Top 23 Apps Similar to Relaxing tibetan bowls

Insight Timer - Meditation App 18.0.7
Everyday Wellbeing for Sleep, Anxiety and Stress
SoMeThe 1.1
Manan Sharma
A great personal tool for HolisticWellness-body, mind, spirit and emotionsJust play 5 mins of soothing sounds to get indulgeinMindfulMeditative State.For the growing community of millions of soundenthusiasts,soundtherapists, meditation enthusiasts, yogapractitioners,teachers& centres, reiki healers, energy healers,shamanichealers, SPAcentres, healing centres, spiritual centres,otherwellnesscentres.Get rid of how to play singing bowls, gongs.. JustTap,Swirl& get started..3 very different sets of Sound Yoga® singing bowlsforeveryindividual need & style.Use the Therapeutic Sounds of Sound Yoga® Singing BowlsrichinCrystal Clear tones & overtones.• Relaxation• Stress / Anxiety Reduction• Breathe Easy• Meditation – To Get Meditative State, Get variousbenefitsofMeditative state• Very Helpful in Yoga Savasana Posture & otherYogaPostures,Enhance the effectiveness of Yoga• Self & Group Meditation / Yoga / Reiki / Tai Chi/EnergyHealing.• Create your own soothing background Sounds for SPA Centres• Play in Corporate Office to Reduce Stress & AnxietyLevel&create Harmony• Play in Schools for Focus Enhancement,Meditation&CreativityPhysical benefits of Meditation• Lowers high blood pressure• Lowers the levels of blood lactate, reducing anxietyattacks• Decreases any tension-related pain, such as,tensionheadaches,ulcers, insomnia, muscle and joint problems• Increases serotonin production that improvesmoodandbehavior• Improves the immune system• Increases the energy level, as you gain an innersourceofenergyDuring Sound Yoga® Singing Bowls Sound MeditationTherapyonemoves easily from the active Beta into the relaxed Alphastateandoften into a deep Theta meditational creative state.Mental Benefits of Meditation• Anxiety decreases• Emotional stability improves• Creativity increases• Happiness increases• Intuition develops• Peace of Mind & Gain Clarity• Meditation sharpens the mind by gaining focus andexpandsthroughrelaxation• A sharp mind without expansion causes tension,angerandfrustration• An expanded consciousness without sharpness can lead tolackofaction/progress• The balance of a sharp mind and an expandedconsciousnessbringsperfectionKEYWORDS: SoMeThe, Sound Healing, SoundTherapy,Meditation,Klangschale massage, Tibetan Himalayan singingbowls,Yoga App,Reiki Sound App, Sound Bowls App
MindBell (& Meditation Timer)
Mindfulness bell and meditation timerforyour practice of mindfulnessMindBell rings periodically during the day as a mindfulness bell,togive you the opportunity to hold on for a moment and considerwhatyou are currently doing, and in what state of mind you arewhile youare doing it. According to the Zen Buddhist teacher ThichNhat Hanh,this is an effective means of developingmindfulness.Additionally MindBell can be used as a meditation timer.Without advertising and without any network access.IntroductionFor an introduction please take a look at the screenshots inthestore or at answers to frequently asked questionsat If MindBell does not ring regularlyonyour device please follow thischecklist: for updates?If you want to become a beta tester of new MindBell versionspleasescroll down in store entry. There is a section Become abetatester.Known issueThere might be rare situations when MindBell leaves the alarmvolumeset to the max. To avoid a rude awakening please check alarmvolumebefore going to sleep.Wrong language?Crowdin is used to translate MindBell. Please send me an e-mailifyou would like to help translating MindBell.SupportIn case of problems with MindBell please send an e-mail fromthehelp dialog. This allows queries and eases communication.PermissionsREAD_PHONE_STATE (read phone status and identity): To modifythebell in the notification bar when phone status changes (phonecall,flight mode, muted), if requested in the settings. MindBellonlyneeds this permission to get signalled when a phone callisincoming or outgoing, not to read any data.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED (run at startup): To activate MindBellafterrestarting the phone.VIBRATE (control vibration): To use vibration as mindfulnessbell,if requested in the settings.LicenseMindBell is an open source project and licensed underApacheLicense, version 2.0. More information can be found onthewebsite.
