App Information PAPA APP - Vater werden
- App NamePAPA APP - Vater werden
- Package Namecom.linke.papaapp
- UpdatedMarch 26, 2014
- File Size48M
- Requires AndroidAndroid 2.1 and up
- Version1.6
- DeveloperDesigners Inn
- Installs1,000 - 5,000
- Price$1.08
- CategoryLifestyle
- Developer
- Google Play Link
Designers Inn Show More...
PAPA APP - Vater werden 1.6 APK
***** KURZFRISTIGER SOMMER-DEAL :) ********** App der Woche FOCUS ********** App des Monats COMPUTERBILD *****PAPA WERDEN leicht gemacht: Infos, Tipps und Checklisten aufüber 120 bebilderten Seiten. Erfahren Sie Woche für Woche alles,was Sie über Papa, Mama und Baby wissen müssen.Sie werden Papa? Glückwunsch!Haben Sie sich schon Gedanken gemacht, wie viel PS IhrKinderwagen haben soll? Welche Schuhgröße Ihr Zwerg im drittenMonat hat? Und warum Schwangere nicht umkippen? Die PAPA APP gibtAntworten: Ansprechende Bilder, lustige Infos und informative Texteverwandeln Ihr mobiles Gerät in einen Experten-Ratgeber zum ThemaSchwangerschaft.Anders als bei den meisten Schwangerschafts-Apps stehen hierallerdings die Männer im Mittelpunkt. Sie müssen keinetonnenschweren Ratgeber wälzen, um gut informiert zu sein; lesenSie einfach in der Mittagspause oder im Wartezimmer, was es in deraktuellen Schwangerschaftswoche Neues gibt:• Geburtsrechner• Homescreen mit Fortschrittsanzeige & Geburts-Countdown• Babytalk: Wöchentliche Infos zur Entwicklung Ihres Babys• FAQ zur körperlichen und mentalen Verfassung IhrerPartnerin• Infos zu Arbeit und Geld• Tipps zu Reisen und Sport in der Schwangerschaft• Infos zu Ernährung und Gesundheit• Wichtiges Wissen: Arzt- und Vorsorgetermine• Infos zu Mutterpass und -schutz, Namenssuche undGeburtsvorbereitung• Checkliste Kliniktasche und Babys ErstausstattungANMERKUNGWir freuen uns über Ihr Feedback, Ihre Erfahrungen undAnregungen für die weitere Entwicklung der App!Bei Problemen oder Fehlern schreiben Sie bitte eine E-Mail [email protected] - AufKommentare im App-Store können wir nicht antworten und somit auchkeine Lösung anbieten. HINWEIS: In manchen Fällen weicht beiindividueller Angabe des Geburtstermins die Berechnung derSchwangerschaftswoche um ein paar Tage ab. In diesem Fall einfachdie abweichenden Tage im Feld "Geburtsdatum" abziehen bzw.hinzufügen. Dann läuft die App wieder synchron!Danke!Wir wünschen Ihnen viel Spaß mit der PAPA APP.SHORT-TERM ***** SUMMERDEAL :) *****App of the Week FOCUS ***** *****App of the Month ***** COMPUTER IMAGE *****PAPA WILL made easy: info, tips and checklists imaged on morethan 120 pages. Find out week after week all you need to know aboutdad, mom and baby.You are daddy? Congratulations!Have you ever thought about how much horsepower you want foryour stroller? What size your dwarf in the third month? And whypregnant women do not tip over? The PAPA APP answers: Appealingpictures, funny information, and an overview transform your mobiledevice into an expert advisor on the subject of pregnancy.Unlike most pregnancy apps, however, the men are here at thecenter. You must roll no-ton counselor to be well informed; justread during the lunch break or in the waiting room, what's new inthe current week of pregnancy:• Birth Calculator• Home screen with progress bar & Birth Countdown• Baby Talk: Weekly Info about the development of your baby• FAQ about the physical and mental fitness of your partner• information about work and money• Tips for travel and sports in pregnancy• Learn more about nutrition and health• Important knowledge: medical and retirement dates• About Mutterpass and protection, name search and Childbirth• Checklist hospital bag and baby's initialNOTEWe appreciate your feedback, experiences and suggestions for thefurther development of the app!In case of problems or errors please send an email to [email protected] -Comments on the App Store we can not answer and thus offer nosolution. NOTE: In some cases there are differences in individualstating the birth date to calculate the pregnancy week by a fewdays off. In this case, just the different days of the "Date ofBirth" field remove or add. Then the app is running in syncagain!Thank you!We wish you much fun with the PAPA APP.
