26.0 / December 16, 2014
(3.2/5) (5)


+++Bitte achten Sie darauf, die App nur mit einer WLAN-Verbindungzuinstallieren, es geht nicht über die Flatrate innerhalb desGerätesselber+++

Stop Drinking! Alkoholsucht und Alkoholprobleme überwindenmitHypnose

- Endlich nur noch wenig oder sogar keinen Alkohol mehrtrinkenkönnen
- Jegliche Programmierungen bzgl. Alkohol trinkenendlichloslassen
- Wieder die volle Kontrolle über sich und sein Lebenzurückbekommen

Sie wissen wahrscheinlich selbst, dass Sie zu vielAlkoholtrinken und dass Ihnen das nicht gut tut? Oder Sie sindsogar schonalkoholabhängig? Auf jeden Fall möchten Sie gernaufhören zutrinken, aber Sie schaffen es einfach nicht? DasklassischeHypnoseprogramm ""Stop Drinking! Alkoholsucht undAlkoholproblemeüberwinden mit Hypnose"" unterstützt Sie dabei, IhreAlkoholsuchtin den Griff zu bekommen, in dem Sie Ihre Gefühlebesser wahrnehmenund anders deuten als bisher. Anhand diesermentalen Unterstützungkann es Ihnen gelingen, Ihre Gedanken bzgl.Ihres Alkoholkonsums sozu verändern, dass Sie nur noch so vielAlkohol trinken, wie esIhnen körperlich, geistig und seelischguttut oder sogar ganz mitdem Alkoholkonsum aufzuhören. Sie lernen,wieder selbst die volleKontrolle über Ihr Leben zu haben, so dassSie endlich das in IhremLeben erreichen, was Sie sich so sehrwünschen.


"Stop Drinking! Alkoholsucht und Alkoholprobleme überwindenmitHypnose" ist ein Entspannungstraining, das wirksam mitdenTechniken der klassischen Hypnose und des mentalenCoachingsarbeitet. Das 31-minütige Programm richtet sich anErwachsene undjunge Erwachsene, die ihren Alkoholkonsum reduzierenmöchten undMenschen mit einem echten Alkoholproblem, die vonihrerAlkoholabhängigkeit endlich loskommen möchten. Und auchAlkoholikerin Therapie finden durch die Hypnose mittels derdirekten Ansprachedes Unterbewusstseins eine große mentaleUnterstützung. KimFleckenstein hinterlässt mit diesemAudio-Programm tiefe,unauslöschliche Eindrücke in IhremUnterbewusstsein, die Ihnenhelfen, den übermäßigen Alkoholkonsumendlich aufzugeben, wiederVerantwortung zu übernehmen und zuerkennen, was für Ihr Lebenwirklich wichtig ist.
Um den bestmöglichen Effekt zu erzielen, sollten Sie dasProgrammüber einen Zeitraum von mindestens 30 Tagen einmaltäglichhören.

Das Programm wurde in Zusammenarbeit mit Prof. Dr. med.RalfHerwig entwickelt.


* Wirksames 30-minütiges Hypnoseprogramm - entwickeltundgesprochen von Hypnosetherapeutin Kim Fleckenstein nachdenneuesten Erkenntnissen der Hypnose!
* Leichte, intuitive Bedienung und Anwendung – für Anfängerunderfahrene Hypnoseanwender geeignet!
* Höchste Qualität durch Aufnahmen inprofessionellemTonstudio!
* Hochwertige und auf das Programm abgestimmte Musik vondenProfimusikern von CSW Music!

Dauer: ca. 31 Minuten


Bitte hören Sie dieses Programm nicht beim Autofahren oderbeiTätigkeiten, die Ihre uneingeschränkte Aufmerksamkeiterfordern.Das Programm ersetzt keinen Arztbesuch oder Medikamente,diekrankheitsbedingt benötigt werden.
Hypnose ist prinzipiell für alle körperlich und geistiggesundenMenschen geeignet. Sollten Sie in therapeutischerBehandlung sein,z.Bsp. aufgrund einer Depression oder Psychose, und/ oderverschreibungspflichtige Medikamente einnehmen, halten Siebittevor Anwendung dieses Programms Rücksprache mit IhrembehandelndenArzt. Das Programm ersetzt keine Behandlung beikrankhaftenAngststörungen.

Das Programm ersetzt keine Behandlung beikrankhaftenAngststörungen sowie einen notwendigenAlkoholentzug!

Wissenswertes über die Anwendung und Wirkungsweise vonHypnose.Hörproben und weitere Angebote finden Sieunterwww.get-on-apps.com.

