Top 24 Games Similar to Fishing Day

Fishing Points - Fishing App 4.0.3
Uncover best fishing times and angler spots using maps, tide&weather forecast.
Fishing & Hunting Solunar Time
Make your fishing and huntingextremelyeffective with forecast from Fishing & HuntingSolunarTime!Based on the Solunar Tables theory application will help youtodetermine as precisely as possible the feeding of all types offishand wildlife. Depending on the position of the moon and itsphasesand the position of the sun you will have the informationaboutbest time for fishing or hunting.Use Fishing & Hunting Solunar Time to plan your trips tofishingor hunting in order to maximize your chances of success!Save yourfavorite places using Fishing & Hunting Solunar Timefor easyaccess to Solunar Forecasts in this places.FEATURES:✓ Location: Auto GPS or Manual Entry✓ Save favorite locations for future reference✓ Major & Minor Feeding / Activity Periods✓ Day Rating✓ Moon Rise / Moon Set Times✓ Sunrise / Sunset Times✓ Day / Month Views✓ Current Weather and 5-Day Forecast✓ Calendar for checking solunar data in advance✓ ***NEW*** Moon phasesNote: All application features avaliable in PRO version. Feelfreeto buy PRO version using in app purchase.
Fishbrain - Fishing App 10.156.0.(23197)
Fish smarter. Fishing spots, forecasts, baits recommendations,andmore.
Ultimate Fishing Knots 9.32.0
This application illustrates how to make the most popularfishingknots
Hoy Pican 1.0145
Lunar phase and impact of this on the fish.
Fishing Knots 23.4.0
Fishing Knots contains tutorials of the most important fishingknotsin one app.
Language: Spanish.Legislation Country: Spain.The ideal application of every fisherman, comprising:* Gallery users. Anyone who wishes may hang the photoofyourtrophy fish.* Bulletin Board for the angler can buy andselleverythingrelated to fishing.* Tools, useful for planning our fishing day:- Different Types of Knots- Lunar Calendar- Weather Forecast* National Legislation:River Fisheries ActSpecies hunted.* Regional legislation:Fisheries Act AndalucíaFisheries Act Castilla la ManchaAragon Fisheries ActFisheries Act AsturiasCanary Islands Fisheries ActFisheries Act CantabriaFisheries Act CataloniaFisheries Act ExtremaduraGalicia Fisheries ActBalearic Islands Fisheries ActFisheries Act La RiojaFisheries Act Castilla y LeónFisheries Act MurciaFisheries Act NavarraFisheries Act Valencia* Order of 2013 Vedas:Order Madrid fishing banOrder fishing ban Castilla la ManchaOrder Asturias fishing banOrder fishing ban Castilla y LeónOrder fishing ban La RiojaOrder Navarre fishing banWe hope you enjoy this app, we will keep it updated.Sincerely, JcnSystem
Guida alla Pesca
Tiziano Zullo
Guide to Fishing - The largest collection of guides andinformationon fishing
Freshwater Fishing 1.0
Freshwater Fishing Is Your Best AndroidAppIfYou Want To Learn everything about Freshwater Fishing .Who Else Wants To Learn The Art OfCasting,freshwaterfishingpoles, The Insider Techniques Used ToCatch A Ton of BassFrom ABoat, And Become More 'In Tune' With TheBass Fishing Sports,AndUsing Lures Effectively In Just A Few ShortDays?It doesn't make a difference on the off chance thatyou'veneverangled a day in your life,freshwater fishing tackle,oryou'rereally great angler on the planet... This extremeBassFishingsports guide will help you not arrive moreBass,freshwaterfishingbait, but rather make you feel more like thePRO that youtrulyare!Freshwater fish are those that spend a few or the greaterpartoftheir lives in new water, for example, streams and lakes,withasaltiness of under 0.05%. These situations contrastfrommarineconditions from multiple points of view, the most clearbeingthedistinction in levels of saltiness. To survive crispwater,thefish require a scope of physiological adjustments.Freshwater angle vary physiologically from salt water angleinafew regards. Their gills must have the capacity todiffusebrokedown gasses while keeping the salts in the bodyliquidsinside.Their scales decrease water dispersion through theskin:freshwaterangle that have lost an excessive number ofscaleswilldie.freshwater fishing nj, They additionally have verymuchcreatedkidneys to recover salts from body liquidsbeforedischarge.Download Freshwater Fishing App It's FREE!
