
Messages from Pope Francis
Messages from the Pope is the only instantmessaging app for Catholics that notifies you each time the HolyFather sends a message to the world. Follow the path of hisHoliness into making the world a better place for everyone.Pope Francis (Latin: Franciscus; Italian: Francesco; born JorgeMario Bergoglio, 17 December 1936) is the reigning pope of theCatholic Church, in which capacity he is both Bishop of Rome andabsolute Sovereign of the Vatican City State.Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Bergoglio worked briefly as achemical technician and nightclub bouncer before beginning seminarystudies.He was ordained a Catholic priest in 1969 and from 1973 to1979 was Argentina's Provincial Superior of the Society of Jesus.He became the Archbishop of Buenos Aires in 1998 and was created acardinal in 2001 by Pope John Paul II.Following the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI on 28 February 2013,a papal conclave elected Bergoglio as his successor on 13 March. Hechose Francis as his papal name in honor of Saint Francis ofAssisi. Francis is the first Jesuit pope, the first from theAmericas, the first from the Southern Hemisphere and the firstnon-European pope since the Syrian Gregory III in 741, 1,272 yearsearlier.Throughout his public life, both as an individual and as areligious leader, Pope Francis has been noted for his humility, hisconcern for the poor and his commitment to dialogue as a way tobuild bridges between people of all backgrounds, beliefs andfaiths. He is known for having a simpler and less formal approachto the papacy, most notably by choosing to reside in the DomusSanctae Marthae guesthouse rather than the papal apartments of theApostolic Palace used by his predecessors. In addition, due to bothhis Jesuit and Ignatian aesthetic, he is known for favoring simplervestments void of ornamentation, including refusing the traditionalpapal mozzetta cape upon his election, choosing silver instead ofgold for his piscatory ring, and keeping the same pectoral cross hehad when he was cardinal.The Pontiff has affirmed Catholic doctrine on abortion, artificialcontraception, and homosexuality. Whilst maintaining the Church'steaching against homosexual acts, he has said that gay peopleshould not be marginalized. As a cardinal, he opposed same-sexmarriage in Argentina. In addition, he maintains that he is a "sonof the Church" regarding loyalty to Church doctrine, and has spokenagainst abortion as "horrific", suggested that women be valued notclericalized. Summarily Pope Francis reiterates that "It is absurdto say you follow Jesus Christ but reject the Church."Accordingly, he urged Bishop Charles J. Scicluna of Malta to speakout against adoption by same-sex couples,[17][18] maintained thatdivorced and re-married Catholics may not receive theEucharist,[19][20] and excommunicated a former Catholic priest forEucharistic sacrilege and heretical views.[21][22] Furthermore, heemphasized the Christian obligation to assist the poor and theneedy in an optimistic tone, as well as promoting peacenegotiations and interfaith dialogue.[23][24][25][26][7] PopeFrancis has also announced a zero-tolerance policy towards sexabuse in the Church, saying that sex abuse was "as bad asperforming a satanic mass."[27][28][29]
Misal México y Centroamérica 1.0.8
Para todos los Católicos*, el Misal es la única app que contiene la Santa Misa de todoslos días del mes, sin necesidad de Internet** para poder seguirladesde el teléfono, en cualquier lugar y en cualquier momento.*Esta app cuenta con el Misal utilizado en México, Estados Unidos,Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica y Panamá. Si teencuentras en otro país revisa nuestras versiones de tu país.Próximamente tendremos versiones para todos los paises de América yEspaña.Comparte el Evangelio directo a seres queridos o redes sociales másfácil que con ninguna otra app.Ajusta el texto al tamaño que más te facilite su lectura.Esta aplicación ha sido descargada por más de 100,000 personas.Algunas reseñas son:- "Me parece que es muy buena aplicación, he bajado varias con laMisa del día y esta es la más apegada a las lecturas"- "Puedo seguir mi Misa diaria ya que coincide perfecto."- "Me es de gran utilidad porque puedo leer el evangelio del día, yestá totalmente sincronizado con el de la Iglesia"La app del Misal cumple 5 años gracias al apoyo de la comunidadCatólica de Android. Revisa de manera gratuita y para siempre elcontenido de la Liturgia Cotidiana del día. Adquiere unasubscripción para poder tener el contenido sin necesidad deInternet y las ventajas adicionales que hacen realidad que esta appcontinue apoyando a cristianizar la vida cotidiana de más personasalrededor del mundo.