+++ Please make sure to install the app only with awirelessconnection, it does not go beyond the flat rate within thedeviceitself +++

Stop Drinking! Alcohol addiction and alcohol problemsovercomewith hypnosis

- Finally, very little or even can not drink anymorealcohol
-. Any programming regarding alcohol drinking finally let go
- Again, get full control of himself and his life back

You probably know yourself that you drink too much alcoholandthat you doing good? Or you are even addicted to alcohol? Inanycase you would like to stop drinking, but you do not make iteasy?The classic hypnosis program "" Stop Drinking! Alcoholaddictionand alcohol problems overcome with hypnosis "" helps youget youralcohol addiction under control, in which you get yourfeelingsbetter and different point than before. On the basis ofthesemental support can succeed you regarding your thoughts.Youralcohol consumption to change so that you only drink somuchalcohol as you physically, mentally and spiritually good fororeven quit drinking. You learn, even to have you back fullcontrolof your life, so that you can finally achieve this in yourlife,what you will want so much.


"Stop Drinking! Alcoholism and alcohol problems overcomewithhypnosis" is a relaxation exercise that works effectively withthetechniques of classical hypnosis and mental coaching. The31-minuteprogram is designed for adults and young adults wanting toreducetheir alcohol consumption and people with a real drinkingproblemwho want to get rid of their alcohol dependence at last. Andalsoalcoholics in therapy find a great mental support from thehypnosisby means of the direct address of the subconscious.KimFleckenstein leaves with this audio program deep,indelibleimpressions in the subconscious that will help you tofinallyabandon the excessive consumption of alcohol, again totakeresponsibility and to recognize what is really important inyourlife.
To gain the maximum benefit, you should hear the program overaperiod of at least 30 days once a day.

The program was developed in collaboration with Prof. Dr.med.Ralf Herwig developed.


* Effective 30-minute hypnosis program - developed and spokenbya hypnotherapist Kim Fleckenstein according to the latestfindingsof hypnosis!
* Easy, intuitive operation and application - for beginnersandexperienced users hypnosis suitable!
* Highest quality by recording in a professionalrecordingstudio!
* High quality and adapted to the program music of theprofessionalmusicians of CSW Music!

Duration: about 31 minutes

Please note:

Please do not listen to this program while driving orduringactivities that require your full attention. The program doesnotreplace a doctor's visit or drugs that are needed duetoillness.
Hypnosis is basically suitable for all people physicallyandmentally healthy. If you are in therapeutic treatment, z.Bsp.dueto depression or psychosis, and / or taking anyprescriptionmedication, please keep this front application program,consultyour physician. The program does not replace any treatmentformorbid anxiety disorders.

The program does not replace any treatment for morbidanxietydisorders as well as a necessary alcohol withdrawal!

Find out more about the application and effects of hypnosis.Youcan find audio samples and other deals inwww.get-on-apps.com.

App Information Stop Drinking Alkohol! Hypnose

  • App Name
    Stop Drinking Alkohol! Hypnose
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    December 16, 2014
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.2 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
    Kim Fleckenstein
  • Installs
    100 - 500
  • Price
  • Category
    Health & Fitness
  • Developer
    Visit website Email [email protected]
    Philipp-Loewenfeld-Straße 19 D - 80339 München
  • Google Play Link

