1.1.0 / May 23, 2017
(4.0/5) (3)


SECOM NVR LiveViewerは、セコムNVRシステムのカメラのライブ映像を閲覧することができるアプリケーションです。





許諾ソフトウェアの名称 :「SECOM NVR Live Viewer」


2. お客様は、本ソフトウェアをお客様の保有する1台のスマートフォン又はタブレットPCにインストール・ダウンロードし使用することができます。

① 本ソフトウェアを複製すること。
② 本ソフトウェアを改変、改造、結合、リバースエンジニアリング、逆コンパイル、逆アセンブル及び解析等をすること。
③ 本ソフトウェアに表示されている著作権その他権利者の表示を削除したり、変更を加えること。
⑤ 本ソフトウェアの一部あるいは全部をネットワークへアップロードすること。
⑥ 1台のスマートフォン又はタブレットPCを同時に使用または共有可能なシステムで本ソフトウェアを使用すること。
⑦ セコムまたは第三者の著作権その他の知的財産権を含む一切の権利を侵害する行為を行うこと。
⑧ その他、セコムが不適切と判断する行為を行うこと。



1. 以下の各号に該当した場合、本契約は終了するものとします。
① お客様が本契約の継続を希望されない場合。
② お客様が本契約に定める条項のいずれかに違反した場合。




SECOM NVR Live Viewer isan application that allows you to view camera live video of theSECOM NVR system.

■ Function
- one of the live video and audio of the camera You can check fromyour phone or tablet.
• The PTZ camera can be remotely operated.
• The camera external device connected to the external I / O pinthat allows you to remote control.

■ operating environment
· Android4.0 or later
※ It does not correspond to some models.

Software License Agreement

Please read carefully before using
Secom Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Secom") is, (includingthe modification program, and the like. Hereinafter referred to asthe "Software") following software in providing to our customers,this License Agreement (the "Agreement that get agree to "and says)I am allowed to a condition of your use. Even if you do notparticularly explicit intention, the use of the software at thetime (download, but includes other acts install such a limited arenot be in it) was started, you agree to this Agreement. Please readthis agreement before using always. If you do not agree to thisAgreement, you will not be able to use the software.
It is to be noted that the software by a third party developed orcreated, the license conditions under which the third party isdetermined will be applied. Please refer to the manual fordetails.

Licensed Software of the name: "SECOM NVR Live Viewer"

Article 1 (license, etc.)
1. Secom, as a condition to Your compliance to accept the contentsof this Agreement, grants you the non-exclusive right to use of theSoftware.
2. Copyright and other intellectual property rights in the softwareis the property of Secom or a third party, Secom does not transferthese rights to our customers.

Article 2 (scope of use rights)
1. Customers, (including the materials, etc. associated with thissoftware. Hereinafter referred to as "instruction manual" and says)the instruction manual will be able to use the software accordingto the method of use and purpose which is incorporated herein byreference.
2. Customers will be able to install, download and use in one ofthe smart phone or tablet PC to hold the Software customers.

Article 3 (prohibition)
Customers, in this Agreement and shall not perform the case exceptfollowing acts that are explicitly granted.
① to replicate the software.
② modifying the Software, modified, combined, reverse engineer,decompile, to disassembly and analysis, and the like.
③ or remove the display of copyright and other rights holders thatare displayed in the software, to make changes.
④ without permission of the Software or Secom the copies thereof,fee, rent regardless of the free of charge, lease, rental, pseudorental act, used goods transactions, transfer, sublicense other toperform an act similar to these.
⑤ to upload a part or all of this software to the network.
⑥ The use of the software one smart phone or tablet PCsimultaneously use or share available system.
⑦ SECOM or to perform an act of infringement of any of the rights,including copyright and other intellectual property rights of thirdparties.
⑧ other, to perform an act of Secom deems inappropriate.

Article 4 (guaranteed range)
1. Secom are those that remain to be providing the software toremain customers of BASIS, the presence or absence of a defect,does not the of all the matters related to other quality, etc.guarantee.
2. Secom, the performance of this software, including thesuitability for use results and specific purpose, either implicitlyor explicitly also does not make any guarantee.

