Top 25 Apps Similar to Ansiedade

Anxiety Test 2.8
Vladman App
Anxiety is a common problem in people of all social classesandages, it is worth seeing what your level of anxiety. Make thetestand find out. All information is available through theglossary,help or frequently asked questions. DISCLAIMER - Thisself-test isnot meant to be a diagnosis for your anxiety. Pleaseconsult yourphysician if you are concerned about your symptoms.This app shouldnot be used as a replacement for professionaltreatment orguidance. This application is in Portuguese andEnglish.
Prana Breath: Calm & Meditate 9.5.1_4
Increase mindfulness, improve health, fight stress withbreathing& meditation
Yoga for Anxiety 1.5
Yoga Sequence for Anxiety and Stress Relief Anxiety can be a bitofa hassle. Whether you suffer from a generalized or acuteanxietydisorder, it can create feelings of limited control,lowself-esteem, persistent fear, panic, anger and defeat. You canusethe tools of yoga to find peace and support from within.Thissimple practice has been designed to help you. It’s perfectforwhen you are feeling anxiety or seeking more balance in yourlife.Especially in a time when we are so focused on the body - usethispractice to tend to your mind, your thoughts. Accept where youaretoday and allow the simple yet powerful tools of yoga to guideyouto relieve and joy. You deserve it. Anxiety does not havetocontrol you, it is simply a part of what makes us human. Youdon'tneed a class, special yoga clothes or athletic wear toperformthese poses. All you need is space, dedication and thefearlessnessto implement them. You can do this sequence wheneveryou're feelinganxious, to help ground you back to the presentmoment. Beinspired, be free and be well.
Atmosphere: Relaxing Sounds - 5.05
Atmosphere is perfect to relax, sleep, meditate or just enjoynaturerain sounds
Anxiety - Tips & Quotes 6.13
This app may help reduce your anxiety levels.
Relaxation 1.1
Fight anxiety and stress with useful breathing exercises fortensionrelease.
7 Cups: Anxiety & Stress Chat 5.54.1
7 Cups of Tea
Feeling worried, sad, stressed or lonely?Needto talk to someone? Download 7 Cups now for FREEanonymousemotional support & counseling from trained activelisteners.Easy to use text chat. Real listeners available for you24/7 &that’s not all:- Chat 1-1 with a listener any time- Calm yourself with 300 free mindfulness exercises- Get personalized care with our free wellness test- Boost your mood with simple activities- Learn & grow from short videos- Feel supported in chat rooms & community forums- Access online message therapy with licensed therapistsWe start you on a “growth path” that will encourage and supportyouas you take daily steps to become stronger.Thousands of people use 7 Cups every week.EMOTIONAL SUPPORT ON DEMAND:Feeling stressed, anxious, or depressed? Havingrelationshipproblems? Sometimes you need to vent. Finding andscheduling atherapist can be time-consuming and expensive, and youcan’t alwaysopen up to friends, family, or coworkers.Now you can get emotional support anytime, anywhere with 7Cups.This app gives you the help you need, fast and free, in a waythatfits your life.• Connect anytime, anywhere with listeners who care• Speak your mind without any fear of being judged• All listeners trained in active listeningIN THE MEDIA:Founded by a licensed psychologist, 7 Cups has been featuredinLifeHacker (“Technology can help you find someone to chatwithabout your problems to, or even connect you with aprofessionalthat can offer lasting, long-term help”), Medical Daily(“Talkingtherapy for people on-the-go”), and TechCrunch (“One ofthe top 8startups from Y Combinator’s Summer ’13 Demo Day”).100% CONFIDENTIAL:Remain 100% anonymous. No one will ever know who you are—notevenyour listeners or therapists.LISTENERS WHO CARE:Our listeners are volunteers. They aren’t getting paid; they’reherebecause they want to help.They care.We have over 160,000 trained listeners and licensed therapiststochoose from. Listeners provide support across 189 countries andin140 languages. Each listener has a profile with reviews and alistof categories that they specialize in, ranging from panicattacksand bullying to eating disorders, surviving a breakup,andmore.When you find the listener you want, connect instantly via chat.Trya new listener each time, or pick one listener and develop adeeperongoing relationship.FAST & FREE:The app is free to download, and all listeners are 100% free.Afteryou download the app, you can start a conversation in lessthan 60seconds.UPGRADE PRICING & TERMS7 Cups offers two auto-renewing subscription options:$12.99/month$94.99/yearYour 7 Cups upgrade will automatically renew at the end of eachtermand your credit card will be charged through your iTunesaccount.You can turn off auto-renew at any time from your iTunesaccountsettings but refunds will not be provided for any unusedportion ofthe term.7 Cups also offers a Forever subscription paid for in asinglenon-renewing upfront payment of $399.99 granting unlimitedaccessto 7 Cups Upgrade forever.Read more about our terms and conditions here:Read more about our terms of service and privacy policy here: 7 Cups and start feeling better today!If you love 7 Cups, please take 20 seconds to give us a nicereview.It really helps! For other feedback, [email protected]. Thankyou.For users aged 13+.