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Get Slim! Lose Weight Hypnosis 26.0 APK
***The Audio files are high quality and therefore quite large, agood wifi Connection is necessary to download***If you face anyissue with your Android application, please do write to our supportemail address before rating the application*** You want to loseweight? You’ve tried many diets without remarkable results? Are youlooking for an easy and relaxed way to get slim? Then try out „GetSlim!“ today! „Get Slim!“ is a powerful tool for your personalchange and empowerment. The hypnotic and relaxation techniqueswithin this program help you best to reach your personal goal of aslim and healthy life!*****************************************************************FEEDBACKS FROM USERS "For me topppps! Shopping list looks differentand the number on the scale has become smaller! I sleep great.Great voice and music. " „I recommend it absolutely! Another greatapp by Kim Fleckenstein. The quality has improved even further.Keep it up! Get on! " "Just great ))))) I have Listened to the appfor 23 days now and have lost 3.8 kilos I can relax easy and itworks great."*****************************************************************HOW THE PROGRAM WORKS You might agree that most of our weightproblems have their origin in our minds. But the real problem isthat most of them are unconscious, working deep in our minds andkeeping us away from reaching our goals. That is why hypnosis is somuch more effective. Hypnosis deals with the hidden patterns behindpoor eating or over-eating. It is the perfect tool for„re-educating“ your unconscious mind, giving you back the choiceabout what you eat – making it, easy and sustainable. Thesuggestions in the program will help you change the way you thinkabout food and exercising. Get the necessary motivation forbuilding a new healthy life-style and new eating habits – take backcontrol of your appetite and weight! ABOUT KIM FLECKENSTEIN „GetSlim!“ was designed by well-known German Hypnotherapist KimFleckenstein. Kim Fleckenstein is a certified alternativepractitioner in psychotherapy, a clinical Hypnotherapist andNLP-Master-Coach. Based in Munich she has already published a rangeof best-selling self-help and hypnosis programs as Apps and MP3sunder the label „Get on Apps!“. Her unique technique and selfexperiences have helped to create the special character and heartof her recordings. Getting requests from all over the world, shedecided to publish her hypnosis programs in English language aswell. Together with professional and native speaker Cathy Weber shemade it reality! WHAT YOU GET •A highly effective 30-Minuteprofessional Hypnosis session using the latest hypnotic andrelaxation techniques – suitable for both, beginners and moreexperienced users •The professional and warm voice of Cathy Weber,which leads you into a deep state of relaxation and change •A highquality state of the art recording •Individually composedbackground music for every program by CSW music •Customize yoursettings PLEASE NOTE Do not listen to this program while operatinga motor vehicle or during any other activity that requires yourfull attention. This program does not replace a doctor or any othermedical aids. The best effect can be achieved by listening to thisprogram once a day over a period of 4 weeks. „GET SLIM!“ IS YOURPERSONAL COACH! ALWAYS WITH YOU! GIVE IT A TRY, NOW!
Get Pain Relief! Back Pain 26.0 APK
**For the moment this program is onlyavailable in German language! An English version will followsoon!**Get Pain Relief! Rückenschmerzen lindern mit Hypnose• Blockaden und Verspannungen im Rücken lösen• (Wieder) Auf die Signale des Körpers hören lernen• Seelischen Ballast loslassenSie leiden unter starken oder sogar chronischen Rückenschmerzen?Sie haben das Gefühl, Sie tragen ständig eine große Last mit sichherum? Besonders unter Stress macht sich Ihr Rücken bemerkbar?„Ich habe Rücken!“, der bekannte Ausspruch von Hape KerkelingsAlter Ego Horst Schlemmer, steht wie kein anderer für ein weitverbreitetes Leiden: Rückenschmerzen. Egal ob Hexenschuss,Bandscheibenvorfall, Kreuzschmerzen oder Rückenprobleme, sie habeneines gemeinsam – sie sind äußerst schmerzhaft. ChronischeRückenschmerzen sind zudem eine häufige Ursache für Fehlzeiten odersogar völlige Arbeitsunfähigkeit.Neben Bewegungsmangel, Fehlhaltungen oder zu schwacherMuskulatur, sind insbesondere Stress und psychische Probleme dieUrsache für den quälenden Schmerz im Rücken. Und ist der Schmerzeinmal da, beginnt schnell ein Teufelskreis aus Schonhaltungen undneuen, schmerzhaften Verspannungen.Das Hypnoseprogramm „Get Pain Relief! Rückenschmerzen lindernmit Hypnose“ unterstützt Sie dabei, Verspannungen und Stressgezielt zu lösen. Sie lassen mit Hilfe der Hypnose gegenRückenschmerzen alles Belastende nach und nach los. So finden SieIhre innere Balance wieder, die sich äußerlich in einem starken,schmerzfreien Rücken manifestiert.Wirkung und Anwendung„Get Pain Relief! Rückenschmerzen lindern mit Hypnose“ ist einProgramm aus der Reihe medizinischer Hypnosen, die Kim Fleckensteinin enger Zusammenarbeit mit Prof. Dr. Ralf Herwig von derUniversitätsklink Wien entwickelt. Das 33–minütige