Méditations 2.0
Teach on Mars
Avec Christophe André, collaborateur de Psychologies Magazineetgrand spécialiste français du sujet, nous avonsréalisél'application de référence afin d’apprendre facilementlaméditation. La méditation de pleine conscience permet des’apaiser,d’atténuer ses inquiétudes et d’être plus présent à soiet auxautres… Spécificité de cette appli : Christophe André partageicises techniques reconnues, testées et validées depuis denombreusesannées. Découvrez une appli complète et simple pourméditer quandvous voulez, où vous voulez : • des séances deméditations guidéespar Christophe André (disponible hors connexioninternet), • desquiz pour mieux vous comprendre, • des conseilsafin d'améliorervotre pratique, • des exercices pour progresser auquotidien. LAPRESSE PARLE DE NOUS : • "Rend l'apprentissage de laméditationludique" - Elle • "Cette appli vous offre quelquesprécieusesminutes de détente pour clarifier votre esprit" -Doctissimo •"Cette application est une sorte de prolongement desonbest-seller" L'Express QU'EST CE QUE LA MEDITATION DEPLEINECONSCIENCE ? Des études scientifiques prouvent que lapratique dela méditation de pleine conscience est un outil efficacepouraméliorer notre bien-être psychique et physique, ainsi quenombrede nos capacités mentales. En cessant progressivement devouslaisser envahir et déborder par vos pensées et vos émotions,enchoisissant d’agir plutôt que de réagir, et en apprenant à vivreauprésent. La méditation de pleine conscience peut sepratiquerpartout : au travail, chez soi, dans les transports encommun, enmarchant, sur un banc dans un parc… De précieuses minutesdedétente pour clarifier son esprit, prendre de la distanceetapprendre à savourer plus intensément les bons moments «Cettepratique très simple et qui ne demande qu'un peu depersévérance,explique Christophe André, peut modifier profondémentnotre rapportau monde, apaiser nos souffrances et majorer nosjoies. »CHRISTOPHE ANDRE, LE GRAND SPECIALISTE FRANCAIS DE LAMEDITATION DEPLEINE CONSCIENCE Co-auteur de l'application, et guidedesméditations, Christophe André est médecin psychiatre dansleservice hospitalo-universitaire de l’hôpital Sainte-Anne, àParis.Il a été l’un des premiers en France à proposer, dès 2004,laméditation à ses patients. Son ouvrage de référence sur le thème:Méditer jour après jour (L’Iconoclaste). Il est l'auteurdeplusieurs best-sellers sur le sujet. Sur cette application, ilatravaillé en collaboration avec Flavia Mazelin Salvi, journalisteàPsychologies magazine et Patricia Salmon Tirard, rédactrice enchefadjointe du magazine. L'application vous aidera à devenir zenetréduire votre stress. La méditation de pleineconscience(mindfulness) vous aide à prendre du recul et profiter dumomentprésent.