**El contenido del Misal de la Iglesia Católica actualizado sedescarga los primeros días del mes, después de esto ya no esnecesario contar con conexión constante a Internet para ver elcontenido de la Misa del día y la eucaristía.El Misal Romano es el texto litúrgico que contiene todas lasoraciones y lecturas, así como la estructura de la celebración delrito romano en la Iglesia Católica. El rito romano es el formatoestándar para la celebración de la Misa en la Iglesia CatólicaRomana.El rito romano de la Misa y el Misal adjunto ha sido formalmenteestandarizado en 1570 por el Papa Pío V. Después del ConcilioVaticano II en 1970, se adoptó el Misal Romano en su forma actual.Desde entonces ha sido revisado en dos ocasiones, una en 1975 yotra vez en el año 2000 por el Papa Juan Pablo II.El Misal Romano contiene dos partes. La primera parte es laLiturgia de la Palabra, y la segunda parte es la Liturgia de laEucaristía. La Liturgia de la Palabra contiene lecturas de laBiblia y la Liturgia de la Eucaristía contiene las oraciones y lasrespuestas necesarias para la celebración de la Eucaristía (laceremonia que conmemora la última cena). El Misal contiene tambiénlas oraciones de apertura y conclusión dichas en la misa.Los católicos son llamados a la celebración de la Misa todos losdomingos y los llamados días de precepto. Las lecturas y lasoraciones que se dicen durante el cambio de masa en un ciclo detres años. Además, hay varias fiestas y celebraciones que tienensus propias lecturas y oraciones.For all Catholics *, theMissal of is the only app that contains the Mass forevery day of the month without Internet ** to follow from thephone, anywhere and anytime.* This app has the Missal used in Mexico, United States, Guatemala,Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama. If you are in anothercountry review our versions of your country. We will soon haveversions for all countries of America and Spain.Share the Gospel live loved ones or social networks easier thanwith any other app.Adjust text size more facilitates you read.This application has been downloaded by more than 100,000 people.Some reviews are:- "I think it's very good application, have lowered several withthe Mass of the day and this is the more attached to thereadings"- "I continue my daily Mass as it coincides perfect."- "It is very useful because I can read the Gospel of the day, andis fully synchronized with that of the Church"The Missal app turns 5 years thanks to the support of the Catholiccommunity of Android. Check for free and forever the content of theLiturgy Daily day. Acquires a subscription to have the contentwithout Internet and additional advantages that make this appactually continue supporting Christianize the daily lives of mostpeople around the world.** The content of the Missal of the Catholic Church updateddownloads the first day of the month, after it is no longernecessary to have constant Internet connection to view the contentsof the Mass of the day and the Eucharist.The Roman Missal is the liturgical text containing all the prayersand readings, as well as the structure of the celebration of theRoman rite in the Catholic Church. The Roman Rite is the standardformat for the celebration of Mass in the Roman CatholicChurch.The Roman Rite of the Mass and the attached Missal has beenformally standardized in 1570 by Pope Pius V. After the SecondVatican Council in 1970, the Roman Missal was adopted in itspresent form. Since then it has been revised twice, once in 1975and again in 2000 by Pope John Paul II.The Roman Missal contains two parts. The first part is the Liturgyof the Word, and the second part is the Liturgy of the Eucharist.The Liturgy of the Word contains readings from the Bible and theLiturgy of the Eucharist contains the prayers and responses neededfor the celebration of the Eucharist (the ceremony commemoratingthe Last Supper). The missal also contains the opening andconcluding prayers said at Mass.Catholics are called to the celebration of Mass on Sundays and holydays of obligation called. The readings and prayers said during themass change in a cycle of three years. In addition, there areseveral festivals and celebrations that have their own readings andprayers.
Colombia 2011 6
Ten a la mano las noticias del mundial deColombia con fotos y videos. Además, cuenta con información delfutbol en México y de la selección Mexicana.
Vatican - News,Radio,US Bible 5
This app. puts together all the informationthe Vatican wants its followers to know:- News from the Holy Father- Official press releases- Vatican Radio ( you can listen to recordings with thisapplication )It also includes the Bible in American English so you can have acopy of the holy book with you.Also, there is a day by day plan included so you can read thewhole bible in one year.
Vaticano Noticias Radio Biblia 11
Esta aplicación conjunta la información deactualidad que el Vaticano quiere hacer llegar a susfeligrenses.- Noticias de la santa sede- Sala de prensa oficial del Vaticano- Radiovaticano ( puedes escuchar las transmisiones desde estaaplicación )Incluye una copia de la Biblia Reina Valera para que siempretraigas el santo libro contigo.Además, incluye un plan por día para que leas la Biblia completaen un año.