Programm isteine wirksame Kombination aus medizinischen Erkenntnissen undklassischer Hypnose. Es richtet sich an Menschen, die unterregelmäßigen oder auch chronischen Rückenschmerzen leiden. Auch fürFrauen mit Rückenschmerzen in der Schwangerschaft ist das Programmals sanfte Methode zur Schmerzlinderung geeignet.Im Zustand der Tiefenentspannung können Sie durch gezielteSuggestionen körperliche und vor allem mentale Blockaden dauerhaftlösen. Ihre Rückenschmerzen werden dadurch erträglicher, inEinzelfällen bis hin zur völligen Schmerzfreiheit. Sie entwickelnein neues Bewusstsein für die Dinge, die Ihnen nicht gut tun, undlernen „Stop“ zu sagen. Sie richten sich innerlich und äußerlichauf und gehen wieder gestärkt durchs Leben.Um den bestmöglichen Effekt zu erzielen, sollten Sie dasProgramm über einen Zeitraum von mindestens 30 Tagen einmal täglichhören.Dauer: ca. 33 MinutenBITTE BEACHTENBitte hören Sie dieses Programm nicht beim Autofahren oder beiTätigkeiten, die Ihre uneingeschränkte Aufmerksamkeit erfordern.Das Programm ersetzt keinen Arztbesuch oder Medikamente, diekrankheitsbedingt benötigt werden.Hypnose ist prinzipiell für alle körperlich und geistig gesundenMenschen geeignet. Sollten Sie in therapeutischer Behandlung sein,z.Bsp. aufgrund einer Depression oder Psychose, und / oderverschreibungspflichtige Medikamente einnehmen, halten Sie bittevor Anwendung dieses Programms Rücksprache mit Ihrem behandelndenArzt. Das Programm ersetzt keine Behandlung bei krankhaftenAngststörungen.Wissenswertes über die Anwendung und Wirkungsweise von Hypnose.Hörproben und weitere Angebote finden Sie unterwww.get-on-apps.com.
Stop Fears To Go! Hypnosis 26.0 APK
STOP FEARS TO GO! MENTAL TRAINING FOR FEARSAND ANXIETIES- Break free from debilitating thought patterns and avoidancestrategies- Develop self-esteem and self-confidence- Experience newfound freedom and a zest for lifeDo you want to be free of your fears and anxieties once and forall? Do you want to let go of the fear of being afraid? Do you wishto go back to living a self-determined life? By means of helpfulsuggestions, the program „Stop Fears To Go! Mental Training forFears and Anxieties“ helps you examine your thoughts and feelingsand develop new, fear-free patterns of thought and behavior so thatyou can significantly change your quality of life and the level ofjoy that you experience. You will also learn to be consciouslyaware of how you interpret an event or situation, so that you canlook at what would have previously made you anxious or afraid froma new, more relaxed perspective. You will direct your attentionaway from what could happen and become independent of anxiety andits consequences.HOW THE PROGRAM WORKSThe program „Stop Fears To Go! Mental Training for Fears andAnxieties“ works effectively by using the techniques of mentalcoaching and autosuggestion. The 20-minute program is aimed atadults who wish to learn how to minimize or even free themselvesfrom their fears and to strengthen their self-esteem once more. KimFleckenstein first gives you important food for thought on thesubject of fear and anxiety in the introduction. Next, you willhear empathetic spoken suggestions which will gradually anchorthemselves deeply into your subconscious through consciousrepetition. The program is designed in such a way that you canrepeat the suggestions during a short pause. This allows you tofurther internalize what you hear, so that it works on you bothmentally and psychologically.ABOUT KIM FLECKENSTEINThe program was designed by well-known German Hypnotherapist KimFleckenstein. Kim Fleckenstein is a certified alternativepractitioner in psychotherapy, a clinical Hypnotherapist andNLP-Master-Coach. Based in Munich she already published a range ofbest-selling self-help and hypnosis programs as Apps and MP3s underthe label GET ON APPS!. Her unique technique and self experienceshave helped to create the special character and heart of herrecordings.Together with professional and native speaker Cathy Weber shealso publishes her programs in English.WHAT YOU GET* A highly effective 20-Minute professional Mental Trainingsession using the latest hypnotic and relaxation techniques –suitable for both, beginners and more experienced users.* The professional and warm voice of Cathy Weber, which leads youinto a deep state of relaxation and change.* A high quality and state of the art recording.* Professionally composed background music for every program by CSWMusic.* Customize your settings and discover other useful features.PLEASE NOTEDo not listen to this program while operating a motor vehicle orduring any other activity that requires your full attention. Thisprogram does not replace a doctor or any other medical aids. Thebest effect can be achieved by listening to this program once a dayover a period of 4 weeks.
Find Forgiveness! Hypnosis 26.0 APK
