1.32 / May 6, 2014
(3.4/5) (8)


Number, plus a dual number, two numbers,letters boilerplate

This program is
SKT, KT, LG U + carrier-added services in each
Number, plus a dual number, two numbers plus the name of theservice you are using, such as users.

For example, if the user numbers plus SKT called party numbervia a supplementary service is available, the

Calls the * 22 # + phone number + call button to call, and
Characters when sending * 22 # + phone number will be sent byentering the recipient number.

This program is one such program that is based on the shippingsystem, the operator's preferences under the same criteria as anexample of how to support the currency and shipping terminaluser.

How to use **

  - Via the menu button [N +] settings screen, checkthe settings in your environment.
  - To select a user,
  - A list of phone numbers out of a long click on thescreen.
  - Recent History tab, click on the phone number entrieslong.
  - N + is included in the menu is selected, the personsending the number to call or text.
  - The user only search by name.
  - Pre-set AutoText when sending lettersavailable.
  - When using for the first time the use of boilerplate,sample content, so the user must be registered.
  - Boilerplate information stored on the server.Changes, the phone is kept.

To set the environment **

  - The default setting is * 22 #.

  - The phone's menu button, then settings
  - Set the values ​​by each carrier, and the location ofeach setting and save the settings.

  - Example 1) * 22 # + phone number + currencies inone case, the * 22 # to set the value, location (front) LLC."
  - Example 2) * 77 + phone number + currencies in theday, the setting values ​​are * 77, position (front) LLC. "
  - Example 3) * 77 # + phone number + currencies in onecase, the * 77 # to set the value, location (front) LLC. "
  - Example 4) + # + call one phone number, if you setthe value of the # position (back) to check out. "

* Now numbers and letters sent out a call made through thisprogram, installed by default on your phone or in recent history,phonebook, etc. does not apply.

* Some devices ... for outgoing connection failures in HD voicemessage and then sending this information if you do not get a voiceentry terminal option to turn off your HD. Terminal operators inthe VoLTE, LTE, etc. consisting of dual HD Voice number (numbers,plus tupon, two numbers) This service is not available.
* Recent evidence right [N +] display is displayed only when thesender.
* Some models, letters and phone displays the icon may not bedisplayed.
* Some models, the recent history of the characters, even thoughthe phone display may show the icon.
* Some models in recent history, a list of characters may not bedisplayed.
* This program, giving users the ability to add extra, there is nonumber.

* In this program,

* This for the first time when using the commonly used + 7 days canbe used,
  Once the purchase is confirmed, you can use up to2030-12-31.

* This program is the determination of the normal user, makesure your Internet connection is required.

App Information Number,dual number,two numbers

  • App Name
    Number,dual number,two numbers
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    May 6, 2014
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.1 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
  • Installs
    100 - 500
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
  • Google Play Link