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Kinder Macher 0.1.7 APK
Sind Sie neugierig, wie Ihre Kinder mit Ihremaktuellen Partner, Ihrer Ex, der heimlichen großen Liebe oder einerCelebrity aussähen?Diese App gibt Ihnen eine Vorschau!So außergewöhnlich es klingt - es funktioniert. Eltern bestätigen,dass ihre Kinder den Vorhersagen dieser App tatsächlich ähnlichsehen!Möglich ist dies durch Algorithmen aus der Kriminaltechnik, mitderen Hilfe Sie eine Vorschau (Phantombild) Ihres zukünftigenKindes erstellen können.Wie es geht:Machen oder laden Sie einfach Handy Fotos von sich und IhremPartner. Legen Sie fest wie groß die Anteile der beiden Eltern seinsollen. Und schon sind Sie bereit für die digitale "Geburt" IhresKindes! Schauen Sie sich an, wie Ihr Kind in verschiedenenAltersstufen aussehen könnte. Mit dieser App gelingen Ihnenbestimmt schöne und lustige Baby- und Kinderfotos, die Sie inVorlagen einsetzen und speichern können.Extra Spaß:Sie können sich zum Spaß oder zum Üben 3D-Modell-Bilder vonCelebrities wie Brad Pitt, David Beckham, Scarlett Johansson,Penelope Cruz u. a. hinzuladen. Staunen Sie, wie Ihre Kinder mitden Stars aussehen würden. Oder probieren Sie doch einfach aus, wiedie gemeinsamen Kinder von sagen wir Brad Pitt und ScarlettJohansson aussehen.Weiter Anwendungen:Die App macht sich auch gut auf Partys oder in lustigen Mädchen-und Jungsrunden.Viel Spaß beim "Kinder machen"!Ihr Mobipla-TeamHinweis:- Die App benötigt "Adobe AIR"(free)- Wir können keine Garantie dafür geben, dass die Ergebnisse immerIhren Wünschen und Vorstellungen entsprechenTAGS:Morphing, Liebe, Beziehung, Partnerschaft, Familienplanung,Verhütung, Vorschau, Face, Gesicht, Kindergesicht, Mama, Mutter,Papa, Vater, Eltern, Kinder, Schwangerschaft, Geburt,Kinderwunsch
Pregnancy Exercises 0.0.1 APK
Regular aerobic exercise during pregnancyappears to improve (or maintain) physical fitness. Physicalexercise during pregnancy does appear to decrease the risk ofC-section.The Clinical Practice Obstetrics Committee of Canada recommendsthat "All women without contraindications should be encouraged toparticipate in aerobic and strength-conditioning exercises as partof a healthy lifestyle during their pregnancy". Although an upperlevel of safe exercise intensity has not been established, womenwho were regular exercisers before pregnancy and who haveuncomplicated pregnancies should be able to engage in highintensity exercise programs. In general, participation in a widerange of recreational activities appears to be safe, with theavoidance of those with a high risk of falling such as horsebackriding or skiing or those that carry a risk of abdominal trauma,such as soccer or hockey.Many women’s main concern when they become pregnant is theweight gain. Numerous expecting mothers are dissatisfied becausethey put on significant amount of weight during their pregnancy andfear that they will be unable to loose it post delivery. A studywas conducted to learn about seventy one pregnant women’s bodyimage satisfaction. Forty of these women were high exercisers andthirty one were low exercisers. In the end, the high exercisersdemonstrated significantly higher levels of body imagesatisfaction. This is because women who exercise during pregnancymay respond in a favorable manner to changes in their body duringearly pregnancy in comparison to woman who remains sedentary(Boscaglia, Skouteris, Wertheim, 2003).**Disclaimer: Of course, your doctor’s permission for exerciseis essential as there can be contraindications to exercise duringpregnancy. Additionally, the most important thing you can do istune in to your body and give yourself some grace. Be aware of whatyour body is telling you – does that exercise feel good? Keep itup. Doesn’t feel so good? Probably best to stop and adjust.