Pacifica - Stress & Anxiety
Stress, anxiety, and depression can get intheway of you living your life. Pacifica givesyoupsychologist-designed tools to address them based onCognitiveBehavioral Therapy, mindfulness meditation, relaxation,andmood/health tracking.Stress, anxiety, and depression are caused by an ongoing cycleofnegative thoughts. Thoughts cause physical feelings andemotionswhich cause actions. Pacifica helps break this cycle usingtoolsthat target each of its components. Day-by-day, you'll learntomanage stress, anxiety and depression at your own pace. We’renotabout quick-fixes or false promises. We are about real progress,aday at a time.#1 - BuzzFeed's Amazing Apps For Anyone Living With Anxiety#1 - Forbes' 4 Technologies Innovating in Mental HealthRELAXATION & MINDFULNESS MEDITATION AUDIO TOOLSCalm down in moments of stress or anxiety using one ofPacifica’s25+ audio exercises, including deep breathing, musclerelaxation,positive visualization, mindfulness meditations, andmore. Theseactivities are set to relaxing soundscapes like oceanwaves orthunderstorms.GUIDED SELF-HELP PATHSOur psychologist-designed Paths include audio lessons andhelpfulactivities to help you with stress, anxiety, or depression.Theseinclude an introductory Path, two Paths focused on CBT, andamindfulness Path.MOOD TRACKERRate your mood and feelings throughout the day, and addspecificnotes (the situation, the trigger, etc.) so you can noticepatternsand see improvement over time.THOUGHT RECORDING, JOURNALING & ANALYSISUse Pacifica’s psychologist-designed thought analysis tools tolearnhow distorted thinking patterns contribute to your anxiety.Pacificauses CBT techniques to help you to think in a morebalanced way,which helps break the negative thought cycle.DAILY CHALLENGES & GOAL TRACKINGPacifica uses CBT techniques to help you to face your anxiety,oneday at a time, and gradually work toward your long term goalsviadaily challenges.HEALTH TRACKERSet and track daily health goals for habits that affectanxiety(exercise, sleep, caffeine, alcohol, etc.). Learn which ofthesetrigger your anxiety based on patterns in your mood.Exercise,sleep and caffeine can also be populated using the AppleHealthapp.COMMUNITIES & GROUPSYou aren’t alone in this. Share stories, advice and morewithPacifica’s peer-support community.PACIFICA FULL ACCESS PRICING & TERMSPacifica is free to download and use. Pacifica Full Accessallowsfor unlimited use of the suite of tools and is availablethrough anauto-renewing subscription. There are two options:1 month: $5.991 year: $35.99These prices are for United States customers. Pricing inothercountries may vary and actual charges may be converted toyourlocal currency depending on your country's residence. Paymentwillbe charged to your Google Play Account at confirmationofpurchase.Your Pacifica Full Access subscription will automatically renewatthe end of each term and your credit card will be chargedthroughyour Google Play account. You can turn off auto-renew at anytimefrom your Google Play account settings but refunds will notbeprovided for the unused portion of the term.Need help with the app? Please email [email protected] OF SERVICE: POLICY:
Relaxing sounds - sleep music Meditate Relax and Sleep 0.6
Cool Future
Sounds to relax and sleep better. Deep sleep assured!
