Top 13 Apps Similar to Plantar Fasciitis

De Quervain's Tenosynovitis 1.2
This application was designed tofacilitaterecovery from wrist pain due to De Quervain’stenosynovitis. DeQuervain’s is a painful condition that affectstendons that crossyour wrist on the thumb side. The application provides an overview of this injury,includinggeneral information, assistance with pain control and atreatmentapproach.Detailed information has been included on how to recoverfromthis problem. Range of motion exercises and strengtheningexercisesare provided. A video has been created describing eachexercise indetail to help ensure proper form and technique. Thisapplicationis not meant to be a substitute for an evaluation by ahealthcareprofessional.Medical iRehab was created by Randy Cohen ATC, PT, DPT andDavidMillward MD, MSRandy Cohen ATC, PT, DPTDr. Randy Cohen is a licensed athletic trainer and licensedphysicaltherapist. He has a bachelor’s degree in Athletic Trainingand adoctorate in Physical Therapy. He has over 20 years ofcollegesports medicine experience. Dr. Cohen is currently theAssociateAthletic Director for Medical Services at a majorDivision IUniversity.David Millward, MD, MSDr. David Millward is a physician and practices medicine at amajorDivision I University. He received his medical degree fromtheUniversity of Ottawa, in Ottawa, Canada. He did his residencyatthe University of Arizona in Family Medicine and isboard-certifiedby the Academy of Family Practitioners. In addition,he completed afellowship in sports medicine at the UniversityofArizona. Dr. Millward specializes in primary care and sports medicine.Heis an assistant team physician for a major Division IUniversity.He has a master’s degree in Epidemiology from MichiganStateUniversity and has several active research projects.
Shoulder Instability 1.1
The shoulder joint is one of themostmobilejoints in the body. The anatomy of the shoulder jointallowsforthis mobility, however, it makes it less stable.Theinstabilitymay allow for the bones of the joint to comepartiallyapart (whatdoctors call subluxation) or if it is moresevere, thebones maycome completely apart or dislocate.This application provides an overview of thisinjury,includinggeneral information, assistance with pain controland atreatmentapproach.Detailed information has been included on how to recoverfromthisproblem. Range of motion, strengthening and stabilityexercisesareincluded in the application. A video of each exercisehasbeencreated describing each exercise in detail to helpensureproperform and technique. Over 40 exercises have beenincluded tohelppromote a full recovery. This application is notmeant to beasubstitute for an evaluation by a healthcareprofessional.Medical iRehab was designed by Randy Cohen ATC, PT, DPTandDavidMillward MD, MSRandy Cohen ATC, DT, DPTDr. Randy Cohen is a licensed athletic trainer andlicensedphysicaltherapist. He has a bachelor’s degree in AthleticTrainingand adoctorate in Physical Therapy. He has over 20 yearsofcollegesports medicine experience. Dr. Cohen is currentlytheAssociateAthletic Director for Medical Services at amajorDivision IUniversity.David Millward, MD, MSDr. David Millward is a physician and has auniversitybasedpractice. He received his medical degree from theUniversityofOttawa, in Ottawa, Canada. He did his residency attheUniversityof Arizona in Family Medicine and is board-certifiedbythe Academyof Family Practitioners. In addition, he completedafellowship insports medicine at the University of Arizona.Dr.Millwardspecializes in primary care and sports medicine. He isanassistantteam physician for a major Division I University. He hasamaster’sdegree in Epidemiology from Michigan State Universityandhasseveral active research projects.Medical iRehab is developed in Partnershipwith:REUBROINTERNATIONAL
Shoulder Rotator Cuff 1.1
The rotator cuff consists of a group of4muscles that help to hold the shoulder joint together and allowitto function. These muscles include thesupraspinatous,infraspinatous, teres minor and subscapularis. Arotator cuffinjury occurs when you strain or tear the tendon or thefibers ofone or more of these muscles.This application provides an overview of this injury,includinggeneral information, assistance with pain control and atreatmentapproach.Detailed information has been included on how to recover fromthisproblem. Range of motion, strengthening and stability exercisesareincluded in the application. A video of each exercise hasbeencreated describing each exercise in detail to help ensureproperform and technique. Over 40 exercises have been included tohelppromote a full recovery. This application is not meant to beasubstitute for an evaluation by a healthcare professional.Medical iRehab was designed by Randy Cohen ATC, PT, DPT