Fishing TV 1.1
The best new HD fishing videos, spokeninItalian. With Pesca TV® you will always look it for free,wheneverand wherever you want. If you like, you can share them onsocialnetworks, comment on YouTube and report by mail to yourfriends.Below each video you will find the link to purchase rodsand reelsused in the videos, at the best prices on the web. If youneedother fishing equipments can consult (by clicking onthebutton "shop"). The other two buttons on the home page(Facebookand YouTube) will take you on accounts of Pesca TV®, theITALIANFISHING COMMUNITY you can also find on - Subscribe to thechannel,"like" on
Trout Fly Fishing - Fly Tying 2.2
Fly tying patterns for trout fishing and step by step tutorialsonfly fishing
Kayak Fishing 1.0
Kayak fishing Is Your Best Android AppIfYouWant To Learn everything about Kayak fishing.Kayak fishing will be fishing from a kayak. The kayakhasforquite some time been a method for transportation andastealthmethod for drawing nearer effortlessly spooked fish,forexample,cobia and struggle. Kayak fishing has picked upprevalenceas oflate because of its expansive bid as an earthinviting andsolidstrategy for transportation, fishing kayak and inadditionitsgenerally minimal effort of passage contrastedwithmechanizedwater crafts.Kayaks (Inuktitut: qajaq, Inuktitut syllabics)wereinitiallycreated by indigenous individuals living in theArcticdistricts,best fishing kayak who utilized the pontoons tochase oninlandlakes, streams and the beach front waters of theArcticOcean,North Atlantic, kayak fishing gear Bering Sea andNorthPacificseas.These first kayaks were built from sewed creatureskins,forexample, seal extended over a wooden casing producedusinggathereddriftwood, the same number of the regions oftheirdevelopment weretreeless. tandem fishing kayak Archeologistshavediscovered proofdemonstrating that kayaks are no less than4000years of age. Themost established as yet existing kayaksaredisplayed in the NorthAmerica branch of the State MuseumofEthnology in MunichLarge portions of the strategies utilized as a partofkayakfishing are basically the same as those utilized onotherfishingboats.kayak bass fishing The distinction is in theset-up,howevery bit of gear is fitted to the kayak, and how everyactionisdone on such a little specialty.Download Kayak fishing App It's FREE!
Feder Pesca Revista 7.7.5
Magzter Inc.
Feder Pesca es la revista sobre pesca deportiva líder en quiosco.Enella encontrarás los mejores reportajes y artículos prácticossobrepesca de depredadores y otras especies: Black Bass, lucio,siluros,carpas, truchas, y pesca internacional. Las mejorestécnicas,fotografías y reportajes realizados por los másreputadosprofesionales del mundo del periodismo de la pescadeportiva. Si teapasiona la pesca, tu revista es Feder Pesca.
Fly Fishing 1.0
Fly Fishing Is Your Best Android App IfYouWantTo Learn everything about Fly Fishing .All that you needed to think about fly fishing - yetdidn'tknowwho to inquire! Where,saltwater fly fishing when and howtowetyour fly. Why the fish do what they do and how youcanexploit.With articles, pictures, this is the main showinghelpandreference source on fly fishing you will ever require!Rods,reels,lines, pioneers, hitches, frill, bank fishing,vesselfishing,throwing, fly tying - it's all here!It took five years to compose and introduce this work andnowIoffer it free so you can share every one of the tips andtrapsIlearned - tips and traps which place angle in my sack.flyfishingfor bass, This is NOT a game or a toy! Be that as itmay, ontheoff chance that you are not kidding about your flyfishing thisisthe application for you! Download it - investigate it- impartitto your companions. I ensure you will discoverinformation inherewhich will abandon you saying "I never thoughtabout that"!- Fishing book of scriptures for all the passionate tyers- Lots of supportive clear picture instructional exercises- Step by step directions to tie flies- Learn to tie May fly patterns and caddis patterns- Learn to tie midges and stone patterns andterrestrialsandattractors patterns also- Complete your fly tying unit and fly fishing gear- Learn to utilize legitimately fly rod, reel,line,pioneer,tippet and so forth.What is most imperative is that you can take in all dryflybindspatterns on account of the painstakinglyportrayedorderlyguidelines and point by point flyfishing,It ismore than a "fly fishing application" - it is agenuine bookofscriptures for each fly angler.When you get the contrast amongst wet and dry fliesyoucancontinue to dry fly tying by basically taking after themeansofthe instructional exercises packed in "Fly Tying Bible-DryFlies".fly fishing rod and reel, If you don't know howtotiefishing bunches or how to tie fishing hook,fly fishingshopsnearme, or you are still not handy in "how to attach fishinglineto areel", download this free trout fishing applicationandfurnishyour unit with instructional exercises oncalculatingmethods andwhat goad to use for fishing.At last it is anything but difficult to acquire a freetyingbookof scriptures which will offer an extraordinary numberoftyingpatterns for tenderfoots and fishing packs,Theflawlessguidelines and picture representations which clearshowhow youought to perform tying make this book of scripturesastandoutamongst the most helpful instructive application. Whenyoudownloadit, this tying book of scriptures will becomeanindispensable partof your pack.Download Fly Fishing App It's FREE!