IP Change,Interval,Auto 1.17 APK
IP Change, Interval, AutoExecuteThe program has a specified interval (Minute) attempts to changethe IP.IP is that IP is assigned by the service provider may not bechanged.IP does not change, reason, will not be refunded.The program of the data communication ON / OFF via the attempt,IP is attempting to change.IP change time interval (Minute) is1,2,3,4,5,6,10,12,15,20,30,60 minutes (Minute) is.At specified intervals (Minute) of the on-time is complete, datacommunication ON / OFF of a,Data communication is done again until about the time it takes lessthan 20 seconds.Combo box (the spinner buttons) Interval (Minute) after settingthe interval,AutoExecute button will attempt to change the IP set intervals.Order to determine the normal user's Internet connection isrequired andOnce the purchase is confirmed, will be enabled to 2030-12-31.
동의보감(東醫寶鑑) : 원문 1.12 APK
* 동의보감 원문* 東醫寶鑑(동의보감) : 원문(原文)* 동의보감은 1610년(광해군 2) 허준[許浚, 1539-1615,호:구암(龜巖)]이 지은의서(醫書)입니다.* 동의보감은 내경편(內景篇) , 외형편(外形篇), 잡병편(雜病篇), 탕액편(湯液篇), 침구편(鍼灸篇)으로 이루어져있습니다.* 內景篇(내경편)   - 身形(신형)   - 精(정)   - 氣(기)   - 神(신)   - 血(혈)   - 夢(몽)   - 聲音(성음)   - 言語(언어)   - 津液(진액)   - 痰飮(담음)   - 五藏六府(오장육부)   - 肝臟(간장)   - 心臟(심장)   - 脾臟(비장)   - 肺臟(폐장)   - 腎臟(신장)   - 膽腑(담부)   - 胃腑(위부)   - 小腸腑(소장부)   - 大腸腑(대장부)   - 膀胱腑(방광부)   - 三焦腑(삼초부)   - 胞部(포부)   - 蟲部(충부)   - 小便(소변)   - 大便(대변)* 外形篇(외형편)   - 頭(두)   - 面(면)   - 眼(안)   - 耳(이)   - 鼻(비)   - 口舌(구설)   - 牙齒(아치)   - 咽喉(인후)   - 頸項(경항)   - 背(배)   - 胸(흉)   - 乳(유)   - 腹(복)   - 臍(제)   - 腰(요)   - 脇(협)   - 皮(피)   - 肉(육)   - 怴(맥)   - 筋(근)   - 骨(골)   - 手(수)   - 足(족)   - 毛髮(모발)   - 前陰(전음)   - 後陰(후음)* 雜病篇(잡병편)   - 天地運氣   - 審病(심병)   - 辨證(변증)   - 診脉(진맥)   - 用藥(용약)   - 吐(토)   - 汗(한)   - 下(하)   - 風(풍)   - 寒(한)   - 暑(서)   - 濕(습)   - 燥(조)   - 火(화)   - 內傷(내상)   - 虛勞(허로)   - 霍亂(곽란)   - 嘔吐(구토)   - 咳嗽(해수)   - 積聚(적취)   - 浮腫(부종)   - 脹滿(창만)   - 消渴(소갈)   - 黃疸(황달)   - 痎瘧(해학)   - 瘟疫(온역)   - 邪祟(사수)   - 癰疽(옹저)   - 諸瘡(제창)   - 諸傷(제상)   - 解毒(해독)   - 救急(구급)   - 怪疾(괴질)   - 雜方(잡방)   - 婦人(부인)   - 小兒(소아)* 湯液篇(탕액편)   - 湯液序例(탕액서례)   - 水部(수부)   - 土部(토부)   - 穀部(곡부)   - 人部(인부)   - 禽部(금부)   - 獸部(수부)   - 魚部(어부)   - 蟲部(충부)   - 果部(과부)   - 菜部(채부)   - 草部(초부)   - 木部(목부)   - 玉部(옥부)   - 石部(석부)   - 金部(금부)* 鍼灸篇(침구편)   - 鍼灸(침구)* 단방(單方)과 같이, 하위 내용이 존재하는 항목은 클릭 후, 좌우 스크롤을 이용하면 하위 내용을 볼 수있습니다.* 동의보감은, 최초 사용시 사용시점 + 7일간 사용할 수 있으며,구매가 확인되면, 2030-12-31까지 사용할 수 있습니다.* 동의보감의 자료가 서버에 존재하여, 반드시 인터넷연결이 필요합니다.----개발자 연락처 :010-8677-1239* Leftover original* 东 医 宝 鉴 (Leftover): original (原文)* Leftover the 1610 (gwanghaegun 2) Huh [许 浚, 1539-1615, Issue:Guam (龟 岩)] built by the Letter of Agreement (医书) is* Leftover the inner side (内景 篇), external side (外形 篇),japbyeong side (杂 病 篇), tangaek side (汤 液 篇), bedding side (针灸 篇)is made up of.* 内景 篇 (inner side)- 身形 (new)- 精 (tablets)- 气 (units)- 神 (god)- 血 (Blood)- 梦 (Mont)- 声音 (voicing)- 言语 (language)- 津液 (essences)- 痰 飮 (serving)- 五藏 六 府 (five viscera and six entrails)- 肝脏 (soy sauce)- 心脏 (heart)- 脾脏 (spleen)- 肺脏 (Closed)- 肾脏 (kidney)- 胆 腑 (dambu)- 胃 腑 (distal)- 小肠 腑 (unit director)- 大肠 腑 (big man)- 膀胱 腑 (bladder section)- 三焦 腑 (part three seconds)- 胞 部 (aspiration)- 虫 部 (chungbu)- 小便 (urine)- 大便 (stool)* 外形 篇 (external service)- 头 (two)- 面 (surface)- 眼 (not)- 耳 (two)- 鼻 (rain)- 口舌 (guseol)- 牙齿 (arch)- 咽喉 (throat)- 颈项 (Beijing-Hangzhou)- 背 (x)- 胸 (thoracic)- 乳 (oil)- 腹 (Repeat)- 脐 (Article)- 腰 (required)- 胁 (narrow)- 皮 (P)- 肉 (six)- 怴 (Mac)- 筋 (muscle)- 骨 (goals)- 手 (Wed)- 足 (foot)- 毛发 (hair)- 前 阴 (whole tone)- 后 阴 (throaty)* 杂 病 篇 (japbyeong service)- 天地 运气- 审 病 (simbyeong)- 辨证 (dialectical)- 诊脉 (jinmaek)- 用药 (substances)- 吐 (Sat)- 汗 (one)- 下 (down)- 风 (wind)- 寒 (one)- 暑 (West)- 湿 (wet)- 燥 (Article)- 火 (fire)- 内伤 (internal injuries)- 虚劳 (heoro)- 霍乱 (gwakran)- 呕吐 (vomiting)- 咳嗽 (seawater)- 积聚 (jeokchwi)- 浮肿 (edema)- 胀满 (window only)- 消渴 (sogal)- 黄疸 (jaundice)- 痎 疟 ​​(humorous)- 瘟疫 (plague)- 邪 祟 (Shooter)- 痈 疽 (ongjeo)- 诸 疮 (proposed)- 诸 伤 (defrost)- 解毒 (detoxification)- 救急 (first aid)- 怪 疾 (goejil)- 杂 方 (japbang)- 妇人 (wife)- 小儿 (Pediatric)* 汤 液 篇 (tangaek service)- 汤 液 序 例 (tangaek seorye)- 水部 (Hand)- 土 部 (Tobu)- 谷 部 (Qufu)- 人 部 (workers)- 禽 部 (gold fan)- 兽 部 (Hand)- 鱼 部 (fisherman)- 虫 部 (chungbu)- 果 部 (widow)- 菜 部 (chaebu)- 草 部 (chobu)- 木 部 (neck)- 玉 部 (okbu)- 石 部 (seokbu)- 金 部 (gold fan)* 针灸 篇 (bedding edition)- 针灸 (bedding)* Danbang (单方), as the presence of sub-content items, click, thenscroll left and right you can see the contents of the sub.