Article 5 (Disclaimer)
1. Except when there is intent or gross negligence, to Secom,related to the use of this software or can not be used, (damage tothe hardware or other software, including the problem, such as, butnot limited to) for to you or any third party to directly orindirectly, any damage that occurs, (usually damage, does notquestion the special damages), SECOM does not assume anyresponsibility. In addition, due to a problem of this software,even if your data has been altered or lost, Secom does not make anyguarantee.
2. If there is any defect, failure caused by customers ofremodeling, etc., Secom does not make any guarantee. In addition,as a result of remodeling, etc., as well as caused any damage tothe customer, SECOM does not assume any responsibility.

Article 6 (termination of this Agreement)
1. If you fall under the provisions of the items below, thisAgreement shall terminate.
① If you do not wish to continue this Agreement.
② if you fail to comply with any of the terms and conditions setforth in this agreement.
2. Upon contract termination, You shall not use the software atall. In addition, it shall be returned promptly to the software,the copies thereof and the instruction manual or discard in theload of the customer, or to Secom. If there is an indication ofSecom customers will be subject to this.

Article 7 (special contract matters relating to individualcontracts)
1. (Including subsidiaries and affiliates. Hereinafter, in thissection the same) customer and Secom a case that provides thesoftware based on the individual contract between, when thisagreement and the the individual contract of conflict , decided onby the individual contract takes precedence.
2. In the case that provides the software based on the individualcontract is provided for in the preceding paragraph, when theindividual contract has been completed, the contract expires.

Article 8 (export control)
Customers, if you bring up the software to outside Japan, willcomply with laws and regulations regarding export control of Japanand abroad.

Article 9 (Governing Law)
This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of Japan.

Contact information
Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo chome No. 5 No. 1
Secom Co., Ltd.

App Information SECOM NVR Live Viewer

セコム株式会社 Show More...

