Top 4 Apps Similar to Eye Boot Camp

Boot Camp Xtreme 2.1
Bootcamp Xtreme fitness video app issweepingthe U.K. by storm!No DVD player neededNo equipment needed ( just a towel to wipe the sweat off )No matter where you are, Bootcamp Xtreme can be yourpersonaltrainer. You can do this workout anytime, anywhere.Bootcamp Xtreme is a new and exciting several videos workout.Youcan use it in your home, at work, in the gym, at the parkanywhere3G,4G and wifi is available! No equipment needed!(3G may take a bit longer to load as videos are in HD)This app contains- 4 videos ( with split screen modified moves)- A calendar so you know what workout to do each dayFor 4 weeks.-log your workouts-Log your process by photos each day-Log your weight in stones, kg and pounds-Log measurements chest, hips, arms etc- add notes- Share photos that you have added and invite friendsonFacebook, Twitter, Instagram, what's app and email.- Add friends who's doing the workout with you.- A contact us pageSO TRAINING BEGINS NOW!This app would get you amazing results. Yes working out isveryimportant but also a healthy diet. For healthy recipes
Army Dozen Excercises 1.0
The whole routine was devised to becompletedin15 minutes. Each exercise was done for 60 seconds,followed bya15-second break. This program was done every day priortorunningduring a recruit's basic training. After boot camp, itwasdoneformally when circumstances permitted,NOTE:The Army's daily dozen exercise routine is a setof12calisthenics exercises that are done each day as partofthephysical therapy program.
Burn Boot Camp 5.6.2
Welcome to Burn Boot Camp, the Community of Fit Moms andWomen!Download now!
五角減重法 1.0.2
「五角減重法」是一項健康飲食減重計畫,本應用程式對於登錄者的飲食紀錄加以分析評估與建議、提供長期追蹤的服務。對於一般使用者,可以自行註冊進行飲食紀錄,亦提供整理、分析、以及飲食建議,相信透過完善的紀錄與指引,任何使用者都能夠達到增進健康的目標!一、飲食紀錄方式:1.在每日飲食紀錄欄位輸入早、中、晚餐的飲食內容,以及是否有攝取奶類,並記錄早上起床後的體重。接著填寫綜合各類飲食的格數,每一格的定義請點選「?」。有增修資料時,按「暫存/送出」以進行儲存。2.請觀察五角減重圖,各類食物每天攝取到達三格即為均衡的飲食情形。藉由圖表與飲食評估,可以了解自己的飲食狀況與得到飲食建議。3.紀錄多天後,可以按左上角按鈕以「三天」、「一周」、或「歷程」,看到綜合圖表來了解體重變化與自己是否有飲食問題,如果有的話可以試著從飲食進行改善。二、飲食格數定義1. 飯麵類1格:女:半碗飯、一碗麵(米粉、通心粉)、2/3片厚片吐司(饅頭)男:一碗飯、兩碗麵(米粉、通心粉)、4/3片厚片土司(饅頭)2.肉類1格:三指寬肉、嫩豆腐半盒、雞蛋一個、劍蝦四尾、無糖豆漿250cc 3.蔬菜類1格:熟青菜半碗4.水果類1格:拳頭大小、切塊水果約碗八分滿 5. 水1格: 女:600cc男:800cc*對減重飲食控制有疑慮的使用者,可諮詢醫院醫護人員與營養師。