Prana Breath: Calm & Meditate 9.5.1_4
Increase mindfulness, improve health, fight stress withbreathing& meditation
Relax Melodies: Sleep Sounds 11.4
Sleep problems? Insomnia? Personalizedwhitenoise, sleep sounds and meditation can help you fallasleep!Take back control of your sleep with Relax Melodies, themostpopular sleep app featured in People magazine, Mashable andmanymore. Download the app, mix sounds, add a meditation and enjoyfullnights of sleep like you haven’t in a long time!All the tools needed for falling asleep:* 52 sleep sounds, white noise & melodies you can mix tocreateunlimited ambiences* Five-day meditation programs to reach specific sleep goals:- Light Sleep- Stress & Anxiety- Dream- Deep Sleep (coming soon!)- Nap (coming soon!)- 15 SOS insomnia sessions for immediate help- New content added monthly, including sounds* 6 different brainwaves frequencies to enable you reachspecificrelaxation state. Binaural beat & isochronicssoundsavailable.Sleep easily, wake-up refreshed and improve your life ineveryaspect. Even your baby will have a better night!Need help with the app or [email protected]:
Mindfulness with Petit BamBou 5.6.8
Guided Mindfulness Meditation for Sleep, Stress Relief&Relaxation
Nature Sounds 3.14.0(87)
Maple Media
Sleep, relax and meditate with relaxing sounds of nature
5 Minute Meditation 1.3.0
Install now for easy to follow guided meditation + 20 quickmindfulmeditations
La Pleine Conscience 1.60
MAINTENANT EN FRANÇAIS!L'App de Pleine Conscience la plus écoutée en Scandinavie, plusde300 000 utilisateurs.Souhaitez-vous arriver à plus d’équilibre dans une vie de plusenplus stressante? Pensez-vous que méditer soit difficile?Alors,essayez l'Application Pleine Conscience!L'Application Pleine Conscience est un outil qui vous donneunplus de conscience dans la vie. Elle vous aide à faire faceàl'aspect le plus difficile de lapratique de la Pleine Conscience, à savoir, se rappeler d'êtreenPleine Conscience.________________________________________CE QU'EN PENSENT LES UTILISATEURS” Je viens de terminer un cours de Pleine Conscience etj’aiessayé de nombreuses méditations guidées sur CD. Celles-cisontjuste ce qu’il faut! La voix est agréable, des fonctionsutiles. Jel’utilise presque tous les jours”"Beau, simple, clair; grande souplesse d'utilisation;voixagréable. Voilà qui devrait vraiment m'aider àmediterrégulierement.""Bien conçu, simple et agreable. Un outil fantastique pourlesdébutants et ceux qui pratiquent déjà. Tout le mondedevraitl'avoir dans sa poche. Le cadeau parfait.""Formidable application! Complète et facile à utiliser. Destasde fonctions et pourtant simple à mettre en oeuvre."BREVE DESCRIPTION DE L'APPLICATION:En fixant des rappels aux heures et jours de votre choixvousrecevrez un message qui vous dit que le moment de méditerestarrivé.Vous pouvez choisir la duréee de la méditation.Vous pouvez être guidé par une voix ou simplement méditerensilence avec le son de clochettes à intervalles différentsVous pouvez aussi créer votre propre méditation pour la duréedetemps que vous aurez choisi.Enfin, vous pouvez programmer à des moments que vousaurezchoisi, des annonces de Pleine Conscience qui vous aident àêtredans le moment présent.Avec l'Application Pleine Conscience, vous pouvez simplementvous"appelez" de temps à autre pour vous assurer que vous êtesbienlà.Il est aussi biensûr possible de méditer simplement enouvrantl'Application Pleine Conscience et en choisissant laméditation quevous voulez écouter - par exemple, si vous avez dutemps dans lemétro, le bus, dans une queue ou que vous desiriezseulement vousasseoir un moment.Toutes les méditations que vous aurez faites sontenregistréesdans le journal afin que vous puissiez suivre vosprogés au fil dutemps. L'Application Pleine Conscience comprend:Quatre méditations guidées de 3, 5, 15 et 30 minutesQuatre méditations silencieuses avec clochettes de 3, 5, 15 et30minutes,Un scan corporel guidéLa possibilité de créer une méditation modifiée avec ousansintroduction guidéeDes annonces de Pleine Conscience;Fonction rappel;Journal/Statistiques L'Application Pleince Conscience est un outil formidable aussibienpour débutants ou pratiquants expérimentés souhaitant devenirplusprésent dans sa vieNous sommes convaincus qu'elle donnera une nouvelle dimensionàvotre vie quotidienne et la rendra plus riche etplusintéressante!NOW IN FRENCH!The Mindfulness App most listened Scandinavia, over300,000users.Would you like to get more balance in life more stressful? Doyouthink that is difficult? So, try the Application Mindfulness!The Mindfulness App is a tool that gives you more awarenessinlife. It helps you cope with the most difficult aspect ofthepractice of mindfulness, namely to remember to beMindfulness.