***The Audio files are high quality and therefore quite large, agood wifi Connection is necessary to download***If you face anyissue with your Android application, please do write to our supportemail address before rating the application *** FIND FORGIVENESS!LEARN TO FORGIVE BY HYPNOSIS • Learn how to forgive and forget •Make peace with yourself and others • Feel freer and morelight-hearted Do you find it difficult to forgive other people orlet go of an injustice that has been done to you? Would you like toface the future with a positive attitude rather than holding on toold injuries? Would you like to stop wasting your precious energyon past situations or particular people? Would you like to feelfree again and leave thoughts such as disappointment, guilt, etc.far behind? Would you also like to be able to forgive yourself? Thehypnosis program “Find Forgiveness! Learn to Forgive by Hypnosis”can help you get away from constantly thinking about hurts anddisappointments. Within a short time, you will notice that it ismuch easier to give up energy-consuming thoughts of the past andlook ahead with a positive outlook. You will gain more awareness ofyour own behavior and the behavior of those around you byconsidering these behaviors from a new perspective. You will becomemore and more familiar with the qualities of reconciliation andbenevolence. You will learn to let go of those things that yousimply cannot change, so that you can finally be at peace and lookto the future with new strength. HOW THE PROGRAM WORKS “FindForgiveness! Learn to Forgive by Hypnosis” is an effectiverelaxation training that utilizes classic hypnosis and mentalcoaching techniques. The 27-minute program is aimed at adults andyoung adults who wish to say goodbye, once and for all, toenergy-consuming thoughts and feelings and who no longer wish to bevictims of their own past. With the help of your subconscious mind,it will gradually become easier for you to give up vindictivebehavior and to leave self-righteous thinking and behavior to otherpeople in the future. With the knowledge that this is just anunnecessary energy-waster, liberate yourself from the prison ofhurt feelings and the desire for revenge in order to enjoy a moresatisfying life and spiritual balance. ABOUT KIM FLECKENSTEIN Theprogram was designed by well-known German Hypnotherapist KimFleckenstein. Kim Fleckenstein is a certified alternativepractitioner in psychotherapy, a clinical Hypnotherapist andNLP-Master-Coach. Based in Munich she already published a range ofbest-selling self-help and hypnosis programs as Apps and MP3s underthe label GET ON APPS!. Her unique technique and self experienceshave helped to create the special character and heart of herrecordings. Together with professional and native speaker CathyWeber she also publishes her programs in English. WHAT YOU GET * Ahighly effective 27-Minute professional Hypnosis session using thelatest hypnotic and relaxation techniques – suitable for both,beginners and more experienced users. * The professional and warmvoice of Cathy Weber, which leads you into a deep state ofrelaxation and change. * A high quality and state of the artrecording. * Professionally composed background music for everyprogram by CSW Music. * Customize your settings and discover otheruseful features. PLEASE NOTE Do not listen to this program whileoperating a motor vehicle or during any other activity thatrequires your full attention. This program does not replace adoctor or any other medical aids. The best effect can be achievedby listening to this program once a day over a period of 4 weeks.
Get Released! Hypnosis 26.0 APK
GET RELEASED! LEARNING TO LET GO BY HYPNOSIS• The fulfillment of your desires is no longer in the hands ofothers• Break away from the bondage of existing habits; let go of thepast and your old baggage• Put an end to negative thoughts and limiting beliefsDo you get stuck in the past too often? Would you like tofinally overcome your separation and release your old relationship?Would you like to let go of your children, your heartbreak or yourdesire to have children? Is it perhaps also difficult for you tolet go of negative thoughts, situations and stressful feelings? Youwould rather feel free and unencumbered by them. But how? Thehypnosis program „Get Released! Learning to Let Go by Hypnosis""can help you to finally allow and learn to let go. Because life isabout change and letting go. It is even more important for you tolearn that external changes are possible only by changing yourinternal thoughts. With this hypnosis program, you will experiencestep by step how to go from passively clinging to actively lettinggo and how to make yourself independent of other people, previoushabits and negative thoughts. Each day, you will gradually reorientyourself toward a life that is free from fear and therefore all themore fulfilling.HOW THE PROGRAM WORKS„Get Released! Learning to Let Go by Hypnosis"" is an effectiverelaxation training that utilizes classic hypnosis and mentalcoaching techniques. This 28-minute program is aimed at adults andyoung adults who find it difficult or simply impossible to let go.With this hypnosis program, Kim Fleckenstein opens the door to yoursubconscious mind in order to embed positive, life-changingaffirmations deep within it. With each repetition, you will changeyour style of feeling, thinking and acting. Say goodbye to limitingthoughts and let go forever of habits and people that hinder yourhappiness.ABOUT KIM FLECKENSTEINThe program was designed by well-known German Hypnotherapist KimFleckenstein. Kim Fleckenstein is a certified alternativepractitioner in psychotherapy, a clinical Hypnotherapist andNLP-Master-Coach. Based in Munich she already published a range ofbest-selling self-help and hypnosis programs as Apps and MP3s underthe label GET ON APPS!. Her unique technique and self experienceshave helped to create the special character and heart of herrecordings.Together with professional and native speaker Cathy Weber shealso publishes her programs in English.WHAT YOU GET* A highly effective 28-Minute professional Hypnosis sessionusing the latest hypnotic and relaxation techniques – suitable forboth, beginners and more experienced users.