Messages from Pope Francis APK
Messages from the Pope is the only instantmessaging app for Catholics that notifies you each time the HolyFather sends a message to the world. Follow the path of hisHoliness into making the world a better place for everyone.Pope Francis (Latin: Franciscus; Italian: Francesco; born JorgeMario Bergoglio, 17 December 1936) is the reigning pope of theCatholic Church, in which capacity he is both Bishop of Rome andabsolute Sovereign of the Vatican City State.Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Bergoglio worked briefly as achemical technician and nightclub bouncer before beginning seminarystudies.He was ordained a Catholic priest in 1969 and from 1973 to1979 was Argentina's Provincial Superior of the Society of Jesus.He became the Archbishop of Buenos Aires in 1998 and was created acardinal in 2001 by Pope John Paul II.Following the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI on 28 February 2013,a papal conclave elected Bergoglio as his successor on 13 March. Hechose Francis as his papal name in honor of Saint Francis ofAssisi. Francis is the first Jesuit pope, the first from theAmericas, the first from the Southern Hemisphere and the firstnon-European pope since the Syrian Gregory III in 741, 1,272 yearsearlier.Throughout his public life, both as an individual and as areligious leader, Pope Francis has been noted for his humility, hisconcern for the poor and his commitment to dialogue as a way tobuild bridges between people of all backgrounds, beliefs andfaiths. He is known for having a simpler and less formal approachto the papacy, most notably by choosing to reside in the DomusSanctae Marthae guesthouse rather than the papal apartments of theApostolic Palace used by his predecessors. In addition, due to bothhis Jesuit and Ignatian aesthetic, he is known for favoring simplervestments void of ornamentation, including refusing the traditionalpapal mozzetta cape upon his election, choosing silver instead ofgold for his piscatory ring, and keeping the same pectoral cross hehad when he was cardinal.The Pontiff has affirmed Catholic doctrine on abortion, artificialcontraception, and homosexuality. Whilst maintaining the Church'steaching against homosexual acts, he has said that gay peopleshould not be marginalized. As a cardinal, he opposed same-sexmarriage in Argentina. In addition, he maintains that he is a "sonof the Church" regarding loyalty to Church doctrine, and has spokenagainst abortion as "horrific", suggested that women be valued notclericalized. Summarily Pope Francis reiterates that "It is absurdto say you follow Jesus Christ but reject the Church."Accordingly, he urged Bishop Charles J. Scicluna of Malta to speakout against adoption by same-sex couples,[17][18] maintained thatdivorced and re-married Catholics may not receive theEucharist,[19][20] and excommunicated a former Catholic priest forEucharistic sacrilege and heretical views.[21][22] Furthermore, heemphasized the Christian obligation to assist the poor and theneedy in an optimistic tone, as well as promoting peacenegotiations and interfaith dialogue.[23][24][25][26][7] PopeFrancis has also announced a zero-tolerance policy towards sexabuse in the Church, saying that sex abuse was "as bad asperforming a satanic mass."[27][28][29]
辣妈说-怀孕育儿交友社区,亲子成长时光相册 6.0 APK
•成长时光轴:怀孕 - 出生 - 成长•照片、文字,记录每一个难忘瞬间•私密空间与便捷分享尽在掌握详细说明:“我的宝宝”为妈妈、爸爸或其他家庭成员专门设计,您能快速建立宝宝的成长日记,添加日常生活照片,输入一些文字记录,逐步累计成时光相册。您可以记录宝宝带给您的喜怒哀乐、哺乳、辅食、换尿布时间、育儿心得和经验、购买的各种可爱商品,如小衣服、小鞋子、奶粉尿布等,如果您还在怀孕中,可以记录胎儿每个孕周的情况,数胎动的记录也可以添加在里面,还有B超图照片也可以保存起来。您也可以在这里邀请和添加您的家人或朋友成为好友,与他们一起分享您的快乐和幸福,同时您也可以关注好友的宝宝,了解他们的动态,与他们互动,分享各种怀孕育儿的经验,讨论各种父母关注的问题,如教育、喂养、照顾和看护等。
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“Discover App” is a concept for global servicein which people can make friends and provide communication servicewhich enables smooth photo sharing and communication with globalfriends. Share your photo’s to enjoy and get new Inspirations fromothers by looking through photos. Also share your profile to newfriends and see others profile. Share your interesting photos andstories with global friends.Features• To meet new surrounding friends.• Sharing Photos with Global Friends.• Share interesting stories with global friends.• Like, share and comment in friend’s posts.• To communicate with new friends.