________________________________________THINK THIS USERS"I just finished a course of Mindfulness and tried manyguidedmeditations on CD. These are just what you need! The voiceispleasant, useful functions. I use it almost every day ""Beautiful, simple, clear, flexible use, pleasant voiceThatshould really help me meditate regularly..""Well designed, simple and pleasant. A fantastic toolforbeginners and those already practicing. Everyone should have itinhis pocket. The perfect gift.""Great app Comprehensive and easy to use. Lots of functions,yeteasy to implement."BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE APPLICATION:Setting reminders to hours and days of your choice youwillreceive a message telling you that the time has cometomeditate.You can choose duréee of meditation.You can be guided by a voice or simply meditate in silencewiththe sound of bells at different intervalsYou can also create your own meditation for the length oftimeyou choose.Finally, you can schedule at times that you have chosen,adsMindfulness to help you be in the present moment.Application with Mindfulness, you can simply "call" from timetotime to make sure you are there.It is of course also possible to meditate simply opening theFullApplication Awareness and choosing meditation you want to play- forexample, if you have time in the subway, the bus, in a queue,or ifyou desire, you just sit a moment.All the meditations that you make are recorded in the log sothatyou can track your progesterone over time.The Application Mindfulness includes:Four guided meditations 3, 5, 15 and 30 minutesFour silent meditations with bells 3, 5, 15 and 30 minutes,A body scan guidedThe ability to create a modified guided meditation with orwithoutintroductionAnnouncements of Mindfulness;Callback function;Journal / StatisticsThe Application Pleince Conscience is a great tool forbothbeginners and experienced practitioners wishing to becomemorepresent in his lifeWe believe it will give a new dimension to your life and makeitricher and more interesting!
Zenfie, Mindfulness Meditation 2.2.15
Second Wind
Zenfie is an app to learn and practice mindfulnessmeditation.UseZenfie to discover or rediscover mindfulnessmeditation:rest,relax, better manage your stress, be more presentandimproveconcentration on a day to day basis. The discoveryprogrammeoffersyou ten different ten minute sessions, completelyfree. Sofor 10ten days, Zenfie will become your partner with adailyguidedmeditation session. Some of the themes covered intheseinitial 10meditation sessions which help you be more zenandimprove rest andrelaxation include: meditation positions,bodymaps, attention tobreathing, awareness of sensation andfeeling,letting go, innerpeace... Once you complete themindfulnessdiscovery programme, youwill be able to continue yourmindfulnessmeditation with Zenfie(through the Initiation and thenAdvancedmodules). The practice ofmindfulness meditation has beenrecognisedand validated bynumerous scientific studies: meditationis one ofthe best naturalmethods of combatting the effects ofstress andimproving rest andrelaxation. What’s more, meditationoffersexcellent results forthose suffering from sleep or moodproblems,as well as depression.After two to three months ofregularmeditation, significanteffects can be seen, bothpsychological andphysical. This simpleactivity, brought to yoursmartphone byHeadspace, requires timeand dedication, butsignificantly improvesquality of life. It willhelp you toappreciate good times, to takestock when times aretough, to feelmore relaxed and to stay orbecome zen, whatever thecircumstances!Zenfie will be by your sideto help you reach yourpersonal goals,with its guided meditationmodules in English.Zenfie will becomeyour partner in meditationand in: - Letting go- Sleeping better andreclaiming sleep -Improving rest andrelaxation, better managingstress - Improvingself-confidence -Improving your interpersonalrelationships -Improving yourconcentration in sports - Unguidedmeditation withrelaxing music AZenfie Kids module: “Meditation forKids” is alsoavailable forchildren between 3 and 6 years old, as isa ZenfieJunior modulefor children between 7 and 14. As well as thestep bystepmindfulness meditation learner programme, practiceandtailoredmodules, Zenfie also comes with several guidedsessionswhich youcan go through as many times as you like. Forexample: -Rest andrelaxation session - Imminent stress SOS session- Wake upsessionto start the day on the right foot - Before bedsession -Musicalsessions We are regularly expanding the Zenfiemeditationoffering.You can also access our online community, andcontributetopicsthat matter to you, which will help us to developnewmindfulnessmeditation sessions better tailored to your needs.WithZenfieinstalled on your smartphone or tablet, you candownloadthesessions and meditate wherever and whenever you want.You canevenmeditate on public transport! About the author JeanDoridot isaFrench psychologist, specialising in personaldevelopment.Authorof a number of reference works, and with hundredsofthousands ofviews on YouTube, you will be accompanied by Jeanineach of theguided sessions he has created. Rest, relaxation,zen,letting go,stress management, concentration: greatmeditationsessions withZenfie!