andDavidMillward MD, MSRandy Cohen ATC, DT, DPTDr. Randy Cohen is a licensed athletic trainer and licensedphysicaltherapist. He has a bachelor’s degree in Athletic Trainingand adoctorate in Physical Therapy. He has over 20 years ofcollegesports medicine experience. Dr. Cohen is currently theAssociateAthletic Director for Medical Services at a majorDivision IUniversity.David Millward, MD, MSDr. David Millward is a physician and has a universitybasedpractice. He received his medical degree from the UniversityofOttawa, in Ottawa, Canada. He did his residency at theUniversityof Arizona in Family Medicine and is board-certified bythe Academyof Family Practitioners. In addition, he completed afellowship insports medicine at the University of Arizona. Dr.Millwardspecializes in primary care and sports medicine. He is anassistantteam physician for a major Division I University. He has amaster’sdegree in Epidemiology from Michigan State University andhasseveral active research projects.Medical iRehab is developed in Partnership with:REUBROINTERNATIONAL
Medical iRehab Tennis Elbow 1.2
This application was designed tofacilitaterecovery from elbow pain due to lateral epicondylitis.Lateralepicondylitis is often referred to as tennis elbow. It is apainfulcondition that affects the muscles of the forearm where theyattachat the outer aspect of your elbow.The application provides an overview of this injury,includinggeneral information, assistance with pain control and atreatmentapproach. Detailed information has been included on how to recoverfromthis problem. Range of motion exercises and strengtheningexercisesare provided. A video has been created describing eachexercise indetail to help ensure proper form and technique. Thisapplicationis not meant to be a substitute for an evaluation by ahealthcareprofessional. Medical iRehab was created by Randy Cohen ATC, PT, DPT andDavidMillward MD, MS Randy Cohen ATC, PT, DPT Dr. Randy Cohen is a licensed athletic trainer and licensedphysicaltherapist. He has a bachelor’s degree in Athletic Trainingand adoctorate in Physical Therapy. He has over 20 years ofcollegesports medicine experience. Dr. Cohen is currently theAssociateAthletic Director for Medical Services at a majorDivision IUniversity. David Millward, MD, MS Dr. David Millward is a physician and practices medicine at amajorDivision I University. He received his medical degree fromtheUniversity of Ottawa, in Ottawa, Canada. He did his residencyatthe University of Arizona in Family Medicine and isboard-certifiedby the Academy of Family Practitioners. In addition,he completed afellowship in sports medicine at the UniversityofArizona. Dr. Millward specializes in primary care and sports medicine.Heis an assistant team physician for a major Division IUniversity.He has a master’s degree in Epidemiology from MichiganStateUniversity and has several active research projects.
Medical iRehab Ankle Sprain 1.3
This application was designed tofacilitaterecovery from an ankle sprain. This is a common injurythat causesa stretch or tear of one or more ligaments around theankle joint.The application provides an overview of this injury,includinggeneral information, assistance with pain control and atreatmentapproach.Detailed information has been included on how to recoverfromthis injury. Range of motion exercises, strengthening exercisesandbalance training exercises are provided. A video has beencreateddescribing each exercise in detail to help ensure properform andtechnique. Over 25 different exercises have been includedto helppromote a full recovery. This application is not meant to beasubstitute for an evaluation by a healthcare professional.Medical iRehab was designed by Randy Cohen ATC, PT, DPT andDavidMillward MD, MSRandy Cohen ATC, DT, DPTDr. Randy Cohen is a licensed athletic trainer and licensedphysicaltherapist. He has a bachelor’s degree in Athletic Trainingand adoctorate in Physical Therapy. He has over 20 years ofcollegesports medicine experience. Dr. Cohen is currently theAssociateAthletics Director for Medical Services at the UniversityofArizona.David Millward, MD, MSDr. David Millward is a physician and practices medicine attheUniversity of Arizona. He received his medical degree fromtheUniversity of Ottawa, in Ottawa, Canada. He did his residencyatthe University of Arizona in Family Medicine and isboard-certifiedby the Academy of Family Practitioners. In addition,he completed afellowship in sports medicine at the UniversityofArizona. Dr. Millward specializes in primary care and sports medicine.Heis an assistant team physician for the University of Arizona.Hehas a master’s degree in Epidemiology from MichiganStateUniversity and has several active research projects.Medical iRehab is developed in Partnership with:REUBROINTERNATIONAL.