* Leftover, the first point-of-use when using + 7 days may beused  Purchase is confirmed, you can use up to2030-12-31.* Leftover exist on the server with the data, you must have anInternet connection.
Number,dual number,two numbers 1.32 APK
Number, plus a dual number, two numbers,letters boilerplateThis program isSKT, KT, LG U + carrier-added services in eachNumber, plus a dual number, two numbers plus the name of theservice you are using, such as users.For example, if the user numbers plus SKT called party numbervia a supplementary service is available, theCalls the * 22 # + phone number + call button to call, andCharacters when sending * 22 # + phone number will be sent byentering the recipient number.This program is one such program that is based on the shippingsystem, the operator's preferences under the same criteria as anexample of how to support the currency and shipping terminaluser.How to use **  - Via the menu button [N +] settings screen, checkthe settings in your environment.  - To select a user,  - A list of phone numbers out of a long click on thescreen.  - Recent History tab, click on the phone number entrieslong.  - N + is included in the menu is selected, the personsending the number to call or text.  - The user only search by name.  - Pre-set AutoText when sending lettersavailable.  - When using for the first time the use of boilerplate,sample content, so the user must be registered.  - Boilerplate information stored on the server.Changes, the phone is kept.To set the environment **  - The default setting is * 22 #.  - The phone's menu button, then settings  - Set the values ​​by each carrier, and the location ofeach setting and save the settings.  - Example 1) * 22 # + phone number + currencies inone case, the * 22 # to set the value, location (front) LLC."  - Example 2) * 77 + phone number + currencies in theday, the setting values ​​are * 77, position (front) LLC. "  - Example 3) * 77 # + phone number + currencies in onecase, the * 77 # to set the value, location (front) LLC. "  - Example 4) + # + call one phone number, if you setthe value of the # position (back) to check out. "* Now numbers and letters sent out a call made through thisprogram, installed by default on your phone or in recent history,phonebook, etc. does not apply.* Some devices ... for outgoing connection failures in HD voicemessage and then sending this information if you do not get a voiceentry terminal option to turn off your HD. Terminal operators inthe VoLTE, LTE, etc. consisting of dual HD Voice number (numbers,plus tupon, two numbers) This service is not available.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Recent evidence right [N +] display is displayed only when thesender.* Some models, letters and phone displays the icon may not bedisplayed.* Some models, the recent history of the characters, even thoughthe phone display may show the icon.* Some models in recent history, a list of characters may not bedisplayed.* This program, giving users the ability to add extra, there is nonumber.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* In this program,* This for the first time when using the commonly used + 7 days canbe used,  Once the purchase is confirmed, you can use up to2030-12-31.* This program is the determination of the normal user, makesure your Internet connection is required.
모바일 상위노출 프로그램 1.93 APK