Anxiety 1.0
Are you facing a bipolar disorder? Doyoufeelthat you worry too much? This free Anxiety applicationwill provide you with so much informations aboutAnxietyDisorderthat you will be able to knowif you do suffer from Anxiety disorder and find outthecure.Generalized anxiety disorder is knowone of the must spread disease. Learn today how to crossthebridgeand beat the anxiety and get your life back.¤ (¯´☆✭.¸_)¤ƑƐAƬURƐS¤(_¸.✭☆´¯) ¤✬What is Anxiety.✬Anxiety Causes.✬Signs and symptoms of Anxiety.✬Treatments for Anxiety.✬Other sources of support✬Learn more about Anxiety …ⒸE-Learning production 2016
Daylio Journal - Mood Tracker 1.52.0
Daily Journal Diary, Private Diary, Journal with Lock,PhotoJournal, Habit Goal
Breathe 1.2
Natural Apps
Are you stressed? We offer you a way to relax/have fun &controlyour breathing
7pranayama Yoga breath workout 3.0
LearnYoga, Pranayama (Breathing Exercises) using tools Meditationtocalm
Breathing pro
App Respirar/Breathing: reducing stressandanxietyYou can practice/train control your breathing (ideal 6 breathsperminute) with the help of our app “Respirar”. When the “ball” upyouwill inhale filling your abdomen and down the “ball” when youwillexhale emptying your abdomen. “Respirar” isabdominal/diaphragmaticand held nostrils to inhale and exhalethrough the mouth. Uponexpiration time will always be greater thanthe inhaled.By practicing breathing relax your body and facial muscles and tryagentle and quiet breathing. If you notice a certain effortoninhalation or exhalation, change the duration/time. Always seekaslower breathing to adapt to the respiratory rhythm.Duringrespiration remember that should be fluid to get hisheartcoherence (when the heart rate increases inspires and expireswhenthe heart rate slows).
MindShift CBT - Anxiety Relief 3.1.1
Self-help anxiety management app to relieve worry, stress, andpanic
Como Controlar La Ansiedad 4.0.0
Aprender las técnicas necesarias paracontrolarla ansiedad que padecen muchas personas pero que nologran controlarlos síntomas ya que este es un trastorno emocionalque puede sertratado de manera gradual para tener un mejorfuncionamiento dentrode las actividades que se realicen. Tienesque seguir la técnicasque se mencionan para lograr los resultadosóptimos.Learn thetechniquesneeded to control anxiety sufferers but many people failto controlsymptoms and that this is an emotional disorder that canbe treatedin a phased manner for better functioning within theactivitiesundertaken. You have to follow the techniques discussedto achieveoptimal results.
Zen: Relax, Meditate & Sleep 5.6.4
ZenApp, Inc.
Guided meditations, relax, sleep well, meditate, controlanxiety,breathe.
Spiritual Me: Masters Edition 1.0.0
Refresh your spirit with meditation techniques for stress reliefandrelaxation.
Relaxing music for sleep Meditation relaxing music 3.0
Relaxing sounds to sleep, music to meditate and deep sleep
Anxiety Attack Pro 1.0
The info in this app assumes that the userissuffering from panic attacks due to panic disorder. It may notbeapplicable to other forms of anxiety. It focuses on the fearofhaving a panic attack and the fear of the sensations when havingapanic.Friendly app that offers a range of self-help methods forpeoplewho are serious about learning to manage their anxiety.Learningabout anxiety and practicing self-help. Covering:Information aboutanxiety, thinking and anxiety, Physicalrelaxation, Mentalrelaxation, health and anxietyFeature: Articles about panic/anxiety andcognitive-behavioraltherapy: Anxiety Cognitive Diary to learn to challengefearfulthinking: Coach you when you experience a panic attack and to help youlearnto tolerate and control the anxiety symptomsAre you suffering from anxiety?anxiety can be cured, but many may see it as incurable.Simply,use the End anxiety hypnosis app every day and soon you willseethe differences.You can create inner calm and peace whenever you’d like.Don’tlet anxiety stand in your way; you can be anxiety free andlife theway you want today with hypnosis and mediation.Our app works by subconsciously teaching your brain toovercomethe fear, so you can be who you want to be, withoutanxietyburdening you.Along with this, your mind will tune to a voice that will helptoremove your anxiety response, naturally.