Plantar Fasciitis Relief 0.1
Plantar Fasciitis is the leading causeoffootand heel pain around the world. Plantar Fasciitisisclassicallyknown for causing excruciating pain while takingyourfirsts fewsteps out of bed in the morning. This pain is oftenfeltas asharp, stabbing feeling or a dull throbbing in the heelorlowertowards the center of the foot.We know hao painful plantar fasciitis can be. Let ushelpyoulearn how to treat and protect yourself fromthisannoyinginjury.Tell your users how fun/helpful it is.Features:• Learn how to treat your plantar fasciitis properly• Learn how to prevent plantar fasciitis• Buying guides for plantar fasciitis products• Guaranteed pain relief!_____________________________________Created by - Resources torelieveyourpain._____________________________________
Plantar Fasciitis 1.03
Plantar Fasciitis is a painfulconditionlocatedat the bottom of the foot. It consists of aligament thatconnectsheel to toe, and is the band which supportsthe arch ofthe foot.When this stretches or becomes irritated, itcan resultin great painwhere as walking or running becomes adifficult andpainful task.This condition can be reversed naturally. Learn moreaboutPlantarFasciitis, and the methods of treatment available forthiscondition.Learn how to reverse your foot pain startingtoday.*****Content and Features****Relevant articles relating to Plantar Fasciitis and how totreatit’scondition.Video links showcasing exercises and subjects relatedtothiscondition.Content links to Wikipedia explaining what PlantarFasciitisactuallyis.Contains product support items andrelevantinformationalmaterial.****Information Provided****The information provided is not a substitute forprofessionalmedicaladvice, diagnosis or treatment of anycondition, and shouldnot beused as such. If you have any questionsin regard totheseconditions, please consult theappropriatemedicalprofessional.****Advertising****This is a free informational app to use and distribute, butisalsosupported by ads, third party affiliate links andproducts.Thereis no obligation to make any purchase for supportitemsormaterials, and no cost to participate in this app in anyway.This app is 100% FREE to use.****Support****If you find this app useful, please rate and contributeasyoudesire.Thank you.
Rotator Cuff Tablet App 1.0
The rotator cuff consists of a groupof4muscles that help to hold the shoulder joint together andallowitto function. These muscles includethesupraspinatous,infraspinatous, teres minor and subscapularis.Arotator cuffinjury occurs when you strain or tear the tendon orthefibers ofone or more of these muscles.This application provides an overview of thisinjury,includinggeneral information, assistance with pain controland atreatmentapproach.Detailed information has been included on how to recoverfromthisproblem. Range of motion, strengthening and stabilityexercisesareincluded in the application. A video of each exercisehasbeencreated describing each exercise in detail to helpensureproperform and technique. Over 40 exercises have beenincluded tohelppromote a full recovery. This application is notmeant to beasubstitute for an evaluation by a healthcareprofessional.Medical iRehab was designed by Randy Cohen ATC, PT, DPTandDavidMillward MD, MSRandy Cohen ATC, DT, DPTDr. Randy Cohen is a licensed athletic trainer andlicensedphysicaltherapist. He has a bachelor’s degree in AthleticTrainingand adoctorate in Physical Therapy. He has over 20 yearsofcollegesports medicine experience. Dr. Cohen is currentlytheAssociateAthletic Director for Medical Services at amajorDivision IUniversity.David Millward, MD, MSDr. David Millward is a physician and has auniversitybasedpractice. He received his medical degree from theUniversityofOttawa, in Ottawa, Canada. He did his residency attheUniversityof Arizona in Family Medicine and is board-certifiedbythe Academyof Family Practitioners. In addition, he completedafellowship insports medicine at the University of Arizona.Dr.Millwardspecializes in primary care and sports medicine. He isanassistantteam physician for a major Division I University. He hasamaster’sdegree in Epidemiology from Michigan State Universityandhasseveral active research projects.Medical iRehab is developed in Partnershipwith:REUBROINTERNATIONAL
Impingement Syndrome Tablet 1.0
There are many potential causesofshoulderpain, and impingement syndrome is one of themorecommon.Impingement syndrome of the shoulder occurs when one oftherotatorcuff muscles and/or a bursa within the shoulderiscompressed undera bone called the acromion as the arm isliftedoverhead.Impingement syndrome is common in individuals whoplaysports thatinvolve overhead motions like swimming, tennis,orthrowing. It isalso common to occupations where overheadactivitycan berepetitive such as construction or painting.This application provides an overview of thisinjury,includinggeneral information, assistance with pain controland atreatmentapproach.Detailed information has been included on how to recoverfromthisproblem. Range of motion, strengthening and stabilityexercisesareincluded in the application. A video of each exercisehasbeencreated describing each exercise in detail to helpensureproperform and technique. Over 40 exercises have beenincluded tohelppromote a full recovery. This application is notmeant to beasubstitute for an evaluation by a healthcareprofessional.Medical iRehab was designed by Randy Cohen