Vatican- News, Radio, KJ Bible 4
This app. puts together all the informationthe Vatican wants its followers to know:- News from the Holy Father- Official press releases- Vatican Radio ( you can listen to recordings with thisapplication )It also includes the King James version of the Bible so you canhave a copy of the holy book with you.Also, there is a day by day plan included so you can read thewhole bible in one year.
Tie Knots in split color video 1.03
Now you can easily learn cool knots for yourneck tie, with Tie Knots in Split Color Video. This is the only appin existence that teaches you how to make tie knots usingeasy-to-follow, two color videos. Click “...More” to learn why youshould download this App today!There’s this guy you work with who wears intricately knottedties. He always looks very professional and your female co-workersthink the guy is pretty sexy. What a show off! One day he’s wearinga Windsor knot, the next day he may be sporting the Onassis orMerovingian. You don’t even know what a Merovingian is.It’s obvious that you have tie knot envy but take heart dearfellow, because help is here, in the Tie Knots in Split Color Videoapp. Just follow along with the easy, two color videos and beforeyou know it, you’ll be knotting your neck tie like a pro.In no time at all, the ‘tie guy’ from work will be the onewatching you. Imagine the look on his face when you show up with anItalian or Oriental knot! That’s right; you’ll send him running forhis tie knot handbook while you’re cooly impressing your clients,your boss and others in the office, just by looking great.Think you can’t tie a perfect symmetrical knot? Think again! Youcan do this. Just watch the video for that knot to learn how. Theapplication contains 13 videos, so you can use a different knoteveryday for variety.Don’t worry if you need more than one practice try to get yourknot perfect, the videos are recorded in two colors so you canclearly see what part of the tie is going where and the videos goin slower motion on the hard turns. You get complete visualclarity, so you’ll be able to follow even the most complex knots.Oh yes, and the videos are mirrored too, so you don’t have to giveany thought to which hand you should be using. What could beeasier?Go ahead, watch, stop, rewind…as many times as you need and wantto. Tie Knots in Split Color Video has everything possible to helpyou learn to tie your tie in really cool ways.Which knot will you use to make ‘tie guy’ green with envy? TheVictoria? The St. Andrew? The Four in Hand? Hey, how about showinghim the proper way to tie the Merovingian? You couldn’t help butnotice while watching one of the Tie Knots videos that mister smarttie has been doing it wrong all this time! It’s okay to smile.Check out just some of the features you get in Tie Knots inSplit Color Video:* Easy interface* Contains 13 videos for a variety of cool knot tyingtechniques* Super easy, crystal clear videos in two colors to help you followalong* Videos play in slower motion on the hard turns* Stop, rewind and replay as often as you want or need to* Available for iPhone, iPad touch and for iPad in HD* Makes ‘tie guys’ jealousWhat are you waiting for? Download Tie Knots in Split ColorVideo right now and get practicing! Tomorrow morning, walk into theoffice sporting the Half Windsor, or the Nicky, or the AsymmetricFashion Knot, or….--This app will add a few search access points on your device. Ifyou do not want to use this new search page, you can either ignoreit or delete it. If you do use it, we get a few cents and it willhelp us a lot to keep developing more apps. If you don’t, you candelete it and no harm is done (our app remains the same, no need touninstall it!). Thank you.
TlaqueApp 1.2
TlaqueApp es una solución móvil para el CentroHistórico de San Pedro Tlaquepaque, que se ofrece al ciudadano yvisitantes con el objetivo de enviar reportes directamente algobierno Municipal para identificar áreas de oportunidad ydenunciar cualquier tipo de acción que afecte el Centro Histórico.Usted podrá reportar diferentes situaciones divididas en 4categorías principales y podrá llenar un formato de reporte dandomás detalle de las situación. Con las herramientas brindadas porlos teléfonos móviles, usted podrá tomar fotografía del hecho,enviar la localización usando el GPS del mismo y así coadyuvar enlabores de detección de imperfectos y áreas de oportunidad en elCentro Histórico, ayudando a la autoridad municipal para larealización de sus labores.Le invitamos a embellecer nuestro Centro Histórico y exhortamosa generar un uso responsable de esta aplicación.*Aplicación desarrollada por diseñada para losmunicipios que quieren estar a la vanguardia tecnológica y ofrecera sus ciudadanos herramientas digitales que les ayuden a dar unmejor servicio público haciendo el mejor uso desde Smartphones oTablets en tiempo real.TlaqueApp is a mobilesolution for the historic center of San Pedro Tlaquepaque, whichcitizens and visitors in order to send reports directly to theMunicipal government to identify areas of opportunity and denounceany action affecting the Historic Center offers.You may report different situations divided into 4 maincategories and can fill out a report form giving more detail of thesituation. With the tools provided by mobile phones, you can takepicture of the event, send the location using the GPS itself andthus contribute to imperfect detection tasks and areas ofopportunity in the Historic Center, helping the municipal authorityfor realization of their labors.We invite you to beautify our Historical Center attract and urgeresponsible use of this application.* Application developed by designed formunicipalities that want to be at the forefront of technology andoffer its citizens digital tools that help them provide betterpublic service by making the best use from time Smartphones orTablets real.