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Stop the traditional way of waking up you mobile screen. This appwill enhance your mobile screen and double tapping on the screenwill wake up your mobile screen.Forget patterns, pin codes, or sliders to unlock your screen. Forthose who uses their mobile a lot, to them even a second counts.Using patten or pin passwords are time consuming. Using this lockscreen makes it easy for your to unlock your mobile. You need todouble tap on the customized lock screen of this app and the mobilewill unlock. Speed and security are integral part of thisapp.Lock Features :- Double Tap to unlock anywhere on your lock screen to openit.- Customize your lock screen page.- Add name, photo, date and time to your lock screen- Customize fonts, size and color of name, date and time.This feature is provided in all the latest phones of LG G serieslike the LG G3.So download this app and upgrade your mobile with the latestfeature of double tap.
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With Gigato, you’ll never have to wait forWiFi again! Gigato provides free unrestricted Internet data foryour Android.Use the apps you love and get megabytes recharged to your prepaidaccount, or store in your Gigato Data Wallet and give yourself aneasy recharge whenever you need one. No need to try for an onlinerecharge, we store them right on your mobile!Gigato users, please upgrade to v2.05 or newer to keep earningdata packs.Step 1: After you download and register with Gigato, all theapps that partner with us are able to refund you for the dataconsumed on their apps with unrestricted mobile recharge credit on2G/3G/4G.Step 2: Use apps you already have installed or install newones, either way you start earning data credits instantly!Share Gigato with your friends and you each earn bonus data!Step 3: Once you reach 150MB you can receive a recharge foruse on anything anywhere!We believe in giving users options when it comes to paying for dataand using their apps whenever and wherever they please. Our freerecharge offers are always changing too!Download Gigato Today! Visit our website at tolearn more.Please note:Gigato only works on prepaid accounts. Postpaid accounts will notwork.We support all mobile recharges across alll operators in Indiaincluding but not limited to:• Aircel mobile data packs• Airtel mobile data packs• Idea mobile data packs• MTNL mobile data packs• Reliance CDMA mobile data packs• Reliance GSM mobile data packs• UNINOR mobile data packs• Vodafone mobile data packsWe are always here to help you. If you have any issuesinstalling or receiving your data recharge, please email us:[email protected] allows users to access online connected computer,electronic, and mobile networks
Playboy For Android (Old App) 1.1.1 APK
The Playboy App brings Playboy’s reverence oftruth, beauty and a better life into readers’ lives through theirmobile devices. Get instant access to photos of sexy Playmates andother world-class beauties, high-quality photo galleries andinsightful articles. Playmates, models and gorgeous amateurs arefeatured in our free, Safe for Work (SFW), NON-NUDE Playmate Redux,God Given Gorgeous, Miss Social and Exclusives galleries. Galleriesalso are available for purchase.Yes, some people do actually download the app for the articles.The Playboy App offers select reporting from the world-renownedprint edition of Playboy as well as original writing on Sex andCulture and The Good Life. You can rely on Playboy writers to serveup thoughtful journalism and opinion on sex, politics, travel,culture, music, style, cars, gear, food and drink.Added bonus: The World of Playboy feature gives users abehind-the-scenes look at Playboy’s Playmates, parties, events andpersonalities.The Playboy App is the purveyor of the bespoke Playboy lifestylefor the ultimate urbane guy, a must-have for the moderngentleman.For complete access choose between two subscription models: a30-day subscription and a 1-year subscription, which will save youmore than 40 percent compared to the monthly subscription.Free sample galleries and articles are available available whenyou download the app.