N사의 모바일 상위노출을 위한 프로그램입니다.N사의 블로그, 카페, 지식인 등의 모바일 통합검색 순위의 상위노출을 위한 안드로이드 어플입니다.다음의 경로에서 확인하실 수 있습니다.http://webcontrol.xo.st본 어플은,블로그, 카페, 지식인과 싸이월드, 티스토리, 웹문서 등의 N사 모바일 통합검색 순위의 상위노출을 위한어플이며,본 어플을 사용하기 위해서는 Windows 용 프로그램을 설치하여 지정된 설정을 하여야 합니다.관리자의 인증이 필요한 프로그램입니다.본 어플은, 무료 테스트 기간이 별도로 없습니다.사용하려면, 반드시 관리자와 상담 후에 사용하실 수 있습니다.타업체에서 설명하는 수작업 방식이니, 리얼클릭 방식이니 하는 애매모호한 것이 아닌,사람이 스마트폰에서, 수동으로 터치하여 검색하고, 최종 목적지로 이동하는 과정 등의 수작업과 동일합니다.동일한 효과를 내는 것이 아니라, 그냥 동일합니다.또한, 각 검색 및 이동과정에서 발생되는, 일반 사용자의 여러가지 사용패턴이 적용되었습니다.물론, 이 프로그램을 사용한다고 무조건 순위가 올라가지는 않습니다.미리 최적화된 블로그 및 카페 및 게시글이 준비되어야 하며, PC모드에서의 작업이 선행되어야 합니다.기본준비가 되어 있는 상태라면, 본 어플이 여러분의 업무를 최고의 효율로 도와드릴 것입니다.본 어플을 사용하려면, Windows 용 관리프로그램을 설치하여야 합니다.해당 프로그램은 http://webcontrol.xo.st 에서 다운받을 수 있습니다.Windows 프로그램은 키워드를 등록하고, 설정하는 프로그램으로, 상시 구동할 필요는 없습니다. 필요한 작업을마치면, 종료하셔도 됩니다. 실제 구동은 안드로이드 어플이 실행하며 처리합니다. 따라서, 안드로이드 어플은 화면이 꺼지지않도록 하며, 본 어플이 설치된 단말기는 작업용으로 사용하시기 바랍니다. 문자 등이 수신되었을 때, 알림창이 보여지지않도록 설정하시고, Windows 프로그램에서 전화끊기에 체크하여 수신된 전화가 자동으로 끊어지도록 설정하는 것을권장합니다.본 어플은, 주소로 이동하지 않습니다.본 어플은, 리얼클릭 [방식]이 아니라, 실제 터치과정으로 이동합니다.수작업과 동일합니다. 동일한 효과를 내는 것이 아니라, 그냥 동일합니다.화면항상켜짐,백그라운드 실행 금지어플이 계속 만료일 등의 문구가 나오면서 재실행하는 경우는, 설정된 휴대폰번호와 실제 어플이 실행되는 휴대폰번호가다르거나, 설정된 키워드가 없는 경우, 만료일이 지난 경우, 혹은 인증되지 않은 회원/단말기인 경우입니다.본 어플을 사용하시려면 관리자에게 문의하시기 바랍니다.모바일상위노출을 하기 위해서는 많은 작업이 필요합니다.블로그,카페,지식인,싸이월드,티스토리,웹문서의 N사 모바일 통합검색 상위노출을 위한 프로그램입니다.N사의 모바일통합검색에서 모바일 노출을 통하여 상위등록을 하려고 할 때 사용할 수 있습니다.롤리팝은 사용불가합니다.바이럴 마케팅http://webcontrol.xo.stTel : 010-8677-1239----개발자 연락처 :010-8677-1239N's program for mobiletop exposed.N's blog, a cafe, a higher exposure of Android for mobile suchas integrated search ranking intellectuals.It can be found in the following path.http://webcontrol.xo.stThis application,Blogs, cafes, intellectuals and Cyworld, Tistory, the applicationfor a higher exposure of the N-Integration four mobile searchrankings, such as web pages,In order to use the application installer for Windows to bespecified settings.This certification is required of the administrator program.This app is a free trial period is not separately.If you want to use, make sure you can use after consultationwith the administrator.Am hand the manner described in other companies, rather than vagueambiguous way that clicking am real,People in smartphones, touch to manually retrieve, and with thesame hand, such as the process of moving to the finaldestination.Not that the same effect, just the same.In addition, each generated from the search and moving process, aregular user of different usage patterns have been applied.Of course, the unconditional priority should use this program doesnot go up.Must be prepared in advance and cafes and optimized blog posts,working in PC mode, this should be followed.If the state is a basic preparation, this app will help you withyour work at peak efficiency.To use this app, you must install the management program forWindows.The program can be downloaded from http://webcontrol.xo.st.Windows program and register the keyword, which sets theprogram, you do not need to constantly drive. After completing therequired tasks, it may shut down. The actual drive is runningAndroid and processes. Therefore, it is Android so the screen isturned, the terminal is installed, please use this app to work.Such as when the character is received, the alert window isrecommended that you set the prices set so that it does not show,received a call to check on Hang on a Windows program sodisconnected automatically.This application does not go to the address.This application is a real-clicking [way] is not, the process movesto the actual touch.The hand and the same. Not that the same effect, just thesame.Screen Always On, banned running backgroundIf you naohmyeonseo phrases such as applications continue to setthe phone number and expiration date if you rerun the actualapplication is the phone number that run different, there is no setkeyword, if past expiration date or is unauthenticated member /terminal if the .To use this application, please contact the administrator.Higher exposure to the mobile requires a lot of work.Blogs, cafes, intellectuals, Cyworld, Tistory, a program forfour N Mobile Search Top exposure of a web document.In N's Mobile Search it is available when you try to register ahigher exposure through the mobile.Lollipop is disabled.Viral Marketinghttp://webcontrol.xo.stTel: 010-8677-1239