Les méditations 3.3
Guided meditations mindfulness (mindfulness) in French, free.
Mindfulness: Guided Meditation 2.0
Best Guided Mindfulness Meditation Curated for Stress,Anxiety,Sleep Problems.
Relax and Sleep for everyone 5.0.6
The application "Relax and Sleep for everyone" is an effectivetoolfor rapid stress relief in a few minutes, relax and sleepreally.Used to manage anxiety and personal balance, thisapplication is anessential tool for modern life. For all those whoare subjectstress and sleepless because of the many daily tasks,this appprovides relaxation therapy that really works.Our application can be easily integrated into your dailylife.The app will help you to have a focused mind, less stressandbetter Sleep. The more you use, the better your results will beandthe more effective.Allows you to relieve your mental and physical stress. Thankstothe colors of chromotherapy can benefit from theirtherapeuticproperties. In addition to the colors you can selectmore than 40Melodies and sounds to listen to while very relaxingtherapies,transforming your room, your office or the environment inwhich youspend your holidays in a pleasant Living Colours. All thiswithjust one click.Sit back and enjoy the pleasure of relaxing! This applicationispractical and functional because you can take it with you anduseit in any situation with a simple click.Use it also in many other situation such as whileexercising,during your yoga meditation sessions, while massaging,during aquick nap or even to help your baby fall asleep faster!WHAT IS THE APPLICATION?- CHROMOTHERAPY - a full-service spa with colors and soundsthataccompany your moments of relaxation. Sit back in a dark roomandstarts chromotherapy, you'll turn your room into arelaxationcenter. Be accompanied by more than 30 songs chosen foryourphysical and mental well-being.- SOUNDS - a faithful reproduction of the sounds thatnatureoffers us every day. The sounds are accompanied by animatedimagesthat stimulate your well-being and activate the innateprimordialmemory of nature.- REST AND MEDITATION - Binaural tones application hasseveralfunctions that stimulate mental activity, concentration,deepmeditation, Relax, dream and Sleep. For a correct use isessentialto use headphones connected to your device.- BREATH RELAXATION - Have you ever paid attention toyourbreath? Very likely it is shallow, fairly rapid and irregular,mostof us, in fact, is used to "shallow breathing" and only 20% ofhislung capacity.With this application you'll get used to breathe properlycomingquickly to a state of physical and mental well-being.- HERBAL TEA - Everything you need to know about theworld'soldest drink Relax. Property, explanations, mistakes toavoid andtips on the use of herbs and preparation of herbal tea.All thisand more in this comprehensive guide dedicated to herbalteas. Forbest Sleep.- ALARM CLOCK - For a relaxing awakening with the 7primarycolors of light therapy, an alarm is fully configurable.102 HIGH QUALITY WHITE NOISE AMBIENT SOUNDS & MELODIESRelax Melodies, Celtic music, Gregorian chanting,Sleep,Carillon, River, Ocean, Wind, Flute, Rain, Birds, MusicBox,Lounge, Waterfall, Thunder, Zen, Campfire, Melody, Nightmelody,White Noise, Urban Rain, Cavern, Medieval, Toskana, SlowWaves,Heavy Rain, Rainy Day, Afternoon, Rainstorm,Underwater,Underwater, Seaside, Rain on Roof, Humming, GrandfatherClock,Frogs, Thunder Storm, Monk Chant Melodies.New! We've added lullabies for your babyAds Free, No Ads!!!Features:-install to SD card-different nature sounds-count Down Timer for music relaxation therapy-beautiful wallpaper for each sound of nature-meditation music run in background-relaxation for human brains-only good quality nature sleep sounds-best relaxing sounds of nature Free App-sounds of the season-sounds of the city-ambient soundsFollow us on:-Blog:
Calm - Sleep, Meditate, Relax
Tackle everyday stress and anxiety. Self-care and soundsleepthrough meditation
Meditation Music - Relax, Yoga
Take a deep breath. Stop worrying. Relaxandmeditate with the best selection of meditation music and findinnerpeace and calmness.With the help of the professionals we have created the collectionofgentle ambient music that is great for the meditation, relaxandsleeping. You can tailor the individual sounds to make themusictruly yours.Intuitive timer with help you to measure your meditation sessionsorturn off the music player after you fell asleep. You can usethegong that will gently remind you that the timer willfinishsoon.Meditation Music app contains twelve different highqualitymeditation melodies.Some of the great features:★ High quality meditation music★ Relaxing sounds and melodies★ Timer - so the music player automatically turns off★ Gong - notifies you that the timer will finish soon★ Simple and beautiful design★ Individually adjustable sounds★ Beautiful background images★ Install to SD Card★ Stress reliefYou can enjoy twelve different meditation sounds:★ Soft Piano★ Peaceful Lake★ Gentle Morning★ Sunrise★ Heaven Sounds★ Perfect Rain★ Inspiration Melodies★ Nature Forest Melodies★ Convent Sounds★ Seaside Relaxation★ Temple in the Hills Sounds★ Mystic Temple MusicMeditation is a process of self-healing, all forms of stress isasign of the presence of negative thoughts that torment ourminds.If we do not cure the mind, we can conclude that chronicstress maycause diseases of the body. We must seriously considerhow to findinner peace in itself to prevent many problems caused byeverydaystress.If you have any comment or suggestion please let us know so Icanimprove this app for you.
5 Minute Relaxation
5 Minute Relaxation - Voice guidedmeditationsto give you a relaxed feeling of peace and calm fast -perfect forstress relief and insomnia.Do you feel stressed and anxious? Do you crave a moment of peaceandrelaxation? Then download this app and feel calmer and morerelaxedin just 5 minutesFeatures:A combination of vocal guidance, soothing music and relaxingsoundsto create a calm journey into peace and tranquility.Don't think you have time to relax? Every session takes just5minutes from start to finish - ideal for short breaks intheworking day.Want to relax before you drift off to sleep? Set the apptoautomatically guide you to sleep .Beautiful imagery helps you feel calmer from the moment you opentheapp.The easy way to escape the stresses of modern life -downloadnow!
Relaxing sounds - sleep music Meditate Relax and Sleep 0.6
Cool Future
Sounds to relax and sleep better. Deep sleep assured!
Namatata - Calm Meditation, Re 3.7
Learn to meditate with guided meditations ☺️ be calm, sleepwell& relax
Relaxation Music & Sounds 3.0.5
Sleep faster and find calm with sounds, music, nature &binauralbeats
Relaxing music for sleep Meditation relaxing music 3.0
Relaxing sounds to sleep, music to meditate and deep sleep
マインドフルネス・アプリ 1.60
Mindfulness 22 1.23
Guided mindfulness meditation and more.