Top 21 Apps Similar to sound healing

Insight Timer - Meditation App 18.0.7
Everyday Wellbeing for Sleep, Anxiety and Stress
MindBell (& Meditation Timer)
Mindfulness bell and meditation timerforyour practice of mindfulnessMindBell rings periodically during the day as a mindfulness bell,togive you the opportunity to hold on for a moment and considerwhatyou are currently doing, and in what state of mind you arewhile youare doing it. According to the Zen Buddhist teacher ThichNhat Hanh,this is an effective means of developingmindfulness.Additionally MindBell can be used as a meditation timer.Without advertising and without any network access.IntroductionFor an introduction please take a look at the screenshots inthestore or at answers to frequently asked questionsat If MindBell does not ring regularlyonyour device please follow thischecklist: for updates?If you want to become a beta tester of new MindBell versionspleasescroll down in store entry. There is a section Become abetatester.Known issueThere might be rare situations when MindBell leaves the alarmvolumeset to the max. To avoid a rude awakening please check alarmvolumebefore going to sleep.Wrong language?Crowdin is used to translate MindBell. Please send me an e-mailifyou would like to help translating MindBell.SupportIn case of problems with MindBell please send an e-mail fromthehelp dialog. This allows queries and eases communication.PermissionsREAD_PHONE_STATE (read phone status and identity): To modifythebell in the notification bar when phone status changes (phonecall,flight mode, muted), if requested in the settings. MindBellonlyneeds this permission to get signalled when a phone callisincoming or outgoing, not to read any data.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED (run at startup): To activate MindBellafterrestarting the phone.VIBRATE (control vibration): To use vibration as mindfulnessbell,if requested in the settings.LicenseMindBell is an open source project and licensed underApacheLicense, version 2.0. More information can be found onthewebsite.
Daily Meditation 4.0
Free App for your daily meditation (also for beginners)
Für die Seele 14.3
Meditations & deep relaxation for awareness and healing
7Mind: Meditation reinvented 2.70.0
7Mind GmbH
7Mind already transformed the lives of over 1 Million people.Areyou next?
Geführte Meditationen deutsch 2.5
Meditation for beginners: audio course with guidedmeditations(German)
Schlafen & Entspannen 1.8
To calm down, relax and just sleep better (German Sleep App)
Chakra Meditation 2.6
Chakra Activation, Balancing & Awakening with BinauralSolfeggioFrequency/Tones
ausZeit-Meditation&Achtsamkeit 1.2.1
Andrea Angel
Stress im Job und dann private Sorgen,alldassorgte dafür, dass ich mich stundenlang im Bett herumgewälzthabe,bevor ich endlich einschlafen konnte. Nun gönne ich mirvordemSchlafengehen meine ganz persönliche Auszeit, drehe michherumundschlafe meist sofort ein ohne dieses lästigeGrübeln.”Kurz gesagt:ausZeit-Meditation - 365 Meditationen in deinerTasche.Aktivieredeine inneren Stärken und Kräfte mit Hilfe deinerAtmungund deinemKörper.Starte mit ausgewählten, kostenlosen Meditationen undÜbungenzurAchtsamkeit.Warum gibt es ausZeit-Meditation?Es wird Zeit mal wieder runter zu kommen. Sich bewusstwerden,dassdie kleinsten Dinge im Leben oft die wertvollen sind. EswirdZeit,dass wir uns und unserem Umfeld achtsam und bewusstbegegnen-ausZeit-Meditation steht genau dafür.Was ist ausZeit-Meditation?Funktionierende, aufeinander aufbauende Meditationennacheinemganzheitlichen , medizinischem Konzept.Ruhe und Entspannung täglich in deiner Tasche mit10MinutenMeditationen.Wer steckt hinter ausZeit-Meditation?Entwickelt von Andrea Angel. Sie hat ihre 30JahretherapeutischeErfahrung, ein ganzheitliches, medizinischenKonzeptund fundiertewissenschaftlichen Studien kombiniert und das365TageausZeit-Meditations Programm entwickelt.Harte Arbeit, statt großes Marketingbudget.Was kostet ausZeit-Meditation?Ausgewählte ausZeit-Meditationen kannstdukostenlosausprobieren.Bist du ein #Dranbleiber?Dann haben wir folgende Lösungen für dich:Einzel-Meditationen für 0,99 €Monats-Plus-Paket für 8,99 € (1 Monat Zugang zuallenverfügbarenMeditationen)Jahres-Plus-Paket für 89,99 €, (365 Tage Zugang zuallenverfügbarenMeditationen)Was sagen Andere zu ausZeit-Meditation?Reduziert Stress. Sorgt für Entspannung und körperlicheBalance.MehrZufriedenheit, mehr innere