SECOM NVR Live Viewer 1.1.0 APK
SECOM NVR LiveViewerは、セコムNVRシステムのカメラのライブ映像を閲覧することができるアプリケーションです。■機能・1台のカメラのライブ映像や音声をスマートフォンやタブレットから確認できます。・PTZカメラを遠隔操作することができます。・カメラの外部I/O端子に接続された外部機器を遠隔制御することができます。■動作環境・Android4.0以降※一部機種には対応しておりません。*****************************************************************ソフトウェア使用許諾契約書ご使用前に必ずお読みくださいセコム株式会社(以下「セコム」といいます)は、次のソフトウェア(修正プログラム等も含みます。以下「本ソフトウェア」といいます)をお客様に提供するにあたり、本使用許諾契約(以下「本契約」といいます)に同意いただくことをご使用の条件とさせていただいています。特に明示された意思表示がない場合でも、本ソフトウェアの使用(ダウンロード、インストール等その他の行為を含みますがこれに限定されません)を開始した時点で、本契約に同意したものとみなします。必ずご使用の前に本契約をお読みください。本契約に同意いただけない場合には、お客様は本ソフトウェアを使用することはできません。なお、第三者が開発または作成したソフトウェアについては、当該第三者が定めた使用許諾条件が適用されます。詳しくは取扱説明書等をご覧ください。許諾ソフトウェアの名称 :「SECOM NVR Live Viewer」第1条(使用許諾等)1.セコムは、お客様が本契約の内容を承諾し遵守されることを条件として、本ソフトウェアの非独占的な使用権をお客様に許諾します。2.本ソフトウェアに関する著作権その他の知的財産権はセコムまたは第三者に帰属し、セコムはこれらの権利をお客様に譲渡するものではありません。第2条(使用権の範囲)1.お客様は、取扱説明書(本ソフトウェアに付随する資料等も含みます。以下「取扱説明書等」といいます)に記載されている使用方法及び目的に従い本ソフトウェアを使用することができます。2. お客様は、本ソフトウェアをお客様の保有する1台のスマートフォン又はタブレットPCにインストール・ダウンロードし使用することができます。第3条(禁止事項)お客様は、本契約で明示的に許諾されている場合を除き以下の行為を行わないものとします。① 本ソフトウェアを複製すること。② 本ソフトウェアを改変、改造、結合、リバースエンジニアリング、逆コンパイル、逆アセンブル及び解析等をすること。③ 本ソフトウェアに表示されている著作権その他権利者の表示を削除したり、変更を加えること。④本ソフトウェアまたはその複製物をセコムの許可なく、有償、無償を問わず貸与、リース、レンタル、擬似レンタル行為、中古品取引、譲渡、再使用許諾その他これらに類する行為を行うこと。⑤ 本ソフトウェアの一部あるいは全部をネットワークへアップロードすること。⑥ 1台のスマートフォン又はタブレットPCを同時に使用または共有可能なシステムで本ソフトウェアを使用すること。⑦ セコムまたは第三者の著作権その他の知的財産権を含む一切の権利を侵害する行為を行うこと。⑧ その他、セコムが不適切と判断する行為を行うこと。第4条(保証範囲)1.セコムは、本ソフトウェアを現状有姿のままお客様に提供するに留まるものであり、瑕疵の有無、その他品質等に関する事項につき一切の保証をしません。2.セコムは、本ソフトウェアの性能、使用結果および特定の目的に対する適合性をはじめ、明示的にも黙示的にも一切の保証をしません。第5条(免責)1.セコムに故意、または重大な過失があるときを除き、本ソフトウェアを使用すること、または使用できないこと(ハードウェアまたはその他のソフトウェアの破損、不具合等を含みますがこれに限定されません)に関連してお客様、または第三者に直接的または間接的に発生する一切の損害(通常損害、特別損害を問いません)について、セコムはいかなる責任も負いません。また、本ソフトウェアの不具合によりお客様のデータが変化・消失した場合でも、セコムは一切の保証をしません。2.お客様の改造等により何らかの欠陥・障害が生じた場合、セコムは一切の保証をしません。また、改造等の結果、万一お客様に損害が生じたとしても、セコムはいかなる責任も負いません。第6条(本契約の終了)1. 以下の各号に該当した場合、本契約は終了するものとします。① お客様が本契約の継続を希望されない場合。② お客様が本契約に定める条項のいずれかに違反した場合。2.契約終了にあたり、お客様は、本ソフトウェアを一切使用しないものとします。また、お客様はすみやかに本ソフトウェア、その複製物および取扱説明書等をお客様のご負担で破棄するか、もしくはセコムに返却するものとします。セコムの指示があればお客様はこれに従うものとします。第7条(個別契約に関する特約事項)1.お客様とセコム(子会社および関連会社を含みます。以下、本項において同じ)の間の個別契約に基づき本ソフトウェアを提供している場合であって、本契約と当該個別契約とが抵触するときは、当該個別契約の定めが優先されます。2.前項に定める個別契約に基づき本ソフトウェアを提供している場合において、当該個別契約が終了したとき、本契約は終了します。第8条(輸出管理)お客様は、本ソフトウェアを日本国外に持ち出す場合には、日本国内外の輸出管理に関する法令を遵守するものとします。第9条(準拠法)本契約は、日本国法に準拠するものとします。ご連絡先〒150-0001東京都渋谷区神宮前一丁目5番1号セコム株式会社SECOM NVR Live Viewer isan application that allows you to view camera live video of theSECOM NVR system.■ Function- one of the live video and audio of the camera You can check fromyour phone or tablet.• The PTZ camera can be remotely operated.• The camera external device connected to the external I / O pinthat allows you to remote control.■ operating environment· Android4.0 or later※ It does not correspond to some models.*****************************************************************Software License AgreementPlease read carefully before usingSecom Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Secom") is, (includingthe modification program, and the like. Hereinafter referred to asthe "Software") following software in providing to our customers,this License Agreement (the "Agreement that get agree to "and says)I am allowed to a condition of your use. Even if you do notparticularly explicit intention, the use of the software at thetime (download, but includes other acts install such a limited arenot be in it) was started, you agree to this Agreement. Please readthis agreement before using always. If you do not agree to thisAgreement, you will not be able to use the software.It is to be noted that the software by a third party developed orcreated, the license conditions under which the third party isdetermined will be applied. Please refer to the manual fordetails.Licensed Software of the name: "SECOM NVR Live Viewer"Article 1 (license, etc.)1. Secom, as a condition to Your compliance to accept the contentsof this Agreement, grants you the non-exclusive right to use of theSoftware.2. Copyright and other intellectual property rights in the softwareis the property of Secom or a third party, Secom does not transferthese rights to our customers.Article 2 (scope of use rights)1. Customers, (including the materials, etc. associated with thissoftware. Hereinafter referred to as "instruction manual" and says)the instruction manual will be able to use the software accordingto the method of use and purpose which is incorporated herein byreference.2. Customers will be able to install, download and use in one ofthe smart phone or tablet PC to hold the Software customers.Article 3 (prohibition)Customers, in this Agreement and shall not perform the case exceptfollowing acts that are explicitly granted.