Top 50 Apps Similar to LogConecta

ABAX Admin 2.4.0
ABAX GPS tracking and map in your pocket - real-time map withlivelocations
FieldService App 1.4.3
Field Service Application is dedicated to technicians,handlingtheirdaily assignments while working at the customer'ssite. Alldatarelated to the onsite visit is entered in the form ofa reportandsynchronized on the back-end upon completion. Theapplicationenablesthe user to: - view a structured list of tasks -track theprogresswhen solving tasks - report task completion bycollectingallrelevant documentation Field Service Application issolely usedbythe permanent employees of one specific customer ofFieldcode.Itwill ask for the technician's permission to access thelocation(GPS)data with initial login. The technician's currentlocationdata isused to see their assigned jobs in the mapfunction. Thelatestlocation is also submitted while the app. isused in thebackgroundto plan the same day activities by the backoffice andto fulfil andmanage contractual obligations of thecustomers.
Motimate 3.8.2
Motimate AS
Making great e-learning content and sharing it with yourpeershasnever been easier. Using Motimate, everyone cansharesuccesses,seek knowledge and learn from one another. That iswhy wesay thatMotimate is learning made fun and easy.
frSIP Mobile 6.2
The frSIP Mobile for Android is aclientsoftware designed to work with any enterprise running frSIPUC2.9.3 or above. This app provides enterprise mobility byenablingusers to pair their mobile phone with their officeextensions. Youmay make and receive calls on your office line rightfrom yourAndroid device whenever you are connected to Wifi or 3GData. Youmay put this app in background mode and it will ringwhenever youroffice phone rings. Outgoing calls placed on this appwill be madevia your office phone line. Take advantage of ourmobility featuresand stay connected anytime, anywhere!
Navirec 5.1.0
GSMvalve mobile app lets you track your fleet on the go.Alsoplayback the last days to see what your fleet has been up toandhowefficiently are they driving.
Corrigo Enterprise
Corrigo Enterprise is the world’s most easy, powerful, andprovenmobile CMMS.
SignOnSite 4.22.0
SignOnSite allows you to SignOn as soon as you arrive to site.
OGN Viewer - FLARM Radar 1.4.4
Visualises the glider traffic of the "Open Glider Network"
A simple, secure cybersecurity solution in the palm of your hand.
The official app for associates to stay connectedtoProLogistixthroughout the job search, and while on-the-job.-SeeMatched Jobsthat are a good fit for your profile andworkexperience -Receiveand accept Job Offers from yourProLogistixrecruiter -Stayinformed with details about what you needto know onyour First Dayat a new assignment -View your Pay Stubhistory -Setyouravailability for new assignments NOTE: You musthave anexistingProLogistix login to use the app.
RD Map 1.1.0
RD Map™ is the Map&Share™ app for Radiodetection'sBluetoothPrecision locators
Mapon GO 3.6.6
Mapon, JSC
MaponGO - The smartest way to manage your jobs and field workersinreal time
Splunk Mobile 2023.6.25
Splunk Inc.
Take insights with you anywhere you go with Splunk Mobile
Reputation 4.9.7
Your Reputation on-the-go - respond to reviews, post socialcontent,& more!
WHMCS 1.5.4
WHMCS for Android is the new Android app for WHMCS. Our newapphasbeen re-engineered from the ground up to deliver a richerandmoremodern mobile app experience. This release includes afullfeatureset of support ticket functionality. Updates willbecomingregularly to add more functionality. Features include:-guidedon-boarding - business insights/performance overview-browsetickets by status and department - view and respondtosupporttickets - rich-text formatting support - displayanddownload ofattachments - predefined support replies -openticketfunctionality - face id/fingerprint security - supportfordarkmode
Sitrad Mobile 3.5.0
Management in the palm of your handSitrad Mobile is the version (module) for cellularphones,smartphones and tablets of the remote management softwarefrom FullGauge Controls instruments, the Sitrad. By installingthisapplication, you can administer facilities from adistance,intervening and modifying controller variables orfunctions inindustrial, commercial and residential systems, forexample, coldrooms and air conditioned . That means greaterfacility, greaterpracticality and even more stillness.About Sitrad:Sitrad is Full Gauge Controls’ software for remote managementofrefrigeration and air conditioning. Versatile, it providesbothlocal and remote access to installations from the mostdiversesegments, from supermarket chains, meat-packing plantsandrestaurants, to hotels, hospitals, laboratories and homes,amongothers.It continuously evaluates, configures and storestemperature,humidity, time, pressure and voltage data, allowing amodificationof instrument operating parameters with complete safetyandaccuracy, from anywhere in the world, via the internet, throughacomputer or mobile phone.Sitrad has a Computer Program Register Certificate, issued bytheNational Institute of Industrial Property (INPI - Brazil).Thedocument is valid for 50 years, on the five continents.HistoryThe first version of Sitrad was launched in 1997 and, sincethen,the company has striven to keep it constantly abreast withthelatest developments. Always focused on adapting to market needsandconstantly surpassing client expectations, the company hasbeeninnovating through the use of new resources and newpossibilities.In this manner, Sitrad has become a tradition andtool essential tothe perfect performance of installations andbusiness.Apply Sitrad® so that your client can enjoy completeinstallationcontrol and:- Manage an unlimited number of control points from anywhere intheworld in a simplified manner, such as cold supply,airconditioning, lighting and door alarm systems;- Continuously evaluate, configure and store temperature,humidity,time, pressure and voltage data, allowing remoteadjustments ofinstrument parameters with complete precision, viathe internet,computer, tablet or cellular phone (SitradMobile);- Obtain graphs and reports from stored data;- Send warning messages in the event of variables not beinginaccord with established standards;- Sitrad has been provided for free by Full Gauge Controls toitsclients since it was launched, in 1997.