Pesca Alternativa 1.6
Versão para dispositivos móveisdasatividadesdo site Pesca Alternativa especializado empescaesportiva.Assista diretamente do seu celular ou tablet os melhoresprogranasdepesca, dicas e muito mais.Veja fotos, interaja, receba atualizações das nossas redessociaisedescubra grandes ofertas do nosso site.Mobile version ofthesiteactivities Fishing Alternative specializing insportfishing.Watch directly from your phone or tablet the bestfishingprogranas,tips and more.See photos, interact, receive updates on our socialnetworksanddiscover great deals on our site.
Fishing 1.0
Fishing is the action of attemptingtocatchfish. Fish are typically gotten in nature. Methods forgettingfishincorporate hand gathering, skewering, mesh,calculatingandcatching.Fishing may incorporate getting other amphibiancreatures,forexample, molluscs, cephalopods, shellfish, andechinoderms.Theterm is not typically connected to gettingcultivated fish, ortosea-going vertebrates, and marine warm bloodedcreatures,forexample, whales, where the term whaling is morefitting.As indicated by United Nations FAO measurements,theaggregatenumber of business anglers and fish agriculturistsisassessed tobe 38 million. Fisheries and aquaculture giveimmediateandroundabout vocation to more than 500 millionindividualsincreating countries.In 2005, the overall per capita utilization of fishcaughtfromwild fisheries was 14.4 kilograms, with an extra7.4kilogramsreaped from fish farms. notwithstanding givingsustenance,cuttingedge fishing is additionally a recreationalleisureactivity.Fishing is an old practice that goes back to at any ratethestartof the Upper Paleolithic period around 40,000 yearsago.[3]Isotopicinvestigation of the skeletal stays of Tianyuanman,a40,000-year-old advanced human from eastern Asia,hasdemonstratedthat he routinely expended freshwater fish.Archeology elements, for example, shell middens,[6]disposedoffish bones, and buckle works of art demonstratethatoceannourishments were critical for survival and devouredinnoteworthyamounts.Amid this period, a great many people carried on withaseekergatherer way of life and were, of need, always moving.Bethat asit may, where there are early case ofperpetualsettlements(however not as a matter of course for alltimepossessed, forexample, those at Lepenski Vir, they are quiteoftenconnected withfishing as a noteworthy wellspringofnourishment.Download Fishing App It's FREE!
Calcolatrice Piombini Pesca 1.0
Calculator fillings for fishing line, allows you to calibratethefloat.
