude value of apoint on the Google Maps or HereMaps. You can search by address andso that locate it on the GoogleMaps and learn the GPS coordinate(longitude/latitude ornorthing/easting) value of this place. Theaddress locating featureworks based on Google Maps services andit's very effective. If youare a subscriber, you can use theCoordinator Web app. So that youcan use the cloud database featuresof the Coordinator app on theweb page on your computer and monitorthe data instantly. You canview/track and edit cloud database dataon the web page. In thisway, you can instantly monitor the datamovements made in themobile app in the field, in the web browser onyour computer. Thecoordinate systems of the countries, which theapp is mostdownloaded, are added to the app. Current list of thecountries andtheir coordinate systems defined in this app: World -GPS(WGS 84)World - WGS 84 - 6 ̊ UTM United States - "NAD 1983 HARNState PlaneCoordinate Systems(meters & feet)" and "MilitaryGrid ReferenceSystem (MGRS)" Algeria - "Nord Sahara 1959 / UTM 6 ̊" Azerbaijan -"Pulkovo 1942 / Gauss-Kruger 3 ̊ " and "Pulkovo 1942/ CS63"Bulgaria - "Pulkovo 1942(58) GK 6 ̊ " Germany - "DHDN/3 ̊GK" and"ETRS89 UTM 6 ̊" India - "Kalianpur 1975 / India" and"Kalianpur1975 / UTM 6 ̊" Indonesia - "Indonesia 1974 UTM 6 ̊" and"DGN 1995Indonesia TM3 ̊" Iran - "ED50(ED77) / UTM 6 ̊" Iraq -"Nahrwan 1967/ UTM 6 ̊" and "ED50 / Iraq National Grid" and"Karbala 1979 / UTM6 ̊" Israel - "Palestine 1923/Palest. Grid" and"Palestine1923/Israeli CS Grid" and "Israel 1993/Israeli TM Grid"Lebanon -"Deir ez Zor / Levant Ster." and "Deir ez Zor / SyriaLambert"Mauritania - "Mauritania 1999 / UTM 6 ̊" Morocco -"Merchich / NordMaroc" and "Merchich / Sud Maroc" Netherlands -"Amersfoort / RDNew" and "Amersfoort / RD Old" Palestine -"Palestine 1923/Palest.Grid" and "Palestine 1923/Israeli CS Grid"and "Israel 1993/IsraeliTM Grid" Philippines - "Luzon 1911 /Philippines" and "PRS92 /Philippines" Romania - "Dealul Piscului1930 / Stereo 33" and"Pulkovo 1942(58) / Stereo 70" Russia -"Pulkovo 1942 /Gauss-Kruger 3 ̊" Saudi Arabia - "Ain el Abd / UTM 6̊" and "Ain elAbd / Aramco Lambert" Syria - "Deir ez Zor / LevantSter." and"Deir ez Zor / Syria Lambert" Turkey - "ITRF 96 - 3 ̊"and "ED 50 -3 ̊" and "ITRF 96 - 6 ̊" and "ED 50 - 6 ̊" United ArabEmirates -"Nahrwan 1967 / UTM"
Handy GPS lite 41.3
A hiking GPS for the real world (lite version). No signup required.
GNSS Surveyor - Centimeter Lev 1.8
Connect GNSS Device by Bluetooth.GPS,GLONASS,GALILEO,BEIDOU,QZSS& SBAS Support
Map of Crete offline 2.1
Map Apps
Map of Crete Offline is detailed map of Crete.
GPS Orienteering 4.15.1
A modern way of orienteering training using GPS.
Handy GPS (subscription) 40.5
A hiking and bushwalking GPS for the real world. No accountcreationrequired.
Map Coordinates 5.4.1
The easiest way to find coordinates on the map!
Field Topography UTM 2.9.2
Topographical calculations. UTM-Grid on Map. Measurement pathlengthon Map.