Bugwood Apps

Forest Insect Pests 1.1.1
Forest Insect Pests in North America
EDDMapS Ontario 4.1.1
EDDMapS Ontario brings the power of EDDMapS toyour Android phone. Now you can submit invasive speciesobservations directly with your Android phone from the field. Thesereports are uploaded to EDDMapS and e-mailed directly to local andstate verifiers for review. EDDMapS Ontario was developed by theUniversity of Georgia Center for Invasive Species and EcosystemHealth.App developed by Rustico David, Jr. and Chuck Bargeron,University of Georgia – Center for Invasive Species and EcosystemHealth.EDDMapS Ontario was developed through the support and fundingprovided by the Canada/Ontario Invasive Species Centre, the OntarioFederation of Anglers and Hunters, and the Ontario Ministry ofNatural Resources.Features:Easy species reporting that captures your current location andallows you to submit an image of your sightings. EDDMapS Ontarioallows for both online and offline reporting with reports saved onyour phone for uploading when you have network connectivity.Images and information on Ontario\'s worst non-native invasiveanimals and plants.Real-time point distribution maps centered on your currentlocation.Powered by EDDMapS - The University of Georgia Center forInvasive Species and Ecosystem Health\'s Early Detection andDistribution Mapping System. EDDMapS allows for real time trackingof invasive species occurrences using local and nationaldistribution maps and electronic early detection reportingtools.For more information about EDDMapS,visit http://www.eddmaps.org/.
EDDMapS West 4.1.2
EDDMapS is a national web-based mapping systemfor documenting invasive species distribution. It is fast, easy touse and doesn't require Geographic Information Systems experience.Launched in 2005 by the CISEH, it was originally designed as a toolfor state Exotic Pest Plant Councils to develop more completedistribution data of invasive species. EDDMapS goal is to maximizethe effectiveness and accessibility of the immense numbers ofinvasive species observations recorded each year. EDDMapS combinesdata from other databases and organizations as well as volunteerobservations to create a national network of invasive speciesdistribution data that is shared with educators, land managers,conservation biologists, and beyond. As of November 2011, EDDMapShas over 1.5 million records. This data serves as the foundationfor a better understanding of invasive species distribution aroundthe world.On September 28, 2010, the MRWC and CISEH launched theMRWC-EDDMapS – a customized system that focuses on species that arenew or potential new invaders to the Coalition states, and thatprovides a means of reporting new sightings of select invasivespecies, a mechanism for alerting appropriate individuals to thereports, and generates distribution maps for the reportedspecies.
Landscape Alternatives 1.0.1
Everybody loves a beautiful garden. Gardenerslove plants that are adaptable, tough, and fast-growing. It’s evenbetter if that plant produces showy fruits that attract birds or isan annual that self seeds, so it doesn’t need to be replanted everyyear. Unfortunately, many of these plant traits desirable togardeners can also increase the likelihood that a plant jumps thegarden fence and invades natural areas.Invasive plants threaten our environment and economy. They posean enormous threat to our native plants, animals, and ecosystems,and they cost the United States approximately $35 billion per year(www.invasivespecies.gov).Although invasive plants are almost always not native to aregion, it is important to note that most non-native species arenot invasive. We use the following definitions.Native (indigenous): A species that was present in NorthAmerican prior to European settlement or has arrived since throughnatural means of dispersal.Non-native (exotic, alien, introduced): A species that wasbrought to North America by humans, either deliberately oraccidentally.Invasive: A non-native whose introduction does or is likely tocause economic or environmental harm or harm to human health (fromFederal Executive Order 13112).People have introduced invasive species both accidentally anddeliberately. This app focuses on plant species that are usedornamentally and have become invasive in at least part of theMidwest. Cultivars or hybrids produced from these species may ormay not be invasive. In the few published cultivar evaluationstudies, some cultivars prove to be more invasive than the parentspecies, others less or not invasive. We lack research aboutcultivar invasiveness for many of these species. When we have goodevidence about a problematic or relatively benign cultivar, we listthose specifically.Suggested alternatives include both native species andnon-native species that currently show no signs of becominginvasive.
GA Cotton Insect Advisor 1.0.1
GA Cotton Insect Advisor is an expert systemfor determining Extension prescribed insecticide treatments formanagement of cotton insect pests in the state of Georgia. The appwill display the most appropriate insecticide or tankmix after theuser provides the appropriate week of bloom, predominant stink bugspecies, percent internal boll injury, and other pest speciespresent. At present time, the app is intended for management ofstink bugs only. Recommendations are based on information on themanufacturer’s label and performance data from research andExtension trials the University of Georgia. GA Cotton InsectAdvisor was developed by the University of Georgia Center forInvasive Species and Ecosystem Health in cooperation with theDepartment of Entomology at the College of Agricultural andEnvironmental Sciences with support from Cotton Incorporated.