Schedule Screen OFF and Lock 1.13 APK
Schedule Screen OFF and Lock, ReservationOff at the set time screen / lock.It is possible to set the day, repeat.However, just turn off the screen when the phone is busy, doesnot submerged.In order to use those features, you must activate the deviceadministrator.- Allowed young children to play games, and if you can lock thescreen at a specified time.- Due to the user's specific environment, the screen is stillon, if you can turn off the screen at a specified time.- By repetitive schedule, screen off / lock if, repetitiveschedules, turn off the screen / can be locked.
App AutoStart,AutoRun 1.17 APK
App AutoStart,AutoRun The program, When the screen is unlocked ,set program ( application , app ) to automatically run . Forexample, the If the program is set up the camera app , To unlockthe screen, the camera app is running , and at the same time .Applied from the start time to end time . For some programs , maynot run. Setting the time , only during the time that can beapplied. Day of the week , time can be set. To unlock the screen ,and if you use the same pattern each time, is useful. Schedule acertain list are not using the right click on the icon on thescreen turned off. According to the schedule , select theapplication you want to work and save you the time is set . Add anew schedule by clicking registration . Clicking on the schedule ,can be modified. Long click on the appropriate schedule can bedeleted . When the end time to 00:00 , 24:00 are treated as 00:00start time , end time 24:00 ( 00:00 ) and turn on the schedule ,Apply throughout the day . If the set time is redundant , End timesfaster (for example, 14:00 rather than 15:00 ) schedule isprocessed first , If the end time , start time, when the scheduleis processed late , If the same conditions , processing and inalphabetical order of the title , though, if the same conditions ,and later registered the schedule is processed. The sort order ofthe first scheduled end time , start time, priority , subject,order, order of registration time . In order to avoid confusion inuse to prevent duplicate a certain period of time , it is a greatidea . The program after you unlock the screen , will be processed.This program does not automatically turn off the screen lock . / /App app application Auto-run,
Hang up,Ring off,Reject a call 1.31 APK
* Auto Hangup* Registration number, name, group name, an incoming callautomatically disconnects the call.* Some numbers, words can be entered by* '0000 'Is the password for the first time.* To register, modify, and delete, you will need an Internetconnection.* Registration data is stored on the user's device.* Phone number, name, group names can be specified.* Hangup all.* Hangup is not in the phone book.* Registered (number, name, material group) by breaking.+ When using the first seven days are available at the time ofuse,* Purchase is confirmed, you can use up to 2030-12-31.
Phone auto receive,stay,hangup 1.12 APK
Phone automatically receive, call maintenance,auto disconnect, duty calls, prepaid WickPhone automatically receive, stay connected, disconnectThe program,Receives the call automatically,After a certain period of time to maintain the callconnection,Automatically hang up.Depending on the contents set,Automatically received telephone connection, andMaintain the connection after a specified period of timecurrency,Automatically hang up.0 to 11 digit phone number (00000000000) set,Automatically receive all incoming calls andMaintain the connection after a specified period of timecurrency,Automatically hang up.Retention time of connection in seconds.One minute after connecting the phone to set the disconnect,Connect time (seconds) in the 60 to set up.