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Meet Kris+, your lifestyle rewards app that lets you enjoyexclusive deals and privileges every day at over 1,000 dining andretail partner outlets in Singapore. Enjoy up to 6% rebates and getthe BEST miles rate in town of up to 9 miles per SGD spent, bysimply making payments through the app as you shop and dine! WithKris+, everything adds up: DEALS, PRIVILEGES, REWARDS & REBATES- Privileges with minimum of 10% off, 1-for-1 deals andcomplimentary treats. - Exclusive birthday privileges during yourbirthday month. - Earn rebates in miles for every payment madethrough the app, with no minimum spend or cap in the maximum numberof miles you can get. As good as cashback! - Your spend on Kris+lets you earn both rewards from Kris+ and your credit card, easilydoubling your rewards! - Convert reward points from your Citibank,CapitaStar, DBS or UOB account to miles. - Redeem your earned milesto offset your future purchases or transfer them to your KrisFlyeraccount to accumulate for your next Singapore Airlines flight.PARTNER MERCHANTS - In Singapore, there are 300+ partnering brandsand over 1,000 outlets across dining, retail, wellness, leisureactivities and services categories. - Local partners include –award winning restaurants like Braci, Amò, atout and Alma by JuanAmador; casual dining restaurants like Aburi-EN, Enjoy EatingHouse, Mrs Pho, The Coffee Academics and Nuodle; cafes and bistroslike Paris Baguette, Gong Cha, Cedele, Mellower Coffee and 25Degrees Burger; retail brands like Harvey Norman, Challenger,Simmons, In Good Company, PUMA, Bottles&Bottles and FairPriceFinest; services like Esso, Shunji Matsuo and PHS HAIRSCIENCE;attractions like Holey Moley Golf Club, Ola Beach Club and iFly;wellness salons like House of Traditional Javanese Massage LifeSpa,and Kenko Wellness. - Use Kris+ and enjoy privileges at countrieswith partnering merchants, including South Korea, India, Australia,Indonesia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, and more.FEATURE HIGHLIGHTS - Monthly flash deals for vouchers and promocodes. - Complete in-app challenges and get rewarded instantly. -Frequent bonus miles and miles-back promotions. - Transfer miles toand from your KrisFlyer account to your Kris+ app. - Discoverpartner outlets nearby where you can use Kris+. - Shop directly onKrisShop and earn miles for every transaction made. - Personalisedpush notification and recommendations. - Retrieve your SingaporeAirlines pass within 24 hours. before arriving in Singapore, orduring your stay in Singapore. SEAMLESS PAYMENT - Set up Google Payon your mobile phone with your desired debit / credit card; Kris+will automatically detect this as a payment option - Simply scanthe QR code at our partner outlets with your Kris+ app and proceedwith payment using Kris+. REFERRAL REWARDS - Earn SGD 5 worth ofmiles for both you and your friend for every successful Kris+referral. For more information, visit