Top 7 Apps Similar to NJ Invasives

Report a Weed 4.22
Invasive plants, often called weeds, are plants that arenotnativeto British Columbia (BC) and cause lastingenvironmentalandeconomic harm. Some are toxic, or otherwise harmfulto humansoranimals. These plants can establish and spreadquickly,andoutcompete our native vegetation. Eradication andcontroleffortscost BC taxpayers millions of dollars every year.TheReport-a-WeedBC app lets you report weed sightings anywhere inBC,in just a fewsimple steps. Your report will go to one ofBC'sinvasive plantspecialists, who will coordinate follow-upactivitieswith theappropriate local authorities. The app can beused off-linetocreate submissions as well; simply click ‘Submit’and thereportwill be sent as soon as you are back in cellcoverage.There’s amap of BC that displays the 500 most recentsubmissiondetails, andyou can search through images of all invasiveplantspecies on thelist. Your involvement will help land ownersandinvasive plantmanagers in their early detection and rapidresponseactivities, aswell as enhance the knowledge of currentdistributionofestablished invasive plant species! If you areinterestedinlearning more about Report-a-Weed
IveGot1 4.6.0
IveGot1 - Identify and Report Invasive Animals and Plants inFlorida
EDDMapS West 4.1.2
EDDMapS is a national web-based mappingsystemfor documenting invasive species distribution. It is fast,easy touse and doesn't require Geographic Information Systemsexperience.Launched in 2005 by the CISEH, it was originallydesigned as a toolfor state Exotic Pest Plant Councils to developmore completedistribution data of invasive species. EDDMapS goal isto maximizethe effectiveness and accessibility of the immensenumbers ofinvasive species observations recorded each year. EDDMapScombinesdata from other databases and organizations as well asvolunteerobservations to create a national network of invasivespeciesdistribution data that is shared with educators, landmanagers,conservation biologists, and beyond. As of November 2011,EDDMapShas over 1.5 million records. This data serves as thefoundationfor a better understanding of invasive speciesdistribution aroundthe world.On September 28, 2010, the MRWC and CISEH launchedtheMRWC-EDDMapS – a customized system that focuses on species thatarenew or potential new invaders to the Coalition states, andthatprovides a means of reporting new sightings of selectinvasivespecies, a mechanism for alerting appropriate individualsto thereports, and generates distribution maps for thereportedspecies.
EDDMapS Ontario 4.1.1
EDDMapS Ontario brings the power of EDDMapStoyour Android phone. Now you can submit invasivespeciesobservations directly with your Android phone from thefield. Thesereports are uploaded to EDDMapS and e-mailed directlyto local andstate verifiers for review. EDDMapS Ontario wasdeveloped by theUniversity of Georgia Center for Invasive Speciesand EcosystemHealth.App developed by Rustico David, Jr. and ChuckBargeron,University of Georgia – Center for Invasive Species andEcosystemHealth.EDDMapS Ontario was developed through the support andfundingprovided by the Canada/Ontario Invasive Species Centre, theOntarioFederation of Anglers and Hunters, and the Ontario MinistryofNatural Resources.Features:Easy species reporting that captures your current locationandallows you to submit an image of your sightings. EDDMapSOntarioallows for both online and offline reporting with reportssaved onyour phone for uploading when you have networkconnectivity.Images and information on Ontario\'s worst non-nativeinvasiveanimals and plants.Real-time point distribution maps centered on yourcurrentlocation.Powered by EDDMapS - The University of Georgia CenterforInvasive Species and Ecosystem Health\'s Early DetectionandDistribution Mapping System. EDDMapS allows for real timetrackingof invasive species occurrences using local andnationaldistribution maps and electronic early detectionreportingtools.For more information about EDDMapS,visit
Invasive Species 1.2
Chris Bond
Help keep Maine's waters safe!Invasive Species helps you find out if that suspicious plantonyourboat is a ecosystem destroying monster!- Identify all 11 of Maine's most invasive aquatic plants- If an invader is found tools are provided to submitanofficialreport to the Volunteer Lakes Monitoring Program
MAEDN 4.3.4
Identify and Report Invasive Species in the Mid-Atlantic regionofthe U.S.
SEEDN 4.3.7
Identify and Report Invasive Species in the SoutheasternUnitedStates