Colombia 2011 in English 3
Keep handy the news of the Colombia WorldCupalong with photos and other news from Brazil 2014.
Sunday School Material 1.02
This app contains the Catholic SundaySchoolmaterial from the Hermanas Catequistas de Jesús Crucificado.We have found a new way to generate some money from thisfreeapp. using this new search tool, we can keep creating apps andgivethem to you completely free forever! This search is from oursearchpartner and give you access to great web search via a searchicon,bookmark link and homepage. You may remove them at yourchoice.Thanks.Proceeds are donated to the Hermanas Catequistas deJesúsCrucificado so they can continue their mission in making thisWorlda better and more Godly place. Just by downloading the app youarehelping them receive a donation.
Bendice nuestra mesa 1.05
"Tu palabra bendice nuestra mesa"En el ritmo de vida actual es importante propiciar momentosorituales que nos ayuden a ser conscientes de la presencia deDios;uno de esos momentos es el compartir los alimentos enfamilia.Esta colección de bendiciones ofrece una breve lectura bíblicayuna oración para ir acompañando los acontecimientos vividos enlafamilia o comunidad.Bendice los alimentos con estas oraciones gratuitas.Estaremosagregando más oraciones en el futuro para que puedasbendecir losalimentos tal cual como Jesucristo nos enseñó. Bendicela comida,bendice la mesa.Esta aplicación cumple la función de los tarjeteros quepuedescomprar físicamente que contienen tarjetitas con oracionesparabendecir la comida. Sin embargo ahora ya no te tienes quepreocuparpor saber dónde está y además que puedes llevar estasbendicionescontigo, siempre para bendecir alimentos en otrasmesas.Esta aplicación está patrocinada por lo que con tansoloinstalarla y permitir que se instalen todos los componentes,elpatrocinador hará una donación a las Hermanas Catequistas deJesúsCrucificado. Ayúdalas a llevar la palabra de Dios a máslugares contan solo descargar esta aplicación.Por favor recomienda a otros que descarguen la aplicaciónparaapoyar a las Hermanas en esta causa y para llevar el catecismodela Iglesia Católica a más lugares.
Vatikan - News, Radio, Bibel 4
Diese gemeinsame DurchführungInformationenheute, dass der Vatikan will vermitteln.- Nachrichten aus dem Heiligen Stuhl- Radiovaticano (Sie können Sendungen aus dieser Anwendung zuhören)Eine Kopie der Bibel zu bringen immer das heilige BuchmitIhnen.Es enthält auch einen Plan einen Tag, um die ganze Bibel ineinemJahr zu lesen.
Guerras Electorales Premium 1.0
Juega tu estrategia el día de laseleccionesfederales para que gane tu candidato a Presidente de laRepública ala manera en que se hacía décadas antes, con tranzas yno convotos.Revive la caída del sistema, el carrusel, la urna embarazada,latamalada y decenas de tranzas y fraudes más en un contexto deunjuego con carácter histórico para no olvidarlas y que nunca mássevuelvan a repetir ni por el PRI ni por el PAN ni por el PRD niporcualquier partído político.El juego arranca el día de las elecciones cuando abrenlascasillas. Podrás elegir de una colección de tranzas, cada unaconun costo y una duración diferente. Las casillas cierran a las6pmasí que deberás usar tu dinero y tu tiempo estratégicamenteparaganar. Además, deberás de tener suerte porque eventosaleatoriospueden pegarte en las urnas.Esta versión premium no contiene anuncios de lospartidospolíticos.