Ausgeglichenheit. SteigertdieKreativitätund Konzentration, das allgemeineWohlbefinden,Vitalität undGesundheit.Wo wird ausZeit-Meditation eingesetzt?ausZeit-Meditation kannst du in Pausen, beiWartezeiten,zumEinschlafen oder auch täglich nach dem Aufstehen zumbewusstenunderfolgreichen Start in den Tag einsetzen. Finde deinenRhythmusunddeinen Ort um deine Lebensqualität, Deine innereBalanceundEntspannung mit ausZeit-Meditation zu steigern.Wer nutzt ausZeit-Meditation?Leute mit Begeisterung für Meditation,Gesundheit,Fitness,Körperbewusstsein, Yoga, Mindfulness. AußerdemLeute dieStressreduzieren, ihre innere Ruhe finden wollen und ihrenKörperalskostbares Gut betrachten.Verwandte Disziplinen:Yoga, Mindfulness,Achtsamkeit,Konzentrations-Training,MeditationWelche konkreten Inhalte hat ausZeit-Meditation:(Ausschnitte)Wahrnehmen deines Atems und seiner Bewegungen im KörperDein Atem und seine heilsame Wirkung für mehrGesundheitundVitalitätDie Zählatmung – der GedankenberuhigerDein Bauchnabel – das Tor zur EntspannungDeinen Körper mithilfe deiner Atmung vitalisieren-Gesundheitstärken.Die Augendusche – Kräftigung und Wellness für denganzenKörperMit deinem Atem den Lymphabfluss aktivierenAufrichtung in jeder Hinsicht für dich und deine WirbelsäuleLösen von Blockaden – freie Bahn für deine EnergienDer Nervus Vagus und seine beruhigende WirkungaufdeinenKörperFrische Energie für dich auf allen Ebenen: die vertikaleAtmungunddas AtempustenMeditation to go:dein Rezept für sofortige Entspannung und innereBalance,jederzeit& überallDie aufsteigende vertikale Kraft fürdeineBauchorganeaktivierenMission possible: deinen inneren Frieden findenDie kreisförmige Herzatmung – der Heiler fürdenganzenKörperRein ins Leben! Mach dich groß, dehn dich aus, mach dichweit!Dein Körper braucht dich – nur wo und wie?(Gesundheiterhalten)Deine Aufrichtung stärken, in deine Mitte kommenLoslassen in der Kraft – easy & kompakt - reduziertStressExtra ausZeitenauf dem Fluß des LebensStress at workandprivateworries, all made sure that I rolled myself in bedforhours aroundbefore I was finally able to fall asleep. Now Itreatmyself beforebedtime my personal time out, turn around andfallasleep almostimmediately without a hassle this brooding."In short:break-Meditation - 365 Meditations in your pocket.Activateyourinner strengths and powers with the help of yourbreathing andyourbody.Start with selected free meditations and exercises for mindfulness.Why are there break-meditation?It is time to come back down time. Be aware that thesmallestthingsare often the most valuable in life. It is time thatwe meetand ourenvironment consciously and mindfully -break-Meditation isjustthat.What is break-meditation?Functioning, build on each other meditations for aholisticmedicalconcept.Rest and relaxation in your pocket every day with 10minutesofmeditation.Who is behind break-meditation?Developed by Andrea Angel. She has her 30yearstherapeuticexperience, a holistic medical approach andin-depthscientificstudies combined and developed 365 daysbreakMeditationprogram.Hard work, instead of big marketing budget.How much time out-meditation?Selected timeout meditations you can try for free.Are you a #Dranbleiber?Then we have the following solutions for you:Single meditations 0,99 €Month plus package for 8,99 € (1 month access toallavailableMeditations)Year-Plus package for € 89.99, (365 days access toallavailableMeditations)What Others say to break meditation?Reduces stress. Ensures relaxation and physicalbalance.Moresatisfaction more inner balance. Enhancescreativityandconcentration, general well-being, vitality andhealth.Where will break meditation used?break-meditation you can in pauses, waiting times, to fallasleeporeven use daily after getting the confident and successfulstarttothe day. Find your rhythm and your location to your qualityoflife,your inner balance and relaxation to increase withtimeoutmeditation.Who uses break-meditation?People with enthusiasm for meditation, health,fitness,bodyawareness, yoga, mindfulness. Moreover, people wanttoreducestress, find your inner peace and look at her body asapreciouscommodity.Related disciplines:Yoga, mindfulness, mindfulness,concentrationtraining,meditationWhat specific content has break-Meditation: (excerpts)Perceiving your breath and his movements in the bodyYour breath and its salutary effect for morehealthandvitalityThe Zählatmung - the GedankenberuhigerYour navel - the gateway to the relaxationYour body using vitalize your breathing -strengtheninghealth.The eyewash - strengthening and wellness for the whole bodyActivate the lymphatic drainage with your breathingErection in every respect for you and your spineDissolving blockages - free course for your energyThe vagus nerve and its calming effect on your bodyFresh energy for you at all levels: the vertical breathingandthebreath puffingMeditation to go:your recipe for instant relaxation and inner balance,anytime&anywhereActivate the ascending vertical force of your abdominalorgansMission possible: find your inner peaceThe circular breathing heart - the healer fortheentirebodyJump into life! Get your big, stretching from you,makeyoufar!Your body needs you - (maintain health) only where and how?Strengthen your erection, coming in the midst of theeReleasing the force - easy & Compact - reduces stressExtra-outson the river of life
5 Minute Meditation 1.3.0
Install now for easy to follow guided meditation + 20 quickmindfulmeditations
Du hast Pause: Geführte Medita 2.35
Guided meditations in German for deep relaxation andself-knowledge🦋
Headspace: Guided Meditation & Mindfulness 4.139.0
Picture yourself after a year ofmeditation.Now make it a reality. Get 40% off an annualsubscription toHeadspace for a limited time. It’s our best dealever.Get the most out of your day with the Headspace app. We’ll helpyouperform at your best through the life-changing skills ofmeditationand mindfulness.With the free Basics pack, Headspace teaches you the essentialsofliving a healthier, happier life. If you enjoy the Basics,thenit’s time to subscribe. Once you do, you’ll have access tohundredsof meditations on everything from stress and anxiety tosleep andfocus.There are packs to help you build healthier relationships withthepeople you love, SOS sessions to help you find a place of calmandrelaxation during meltdown moments and even Headspace forSportpacks to keep your mind fit whether you’re shootinghoops,powerlifting or racing for the finish line.All you need to do is download the app and sign up. Then justsitback, relax and breathe.Promotional offer is for Annual Plan, billed in one annualpaymentof $56.28 USD, or 40% regular annual rate if pricing is notUSD.Renews automatically at promotional rate. Cancel anytime inGooglePlay Store. Offer available for new subscribers only, endsJuly 24,2017.
Relaxing tibetan bowls 1.4.9
The Tibetan Bowls are usedworldwideforthe meditation , relax andwellness . Thisis agood way to relax ormeditate . Thevibrations oftibetan bowls are verypowerfull and is ableto heal yourchakra.To make the most of this experience body relaxation,liedown, dim the lights to create a casual andconcentrateonyour breathing. . Even if your day was stressful, itis overandnow you will think of you and only you. If stressfulthoughtsgoingthrough your head does not dwell there and concentrateonyourbreathing will become slow and you put in astateofwell-being .As you practice this relaxation exercise . Welcomethesoundsof Tibetan bowls . Let the vibrations enter youandlet yougo progressively to a Deep relaxation . Donotforget to setthe timer so that the sound gradually decreasesatthe same timethat you fall asleep. If you have troubleyoureleaseyou can focus on the sound of Tibetanbowlsand try to buildyou a dream with the sounds youhear. Thenlet thisdream take you to deep sleep.You can also use the application to a meditationsession,yoga or relaxation ritual .Tips:- Install yourself in a comfortable position- Create a relaxation to the environment usingforexampleessential oils- Dim or turn off the lights to be in the dark- Avoid any stressful thoughts or are not careful, the goal istobein a positive state of mind- Try to feel all tensions of your body to fly slowlyEveryone is not sensitive to the Tibetan bowls but ifyouare,the meetings may only be beneficial.If you say too long I need to relax , I'mtoostressedout , I can not seem to sleep more sotrythisapplication. We advise you for your wellness toalsohave ahealthy diet to Sport andpracticeexercisesrelaxation regular. The more you doregularly andyour bodygets used to the relax and you willfeel better.ideal for Mindfulness meditation, decrease depression -anxiety-stress, improve wellness wellbeing relaxation stateNamasté
Guided Meditation & Relaxation 2.4
Want to relax and sleep well? Try our Guided Meditation andsleepmindfulness.
