/ November 27, 2013
(4.2/5) ()


In Situ Hydraulic Experts transforms yourphone into a real tool for hydraulic calculations and conversionsand gives you technical hydraulic answers at the touch of a button!

This application with a delicate tactile design will surpriseyou and simplify your daily technical and hydraulic routine(research department - after sales service - assembly - breakdownservice - R & D - Expertises - Training..)

This In Situ application is designed specifically for hydraulicengineers (mobile and industrial hydraulics). It calculates for youin just a few simple clicks:
- answers to your technical hydraulic questions
- verification of hydraulic formulas
- sizing of hydraulic pumps and motors (flow/pressure/output)
- the power of the current installation
- mechanical power of the pumps or motors (coupling - speed -output - power)
- conversion of / equivalence of units (pressure, flow, length,temperature, mass)
- definition of hydraulic cylinders (surface area, effort, speed,entry/exit times)
- definition of cylindric flow and the piston end / rod end

Are you looking for hydraulic formulas? If you need to check ahydraulic calculation, the In Situ Hydraulic Experts applicationprovides you with an instant answer:

You enter your technical data on the tactile screen and the InSitu application calculates the answer for you.

This application is fully operational in both English and Frenchand functions with both metric and imperial measures.

Become a fan of In Situ on Facebook or find us on LinkedIn!


  • App Name
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    November 27, 2013
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 1.6 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
  • Installs
    10 - 50
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
    Visit website Email [email protected]
    In Situ 24 rue de la garenne 44700 Orvault
  • Google Play Link

