1.0 / February 3, 2012
(3.0/5) (84)


Career Guide helps you find a career bymatching your interests, skills, and knowledge with the interest,skill, and knowledge characteristics of over 1000 differentoccupations. Start by taking an interests quiz that will classifyyour interests into distinct categories. Then identify yourknowledge, skills, and other qualifications (such as your salaryrequirements) to see what career options are a best fit for you.

Pick a career target to reveal knowledge and skill gaps betweenyour target and your current job. And see what job opportunitiesexist for the career you've chosen.
How does this work
The careers and the career characteristics in this app are based onversion 16.0 of the Occupational Information Network (O*NET)database. The interest quiz is based on questions and interestclassifications in the O*NET Interest Profiler. O*NET is developedunder the sponsorship of the US Department of Labor/Employment andTraining Administration (USDOL/ETA) through a grant to the NorthCarolina Employment Security Commission. This app uses theinformation publicly provided by these organizations but is notendorsed by them in any way.

Version 16.0 of the O*NET database contains over 1000occupations and related characteristics. Although this database isquite extensive, there are some minor gaps in characteristics forsome of the careers. Where there are gaps, we have taken data fromsimilar careers and averaged their characteristics to fill in thegaps. For each career listed, values for each interest, skill, andknowledge characteristic were taken from the O*NET database andwere normalized across the reported values for that characteristic.This normalization resulted in scores ranging from 1 to 100 foreach characteristic for each occupation.

To match careers to characteristics, each occupation'scharacteristic profile is compared to the characteristics specifiedand the overall % match is calculated. A perfect match would resultin an overall score of 100%. Occupations with the highestcharacteristic match are listed first.

Qualifiers are treated differently. They are criteria that mustbe met for an occupation to be displayed. So, for example, ifsalaries "Over $50,000" is selected, no occupations with a salarylower than $50,000 will display.