* The professional and warm voice of Cathy Weber, which leads youinto a deep state of relaxation and change.* A high quality and state of the art recording.* Professionally composed background music for every program by CSWMusic.* Customize your settings and discover other useful features.PLEASE NOTEDo not listen to this program while operating a motor vehicle orduring any other activity that requires your full attention. Thisprogram does not replace a doctor or any other medical aids. Thebest effect can be achieved by listening to this program once a dayover a period of 4 weeks.
Stop Procrastination! Hypnose 26.0 APK
**For the moment this program is onlyavailable in German language! An English version will followsoon!**+++Bitte achten Sie darauf, die App nur mit einerWLAN-Verbindung zu installieren, es geht nicht über die Flatrateinnerhalb des Gerätes selber+++STOP PROCRASTINATION! AUFSCHIEBERITIS BEKÄMPFEN MIT HYPNOSE- Aufschieberitis in den Griff bekommen- Dinge anpacken und zu Ende bringen- Vor der „Deadline“ fertig seinErledigen Sie immer alles sofort oder neigen Sie dazu, die Dingevor sich her zu schieben? Manchmal auch etwas länger, als eseigentlich gut ist? Sie fangen erst gar nicht an? Sie finden immeretwas, das plötzlich wichtiger ist? Keine Panik – es gibt wirksameHilfe!Es ist ein tolles Gefühl, wenn man eine Aufgabe erfolgreicherledigt hat. Für viele Menschen ist es aber eine große, manchmalunmögliche Herausforderung, Aufgaben mit der nötigen Motivationanzugehen und von „A bis Z“ zu erledigen. Doch wer es nichtschafft, sich langfristig selbst zu motivieren, den bringt die„Aufschieberitis“ – im Fachjargon auch Prokrastination genannt – inpermanente Zeitnot und öffnet die Tür für Stress, Ärger undgesundheitliche Folgen.Wer seine Aufschieberitis endlich kurieren möchte, findet Hilfeim Motivationstraining „Stop Procrastination! Aufschieberitisbekämpfen mit Hypnose“. Das Programm unterstützt Sie in allenLebensbereichen – von Schule, Studium, Arbeit bis hin zurHausarbeit! Machen Sie sich mit Hilfe der Hypnose Ihre „ToDo“-Liste zu Ihrem Verbündeten und lernen Sie die Dinge vollerMotivation und Lust umzusetzen. Verinnerlichen Sie Ihr neuesLebensmotto: „Nicht gleich oder später, sondern JETZT!“WIRKUNG UND ANWENDUNG„Stop Procrastination! Aufschieberitis bekämpfen mit Hypnose“ist ein Motivationstraining, das wirksam mit den Techniken derHypnose und des mentalen Coachings arbeitet. Das 31-minütigeProgramm richtet sich an Jugendliche und Erwachsene, die ihreAufschieberitis loswerden und sich motivieren möchten, endlich alldas zu erledigen, was auf der täglichen To-Do Liste steht.Kim Fleckenstein benutzt in diesem Programm die sog.Swish-Technik, entwickelt aus dem NeuroLinguistischemProgammieren(kurz NLP). Der sog. „Swish“ hilft Ihnen dabei, unerwünschtesVerhalten durch ein neues, besseres zu ersetzen. Mit Hilfe IhresUnterbewusstseins wird es Ihnen nach und nach immer schwererfallen, Aufgaben aufzuschieben. Sie entwickeln die notwendigeMotivation und bilden einen mentalen Schutz vor Ablenkungen. Fürein gutes Gewissen und das tolle Gefühl, das Leben endlich im Griffzu haben.HIGHLIGHTS DER APP* Wirksames 31-minütiges Hypnoseprogramm - entwickelt undgesprochen von Hypnosetherapeutin Kim Fleckenstein nach denneuesten Erkenntnissen der Hypnose!* Leichte, intuitive Bedienung und Anwendung – für Anfänger underfahrene Hypnoseanwender geeignet!* Höchste Qualität durch Aufnahmen in professionellemTonstudio!* Hochwertige und auf das Programm abgestimmte Musik von denProfimusikern von CSW Music!BITTE BEACHTENBitte hören Sie dieses Programm nicht beim Autofahren oder beiTätigkeiten, die Ihre uneingeschränkte Aufmerksamkeit erfordern.Das Programm ersetzt keinen Arztbesuch oder Medikamente, diekrankheitsbedingt benötigt werden.Hypnose ist prinzipiell für alle körperlich und geistig gesundenMenschen geeignet. Sollten Sie in therapeutischer Behandlung sein,z.Bsp. aufgrund einer Depression oder Psychose, und / oderverschreibungspflichtige Medikamente einnehmen, halten Sie bittevor Anwendung dieses Programms Rücksprache mit Ihrem behandelndenArzt. Das Programm ersetzt keine Behandlung bei krankhaftenAngststörungen.Um den bestmöglichen Effekt zu erzielen, sollten Sie dasProgramm über einen Zeitraum von mindestens 30 Tagen einmal täglichhören.Wissenswertes über die Anwendung und Wirkungsweise von Hypnose.Hörproben und weitere Angebote finden Sie unterwww.get-on-apps.com.