Top 4 Apps Similar to Reality Reboot

NLP Hypnosis & Meditation 1.0
If you are finding your eyesfollowingthesewords, then your life is about to changedramatically… ifyouchoose to take the next step.After installing this free app you will be immersed intoaworldof possibility and potential - waiting for you to decidejusthowbig, exciting and vivid you want your life's experiencestobe.Language and words structure what we perceive tobereality.Through the filter of your paradigm (yourpersonalexperiences,education, culture, language, and beliefsystem) youassignmeaning(s) to every experience and thesebecomeunconsciouspatterns that alter your perceptions of theunderlyingcauses ofyour life experiences and your identity. Changeyour wordsand youchange your life.This free app includes the following programs:- Experience Trance: An overview of Ericksonian Hypnosis-thefield of indirect hypnosis from whichneuro-linguisticprogramming(NLP) was developed. (25 min. audio)- Intro to NLP: An experiential overviewofneuro-linguisticprogramming. (25 min. audio)- Tipping Point Meditation: Daily guided groupmeditationforglobal peace and innovation. (25 min. audio)- Disappearing Cancer: Emotional management, guidedimagery,andNLP reframing for people whose lives have been affectedbycancer.(50 min. audio)As you begin to understand that all communication ishypnoticbynature, then you can begin to change how words are used.We areourown best hypnotists and often the language we use limitsusorfrees us in our overall experience of life.The following audio programs are available for unlimitedusewitha weekly subscription. New content will be added eachmonthandevery program can be used multiple times. Each oftheAttentionShifting personal development programs have auniqueprocess, feel,and approach designed to empower the listener.Theseaudio programsutilize NLP (neuro-linguisticprogramming),Ericksonian hypnosis,meditation, binaural beats,brainwavefrequencies, and guidedvisualization and imagery to helpthelistener experience personaltransformation.Due to limitations in the app description length, thereisnotenough room to list all of the audios available intheweeklysubscription. There are over $1,455 in audioprogramsavailable foronly $9.99 per week AND the 1st week is a freetrialfor you to beabsolutely certain about your decision. You'vegotnothing to loseand everything [you've been desiring] to gain.I'llsee you on theinside....? Be Amazing.-About the Developer-Michael J. Emery has a Master of Arts from theInstituteofTranspersonal Psychology and a Bachelor of Arts inMarketingandAdvertising Management from PortlandStateUniversity.Additionally, Michael is certified as ahypnotherapistand atrainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming(NLP).
Dr. Dalton 1.6.0
O Dr. Dalton – Saúde visual é um aplicativodeprevenção , triagem e controle da saúde visual que auxilia paiseprofessores a pré-diagnosticar deficiências visuais de criançaseadolescentes. Ele conta com testes de visão para acuidadevisual,astigmatismo e daltonismo. Permite a gestão dos testes, paraqueprofessores e pais possam organizar o perfil de cada umdospacientes e sua função de “gerar relatório” permite aindaaconsolidação dos resultados em e-mail para que sejaencaminhadopara profissionais especializados.Todo teste gera resultado que indicam se há suspeita de uma oumaisdas deficiências analisadas, fazendo alertas e orientando,quandonecessária, a procura e marcação de uma consulta com ummédicoespecialista (Oftalmologiista).As deficiências visuais listadas no aplicativo ocorrem comaltaincidência e precisam de acompanhamento médico especializado,noentanto é muito importante ações que permitam identificarcomantecedência a deficiência visual em uma criança, já queestapoderá ter implicações mais sérias futuramente, além deoutrosproblemas relacionados ao aprendizado, desenvolvimentocognitivo esócio-emocional, em ambiente escolar e familiar.Funcionalidades:• Teste de visão para longe;• Teste de visão para perto;• Teste de visão para astigmatismo;• Teste de visão para daltonismo;• Aplicar bateria de testes;• Painel de resultados;• Criação e personalização de perfil pessoal e de gruposdeusuários;• Geração de relatórios;• Envio de relatórios por e-mail;• Conteúdo informativo;• Orientação para encaminhamento médico.O Dr. Dalton – Saúde visual foi um dos projetos premiadosnoINOVApps(,concurso deinovação realizado pelo Ministério das Comunicações em2015, que temcomo objetivo apoiar o desenvolvimento de aplicativosde interessepúblico para dispositivos móveis.Dr. Dalton - visualHealthis an application of prevention, screening and control ofvisualhealth that helps parents and teachers to pre-diagnosevisuallyimpaired children and adolescents. He has vision tests forvisualacuity, astigmatism, and color blindness. It allowsmanagement ofthe tests so that teachers and parents can arrangethe profile ofeach patient and their function "generate report"also allows theconsolidation of the results in e-mail to beforwarded tospecialized professionals.All test generates results that indicate whether there issuspicionof one or more of the analyzed shortcomings, making alertsandguidance when necessary, demand and marking an appointment withanaudiologist (Oftalmologiista).Visual impairment listed in the application occur withhighincidence and need specialized medical care, however it isveryimportant actions to identify in advance the visual impairmentin achild, as this may have more serious implications in thefuture,and other related issues learning, cognitive andsocio-emotional,school and family environment.Features:  • vision test away;  • Vision Test to close;  • vision test for astigmatism;  • vision test for color blindness;  • Apply battery of tests;  • Result Panel;  • Creating and customizing personal profile andusergroups;  • Reporting;  • by e-mail Sending reports;  • informative content;  • Guidance for medical referral.Dr. Dalton - visual Health was one of the projects awardedinINOVApps( held by the Ministry of Communications in2015, whichaims to support the development of public interestapplications formobile devices.
Dimensiones del Ser - Salud 1.0
Nuestra salud es un conjunto decondicionesquenos brindan bienestar.Estar saludable es entre otras cosas no estar enfermo,peroestambien estar en paz contigo mismo y con todo lo queterodea,hacer parte activa del mundo emocional que conformasyserfeliz!!!Principalmente ser Feliz!Our health is asetofconditions that give us welfare.Being healthy is among other things not to be sick, but isalsoatpeace with yourself and everything around you, make activepartofthe emotional world you settle and be happy !!!Mainly be Happy!
Clear to Thrive
This is a relaxation and journaling app. It includesmindfulnessmeditations.