1.70 / August 15, 2012
(3.6/5) (126)


Day fishing is a tool for managing thefishing,the outputs and catches. Come to fish !
Is designed for sport and recreational fishing. The mainfunctionsare:

Management of fishing places:
The places are where we usually go fishing.
The management of places includes the location of the place, giveita real name, a pseudonym, his position on the maps, the kindofplace (beach, sea, river, sea ...), the site ranking, notesandimages.

Management of fishing days:
A fishing day happens in a specific date and at agivenlocation.
So each fishing day is assigned a date and start time and aplacewhere we fish.
You could also store the types of fishing that we plan to do,rankthe trip, take notes and take pictures of your day.

Management of catches:
The catch is the fish that we caught (fish).
The information stored is the time and place of capture,theofficial name, local name, type of fishing, if it is returnedornot, weight, length, photographs, and notes on how wascapture.

The 3 concepts (place, fishing day and catches) are linkedtogetherso that you can browse information in an easy andcomfortable way.We designed the app to allow quick entry of anydata.

This is a first "beta", and although it works fine, therearestill features which will be added. The next are the baits usedandmeteorological data.

Visit us on www.jornadadepesca.com and give us your opinionandsuggestions for further implementation.

Oh ****!, VERY IMPORTANT ****
We need your help a little inland fisheries (rivers and lakes).Weonly practice fishing from boat and shore (beach) and for sureweforgot some information that you will need.
Send us suggestions at [email protected] or hang yourcommentsat the forum http://www.jornadadepesca.com/forum.

This "App" is done between everyone, Thanks forparticipating!(help with the translations will be also wellcomed!)

On permits requested by the app:

To take pictures in the gallery and to use the phone'svibrationneed "hardware controls, take pictures and videos,vibrationcontrol and modify or remove content from USB storage orSD"
To use the GPS for maps, advertising and lead mostar(ANONYMOUS)statistics we need, "Network communication (full accessto theInternet), specify the location (GPS)"

We fully respect your privacy, the application does notcollectany personal information or any of the data that you willwritein.

App Information Fishing Day

  • App Name
    Fishing Day
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    August 15, 2012
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.1 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
  • Installs
    10,000 - 50,000
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
  • Google Play Link

CatMobil Show More...