Control De Ansiedad 1.0
Cómo Controlar La Ansiedad Generalizadaesunaaplicación que te enseña Cómo Controlar La AnsiedadGeneralizadaDescubre los 3 pasos que debes realizar para curar tuansiedad,el3 paso no vas a creer lo fácil que es deimplementar.Dentro de la aplicación no solo encontraras CómoControlarLaAnsiedad Generalizada, si no que también hay muchosconsejosdesalud y bienestar como:Como Adelgazar Rápido Sin Sacrificios InnecesariosDietas Para Bajar De Peso RápidoEjercicios Para Glúteos Caídos y FlácidosJugos para Bajar De Peso RápidoEs una aplicación muy completa que deberías de teneryadescargadaen tu móvil android, ya que tienes a la mano todosestosconsejospara mejorar tu salud naturalmente.Te permite compartir con tus amigos en la redessocialescualquiertip o consejos que encontraras dentro delaaplicación.Descargarla HOY mismo es GRATIS.ControllingGeneralizedAnxiety is an application that teaches youhow tocontrolGeneralized AnxietyDiscover the 3 steps you should take to cure your anxiety,step3will not believe how easy it is to implement.Within the application not only you findControllingGeneralizedAnxiety, if not that there are many healthand wellnesstips suchas:As Lose Weight Fast Without Sacrifices UnnecessaryDiets To Lose Weight FastButtocks Exercises and flabby FallenJuices to Lose Weight FastIt is a very complete application that you shouldhavealreadydownloaded on your mobile android, as you have at handallthesetips to improve your health naturally.It allows you to share with your friends on thesocialnetworksany tip or advice you find within theapplication.TODAY download free.
Anxiety 1.0
Moe Game
Are you having headaches, chestpain,necktension, stomach upset…? You might be having ananxietyproblem.Anxiety can make your life terrible.Everyone experiences anxiety from time to time. This isnormal.Thisis why anxiety is not a medical, biological, chemical,orgeneticproblem.Anxiety turns into a 'disorder' - disruption to normalfunctioning-when anxiety and its sensations and symptoms interferewith anormallifestyle.Please use our free application to learn more about thesymptoms,thenatural remedies and other useful information to getrid ofthisdisease and live a happier life.
Just Breathe 1.0
Relieve yourself of stress and just relaxwithJust Breathe. Research shows that paced breathing helps tocombatanxiety, increases productivity, and aids in relaxation. Nomusic,no sounds needed, just breathe!Follow us on Twitter:
Pranayama Breathing 1.3
Pranayama breathing guide with sounds and animations for yogaandmeditation
Buteyko Breathing Free 2.1
*** Includes 2 Buteyko Breathing exercises ***The Buteyko Breathing Free app is a free Buteykobreathingexercise timer. To get the greatest benefit from this app,werecommend users to do a Buteyko course your breathing following the instructions ofProfessorK.P. Buteyko. Buteyko Breathing is recognized as atreatment forasthma in various countries and can profoundly benefityour yoga,tai chi, pilates, diving, breath work, meditation andathleticexercise program. The app features on-screen timersandinstructions that guide you through the breathing exercises inavery convenient manner.The Free Buteyko Breathing app:* Guides you through the exercises* Advanced stopwatch and timer functionality* Contains 2 Buteyko Breathing exercise timers* Receive helpful tips and instructions* View your personal exercise charts* Share your exercise scores with your teacher* Suitable for both beginners and advanced studentsThe app includes 2 important Buteyko Breathingexercisetimers:* Control Pause* VSB Reduced BreathingGet the PRO version: The "Buteyko Pro" app contains 3exercisesfor both beginners and advanced practice and also playsbell/gongsounds to guide you during the exercises.Official video: Buteyko Breathing app is the companion app need a free account which you canmake within theapp.The Buteyko Breathing app also has a "health form"functionalitywhere you can indicate chronic disease symptoms on ascale of 0 to10 for:* Astma* Depression* Arthritis* Colitis* Circulatory problems* High cholesterol* Erectile dysfunction* Migraine* Multiple sclerosis* Psoriasis* Tinnitus* Bronchiectasis* Cardio vascular problem* Heart disease* Crohns disease* Post natal syndrome* Tachycardia (high pulse)* Chronic fatigue* ADD/ ADHD* Emphysema / COPD* Insomnia* High blood pressure* Sleep apnea* Diabetes* Nasal congestion* Allergies* Bronchitis* Cough* Constipation* Eczema* Obesity / overweight* Snoring* Stuttering* Angina* Anxiety / stressA lessening of symptoms can indicate good progress inyourButeyko practice. A worsening of symptoms however can indicatethatthere is an issue in your practice which needs to berectified.The breathing exercise program of Prof. K.P. Buteykoalsoprovides benefits for freediving, breath work, yoga andpranayamaenthousiasts, freedivers and scuba divers.The app is dedicated to Professor K.P. Buteyko (1923-2003).