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In Situ Hydraulic Experts transforms yourphone into a real tool for hydraulic calculations and conversionsand gives you technical hydraulic answers at the touch of a button!This application with a delicate tactile design will surpriseyou and simplify your daily technical and hydraulic routine(research department - after sales service - assembly - breakdownservice - R & D - Expertises - Training..)This In Situ application is designed specifically for hydraulicengineers (mobile and industrial hydraulics). It calculates for youin just a few simple clicks:- answers to your technical hydraulic questions- verification of hydraulic formulas- sizing of hydraulic pumps and motors (flow/pressure/output)- the power of the current installation- mechanical power of the pumps or motors (coupling - speed -output - power)- conversion of / equivalence of units (pressure, flow, length,temperature, mass)- definition of hydraulic cylinders (surface area, effort, speed,entry/exit times)- definition of cylindric flow and the piston end / rod endAre you looking for hydraulic formulas? If you need to check ahydraulic calculation, the In Situ Hydraulic Experts applicationprovides you with an instant answer:You enter your technical data on the tactile screen and the InSitu application calculates the answer for you.This application is fully operational in both English and Frenchand functions with both metric and imperial measures.Become a fan of In Situ on Facebook or find us on LinkedIn!
In Situ, Esperti Oleodinamici trasforma ilvostro telefono in un vero e proprio strumento di Calcoli eConversioni oleodinamici inoltre risponde alle vostre domandetecniche oleodinamiche immediatamente!Quest’applicazione vi impressionerà e semplificherà il vostrolavoro quotidiano tecnico/ oleodinamico ( Studi - Servizio PostVendita – Montaggi – Assistenze - Ricerca e Sviluppo – Perizie –Corsi di formazione…)Quest’applicazione, In Situ Esperti Oleodinamici, destinata aitecnici oleodinamici (industriale e mobile) vi aiuterà:• Nella ricerca di risposte tecniche oleodinamiche• A convalidare i vostri calcoli oleodinamici• A definire le pompe ed i motori oleodinamici ( Portata /Pressione e Rendimento )• A definire la potenza installata dei vari componenti.• A definire la potenza meccanica di motori e/o di pompe ( Coppia –Velocità – Rendimento – Potenza… )• A convertire delle unità e delle equivalenze ( Pressione –Portata – Lunghezza – Temperatura – Massa,… )• A definire i cilindri oleodinamici ( Superficie – Sforzi – Volumi– Velocità e tempi di uscita e di rientro )• A definire le portate dei cilindri lato alesaggio/ lato steloState cercando formule oleodinamiche? Se avete dimenticato comefare un calcolo, l’applicazione In Situ Esperti Oleodinamicirisponderà alle vostre problematiche. Annotate i vostri datitecnici con la tastiera, e l’applicazione In Situ EspertiOleodinamici calcola tutto per voi.Troverete sul’applicazione In Situ Esperti Oleodinamici, unacceso ai nostri mini-corsi oleodinamici e scoprirete i nostriprodotti per l’autoformazione all’oleodinamica nel nostro Negoziodel Genio (libreria oleodinamica).Gli esperti oleodinamici In Situ vi aiuteranno con le vostreproblematiche oleodinamiche nei seguenti settori: Agricolo,Movimento terra, Industria, Offshore, Manutenzione oleodinamica,Collegamento e tubazioni.In Situ Hydraulic Expertsturns your phone into a real tool for Calculations and Conversionshydraulic also answers to your technical questions hydraulicimmediately!This application will impress you and simplify your daily worktechnical / hydraulic (Studies - After Sales Service - Assembly -Assistance - Research and Development - Expert - Training Courses...)This application, In Situ Hydraulic Experts, intended forhydraulic engineers (industrial and mobile) will help you:• In the search for technical answers hydraulic• To validate your calculations hydraulic• To define the pumps and hydraulic motors (Flow / Pressure andPerformance)• To define the installed capacity of the various components.• To define the mechanical power of motors and / or pumps (Torque -Speed ​​- Performance - Power ...)• To convert units and equivalences (Pressure - Flow - Length -Temperature - Mass, ...)• To define the units (pressure - Efforts - Volumes - Speed ​​andtimes of departure and return)• To define the flow side of the cylinder bore / rod sideAre you looking for hydraulic formulas? If you have forgottenhow to make a calculation, the application of In Situ HydraulicExperts answer your questions. Make a note of your technical datawith the keyboard, and the application of In Situ Hydraulic Expertscalculates everything for you.You will find sul'applicazione In Situ Hydraulic Experts, amini-courses on our hydraulic and discover our products forself-hydraulics in our shop Engineers (hydraulic library).In Situ Hydraulic Experts will help you with your hydraulicproblems in the following areas: Agricultural, Earthmoving,Industrial, Offshore, Maintenance Hydraulic wire, and tubing.
In Situ Experts Hydrauliciens transforme votresmartphone en un véritable Outil de Calculs & ConversionsHydrauliques et vous apporte des réponses techniques hydrauliquesimmédiates !Basé sur un design soigné, cette application va vous étonner etvous simplifier votre quotidien technique /Hydraulique (Bureauxd’Etudes – Service Après Vente - Montages – Dépannages - Recherche& Développement – Expertises – Formations…).Cette application, In Situ Experts Hydrauliciens, destinée auxHydrauliciens (Mobile et Industrie) vous assiste en quelques clicsdans les domaines suivants :- Recherche de réponses techniques Hydrauliques,- Validation de CALCULS HYDRAULIQUES,- Définition de dimensionnements de Pompes & Moteurshydrauliques (Débit / Pression et Rendement),- Définition de puissances installées d’équipements,- Définition de puissances mécaniques moteurs ou pompes (Couple -Vitesse - Rendement - Puissance...),- Convertisseur des équivalences & conversions d'unités(Pression - Débit - Longueur - Température - Masse…),- Définition de vérins hydrauliques (Surfaces – Efforts – Volumes -Vitesses et temps de sortie/rentrée),- Définition de débit vérins coté alésage/coté tige…Vous recherchez des formules hydrauliques ? Vous avez oublié unmode de calcul, l’application In Situ Experts Hydrauliciens vouspermet très vite de répondre à vos questions : vous annotez sur leclavier tactile vos données techniques, et le système calcule pourvous et très rapidement les réponses attendues.Retrouvez sur l’application In Situ Experts Hydrauliciens - lesliens - pour recevoir des Minis Cours Hydrauliques, découvrir nosVidéos d’Auto Formation Hydraulique, découvrir notre Librairie enligne (Carnets de poche, cahiers d'exercices, DVD dans les domainesAgricole/Travaux Publics/Industrie/Off-shore/Marine/MaintenanceHydraulique/Connectique & tuyautage.)In Situ Hydraulic Expertstransforms your smartphone into a real tool for hydrauliccalculations and conversions and provides you with immediateanswers hydraulic techniques!Based on a careful design, this application will surprise youand simplify your daily technical / Hydraulics (Consulting Firms -After Sales Service - Montages - Troubleshooting - Research &Development - Expertise - Training ...).This application, In Situ Hydraulic Experts, intended forHydrauliciens (Mobile and Industry) assists you in a few clicks inthe following areas:- Technical hydraulic answers- Verification of hydraulic,- Sizing of hydraulic pumps and motors (Flow / Pressure andPerformance)- Definition of installed power equipment,- Definition of mechanical pumps or motors (Torque - Speed ​​-Efficiency - Power ...) powers,- Converter & conversions equivalences units (Pressure - Flow -Length - Temperature - Mass ...)- Definition of hydraulic cylinders (Surfaces - Efforts - Volumes -Speed ​​and time of entry / exit)- Definition debit side cylinders bore / rod side ...Looking for hydraulic formulas? Forgot a calculation,application Situ Hydraulic Experts allows you quickly to answeryour questions: you annotate on your touchpad technical data, andthe system calculates for you very quickly and expectedanswers.Find the application In Situ Hydraulic Experts - links - toreceive Minis Course Hydraulic, discover our videos HydraulicsTraining Auto, discover our Online Bookshop (notebook bag,workbooks, DVD in the Agricultural areas / Construction / Industry/ Offshore / Marine / Hydraulic Maintenance / Connection &piping.)