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WISE 2015 1.1 APK
myQaa SAS
Browse the WISE 2015 App to find out all theinformation you need about the Summit and contribute live duringsessionsThe 2015 World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE) willconvene November 4-5, in Doha, Qatar.The annual WISE Summit is the premier global conference thataddresses cutting-edge innovation in education.More than 1,500 prominent education, corporate, political andsocial leaders will take part in three days of debate, dialogue andnetworking on the theme: "Investing for Impact: Quality Educationfor Sustainable and Inclusive Growth". Furthermore, WISE 2015 willbe the first global education conference following the ratificationof the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in September 2015.The annual Summit will be an ideal opportunity for the globaleducation community to identify practical and concrete ways toachieve the new education priorities of the SDGs.The WISE 2015 App enables participants to stay connected during theSummit.- Read the latest news about the 2015 WISE Summit- Access the online Program- Find out who the Summit speakers are- Interact with speakers and moderators during the sessions bysending them questions or commenting on debates- Suggest theme and topics for the 2015 WISE Summit- Access content on @WISE _Tweets, Youtube and Instagram- Access practical information, floor plans and maps
WISH Qatar 1.0 APK
myQaa SAS
The second World Innovation Summit for Health(WISH) will be held on 17-18 February 2015 in Doha. WISH is aninitiative of Qatar Foundation (QF) and under the patronage of HerHighness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser, Chairperson of QF.More than 1,000 health leaders from over 50 countries will takepart in 2 days of debate, dialogue and networking with the aim ofimproving the uptake of health service innovation globally.The WISH app enables delegates to stay connected before, duringand after the Summit in an interactive way. The WISH app allowsdelegates to:- Stay up-to-date with the latest news about WISH 2015- Access the online and personalized agenda- Access the WISH keynote speakers' biographies- Network with other attendees through the "Who's who, chat, meetup" function- Interact directly with speakers and moderators during the panelsessions by asking questions or contributing comments- Access practical information and maps
Franchise Expo APK
myQaa SAS
L’application Franchise Expo Paris vous permetd’avoir sur votre mobile l’essentiel du salon. Retrouvez la listedes exposants, leurs coordonnées, le programme des conférences, leplan du salon…Préparez votre visite en sélectionnant les exposants et lesconférences qui vous intéressent.Grâce à cette application suivez l’actualité du salon endirect.The application FranchiseExpo Paris allows you to have on your mobile most of the show. Thelist of exhibitors, their contact information, the conferenceprogram, the floorplan ...Plan your visit by selecting exhibitors and conferences thatinterest you.With this application follow news live show.
ECRD 2014 1.0 APK
myQaa SAS
The 7th European Conference on Rare Diseases& Orphan Products (ECRD) will be held on 8 – 10 May 2014 inBerlin, Germany. This biennial forum, organised by the EuropeanOrganisation for Rare Diseases (EURORDIS) and co-organised by DIAEurope, brings together rare disease patients, policy makers,health care professionals, industry, payers, regulators,researchers and academics. The Conference provides a uniqueplatform for the exchange of state-of-the-art information and ideasin the fight against rare diseases. ECRD covers research,development of new treatments, healthcare, social care,information, public health and support at European, national andregional levels.The ECRD2014Berlin App enables delegates to stay connected before,during and after the Conference in an interactive way. TheECRD2014Berlin App allows delegates to:- Stay up-to-date with the latest news about ECRD 2014- Access the multi-track programme- Access the posters- Access the list of exhibitors- Access the glossary of acronyms- Network with other attendees through the “Who’s at ECRD”function- Respond to the evaluation forms for each session- Access practical information and venue maps- Access speaker presentations to be made available after theconference
Vision 360 1.1 APK
myQaa SAS
L'application officielle de l'événement Vision360. Retrouvez dans cette application:- L'agenda des 3 journées- Les plans pour vous orienter durant l'événement- Un who's who pour connaitre qui est présent et échanger desmessages- Des services interactifs (Nuage de mots, Q&A)- Un outil de prise de notesThe official applicationof the Vision event 360. Find in this application:- The schedule of 3 days- Plans to guide you during the event- A who's who to know who is present and exchange messages- Interactive services (Cloud of words, Q & A)- A note taking tool
Distriboissons 1.1 APK
myQaa SAS
L’application Distriboissons est l’outilpermettant d’être au plus proche de ses adhérents. Des informationspratiques sur la convention du mois d’octobre, des actualités etdes outils toute l’année. Cette application vous permet d’êtreconnecté en continu avec Distriboissons.The Distriboissonsapplication is the tool to be closer to its members. Practicalinformation on the Convention of October, news and tools throughoutthe year. This application allows you to be continuously connectedwith Distriboissons.
myQaa SAS
New Cardiology @ EuroPCR
myQaa SAS
L'application KICK-OFF 2017 vous permetd'avoir sur votre mobile l'essentiel de l'événement.Retrouvez le programme, les ateliers, les informations pratiques…Grâce à cette application suivez l'actualité de l'événement endirect.The KICK-OFF 2017application allows you to have on your mobile most of theevent.Find the program, workshops, practical information ...With this application follow the news of the live event.