Entspannung PUR 14
Quiet, balance with dream trips, autogenic relaxation, office,alsochildren
Zazen Meditation Timer
Stefan Gaffga
Meditating is a wonderful andfamouspossibility to raise your well-being and torelief stress. Meditating on a regular basis has a positiveeffecton your health,because it relaxes and brings stillness to the oftenuncontrolledthoughtsin ones mind.The Zazen Meditation Timer aids you in yourregularMeditation.You can define Meditations according to your personal likingsanddefinesections with varying duration and ending sounds. So you cantellwhena Meditation ended or a new part started just by the sound.It is often helpful to add a section "Preparation" with a lengthofaround 30seconds. This gives enough time for you to find acomfortableposition andto prepare yourself for the Meditation.In case the bell sounds are not to your liking, you can easilyaddownsounds.To not be disturbed during the Meditation, you can tell the Apptomuteyour Phone during meditating.
Meditation Timer & Log 3.1.4
Completely free, easy to personalize meditation timer with ahistorylog
Vipassana Meditation Timer 3.5.3
Free Meditation Timer for insight meditators
One-Moment Meditation® 1.1.13
No time? No problem. Learn to meditate quickly and powerfully – inamoment.
SoMeThe 1.1
Manan Sharma
A great personal tool for HolisticWellness-body, mind, spirit and emotionsJust play 5 mins of soothing sounds to get indulgeinMindfulMeditative State.For the growing community of millions of soundenthusiasts,soundtherapists, meditation enthusiasts, yogapractitioners,teachers& centres, reiki healers, energy healers,shamanichealers, SPAcentres, healing centres, spiritual centres,otherwellnesscentres.Get rid of how to play singing bowls, gongs.. JustTap,Swirl& get started..3 very different sets of Sound Yoga® singing bowlsforeveryindividual need & style.Use the Therapeutic Sounds of Sound Yoga® Singing BowlsrichinCrystal Clear tones & overtones.• Relaxation• Stress / Anxiety Reduction• Breathe Easy• Meditation – To Get Meditative State, Get variousbenefitsofMeditative state• Very Helpful in Yoga Savasana Posture & otherYogaPostures,Enhance the effectiveness of Yoga• Self & Group Meditation / Yoga / Reiki / Tai Chi/EnergyHealing.• Create your own soothing background Sounds for SPA Centres• Play in Corporate Office to Reduce Stress & AnxietyLevel&create Harmony• Play in Schools for Focus Enhancement,Meditation&CreativityPhysical benefits of Meditation• Lowers high blood pressure• Lowers the levels of blood lactate, reducing anxietyattacks• Decreases any tension-related pain, such as,tensionheadaches,ulcers, insomnia, muscle and joint problems• Increases serotonin production that improvesmoodandbehavior• Improves the immune system• Increases the energy level, as you gain an innersourceofenergyDuring Sound Yoga® Singing Bowls Sound MeditationTherapyonemoves easily from the active Beta into the relaxed Alphastateandoften into a deep Theta meditational creative state.Mental Benefits of Meditation• Anxiety decreases• Emotional stability improves• Creativity increases• Happiness increases• Intuition develops• Peace of Mind & Gain Clarity• Meditation sharpens the mind by gaining focus andexpandsthroughrelaxation• A sharp mind without expansion causes tension,angerandfrustration• An expanded consciousness without sharpness can lead tolackofaction/progress• The balance of a sharp mind and an expandedconsciousnessbringsperfectionKEYWORDS: SoMeThe, Sound Healing, SoundTherapy,Meditation,Klangschale massage, Tibetan Himalayan singingbowls,Yoga App,Reiki Sound App, Sound Bowls App