Carpio - Carp Fishing Tracker
Specially designed for carp anglers andtotallyfree. Keeps track of your carp fishing history and providesusefultools such as rod counters and various statistics aimed toimproveyour fishing experience.Contains a customizable user interface - from simple(allowingtracking of minimal information) to complex (allowingtracking ofthe used bait and usage of rod counters), designed to beusable infishing situations (powerful sun, night fishing).Features:- counter alarm for each rod (Each alarm has a distinct soundwhichcan be configured)- hookbait management (You can define & use your own setofhookbaits in order to obtain statistics regardingtheirsuccess)- minimal interface that allows rapid catch addition- post on facebook (All pictures associated with catches can beinone click posted on facebook)- catches picture gallery (Display catches augmented withcatchinformation: hour, bait, catch type)- trip notes (Allows you to add notes about the fishing spot,tackleyou noticed were missing, weather conditions, etc)- powerful statistics- trip management (Add/delete existing trips and open old tripstosee their recorded data)- powerful settings (customize each option that shall be used inatrip, send trip results by email to your friends)- multi-language support (for now English, German, French,Italian,Spanish, Romanian, Hungarian, Russian)
Rock Fishing 1.0
Rock fishing Is Your Best Android AppIfYouWant To Learn everything about Rock fishing .Rock fishing will be fishing from rocky outcropsintothesea.table rock lake fishing guides, It is aprominentdistractionin Australia and New Zealand. It can be a riskysideinterest andclaims numerous lives every year, despite the factthatthis mayenhance as more anglers are wearing life coats.As indicated by Surf Life Saving Australia's 2009CoastalReport,there were 94 drownings on the shoreline ofAustralia, forthe yearto July 2009. Of those passings 12 wereidentified withfishing. TheRandwick Council zone in Sydney NSW, isthe Nationaldark spot forrock fishing passings, with 10 in theprevious 5yearsRock fishing should be possible with a pole andreelandline,table rock lake fishing or a line as it were.Both ground and surface fishing are for the mostpartfruitfulstrategies.starved rock fishingRock fishing should be possible both with fake drawsandcommongoad. While base fishing normally depends on regulardraw,bothcommon trap and fake baits are utilized as a part ofvarioustypesof surface rock fishing.A few fishers who are rock fishing utilize anumbrellaapparatusin spring,big rock fishing and utilize lurefish,fishingtable rocklake, for example, roost and bluegill, insummer andharvest time(the fall).Download Rock fishing It's FREE!
My Fishing Mate Pro Australia 1.13
My Mate Apps
The essential app for recreational fishing in Australia.
My Fishing Companion Pro 1.7.2
David Thornton
The most extensive fishing logapplicationavailable on the market allows you to quickly log yourfish, gear,locations and fishing trips for quick and easy accesswhile out onthe water.My Fishing Companion is built to take as little time aspossibleto save your info so you don't have to spend time enteringdatawhile out fishing like many other apps do. You also havetheability to enter your data at a later time so you don't havetoeven stop fishing.Want to help translate the app into your native language? Headonover to Crowdin to contribute: sure the Pro version is right for you? Download theLiteversion first to try before you buy.Key Features• View/Save/Edit your Fish, Gear, Locations and Trips• Attach photos, video and audio clips to your data• Mark fish as Favorites for quick access to your lunkers• Export Fish to CSV (Press menu on Fish list screen)• Organize your Fish by Fishing Trips• Add locations by map, zip code or current GPS location• Lookup Weather for any location in the world• Customizable Units of Measurement• Moon Phases• Share your data with others• Main Dashboard gives quick access to all your latest data• A simple, clean and easy to use interface• Import/Export your data to SDCARD• Much more!Many more features to come and almost every feature beingaddedto the app now is user requested, so feel free to requestfeatures,suggest improvements or report any bugs that you encounterbycontacting [email protected] the the "More" option of the App's Main Menu.Stay up to date and request features by joining usonFacebook: Twitter:!/fishincompanionAnd Google Plus: for fishing any species of fish including bass,trout,salmon, etc., as well as freshwater and saltwaterfishing.By downloading this application, you agree to the EULA locatedat This app uses ACRA for anonymous crash reporting andGoogleAnalytics to collect anonymous usage statistics, used tohelpimprove the app in the areas used the most.