XC Analytics 1.4.1
XC Analytics
Post Flight Analysis for paragliders, hang gliders and sailplanes
The official app for associates to stay connectedtoWestaffthroughout the job search, and while on-the-job.-SeeMatched Jobsthat are a good fit for your profile andworkexperience -Receiveand accept Job Offers from yourWestaffrecruiter -Stay informedwith details about what you need toknow onyour First Day at a newassignment -View your Pay Stubhistory -Setyour availability fornew assignments NOTE: You musthave anexisting Westaff login touse the app. The app iscurrentlyavailable in select Westaffmarkets where the franchiseowner haschosen to activate it; checkwith your local office to seeif usingthe app is available in yourarea.
Remedy Staffing
The official app for associates to stay connectedtoRemedythroughout the job search, and while on-the-job. -SeeMatchedJobsthat are a good fit for your profile and workexperience-Receiveand accept Job Offers from your Remedy recruiter-Stayinformedwith details about what you need to know on your FirstDayat a newassignment -View your Pay Stub history -Setyouravailability fornew assignments NOTE: You must have anexistingRemedy login to usethe app. The app is currently availableinselect Remedy marketswhere the franchise owner has chosentoactivate it; check withyour local office to see if using the appisavailable in yourarea.
CoreIRC Go 22.01wk4
Pure modern IRC experience for Android
Bushnell Golf
Bushnell Golf Mobile App Free app for Bushnell Golf GPSdeviceusers. Provides wireless updates for compatible devices usingasmartphone Bluetooth connection. Use your phone for GPSDistancesand 3D flyovers at over 38,000 golf courses, ScoreTracking, SwingPro, Pedometer and Fitness modes to help track andtrain your wayto a better golf game. My Device Wirelessly updategolf courses onyour compatible GPS devices through a Bluetoothconnection on yourphone. Quickly and easily change settings on yourwatch from theBushnell Mobile Application. Play Golf Providesaccess to over38,000 professionally mapped golf courses worldwide.Front, center,back, custom points and 3D graphic representations ofeach holealong with shot distance and Scorecard Tracking. Swing ProAnalyzeyour swing speed and tempo using the Swing Pro feature onyourBushnell Excel GPS Golf Watch.
NetMotion Mobility®
NetMotion’s security platform providessoftware-definedperimeter(SDP/ZTNA), experience monitoring andenterprise VPN.Protectworkers and resources while improvingemployee experience.Getdetailed visibility into your remote devicesand a powerfulpolicyengine to intelligently enforce accesscontrols, reducingattacksurfaces. The NetMotion client requires anactiveenterprisesubscription. Follow instructions from yourITorganization tobenefit from our app.
