1.0 / August 13, 2015
(2.9/5) ()


Reefcube is a mobile applicationsdevelopmentagency. We cover all the value chain of the mobileapplicationdevelopment process : we conceive your apps, createstoryboard anddesigns. We develop on iOS and Android, fully nativesapps. We testapps and we publish your apps. We can also offermaintenance andsupport.

App Information Reefcube

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Permoglaze 1.0 APK
Since its first steps in the paint industry in 1988, Sofap hasgrown to become a leading paint manufacturer in Mauritius throughconstant innovation and an unflinching commitment to quality.Sofap manufactures and markets the highly recognised and trustedPermoglaze paints under licence from Crown Paints UK. It is alsothe exclusive distributor in Mauritius for a number of reputablebrands in the coatings industry, Sikkens and Dynacoat fromAkzoNobel for car refinishes, Altex Coatings for marine coatings,Earthcote for textured decorative coatings. The company is alsoinvolved in the supply of dry-mixed tile adhesive under thePermofix brand and holds the distributorship for Chrysoconstruction chemicals.
U-Trail 1.1 APK
uTrail - mobile reporterVous aimez le trail-running et vous courez souvent ?L'application iPhone uTrail vous offre la possibilité de devenirunmobile reporter. Soyez au coeur des trails, au coeur del'action,envoyez nous très simplement en direct les photos de vos trails,nousles publierons sur uTrail. Chaque mois, nous offrons une pairedechaussures de trail pour l'auteur du plus beau reportage.uTrail est un des plus gros sites trail francophone avec plus de5000visites par jour.FONCTIONNEMENT- le téléchargement est gratuit- vous sélectionnez une photo dans votre galerie photo OU vousprenezune photo en direct, vous ajoutez une légende (nom du trail, etc)etvous nous envoyez la photo- en cas de coupure du réseau la photo est sauvegardée et vouspouvezl'envoyer plus tard.- les utilisateurs qui n'ont pas de smartphone peuvent nousenvoyerleur photo par email [email protected] - Refer mobileLike the trail-running and often you run?The iPhone application Utrail allows you to become amobile reporter. Be at the heart of the trails in the heart of theaction,send us easily live pictures of your trails, wepublish them on Utrail. Every month we offer a pair oftrail shoes for the author of the most beautiful story.Utrail is one of the largest sites trail with over 5000Frenchvisits per day.OPERATION- Download for free- You select a photo from your photo gallery OR you takeLive a photo, you add a caption (name of the trail, etc.) andyou send us the photo- In case of mains failure the picture is saved and you cansend it later.- Users who do not have a smartphone can send ustheir email photo [email protected]
Kitesurf Calculator 1.0.1 APK
Avec kitesurf Calculator vous pourrez trouverfacilement la taille de votre voile en connaissant simplement lavitesse du vent et votre poids.Vous avez regardé Windguru et vous connaissez la vitesse du vent ?Entrez la dans l'application et celle-ci vous donne exactement lataille de kite nécessaire.Donc plus besoin de venir avec plusieurs voiles !With kitesurfing Calculator you can easily find the size of yoursail simply by knowing the wind speed and your weight.You watched Windguru and you know the wind speed ? Enter it in theapplication and it gives you exactly the size of kitenecessary.Therefore no need to come up with several sails!Calculator withkitesurfing you can easily find the size of your sail simply byknowing the wind speed and weight.Windguru you watched and you know the wind speed? Enter in theapplication and it gives you exactly the size of kitenecessary.Therefore need to come up with several sails!Calculator with kitesurfing you can Easily find the size of yoursail simply by knowing the wind speed and your weight.Windguru You watched and you know the wind speed? Enter it in theimplementation and it Gives you exactly the size of kiteNecessary.Therefore no need to come up with several sails!
 L'application AIU vous permetd'êtreinformé de l'action de l'Alliance Israélite Universelle,premierréseau scolaire juif francophone présent en France et enEurope, enIsraël, en Amérique du Nord et au Maroc.Émission de radio DIS-MOI QUI TU CITES, JE TE DIRAI QUI TUES,colloques, cours et conférences deniveauinternational,manifestations culturelles à Paris etailleurs.L'application AIU peut être autonome ou se synchroniser avecvotrepropre agenda.The application allowsyouIAU to be informed of the action of the AllianceIsraeliteUniverselle, the first Jewish school system this French inFranceand Europe, Israel, North America and Morocco.Radio TELL ME WHO YOU CITES, I WILL TELL YOU WHO YOU ARE,seminars,courses and conferences of international cultural eventsin Parisand elsewhere.The application IAU can be standalone or synchronize with yourownagenda.
Spot MH370 debris 1.0.2 APK
This app (beta version, more fixes to come)might give a hand to authorities to find more fragments of theboeing777 of Malaysian airlines.Contribute to solving the mystery of the missing Flight 370, andhelp their families get closure.Ocean currents have scattered the debris from the missing planeall over the Indian Ocean and possible parts have recently beenfound on the shores of Reunion island.Probable debris from the plane have washed up on the shores ofReunion Island sincebefore the news break, but people misidentified them as rubbish andthey were lost.Parts from the Boeing 777 might have washed up on other islands andbeaches inthe region.If you are in the region and come across suspicious debris andobjects that mighthelp in the search for the missing plane, you can use thisapplication to take picturesof the items and send it to our database. The collected informationis anonymous and willbe accessible at no cost for interested parties.
Reefcube 1.0 APK
Reefcube is a mobile applicationsdevelopmentagency. We cover all the value chain of the mobileapplicationdevelopment process : we conceive your apps, createstoryboard anddesigns. We develop on iOS and Android, fully nativesapps. We testapps and we publish your apps. We can also offermaintenance andsupport.
Melun Retro Passion 1.0 APK
Depuis 1994 nous sommes des acteursimportantsdans le domaine de la voiture française ancienne, notreentrepôt etle magasin couvrent une superficie de plus de 3000m²,cela nouspermet de disposer de plus de 10 000 références recouvrant40 ansd’histoire automobile Française !Notre équipe constituée de 9 personnes, allie l’efficacité etleprofessionnalisme tout en étant à votre écoute quotidiennementcequi garantit un service client de haute qualité auprès de nos60000 clients.Notre longue expérience et notre passion nous permettentaujourd’huide développer de nouveaux projets, tel que lafabrication de châssisde Renault 4L mais également d’être sanscesse à la recherche denouvelles pièces.Nous restons, néanmoins, une entreprise familiale, proche denosnombreux clients, présente lors des diverses manifestations,nousoffrons, là encore, nos conseils et notre savoir-faire !Avec notre application, toutes les semaines vous profiterez denospromotions vous pourrez également passer vos commandes eteffectuervos paiements en ligne !