This is a preview application of PASSNFLY.Take a look at the future, share it and get a chance to winafantastic prize.PASSNFLY is an automated multi-airline check-in solutionalreadyavailable on other platforms and Android is coming!The easiest way to automate your check-ins. Automaticallydetectsflights, across more than 200 major airlines worldwide.Even with no Internet connection, PASSNFLY will do it allforyou, and process your flight check-ins 24/7,automatically.Wherever you are in the world!
Fishing Day 1.70 APK
Day fishing is a tool for managing thefishing,the outputs and catches. Come to fish !Is designed for sport and recreational fishing. The mainfunctionsare:Management of fishing places:------------------------------The places are where we usually go fishing.The management of places includes the location of the place, giveita real name, a pseudonym, his position on the maps, the kindofplace (beach, sea, river, sea ...), the site ranking, notesandimages.Management of fishing days:-----------------------------------------A fishing day happens in a specific date and at agivenlocation.So each fishing day is assigned a date and start time and aplacewhere we fish.You could also store the types of fishing that we plan to do,rankthe trip, take notes and take pictures of your day.Management of catches:------------------------------The catch is the fish that we caught (fish).The information stored is the time and place of capture,theofficial name, local name, type of fishing, if it is returnedornot, weight, length, photographs, and notes on how wascapture.The 3 concepts (place, fishing day and catches) are linkedtogetherso that you can browse information in an easy andcomfortable way.We designed the app to allow quick entry of anydata.This is a first "beta", and although it works fine, therearestill features which will be added. The next are the baits usedandmeteorological data.Visit us on www.jornadadepesca.com and give us your opinionandsuggestions for further implementation.Oh ****!, VERY IMPORTANT ****We need your help a little inland fisheries (rivers and lakes).Weonly practice fishing from boat and shore (beach) and for sureweforgot some information that you will need.Send us suggestions at [email protected] or hang yourcommentsat the forum http://www.jornadadepesca.com/forum.This "App" is done between everyone, Thanks forparticipating!(help with the translations will be also wellcomed!)On permits requested by the app:-------------------------------------------To take pictures in the gallery and to use the phone'svibrationneed "hardware controls, take pictures and videos,vibrationcontrol and modify or remove content from USB storage orSD"To use the GPS for maps, advertising and lead mostar(ANONYMOUS)statistics we need, "Network communication (full accessto theInternet), specify the location (GPS)"We fully respect your privacy, the application does notcollectany personal information or any of the data that you willwritein.
IuMind Beta APK
Relaciona y ordena tus ideas y datos. IuMindesuna aplicación gratuita, fácil de usar y muy práctica!!Una vez descargada, cuando estés con tu Smartphone o tabletyveas un dato/información interesante, selecciona la opciónde"compartir" o "enviar" y selecciona el icono de IuMind de lalistade aplicaciones. Inmediatamente se ejecutará para queclasifiquesesa información e indiques con que idea o proyectoquieresasociarla, con que etiqueta/s la quieres marcar y con quécontactospuede estar relacionada, después dale al icono de grabar,símbolodisquete esquina superior derecha.Ten en cuenta que previamente debes nutrir IuMind contusideas/proyectos y temáticas que sean de tu interés ycrearetiquetas con las que enlazar y clasificar dichasideas/proyectos;para hacerlo solo tienes que clicar en el icono+ideas +etiquetas +contactos en la esquina superior derecha de cadapágina de laaplicación e introducirlas en tu IuMind.Para gravar en tu dispositivo estos campos, simplemente presionaenel icono del diskette en la esquina superior derecha.Después, con solo una mano y en 3 simples pasos puedesrealizarbúsquedas cruzadas entre toda la información y/o datos quehayasido capturando, relacionando y almacenando en IuMind.Etiqueta Almacena y sobretodo enlaza aquella información queesrelevante para ti, al hacerlo IuMind te da resultados, lasUnidadesde Información que alientan la creatividad.Una Unidad de Información (resultados) es todo el conjuntodearchivos digitales enlazados entre sí que refieren a untemaespecífico definido por el usuario.Aplicaciones que organicen tu información hay muchas, peroqueclasifiquen e interrelacionen información/datos contuscontactos...solo IuMind.IuMind te permite vincular información con tu Smartphoneotablet, tus archivos almacenados ya sean estos imágenes,archivosde texto, Pdf, notas de Evernote...así como webs visitadasy muchosmás que vendrán en próximas versiones.IuMind te ayuda cuando te haces la pregunta... Donde dejeesearchivo, esa web que visite? Con IuMind enlazando tuinformaciónimportante asociada por tus temáticas…no te volverá asuceder y site pasa sabrás donde encontrarlo.Antes de empezar a utilizar IuMind debes saber que en ningúncasoaccedemos ni visualizamos tu información ni enlaces, nicontactos niotro tipo dato de carácter personal que hayas alojadoen tu terminalo en Google Drive, TÚ eres el único que tieneacceso.Tu opinión, comentarios y críticas constructivas serán muybienrecibidas... deseamos mejorar nuestra IuMind, gracias por tuayuday que disfrutes su [email protected] and organizesyourideas and data. IuMind is a free, easy to use and verypractical!Once downloaded, when you're with your Smartphone or tabletandsee a data / interesting information, select the option to"share"or "send" and select the icon IuMind applications list.Immediatelyrun to you to sort this information and you indicatethat idea orproject you want to associate with that label / s themark and howyou can be related contacts, then hit the record icon,disketteicon upper right corner.Note that you must nurture IuMind previously with your ideas/projects and topics that are of interest and create tags thatlinkand classify these ideas / projects, to do this you just havetoclick on the icon + Ideas + tags + contacts the upper rightcornerof each page of the application and enter them inyourIuMind.To tax these fields on your device, simply click on the disk iconinthe upper right corner.Then with one hand and in 3 simple steps you cancross-searchbetween all information and / or data you've beencapturing,correlating and storing in IuMind.Label Stores and above uses information that is relevant toyou,in so doing gives results IuMind, Information Units thatencouragecreativity.A unit of information (results) is the entire set ofdigitalfiles linked together that relate to a specific topicdefined bythe user.Applications to organize your information there are many, buttoclassify and interrelate information / data with your contacts...just IuMind.IuMind allows you to link information with your Smartphoneortablet, your stored files whether they are images, text files,PDF,Evernote notes ... and visited websites and many more to comeinfuture releases.IuMind helps when you get the question ... Where leave thatfile,that site you visit? With IuMind linking your importantinformationassociated for your topics ... do not happen again andif it happensyou'll know where to find it.Before you start using IuMind know that in any case we accessorvisualize your information or links, or contacts or otherpersonaldata you have hosted on your phone or in Google Drive, YOUare theonly one with access.Your review, comments and constructive criticism are verywelcome... we want to improve our IuMind, thanks for your help andyouenjoy its [email protected]
ArShow 12 APK
Aplicación de realidad aumentada, sobreelmarcador puedes ver diferentes objetos a través de la cámara detumóvil.Desliza el dedo sobre la pantalla para cambiar el objeto.Augmentedrealityapplication on the marker can see different objects throughthecamera of your mobile.Slide your finger on the screen to change the subject.
CatXPRNCe Catalunya Experience 16.0 APK
Has entrat mai al bo i millor dels indrets ilacultura de Catalunya amb el teu mòbil o la teva tableta?Aquesta és la teva oportunitat. Gaudeix d’un país meravellósatravés de la Realitat Augmentada. Et convidem a mirar perunafinestra, obrir una porta i meravellar-te de la bellesadeCatalunya, a través d’una tecnologia revolucionària que etdeixaràbocabadat.Captura Catalunya amb el teu mòbil o tableta i quanhagisimmortalitzat el moment amb un bona fotografia comparteix-la alesxarxes i crea un record únic. També pots entrar al web delClubCatalunya Experience i beneficiar-te de les més de 500activitatsper fer arreu del país. Viu Catalunya i viu-la enrealitataugmentada.Have you ever gone tothebest of places and culture of Catalonia with your smartphoneoryour tablet?This is your chance. Enjoy a wonderful country throughAugmentedReality. We invite you to look through a window, open adoor andmarvel at the beauty of Catalonia, through arevolutionarytechnology that will leave you speechless.Catch Catalonia with your phone or tablet and when youhaveimmortalized the moment with a good photo to share the networkandcreates a single record. You can also enter the clubwebsiteCatalonia Experience and benefit from more than 500activities todo around the country. Catalonia lives and live it inaugmentedreality.