Mobile application for remote control of the PERFECTA alarm system
Glide - Your City 5.3
Glide puts your city at your fingertips with fast, fun,docklessscooters that will get you from A to B without the hassle.Had topark far from your destination? Ride a Glide and turnaninconvenience to a good time. Late for class? Grab a Glide andgetthere with time to spare. Your favorite coffee shop is too fartowalk on your break or in-between classes? Glide over andbackwithout breaking a sweat. Get Started: 1. Download the app.2.Register. 3. Find a Glide. 4. Scan the QR code. 5. Glide safelytoyour destination. 6. Park Glide according to local rules. 7.Endyour ride. When to Glide: 1. Work commute 2. Crossing campus 3.Ona date 4. Pleasure ride with friends 5. To and from publictransit6. Exploring a new corner of town 7. Any short-distance trip8. Ifit’s too far to walk and too short to lose your parkingspace!Glide is $1 to start, arriving faster and costing a fractionof ataxi or rideshare. Visit for moreinformation,benefits, rules, and job opportunities.
project44 DriveView 1.4.2
DriveView is an intuitive, free mobile applicationdesignedtoprovide real-time location visibility foractivetruckloadshipments. Easy to install and effortless touse,DriveViewcommunicates location and ETA information tocarriers,brokers,shippers, and other business partners while youare on theroad.Designed to track your load and stay out of yourbusiness, theappchecks in with you as you start your trip andautomaticallyshutsoff when shipments are delivered.
Engage 1.46.6
Engage EHS
Engage is a Health And Safety Application that enableseveryoneinyour workplace to positively engage with health andsafety.Itsynchronises with the Engage EHS Platform toensureHazards,Incidents and more can be instantly shared with therightpeopleback at base. The Engage EHS Platform is acloud-based(SaaS)Health and Safety Software Solution. Mobile usersof theplatformuse the Engage application to capture hazards andtracktheirprogress, while automatically synchronizing all theirworkwithEngage EHS in the cloud. Engage can work online and offlinesothatmobile workers in areas of poor connectivity canstillcapturehazards and go about their work. The data willbesynchronisedlater when the device has connectivity. - ReportandViewObservations, Incidents, and more - Simply capture safetydata:Rich data capture - location, images, customer'sowncategoriesfrom Effective Cloud Platform - Simple : modernsocialdesign makesit easy to and intuitive to use - Works onlineandoffline :synchronise all data with the Effective SoftwarePlatformsilentlyin background when connection is available.
Net empregos Android 2.5.19
Esta é a aplicação não oficial para o -omaiorportal online de emprego em Portugal. ÉNovamentepossívelresponder a anúncios de emprego directamente pelaappApesar devocacionada para o mercado de emprego em PORTUGAL,permitetambém apesquisa em países lusófonos e outros.Funcionalidades: -Alertasperiódicos avisam-no quando surgem novasofertas; -Alertasavisam-no quando surgem novas ofertas; - Pesquisade acçõesdeformação; - Pesquisa por zona geográfica ecategoriaprofissional;- Consultar o histórico de pesquisasrecentes; -consultar anúnciosde emprego com email de contactoincluído (parautilizadoresregistados); - Partilha de anúncios pararedes sociais,email, SMSe outras APP's; - Possibilidade de guardaranúncios paraconsultaposterior; - Pesquisas no contexto do anuncio(por empresa,zona ecategoria profissional). - Eliminar,individualmente outodos, osanúncios guardados e/ou histórico depesquisas
AVEVA Insight
AVEVA Insight brings real-time data to your mobile device-anywhere, anytime.
The STARFACE Communications Hub for your Android smartphone.
GLFR 4.18.2
Get one shot closer to your next birdie with GLFR - your newgolferapp!
Connect.Me - Digital Identity 1.7.1
An easy to use, general purpose digital wallet—completely underyourcontrol.
Enablon Inspection 3.10.1
The Enablon Inspection solution is designed to securelyanswerchecklists generated by the Enablon Sustainability Suite. Theapp,which guides users through a series of questions,automaticallyswitches from on-line to off-line mode and is fullyconnected toyour Enablon solution. This also enables you to accessdataanywhere, anytime and on any mobile device. EnablonInspectiongives users the ability to: • Easily perform and browseinspectionthanks to its intuitive workflow and responsiveinterface. • Createobservation and upload photo or video evidence.• Accessobservations and key inspection information includingscope, duedate, and progress. • Use the App’s off-line mode tosynchronizeand access data on-the-go. Enablon is the world’sleading providerof Sustainability, EH&S and Operational RiskManagementSoftware. More than 1,000 global companies and 1 millionusers relyon Enablon solutions to manage their environmental andsocialperformance, minimize risks and improve profitability.Enablonoffers the most comprehensive platform in the industry, andisconsistently recognized as a global leader and visionary.