** For the moment thisprogram is only available in German language! An English versionwill follow soon! **+++ Please be sure to install the App with a wirelessconnection, it does not go over the flat rate within the deviceitself +++STOP PROCRASTINATION! FIGHT procrastination with hypnosis- Get a grip on procrastination- Tackle things and bring to an end- Be ready before the "Deadline"Kill everything always immediately or you tend to push thingsahead of him? Sometimes even a little longer than it is actuallygood? Until you begin not to? You will always find something thatis suddenly more important? Do not panic - there is effectivehelp!It's a great feeling when you have completed a tasksuccessfully. For many people, it is a large, sometimes impossiblechallenge, tackle duties with the necessary motivation and to do of"A to Z". But who does not succeed in the long term to motivateyourself, to bring the "procrastination" - known in the jargon alsoprocrastination - in permanent shortage of time and opens the doorfor stress, anger and health consequences.Who finally wants to cure his procrastination, will help inmotivation training "Stop Procrastination! Procrastination fightwith hypnosis ". The program supports you in all aspects of life -from school, university, work up to housework! Familiarize yourselfwith the help of hypnosis implement your "To Do" list to yourallies and learn the things full of motivation and desire. Take inyour new life motto: "Not now or later, but NOW"Effect and Application"Stop Procrastination! Procrastination fight with Hypnosis "is amotivational training that works effectively with the techniques ofhypnosis and mental coaching. The 31-minute program is aimed atteenagers and adults who want to get rid of your procrastinationand motivate yourself to finally do all that is on the list dailyto-do.Kim Fleckenstein used in this program, the so-called. Swishtechnique, developed from the NeuroLinguistischemProgammieren(short NLP). The so-called. "Swish" will help you to replaceunwanted behavior through a new and better. With the help of yoursubconscious mind, it will be for you gradually more and moredifficult to postpone tasks. They develop the necessary motivationand form a mental protection against distractions. For a goodconscience and the great feeling of having life finally undercontrol.HIGHLIGHTS OF THE APP* Effective 31-minute hypnosis program - developed and spoken byHypnotherapist Kim Fleckenstein according to the latest findings ofhypnosis!* Easy, intuitive operation and application - for both beginnersand experienced users hypnosis suitable!* Highest quality due to recordings in a professional recordingstudio!* High quality and adapted to the program music from theprofessional musicians of CSW Music!PLEASE NOTEPlease do not listen to this program while driving or duringactivities that require your full attention. The program does notreplace a doctor's visit or medications that are needed due toillness.Hypnosis is in principle suitable for all people physically andmentally healthy. Should you be in a therapeutic treatment, z.Bsp.as a result of depression or psychosis, and / or taking anyprescription medication, please keep before application of thisprogram in consultation with your doctor. The program does notreplace treatment with morbid anxiety disorders.To gain the maximum benefit, you should listen to the programfor a period of at least 30 days once a day.Find out more about the application and effects of hypnosis. Tohear audio and other deals in www.get-on-apps.com.
Get Motivation! Hypnosis 26.0 APK
***The Audio files are high quality and therefore quite large, agood wifi Connection is necessary to download***If you face anyissue with your Android application, please do write to our supportemail address before rating the application*** From a diet toregular jogging - most of us have many resolutions, where we firsthave to overcome our lack of will power, to pull through. Those whowant to eventually make it, can choose hypnosis, to self-motivatethemselves: The motivation training " Get Motivation! IncreaseSelf-Motivation by Hypnosis" supports you in many areas of life -from losing weight to movement programmes up to your tax return. *Do you regularly say farewell to your resolutions, whilst standingin front of the chocolate shelf at the supermarket? * You wouldlike to start with your learning pensum early this semester? * Youwant to eventually start a fitness programme? GET MOTIVATION! It isa great feeling when a task is completed successfully. But it isalso always a challenge to attack everyday tasks with highmotivation and to really master from A to Z! Though for those whodon’t manage to motivate themselves, they battle all too often withself-doubt. Starting to learn the day before the exam, that canreally be risky. Sport is only profitable for those who regularlyjump into their sport shoes or swim their lengths in the pool. Goodresolutions don’t help at all. They only give us a guiltyconscience. Self-motivation is asked for in such situations: Theeffect of motivation training or "mental coaching" is a methodwhich is scientifically proven. Our motivation training is called"Get Motivation! Increase Self-Motivation by Hypnosis". It workseffectively with the techniques of hypnosis and mental coaching.The 31 minute programme is intended for young people and adults whowould like to get motivated, to complete diverse every daychallenges, better and with more success. The positive suggestionssupport self-motivation specifically. The so called "quadrupleeffect" is used, where the suggestions are reacted four times in arow, like in a canon. This so called confusions techniquestrengthens the effect of the hypnosis. ABOUT KIM FLECKENSTEIN „GetHappiness!