NJ Invasives 4.2.3
Identify and report invasives species sightings
Texas Invasives 2.6
Identify and Report Invasive Species observations in the state ofTexas
IPANE 1.2.2
Invasive Plant Atlas of New England
Healthy Trees Healthy Cities 1.0.8
Healthy Trees Healthy Cities
Stop NY Invasives 1.1.1
A guide on common roadside invasive species
IPCConnect Lite 1.0
IPCConnect Lite
NE Invasives 1.0
National Wildlife Refuge EarlyDetectionNetwork for New England
Great Lakes Vegetables 1.2
Sweet Corn Pest Identification and Management guide.
Squeal on Pigs 1.2
Squeal on Pigs
EDDMapS Alberta 4.1.10_3
EDDMapS Alberta brings the power of EDDMapS to your smartphone. Nowyou can submit invasive species observations directly with your iOSdevice from the field. These reports are uploaded to EDDMapS ande-mailed directly to local and state verifiers for review. EDDMapSAlberta was developed by the University of Georgia Center forInvasive Species and Ecosystem Health.
MAEDN 4.3.4
Identify and Report Invasive Species in the Mid-Atlantic region ofthe U.S.
EDDMapS IPM 1.0.6
EDDMapS IPM is an app to report pests for commodities in counties.
Alaska Invasives ID 1.0.5
Identify and Report Invasive Species in Alaska
Outsmart Invasive Species 4.1.3
Strengthen ongoing invasive-species monitoring efforts by help fromcitizens.
What's Invasive! 3.0.3
We are currently changing servers, movingoverto the University of Georgia. Our site is down temporarily butwillbe back up shortly. Thanks for your patience!One of the greatest dangers to natural areas is the spreadofinvasive species. Help invasive species experts protectourenvironment! This app accesses local lists created by NationalParkService rangers and other professionals to show you topinvasivesspecies in your area. You can then contribute data to helpstop thespread of invasives by using the app to send GPS locationandphotos of these plants and animals to the experts.Visithttp://whatsinvasive.com for more information.
Stink Bug Scout 2.0
Stink Bug Scout is designed for usebyuniversity researchers for making assessments of stinkbugpopulations in fields and across landscapes. At the pointofcollection, stink bugs are identified by the user, withassistancefrom pictures in the app database, and then entered intothedatabase and uploaded to EDDMapS by multiple userssimultaneously.All data points are stamped with the current time,date, latitude,and longitude and can be downloaded and sorted forfurtheranalyses. Stink Bug Scout was developed by the UniversityofGeorgia Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Healthincooperation with the Department of Entomology at the CollegeofAgricultural and Environmental Sciences.
Vegetable Doctor 1.3
VegDr: Georgia Vegetable Disease Guide
Washington Invasives 3.5.15
Learn about the priority invasive species in WA and submit sightingreports.
Good Bugs + 1.0.3
A field guide to help you learn about and identify good bugs
Iowa Plants Pull it or Keep it 2.4.6
Tool to identify invasive species
Healthy Trees, Healthy Cities 1.2.13
Learn to plant and care for trees in your community
SEEDN 4.3.7
Identify and Report Invasive Species in the Southeastern UnitedStates
SE Agricultural Stink Bug ID
Identify common stink bugs found in agricultural ecosystems ofsoutheastern US
EDDMapS BioControl 2.0.1
Biological control of invasive plants reporting and information.
IveGot1 4.6.0
IveGot1 - Identify and Report Invasive Animals and Plants inFlorida
GLEDN 5.0.1
Identify and Report Invasive Species in the Great Lakes region ofthe U.S.
EDDMapS 1.1.16
EDDMapS - Early Detection and Distribution Mapping System
ISMTrack 1.0.14
Invasive Species Management Tracking System.
IveGot1 Español 1.0.0
IveGot1 Spanish - Identify and Report Invasive Animals and Plantsin Florida
MyIPM for Row Crops 1.0.3
Expert Advice on Identification and Management of Row crop Pestsand Diseases
MyIPM Hawaii 1.0.1
Expert Advice on Identification and Management of Row crop Pestsand Diseases
EDDMapS Pro 2.4.2
Invasive species reporting, monitoring & treatment tracking
Wild Spotter 2.0.0
Empowering the public to help find, map, and prevent invasivespecies.
Georgia Bats in Bridges
This app allows citizen scientists to report sighting batsfoundwithin bridges
Feral Pig Damage 2.4
Feral Pig Damage App is used to track and estimate damage caused bywild pigs.
Rangeland Health Monitoring 1.0.4
Help land owners monitor rangeland with digitalized forms.
IPCConnect 1.0.0
Invasive Plant Control