Pesca Libre 2.0.0
Juegos Movil
Pesca libre es la aplicación de pescamascompleta del mercado para los amantes de la pesca amateurydeportiva. Aprende hacer nudos de pesca, carnada, lineas depescapara rió, mar y laguna, anzuelos. Consejos para la pesca conmosca.Todo en una sola aplicación.- Guía para preparar tus propias lineas de pesca: pejerrey,lisa,tiburón, trucha, tararira, salmón, raya, entre otras- Guía lunar para saber que día es optimo para el pique- Taller de pesca donde encontraras secretos comoencarnar,anzuelos, entre otros.- Recetas de cocina para preparar ricos pescados.- Nudos de pesca, una gran variedad para aprender hacer elmejornudo- Nudos de pesca, una gran variedad para aprender hacer elmejornudo de pesca.Free fishing is themostcomprehensive application on the market for lovers ofamateurfishing and fishing. Learn to tie knots fishing bait,fishing linesfor river, sea and lagoon, hooks. Tips for flyfishing. All in oneapplication.- Guidelines for preparing your own lines fishingmackerel,mullet, shark, trout, wolf fish, salmon, stripe, amongother- Lunar Guide to find out what day it is optimal for pique- Workshop where you will find fishing secrets as incarnate,hooks,among others.- Recipes for preparing delicious fish.- Fishing Knots, a variety to learn to make the best knot- Fishing Knots, a variety to learn to make the bestfishingknot.
Solunar - Fishing & Hunting TM
K Solution
Solunar Table determines the Best HuntingandFishing Times for any date, any location worldwide.If you like bird watching, hunting, or fishing, have this apphandyand it will provide you with the location-specific informationthatmake your next trip a success!.Times apply to ALL wildlife and fish.Location: Auto GPS / Manual Entry data (decimar and DMS format)/Select from map.Major & Minor Feeding / Activity Periods.Activity Index for the day rating.Moon rise / Moon set / Moon Transit times.Moon Phase info / Data.Sunrise / Sunset / Sun Transit times.Day / Weekly view.Date selection for checking solunar data in advance.Any Date / Location.Widget: Solunar on your home screen.Weather condition and forecast (US)Based on the original solunar (solar lunar) theory,Solunardetermines the peak feeding and activity times for all typesoffish and wildlife based on the moon position and lunar phase.WithSolunar app, you’ll have all the solunar table information youneedto know exactly when the best fishing times and best huntingtimeswill occur for your exact location.When arranging your next trip, just check ahead to find out thebesthunting or fishing times for the date you’re considering. Itdoesn’tmatter what you’re after or where, this incredible app willhelp youmaximize your chances success!This app is the perfect planning tool for outdoor activities.Download it to your phone/pad, no additional cost.Add "Solunar - Fishing & Hunting TM" to your home screen:1. Go to home screen (Press the “Home” key).2. Choose an empty space.3. Long press the space or press the “Menu” button and thenpressthe “Add” button.4. Tap the menu item labeled “Widgets”.5. Select "Solunar - Fishing and Hunting TM".Solunar is on your home screen!
Game Fishing Guide 1.0
Game Fishing Is Your Best Android AppIfYouWant To Learn everything about Game Fishing.Game fish will be fish sought after for gamebyrecreationalfishermen. They can be freshwater or saltwaterangle.Game fish canbe eaten in the wake of being gotten,howeverprogressivelyfishermen rehearse catch and discharge toenhanceangle populaces.Some game fish are likewise focusedonindustrially, especiallysalmon.As a major aspect of the catch and discharge hone urgedtoadvancepreservation, sport fishing game labeling projectsweremade. Some ofthey will probably enhance the administrationoffisheries assets andto keep records on plenitude, arizonafishinggame development rates,age, movements, and strain ID.Some notable labeling programs in the United States aretheSouthCarolina Marine Game Fish Tagging Program and theVirginiaGame FishTagging world game, The South Carolina Marine GameFishTaggingProgram started in 1974 and it is currently thebiggestopenlabeling program in the Southeastern United States.Fishermenareprepared and afterward get a label pack withlabels,californiafishing game utensil, and directions.When they tag a fish, fishermen utilize an answerpostcardtheyget ahead of time to send the data on the label number,labeldate,area, species, and size. reel fishing game Thisprogramissuesfishers who tag and discharge at least 30 qualifiedspeciesinsidea year a preservation grant. At the point when afisherrecovers alabeled fish, he then ought to report therecover.On the off chance that conceivable the label numberandthepostage information ought to be accounted for alongsidetheareaand date of the recover too with the estimation of thefish.Thegoal is to give scientists the important data todecidedevelopmentrate through a precise estimation.bass fishing game, The Virginia Game Fish TaggingProgrambeganoperations in 1995 and keeps records on recovered fishfromthatpoint forward. This is a yearly program that begins inJanuaryandit is constrained to 160 fishermen. Fishermengetpreparingworkshops in February and March.Download Game Fishing App It's FREE!