① to replicate the software.② modifying the Software, modified, combined, reverse engineer,decompile, to disassembly and analysis, and the like.③ or remove the display of copyright and other rights holders thatare displayed in the software, to make changes.④ without permission of the Software or Secom the copies thereof,fee, rent regardless of the free of charge, lease, rental, pseudorental act, used goods transactions, transfer, sublicense other toperform an act similar to these.⑤ to upload a part or all of this software to the network.⑥ The use of the software one smart phone or tablet PCsimultaneously use or share available system.⑦ SECOM or to perform an act of infringement of any of the rights,including copyright and other intellectual property rights of thirdparties.⑧ other, to perform an act of Secom deems inappropriate.Article 4 (guaranteed range)1. Secom are those that remain to be providing the software toremain customers of BASIS, the presence or absence of a defect,does not the of all the matters related to other quality, etc.guarantee.2. Secom, the performance of this software, including thesuitability for use results and specific purpose, either implicitlyor explicitly also does not make any guarantee.Article 5 (Disclaimer)1. Except when there is intent or gross negligence, to Secom,related to the use of this software or can not be used, (damage tothe hardware or other software, including the problem, such as, butnot limited to) for to you or any third party to directly orindirectly, any damage that occurs, (usually damage, does notquestion the special damages), SECOM does not assume anyresponsibility. In addition, due to a problem of this software,even if your data has been altered or lost, Secom does not make anyguarantee.2. If there is any defect, failure caused by customers ofremodeling, etc., Secom does not make any guarantee. In addition,as a result of remodeling, etc., as well as caused any damage tothe customer, SECOM does not assume any responsibility.Article 6 (termination of this Agreement)1. If you fall under the provisions of the items below, thisAgreement shall terminate.① If you do not wish to continue this Agreement.② if you fail to comply with any of the terms and conditions setforth in this agreement.2. Upon contract termination, You shall not use the software atall. In addition, it shall be returned promptly to the software,the copies thereof and the instruction manual or discard in theload of the customer, or to Secom. If there is an indication ofSecom customers will be subject to this.Article 7 (special contract matters relating to individualcontracts)1. (Including subsidiaries and affiliates. Hereinafter, in thissection the same) customer and Secom a case that provides thesoftware based on the individual contract between, when thisagreement and the the individual contract of conflict , decided onby the individual contract takes precedence.2. In the case that provides the software based on the individualcontract is provided for in the preceding paragraph, when theindividual contract has been completed, the contract expires.Article 8 (export control)Customers, if you bring up the software to outside Japan, willcomply with laws and regulations regarding export control of Japanand abroad.Article 9 (Governing Law)This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of Japan.Contact information150-0001Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo chome No. 5 No. 1Secom Co., Ltd.
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