“ was designed by well-known German Hypnotherapist KimFleckenstein. Kim Fleckenstein is a certified alternativepractitioner in psychotherapy, a clinical Hypnotherapist andNLP-Master-Coach. Based in Munich she already published a range ofbest-selling self-help and hypnosis programs as Apps and MP3s underthe label GET ON APPS!. Her unique technique and self experienceshave helped to create the special character and heart of herrecordings. Together with professional and native speaker CathyWeber she also publishes her programs in English. WHAT YOU GET * Ahighly effective 31-Minute professional Hypnosis session using thelatest hypnotic and relaxation techniques – suitable for both,beginners and more experienced users. * The professional and warmvoice of Cathy Weber, which leads you into a deep state ofrelaxation and change. * A high quality and state of the artrecording. * Professionally composed background music for everyprogram by CSW Music. * Customize your settings and discover otheruseful features. PLEASE NOTE Do not listen to this program whileoperating a motor vehicle or during any other activity thatrequires your full attention. This program does not replace adoctor or any other medical aids. The best effect can be achievedby listening to this program once a day over a period of 4 weeks.GET MOTIVATION! IS YOUR PERSONAL COACH! ALWAYS WITH YOU! GIVE IT ATRY, NOW!
Get Healthy! Hypnosis 26.0 APK
***The Audio files are high quality andtherefore quite large, a good wifi Connection is necessary todownload***If you face any issue with your Android application,please do write to our support email address before rating theapplication***You are ill and want to feel well again? You have pain and wantto relieve from it? You are sickly and want to boost your immunesystem? Then try out „Get Healthy!“ today!„Get Healthy! Self-Healing by Hypnosis!“ is a powerful tool foryour personal change and empowerment. The hypnotic and relaxationtechniques within this program help you best to reach your personalgoal of a healthy and active life!Activate your inner doctor with the unique health hypnosisprogramm "Get Healthy! Self-Healing by hypnosis!”* Feel healthy and fit!* Activate resilience and self-healing forces!* Get free of pain!**********************************Feedbacks from Users“I must say I was skeptical about hypnosis apps - but these appsare really good! Although the apps don’t replace a real therapy,they are really great for relaxation and to “recharge yourbatteries”!”“This Hypnosis program is excellent! Kim Fleckensteins voice isvery pleasant. I love it!”***********************************HOW THE PROGRAM WORKSIllnesses, operations, (chronic) pain or stress rob our energyand power. In the long term negative thoughts and bad feelings harmour health, quality and joy of life.But fortunately all the resources we need for a healthy, activeand happy life are allocated by our mind and body. Through hypnosistechniques you will get access to them and recall them from yoursubconscious mind.By listen ling to Kim Fleckensteins hypnosis program "GetHealthy! Self-Healing by Hypnosis!" you will learn and internalizenew, positive beliefs that are crucial for a healthy life. Thisself-help program brings you in touch with your inner doctor andhelps you to activate your self-healing powers.ABOUT KIM FLECKENSTEIN„Get Healthy!“ was designed by well-known German HypnotherapistKim Fleckenstein. Kim Fleckenstein is a certified alternativepractitioner in psychotherapy, a clinical Hypnotherapist andNLP-Master-Coach. Based in Munich she already published a range ofbest-selling self-help and hypnosis programs as Apps and MP3s underthe label GET ON APPS!. Her unique technique and self experienceshave helped to create the special character and heart of herrecordings. Together with professional and native speaker CathyWeber she also publishes her programs in English.WHAT YOU GET* A highly effective 33-Minute professional Hypnosis sessionusing the latest hypnotic and relaxation techniques – suitable forboth, beginners and more experienced users.* The professional and warm voice of Cathy Weber, which leads youinto a deep state of relaxation and change.* A high quality and state of the art recording.* Professionally composed background music for every program by CSWMusic.* Customize your settings and discover other useful features.PLEASE NOTEDo not listen to this program while operating a motor vehicle orduring any other activity that requires your full attention. Thisprogram does not replace a doctor or any other medical aids. Thebest effect can be achieved by listening to this program once a dayover a period of 4 weeks.GET HEALTHY! IS YOUR PERSONAL COACH! ALWAYS WITH YOU! GIVE IT ATRY, NOW!