ATC, PT, DPTandDavidMillward MD, MSRandy Cohen ATC, DT, DPTDr. Randy Cohen is a licensed athletic trainer andlicensedphysicaltherapist. He has a bachelor’s degree in AthleticTrainingand adoctorate in Physical Therapy. He has over 20 yearsofcollegesports medicine experience. Dr. Cohen is currentlytheAssociateAthletic Director for Medical Services at amajorDivision IUniversity.David Millward, MD, MSDr. David Millward is a physician and has auniversitybasedpractice. He received his medical degree from theUniversityofOttawa, in Ottawa, Canada. He did his residency attheUniversityof Arizona in Family Medicine and is board-certifiedbythe Academyof Family Practitioners. In addition, he completedafellowship insports medicine at the University of Arizona.Dr.Millwardspecializes in primary care and sports medicine. He isanassistantteam physician for a major Division I University. He hasamaster’sdegree in Epidemiology from Michigan State Universityandhasseveral active research projects.Medical iRehab is developed in Partnershipwith:REUBROINTERNATIONAL
FeetDoc 2
Dr. Daniel S. Brandwein has beenhelpingPompanoBeach and southern Florida residents with all theirfootcare needsfor over 20 years. He truly cares about eachindividualpatient,providing hands on and personal focus. We are afoot andankletreatment facility, giving you the quality careyou'relooking for.Dr. Brandwein is a Board Certified foot andanklesurgeon.Dr. Brandwein also performs house calls if you're homeboundorunable to find transportation services.Learn More About Dr. Daniel S. Brandwein's Services:General podiatry — Plantar fasciitis, bunions,neuromas,flatfeet,athlete's foot, and moreDiabetic foot care — Orthotics, peripheralneuropathy,toenailcutting and care, PAD ( nerve damage ), andmoreSports medicine podiatry — X-rays, casting, ankle braces,feetandankle supports, and moreWe accept most insurance providers, including:Medicare,Medicaid,Cigna, and United. Please call us if you havequestionsabout yourinsurance plan.Contact Dr. Daniel S. Brandwein today at 954-984-7500toschedulean appointment for your free exam and consultation,orlearn moreabout how we can help your individual foot andankleconcerns.
maxCoder - ICD-10 Reference 1.3
ICD-10 doesn’t have to be difficult.Quicklylook up ICD-10 diagnostic codes on the go. Reference theICD-9codes you’re used to and view the new ICD-10 matches allthroughyour mobile phone.Search by code number, diagnosis, or description. Create alistof your frequently used codes by marking them as a favorite.Easilyforward ICD codes to your colleagues.Features:• 2015 ICD-10 code base from CMS• ICD-9 reference point• Searchable by code numbers, diagnosis, and description• Complete with short and long descriptions• Create a list of favorites• Forward codes via email or text• Works offline• Free code updates
Plantar Fasciitis Tablet App 1.0
This application was designed tofacilitaterecovery from heel pain due to plantar fasciitis. Plantarfasciitisis a painful inflammation on the bottom of the footbetween thetoes and the heel.The application provides an overview of this injury,includinggeneral information, assistance with pain control and atreatmentapproach.Detailed information has been included on how to recover fromthisproblem. Range of motion exercises, strengthening exercisesandbalance training exercises are provided. A video has beencreateddescribing each exercise in detail to help ensure properform andtechnique. Over 25 different exercises have been includedto helppromote a full recovery. This application is not meant to beasubstitute for an evaluation by a healthcare professional.Medical iRehab was created by Randy Cohen ATC, PT, DPT andDavidMillward MD, MSRandy Cohen ATC, DT, DPTDr. Randy Cohen is a licensed athletic trainer and licensedphysicaltherapist. He has a bachelor’s degree in Athletic Trainingand adoctorate in Physical Therapy. He has over 20 years ofcollegesports medicine experience. Dr. Cohen is currently theAssociateAthletics Director for Medical Services at a majorDivision IUniversity.David Millward, MD, MSDr. David Millward is a physician and practices medicine at amajorDivision I University. He received his medical degree fromtheUniversity of Ottawa, in Ottawa, Canada. He did his residencyatthe University of Arizona in Family Medicine and isboard-certifiedby the Academy of Family Practitioners. In addition,he completed afellowship in sports medicine at the University ofArizona.Dr. Millward specializes in primary care and sports medicine. Heisan assistant team physician for a major Division I University.Hehas a master’s degree in Epidemiology from MichiganStateUniversity and has several active research projects.Medical iRehab is developed in Partnership with:REUBROINTERNATIONAL
Pamper My Feet LLC 1.1
Bellamy West
Welcome to the Pamper My Feet, LLCTherapeuticMassage app!Pamper My Feet, LLC offers therapeutic massage for your bodyandfeet in West Chester, Ohio. Therapeutic massage may bebeneficialif you have chronic pain and muscular issues due toplantarfasciitis, carpal tunnel, arthritis, fibromyalgia,migraineheadaches, achy backs, stiff necks, tight shoulders andmore.Download the app now to get access to features such as:-Exclusive Specials and Promotions-Directions to our location-One touch Calling-Book appointments-Make in-app purchases-Connect with our Social Media sites-Push Notifications about specials, promotions, and news