Application for control of INTEGRA alarm system
Streamline3 Admin 4.5.0
This app is for you; the Streamline3 console administrator.Nowwiththe Streamline3 Admin app you can: • Connect totheStreamline3Admin Console from anywhere • Approve requestsfromusers withinyour account for access to: o YouTube and MediaoWebsites o Mobileapps New functionality will bereleasedperiodically to make youradministrator role even easier.TheStreamline3 Admin app supportspasscode authentication toprovideyou with a level of security overyour account without theneed toconstantly input your username andpassword. The appdashboardgives you a very easy view on allpending actions in youraccountand provides a fast and intuitivemeans to action eachrequest.We're listening. Tell us what youlike, what we can dobetter, andwhat features you would like to seenext. Send yourfeedback [email protected] or use the‘Feedback’ option inthe app.IMPORTANT: You must be a Streamline3Administrator in orderto signin and use this app.
EZMaxMobile 5.7.16
EZMaxMobile has all Maximo mobile work execution featuresyourtechnicians need.
LK8000 7.4.5
Tactical Flight Navigator
onWebChat 2.2.3
Live chat software for supporting and monitor your websitevisitors.
5Point Credit Union 2021.06.02
With the 5Point Credit Union Mobile app, you can checkyouravailablebalances, view transaction history, transferfundsbetween accounts,pay your bills, view and activate your cashbackoffers, contact yourlocal store and find ATM and sharedbranchesin your area. To learnhow we protect your privacy,pleasevisit
Awair - Breathe Easy 1.3.5
Awair™ is a smart device that helps youtrackand improve your air and shows how the indoor environmentaffectsyour health.AWAIR SCOREAwair measures the indoor air quality by reading five data pointsinthe air: Temperature, Humidity, CO2, VOCs and Dust. It thenanalyzestheir aggregate levels to determine the air quality of aspecificspace and assign an Awair Score on a 0 to 100 color-codedscale. 0being poor air quality and 100 being awesome.SET YOUR PREFERENCESAwair is smart. It learns from your habits andlifestylepreferences. Simply tell Awair what matters to you most,such asallergies, sleep or productivity. It will track daily airqualitylevels in a given room and give you recommendations to helpchangeyour behavior, based on what’s important to you.MOTIVATION TRUMPS KNOWLEDGEWith action cards on the Awair App, you get insights and quickfixrecommendations that are easy to implement into your dailyroutine.This will help you create optimal conditions for your homeandoffice.DEVICE DIMENSIONSWidth: 6.30 inch (160mm)Height: 3.54 inch (90mm)Depth: 1.97 inch (50mm)SENSORSTemperature: -40 to +125°C (-40 to +257°F)Humidity: 0 to 95%CO2: 0 to 4000 ppmDust: 0 to 500 μg/m3VOCsCONNECTIVITY2.4GHz Wi-Fi (802.11 b/g/n)POWER100-240v power supplyWHAT'S IN THE BOXOne Awair deviceAC power adapterQuick Start GuideREQUIREMENTSWi-Fi connectionSmartphone with support for BLE 4.0 running Android 4.3orlaterFree Awair accountWIRELESSWorking Wi-Fi connection: 802.11 b/g/n @ 2.4 GHzBluetooth 4.0CUSTOMER SUPPORTWebsite: support.getawair.comEmail: [email protected]
Exact Online 6.3.2
Your online business software
Trillian is modern and secure instant messaging forpeople,businessand healthcare. For over 20 years, Trillian hasbeenhelping peoplestay connected. Today's Trillian brings secure(andHIPAA-compliant)messaging to healthcare professionalsandbusinesses of all sizes.And true to our roots, if you'rejustlooking for free instantmessaging, we can help with that too!•FOR BUSINESSES: Does yourbusiness still rely on textingorcumbersome email chains? LetTrillian's modern and securebusinessinstant messaging modernizeemployee communicationwithoutcompromising on security or control.• FOR HEALTHCARE:Yourhealthcare organization needs secure instantmessaging,andTrillian's HIPAA-compliant secure messaging platformhasyoucovered. We help teams of all sizes improveclinicalcommunicationwithout breaking the bank. • FOR INDIVIDUALS:Stay intouch withfamily and friends without compromising yourprivacy.Your uniqueTrillian username can be used to send unlimitedmessagesfree ofcharge over your existing data plan and/or WiFi.Whetheryou'relooking to empower secure employee instant messagingor justtokeep in touch with family and friends, Trillian canhelp.Thanksfor checking us out!
ASuite 1.10.2
Program your head-end amplifier via tablet or smartphone.