App Information Career Guide

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Respirator Mobile 1.0 APK
Respirator Mobile is designed to search theNational Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)trusted-source website (http://knowits.niosh.gov) for specific criteriaand display all relevant information from that site in an easy toview format on a mobile device.Respirator Mobile is the one-stop mobile resource to getrespirator information. It makes the NIOSH website contentselectable and easy-to-use, reaching users with portabletechnology.
Career Guide 1.0 APK
Career Guide helps you find a career bymatching your interests, skills, and knowledge with the interest,skill, and knowledge characteristics of over 1000 differentoccupations. Start by taking an interests quiz that will classifyyour interests into distinct categories. Then identify yourknowledge, skills, and other qualifications (such as your salaryrequirements) to see what career options are a best fit for you.Pick a career target to reveal knowledge and skill gaps betweenyour target and your current job. And see what job opportunitiesexist for the career you've chosen.How does this workThe careers and the career characteristics in this app are based onversion 16.0 of the Occupational Information Network (O*NET)database. The interest quiz is based on questions and interestclassifications in the O*NET Interest Profiler. O*NET is developedunder the sponsorship of the US Department of Labor/Employment andTraining Administration (USDOL/ETA) through a grant to the NorthCarolina Employment Security Commission. This app uses theinformation publicly provided by these organizations but is notendorsed by them in any way.Version 16.0 of the O*NET database contains over 1000occupations and related characteristics. Although this database isquite extensive, there are some minor gaps in characteristics forsome of the careers. Where there are gaps, we have taken data fromsimilar careers and averaged their characteristics to fill in thegaps. For each career listed, values for each interest, skill, andknowledge characteristic were taken from the O*NET database andwere normalized across the reported values for that characteristic.This normalization resulted in scores ranging from 1 to 100 foreach characteristic for each occupation.To match careers to characteristics, each occupation'scharacteristic profile is compared to the characteristics specifiedand the overall % match is calculated. A perfect match would resultin an overall score of 100%. Occupations with the highestcharacteristic match are listed first.Qualifiers are treated differently. They are criteria that mustbe met for an occupation to be displayed. So, for example, ifsalaries "Over $50,000" is selected, no occupations with a salarylower than $50,000 will display.
Find Career Interests 1.0 APK
Can't decide what career is right for you orwhat job will keep you interested? Find Career Interests uses asimple survey to identify your interests and match those interestswith appropriate career and job options that exhibit thoseinterests. Not happy with your current job? Find Career Interestsalso shows you how your current job or job opportunity matches yourinterest profile.Find Career Interests uses an interest quiz to rate yourrelative interests. Interests have been classified into activityprofiles that differentiate types of activities people enjoy doing.As a career characteristic, these profiles can be used to matchpersonal interests to careers and jobs that exhibit thoseinterests. By taking a simple quiz, you'll discover how strong yourinterests are in the following categories:Realistic - People with Realistic interests like work activitiesthat include practical, hands-on problems and solutions. They enjoydealing with plants, animals, and real-world materials like wood,tools, and machinery. They enjoy outside work. Often people withRealistic interests do not like occupations that mainly involvedoing paperwork or working closely with others.Investigative - People with Investigative interests like workactivities that have to do with ideas and thinking more than withphysical activity. They like to search for facts and figure outproblems mentally rather than to persuade or lead people.Artistic - People with Artistic interests like work activitiesthat deal with the artistic side of things, such as forms, designs,and patterns. They like self-expression in their work. They prefersettings where work can be done without following a clear set ofrules.Social - People with Social interests like work activities thatassist others and promote learning and personal development. Theyprefer to communicate more than to work with objects, machines, ordata. They like to teach, to give advice, to help, or otherwise beof service to people.Enterprising - People with Enterprising interests like workactivities that have to do with starting up and carrying outprojects, especially business ventures. They like persuading andleading people and making decisions. They like taking risks forprofit. These people prefer action rather than thought.Conventional - People with Conventional interests like workactivities that follow set procedures and routines. They preferworking with data and detail rather than with ideas. They preferwork in which there are precise standards rather than work in whichyou have to judge things by yourself. These people like workingwhere the lines of authority are clear.Enjoy!
Clinical Trials Aide 1.0 APK
Clinical Trials Aide is a mobile appdesignedto support patients participating in clinical trials bymanagingtrial information and activities.Clinical Trials Aide:Provides general information about clinical trials - whattheyare, who conducts them and why, and things to considerwhenvolunteering for a trialHelps identify and locate specific clinical trialsofinterestProvides detail about eligibility and trial processesSupports tracking and managing multiple trials at one timeManages activities at the individual trial levelTracks medication administrationTracks patient comments and observationsFacilitates communication with trial contacts via phone,email,and text messageHelps schedule trial-related appointments andmedicationalarmsProvides directions to trial locationsClinical Trials Aide is the one-stop mobile resource to gettrialinformation, and to manage information about trials youareparticipating in.
preposterous 1.0 APK
Are you good a playing the imposter, taking onthe personality of one of your friends? Can you see through anydeception your friends throw at you?'preposterous' is a simple, social guessing game where you getpoints for matching answers to the correct players and for gettingother players to think your answers belong to somebody else.preposterous uses facebook to identify players to play. All youneed is 3 players to get started, and you can all play at differenttimes. preposterous will let you know when it's time to playthrough email and through facebook messages.It takes only a few seconds to create a new game. Start byentering a question or part of a statement for players tocomplete.Enter a response to the question or statement you entered.Remember that you are trying to make the other players think youranswer is somebody else's.Select the friends you'd like to play with.Start the game. It's that easy. Messages will be sent to theplayers you picked asking them to join the game. When answers arein, you'll get a message asking you to guess.When you're ready to guess, you'll match up the responsesplayers have submitted to the players you think submitted them.Once you've matched up answers to players, submit your selections.You'll immediately see your results and the results of otherplayers who have already guessed.preposterous shows you the status of your games and the resultsof prior games.We hope you like it!
What's Your Major 1.0 APK
Can't figure out what major is right for youorwhat classes will keep you interested? What's Your Major usesasimple survey to identify your interests and match thoseinterestswith appropriate college majors and courses of study thatexhibitthose interests.
Investment Projector 2.0 APK
Track and project the value of allyourinvestments with Investment Projector.Investment Projector shows the current and long-term valueofyour investments so you can always see how they arecurrentlyperforming and what the value will be in the future. Trackstocks,bonds, mutual funds, real estate, anything you like.Consider theimpact of inflation, vary expected return, incrementalinvestment,and your investment timeframe to see how yourinvestments willappreciate.Investment Projector automatically updates the current valueofthe stocks and mutual funds you enter so you can seeup-to-datecurrent values and projected returns based on thosevalues.Investment Projector can even serve as an independentinvestmentvalue validator to check your account statementsagainst.Getting started is easy. Begin with just a few investmentsbyentering part of the name or the symbol: "faceb" or "fb"forFacebook, "bac" or "bank amer" for Bank of America Corporation,forexample. Add categories to group investments and seeperformanceand projections for the group. For example, you may wantto addGoogle and Microsoft to your Facebook investment and see howtheytrack and project as your own personal tech group. Enter allyourinvestments to see your current net worth and see how it willlookin 10 years.Investment Projector highlights include:- automatic account value update- daily performance information- simple ticker symbol look-up- target date adjustment- ability to adjust inflation rates- option to disable inflation impact- value based on optional dividend reinvestment- ability to schedule incremental investments- automated projection updates- device-based account storage- performance of major indices