Guerras Electorales 1.0
Play your strategy on federal election day for president
AidApp - México 1.0
AidApp es la única app de donativos quetepermite apoyar a tus ONGs y fundaciones favoritas con cargodirectoa tu celular para que fácilmente puedas contribuir a unmundomejor.Esta app fue finalista del premio al Desafío Intel 2013 y hasidoapoyada por y por el programa SEED de Brazil.Hasido nominada como la mejor app del mundo del 2013 por losMobilePremier Awards en el marco del Mobile World Congress enBarcelona,España.AidApp is the onlyappthat lets you donations support your favorite NGOs andfoundationswith direct debit from your phone so you can easilycontribute to abetter world.This app was a finalist in the 2013 Intel Challenge Award andhasbeen supported by and Brazil the SEED program.Shehas been nominated as the best app in the world in 2013 bytheMobile Premier Awards at Mobile World Congress inBarcelona,​​Spain.
AidApp 1.0
AidApp es la única app de donativos quetepermite apoyar a tus ONGs y fundaciones favoritas con cargodirectoa tu celular, sin necesidad de tarjeta de crédito, paraquefácilmente puedas contribuir a un mundo mejor.Esta app fue finalista del premio al Desafío Intel 2013 y hasidoapoyada por y por el programa SEED deBrazil.AidApp is the onlyappthat lets you donations support your favorite NGOs andfoundationswith direct charge your phone without credit card, soyou caneasily contribute to a better world.This app was a finalist in the 2013 Intel Challenge Award andhasbeen supported by and Brazil the SEEDprogram.
Mi Familia en la Red 1
Esta aplicación es un cliente deFacebookdiseñado para ser la primera puerta de acceso a personasnovatas aFacebook.La idea es que si el papa o abuelo quiere entrar aFacebookentonces el hijo o nieto le registre su cuenta al adulto yse laconfigure con esta aplicación. Esta aplicación es unaversiónreducida de Facebook que solo le permitirá al usuario verfotos desus amigos y mandarles mensajes.La ventaja es que es sumamente sencillo hacerlo y enseñaraadultos a usarla. Posteriormente, si el usuario se hace experto,yapuede usar el cliente normal de Facebook.Si ya están todos en Facebook menos tus papas o abuelos,hazlessu cuenta de Facebook e instálales esta aplicación.
Missal Audio / Daily Readings 5
Listen to today's mass right on yourdevicewith this application. You can also read the Daily Readingsto geta better understanding of the mass service and follow alongeasierwhile you are at Church.PLUS: Everyday a new section of the American English Bibleisincluded in the application. The sections are designed so youcanread the whole bible in a single year.
VIDA Entrepreneur Podcast
Las estrategias y retos de emprendedoresenotras partes del mundo no son las mismas que en Latinoamérica;poreso aquí las exploramos y compartimos con futuros emprendedoresyemprendedores que están en etapas de crecimiento.Escucha al Emprendedor del Año de México, al ganador delrealityshow del Emprendedor de México de WOBI, al Premio NacionaldeCalidad de México, a una Top Innovator, distinción que da MIT,apersonas que vendieron miles de millones, a emprendedores quehanvendido sus empresas y muchas historias más. Escuchanos gratis.Note pierdas de ningún episodio y si te gusta por favor regálanosunareseña para motivar a más personas a escuchar el podcast.VIDA Entrepreneur es el podcast #1 de negocios.Entrevistamosemprendedores exitosos y que nos inspiran, todos losdías de lasemana, dónde ellos comparten sus tips y consejos deemprendimientoy para emprender.Strategies andchallengesof entrepreneurs in other parts of the world are not thesame as inLatin America; so here we explore and share withfutureentrepreneurs and entrepreneurs who are in stages of growth.Listen Entrepreneur of the Year of Mexico, the winner of therealityshow of the Entrepreneur of Mexico WOBI, the NationalQuality Awardof Mexico, a Top Innovator, a distinction that givesMIT, people whosold billions, entrepreneurs who have sold theircompanies and manymore stories. Escuchanos free. Do not miss anyepisode and if youlike please grant us a review to encourage morepeople to listen tothe podcast.LIFE Entrepreneur is the # 1 business podcast. Weinterviewedsuccessful entrepreneurs and inspire us every day of theweek,where they share their tips and advice for enterpriseandentrepreneurship.
US Border Wait Time 13
This application shows the wait times tocrossinto the U.S. from Mexico or Canada through the pedestrianborderor by car.If you are going into the United States by car, you can checkhowlong your wait time will be. The app also includes maps oftheborder crossings so you can choose another one should there bealong wait time in your border crossing point.The information displayed is updated hourly from the U.S.Customsand Border Protection databases.