Cezanne HR for Mobile 1.6
Cezanne HR
Trusted worldwide, Cezanne HR is the leading Cloud-first onlineHRsoftware suite for mid-sized and growing local andinternationalorganisations. Robust and secure, Cezanne HRstreamlines HRactivities, saving time and helping everyone to worktogethersmarter. Available in multiple languages at no extracharge.Cezanne HR for Mobile provides a fast and easy way to: •Check yourAbsence and TOIL balances. • Submit, approve and declineAbsenceand Overtime requests. • View your colleagues’ upcomingabsences •View a list of your pending tasks. • Submit, approve anddeclineTimesheets • Search for your colleagues’ contact details andget intouch quickly by phone, e-mail or Skype. GETTING STARTED Tostartusing Cezanne HR for Mobile you must have an active useraccount.
Localites - People, Experience 5.3.0
A global community of localites.
urbi - carsharing aggregator
GO PLACES WITH URBI!Are you a car sharing user? Did you subscribe to more thanoneservice?Find and Book your nearest car-sharing car, all in one app.Noregistration required!!.We care about your privacy, no login data will be sent toourservers.Do you want to be notified when a car is free nearby you? Withthenew radar function it is easy and the batman jingle will letyouknow when a car is found!Public transport are now shown in Milan and Venice.Supported cities and services:- MILAN: car2go, DriveNow, enjoy(cars andscooters),Share'ngo, Ubeeqo, e-vai, BikeMi (+MyTaxi andUBER).- ROME: car2go, ecooltra, enjoy, “Roma Sharing”, Share'nGo,eRoma Wifi (+Scooterino, MyTaxi)- FLORENCE: car2go, enjoy, Share'nGo and GirACI- TURIN: car2go, enjoy, BlueTorino, "CarSharingTorino",[TO]Bikeand more..GERMANY (Berlin, Frankfurt, Munich, Köln, Stuttgart,Hamburg,Düsseldorf) with DriveNow, car2go, drive by, Multicity,emmy, Coup,, Ubeeqo and Bike SharingMADRID with car2go, Emov, Ecooltra, Muving andBicimad.WIEN,COPENHAGEN, STOCKHOLM with car2goandDrivenow, Sco2t and Bike SharingOther features:- Shop: in Milan and Turin, give Bike Sharing as a gift! You canbuyannual and weekly subscriptions for you and your friends!- Fare calculator: view the different "best fare" or "besttime"options for your trip- Need a ride? If you don’t feel like driving or you can’t findanysharing vehicle, in Milan and Rome you can easily click thebigbutton on the map and choose between the options of ridesharingasScooterino, MyTaxi and UBER.- Filter just the vehicle you need to see!- No internet connection on your phone? It’s not a problem.URBIshows you the nearest areas covered by “Open Wifi,”alsoOFFLINE!- Parking and Gas stations- Traffic!- SHAKE the phone to refresh the data!IMPORTANT:*if you do not want to fill in your log in details of thedifferentcar sharing services, you can always open the official appbyclicking the icon in the top bar.*when you have booked an enJoy car, do not forget to wait fortheconfirmation e-mail or SMS.*If you have android 2.x please be sure you have installedGoogleServices you have any feedback, please contact us!!Find us on Twitter: Facebook: app is not affiliated with any Car Sharing service. Logosusedbelong to their respective owners.Bike data is collected from the great guys of
Teamleader Focus: manage your 2.5.0
Sell, bill and organise work in one place!
SOTA Spotter 2.8.625
Bogdan Lazanu
Get the Summits on the Air spots directly on your smartphoneortablet.
SameSystem 3.7.4
SameSystem is an internet based toolforplanning and scheduling the administration of stores andretailchains. It makes it possible creating ideal schedules in ashortamount of time, and to give the employee an easy and quickview oftheir working hours, budget, news, contacts and more.The functions you can find in the App are:*Schedule:-You can always see the actual schedule for yourself andthedepartment.-You can see your personal schedule, with extended info aboutlendouts, absence etc.-You can see salary percentage and the daily budget.-You can edit and confirm the days in horizontal view.-You can synchronise your schedule with you mobile calendar.*Weekly balance:- You can insert and save all key figures.-You can write comments and confirm days.*Budget:-You can follow the daily and monthly budgets.-You can follow the turnover in your department.-You can compare with turnover and budget from last year.*Daily overview:-You can easily adjust your daily overview to fit yourpersonalneeds.-You can select the overview, which give you the most importantkeyfigures.-You can get a personal overview of key figures forseveraldepartments at the same time.-You can select your own personal start screen.*News- You can see news from your department.*Contacts-You can see the phone book for your department.-You can make calls directly from the App.-You can send emails directly from the App.To use the SameSystem App you have to have an active accountatSameSystem. You can get more information at SameSystem.comorcontact us by phone at +45 70 70 70 27
GoMarina 2.4.0G-0eb2
GoMarina lets you easily pay port fee, products and servicesinguest harbors.